Guarantees Sentence Examples
Personal guarantees were often given that the debtor would repay or the guarantor become liable himself.
Life has few guarantees, sir.
A bill known as the Law of Law Guarantees was therefore framed and laid before parliament.
It has inferior guarantees, as compared with our knowledge of the mechanism of nature.
Guarantees might be entered into to produce the witnesses on a fixed day.
Supplementary stipends to bishops and parochial clergy, assignments to Sardinian clergy and expenditure for education and charitable purposes - - 142,912 f28,52f Roman Charitable and Religious Fund.The law of the 19th of June 1873 contained special provisions, in conformity with the character of Rome as the seat of the papacy, and with the situation created by the Law of Guarantees.
He suggested an international congress on the question; inspired a pamphlet, Le Pape el le Con grs, which proposed a reduction of the papal territory, and wrote to the pope advising him to cede Romagna in order to obtain better guarantees for the rest of his dominions.
The Italian treasury at once honored all the papal drafts, and thus contributed a first instalment of the 3,225,000 lire per annum afterwards placed by Article 4 of the Law of Guarantees at the disposal of the Holy See.
The scandal and the pressure of foreign Catholic opinion compelled Depretis to pursue a more energetic policy, and to publish a formal declaration of the intangibility of the Law of Guarantees.
The terms of agrarian contracts and leases (except in districts where mezzadria prevails in its essential form), are in many regions disadvantageous to the laborers, who suffer from the obligation to provide guarantees for payment of rent, for repayment of seed corn and for the division of products.
AdvertisementA few days later Signor Bonghi, one of the framers of the Law of Guarantees, published in the Nuova Antologia a plea for reconciliation on the basis of an amendment to the Law of Guarantees and recognition by the pope of the Italian title to Rome.
If there arises a system of philosophy in which all truths are grasped in unity, and it is seen that the principles of things must be what they are, such a philosophy will give us in perfection the idealistic conception of reality and the idealistic guarantees of truth which Kant gave brokenly.
In a proclamation issued after his victory Cyrus guarantees life and property to all the inhabitants and designates himself as the favourite of Marduk, the great local god (Bel, Bel-Merodak) of Babel.
In so far the role of the prefect is essentially political; he guarantees the direct and legal action of the government in his department.
On the 23rd of February 1895 General Calleja suspended the constitutional guarantees.
AdvertisementUnder the budgetary heading " Public Debt " is included, as it should be, all expenditure in connexion not only with the public debt proper, but also with advances from banks and others, railway guarantees, an account of which will also be found below, and all capitalized liabilities, as far as known, contracted by the state.
In 1888 it was proposed by the public debt administration to undertake the collection of specified revenues to be set aside for the provision of railway guarantees, the principle to be followed being, generally, that such revenues should consist of the tithes of the districts through which the railways would pass, and that the public debt should hand over to guaranteed railway companies the amounts of their guarantees before transmitting to the imperial government any of the proceeds of the revenue so collected.
It was stated in the preface to the budget of 1910 that the government would grant no more railway concessions carrying guarantees.
The amount inscribed for railway guarantees in the budget of 1910 was 746,790.
The tables on p. 440 show the respective lengths of the various Ottoman railways open and worked at the end of 1908 and the amount of kilometric guarantees which they carried - and the lengths, &c., of railways worked by the various companies according to the nationality of the concessionaire groups.
AdvertisementAt last, on the 6th of October 1768, on the refusal of the Russian minister to give guarantees for the withdrawal of the Russian troops from Poland and the abandonment of Russia's claim to interfere with the liberties of the republic, war was declared and the Russian representative was imprisoned in the Seven Towers.
On the 22nd of June the Russian army, under Prince Gorchakov, crossed the Pruth, not - as was explained in a circular to the powers - for the purpose of attacking Turkey, but solely to obtain the material guarantees for the enjoyment of the privileges conferred upon her by the existing treaties.
After his election the pope had to make a profession of the Catholic faith, and give guarantees against arbitrary translations.
To encourage the investment of private capital in the construction of railways, the general railway law of 1853 authorized the national government to grant guarantees of interest on the capital invested.
In 1621 an act of the Scottish parliament accorded to the university all rights and privileges enjoyed by other universities in the kingdom, and these were renewed under fresh guarantees in the treaty of union between England and Scotland, and in the Act of Security.
AdvertisementA clause also guarantees all nobles against arbitrary arrest and punishment at the instance of any powerful person.
But the estates felt that the maintenance of their liberties demanded more substantial guarantees than the dead letter of ancient laws.
Though an ardent supporter of the historic Right, and, as such, entrusted by the Lanza cabinet with the defence of the law of guarantees in 1870, he was no respecter of persons, his caustic tongue sparing neither friend nor foe.
During these years Venezuela had been pursuing the dangerous policy of granting interest guarantees on the construction of railways by foreign corporations, which not only brought the government into conflict with them on account of defaulted payments, but also through disputed interpretations of contracts and alleged arbitrary acts on the part of government officials.
He wrote, with papal approval, the letter requesting the Italians to occupy the Leonine city, and obtained from the Italians payment of the Peter's pence (5,000,000 lire) remaining in the papal exchequer, as well as 50,000 scudi - the first and only instalment of the Italian allowance (subsequently fixed by the Law of Guarantees, March 21, 1871) ever accepted by the Holy See.
The government guarantees 6% interest on the capital paid up by the general public.
The infallibility of the episcopate guarantees the infallibility of a general council in which not the laity and not the clergy in general, but the bishops as successors of the apostles, speak officially and collectively.
In the statement of his policy made to the Chamber on March 21 he declared this to be " to recover the provinces torn from us in the past, to obtain the reparations and guarantees due to France, and to prepare a durable peace based on respect for the rights and liberty of peoples."
He supported in 1860 the ultra-Democratic ticket of Breckinridge and Lane, but he did not identify the election of Lincoln with the ruin of the South, though he thought the North should give renewed guarantees to slavery.
Several such guarantees have been given in quite recent times.
In 824 a kind of protectorate was organized, and serious guarantees were conceded to the lay aristocracy.
These were the considerations that had caused 1 By - the Law of Guarantees the pope was recognized as an independent sovereign, with jurisdiction over his own palaces and their extensive precincts and tho right to receive diplomatic representatives accredited to him.
Recovery from these disasters was retarded by the permanent diversion of trade to new centres like Leipzig and St Petersburg, and by a state of unsettlement due to the government's disregard of its guarantees to its Protestant subjects.
For a time, however, he stayed his hand, but the urgent solicitations of the western powers, and, above all, his fear lest Gustavus Adolphus should supplant him as the champion of the Protestant cause, finally led him to plunge into war against the combined forces of the emperor and the League, without any adequate guarantees of co-operation from abroad.
Roman Catholicism is the established religion, but the constitution guarantees full liberty to all other creeds.
On the 24th Bismarck in his turn issued a circular note stating that, in view of the Austrian war preparations, Prussia must take measures for her defence; at the same time he laid before the princes the outline of the Prussian scheme for the reform of the Confederation, a scheme which included a national parliament to be elected by universal suffrage, as offering surer guarantees for conservative action than lilnitations that seek to determine the majority befprehand.
The remainder of the Progressives, the Fortsc/zrittspartei, maintained their protest against the military and monarchical elements in the state; they voted against the constitution in 1867 on the ground that it did not provide sufficient guarantees for popular liberty, and in 1871 against the treaty with Bavaria because it left too much independence to that state.
The Goschen-Joubert settlement was accompanied by guarantees against maladministration by the appointment of an Englishman and a Frenchman to superintend the The Law ofrevenue and expenditurethe Dual Control;
In 1282 the nobles extorted from King Eric Glipping the first Haandfaestning, or charter, which recognized the Danehof, or national assembly, as a regular branch of the administration and gave guarantees against further usurpations.
He believed in constitutional monarchy, as offering the best guarantees both for sovereign and people, and he was bitterly opposed to all forms of state socialism.
Of equal, or even greater moment is the failure of the administrative reforms of the Empire to secure lasting improvement, a result due to the absence of constitutional guarantees.
It must be remembered that the meaning of a rite is for the most part obscure to the participants, being overlaid by its traditional character, which but guarantees a general efficacy.
His pen was as busy as his voice, and in four notable pamphlets he advocated the creation of companies of commerce, the abolition of the distinction between Old and New Christians, the reform of the procedure of the Inquisition and the admission of Jewish and foreign traders, with guarantees for their security from religious persecution.
In early historical times, when marriage laws had scarcely advanced beyond the purely customary stage, the concubine was definitely recognized as a sort of inferior wife, differing from those of the first rank mainly by the absence of permanent guarantees.
Article III., which guarantees religious freedom, forbids sectarian control of public schools, prohibits polygamy and defines the relation of the state to the public lands of the United States, is irrevocable except by consent of the United States.
But the same texts which draw the line between the two classes make it clear that there were no other guarantees to the maintenance of the rights of the superior rustics than the moral sense and the self-interest of their masters.
One of the first questions discussed was the nature of the guarantees to be given by France and Spain that these crowns would be kept separate, and matters did not make much progress until after the 10th of July 1712, when Philip signed a renunciation.
On the one hand, however, he alienated even reasonable opponents by offering no guarantees that equality so gained would not be converted into superiority by the aid of his own military force and of the assistance of the French king; whilst on the other hand he relied, even more strongly than his father had done, on the technical legality which exalted the prerogative in defiance of the spirit of the law.
The Unionist party in the country had, meanwhile, been recovering from the Tariff Reform divisions of 1903, and was once more solid under Mr Balfour in favor of its new and imperial policy; but the campaign against the House of Lords started by Mr Lloyd George and the Liberal leaders, who put in the forefront the necessity of obtaining statutory guarantees for the passing into law of measures deliberately adopted by the elected Chamber, resulted in the return of Mr Asquiths government to office at the election of January 1910.
Here then Ritschl swerves from Paulinism; it is in other Scriptures ' that he finds his guarantees for the position just stated.
Conscience, as the subjective expression of the presupposed identity of reason and nature in their bases, guarantees the practicability of our moral vocation.
When Thibaud (Theobald), count of Champagne, attempted to marry the daughter of Pierre Mauclerc, duke of Brittany, without the kings consent, Louis IX., who held the county of Champagne at his mercy, contented himself with exacting guarantees of peace.
In return for this favor, which the king could not claim as a right, the states, feeling their power, began to bargain, and at the session of November 1355 demanded the participation of all classes in the tax voted, and obtained guarantees both for its levy and the use to be made of it.
In no other country did they enjoy so many guarantees against a return of persecution.
These allies were said to be the dynastic and monarchical ballast, and in some sort the dynastic guarantees of liberalism in the eyes of the court.
Its provisions practically amounted to a complete suspension of the guarantees for civil liberty, it met with the most strenuous opposition, and its final passing by the Senate (May 9) was followed by a serious crisis.
In the circumstances, Sefior Maura dropped the Suppression Bill, and the king issued an ordinance re-establishing constitutional guarantees in Catalonia.
When pressed by the papal legate and the Austrian envoys to co-operate at the head of all the forces of the league, he first demanded that in case of success Moldavia, Walachia and Bessarabia should fall to Poland, and that she should in the meantime hold Olmutz and Breslau as guarantees.
The great majority of the Bavarian Catholic Volkspartei, however, as well as Liberals of various shades, not to speak of the Royalists and reactionaries, wanted further guarantees against a recurrence of the Bolshevist terror.
The upshot proved the diplomatic value of Nicholas's apparent sincerity of purpose and charm of manner; the " Iron Duke" was to the " Iron Tsar" as soft iron to steel; Great Britain, without efficient guarantees for the future, stood committed to the policy which ended in the destruction of the Ottoman sea-power at Navarino and the march of the Russians on Constantinople.
If you do … no guarantees you make it out of this one alive.
The Trusted Third Party guarantees the authenticity of the public key number.
Moreover, it is definitional, which guarantees consistency within a classical type theory.
Article 1 of the first protocol to the Convention guarantees the individual a right to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions.
Impress 7000 lacquer finish All the features of the Impress 5000, with a tough lacquer finish that guarantees your badge for life.
A veritable inferno of thunderous bass and insanely fast drumming, this song guarantees a dramatic and mind-blowing entrance for the band.
Kiln dried using mortise and tenon joinery guarantees quality and integrity with each unique TREE.
For all its a good used coverage guarantees victims countless key legislators.
Which guarantees that stereotype and get disco partythe oxford embedded in the.
A ' whole of life ' plan guarantees a payout on death.
How to use the watchdog The watchdog guarantees that the system is always able to execute programs.
Training advice staff Four training events for 30 CAB advisers per event on consumer guarantees will help to ensure a high quality of advice.
Our reproduction of subtractive synthesis with TAE® guarantees the sound quality of the instrument.
All of this guarantees that God is absolutely transcendent and removed from His creation.
Make sure your agreement with your ISP guarantees at least 99 percent uptime, or you may be out of touch with your customers.
The main reason why the authorities are holding back on preventive vaccination lies in trade guarantees.
There can be no guarantees against attacks from religious or political zealots.
During the decade 1881-1890 great sums of European capital were invested in railways and other undertakings, encouraged by the grant of interest guarantees and by state mortgage bank loans in the form of cedulas, nominally secured on landed property.
Cromwell, who had no desire to exercise arbitrary power and whose main object therefore was to devise some constitutional limit to the authority which circumstances had placed in his hands, now accepted the written constitution drawn up by some of the officers, called the Instrument of Government, the earliest example of a "fixed government" based on "fundamentals," or constitutional guarantees, and the only example of it in English history.
After a debate lasting nearly two months the Law of Guarantees was adopted in secret ballot on the 21st of March 1871 by 185 votes against 106.
ViscontiVenosta and Minghetti, moreover, wisely resisted the chancellors pressure to override the Law of Guarantees and to engage in an Italian Kulturkampf.
Visconti-Ven.osta and Minghetti, partly from aversion to a Jacobin policy, and partly from a conviction that Bismarck sooner or later would undertake his Gang nach Canossa, regardless of any tacit engagement he might have assumed towards Italy, had wisely declined to be drawn into any infraction of the Law of Guarantees.
What resistance could Italy have offered had the German chancellor, seconded by Austria, and assuredly supported by France, called upon Italy to revise the Law of Guarantees in conformity with Catholic exigencies, or had he taken the initiative of making papal independence the subject of an international conference?
Cuestas, on attempting to reform corrupt practices, was soon threatened with another revolution, and on the 10th of February 1898 he assumed dictatorial powers, dissolved the Chambers and suspended all constitutional guarantees.
The tsar was reluctant to bind himself by a formal treaty, because the French government did not offer the requisite guarantees of stability, and because he feared that it might be induced, by the prospect of Russian support, to assume an aggressive attitude towards Germany.
A controversy not amenable to ordinarydiplomatic methodsarose between Great Britain, France and Germany on the one hand and Japan on the other hand as to the legality of a house tax imposed by Japan on certain subjects of those so long as France chose to renew it, but that after that date such authorization was improper unless the guarantees could establish that they had been treated by France as her proteges within the meaning of that term as explained in a treaty of 1863 between France and Morocco.
In the internal administration during the first years of his reign he introduced by his personal influence, and without any great change in the laws, a more humane spirit towards those of his subjects who did not belong by language and tradition to the dominant nationality, and who were not members of the Eastern Orthodox Church; but he disappointed the men of liberal views by giving it to be clearly understood soon after his accession that he had no intention of circumscribing and weakening the autocratic power by constitutional guarantees or parliamentary institutions.
The so-called "suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act" bears a certain similarity to what is called in Europe "suspending the constitutional guarantees" or "proclaiming a'state of siege," but "is not in reality more than suspension of one particular remedy for the protection of personal freedom."
Although the poor may not believe that wealth is attainable for them, they do not want to rock the boat and risk disrupting the system that guarantees them at least some income.
You could have the libertarian state, the green state, the clothing-optional state, the state with free public housing for all, the state where puns are outlawed, the state with a two-drink minimum, the fiercely pro-business state—even a state that guarantees free speech but requires that you sing your speech like a show tune.
Courage conquest guarantees; Have we not Bagration?
There are no more guarantees on personal freedom; the law is being reshaped to meet the requirements of new world order.
Stanton disagreed with Johnson 's plans to readmit the seceded states to the Union without guarantees of civil rights for freed slaves.
Our 100% uptime transit SLA gives guarantees on availability and against latency and packet loss ensuring quality connectivity.
I. Warranty The Company guarantees the goods against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of delivery.
Check the florist's page to determine what you should do if you're disappointed by the arrangement and look for things like freshness guarantees while you're there.
Do know that most used CDs-even ones that may have tiny scratches-come with guarantees that state they will play in your CD player.
This almost guarantees the motorcycle is not stolen.
Check to see if the merchant offers guarantees or refunds if something goes wrong.
Buying a plasma TV in a store gives you some important guarantees.
When purchasing, an EPA certified stove of 60 percent efficiency guarantees 80 percent of the stove's fuel potential heat.
Bikes bought new from reputable bike stores will come complete with guarantees and after sales service.
While express shipping guarantees that your items will arrive in time for the holidays, it also costs much more.
Anyone who guarantees a stock's performance may be promoting the stock for their own financial gain.
Blue guarantees there will be no poultry by-product meals in their food.
Larger companies may even store the information on secure servers that cannot be accessed from modems or other external connections, which guarantees that hackers cannot find your information.
If the customer finds a better price for processing elsewhere then PayNet guarantees to beat the price by $10.
Bank of America guarantees that accounts will be credited promptly after an incident of online identity theft, usually within one or two business days.
Guarantees - Does the company offer any guarantee?
You can request that it not report the changes, but there are no guarantees unless you get a signed legal statement to that affect from the creditor.
This deposit guarantees that the creditor will receive some of their money back should you default on the card.
The better online divorce kits provide forms and information that are specific to your state and offer guarantees that their forms will be accepted by your local divorce court.
Coleman guarantees that this product won't leak.
This rating guarantees a high standard of energy efficient design.
It is an approach to manufacturing that guarantees workers (especially those in other countries) not only a wage that they can live on but better working conditions for them and an increased standard of living for their families.
What this means is that the company guarantees fair wages for their workers through oversight and arbitration.
Even though the Constitution guarantees our religious freedom and forbids an official state religion or church, many of the founding fathers openly practiced Christianity, and it is obviously apparent in many patriotic American traditions.
While there are never any guarantees in this cyclical industry, the truth is that it's not impossible to find products that are discontinued anymore.
Although if you're shopping from and, their price match guarantees make this less important.
Chase bank guarantees that by paying electronically, your bills will be paid on time every time.
Doing this guarantees that you'll never be caught without the right look.
Using the bride and grooms personal interest to select personalized wedding gifts guarantees they'll love what you pick out!
If you shop online, be sure you get all of the details before you make a purchase, including total price, measurements, guarantees, return policy, and shipping policy.
When buying blank invitations online, check for shipping fees, the cost of coordinating envelopes and other accessories, and quality guarantees before committing to a purchase.
Ladybug cakes are easy to make and decorate, and their eye-catching, fire-engine-red color guarantees a few "oohs" and "aahs" as well as some memorable photo opportunities during a great party.
This guarantees that your daughter will have something no one else is wearing.
It will both protect the skin and promote the best performance, which guarantees a good day of fishing.
Using real kids as fit models guarantees the garments are comfortable and allow kids to run and play without binding or constricting their movements.
While being informed of a greater number of scholarships tailored to your interests and abilities will certainly increase your chances at winning one, there are no guarantees.
The school features over 125 degree and certificate programs as well as a 60+60 Bachelor's Degree Transfer Program that guarantees PPCC associate degree graduates transfer to any four-year university in Colorado as a junior.
Founded in 1947, the line's ships are powered by both engines and sails (to balance a true sailing experience with modern convenience), and the rebuilt nature of the vessels guarantees an authentic glimpse of the sailing lifestyle.
Carnival guarantees the lowest rate with price protection.
When buying a dog, new owners often fail to ask about guarantees.
Many dog breeders and pet stores offer limited guarantees about the animal's health and may pay for necessary veterinarian visits for a limited time.
Reputable sellers will agree to limited guarantees in order to place the dog with the best possible home.
Offering and obtaining guarantees is another way to be certain the animal is going to the best possible home and can give both parties piece of mind about the sale.
The company has each one of their products analyzed, and guarantees customer satisfaction or your money back.
Natural Balance guarantees that all dog food formulas provide complete nutrition with all natural ingredients.
The company guarantees its products and claims its Digestool studies ensure that more nutrients stay in the body resulting in reduced stool volume.
Halo guarantees this, or your money back.
The organization also believes that having a dog owner train his own service dog strengthens the bond between the animal and person, as well as guarantees that personalized needs are met.
The company offers a secure shopping online environment and even guarantees to cover the $50 not covered under the Fair Billing Act in the unlikely event that fraud occurs while shopping on its web site.
Armstrong guarantees against staining, fading, and wearing with a 25 to 30 year warranty.
Get at least five estimates from various professionals, paying particular attention to any warranties and guarantees they offer.
When ordering from an online jeweler, always investigate return policies and guarantees before completing a purchase.
The company guarantees that you'll love the way you look!
Thick, comfortable and nylon-quilted apparel guarantees warmth without excess bulk slowing you down.
The 2-inch waistband further guarantees a good and secure fit.
It's best to purchase from a shop that guarantees authenticity - a true Panama hat, when properly cared for, will last forever and always keep you cool and comfortable.
If you are buying off an Internet site, be sure to read the fine print to make sure you understand guarantees as well as return policies for the various companies.
A nice benefit of shopping here is their 60 day no hassle return policy, which guarantees your satisfaction with your purchase.
This allows you to choose the features you prefer and guarantees a perfect fit.
When buying online, be sure to patronize sites that offer product guarantees and no-hassle return policies in case you are dissatisfied with your purchase.
The service plan provides the details of individual services needed by the resident and guarantees that the assisted living facility will provide those services to the resident.
Traditional whole life insurance guarantees a minimum rate of return on the cash value of the insurance policy.
Universal whole life insurance, also known as flexible premium adjustable life insurance, guarantees a minimum rate of return, which may increase if the insurance company does well on its investments.
No dating agnecy or event guarantees that you will find your match, but if you keep at it, your likely to find someone along the way.
As with all stop snoring products, there are no guarantees that this one will work for everyone who tries it.
The pad has a 10-year limited warranty that guarantees protection from stains, bacteria and allergens.
However, the company does not make any guarantees when it comes to which parts are kept in stock once a style has been phased out.
Whether it's replacing parts for free, or having a simple and easy-to-understand return/exchange policy, guarantees like these can make your discount frame purchase that much simpler.
Popular Glasses guarantees authentic products, so these should not be mere replicas.
This guarantees maximum efficiency and long life.
If your optical shop guarantees your lenses up to a certain time after purchasing, it makes the most sense to choose to replace them.
While it's true that you can find several different Tiffany frames online, I Love is the only site that guarantees that your eyeglasses will come with the much coveted Tiffany blue box.
All of these guarantees may help you to feel a bit more secure in shopping here.
If an offer seems too good to be true and the seller is unwilling to answer detailed questions or to offer guarantees about their merchandise, avoid the temptation to save money on what may be a scam.
This website guarantees that they have the lowest price tickets direct from Disney.
However, if you can save up for a "GameBreaker 2", it sets in motion a pre-determined sequence that essentially guarantees you a touchdown regardless of whether you are on offence or defence.
With the disc cleaning technology and guarantees given by video game retailers, the fear of getting stuck with a faulty game is significantly minimized.
This guarantees that the collectible is authentic and is as represented.
Because of this always make sure you know the seller's return policy and guarantees.
Once you have checked out the merchandise and it seems to be in good shape you will want to make sure that you completely understand the return policy and any guarantees.
Make sure that the promises and guarantees are in writing.
Being retained twice or more almost guarantees the student will drop out.
Early rescue of near-drowning victims (within five minutes of submersion) and prompt CPR (within less than ten minutes of submersion) seem to be the best guarantees of a complete recovery.
However, there are no guarantees of immediate relief from pain.
Teaching this first guarantees there will be a part of the dance that people can come back to if they get lost in the other moves during the dance.
Skintastic provides you with cutting edge laser technology which guarantees the most thorough results available.
There are no guarantees that you'll be lucky enough to have a lice free home.
While there are no guarantees that any one product will help to stimulate growth, many people have had success when using a hair regrowth shampoo in conjunction with regular scalp massage.
While there is no guarantees on grey hair prevention, there are a few tips that may help you hold onto your natural color as long as possible.
Bridgeway Academy guarantees that their online homeschool program exceeds academic standards and is recognized by universities and employers alike.
However, payment plans and money back guarantees are not necessarily offered by such retailers, so purchasing from the Rosetta Stone site may boast the most advantages.
The RHS works similarly to the FHA in the respect that it does not directly provide mortgage loans, rather it guarantees loans made to rural residents.
The program waives appraisal costs and guarantees that GMAC will hold the mortgage for the life of the policy.
The VA offers mobile home mortgage guarantees in addition to no down payment requirements.
It is worth noting that predictions are rarely, if ever, 100% accurate, thus there are no guarantees that the markets will move in the way the analysts say they will.
Some factors exist that are not necessarily guarantees of denial, but that serve as red flags for lenders.
While HUD lists the condos for sale and FHA guarantees a portion of the mortgage, neither organization actually lends money to condo seekers.
Not all mortgage lenders offer loans with FHA guarantees.
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) guarantees mobile home refinance loans, even if the mobile home is placed on a rented lot.
Not all companies that finance mobile homes will accept FHA guarantees, as the loans come with stringent standards to protect both the borrower and FHA.
Answer Quick and Simple One-Step Pregnancy Test guarantees accurate results as early as four days before the first day of your next period.
And, the site makes no guarantees about the accuracy of the medical information you'll find there.
Creating an ovulation calendar can be very time-consuming and there are no guarantees that it will work.
A car service guarantees that they get there - in style.
Soft padding guarantees you still feel supported.
The fact that she's making a healthy retirement fund from it all is a nice bonus that guarantees she'll be laughing the last laugh; all the way to the bank!
A pair of men's trunks constructed of quick-drying fabrics all but guarantees that the suit will lose the water weight speedily and efficiently.
A micro mini thong bikini is scandalously daring; wearing one all but guarantees that all eyes will be on you!
What Diamond Dobby refers to is a new design of 3-D diamond pattern material that guarantees 30 percent less of the short touches your skin.
Solar Tan Thru guarantees that the suit is opaque whether it is wet or dry.
Pharmaceuticals are held to extremely high standards with extensive testing and purity guarantees, while over-the-counter supplements are classified as "foods".
It utilizes HEPASilent™ technology, a three-tiered system that guarantees removal of 99.97 percent of all contaminants in the air that are as small as 1.0 microns.
This means that the company guarantees its blenders to be free of all manufacturing defects when used as directed.
Goodwill guarantees that at least 84 percent of all revenues are used to fund employment and training programs.
There is no specific type of fundraising event that guarantees success, but the ones that rely on networking appear to do better than others.
While there are no guarantees, many charitable organizations around the United States receive Santa letters from the postal service and use them to grant children's wishes.
Garbing oneself as a member of the nobility guarantees you will be looked on admiringly and invited into the festivities throughout the day, but these are the most complex and expensive costumes, as well as being warm.
Let her know that there are no guarantees when it comes to love.
That's because love has no guarantees, people have no guarantees, and life has no guarantees.
Give love freely, without any promises or guarantees.
These rules can help you avoid embarrassing situations and heartbreak, although there are no guarantees.
If you want to get your ex back, there are some ways to attract him or her to you again, but there are no guarantees.
By choosing a band set, a couple guarantees that the rings match, and many band sets can coordinate with a variety of Engagement Ring Designs.
A ring that matches both the occasion as well as the couple not only commemorates a special relationship but also guarantees that the love and respect the couple shares will continue for many more years.
As with any jewelry purchase, however, it is important to carefully investigate the merchant's guarantees and policies before committing to buy.
It is important to note, however, that whilst a certificate guarantees you the quality of the diamond it does not give you any form of guarantee over the price you are paying.
Guarantees and warrantees may also be less flexible with these types of rings.
In addition to the lifetime guarantee offered by Benchmark, couples should also investigate guarantees offered by individual jewelers.
Warranty - many modern engagement rings are sold with a warranty which guarantees the repair of the ring if required.
Even though the Freedom of Information Act guarantees that private citizens have access to the records of federal agencies, there are a number of FOIA exemptions that apply to certain types of sensitive information.
Before choosing a bargain based solely on price, consumers should also consider the ethics of the sale, the quality of the item, and any guarantees or warranties to be sure they are getting a reputable discount.
Remember that authentic Chanel bags will be accompanied by an identity card which guarantees that your bag is a genuine Chanel product.
Availability issues also arise -- paying for a handbags rental subscription guarantees that you will be carrying the hottest, most up-to-date bags, right?
While there are certainly never any guarantees when it comes to technology, using a laptop bag is a smart idea.
Some discount appliances are sold "as is", without warranties or guarantees. guarantees to help you know about "all things Disney".
This material pretty much guarantees dry feet, which is what makes Gore-Tex so valuable for sports shoes.
Its neutral color guarantees its compatibility with many different outfits.
Perfect craftsmanship guarantees a long-lasting shoe that will look as good two years later as it did on the day it was purchased.
This guarantees that you will be satisfied with your new shoes, which are sure to last for years to come.
The site owners make clear that they are not medical professionals and although they do their best to make sure information is accurate, they make no guarantees.
With a world of winged fairies to choose from, a pre-designed flash art tattoo or a custom designed piece guarantees you can find a fairy that makes your heart aflutter.
It also guarantees special requirements, such as specific dietary needs or room locations, can be met.
A Las Vegas wedding provides the perfect relaxed atmosphere that guarantees a great time for everyone involved.
The indoor heated pool appeals to children of all ages, and the central location guarantees the top attractions are all a short walk or drive away.
Booking online guarantees visitors are offered the lowest rate possible.
The company tests the watch throughout the manufacturing process and guarantees the watch to be free of any manufacturing defects.
In addition to extensive training and follow-up with the employees who represent their watches to the public through the authorized dealers, the company also guarantees the watches for two years.
Tissot guarantees the work done on a watch for a full year.
They often don't come with valid guarantees or after care service so it is important to be very aware of the pitfalls of buying such a watch before parting with hard earned cash!
Some shops will offer 30-day guarantees.
Information about selections, service, guarantees and delivery must be answered.
In the end, guarantees aren't worth much.
This tells you much more than guarantees will.
For its part, the SBA guarantees up to 50% of the amount borrowed.
Find out if products have guarantees, return allowances, or warranties before you buy, especially if they are custom products.
Duracell, for example, guarantees their battery performance and offers protection against defects.
Checking and changing the batteries regularly not only guarantees the performance of your electronics but helps you to identify potential problems.
Many beginning card makers overlook the envelope, but decorating your Christmas card envelope guarantees your holiday greeting will make a strong impression.
This program guarantees total body transformation in 90 days.
They are not price guarantees, but rather general estimates based on preliminary information gathered from the driver.
A warranty deed is a type of deed where the home seller (grantor) guarantees that he or she holds a clear title to a piece of real estate.
You also have the option of using a certified shop that guarantees their work, increasing your chances of satisfaction.
This service is available to consumers in all 50 states and comes with two very unique guarantees that aren't offered anywhere else.
The Craftsman warranty guarantees lifetime replacement of any Craftsman tool when it is presented for replacement at any Sears store.
Globe Life guarantees acceptance with no waiting period if the policy is purchased during open enrollment, or if you are replacing an existing supplement policy.
An annuitant may get a higher rate of interest in some years, but the company guarantees that the value will never be lower than the minimum provided by the plan.
Aviva also guarantees that their rates will never increase.
Instead, the annuitant makes a single or multiple payments into the plan and the insurance company guarantees to provide payments based on the amount deposited into it.
In the case of a pension plan, you may invest from zero to three percent of your income to a company plan that guarantees a certain monthly income upon retirement.
Whole life insurance is all about guarantees.
The advantage of whole life is in its guarantees, and in the favorable tax treatment of dividends and the death benefit.
Other forms of life insurance policies, such as universal life policies, offer no such guarantees.
After all, weight gain might lead to unwanted curves, whereas a little extra padding in one area guarantees a sexy look.
The shop guarantees that workers receive a fair wage and that all fabrics used are free of toxins and pesticides at every point of development.
Remember, with Amy Winehouse on tour, there are no guarantees.
The games below all include balloons popping, which just about guarantees laughter and fun.
Though some of these may be considered gimmicks, with their guarantees refuted by the scientific and medical communities, they usually offer some widespread appeal, if only until their claims are proven wrong.
While these creams aren't free, some of them may offer money-back guarantees if you do not see improvement.
The patented Natural Advantage Skincare line endorsed by actress Jane Seymour guarantees younger looking skin in just one week, according to the company's website.
Lastly, Intuit guarantees that it will pay for IRS penalties and interest should any related error occur while using their program.
The specialty fabric and easy care are great, but SCORE also guarantees its uniforms so you can buy your team's uniforms with total confidence.
The company guarantees its products and offers semi customization options to keep prices low.
The company does have a minimum order size but guarantees the quality of their product.
BlueVoda guarantees the program to be easy to use and free from spyware or adware.
Certain sound files are so common now that using them almost guarantees that your visitors won't have any problem hearing the music.
Google is even more vague on their page, saying "We do not add all submitted URLs to our index, and we cannot make any predictions or guarantees about when or if they will appear."
If you do … no guarantees you make it out of this one alive.
No guarantees I'll answer.
For the purposes of a concordat the state recognizes the official status of the church and of its ministers and tribunals; guarantees it certain privileges; and sometimes binds itself to secure for it subsidies representing compensation for past spoliations.
The greater development of railway construction between 1885 and 1891 was due, principally, to the dubious concessions of interest guarantees by the Celman administration, and also to the fever of speculation.
Guarantees to railway companies, &c. (in capital) 89,724,080
The first private state bank was opened in 1817; an act of 1831 provided for a safety fund guaranteeing bank circulations and derived from a 41% tax on capital stock and a 1 o% tax on profits; but this law was modified in 1842, the tax being removed from banks giving specie guarantees; and a free banking act was passed in 1851.
The majority of this decided to approach the crown with a suggestion for a reform of the Russian system on the basis of a national representative assembly, an extension of local self-government, and wider guarantees for individual liberty.