Guarantee Sentence Examples
There was no guarantee Gabriel wanted her, but she'd have a chance.
Just because things went well last month it doesn't guarantee they will go well this month.
I can't guarantee anything, Jonny.
I can't guarantee I'll have time for you the rest of the week.
No guarantee we'll survive the night, but you probably understand that.
There was no guarantee she'd make it to safety or that he'd live long enough to find her.
I'll do what I can to get you more frequent updates, but I can't guarantee anything.
I can guarantee that.
Fine, but I guarantee she'll be on board.
In Austria the army was now supreme, and the appointment of Prince Felix Schwarzenberg as head of the government was a guarantee that its power would be used in a reactionary F sense without weakness or scruple.
AdvertisementEven with the best laid plans, you can't guarantee that you won't face a rain-out situation on at least one day of your vacation, plus, you may simply need a day off the rides.
Just because things went well last month doesn't guarantee they will this month.
What guarantee of consistency do I have, such as receiving the same caregiver at the same time?
This devices comes with a money back guarantee.
They're already cut to fit when you get them, and they come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
AdvertisementSure you can change few settings and make them look different to your taste, but I guarantee that the default colors will more than serve you.
But just knowing a large number of words won't guarantee a victory; you need strategy to maximize your points and that's where this article comes in.
If you're paying a little more than, say, you ever imagined you would pay for eye shadow, you can guarantee you'll get more than just good color payoff.
You may see the products advertised on online auction sites but there is no guarantee the goodies you get are safe or genuine.
If they offer editorial services, pin them down to a specific price and make sure that they have a money-back guarantee if you're not happy with their work.
AdvertisementStill, you'll never be able to use the price guarantee if you don't look for possible cheaper prices.
The only way that you could guarantee a copy was to preorder Nintendo Wii games like this.
The only way that you can guarantee you'll get a copy on launch day is to preorder Nintendo Wii games that you really want to play.
You will climb through areas that seem impossible, and I guarantee that you will have to retry many sections at least a couple of times.
By contrast, when you purchase a used video game system, there is no guarantee for functionality.
AdvertisementAnd there's no guarantee a tester will get to test a game that will EVER be fun... there are a lot of bad games out there.
Any reputable used video game dealer offers some kind of guarantee.
When you buy used Wii games from Gamefly, they guarantee the discs and check them for quality issues; include the original case and manuals; and give Gamefly members free shipping on used game sales.
These pants, along with the company guarantee, can make a huge difference in your hunting experience.
With live customer service (including online chat availability) and a one year guarantee, this discount outfitter is an excellent place to start.
Additionally, it's important to check the guarantee documentation that came with your recreational vehicle so that you can be certain that you are following the recommended maintenance procedures for your particular unit.
Even if you obtain an unlocked CDMA phone, there's no guarantee that you'll be able to tie it with the provider you desire.
This won't be free, but you may be afforded some guarantee that the process will go smoothly.
Putting yourself on this list won't guarantee the absence of telemarketers, but it should help to minimize these intrusions.
However, negative results are not a guarantee that the person does not have hereditary fructose intolerance.
This funeral home offers a satisfaction guarantee for services provided.
The company offers free monthly trend and technique training sessions for its stylists to guarantee that they can match any hot look a client might request.
These products can be purchased directly from the company website and payment plans are offered as well as a six month, money back guarantee.
However, there is no guarantee that one will be granted.
Unfortunately, the fact that you apply for a work permit does not guarantee that one will be granted.
Finally, realize that some free job websites (free to employers) may also include spam, illegal programs and multi level marketing schemes; there is no guarantee the positions are all legitimate on these websites especially.
Most commonly, census takers work between 20 and 40 hours per week during peak project periods, but there is no guarantee that a certain number of hours will be available on an ongoing basis or for any given length of time.
Perhaps best of all, BofA has a "Best Mortgage Guarantee" which means applicants are sure to get the best interest rates and the lowest closing costs.
Applicants who plan on utilizing a VA guarantee should apply for their certificate far in advance.
While it's not a guarantee that they follow ethical practices, and entry qualifications are not as strict as those in other states, membership suggests one form of professional engagement.
Although FHA does not fund mortgage loans, an FHA guarantee may allow Cedar Grove first time home buyers to receive a mortgage which they may not have otherwise qualified for.
Keep in mind that these lenders do not guarantee approval for all applications.
Bank of America does not guarantee approved financing for the bank owned properties.
These benefits are provided by lenders who, in turn, have received a guarantee from the government that the lender will be compensated if a homeowner defaults on any of these specially-designed mortgages.
Before the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, the cap the FHA could guarantee -even in areas with high-priced homes- was $362,790.
Even with an FHA guarantee, you will still have to find a lender willing to accept your refinance application.
One of the most attractive benefits available to eligible veterans and active duty members is the mortgage guarantee program offered through the Department of Veterans Affairs.
While many couples do choose similar names for all of their children, there's no guarantee Apple's baby sibling will have a fruit-themed name.
A reputable manufacturer will offer a craftsmanship guarantee to back the products.
While the product is a bit pricy at nearly one hundred US dollars, the 0.2 ounce tube can last up to six months and also has a one year satisfaction guarantee.
This product comes with a lifetime guarantee, providing free invisibleShield replacement in the event of damage to the device it's used to protect.
While you won't get the warranty or the guarantee of a problem-free machine, you will save a significant amount of money over purchasing a brand new machine.
This is the only way you can guarantee that you'll get out of debt sooner rather than later.
Prices range from affordable to expensive, and the website offers a 30-day money back guarantee.
Our community of Teen writers comes from a variety of backgrounds, but there is one certain guarantee - they have all survived being a teen.
Does the studio or photographer offer a money back guarantee?
If you're concerned about how your photos will turn out, you may want to opt for a studio that offers a money back guarantee.
Styles from the 1950s and '60s are fun and flattering, and you can guarantee that if you wear a fake leopard coat at night, no one will be able to take their eyes off you.
Need another way to guarantee your picture being taken?
All right, you know you'll be in your high school yearbook, but how can you guarantee you'll look good?
Having an agent doesn't guarantee modeling jobs.
The words vegetable enzymes are a guarantee that the rennet is vegan, but enzymes is generic enough term that it can refer to both animal and vegan sources.
What do they guarantee about their products?
Decorating for winter outdoor weddings may have gone smoothly but there is no guarantee the weather will be acceptable.
To guarantee the pattern you purchase is actually one the bride and groom desire, be sure to find out where the couple is registered.
The absence of all of these signs does not guarantee that your loved one is not involved with crack cocaine.
Look for customer testimonials or a money back guarantee if the online store isn't widely known.
Representatives for Cyrus also commented that the website "…does not guarantee every member a concert ticket."
Winning with fans though doesn't always guarantee a win at the end, as fan favorite in Season Three, Michael Knight, won the $10,000 and the adoration of fans, but was beat out by Jeffery Sebelia in the end.
In addition, there is a 30 day, money back guarantee for all products ordered through the official site-making the deal even better.
The company also offers a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee; whether you order it and it doesn't fit, you don't like it, or it breaks, simply send it back.
Fruit of the Loom has gained customer confidence through their guarantee.
Because the company offers a satisfaction guarantee, customers began purchasing the product with confidence.
Fruit of the Loom offers a guarantee on all products.
They are so sure that customers will enjoy the product that they are willing to back it up with an unconditional guarantee.
If you want to dress up an infant girl, you'll guarantee that she receives a ton of compliments just for her.
However, you can be reassured that the popularity and desirability of Under Armour clothes will guarantee an easy resale once your son has outgrown the shirt, provided it is still in wearable condition.
This is made of patented HeatGear and HeatGear mesh, which guarantee maximum dryness and breathability.
The application criteria for these awards does vary, but an academic record that's strong enough to guarantee admission to any Ivy League school makes you an excellent candidate for many awards.
Nothing can guarantee you admission to the school of your choice, but hard work and perserverance will help you find the school that is right for you.
They are meant to assist in planning, but they are not a guarantee of financial aid.
More education carries no guarantee of improving your job prospects or helping you change careers.
Even if you have the idea that distance learning would be more convenient for you, there's no guarantee that an online program won't require just as much time and as many scheduling commitments as a traditional program would.
While AACSB online MBA programs do not guarantee an increase in fiscal returns, they do assure enrolling students that the chosen program can help them achieve their goals.
Although that accreditation is worthwhile, it doesn't always speak for the quality of a school's program; instead, it's a guarantee that a specific program isn't a "diploma mill" or a scam.
For these unique performances, however, space is extremely limited and guests may be required to obtain complimentary tickets to guarantee their seats.
Not all embarkation ports are available throughout the year, so if your sailing options are limited it is best to book your cruise early to guarantee your selection.
These incentives help the cruise line guarantee that every cabin is filled.
Booking early can guarantee a better cabin choice and potentially lower fares, and onboard programs exist for soda fountain cards that can help ease the budget of extra costs.
Group cruises must usually have a minimum number of booked passengers to qualify for discounts, and reservations must be made well in advance to guarantee the best rates.
To guarantee special diet arrangements, prospective passengers should notify their travel agent when making their cruise reservations.
Passengers interested in less expensive guarantee cabin options with Carnival Cruise Line should first understand the different types of Carnival cruise cabin assignments before choosing this sometimes unpredictable cruise fare.
When Carnival cruise cabin assignments do change is for guarantee category cabins.
Guarantee cabins are usually offered at a slightly lower rate, giving passengers the option of getting a discount on a Carnival cruise without sacrificing the general type of cabin they'd like to use.
When a passenger chooses a guarantee cabin assignment, they are assured of getting at least the lowest class of cabin in that specific category.
A passenger who pays the lower guarantee rate may only have the lowest of those cabins, but they may also be assigned to the highest category of those cabins, resulting in significant savings.
At the same time, opting for a guarantee cabin is not always the best choice.
Passengers who opt for a guarantee cabin but aren't satisfied with their assignment have very few options to correct it because most ships are fully booked when they set sail.
To help avoid problem assignments, passengers may make requests when they choose a guarantee assignment, but the cruise line is not obligated to honor those requests.
Carnival cruise cabin assignments can vary greatly whether passengers opt to choose their own cabin or gamble on a guarantee cabin selection.
Booking early will help you guarantee your place on the cruise line.
Waiting until the last minute will not guarantee you the lowest price.
There is no guarantee the cruise will have a place for you; however, cruise lines often want to fill their ships as much as possible and will discount remaining rooms to do so.
However, this is a gamble since there is no guarantee there will be space available.
Some cruise lines, like Carnival Cruise Line, guarantee children's activities on every sailing, year-round, but other lines only offer kids' programs seasonally or only when there are a certain number of children booked on the cruise.
This is the only way to guarantee a reservation for onboard bluegrass events.
The site's "Best Price Guarantee" deserves a look.
You can also find out if there is a section of the ship that is reserved for those who are 18 and older, even if your ship can't guarantee that there will be no children at all on the ship.
Disney last minute cruise deals guarantee you a spot on the ship at deeply discounted rates.
Reputable breeders always provide a written health guarantee policy to refund your money and take back the puppy if it is sick.
The absence of preservatives in the ingredients list does not guarantee that the food does not contain them.
Many sellers will add such small items in order to guarantee a sale, giving the purchaser a better bargain.
The Internet provides a platform for everyone, but it does not guarantee that the information you receive is correct or that all recommended training methods are safe for your pet.
Bamboo Combat Extreme Bone Tug - Made of strong nylon, this toy offers a battle tested guarantee for endurance.
The holidays can be as much fun for our dogs as it is for us, so here is a delicious recipe you can make with your turkey leftovers that I guarantee your dogs will love as much as mine do.
Finally, a reputable breeder will offer some kind of health guarantee.
This may just be a 48-hour guarantee of basic health, or it could be an extended guarantee against genetic problems that don't usually appear until a puppy is older.
By doing your homework in advance, you can guarantee your relationship will last another season.
As an owner, your continued investment will guarantee the value and the happiness of your canine companion.
Waiting times vary and there is no guarantee that there will be a suitable dog available for every application.
Does the breeder supply a health guarantee?
All dog beds purchased through Big Dog Beds come with a lifetime guarantee.
Choose carefully; you may not get a guarantee but you may be able to purchase a plant inexpensively.
A guarantee provides some peace of mind for your investment.
Even though there are scores of ways to acquire Jason Mraz tablature, chords, and sheet music, there is no guarantee they can help teach you to play guitar alone.
Also when choosing the wheels that attach to the door and ride in the track, look for a door and frame that comes with a guarantee.
This will guarantee that you'll blend the variations in graining from the different boxes throughout the entire floor.
For the best results, look for pocket door frames and hardware that offer a guarantee that doors will stay true and not have problems jumping their tracks.
This guarantee helps with any short-term problems or setbacks a homeowner may encounter.
Often advertised with a "lifetime guarantee," vinyl siding is sometimes warrantied by the manufacturers for up to fifty years or for life.
Get an estimate from each source and then weigh out the pros and cons of their guarantee and product.
A great deal is only as good as the company standing behind the guarantee.
While pricier paints are typically better quality than their cheaper counterparts, simply picking the most expensive gallon of paint on the shelf isn't enough to guarantee the house paint quality you're after.
The homeowner may wish to consult a professional prior to purchasing the patio door to guarantee the correct measurements and ensure the best fit occurs.
Use shims to level the door and guarantee a good fit.
With a lifetime replacement guarantee, buyers of lia sophia can feel confident that the company stands behind its products.
Remington shavers had a replacement guarantee, and Kiam decided to give the new jewelry line a lifetime replacement guarantee.
With most jewelry it would be a total loss, but lia sophia's lifetime replacement guarantee gives a disappointed jewelry owner a few options.
Lia Sophia has more mils of plating than any other costume jewelry in the United States - and they offer a lifetime guarantee.
In earlier times, people hung moonstone in fruit trees to guarantee a plentiful harvest season.
Almost Diamonds offers a money back guarantee with all orders.
Shirts uses only Italian fabrics and offers a satisfaction guarantee.
Sure, there is no guarantee you'll get the job, but you should still wear a good suit and shoes.
If you want to guarantee getting the right waterproof golf clothing for men, you should confine your shopping to stores that cater specifically to golfers.
Keeping professional dress tips in mind can guarantee that you shine at the workplace.
Whether you are buying just the wool so as to knit the sweater yourself, or the finished product, this is a lovely way to both support a local independent business and guarantee you are getting an item of the very finest quality.
While this doesn't have quite the same guarantee as many retail sites, it is certainly a source for one-of-a-kind deals.
Their 100 percent satisfaction guarantee means you never have to worry about making a shopping mistake.
The company extends a 100 percent guarantee and return policy on all products.
A fee is paid at the start of the season, which usually lasts from early spring to late fall, with a guarantee the delivery of a goodie basket each week.
Fair trade organic sheet sets guarantee that you are purchasing a product that adheres to fair trade practices of the manufacturer's country or continent.
We really do guarantee every product we sell--you really just have to try it.
Products may not live up to their claims, and even if they do work for your friends, that's no guarantee that they'll work for you.
When evaluating product labels, looking for claims of all natural ingredients and processes isn't a guarantee that you're getting a wholesome product.
Although organic requirements are strict there is no guarantee that organic meat is raised more humanely than other types of meat.
Shopping online is made easy and they guarantee satisfaction.
If you're not sure about what size to order, Lane Bryant provides expert advice to help you look and feel great in your new summer robe, and their satisfaction guarantee offers peace of mind when shopping online.
Sizes range from 1X to 5X, and Kiyonna offers a risk-free shopping guarantee.
They should also not tell you that they'll guarantee you work.
Whatever you are looking for, you can guarantee it's out there.
Sag Harbor is so sure of their product that they back up pants made with this state-of-the-art technology with a guarantee that you will love the fit.
However, it's important to note that this guarantee only applies to pants tagged Sag Harbor's Fitting GuaranteeTM, so double check what you're buying if the guarantee is important to you.
Not all plus size women have the same shape, so checking out the fit is the only way to guarantee you like the way the set looks on you, not just on the rack or catalog page.
Whether you opt for moderately sexy or all-out alluring, you can guarantee you'll find something here that meets your needs.
While this may hold true in a general sense, it doesn't guarantee that the item will actually fit a plus size figure well.
If you're handy with a needle, you might consider whipping up your own top and capris for the summer to guarantee something a bit more original with a vintage flair - capris first hit the scene in the 1950s, a style that suits curves well.
Getting your measurements right helps to guarantee the right fit.
They feature original designer gowns, and offer a low price guarantee.
This will help guarantee it a long life, so you can pop it out time and again and it is always fresh.
Like speed dating, singles events guarantee that you will be surrounded by single men and women, many of whom are seriously looking for a significant other.
The company offers a 30-day trial and money-back guarantee to help users make the selection that is right for them.
The easiest way to guarantee access to all of the articles in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine is to buy a subscription.
Since surgery can often involve significant recovery periods, and does not guarantee a cure for sleep apnea, most doctors try other treatments before turning to surgery.
Surgical procedures come with no guarantee that the surgery will offer 100 percent relief in all cases.
There is no absolute guarantee that the oral devices will work in every situation.
This means there is no way to guarantee the dose or effectiveness of any herbal product you purchase.
Make sure that no matter where you order, that the company provides a money back guarantee.
Anarchy offers a 30 day guarantee on their products, so keep this in mind when you shop, particularly when purchasing from an online merchant.
Additionally, The Glasses Shop offers a 90-day money back guarantee.
The company also offers a 105 percent price match guarantee.
They have free shipping and handling and will give you a one year guarantee.
Furthermore, your optometrist might provide a certain kind of warranty or guarantee on your glasses, especially if you use a certain kind of lenses.
The guarantee and return policy on their huge range of specs is incredible, and so are the different types of specs they offer.
Additionally, it may be well worth noting that also offers product video consumer reviews and each sale comes with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.
With these, you also get a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.
The Pearle Vision guarantee gives customers peace of mind.
Many manufacturers offer a quality or money back guarantee.
They also guarantee that if they can't provide the part that the glasses need, they will not charge for the estimate or repair.
This way, you won't have to worry about spending your money and not getting anything, for example, a guarantee, back.
Additionally, the site does guarantee each sunglass model, and you do have the option of exchanging the merchandise you've bought, for any reason, within seven days.
Rudy Project also has a Replacement Lens Guarantee for all lenses that are not prescription.
In fact, metal frames of coral peach, deep red, and chocolate brown all but guarantee that your teen will be able to find a pair that they love!
Online shoppers should carefully investigate the store prior to a purchase to guarantee their reputation and reliability.
Besides making sure you are purchasing from an authorized Versace dealer, look for a guarantee on your glasses -- if it is the real product, the retailer should readily stand behind its quality.
Is there a satisfaction or a money-back guarantee?
The site boasts of easy returns and offers an authenticity guarantee.
Since eyewear can be expensive, Eyeglass World offers both a protection plan and a guarantee for its glasses.
The guarantee covers any defects due to manufacturing error for a period of one year.
There's a 30-day money-back guarantee so that you can make sure your prescription is correct and there is also a one-year warranty on all frames that covers manufacturers' defects.
The company offers a two-year guarantee against manufacturer defects in materials and workmanship.
While expensive, these tickets guarantee guests an amusement park visit unlike any other.
Passes also do not guarantee Fastpass access or other ride-related benefits that many guests enjoy.
Guests can pay for stroller, wheelchair, and scooter rentals when making reservations to guarantee the vehicles will be available.
Tennis courts, a playground, game room and a kids' wading pool guarantee there's never a dull moment.
You might be able to save even more money on a new video game system by buying a PS3 on eBay, but there is no guarantee that you will not have any problems with the eBay-sourced game console.
The average guarantee ranges from three to fourteen days.
As with any online transaction, you should exercise extreme caution as these video game sales don't usually come with a guarantee of any kind.
This free trial code is often specific to the game or the vendor, so there is no guarantee.
For $19.99 plus $9.99 for shipping and processing, you also have a 30-day money back guarantee less shipping and processing.
The product guarantee allows customers to get a replacement item or refund if they find that water or wind entered the pants or if they do not feel the fabric breathes enough.
Customers should note, however, that this "guarantee" does not cover the exterior of the pants. the membrane is what Gore-Tex promotes as waterproof.
Gore-Tex offers its customers an excellent guarantee for a top of the line product.
While every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of the information presented in this publication, Gale, an imprint of Cengage Learning does not guarantee the accuracy of the data contained herein.
An overall "normal" result does not, however, guarantee that the pregnancy will come to term, or that the fetus does not suffer from some other defect.
Safety latches do not guarantee protection, but they can make it more difficult for children to reach dangerous substances.
Wherever and whoever you learn from, your classes should be, above all, fun - and by taking some time to research them before joining can guarantee a more fulfilling experience.
Even when you find places where they offer lessons before the "real dancing" begins, they often charge for the lessons and there's no guarantee that the instructor will go at your pace, or even teach you a dance to a song you like.
Ascension Funeral Services makes the guarantee that the funeral services they offer will never be overpriced and will always be to the desires of the clients.
Each item sold comes with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.
Its extensive holdings almost guarantee a breakthrough in the genealogical brick wall.
Be wary of doctors or practices that claim or guarantee permanent hair removal.
When using a tweezers, there is no guarantee that the hair will be pulled out by its follicle.
Even if you've used a particular brand before, there's no guarantee that you won't experience irritation with various products from the line.
Whether you opt for dramatic, brow-skimming bangs, or wispy, layered bangs that easily push to the side, you can guarantee that they'll add personality to any of today's new style hair cuts.
Appointments are generally not required, though if a longer treatment such as a perm or coloring is necessary, an appointment can guarantee an available stylist without a lengthy wait.
Slowly work iron from scalp to ends, making sure you use firm pressure to guarantee an even grip.
Bear in mind Chaz's line of hair care comes with a satisfaction guarantee.
This site does not require a huge initial layout of money and offers the guarantee, so risk is minimal.
There is absolutely no such thing as a guarantee of employment.
It's important to know that requesting compensation is not a guarantee that you will receive payments.
While no one can guarantee the interest rate you will qualify for until you have visited a mortgage professional, calculators can at least get you in the right ballpark.
While this is no guarantee of ethical behavior, it is at least an indication of ongoing professional involvement.
If you apply for a mortgage guarantee through the VA or through an FHA program then you are less likely to wind up bombarded with fees because both organizations limit the amount of acceptable fees charged to guaranteed loans.
The real estate market throughout the United States is continually evolving, however, so there is certainly no guarantee.
The lender should offer a pricing or interest rate guarantee.
Whether you are buying a home for the first time using an 80-20 mortgage, or tapping into the equity on a home you already own, the house must be worth enough after the first mortgage is paid to guarantee the debt.
A guarantee of financing gives you an edge in negotiations.
Another would be to invest in something solid that is safe and would guarantee you return dollars on that investment.
It is important to note that even if you utilize a mortgage calculator directly from the official website for your mortgage lender, the total mortgage payment estimate is not a guarantee of how much your payment will be.
Many people search for bank foreclosed homes for sale in the hopes of saving a tremendous amount of money when buying a home, but buying a foreclosed home does not necessarily guarantee significant savings.
You may be able to use your existing lender in order to streamline the process, but be aware that utilizing your existing lender does not guarantee a seamless refinance.
More information about obtaining an FHA guarantee for your mobile home purchase can be found on the FHA website.
They do not guarantee results, whether for determining ovulation or conception.
As with any bra, just getting one in "your size" does not guarantee it will fit correctly.
With all types of contraception, there is never a 100 percent guarantee that pregnancy will be avoided; a small percentage of women do still become pregnant while using birth control.
No method of birth control offers a woman 100 percent guarantee that she will not get pregnant while using it and the risk of becoming pregnant on birth control is possible.
Unfortunately, there aren't any definite ways to guarantee that you'll have a girl.
There are many techniques for conceiving baby boys, but none of them can guarantee that you'll have a son.
Planning the photography process is an essential step to guarantee you will not be disappointed with your giving birth photos.
While birth control pills can't guarantee clear skin, they may be helpful for some women.
Unfortunately, there is no one factor that has been proven to guarantee a twin pregnancy.
None can guarantee that you will go into labor, but some of them can encourage the process if you are already on the brink of going into labor.
Missing a menstrual cycle is usually the first sign any teen notices, but it's not a guarantee you're pregnant.
Start by researching prices and styles online, but make sure you try on swimsuits in the store or make online purchases that guarantee free returns.
We all but guarantee that once you slip on these teeny-tiny suits, the swimsuit rut you've been in will be banished for good!
This is how you will guarantee maximum performance over a long time.
Cheering loudly and acting boisterously is a sure fire way to up your chances that the camera will find you, but it's no guarantee that it will stay on you.
This hot pink fuchsia colored tankini will all but guarantee that all eyes will be on you!
Sun block alone is not enough to guarantee UV blockage.
The top features Y-straps that guarantee support and posture, and a wide elastic chest band that keeps the top from inching up.
But in addition to boasting unique styles and designs, Tulio is one of the few companies that will allow custom color designs, so you can guarantee that the suit you are wearing is one of a kind.
While you'll have to be sure to use a lot of sunscreen, this will guarantee you a maximum coverage tan!
Slip on this one piece stunner and we'll all but guarantee that you'll feel as if you're taking a spin on the catwalk!
While there is no guarantee you won't bring home some sand somewhere, it is increasingly easy to keep it off your blanket.
Unfortunately, even laying in a tanning bed or making sure all sides of the body are equally exposed to the sun doesn't guarantee an optimal all-over tan.
When choosing a particular pair, however, there are certain considerations that need to be made to guarantee a comfortable fit for hours of fun at the beach and pool.
There is also a shelf bra and bra cups that guarantee any teen will look great in and out of the water!
Beyond their tanning and health benefits, tan-through swimsuits often come with a guarantee that they will not snag or easily fall apart.
For truly brave souls who have a body to envy, swimming, sunning or playing in tiny swimsuits will guarantee you an audience.
Our mix and match separates and our "perfect fit guarantee" have helped Venus become a household name in swimwear.
This is especially true if you are using a lighter fabric, but you should definitely purchase some organic cotton or hemp lining for the bikini bottom to guarantee comfort and healthy wear.
Good care will help guarantee the best performance for your rash guard over the course of its life.
Even if they have some Newborns in stock, it's no guarantee that they will have one with the specific appearance that you're looking for.
While the company does offer a guarantee, it charges a whopping 30 percent restocking fee for returning the product.
Keeping your proportions in mind will all but guarantee you look spectacular when you head out the door.
It is a standard 60-day money back guarantee, except for the motor, which has a lifetime guarantee.
Others take issue with shipping delays (two to three weeks, in some cases), and the limited (60 day) money-back guarantee.
Ask the seller to guarantee that the parts are included.
For the best results, your grinder should be cleaned in this manner before the first time you use it to guarantee a clean and sanitized environment for your herbs.
The appliance itself comes with a standard 60-day money back guarantee, but the motor is guaranteed for life, or to be more specific, 100 years.
KitchenAid offers a worry free guarantee on its entire line of kitchen small appliances.
Remington stands behind their products and offers a 30-day money-back guarantee and a two-year limited warranty on their electric razors.
To be protected and to guarantee that you are getting an authentic product, only buy from an authorized Sub-Zero representative.
We also have a lifetime guarantee on the motor, which says a lot about our confidence in this juicer.
Unfortunately, having a fun concept is a good start, but it does not guarantee you a fortune.
The company features a 30-day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.
Note that this humane society is not a no-kill shelter and does not guarantee placement.
While every effort is made at rehabilitation, there is no guarantee that every animal surrendered will be considered adoptable and those that aren't will be humanely euthanized.
One way to guarantee a donor's continued support of your organization is to let them know that you appreciate their gesture.
While there's no guarantee that you'll get coverage, you might be pleasantly surprised.
Some companies allow customers to choose a ship date or delivery date, while others guarantee delivery within a certain time frame.
One of the best ways to guarantee you have a unique look is by making a Halloween costume.
While there is no guarantee you will find exactly what you are looking for, there is a lot of choice and a clever mask-maker can adapt a template to suit their style.
It can still be worthwhile to have a costume made, so as to guarantee a perfect fit and a look that is exactly what you had in mind.
This will guarantee your most unique look.
The short answer is yes, but it's not a guarantee for everyone.
The website offers a six month guarantee -- you will find your special mate in six months or your money back.
Although there's no guarantee they'll still be popular when you check them out, here are some free teen chat room sites that other teens recommend.
While there is no guarantee that these sites are genuine, it is a decent place to start.Another option in finding an escort is to check with a reputable dating service.
The site should guarantee your information will be guarded, and only that info that you want others to see will be posted on the site.
What guarantee do you have that when she becomes bored in your relationship she won't seek a thrill and excitement with some other guy or even her old boyfriend (he being the one she lives with now)?
I can assure you that telling his girlfriend may end the relationship, but it's no guarantee that he will then come back to you.
Even though we've listed these sites, there's no guarantee that they are what you are looking for.
Relationships take time to develop and although you love your fiancé, it is not a guarantee that your children will love her immediately as well.
While there is no guarantee when it comes to love, there are signs as to how things in the couple relationship are progressing.
This site also offers a money-back guarantee if members do not find a suitable partner using the site.
The more experienced the creator is in psychology and the social interaction of people, the more credible the results, but even the most credible results are no guarantee that you will find happiness.
Love is no guarantee of success or lasting romance, it's just a first step.
However, when you seek a guarantee and/or proof that this guy 'is the one,' you're setting him and yourself up for disappointment.
The disadvantage to posting fees is that there is no guarantee you will find a date.
Speed Date Metro is an Arizona speed dating company with a guarantee that you'll meet someone you want to see again or they'll allow you to go to another speed dating event for free.
These basic maintenance tasks guarantee that your ring will remain as brilliant on your fiftieth anniversary as it was on your wedding day.
The company chooses only the finest quality diamonds for their assortment of pieces, and each gem has been independently certified to guarantee quality.
After each purchase, return policies are in place to guarantee continuing satisfaction.
Couples should note, however, that there are other ways to find discounts and still use diamonds, and choosing an alternative stone is no guarantee of a lower price, depending on the stone's quality and the overall ring design.
As the world's largest engagement ring store, a superior range of styles are available, as well as the services to guarantee that each ring is a match to each individual couple.
Investigate the possibility of certified stones to guarantee their authenticity and value, and consider purchasing insurance to protect the investment.
Kay is confident in its quality and customer satisfaction, and offers a lifetime guarantee on engagement rings if periodic inspections are carried out.
The jeweler should be investigated as well, including any warranty, guarantee, and return policies to ensure a trustworthy transaction.
Most jewelers offer a free lifetime guarantee if the ring is periodically inspected; purchasing an additional plan is often unnecessary, particularly if the ring is well cared for to avoid accidents or damage.
The company offers a 30 day, no questions asked return policy (special orders and custom pieces cannot be returned) as well as a price match guarantee if couples find a cheaper deal elsewhere.
A lifetime diamond guarantee is also available as long as the ring or jewelry piece in question is regularly inspected, and couples interested in more elaborate jewelry will appreciate the company's trade-in policy for upgrades.
Online jewelry stores also offer a wide selection of ring enhancers, wraps, and guards, but couples should first investigate online merchants and their guarantee policies just in case the guard doesn't fit or isn't appropriate.
Buying a ring with a certified diamond will give you a guarantee as to the quality of the diamond you are purchasing.
By buying a certified diamond, you are receiving an additional guarantee over the quality of the ring.
It is important to note, however, that whilst a certificate guarantees you the quality of the diamond it does not give you any form of guarantee over the price you are paying.
As with any jewelry purchase, couples should be aware of the merchant's guarantee and return policies, shipping charges, and other potential fees that can impact the price of the ring.
Any guarantee over the quality of the stone will have to be taken at face value, unless the diamond is certified by a recognized certifying body.
Verragio ensures the quality of its rings with a lifetime guarantee on both materials and workmanship, and each handmade ring is a statement of elegance, beauty, and romance.
The Benchmark company is so confident about the quality and longevity of its rings that it offers a free lifetime guarantee on all rings.
This guarantee covers any necessary resizing, or if a more elaborate ring cannot be resized, it will be replaced for free.
Refinishing is also covered under the lifetime guarantee and can eliminate minor scratches and nicks quickly and easily.
In addition to the lifetime guarantee offered by Benchmark, couples should also investigate guarantees offered by individual jewelers.
Each ring comes with a written guarantee and a 15 day return policy.
All engagement rings come with a warranty and lifetime guarantee and 30-day return policy.
Couples should also investigate guarantee and return policies, shipping costs, and the reputation of the business before following through with a purchase.
Verragio advises customers to only purchase Verragio rings from local authorized retailers to guarantee authenticity.
When buying jewelry or making any other major purchase on the Internet, be sure to check that the store offers a money-back guarantee.
A bookstore tour can be very expensive, consume a lot of your time, take you away from your family and job and there's no guarantee it will be successful.
Writing a book does not guarantee the sale of the book.
While there is no one way to guarantee a successful career in the journalism field, there are several steps you can take to make the process of becoming a journalist a bit easier.
Although there is no cash prize or guarantee of publication when you participate in NaNoWriMo, this contest can be a good motivational tool to get you into the routine of writing on a regular basis.
Unfortunately, this approach is a guarantee you won’t get many repeat clients in your freelance writing business.
However, simply noting a reaction to gluten products does not necessarily guarantee a celiac diagnosis.
The site does have a disclaimer that it cannot guarantee no cross-contamination.
They may not be able to guarantee zero risk of cross contamination, but they do a far better job of clarifying ingredients and responding to questions.
There are also no worries of a supplier being unable to guarantee a product is gluten safe.
Newspaper ink can easily come off on your rice and there is no way to guarantee that the newspaper is clean.
It's almost a guarantee that one or two styles in a handbag bin will be inspired by a brand name.
Don't forget, the only way to guarantee the authenticity of your Dolce & Gabbana Animalier tote is to purchase the item from Dolce & Gabbana retail stores nationwide, or from authorized dealers such as upscale department stores.
Finally, Eastpak offers an incredible lifetime guarantee on its bookbags, even for broken zippers.
Keep in mind that although Amazon is a great way to locate certain products, the company cannot offer any guarantee as to a brand's authenticity.
Not only does it virtually guarantee you a one-of-a-kind bag, it also cuts down on the cost you would otherwise pay at a major department store or Internet boutique.
There are a number of knockoff Burberrys out there and if you're determined to have the real thing, it's much harder to guarantee a good buy on eBay.
Anything with a child's name embroidered on it will help to guarantee a lesson of responsibility and ownership that will be cherished.
American West is so proud of their quality that every handbag comes with a lifetime guarantee.
The company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on all their bags, so you can make sure you are satisfied with your purchase.
While there's no way to guarantee the accuracy of the prediction, it is a lot of fun to speculate about your future child's gender.
There's no guarantee that there will always be perfect harmony between them, but in a relationship filled with so much mutual respect and admiration, differences can be worked out quickly and very diplomatically.
Remember, sun signs alone don't guarantee an ideal love match.
Try before you buy with their 100-day mattress guarantee to conduct an in-home trial of the product.
Customers choose Furniture Buzz because they like the low price/price match guarantee and the hassle-free return policy that is backed by the 100 percent unconditional guarantee.
Most parents are aware of the problems with kids surfing online; basically, nobody can guarantee a child will only access "friendly" web pages and games when searching the Internet through other avenues.
In 2004, the government updated the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to guarantee children with special needs are provided with the necessary services and an education.
Any one of these baits will almost guarantee at least a few nibbles if any fish are in the area.
While the toys we'll list as the hot toys of 2007 may not be on the recalled list yet, there's no guarantee that next week won't find them added to the long list.
Fun color combinations, polka dots, and quirky motifs guarantee these bags will be a hit with the preschool set.
While there is no guarantee that your child may turn to rebellious behaviors, if he or she feels stifled and restricted, he or she may act out and respond through violence and rebellion.
Some daycare centers require payment on a daily or weekly basis, while others will demand upfront payment for a month or even several months of attendance to guarantee your child's spot.
I guarantee that at some point, one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing.
But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know, in my heart, you're the only one for me."
Also, visit Target, Best Buy, and discount retailers like or, the latter which offers a "best price match" guarantee.
As noted above, some sites like, will guarantee their prices against the competition.
For example, estimating that you typically spend $100 per month on new clothes when this number is actually closer to $300 will guarantee that your zero-based budget fails.
The website is user-friendly and the ink comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
In addition, it offers a 90-day money back guarantee on ink cartridges.
A yellow light means that the site offers a competitive price on the product, but since prices for the product tends to change frequently in the market, the item does not feature a money-back guarantee.
Invest in flannel sheets and warm blankets to guarantee a good night's sleep without turning up the thermostat.
In addition to regular coupons, discounts, and promotions, also offers a low price guarantee so patrons can shop with confidence.
Sale and clearance items are not covered by the price match guarantee, however, but this does give consumers a way to find the very best prices and not worry that tomorrow they may discover a better bargain.
Kitchen's Pro sells "ready to assemble" cabinetry with a limited lifetime warranty and a low-price guarantee.
Staples takes some of the stress out of the process by offering a price match guarantee.
Coast To Coast Tickets provides secure online shopping or ordering by phone, and offers a 100 percent worry-free guarantee.
The 110 percent price-match guarantee at Oriental Trading ensures customers that they are truly getting the best deal available on the original price.
Similarly, when buying something online, one cannot guarantee that the person will deliver the item or that it will be of the same quality and condition promised, but one typically does gauge the risk and then hope for the best.
They want know their purchase is covered by Amazon's A to Z Guarantee, and they want the reassurance that their financial transactions are going through Amazon's secure servers.
Your purchase is covered by the same Amazon A to Z Guarantee, and the monetary transaction goes through Amazon, so the merchant never sees your account information.
The program also comes with a six-week money back guarantee, making it even more affordable for most budgets.
Another guarantee is that hand tools come with a lifetime warranty.
With a guarantee that is good for the life of the sole, you should have piece of mind that your purchase will last for quite some time.
It's not formal, meaning they don't give you a lifetime guarantee.
The lightweight outsole and lightly padded insole guarantee comfort slip resistance and durability all day long.
This is the only way to guarantee truly happy feet!
They practically guarantee that you won't be asked to baby sit for the neighbor's precious toddler.
Most importantly, this retailer provides customers with a 90 day guarantee--unless the guarantee is extended by the particular shoe manufacturer; in that case, the company honors the manufacturer's guarantee.
They don't want their customers to be unhappy for any reason, so they offer an exclusive "No Fuss" Guarantee, which allows you to return shoes for any reason with their "SmartLabel System," designed to make returning hassle free and easy.
Tiny feet are changing daily and you want to guarantee the best fit possible for assisting their positive development.
They also have a 14-day price guarantee.
When you find the right pair for you, you can guarantee your best foot will always be forward.
You can choose from a variety of colors and patterns to guarantee an eye-catching and comfortable shoe.
When something is popular, you can almost guarantee that it will be recreated or redone to extremes.
We all but guarantee that you won't be disappointed!
Smooth leather uppers greet the wearer, a small elastic gore at the instep offers a more flexible fit, and contrast piping details guarantee that these shoes won't leave your feet!
To guarantee a quality shoe, only buy designer shoes that come new and in the box and are sold by a seller with a high approval rating.
Endless offers free overnight and return shipping, as well as a 100 percent guarantee, which makes it perfect for value shoppers.
Choose a couple of styles at reasonable prices, and only go all out on a pair of shoes that you guarantee you will wear beyond season's end.
They also offer a 30-day money back guarantee.
Some of the rewards of shopping here include free shipping, a 100 percent price guarantee, and a 100 percent secure order guarantee.
It was Diamont's perfect 10 looks that got me thinking about hunks on soap operas in the first place, and I can guarantee you without him, there would never have been the inspiration for me to ever create
Of course, this is no guarantee that these events will take place in Port Charles as plots and storylines change often.
With their 'take with a grain of salt' warning, 'This Just In' spoilers come with no guarantee, and like a telephone-psychic reading, are provided for entertainment purposes only.
In other words, Degrassi spoilers may be accurate, but there is no guarantee regarding what might happen until the episodes air.
The name "House Of Pain Tattoos" might seem catchy or interesting, but names alone are not a guarantee of good service or beautiful ink.
The thrill of this comes from its uniqueness, as you can guarantee no one else will have one exactly like it.
Get a price quote and guarantee on your work if possible.
Visitors will find many unbelievable advantages come along with purchasing this package, starting with the guarantee of a two-room suite.
Game systems in every room guarantee older children and teenagers have plenty to do at night.
The Doubletree Guest Suites guarantee that guests receive the lowest price possible.
We don't guarantee the services of any of these companies.
Having a telephone number does not guarantee that the agency is reputable, but getting questions answered over the phone by a "live person" will help provide you with the information you need to make your travel decision.
While there is no guarantee that a special offer will become available for the places you want or need to travel, you won't know unless you sign up.
They are specialists in matching Disney package trips with families and guarantee that you won’t find a better price anywhere else.
With true antique pieces, certification of authenticity and a money back guarantee are essential.
If you find yourself in a situation where the paperwork "cannot be found" but you still want to choose the seller, purchase the watch with a 100% money back guarantee.
Each Baume and Mercier watch comes with a 24-month guarantee against manufacturing defects.
This guarantee should have the serial number, the watch reference, and the name of the retailer, along with the address.
At the worst the watch may not work and the guarantee will be worthless.
This gives you the reassurance and guarantee that you won't get by buying from an unauthorized source.
Before buying a TAG Heuer watch from an unauthorized dealer it is a good idea to check the guarantee situation and whether the watch will be able to be regularly serviced and maintained.
The clocks have a one year warranty and come complete with a 30 day money back guarantee.
Other important features of this watch are the fact that it is water resistant to a depth of 100 feet and it also has a lifetime guarantee from the manufacturer.
The store also offers an unconditional guarantee that stays valid for thirty days from the date of shipment.
The Helix watch is no longer made by Timex and it is doubtful that the watches would still be within their guarantee period.
When buying discontinued watches from auctions it is important to check the guarantee.
If the seller is a private individual selling a used watch it is likely that there will be no guarantee.
Watch companies who use auctions to sell stocks may offer their own guarantee.
In order to guarantee you acquire a true vintage Omega, it's important to research your options carefully.
Of course, there is no guarantee that practicing these poses will help you to conceive, but the good news is that they won't diminish your chances of getting pregnant.
This thick, non-slip mat comes with a lifetime guarantee and costs a little less than the Manduka PRO, usually around $90.
They are PVC-free with an open cell construction and guarantee optimum grip.
But it isn't the job of the reporting bureaus to guarantee total accuracy, just that they make an attempt to do so.
They require a buy-in investment of a product or sales kit with a buy-back guarantee of any unused products should you reconsider and opt out.
Usually these resellers offer some sort of 30-day guarantee on their refurbished products.
Most resellers grant a 30-day guarantee, figuring that systems should last at least this long.
Refurbished monitors are inexpensive, but are somewhat unpredictable and may not be covered by a guarantee.
Make sure you get a guarantee in writing, especially from the larger service providers, and a 30-day opt-out clause.
To save even more money, the company offers a 'find a lower price and we'll match it' guarantee.
The SBA guarantee helps to offset this category, typical of most start-up small businesses.
Beware of sites that guarantee only to get your site ranked on the search engines.
That's no guarantee at all because all sites are ranked as soon as the search engines find them.
Hiring a professional doesn't guarantee results.
Billed as the "number one online commercial printing company," Printing for Less offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Often, you'll see the guarantee or a money-back offer reiterated for direct product sales.
For this group of business owners, the SBA provides a guarantee that makes loans available from third party lenders, when a business owner might otherwise not have qualified.
In addition, they provide a free history report for the vehicle and guarantee that it has a clean title.
But, that gets the banks and the automakers to guarantee what that car is going to be worth somewhere down the road.
Because there's no guarantee that these uniforms will sell, they're often willing to offer them at a lower mark-up than custom ordered uniforms.
The sites listed below ship out parts on the same day your order is received and offer a one-year guarantee on all repair parts.
Many battery manufacturers offer a guarantee of their product's performance that offers protection against battery defects.
As with any type of stain, remember that there is no guarantee that your efforts will be successful.
Tupperware containers tend to be at the higher end of the price scale but are designed to last for years and come with a lifetime product replacement guarantee.
While a vegetarian diet can be quite healthy, merely eliminating meat from your diet will not guarantee the maximum nutritional benefits.
Paying for a personal trainer can be financially draining, and there is no guarantee you will be compatible with the trainer you hire.
Here we take a closer look at these ingredients, but the following list is for information purposes and is neither exhaustive nor a guarantee that you will receive the same results.
There is no money back guarantee in case you decide you do not like the program.
Hoodia is often costly, so if you do decide to try this or another diet involving a Hoodia supplement, make sure the company you buy from offers a money back guarantee.
Contrary to popular belief, doing thousands of sit-ups and crunches a day will not guarantee a lean midsection.
The program offers a 90 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your purchase.
This guarantee makes investing in the CD-ROM system less of a financial gamble.
How do you recommend the chocolates be shipped or purchased to guarantee the best results upon arrival?
By using an approved mechanic shop, Geico will also guarantee the repairs.
Unfortunately, not every car insurance company works to guarantee the best rate to its drivers.
For a 20 year, 200,000 dollar return of premium policy, found rates as low as 328 dollars annually (Fidelity & Guarantee Life).
This guarantee extends back to the property's origins and is not limited to the time in which the grantor owned the property.
Unfortunately, obtaining an immediate insurance quote does not guarantee that an insurance company will write a policy for you.
People requesting an insurance quote should understand that a quote does not guarantee that a policy will be issued.
In the late 1940s, the United States government initiated a life insurance program that was specifically designed to guarantee veterans universal life insurance services and coverage.
The existence of a signed medical release form does not guarantee that a lawsuit will not be filed, but in some cases it can serve as powerful proof that the person who signed the form was accepting the financial liability.
Some companies offering forms online will guarantee the legality and validity of the forms when purchased through their websites, but purchasers should still make the effort to ensure the forms are suitable for their needs.
Applying for auto insurance coverage through AAA does not guarantee that a policy will be issued.
There is no guarantee that a depositor will receive any or all of their uninsured deposits.
Carrying TFL coverage does not guarantee that covered individuals will not incur any out-of-pocket expenses for healthcare services.
Simply being a previous customer of this insurance company does not guarantee that there is a settlement entitlement.
There is no guarantee that you will be approved for a new policy if you re-apply.
There is never a guarantee that a company won't go out of business, but the risk may be lower if you purchase from a well-established company with high marks for financial safety.
Does the policy guarantee that it cannot be canceled or not renewed when you get older or if your health deteriorates?
All companies listed come with Squaremouth's site guarantee, which is that any complaint made by a customer regarding a policy purchased through the site must be resolved satisfactorily.
It is usually expressed in terms of a percentage; for example, your insurance policy may guarantee you a six percent return.
There is an insurance program offered by the US Treasury that will guarantee the asset of money market funds, but this insurance is optional.
They choose annuities as a way to guarantee cash flow for their retirement years.
While this does not guarantee the best policy at the best price, it is one suitable avenue for finding a policy that suits your needs as an artist.
As employer pension programs gradually transition into 401k plans, employees are stuck wondering what to do in order to guarantee a monthly paycheck after retirement.
A lack of complaints does not guarantee that the broker has never been complained about, but at least a review of the BBB website will reveal any recent issues that may be red flags.
Depending on the specific plan, the insurance company may make payments for a set amount of time or guarantee a lifetime income to the annuitant.
Rate quotes do not guarantee a certain rate and are subject to change, but you can get the most accurate quote by providing as much information as possible.