Grumbled Sentence Examples
The little princess grumbled to her maid that her bed was badly made.
Katie grumbled beneath her breath.
Katie grumbled, uncomfortable in her formal dress.
Joseph had grumbled something along the same lines to Fred earlier.
Jackson grumbled as he led her away.
Fred grumbled as he poured three glasses.
The old general grumbled at his wife when she asked how his leg was.
She grumbled, "You're telling me."
Dean grumbled, returning to his newspaper.
Fred grumbled a bit, but Dean just laughed.
AdvertisementJackson grumbled, "More like a stalker."
He grumbled something unintelligible and hung up.
Her stomach grumbled loudly again.
Tamer grumbled but obeyed, and Rhyn shook out his tense body.
Ryland grumbled as he wasted no time leaving the room.
AdvertisementWe both know better, she grumbled.
Her stomach grumbled but the thought of a ham sandwich disgusted her.
He grumbled something about getting one of those "take a number" dispensers the big city post offices had, right below their self-serving signs applauding their high level of service.
He was dog tired and his stomach grumbled its dissatisfaction at being limited to the airline's toy dinner.
They're beautiful but useless, she grumbled.
AdvertisementFred grumbled, but Dean just slapped his back and began to whistle, as if he didn't have a care in the world, while his mind turned like a racecar piston on the final lap.
The unearthly shrill of the telephone shattered the scene, once, twice, three times before Dean clawed at the instrument and grumbled something.
Monica grumbled that Segal was more interested in selling papers than the truth so if he wanted to kill her that was fine with her.
The band's playing a foxtrot while you're waltzing around the floor, Fred grumbled.
Who knows what the f-- Darian grumbled as Jenn berated him.
AdvertisementFred grumbled, but didn't protest too strenuously.
While he grumbled for a few days, he was far too busy as Dean's election chairman.
One minute, telling me you don't want anything to do with me beyond your duty and the next, sitting on the beach with me for hours because you're worried I'll find a tall building to dive off of, she grumbled.
This does shit for me here, Rhyn grumbled.
Just what I need, Dean grumbled to himself.
While the natives of India appreciated the results of Lord Hastings's achievements, the court of directors grumbled at his having extended British territory.
The climbers grumbled about the negative affect of the snow on their anticipated activities, all except Penny, who considered the weather a new and exciting challenge.
At the earliest reasonable time he called Lieutenant Anderson, who grumbled his reluctant agreement to let Vinnie stay at the motel until they could question him further and find out if he actually possessed any useful information.
We, as a people, always grumbled when agreeing, but when disagreeing grew glorious.
When the series debuted, while fans still grumbled about hair color, they soon took a liking to Dobrev's character.
Dean grumbled some sort of agreement, trying to keep the edge from his voice, as he turned and climbed the stairs to change.