Growths Sentence Examples
The lake is nowhere of great depth, and about midway numerous mud-banks, marshes, islands and dense growths of aqueous plants stretch across its surface.
The territories of the Gran Chaco, however, are covered with a characteristic tropical vegetation, in which the palm predominates, but intermingled south of the Bermejo with heavy growths of algarrobo, quebracho-colorado, urunday (Astronium fraxinifolium), lapacho (Tecoma curialis) and palosanto (Guayacum officinalis), all esteemed for hardness and fineness of grain.
P. alba suffers much from the ravages of wood-eating larvae, and also from fungoid growths, especially where the branches have been removed by pruning or accident.
Aphidesand may be easily penetrated by certain Fungi such as Peziza, Nectria; and when thus attacked, the repeated conflicts between the cambium and callus, on the one hand, trying to heal over the wound, and the insect or Fungus, on the other, destroying the new tissues as they are formed, results in irregular growths; the still uninjured cambium area goes on thickening the branch, the dead parts, of course, remain unthickened, and the portion in which the Fungus is at work may for the time being grow more rapidly.
A, Winged female; B, winged D, viviparous wingless female from in patches from old apple trees, where the insects live in the rough bark and form cankered growths both above and below ground.
The plateau, known as the Ogaden plateau, everywhere presents the same monotonous aspect of a boundless steppe clothed with a scanty vegetation of scrubby plants and herbaceous growths.
In the case of a tree from seven to ten years old, tapping is so arranged that by the time the last incisions on the original growth are made, the new growths on other portions are at least four years old, and ready for new incisions to be made.
The application of an infusion of violet leaves was at one time believed to have the power of reducing the size of cancerous growths, but its use is now discredited.
Tumours Or New Growths The various definitions of the term " new growth " leave us with a definite conception of it as a new formation of tissue which appears to originate and to grow independently.
In spite of all the valuable research work that has been done within the last few years, the essential cause of new growths still remains unknown.
AdvertisementTheir investigations on cancers found in the lower animals, and the successful transplantation of such growths into a new host of the same species (mice and rats), have greatly advanced our knowledge of the etiology of this disease.
At a later date in the life of the individual, by some unknown stimuli, they resume their active power of proliferation and so give rise to new growths.
He holds that new growths arise, both before birth or at any subsequent period of life, by the separation of cells or clumps of cells from their normal position, and that in health there is a balance between the various tissues and tissue elements regulated by what he calls the " tissue-tension " of the part, i.e.
According to Ribbert it is the isolation, together with the latent capacity of isolated cells for unlimited poliferation, that gives rise to new growths.
Hansemann's "anaplasia " hypothesis seeks to find an explanation of the formation of new growths in the absence of the histological differentiation of the cell associated with a corresponding increase in its proliferative power and a suspension, or loss, of its functional activity.
AdvertisementThey may at some later date become active in some way, and so give rise to a cellular proliferation that may imitate the structure in which they grow, so giving rise to new growths.
In recent years the successful experimental transplantation of new growths, occurring sporadically in white mice and rats, into animals of the same species, has thrown a fresh light on all the features of malignant growths.
From these experiments it is shown that cells taken from these growths and introduced into animals of the same species give rise to a cancerous growth, whose cells have acquired unlimited powers of proliferation.
Henser, Bencke, Adami, Marchand and others have also put forward hypotheses to account for the origin of new growths.
The foregoing hypotheses have all sought the origin of new growths in some intrinsic cause which has altered the characters of the cell or cells which gave rise to them, but none of them explain the direct exciting cause.
AdvertisementHowever close the relationship is between chronic irritation and the starting of cancer, we are not in a position to say that irritation, physical or chemical, by itself can give rise to new growths.
At the present time we are quite uncertain what is the ultimate cause of new growths; in all probability there may be one or more aetiological factors at play disturbing that perfect condition of equilibrium of normal tissues.
These changes are found in senile wasting, in metaplasia of cartilage, in many tumours, especially mixed growths of the parotid gland and testicle, and in various inflammatory granulation ulcers.
These cells are readily carried to distant parts and give rise to secondary growths.
The trees form their heads naturally, and therefore little pruning is required, it being merely necessary to cut off straggling growths, and to prevent the branches from interlacing.
AdvertisementThe zoarium may rise up into erect growths composed of a single layer of zooids, the orifices of which are all on one surface, or of two layers of zooids placed back to back, with the orifices on both sides of the fronds or plates.
The relatively rigid nature of the plant cell-wall, and the attenuated inorganic food-supply of plants, make possible and necessary a form of growth in which the greatest surface is exposed to the exterior, and thus the plant body is composed of flattened laminae and elongated branching growths.
The pine and hardwood areas occur chiefly in the north-eastern part of the state, and are bordered on the west by scattering growths of hardwood, extending as far westward as Austin.
Outside of these general areas, forest products are of relatively little value, the exceptions being the dense growths, in certain restricted areas, of live-oak, which is in demand for ship timbers; and scattering patches of hickory, which is requisite for certain manufactures.
West of the dividing crest they are forest clad; east thereof their stony grimness is but slightly softened by growths of scrub and tussock grass.
Among the commoner of the galls of the Cynipidae are the " oak-apple " or " oak-sponge " of Andricus terminalis, Fab.; the " currant " or " berry galls " of Spathegaster baccarum, L., above mentioned; and the " oak-spangles " of Neuroterus lenticularis, 9 Oliv., generally reputed to be fungoid growths, until the discovery of their true nature by Frederick Smith, 10 and the succulent " cherry-galls " of Dryophanta scutellaris, Oliv.
Mite-galls, or acarocecidia, are abnormal growths of the leaves of plants, produced by microscopic Acaridea of the genus Phytoptus (gall-mites), and consist of little tufts of hairs, or of thickened portions of the leaves, usually most hypertrophied on the upper surface, so that the lower is drawn up into the interior, producing a bursiform cavity.
A great variety of deformations and growths produced by insects and mites as well as by fungi have been described.
In giving greater prominence to events of religious importance and to their bearing upon the spiritual needs of contemporaries they view and interpret the past in a particular light, and will see in the past those growths which only in their own time have become mature.
This should be done about March, cutting out some of the old wood, and shortening back some of the younger growths of the preceding year.
The problem for the agriculturist here is not irrigation, but drainage and keeping down spontaneous growths.
Like all organic growths, whether of nature or of the fancy, they are not the immediate product of one country or of one time; they have a pedigree, and the question of their ancestry and affiliation is one of wide bearing.
The dwindlings and growths of Nevada down to the present day, and to not a slight degree the general history of the settlement of the states of the Rocky Mountain region, arc a commentary on the fate of mining industries.
The two sections started out with population growths in the decade1790-1800very nearly equal (36.5 and 33.7%); but in every succeeding decade before the Civil War the growth of the North was greater, and that of the South less, than its increment in the initial decade.
The forests are extensive and fine, and are now superintended by government officials, called 8avod, XaKEs, in spite or with the connivance of whom the timber is being rapidly destroyed - partly from the merciless way in which it is cut by the proprietors, partly from its being burnt by the shepherds, for the sake of the rich grass that springs up after such conflagrations, and partly owing to the goats, whose bite kills all the young growths.
This investment, which occurs also in many Filibranchia, forms the pericardial glands, comparable to the pericardial accessory glandular growths of Cephalopoda.
The gardener aims usually at producing stout, robust, short-jointed stems, instead of long lanky growths defective in woody tissue.
In other cases, where the buds themselves contain a sufficiency of nutritive matter for the young growths, the retention of leaves is not necessary.
Pruning, or the removal of superfluous growths, is practised in order to equalize the development of the different parts of trees, or to promote it in particular directions so as to secure a certain form, and, by checking undue luxuriance, to promote enhanced fertility.
It is also important to select leafy growths, and not such as will at'once run up to flower.
In forming a pyramidal tree, the lateral growths, instead of being removed, as in the standard tree, are encouraged to the utmost; and in order to strengthen them the upper part of the leading shoot is removed annually, the side branches being also shortened somewhat as the tree advances in size.
Sometimes in very favourable soils and with vigorous trees two pairs of branches may be obtained in one season by summerstopping the erect shoots and selecting others from the young growths thus induced, but more commonly the trees have to be built up by forming one pair of branches annually.
The conditions under which the beds of coal were formed will be found described under that head; it will be sufficient to notice here that some coal seams were undoubtedl y formed by jungle or swamplike growths on the site of the deposit, and it is equally true that others were formed by the transport and deposition of vegetable detritus.
After flowering the plant dies down, but increases by new lateral growths from the rootstock.
In Ceylon, and to some extent in India, the careful and systematic application of chemical manures, compounded on scientific lines, has been found to increase largely the yield of leaf, and much interplanting of nitrogen-producing growths has been done with a view to restoring to the soil the most necessary constituents.
There has been constant controversy as to whether China tea is better than that of other growths, but the verdict first of all of Great Britain, and subsequently of all the other large consuming countries, has relegated the produce of the Celestial Empire to a very subordinate position.
Considering, however, that it is generally believed that Bryophyta and vascular plants are descended from an algal ancestry, it is natural to suppose that, prior to the luxuriant vegetable growths of the Carboniferous period, there must have existed an age of algae.
The colour of the wood of the different growths of northern pine varies considerably, the generu1 characteristics being a light reddish yellow colour.
The walnut and edible pine-nut are both wild growths, which are exported.
The yellow pine, the white oak and the cypress are the most valuable growths.
White fir is found above the foot hill zone, and heavy growths of cottonwood along the streams in the Bighorn region.
But by isolating Reason from all other growths, by representing it as the motor-energy of the Cosmos, in popularizing a term which suggested personality and will, Anaxagoras gave an impetus to ideas which were the basis of Aristotelian philosophy in Greece and in Europe at large.
After the mud had been mostly removed by flowing water, these eroded forms remained amid the new growths.
On fracture these spherical growths are found to be radiated in structure.
In this way, by making pure cultures derived from some of the finest French and German wines it has been possible to lend something of their character to the inferior growths of, for instance, California and Australia.
This practice is almost without exception resorted to with what are known as the " classed growths " and the superior " bourgeois " wines, whilst in seasons in which the wines are of good quality it is continued down to the lower grades.
This classification of the Medoc growths became necessary owing to the great variety of qualities produced and the distinct characteristic excellence of the individual vintages.
There are four main classes or crus (literally growths, but more correctly types or qualities), namely, the " grands crus classes " or " classed growths " and the bourgeois, artisan and peasant growths.
The " classed growths," which include all the most famous wines of the Medoc, are themselves subdivided into five sections or growths.
The quality of the Medoc red wines (and this applies also to some of the finer growths of the other Bordeaux districts) is radically different from that of wines similar in type grown in other parts of the world.
The prices of the wines also are subject to great fluctuation, but in fair years will vary, according to class and quality, from;IO to 30 per hogshead for the better growths.
The output of the classed growths varies considerably according to the vintage, but is on the average, owing to the great care exercised in the vineyards, greater than that of the lower-grade areas.
The production of the Sauternes vineyards is, as a rule, smaller than that of the chief red growths, and in consequence of this, and that the district is a relatively small one, the prices of the finer growths are often very high.
Champagne is not, as is the case, for instance, with the classified growths of the Gironde, the product of a single vineyard.
The vineyards producing the best wines are situated about half-way up the slopes, those at the top producing somewhat inferior, and those at the foot and in the plain ordinary growths.
There is no official classification of the Burgundy wines, but the following is a list comprising some of the finest growths in geographical order, from north to south, together with the localities in or near which they are situated.
The wines of these vineyards are sold every year by auction early in November, and the prices they make serve as standards for the valuation of the other growths.
The white port is grown in vineyards which are not quite so favoured as regards position as the red port growths.
In the Palatinate the most important growths are those of Forst, Deidesheim and Durkheim.
The best-known growths of the Moselle are those of Brauneberg, Bernkastel, Piesport and Zeltingen.
Among these may be cited the growths of Scharzhofberg, Geisberg and Bockstein.
Among the wines, however, which are well known may be mentioned the Franconian growths, amongst which the celebrated Stein wine, which is grown at the foot of the citadel of the town of Wurzburg, and in the grand duchy of Baden the celebrated growths of Affenthal (red) and Markgrafler.
Practically all the important wines of Germany are white, although there are a few red growths of some quality, for instance that of Assmannshausen in the Rheingau.
On the Moselle the Riessling and the Kleinberger are the chief growths.
The very great variations which are shown by the same growths of different vintages makes it impracticable in the case of the German white wines to give representative analyses of them.
In central Italy the best growths are those of Chianti, Pomino, Montalcino, Carmignano and Montepulciano.
The wines of Chianti, near Siena, are often described as being of the claret type, but actually they are somewhat similar to the growths of Beaujolais.
The character of the Hungarian wine is, however, much higher than that of the Austrian growths.
In California there are, in addition to the native growths, vines from almost every European wine-growing centre, and the produce of these goes by such names as.
One of the chief troubles met with was the formation of arborescent growths around the edges of the cathode, due to the greater current-density in this region; this, however, was also obviated by the use of screens.
The methods by which such results are to be obtained cannot, however, as yet be practised economically on a working scale; one great difficulty in applying them to the refining of metals is that the jets of liquid would be liable to carry with them articles of anode mud, and Swan has shown that the presence of solid particles in the electrolyte is one of the most fruitful causes of the well-known nodular growths on electrodeposited copper.
Beautiful varieties have been introduced under the varietal names, ampelopsifolium, atropurpureum, dissectum, &c. They are remarkable for the coppery purple tint that pervades the leaves and young growths of some of the varieties.
Among the nine hundred species of Solanum less than a dozen have this property of forming tubers, but similar growths are formed at the ends of the shoots of the common bramble, of Convolvulus sepium, of Helianthus tuberoses, the so-called Jerusalem artichoke, of Sagittaria, and other plants.
The entrances to the inner lagoons of the Limfjord are naturally blocked against the immigration of flatfish by dense growths of sea-grass (Zostera), although the outer lagoons are annually invaded by large numbers of small plaice from the North Sea.
It may be employed to destroy warts or small growths, to reduce exuberant granulations or it may be applied to bites.
The most distinguishing feature of the flora of this region is the predominance of arborescent growths; forests cover in fact 56% of the area, and are not only dense but laced together with climbing and twining plants.
Strong sulphuric acid is occasionally used as a caustic to venereal sores, warts and malignant growths.
Other mythoplastic growths succeeded, one of which must be noticed.
These curious appendages (Aphlebiae), at first regarded as parasitic growths, have been compared with the feathery outgrowths which occur on the rachis in the Cyatheaceous genus Hemitelia, and with the 'anomalous pinnules found in certain species of Gleichenia, at the points of bifurcation of the frond.
Cleaning the affected area with diluted bleach or sodium bicarbonate solution will aid the removal of these growths.
I was NEVER given any further information to my condition beyond the fact that I had bumpy " bone growths " .
Its vineyard of 42 acres is classed among the best and oldest of the top ranked growths (grands crus ).
Not being able to see clearly added to the danger from razor sharp growths or the teeth of moray eels.
These growths are often called tumors but are usually not malignant or cancer.
Also, bone spurs - small growths called osteophytes - may grow on the edges of the joint.
Bowel cancers can develop from small growths in the gut, called polyps.
Abnormal cells can form polyps (small growths) which may develop into cancer.
Medical science further owes to him the classification of new growths on a natural histological basis, the elucidation of leucaemia, glioma and lardaceous tumours, and detailed investigations into many diseases - tuberculosis, pyaemia, diphtheria, leprosy, typhus, &c. Among the books he published on pathological and medical subjects may be mentioned Vorlesungen fiber Pathologic, the first volume of which was the Cellular-pathologic (1858), and the remaining three Die Krankhaften Geschwiilste (1863-67); Handbuch der speziellen Pathologic and Therapie (3 vols., 1854-62), in collaboration with other German surgeons; Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur wissenschaftlichen Medizin (1856); Vier Reden fiber Leben and Kranksein (1862); Untersuchungen fiber die Entwicklung des Schlidelgrundes (1857); Lehre von den Trichinen (1865); Ueber den Hunger-typhus (1868); and Gesammelte Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der afentlichen Medizin and der Seuchenlehre (1879).
Others have hollow or funnel-shaped ends and are constricted at the middle like a dice cup. In some rocks small rod-like microlites are grouped together in a regular way to form growths which resemble fir branches, fern leaves, brushes or networks, in the same manner as minute needles of ice produce star-like snow crystals or the frost growths on a window pane.
Their structure is eminently that of degenerate forms. Many frequent growths of coralline Algae and hydroid polyps, upon the juices of which they feed, and in some cases a species of gall is produced in hydroids by the penetration of the larval Pantopod into the tissues of the polyp.
The general characteristic of the flora is the prevalence of herbaceous over forest growths; the high veld is covered by short sweet grasses of excellent quality for pasturage; grass is mingled with protea scrub in the middle veld; the banken veld has a richer flora, the valley levels are well wooded, scattered timber trees clothe their sides and the hills are covered with aloe, euphorbia, protea and other scrub growths.
All the hypotheses about the causation of new growths seek to explain the secret of this individuality or " autonomy," as they recognize that the mystery of the origin of the great majority of tumours would be solved if we could trace how or why the tissue elements in which they develop first took on this abnormal growth.
Many cancer-parasites have been described in cancerous growths, including bacteria, yeasts and protozoa, but the innumerable attempts made to demonstrate the causal infective organism have all completely failed.
The conditions favourable to the production of coal seem therefore to have been-forest growth in swampy ground about the mouths of rivers, and rapid oscillation of level, the coal produced during subsidence being covered up by the sediment brought down by the river forming beds of sand or clay, which, on re-elevation, formed the soil for fresh growths, the alternation being occasionally broken by the deposit of purely marine beds.
Nevertheless, in exceptional cases modified growths, termed " grafthybrids," have been obtained which have been attributed to the commingling of the characteristics of stock and scion (see Hybridism).
Pyramidal and bush trees out of doors are, of course, suffered to become somewhat larger, and sufficient wood must be allowed to grow to give them the form desired; but after the first year or two, when the framework is laid out, they are permitted to extend very slowly, and never to any great extent, while the young growths are continually nipped off, so as to clothe the branches with fruit buds as closely placed as will permit of their healthy development.
They serve to buoy up the plant when attached to the sea-bottom, and thus light is admitted into the forest-like growths of the gregarious species.
The result is to emphasize (a) the inveterate and indissoluble connexion between religious, social and political life, (b) the differences between the ordinary current religious conceptions and specific positive developments of them, and (c) the vicissitudes of these particular growths in their relation to history.'
These small mounds and their coral growths are particularly vulnerable to the heavy trawling gear used in deep water.
A strawberry hemangioma is just one type of hemangioma, since these growths can actually appear in a variety of colors.
The growths are actually the result of dividing blood vessel cells.
Usually, there is no pain involved with these growths.
These growths usually begin developing as small red dots commonly found on the upper torso or head and surrounded by a pale halo.
Inspect your dog's body for abnormal growths every time you shampoo him.
H. disticha is a well-known garden variety of this species, notable for the fan-like form of its growths.
The vigorous growths are terminated by corymbs of yellowish-white flowers, which in September give place to huge clusters of fruits, at first red and finally glossy black.
Some of the stools will have numerous growths starting from them, and unless the plants have a little heat early in the year, many of the cuttings cannot flower the same season.
The tops branch naturally, and all that need be done is to spread them out thinly, and to keep the growths secured to the walls or trellis.
The great enemy of the plant is the slug, which destroys the young growths.
Many of the growths thus treated will root by spring.
In habit it closely resembles C. plantaginea, forming a comparatively compact mass, increasing by short side growths; the leaves are intermediate, narrower than those of C. plantaginea, but not showing the distinct petiole of C. polyrrhiza.
Calceolaria Plantaginea - A low-growing plant spreading by means of short side growths; the leaves, formed in rosettes, are broadly ovate, with toothed margins and attain a considerable size in moist positions.
If uncovered too soon in spring, the young growths get nipped by late frosts.
Through June the strong Yucca-like growths bear bold spikes of orange-scarlet and primrose-yellow flowers, the upper portion of the inflorescence being red, the lower primrose.
You can wash it with whatever you like, and since it's completely non-porous, it will never harbor bacteria or other growths.
Most colon and rectal cancers arise from benign growths called polyps.
Other symptoms can include sores that do not heal, growths on the skin or below the skin, unusual bleeding, difficulty digesting food or swallowing, and changes in bowel or bladder function.
The doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum and rotates it slowly to feel for growths, tumors, or other abnormalities.
With skull involvement, growths can occur behind the eyes, bulging them forward.
Nasal polyps, or growths, affect about one in five people with CF.
These growths are not cancerous and do not require removal unless they become annoying.
Some individuals develop soft tissue masses (growths) under the skin.
Fatty growths within the kidneys (called angiolipomas) may grow so large that they cause pain and/or kidney failure.
Growths on the eyelid that are not red and painful are usually cysts and should be evaluated by a doctor.
Medication or surgery may also be necessary to control heavy menstrual flow or to remove polyps (growths or nodules) from the bowels.
Warts are small, benign growths caused by a viral infection of the skin or mucous membrane.
Plantar warts can be prevented by wearing shoes, changing shoes daily, keeping feet clean and dry, and not ignoring skin growths and changes in the skin.
Parents should also pay attention to growths and other changes in their child's skin.
This increase in skin tags is also associated with the development of growths, called polyps, within the large intestine that may eventually become cancerous.
Benign (non-cancerous) growths or tumors called hamartomas form in various parts of the body, disrupting their normal function.
Curette-Also spelled curet; a small loop or scoop-shaped surgical instrument with sharpened edges that can be used to remove tissue, growths, or debris.
They may be small and few or combine to form larger growths.
Vascular birthmarks are benign (noncancerous) skin growths comprised of rapidly growing or poorly formed blood vessels or lymph vessels.
Cutaneous angiolipomas-Benign growths consisting of fat cells and blood vessels just underneath the skin.
A healthcare provider should be contacted if a child exhibits symptoms of skeletal or growth abnormalities, such as abnormally short or tall height for age, frequent bone fractures, bony growths, or bone or joint pain.
Endometriosis stages help doctors identify the progression of the growths and lesions associated with the condition.
Growths in this stage are five points or fewer on the weighted point system.
Women with mild endometriosis may have several small lesions or adhesions and a few growths outside the uterus.
Growths may appear in the region between the uterine wall and the rectum (the cul-de-sac) in this stage.
The doctor identifies deep as well as superficial growths in this stage.
Growths may appear in the ovaries in this stage.
Endometrial growths are large and adhesions are extensive in this stage.
Mastectomy is the medical term for breast surgery, and it involves removing breast tissue where cancerous growths have been detected.
Skin tags are growths that feature peduncles, or stalks.
Still, many people do choose to have their growths removed.
Some cancers seem to prefer areas that get a lot of sun exposure, but even parts of the body that are usually covered can have cancerous growths.
Skin tags are small, soft growths that extend from the skin.
These growths are painless unless they become irritated by clothing rubbing against them.
Some people worry that using a certain cosmetic, lotion, or deodorant may have caused the growths.
However, it appears that the growths simply develop on their own.
With very few exceptions, there is no reason to not remove these unsightly growths in the comfort of your own bathroom.
Many different types of warts can plaque the skin and body, often causing embarrassing and unsightly growths.
There are three methods doctors use to remove these skin growths.