Grow-up Sentence Examples
It's a wonderful place to grow up.
You need to grow up.
It's time to grow up ladies, you aren't kids anymore.
When they grow up and marry, they are at a higher risk of divorce themselves.
The flowers grow up to 20cm in diameter with pink blooms in alkaline soils and blue blooms in acidic soils.
He was very proud to think of this, and he wished that he might grow up to be like them.
Your baby will surely grow up to enjoy looking at this early time in his life, where everything was filled with wondrous firsts.
They all grow up.
After all, teens always have the right to grow up!
She wanted you to grow up happy, healthy and successful.
AdvertisementMost children with marked temper tantrums will not grow up to be violent criminals.
Feral kittens grow up as if they are wild animals and become completely unapproachable.
And Alfred did grow up to become the wisest and noblest king that England ever had.
There are a few who remember his little patch among the walnuts, which he let grow up till he should be old and need them; but a younger and whiter speculator got them at last.
Appearance-Don't forget that eventually your baby will grow up.
AdvertisementEssentially, peer pressure can help a teen grow up.
Some babies are content to discover the world more slowly, while others seem in a rush to grow up.
Many children simply grow up in foster care and continue to look forward to the day when their situation changes to one of permanency.
If you're looking for a quick-growing flowering tree, consider the Empress tree, which can grow up to 10 feet a year and has lovely lavender flowers in the spring.
Kids grow up amazingly fast, so it's important to preserve precious memories of your child's early years.
AdvertisementAs we grow up and change, so do our relationships.
Hi Chelsea, Busy schedules happen, especially as you grow up.
Creating an awesome room gets you proactive on things you'll likely need to do when you grow up.
Within one year, our merino sheep can grow up to 30 pounds of organic wool.
Your firstborn child might be a laid-back musician, and your lastborn might grow up to be a CEO.
AdvertisementThat's okay; college lets you take four more years to grow up.
Some baby girls will grow up to be natural dancers and ballerinas, and you can create a gift basket that encourages this particular type of art form.
Puppies are adorable but they grow up quickly, chew your best shoes, and dig through the flower beds.
Be warned, however, that some places classify trees that grow up to 30 feet as "small," so check the label or the tree or ask the garden shop workers how tall a tree will get before you plant it in a place you don't want a large tree.
When naming a kitten, first be aware that your kitten is going to grow up.
Although not prevalent in the United States, lungworms may be the cause if a cat has ongoing respiratory problems.These worms can grow up to 10 millimeters long, and they look like hairs.
This ignorance and innocence is part of childhood and helps children start life with a clean slate so that experiences can shape the adults they grow up to be.
For teenagers who are looking for independence and a sense of being grow-up, a pull out couch can make the bedroom seem more like a living space.
The blooms last all summer and it can grow up to eight feet tall.
The shrubs often form clumps of thickets and can grow up to seven feet tall.
The tree can grow up to 50 feet tall and produces flower clusters on the ends of its open branches.
This book takes a hard look at some of the harsh realties facing today's youth, namely what it means to grow up with a psychotic parent.
No two children are exposed to all the same things at all the same times and all kids grow up at their own pace.
Many teens grow up too quickly, but after a couple years of tumultuous behavior, you might start to seem them relax and become closer to family again.
This kit contains two tray levels which allow you to grow up to two different types of sprouts at the same time.
Even if you didn't grow up somewhere with a tradition of having a groom's cake, it's a fun way to bring a little of your groom's personality into the big day (and another sweet is always a good thing).
I did not grow up in a religious household and honestly I do not know if I believed in God or not.
Not only did I want to sleep at night, but it was time to grow up and be responsible.
Once his son was born, he realized he didn't want him to grow up without parents around the way he did.
After the divorce, mom moved both boys to a more humble neighborhood in Cambridge so that they would grow up further away from the high society lifestyle.
During the interview, Hilton said, "I've definitely matured and grown a lot from this experience… I have to just grow up and to be a more responsible -- a role model."
What's important is the act of kindness that these three men, with families of their own to support, have done for this child that will grow up without her dad around.
When you live in a two million dollar home, isn't it about time to grow up?
Mark Paul Gosselaar - Who knew Zack Morris would grow up to make People's top contenders for sexiest men?
It's tough to grow up in socialite circles, at least when you have to miss the most talked-about wedding of the year.
While some of these kids fall into a variety of scandals, others grow up to lead surprisingly normal lives.
Television audiences fell in love with the actress and enjoyed seeing her grow up over the years.
She wants her son Manny to grow up remembering where he's from, no matter how crazy some of her ideas seem.
When a baby is born, you never know what they might grow up to be.
Few parents think about how their child's name will look on a marquee, so not many kids grow up with names as celebrity-ready as Paris Hilton.
Pitbull puppies grow up to be Pitbull dogs, and like many breeds bred for performance, their appearance will vary.
Children benefit from dog ownership as well; they have a lower rate of asthma and allergies if they grow up with a dog.
If you can provide the right home environment and you have time each day to dedicate to the care and play of an energetic and affectionate pet, a Lab pup may. grow up to be your perfect companion.
Italian lakes, for example, grow up to the tops of high Fir and Pine trees.
They grow up to six inches in length but only half an inch or less wide.
Unlike melons, grape vines need to grow up and over a support, such as a wire or trellis, to allow the fruit to hang free to ripen and pick.Grapes also need very well drained, deep soil.
It is semi-evergreen and can be pruned as a hedge or left to grow up to 8 feet as a screen.
In the suburban garden where space is at a premium, you can grow pumpkins along a fence such as a chain link fence so that the vines grow up and onto the fence for support rather than along the ground.
To prevent the vine from taking over your garden, consider training it to grow up a trellis, mailbox or fence.
We need to make big changes that can preserve the earth in a positive manner so that the babies now can grow up in a healthier world.
Besides being a beautiful place, seeing all that food grown in one place, picking your own, meeting other nice families and knowing your farmers; it is such an excellent place for children to grow up in.
It's almost impossible to grow up in the Western world and not know the basic story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Children who learn how to stay safe while enjoying the sun at a young age are more likely to carry these good habit forward as they grow up.
Before you can get hurt though, a hero named Maze shows up and whisks you away to the Heroes' Guild, where you could grow up to be a mighty hero.
Never again are your Sims forced to live forever with children who never grow up and move out of the house!
Teenagers want to have their first kiss and sneak out of the house before they have to grow up into adults and choose their life's aspiration.
It's a natural part of life to grow up and want to distance yourself from your parents, your crib, your favorite He-Man blanket.
If an underlying congenital cardiovascular defect is diagnosed, there are many treatment options that allow children to be fully active and grow up to be healthy adults.
Children with Williams syndrome usually grow up physically healthy as long as they receive treatment for any problems, especially cardiac problems, that arise.
Only children grow up relating to adults in the family but have trouble relating to peers.
It is considered to be an important influence in shaping the personalities of children who grow up in middle-class Western societies but less relevant in traditional African and Asian cultures.
Both male and female transsexuals believe and repeatedly insist that they actually are, or will grow up to be, members of the opposite sex.
Children who grow up on farms are at significant risk for injury by animals.
Most children with congenital cardiovascular defects grow up to be healthy adults.
From 10 percent to perhaps as many as 40 percent of abusive parents were themselves physically abused as children, but most abused children do not grow up to be abusive parents.
These children may grow up content to keep a lisp, feeling that it is a specific part of what makes them who they are, just as some people keep a gap between their front teeth and see it as distinct characteristic.
Sometimes, these same families suddenly decide that lisping is no longer cute and want their children to drop their lisps and grow up.
Just because a child has stolen does not mean he or she is going to grow up to live a life of crime.
You may realize that the restricted growth of a bonsai plant is desirable since if left unchecked, the pachira aquatic plant can grow up to 50 feet in height.
Just try to relax and resist the urge to pressure him/her to grow up faster.
Since lastborn children love the limelight, it should come as no surprise that many grow up to become athletes, actors, or musicians.
We don't all grow up to look like Victoria's Secret models, so it's good to know we can use bathing suit pieces to disguise our flaws and give us a more balanced shape.
Virtually all female child stars who grow up to be attractive are the object of much attention, sometimes even more so than an actress who came on the scene as an adult.
So it is with Emma Watson, who fans have watched grow up playing the intelligent, tough, resourceful witch Hermione Granger in the immensely popular Harry Potter films.
Does society expect children to grow up to fast?
Depending on the culture, some men grow up wearing sarongs all the time.
For parents, making Christmas craft projects with your children can become a longtime tradition that they'll fondly remember when they grow up and have their own kids.
The same holds true when girls and boys grow up.
Interpersonal - The natural leaders and "popular" kids know how to negotiate, see other people's point of view, and often grow up to be counselors and medical professionals.
Anyone who has followed the career of The Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson knows that the original version of King Kong is the movie that made him want to grow up to make movies.
It was something they had done all their lives, sleepovers that two best friends would do together as they whisper important secrets, laugh, and eventually grow up together.
Many people across the country grow up working on cars.
Create a bulletin board where students share what they want to be when they grow up.
Parents always say their children grow up too fast.
The Grow-Up Plan is a whole life insurance plan that covers small children between the ages of 14 days and 12 years old.
Exactly how true that was then or is now is a matter constantly debated, but with more and more tweens eager to grow up quickly demanding them, training bras are something parents feel trapped into buying.
Fortunately, attitudes have started to grow up and designers are getting to work.
Most of us did not grow up learning tips about wearing and buying open girdles, so these should come in handy with your first purchase.
The innocence of childhood - the insatiable love of fantasy and the wonder of life, is similarly juxtaposed with the reality that all too soon the child will grow up and know the truth of life.
R.City is just one example of songwriters who have written material for the group - they are behind the Pussycat Doll's 2008 hit When I Grow Up.
In Dear Mama, he talks about the struggles of his youth, the struggles he had with his mother, and his growing understanding of the situation she faced trying to help him grow up strong in poverty.
The kids are cute and fun to watch and if you've been following the show from the beginning, you might feel like you've been watching them grow up.
In between, viewers get a taste of what happens when average high school students are forced to grow up at lightening speed.
Adding to the drama is the rocky relationship Josh has with his own parents and the boy's lack of desire to grow up.
According to Suleman, the show will be more of a documentary to record the lives of her children as they grow up.
What would it be like to grow up one of a series of 'sisters' all identical except for age?
Watching Harry, Ron, Hermione and their friends literally grow up before the eyes is a huge part of why this franchise is so popular.
Along the way, they are forced to stop at the desert world Tatooine, where they meet the young Anakin Skywalker, whom we already know is going to grow up to be Darth Vader and father of Luke Skywalker.
Cities grow up originally around first, waterways and later, major highways.
In it, mutineers take over a generation ship, and knowledge that the ship is, in fact, a ship, is lost to succeeding generations, as inhabitants grow up thinking that their one ship is the entire universe.
Used football uniforms can be a lifesaver as your kids grow up -- paying for brand new equipment every time a young man grows out of his pads would break anyone's bank.
Some day Michael would grow up and realize there was something more in life than conquest.
I didn't grow up around here like you, and I don't intend to spend the rest of my life working at the diner.
It was time to grow up and consider the needs of the baby.
Not when you grow up with it.
I don't want the one I have to grow up like this!
Her daughter would grow up loved, not tolerated, in a world wide open with possibilities.
It seems like so many children grow up so quickly now.
He wasn't going to let his child grow up with all that pressure.
Again in 1820 Aurore exchanged the restraint of a convent for freedom, being recalled to Nohant by Mme de Francueil, who had no intention of letting her granddaughter grow up a devote.
Adoption was very common, especially where the father (or mother) was childless or had seen all his children grow up and marry away.
In " Some Causes of Belief," he tries, standing outside the psychological process, to show how beliefs grow up under every kind of influence except that of genuine evidence.
He had seen the young prince grow up in the palace of the Via Larga, and had helped in the development of his rare intellect.
About1780-1781a permanent settlement began to grow up around the post.
The newcomers married in the country, and died there, leaving their families to grow up Americans.
On the Grampians and neighbouring hills the larch will flourish at a greater elevation than the pine, and will grow up to an altitude of 1700 or even 1800 ft.; but it attains its full size on lower slopes.
It seems likely enough therefore that there should grow up bodies of knights banded together by engagements of fidelity, although free from monastic obligations; wearing a uniform or livery, and naming themselves after some special symbol or some patron saint of their adoption.
In Cystopteris the buds are deciduous, falling off as the fronds acquire maturity, but, if collected and pressed into the surface of a pot of soil and kept close, they will grow up into young plants the following season.
To form a standard tree, either the stock is allowed to grow up with a straight stem, by cutting away all side branches up to the height required, say about 6 ft., the scion or bud being worked at that point, and the head developed therefrom; or the stock is worked close to the ground, and the young shoot obtained therefrom is allowed to grow up in the same way, being pruned in its progress to keep it single and straight, and the top being cut off when the desired height is reached, so as to cause the growth of lateral shoots.
So unpurposed does cult grow up that it combines many elements of diverse origin, and is seldom precisely and wholly in accordance with the creed.
These treaty states, as they were called, were intended to serve Treat States double purpose; they would be a barrier protecting the colony from the inroads of hostile tribes, and they would enable native civilized nations to grow up (under the tutelage of the missionaries) strong enough to protect themselves from the encroachments of the whites.
The growth of those later ideas which tended again to favour the hereditary doctrine had not time to grow up in Spain before the Mahommedan conquest (711).
But the schools of colonial New Jersey, especially the private schools, were usually taught by incompetent masters, and many children were permitted to grow up without any schooling whatever.
Both are blessed by the clergy, whose petition now is that God " may preserve this child and cause him to grow up by the unseen grace of His power and made him worthy in due season of the washing of baptism."
The facilities given for shipping wool direct to England from this port have caused a very extensive wool-broking trade to grow up in the town.
The cotyledon and stem grow up vertically through the prothallus, the root turning downwards into the soil.
But his practical father took care that he should grow up a prince, not a pedant.
The path of a White God was not an easy one, and he felt for the child who would grow up with war, pain, and a destiny filled with both.
As a result, both kittens and cats grow up used to being handled, properly house trained and healthy.
It's no wonder that the kids grow up abusive, stroppy, slow learners, and disrespectful of authority!
The hearing children of deaf parents often grow up bilingual too, learning a sign language at home.
He did not so much learn botany as grow up in it.
Nearby, between reeds and bog bean, was growing the marsh horsetail Equisetum palustre that can grow up to 60 cm tall.
General characteristics These beautiful, emerald green lizards can grow up to 2m in length, two thirds of this can be their tail.
In soils containing little phosphorus, plants with mycorrhizae have been shown to grow up to 20 times faster than those without.
His father hoped that Daniel would grow up to be a wise and famous man.
Your children actually might grow up feeling privileged, better, and even a bit snooty.
And for the first time Sonya felt that out of her pure, quiet love for Nicholas a passionate feeling was beginning to grow up which was stronger than principle, virtue, or religion.
In the rarefied world of self esteem, young people can grow up thinking that they are much more competent than they actually are.
As a result both Kittens and cats grow up used to being handled, properly house trained and of course healthy.
Today's formulas are fortified with all of the essential nutrients your little one needs to grow up strong and healthy.
Many different cultures will use the middle name as a chance to give their child a choice in what name they will want to go by when they grow up.
Always be consistent with your expectations, and your kitten will grow up to be a well-behaved and civilized housepet.
The leaves of the Arctium plant are dark green and can grow up to two feet long.
Study what to do to become a fashion design when you grow up.
It's a great thing to do as you grow up together and watch all the big changes in your lives unfold.
At some point, high school ends and everyone starts to grow up.
The best herding dogs grow up in an environment surrounded by stock and are comfortable with these animals.
This could allow plants to grow up the sides, giving your deck a very lush appearance.