Groves Sentence Examples
There were groves of trees near the shore, and high hills beyond them.
Scattered olive groves surround the place.
The mountains are covered with one of the noblest redwood forests of the state - the only one south of San Francisco; two groves, the Sempervirens Park (4000 acres) and the Fremont Grove of Big Trees, 5 m.
There are many fine groves on the Mississippi below New Orleans.
Inland the Malays live by M o e, o preference on the banks of rivers, building houses on piles some feet from the ground, and planting groves of coco-nut, betel-nut, sugar-palm and fruit-trees around their dwellings.
Below these were the nature-spirits of hills and groves, whose shrines were built by the roadside.
The till plains, although sweeping in broad swells of slowly changing altitude, are often level to the eye, and the view across them stretches to the horizon, unless interrupted by groves of trees along the watercourses, or by belts of low morainic hills.
The western slope of the Sierra Nevada hears fine forests similar to those of the Cascade Range and of the Coast Range, but of more open growth, and with the redwood exchanged for groves of big trees (Sequoia gigantea) of which the tallest examples reach 325 ft.
Particular sites, rivers, springs, hills, meadows, caves, rocks, trees or groves, are holy and from time immemorial have been so, as the natural homes or haunts of gods or spirits.
Notices of sacred trees and groves, springs, stones, &c., are much more frequent than those referring to the gods.
AdvertisementBut, on the whole, there is perhaps no characteristic of Teutonic religion, both in early and later times, more prominent than the sanctity attached to certain trees and groves, though it is true that in such cases there is often a doubt as to whether the tree itself was worshipped or whether it was regarded as the abode of a god or spirit.
The northern portion of Tibet is an arid and wind-swept desert; but in the southern portion the valleys of Lhasa, Shigatse, Gyantse and the Brahmaputra are covered with good soil and groves of trees, well irrigated, and richly cultivated.
The lime appears in groves only in the east (Memel, Pripet, Lublin).
Pecan nuts are a promising crop, and many groves were planted after 1905.
Ranking during the early centuries of its existence as one of the greatest cities of Islam, Marrakesh has long been in a state of grievous decay, but it is rendered attractive by the exceptional beauty of its situation, the luxuriant groves and gardens by which it is encompassed and interspersed, and the magnificent outlook which it enjoys towards the mountains.
AdvertisementNorth of the Saskatchewan river groves or " bluffs " of trees begin, and somewhat farther north the plains are generally wooded, because of the slightly more humid climate.
After preparing a small volume of miscellanies, which was published by subscription, he studied dentistry with Anthony Norris Groves in Exeter.
There he remained for eighteen months, but shortly after his return to England he accompanied Groves and other friends on a private missionary enterprise to Bagdad, where he obtained personal knowledge of Oriental life and habits which he afterwards applied with tact and skill in the illustration of biblical scenes and incidents.
Pop. (1905), 6500, of whom about four-fifths are Christian Albanians or Greeks, and onefifth Moslems. The town is surrounded by dense olive groves, and most of its houses stand in their own gardens.
In the vicinity Sea Island cotton, rice, potatoes and other vegetables are raised - the truck industry having become very important; and there are groves of yellow pine and cypress.
AdvertisementThe rich oasis of Tyin contains many villages embosomed in palm groves and surrounded with orchards and fields.
The orange groves are often uncultivated, but yield abundantly; 10,700,000 dozens of oranges were exported in 1908.
Of the luxuriant gardens and olive groves mentioned in the early Arabic accounts of the place hardly a remnant is left.
However, the orange groves on Sao Miguel were hit by blight in 1860.
It was all laid out into lovely lawns and gardens, with pebble paths leading through them and groves of beautiful and stately trees dotting the landscape here and there.
AdvertisementBelow the Shatt-el-Hai the country on both sides of the river is practically a swamp, except where the palm groves have formed land.
Here palm trees, which had begun to appear singly at Deir, grow in large groves, the olive disappears entirely, and we have definitely passed over from the Syrian to the Babylonian, flora and climate.
From Korna to Basra the banks of the river are well cultivated and the date groves almost continuous; indeed this is the greatest date-producing region of the world.
Though still half oriental, and wholly beautiful, with its Turkish bazaar, its hundred mosques, wooden houses and cypress groves, it was largely rebuilt, after 1878, in western fashion.
The principal wealth of the island is derived from its olive groves; notwithstanding the destruction of many thousands of trees during each successive insurrection, the production is apparently undiminished, and will probably increase very considerably owing to the planting of young trees and the improved methods of cultivation which the Government is endeavouring to promote.
The orange and lemon groves have also suffered considerably, but new varieties of the orange tree are now being introduced, and an impulse will be given to the export trade in this fruit by the removal of the restriction on its importation into Greece.
The delta of the Cauvery occupies the flat northern part, which is highly cultivated, dotted over with groves of coconut trees, and is one of the most densely populated tracts in India.
Groves of oak were their chosen retreat.
The Attic plain, notwithstanding the lightness of the soil, furnished an adequate supply of cereals; olive and fig groves and vineyards were cultivated from the earliest times in the valley of the Cephisus, and pasturage for sheep and goats was abundant.
Taraba, according to John Lewis Burckhardt, is a considerable town, surrounded by palm groves and gardens, and watered by numerous rivulets, and famous for its long resistance to Mehemet Ali's forces in 1815.
One is an inscription in the rocky valley of Hammamat, through which the desert road from the Red Sea to the valley of Egypt opens on the green fields and palm groves of the river Nile near Coptos..
Hanifa is its principal watercourse; its course is marked by an almost continuous series of palm groves and settlements, among which Deraiya the former, and Riad the present, capital of the Ibn Saud kingdom are the most extensive.
Lebanon, chiefly on the western slopes, not forming a continuous forest, but in groves, some of which contain several thousands of trees.
The chief shrine was shown, as were also the gate and the long flight of stone steps leading up to it, several other buildings, the groves of cryptomeria that surround the mausolea, and the festival procession.
On the north and east the town is half encircled by the beautiful woods and groves of the Eilenriede and the List which form the public park.
Richard Millikin's song, "The Groves of Blarney" (c. 1798), contributed to the fame of the castle, which is also bound up with the civil history of the county and the War of the Great Rebellion.
Even in ancient times it was famous for its groves of bay-trees (laurus) from which its name was perhaps derived, and which in imperial times gave the villas of its territory a name for salubrity, so that both Vitellius and Commodus resorted there.
The natural song of the canary is loud and clear; and in their native groves the males, especially during the pairing season, pour forth their song with such ardour as sometimes to burst the delicate vessels of the throat.
A good deal of sugar is also produced from groves of the taxi palm.
The palace of the former dukes of Nassau occupies a fine position on the river bank, and the shady gardens and groves attract large numbers of visitors during the summer.
Not less remarkable was the palace of Tezcuco, surrounded with its groves and pleasure-gardens; and, though now hardly anything remains of the buildings above ground, the neighbouring hill of Tezcotzinco still has its stone steps and terraces; and the immense embankment carrying the aqueduct-channel of hewn stone which supplied water to basins cut in the solid rock still remains to prove that the chroniclers' descriptions, if highly coloured, were at any rate genuine.
Till the 18th century the gigantic figures of Axayacatl and his son Montezuma were to be seen carved in the porphyry hill of Chapultepec, but these as well as the hanging gardens have been destroyed, and only the groves of ahuehuete (cypress) remain of the ancient beauties of the place.
There are numerous vineyards and olive groves in the vicinity.
Snow blows through the olive groves, sifting against the tree roots.
A mountainside forest setting includes dense bamboo groves which support numerous bird species.
A refuge from cruel treatment was afforded by the temples and altars of the gods and by the sacred groves.
In 1846, 300 vessels and 2000 houses were destroyed at Havana; in 1896 the banana groves of the N.E.
Their lodges are called "Groves."
Nowhere in California is plant life more varied and beautiful; in the vicinity are walnut, olive, lemon and orange groves.
The town commands a magnificent view of the Brecknock Beacons, and is noted for its promenades on the banks of the Usk, and in the priory groves.
It is a picturesque town with a large bazaar and many mosques, gardens and olive groves.
Large extents of land along the coasts are therefore exclusively cultivated as vineyards, or as olive, orange, and lemon groves.
Vineyards give an annual gross return of between £II and £13 per acre, and orange and lemon groves between £32 and £48 per acre.
The Delta is a level plain, richly cultivated, and varied alone by the lofty dark-brown mounds of ancient cities, and the villages set in groves of palm-trees, standing on mounds often, if not always, ancient.
Groves of palm-trees are occasionally seen besides those around the villages, but other trees are rare., In Upper Egypt the Nile valley is very narrow and is bounded by mountains of no great height.
This is especially the case where there is also shade to protect them from the midday sun, as in some of the narrow ravines in the eastern desert and in the palm groves of the oases, where various ferns and flowers grow luxuriantly round the springs.
The acacia abounded on the borders of the valley, but the groves were gradually cut down for the use of the carpenter and the charcoal-burner.
Near the hills and along the streams are strips and patches of jungle; the villages are usually surrounded with picturesque groves of tamarind, mango and other shadegiving trees.
It is surrounded with green-clad hills and luxuriant orange groves.
The oasis contains many groves of date palms, there being over 60,000 adult trees in 1907.
Kharga town (pop. 1907 census, 5362) is picturesquely situated amid palm groves.
The villages lie thickly scattered, consisting of low thatched cottages, and surrounded by patches of garden land, or groves of banyan, pipal and pakar trees.
A certain amount of upland rice is also cultivated, and cotton, sugar-cane and garden produce make up the rest; recently large orange groves have been planted in the west of the state.
There are points in Southern California where one may actually look from sea to desert and from snow to orange groves.
Unlike the redwood the big tree occurs in scattered groves (ten in all) among other species.
The noblest groves are near Visalia, and are held as a national park.
Oaks are abundant; they are especially characteristic of the Great Valley, where they grow in magnificent groves.
On the college campus are beautiful groves containing several hundred varieties of trees, and in a central position stands a campanile with excellent chimes.
The soil is fertile and highly cultivated, groves of noble trees abound, and the villages have a neat, prosperous look.
Gigantic reeds and grasses occupy the low lands near the banks of the great river; expanses of fertile rice-land come next; a little higher up, dotted with villages encircled by groves of bamboos and fruit trees of great size and beauty, the dark forests succeed, covering the interior table-land and mountains.
The city, laid out on a plan drawn up by Lord Kitchener in 1898, has a picturesque aspect with its numerous handsome stone and brick buildings surrounded by gardens and its groves of palms and other trees.
The soil is thin and porous and does not retain moisture, consequently the long, dry season turns the country into a barren desert, relieved only by vegetation along the river courses and mountain ranges, and by the hardy, widelydistributed carnahuba palm (Copernicia cerifera),which in places forms groves of considerable extent.
The bey has a palace here, and the French resident-general, the British consul, other officials, and many Tunisians have country-houses, surrounded by groves of olive trees.
This deflection of water has also seriously interfered with the palm groves, the cultivation of which constitutes a large part of the industry of the surrounding country along the river.
In places the giant cactus grows in groves, attaining a height of 40 and even 50 ft.
Numerous villa residences have been erected and 'promenades and groves laid out.
The town is beautifully situated amid gardens, orange groves and vineyards.
Uruguayana is prettily situated on a low hill rising gently from the riverside and its low houses are surrounded by orange groves.
In the neighbourhood are extensive groves of date palms, and there is an ample supply of good water.
Sargent, in his Forest Flora of Japan, says, "Japan owes much of the beauty of its groves and gardens to the Cryptomeria.
Scattered through the islands are some fifty villages, each possessing its own date groves and cultivation, forming features in the landscape of great fertility and beauty.
Towards the south and south-east a fertile plain, once famous for its orange groves, but now mainly covered by vineyards and farms, stretches to the sea, while to the southwest, across a narrow valley, rises a cluster of low hills, on which is the suburb of Costebelle.
These villages, built in oases dotted over the desert, nestle in groves of datepalms and fruit trees and waving fields of barley.
The lower slopes are, wherever possible, planted with vineyards, orchards and chestnut and almond groves.
The town has large groves of coco-nut trees, and its principal industries are the cultivation of Indian corn and maguey and fishing.
The villages, which are always walled round by groves of bamboos and betel-nut palms, have often a very striking appearance; and Backergunje has many beauties of detail which strike a traveller in passing through the country.
Valleys and groves are under his protection, unless the epithets Napaeus and Hylates belong to a more primitive aspect of the god as supporting himself by the chase, and roaming the glades and forests in pursuit of prey.
Extensive groves of the coco-nut palm are to be found on the Caribbean coast, the fruit and fibre of which figure among the national exports.
Confirmation of this may be found in Cicero's description (Pro Milone, 85) of the destruction of the shrines and sacred groves of Alba by the construction of Clodius's villa, in the local application of the adjective Albanus, and in the position of Castel Gandolfo itself, which exactly suits Livy's description.
At a few hundred yards' distance it is invisible, hidden among dense olive groves.
It is planted with orange and lemon groves, the products of which are largely exported, and with many palm-trees, the fruit of which, however, does not attain maturity.
The mountains north of the Buttauf are rugged and covered with scrub, except near the villages, where fine olive groves exist.
The gods entered and spoke through their priests, who thus pronounced on the issue of every enterprise, but they were not represented by idols; certain groves and trees were held sacred, and stones which suggest phallic associations.
It is the capital of the Bam-Narmashir district and has extensive groves of date-palms and gardens.
In the countries bordering the Mediterranean are groves of oranges and olive trees, evergreen oaks, cork trees and pines, intermixed with cypresses, myrtles, arbutus and fragrant tree-heaths.
The orange groves contain over 50,000 trees, and in April the air for miles round is laden with the scent of the orange blossoms. In the public gardens is a group of magnificent olive trees.
The products of the neighbouring cork trees and cedar groves are a source of revenue to the town.
The cork oaks of the southern provinces and of Catalonia are of immense value, but the groves have suffered greatly from the reckless way in which the produce is collected.
They are picturesque, with thick groves of date palms at intervals, and are filled with crops and orchards.
The home of the nymphs is on mountains and in groves, by springs and rivers, in valleys and cool grottoes.
There are very fine orange groves a few miles south of the town at Kantu-awn, called Kadugate by the Burmese.
In the Lowland Basin small groves of what was once an extensive forest of red cedar remain.
For various reasons I've just spent a while researching the history of the famous folk ballad Matty Groves.
The accommodation consists of individual thatched bungalows situated in coconut groves leading down to the beach.
The area is renowned for its fruit growing, particularly citrus fruits and has many orchards, olive groves and vineyards.
Fresh water clams were making groves in the mud.
Langford grabbed a late consolation in the 90th minute, courtesy of a fine Robert Groves volley.
Siena is located in the heart of the olive groves and vineyards of the Chianti countryside.
Which despite being on the top of the mountain is still surrounded by huge groves of bamboo.
The last leg takes you through almond groves to your last base.
A holiday in Kassiopi has the magnificent backdrop of Mount Pantokrator and hills covered with olive groves, vines and citrus plantations.
The large extended poolside is surrounded by lush tropical landscaping with palms and expansive lawns leading down to Bass Lake and orange groves nearby.
Valencia Just inland from Spain's most busy seaport are the fruit groves of Valencia.
Today Memphis is a smallish enclosed park, littered with broken statuary, amid groves of dusty, spiky palm trees.
That the numerous Germanic tribes practiced human sacrifice in sacred groves is beyond doubt.
Perhaps one of the newest trug making companies in Sussex is The Trug Store, established by Charlie Groves in 1995.
The delta of the Cauvery occupies the flat northern part, which is highly cultivated, dotted over with groves of coco-nut trees, and is one of the most densely populated tracts in India.
It is surrounded by huge hollows containing noble palm groves; and beyond these on every side stretches the limitless desert with its great billows of sand, the encroachments of which on the oasis are only held at bay by ceaseless toil.
It does not seem to lie in peculiarities of temperature or of precipitation; for trees thrive where they are properly planted on the prairies; every town and farm to-day has its avenues and groves of trees; but it should be noted that west of the Mississippi river increasing aridity becomes an important factor, and is the chief cause of the treelessness of the Great Plains (see below).
Dotted with towered hamlets and stately chinas groves the valley of the Kurram runs south-east from the Peiwar Kotal (below the great peak of Sikaram), past Thal in the Miranzai valley, through the southern Kohat hills to Bannu.
It is the opinion of John Muir that the big tree would normally live 5000 years or more; that the California groves are still in their prime; that, contrary to general ideas, the big tree was never more widely distributed than now, at least not within the past 8000 or io,000 years; that it is not a decaying species, but that on the contrary " no tree of all the forest is more enduringly established in concord with climate and soil," growing like the mountain pine even on granite, and in little danger save from the greed of the lumberman; but other excellent authorities consider it as hardly holding its own, especially in the north.
Napaeae (varr17, dell) and Alseides (aXvos, grove) were nymphs of glens and groves.
Valencia Just inland from Spain 's most busy seaport are the fruit groves of Valencia.
Cruise ships, botanical gardens, cliff tops, cascading waterfalls, quaint churches, elegant estate manors, and lush jungle groves are all vibrant alternatives that offer Caribbean flair without mandating a beach wedding.
It flourishes upon the foothills and along the banks of water-courses, growing in dense groves which sometimes extend for miles, as beside the Eel River in Humboldt County.
Identical to Soarin' Over California in California, Soarin' is a hang gliding simulator complete with popular smells such as orange groves and pine trees.
This will take you virtually hang gliding over some of California's most famous sights, including the Golden Gate Bridge and orange groves.
California is known for their fresh produce and orange groves and the Orange Groove collection appears to pay homage to that fact.
Once mostly orange groves and rural towns, Central Florida has grown in the last 30 years to be one of the world's favorite destinations.
Post-show, winner Chris Daugherty married his girlfriend Lori Groves in the victory lane at Daytona Speedway.
The Webster Groves High School Art Department makes use of this, including acknowledgement of the student team and coaches working on the site.
Here the palm groves begin also, and from this point to a little beyond Bagdad the shores of the river are well cultivated.
The Australian eucalyptus is now grown in many places, and there are groves of the paradise or paraiso tree (Melia azedarach) on the formerly treeless pampa.
The only trees or shrubs in this zone are the giant Senecio (groundsel) and Lobelia, and tree-heaths, the Senecio forming groves in the upper valleys.
The courage of the Romans, however, soon overcame such fears; the Britons were put to flight; and the groves of Mona, the scene of many a sacrifice and bloody rite, were cut down.
Pericles; a portion of the city wall was razed, the meats of groves of the Academy and Lyceum were cut down, the Roman and the Peiraeus, with its magnificent arsenal and other period.
In the southern and central portions of the state open rolling prairies interspersed with groves and belts of oak and other deciduous hard-wood timber predominate.
The intermediate tract is a region of rich cultivation, dotted with great banyan trees, thickets of bamboos, exquisite palm foliage and mango groves.
In the broad river valleys of the eastern part of the Prairie Plains region are forests and isolated groves consisting principally of pecan, cypress, cottonwood and several species of oak.
The sanctuaries mentioned by Tacitus seem always to have been groves, and in later times we have references to such places in all Teutonic lands.
The beach of the resort center has very fine golden sand and the dunes and groves make it look quite exotic.
The project's success reduced the need for chemical control in citrus groves.
Lush cypress groves, whitewashed houses, sleepy mountain villages and fertile plains are everywhere on the island of Kos.
Between lie acres of orange groves, the region's lifeblood, which the casual walker can explore.
Large numbers of Azure-winged magpies fed in the surrounding olive groves, with a flock of at least 70 seen going to roost.
In dim and mysterious groves of oak, wherefrom the sacred mistletoe was gathered, the Druids decided upon the merits of the competitors.
How can you expect the birds to sing when their groves are cut down?
Both European and African fruit trees grow in the island; there are in places considerable orange groves, especially at Milis, to the north of Oristano.
Few crowded neighbourhoods are visible, and the characteristic features of the scene which meets the eye are the upturned roofs of temples, palaces, and mansions, gay with blue, green and yellow glazed tiles, glittering among the groves of trees with which the city abounds.