Groundwater Sentence Examples
Over 95 percent of people living in rural parts of the United States rely on groundwater for drinking and cooking.
Keep in mind that groundwater is used as drinking water for over 50 percent of the population in urban areas.
Water in the ground, called groundwater, and above-ground water sources like rivers, lakes and oceans can be affected by many different kinds of water pollution.
Lawn care pesticides run off into groundwater and pollute the environment as pesticide particles are picked up by the wind.
Respiratory illnesses can be caused by the poor air quality and groundwater is subject to some contamination as well, which can lead to a host of health impacts.
Water pollution is when bodies of water like rivers, lakes or groundwater are contaminated with either chemicals or natural forms of pollution that harm wildlife and plants.
This means that coarse sediments may be located in hollows with no drainage exit, leading to the formation of groundwater gleys or peat.
The virus can survive in landfill sites and could contaminate groundwater.
By burying human waste, there is also an increased risk of polluting the groundwater.
The map shows that the areas most vulnerable to groundwater contamination lie in the east.
AdvertisementSynthetic, petroleum-based chemicals are commonly used as pesticides and herbicides around the coffee plants, and these chemicals leech into the groundwater and pollute the water for the people who live near them.
A major groundwater aquifer, two fifths of Kuwait's entire freshwater reserve, remains contaminated to this day.
Processes affecting groundwater chemistry in a zone of saline intrusion into an urban sandstone aquifer.
It proposes to use pumped groundwater to provide the required flow during dry periods.
Spate conditions have been remarkably persistent in the English lowlands; in part, this reflects unprecedented groundwater levels.
AdvertisementA FOE survey of available data showed toxic pollutants in groundwater around 18 landfill sites in East Anglia.
Even with treatment, the chemicals we use to clean our homes and our bodies can end up in groundwater.
In the Great Stour catchment, 26 sites of waste disposal have been identified by the Environment Agency as potential groundwater contaminants.
Once polluted, groundwater is extremely difficult to clean up.
The curtain will also stop the flow of contaminated groundwater into the highly fractured surrounding rock.
AdvertisementFour years later, the corpses were still there, and they were beginning to pollute the local groundwater.
This allows tree roots and natural groundwater to travel unhindered across the site.
In contrast, the protein is more readily leached through soil with lower clay concentrations, indicating that it could contaminate groundwater.
Landfills are lined with clay and flexible synthetic membranes intended to prevent leachate escaping and contaminating the groundwater.
An increase in non permeable hard surface areas can significantly reduce levels of groundwater recharge.
AdvertisementDetailed in situ groundwater remediation technology trials, certainly at a research level, are a rarity in the UK.
No field data would appear to have been available for correlation with sulfate classes based on sulfate classes based on sulfate levels in groundwater.
No field data would appear to have been available for correlation with sulfate classes based on sulfate levels in groundwater.
Planning policy has allowed more concrete, faster run-off and lower recharge of groundwater.
Cornwall only has minor aquifers; groundwater is kept in cracks and fissures in the rocks and is replenished by rainfall.
To introduce the basic theory of solute transport in groundwater systems.
However, no attempt has been made to estimate the groundwater travel time spectrum for the unsaturated zone of the Chalk.
A decision support tool will be developed for determination of wellhead protection areas around groundwater sources in the weathered fractured aquifer system.
Before you decide to install this type of pump check government regulations because it may affect groundwater temperature and in some places regulations will prohibit this.
The potential exists for these toxins to leach into the soil and groundwater that can be a source of drinking water.
E-coli bacteria found in human waste can contaminate groundwater if wastewater is improperly treated.
Detergents have the potential to contaminate the groundwater.
It is not known how much of an effect groundwater abstraction has on biodiversity.
On first reading it appears to be a laudable attempt to establish good water quality standards and protect groundwater.
Flooding can also be caused in other ways eg from sewers, run off or rising groundwater.
However, the experiment was carried out using groundwater instead of rainwater due to a lack of rainfall during the period of the experiment.
Consequently, tubewells that would bring up deep groundwater through handpumps appeared to be an efficient solution for hundreds of villages.
To show that an understanding of ground behavior comes from a combined knowledge of soil and rock mechanics, engineering geology and groundwater hydraulics.
With the expectation of a long winter recharge season - and given rainfall in the normal range - the groundwater resources outlook is good.