Groping Sentence Examples
She trailed, groping around the wall nearest the door until she found a light switch.
She heard the remaining men give chase, sensed the outstretched arms groping for her.
Darian fought himself, groping with glazed eyes for the crumpled Oracle.
Fast, shallow breathing, loss of control, groping around with the fingers, delirious talk, sweat.
There ensued forty-five years of groping for a law which should clear up the enigma of the solar reversals.
Gabriel let her push him aside so she could squeeze between him and the bed to protect her precious clothes from his callous groping.
Then followed a long period of groping for a means to cope with the development of guerrilla tactics, which for the next six months were at their zenith.
On the 1st of April it rained and melted the ice, and in the early part of the day, which was very foggy, I heard a stray goose groping about over the pond and cackling as if lost, or like the spirit of the fog.
For a week I heard the circling, groping clangor of some solitary goose in the foggy mornings, seeking its companion, and still peopling the woods with the sound of a larger life than they could sustain.