Grocer-s Sentence Examples
He has stated in his autobiography that through all his early years of struggle, when he was successively grocer's apprentice at Fiirstenberg, cabin-boy on the "Dorothea" bound for Venezuela, and, after her wreck, office attendant and then book-keeper in Amsterdam, he nourished a passion for the Homeric story and an ambition to become a great linguist.
And he ends with comments on the most popular problems - including what he calls ' the grocer's apostrophe ' .
This was a grocer's shop for many years.
The grocer's shop would look strange to people who are used to shopping today.
Bacardi sells a can of frozen strawberry Daiquiri mix; check your grocer's freezer, or you can purchase liquid strawberry Daiquiri mix.
Organic parsley may be available in the organic section of your grocer's produce aisle, or at local farmers' markets.
Candied Hazelnut Brittle - Your grocer's produce section should have a bin of hazelnuts ready for picking.
The main difference between the Lean Cuisine diet and diets like Jenny Craig or NutriSystem is that Lean Cuisine meals and snacks are as near as your grocer's freezer.
Lean Cuisine can usually be found in your grocer's freezer.