Green-energy Sentence Examples
If you have the option of joining a green energy supplier for your utilities, jump on it.
Many people have heard of nuclear energy but comparatively few people know that it can be a green energy source.
While nuclear energy is not renewable, it does have advocates who claim it is a green energy source.
GreenGeeks is anothing hosting service run off of green energy.
According to Green Energy Efficient Homes, hybrid car sales statistics have been affected just as much as the sales of standard gasoline and diesel vehicles on the road.
Super Green Energy Food is a tablet of green superfoods containing chlorella, Hawaiian blue-green algae, barley and wheat grass, spinach and alfalfa.
Milford says this project is timely because the green energy industry may have reached a crucial juncture.
Fortunately, research is currently underway to improve current renewable energy technologies and develop new technologies that can make green energy available to the entire population.