Greedily Sentence Examples
He had none, but looked so unhappily and greedily at the others while they were eating!
She placed a plate of food upon the floor and the kitten ate greedily.
As he sat bending greedily over it, helping himself to large spoonfuls and chewing one after another, his face was lit up by the fire and the soldiers looked at him in silence.
Judges and juries alike were maddened with excitement, and listened greedily to the lies which poured forth from the lips of profligate informers.
I think I shall not buy greedily, but go round and round it as long as I live, and be buried in it first, that it may please me the more at last.
They are seen pushing their way right into the field of, conflict and greedily ingesting both friends and foes.
Delighted with his find he slipped in through the narrow aperture and greedily devoured it all.
Greedily, it began to feed on Kai 's swollen belly, slurping away with great relish.
It contained nothing but sound and patriotic suggestions, but it was greedily seized upon by the enemies of the Gironde as evidence of treason.
The underlying idea is that the absorb function will greedily gobble up any arguments which are supplied.
AdvertisementIn addition to all sorts of vegetables and fruits, the squirrel is exceedingly fond of animal food, greedily devouring mice, small birds and eggs.
Z. aquatica is remarkable for the fine effect of its Oat-like stems, 8 to 10 feet high, with broad vivid-green leaves and graceful bronzed plumes of nearly a yard long, the seeds of which are greedily sought by fish and water-fowl.
As desulphurizing seems to need the direct and energetic action of carbon on the molten iron itself, and as molten iron absorbs carbon most greedily, it is hard to see how the blast-furnace is to desulphurize without carburizing almost to saturation, i.e.
The hydrochloric acid gas, which is always diluted with air, sometimes to a very great extent, must be brought into the most intimate contact possible with water, which greedily absorbs it, forming ordinary hydrochloric acid, and this process must be carried so far that scarcely any hydrochloric acid remains in the escaping gases.
It is exceedingly voracious, feeding on the smaller denizens of the ocean - fish, crustaceans, worms and molluscs, and greedily taking almost any bait the fisherman chooses to employ.
AdvertisementMarie and Frederick consumed two vials each, leaving the majority, which Sarah and Jackson greedily consumed.
The best recognized function of German astronomers in that day was the construction of prophesying almanacs, greedily bought by a credulous public. Kepler thus found that the first duties required of him were of an astrological nature, and set himself with characteristic alacrity to master the rules of the art as laid down by Ptolemy and Cardan.
The wood of the aspen is very light and soft, though tough; it is employed by coopers, chiefly for pails and herring-casks; it is also made into butchers' trays, pack-saddles, and various articles for which its lightness recommends it; sabots are also made of it in France, and in medieval days it was valued for arrows, especially for those used in target practice; the bark is used for tanning in northern countries; cattle and deer browse greedily on the young shoots and abundant suckers.
Education was shamefully neglected, the masses being left in almost heathen ignorance - and this, too, at a time when the upper classes were greedily appropriating the ripe fruits of the Renaissance and when, to use the words of a contemporary, there were "more Latinists in Poland than there used to be in Latium."
It any state most plants feed greedily upon it, and when pure or free from decaying wood or sticks it is a very safe ingredient in composts; but it is so liable to generate fungus, and the mycelium or spawn of certain fungi is so injurious to the roots of trees, attacking them if at all sickly or weakened by drought, that many cultivators prefer not' to mix leaf-mould with the soil used for permanent plants, as peaches or choice ornamental trees.
AdvertisementConsequently, when we deoxidize calcium in the iron blastfurnace, it greedily absorbs the sulphur which has been dissolved in the iron as iron sulphide, and the sulphide of calcium thus formed separates from the iron.
It crystallizes from its solution in long yellow needles, T10H or T10H-+H 2 0, which dissolve readily in water, forming an intensely alkaline solution, which acts as a caustic, and like it greedily absorbs carbonic acid from the atmosphere.
Where his hand reached Henry had little difficulty in suppressing the monasteries or taking their lands, which Irish chiefs swallowed as greedily as men of English blood.
Fish, as is well known, devour them greedily, and enjoy a veritable feast during the short period in which any particular species appears.
This substance absorbs and combines with water very greedily, at the same time becoming very hot, and falling into a fine dry powder,' calcium hydroxide or slaked lime, which when left in the open slowly combines with the carbon dioxide of the air and becomes calcium carbonate, from which we began.
AdvertisementMeantime, Sulla having left Italy for the Mithradatic war, Cinna's sudden and violent revolution put the senate at the mercy of the popular leaders, and Marius greedily caught at the opportunity of a bloody vengeance, which became in fact a reign of terror in which senators and nobles were slaughtered wholesale.
Dolokhov lowered his head to the snow, greedily bit at it, again raised his head, adjusted himself, drew in his legs and sat up, seeking a firm center of gravity.
He read him greedily, says Colerus, and afterwards often declared that he had all his philosophical knowledge from him.
He perceived instinctively that a large number, even of those who took greedily the bribes of Walpole and the Peihams, took them, not because they loved money better than their country, but because they had no conception that their country had any need of them at all.
Oh, what a splendid reign! he repeated several times, then paused, drew from his pocket a gold snuffbox, lifted it to his nose, and greedily sniffed at it.
Wycliffe was a metaphysician and a theologian, and had to invent a metaphysical theory - the theory of Dominium - to enable him to transfer, in a way satisfactory to himself, the powers and privileges of the church to his company of poor Christians; but his followers were content to allege that a church which held large landed possessions, collected tithes greedily and took money from starving peasants for baptizing, burying and praying, could not be the church of Christ and his apostles.