Great-war Sentence Examples
It is only after a great war of destruction, a day of Yahweh's great judgment, that the dominion of God will begin " (Bousset).
The signing of the peace of Teschen, which averted a great war with Prussia, on the 13th of May 1779, was the last great act of her reign, and so Maria Theresa judged it to be in a letter to Prince Kaunitz; she said that she had now finished her life's journey and could sing a for she had secured the repose of her people at whatever cost to herself.
In every great war we find them ranged on opposite sides, except when superior force constrained both.
The Great War must have taught us all that a calm and sensible discussion of all our differences is possible."
During the last five years of the great war it was Mazarin alone who directed the French diplomacy of the period.
With the accession of Phocas (602) began the great war which shook the two kingdoms. The loss of Edessa, where Narses revolted, was temporary; but the Roman fortress of Dara fell after nine months' siege (c. 605); Harran, Ras al-`Ain and Edessa followed in 607, many of the Christian inhabitants being transported to the Far East, and Chosroes carried the victorious arms of Persia far into the Roman Empire.
It was destroyed in the great war under Vespasian.
In the great war of their Roman allies against Philip the federal troops took a prominent part, their cavalry being largely responsible for the victory of Cynoscephalae (197).
In the shifting of offices which took place at the beginning of the new reigns, Alaric apparently hoped that he would receive one of the great war ministries of the empire, and thus instead of being a mere commander of irregulars would have under his orders a large part of the imperial legions.
In both France and Germany, for instance, the process of replenishment after a great war can be traced both early and late in the 19th century.
AdvertisementFor the public history of his times - the disturbances and insurrections in different parts of his dominions throughout his reign, and the great war successfully carried on against Russia by Turkey, and by England, France and Sardinia, in the interest of Turkey (1853-1856) - see Turkey, and Crimean War.
Kamrup, the Pragjotishpur of the ancient Hindus, was the capital of a legendary king Narak, whose son Bhagadatta distinguished himself in the great war of the Mahabharata.
The blockade of their ports and the bombardment of Valparaiso by a Spanish squadron impressed the Chileans with the necessity of possessing an adequate fleet to defend their long coast-line; and it was under President Errazuriz that the ships were obtained and the officers trained that did such good service in the great war with Peru.
From 540 onward he conducted a great war against Justinian (527565), which, though interrupted by several armistices, lasted till the fifty years peace of 562.
As originally instituted in April 1798, during the great war with France, under the name of a "triplicate assessment," it was rather a consolidation of various assessed taxes levied upon the luxuries of the rich and upon property, than a wholly new tax.
AdvertisementThis great war fleet he left as a legacy to his son, but he himself in his later campaigns had only its first beginnings at his disposal.
Whilst he was in the very act of trying to drive from office all men who were possessed of any sort of ideas, he was surprised by a great war.
When after the great war with Persia the Aegean cities under the leadership of Athens united in a political league (477 B.C.), they chose as its centre the temple of the Delian Apollo, doubtless through a desire to connect the new alliance with the associations of the old amphictyony.
When the succession of Cleves and of Julich, so long expected and already discounted by the treaty of Halle (1610), was opened up in Germany, the great war was largely due to an access of senile passion for the charms of the princesse de Cond.
But in 1739 trade difficulties, which had arisen out of the Asiento in America, led to a great war with England, which became merged in the \Var of the Austrian Succession.
AdvertisementIn all, four Thompson brothers served in the British army during the Great War.
By 1914, barbed wire was a standard item in the military defense schemes of all the major belligerents of the Great War.
But everyone was just so glad to be alive and to have survived the cataclysm that became known as the Great War.
Prior to the Great War he worked with his father as a house decorator and volunteered for service in August 1914.
He was in the Durham light infantry in the Great War.
AdvertisementWorld War One This is far from an exhaustive list of books about the Great War.
There was no vaccine for endemic typhus in the Great War.
Before the Great War he became a widower, with a still young family to manage.
They are a novum salutis genus - a new path to Heaven, to tread which counted "for full and complete satisfaction" pro omni poenitentia and gave "forgiveness of sins" (peccaminum remissio) 1; they are, again, the "foreign policy" of the papacy, directing its faithful subjects to the great war of Christianity against the infidel.
He was restored by the peace of Westphalia, but it was to a depopulated and impoverished country, and he spent his remaining years in efforts to repair the disasters of the great war.
The end of the struggle was followed by a renewal of the democratic agitation in Wurttemberg, but this had achieved no tangible results when the great war between France and Prussia broke out in 1870.
Just in time for the Great War the reconnaissance aircraft appeared on the scene.
Present day relevance The Leipzig war trials were remarkable for particular reasons in relation to the conduct of the victors of the Great War.
The story of their descent is reminiscent of tales of trench warfare from the Great War.
The rhomboid shape became the definitive image of the heavy British tanks of the Great War.
The uniform worn by the Army in World War I is now a much sought after collector's item, though you can order fairly accurate replicas online at websites such as Great War Militaria.