Gray Sentence Examples
He squinted down at her in the dim light, his gray eyes smoldering with unmasked anger.
The kaleidoscopic display of orange, yellow, deep blue and gray was both beautiful and ominous.
The gray door to his underworld was gone.
She glanced at the low gray clouds.
Peeking through the trees were some gray rocks – maybe a bluff.
The FAQ's section covers common ' gray areas ' within the realms of statistical geoscience.
The sounds fade, and my sight goes gray.
So, you mean in a million years we'll have gray hair and wrinkles?
A single PMF soldier in gray stood waiting.
What was supposed to be sunshine, mild temperature and puffy white clouds turned out to be intermittent showers and a sky as gray as Dean's sweat socks.
AdvertisementWhen the gray gaze came back to Alex, the brows lifted.
She paused and smiled up at him, one eye almost covered by a wave of gray hair.
Josh towered over her, gazing down at her with those unreadable gray eyes.
So absorbed was she in thought that she didn't notice the gray truck parked in her yard until she opened the gate.
She was unlocking the door, a sack of groceries in her arm, when a gray truck pulled into the drive.
AdvertisementBesides these waders there are plover (chidori); golden (muna-guro or aiguro); gray (dailee); ringed (shiro-chidori); spur-winged (ken) and Hartings sand-plover (ikaru-chidors); sand-pipersgreen (ashiroshigi) and spoon-billed (hera-shigi)-and water-hens (ban).
And she spread out her arms to show her short-waisted, lace-trimmed, dainty gray dress, girdled with a broad ribbon just below the breast.
Officer Lathum met him half way to the car and lifted a bushy gray brow.
A gray brick house dominated the landscape, its ranch style sprawling in a U shape with a garage on one end.
Monstrous gray rocks jutted up from the earth and found themselves entwined with honeysuckle and briar vines.
AdvertisementCharcoal gray eyes studied her critically from a face too rugged to be handsome.
A gray haired woman with long braids and no teeth jerked on Cassie's pants leg.
Cade mounted a gray gelding and they headed out across the treeless hills.
Destiny stared up at her with big gray eyes that questioned her motive.
In spite of her extra pounds and gray hair, it was hard to believe Mums was in her late 60's.
AdvertisementHe wore black jeans, a dark gray Versace silk sport shirt with the cuffs rolled up, and a pair of A. Testoni loafers.
His gray suit looked expensive and the silk tie added a touch of elegance.
A gray truck stopped at the gate and she waved at Josh.
Gray buildings squatted amid neatly kept green lawns and paved walkways.
She felt him slice through her gray uniform with the other and tried to move away.
More soldiers in gray and black made their way down the bonfires, pausing to talk to Mike.
His uniform was torn, and blood turned the gray color brown.
Lana whirled, surprised to see the PMF man in gray lowering the weapon.
I'll let you live if you give it to me, the man in gray responded.
Kris sat beside her. Hannah's skin had gone from pale to gray, and her features looked gaunt. He couldn't help thinking Katie wouldn't survive a week down here if Hannah was suffering so badly after a day. He touched Hannah's hair, revolted when a handful came off in his hand.
Finally he rose from his chair and brushed crumbs from his gray business suit.
In their room she changed into a charcoal gray suit and combed her hair.
The Inns of Court are four - Middle Temple, Inner Temple, Lincoln's Inn, Gray's Inn.
Another of the favourite haunts of the people was the garden of Gray's Inn, where the choicest society was to be met.
In 1613 The Masque of Flowers was presented by the members of Gray's Inn in the Old Banqueting House in honour of the marriage of the infamous Carr, earl of Somerset, and the equally infamous Lady Frances, daughter of the earl of Suffolk.
One thing that could be improved is readability, namely gray space.
He returned to England in 1685; in 1688 he became preacher at Gray's Inn, and in 1689 he received a canonry of Christ Church, Oxford.
It was in the prosecution of this trade that Captain Robert Gray (1755-1806), an American in the service of Boston merchants, discovered in 1792 the long-sought river of the West, which he named the Columbia, after his ship. By the discovery of this stream Gray gave to the United States a claim to the whole territory drained by its waters.
The adult has pure white forewings (sometimes with a slight gray suffusion at the center ), with black dots.
He was wearing a plain, somewhat frayed suit of gray clothes.
The gray freestone may be stone looted from Roman ruins.
Greyfriars Tolbooth and Highland Kirk is named after the " gray friars Tolbooth and Highland Kirk is named after the " gray friars " who frequented the church before the Reformation.
The Gray Lag Goose has been joined by another and a female gadwall also seen a couple of times.
A Gray Topshell (a usually abundant small gastropod) on an Oyster was unusual for this beach.
In addition Doc and Christy often perform with that little gray haired geezer with the funny jumper as Full House.
He can take the gray gelding; for we may ride fast.
Stunning Dark gray gelding, pics do not do him justice.
He is a February born steel gray gelding who was purchased by Peter in November.
He was a tall man with a great girth, in Dominican robes, with black hair turning gray.
The belted green dress, which showed off Sarah's waist together with some gorgeous gray courts, made her feel really glamorous.
I stirred with the first gray glimmer of dawn; I tried not to wake the geese.
In winter dunlin, ringed and gray plover, redshank, knot and bar-tailed godwit all feed on the mudflats at low tide.
And from ping golf club set rescue of Science, family plaint gray.
For example, one common concern among those who study nanotechnology is the problem of the " gray goo.
The proponents of gray goo do not offer a solution to the problem of the energy source.
The image below should show a smooth gradation of colors from white to gray.
The columbaria are made from gray granite with a large facia for accepting a full inscription and ornamentation.
The soil in these pools is usually gray, sandy clay, which will crack when dried.
Friday We wake up to a very gray day.
Pixels where the two images were equal are zero, and appear as gray.
Only 100 western gray whales including 23 reproductive females are known to exist.
But then suddenly one of them was up there in his gray greatcoat and waving a white flag.
He wore his uniform and a long gray greatcoat over it that was speckled with rain and mud.
In general, Tertiary basalts rest unconformably and in faulted contact with cretaceous greensands and limestones or dark gray, fossil-bearing Jurassic mudstones.
To grout the tile joints in the pool, ARDEX-FLEX FL gray rapid setting flexible grout the tile joints in the pool, ARDEX-FLEX FL gray rapid setting flexible grout was used.
The second man was a white male in his fifties with gray hair.
Many species of shark can be seen, including hammerheads, silkies, gray reefs and oceanic white-tips.
We welcome, for example, the acknowledgment by the FSA of the ' gray areas ' it knows exists within the FSA handbook.
She had been bound with two pieces of cord and a dirty gray handkerchief was stuffed in her mouth.
Wild life spotted eagle, grouse, mountain hare, red deer, roe deer, gray wagtail.
The associated hazards would make any RPA or safety officer's hair turn gray at the thought of them.
How to recognize head lice The adult head louse is a small gray or brown insect, about the size of a match head.
I looked up to see a gray heron leaving the side of the pond.
A young gray heron is standing patiently watching at the foot of the slope at the shallow edge of the canal.
They did say Chloe has gray matter heterotopia (gray matter floating in her brain ).
No longer an arena for fancy and risk taking, the face of chart pop changed to gray, empty, gestural rock histrionics.
The luckiest horseshoe to give a bride comes from the near hind foot of a gray mare!
This gray and relatively impermeable Chalk was the main tunneling horizon for the Channel Tunnel.
The scheme will also be able to monitor the rate of gray incursion into red squirrel areas.
Did he have reddish-brown hair, and did he ride a gray horse?
He wore a flat gray cloth cap, a dingy wool-colored greatcoat, and cowhide boots.
I had dug out the spring and made a well of clear gray water, where I could dip up a pailful without roiling it, and thither I went for this purpose almost every day in midsummer, when the pond was warmest.
Tall and stout, holding high her fifty-year-old head with its gray curls, she stood surveying the guests, and leisurely arranged her wide sleeves as if rolling them up.
Brady wore PMF gray.
The elite fed soldier was dressed in PMF gray.
He thought of Hell, and the portal glowed blacker than night. He thought of Kris, and the portal for the Sanctuary lit up. He thought of the Immortal underworld – Death's domain – and the portal turned gray.
Carmen had chosen the colors pastel violet and light gray, with the theme being hearts and the flowers being forget-me-nots.
He looked elegant in a light gray suit that accentuated his dark tan.
Tables were covered with white linen table cloths and adorned with violet colored napkins inside light gray napkin holders.
Then came the rain and the gray skies – day after day.
The snow had melted on the mountain trail, and the dry gray rocks provided sufficient traction for Ed's hooves as they climbed higher into the hills.
A lean figure in a gray business suit stepped out of a crowd of new arrivals.
She glanced at Lori, but Lori's attention was on a gray truck coming up the drive.
His cold gray eyes shifted to Carmen.
Gray eyes studied him, waiting for a response.
A student in a gray wig and exaggerated backside was at the sink, pretending to wash dishes.
The charcoal gray trousers made the most of his lean torso.
Alex joined them at church half way through the sermon, looking handsome and sophisticated in a light gray suit.
Finally gray brows lowered over eyes that flashed.
The gray brows shot up.
She parked her gray Thunderbird behind Denton's bright red sports car and climbed the steps to the porch.
Gray eyes stared at her coldly from a bronzed face.
Far below, green water moved sluggishly around huge gray boulders.
An occasional sharp high bark soon revealed the source as a little gray squirrel.
He looked slim and sheik in gray slacks.
The shoulder muscles beneath his gray blazer rippled as he moved.
He tucked his hands in the pockets of his gray suit.
The normally upbeat girl with raven-colored hair and gray eyes appeared tired and worn down.
Her bronze curls were captured in a ponytail, her face flushed from his bite and her gray eyes glittering with anger that made him want to sweep her up and kiss her until the dazed look returned.
She rested her elbows on the railing next to him, gray eyes on the women.
Right now, I feel like a brunette with gray eyes.
Jessi's body was supple and relaxed in his arms, her gray eyes wide and her features flushed.
She glowed from their lovemaking, her gray eyes sparkling with life.
Completely unguarded, her gray eyes were large and clear in the early morning light and her features relaxed.
Brandon was all but clinging to his cousin, whose gray eyes were taking in the group uneasily.
Her gray eyes were almost the color of the moon overhead, her pale features obscured by curls that danced in an ocean breeze.
He acted for a short time as a private chaplain, but was appointed in 1679 to the small rectory of Ampton, near Bury St Edmunds, and in 1685 he was made lecturer of Gray's Inn.
Gray, who had fallen ill, died on the r6th of April.
Experiments very similar to these of Edison were made by Elisha Gray of Boston, Mass., and described by him in papers communicated to the American Electrical Society in 1875 and 1878.
The application of this apparatus to the transmission of music was described by Gray.'
Both Bell and Gray proposed to do this by introducing a column of liquid into the circuit, the length or the resistance of which could be varied by causing the vibrations of the diaphragm to vary the depth of immersion of a light rod fixed to it and dipping into the liquid.
Gray desert plants, notably cactuses and other thorny plants, partly replace in the south the bushes of the north.
Gray's Inn, between High Holborn and Theobald's Road, and west of Gray's Inn Road, is of similar arrangement.
Both these were attached to Gray's Inn.
The poet Thomas Gray, who stayed frequently at Stoke Poges in the vicinity, is enthusiastic concerning the beauty of the Beeches in a letter to Horace Walpole in 1737.
In 1830 John Edward Gray commenced the Illustrations of Indian Zoology, a series of plates of vertebrated animals, G w but mostly of birds, from drawings, it is believed by dlcke..
British Museum, began with A List of the Genera of Birds Gray.
In 1855 Gray brought out, as one of the Museum publications, A Catalogue of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, a handy little volume, naturally founded on the larger works.
A Boston vessel, the " Columbia " (Captain Robert Gray), opened trade with the north-west coast of America, and was the first American ship to circumnavigate the globe (1787-1790).
Tantalus's betrayal of the secrets of the gods refers to the sun unveiling the secrets of heaven; the slaying of Pelops denotes the going-down of the sun, Pelops meaning the "` gray one," an epithet of the gloomy sky in which the last rays of the sun are extinguished.
In point of time the poet whose name is first connected with the region is Gray, who wrote a journal of his tour in 1769.
Of those in the United States of America, the chief, formed by Asa Gray, is the property of Harvard university; there is also a large one at the New York Botanical Garden.
As to the castle and the Black and Gray Friars see Archaeologia Cambrensis, 3rd series, viii.
Gray; but Dumeril and Bibron in their great work,' and Dr Gunther in his Catalogue, in substance, adopted Brongniart's arrangement, the Batrachia being simply one of the four orders of the class Reptilia.
In Dean cemetery, partly laid out on the banks of the Water of Leith, and considered the most beautiful in the city (opened 1845), were interred Lords Cockburn, Jeffrey and Rutherford; " Christopher North," Professor Aytoun, Edward Forbes the naturalist, John Goodsir the anatomist; Sir William Allan, L Sam Bough, George Paul Chalmers, the painters; George Combe, the phrenologist; Playfair, the architect; Alexander Russel, editor of the Scotsman; Sir Archibald Alison, the historian; Captain John Grant, the last survivor of the old Peninsular Gordon Highlanders; Captain Charles Gray, of the Royal Marines, writer of Scottish songs; Lieutenant John Irving, of the Franklin expedition, whose remains were sent home many years after his death by Lieut.
A.-Cane sugar (compiled from the Weekly Statistical Sugar Trade Journal of Messrs Willett & Gray of New York, and books and reports published under the authority of the government of India).
The colouring is that of classic mythology, but the spiritual element is as individual as that of any classical poem by Milton, Gray, Keats or Tennyson.
He seems to have been interested in the poetic diction of Milton and Thomson, and a few of his verses are remotely inspired by Shakespeare and Gray.
Gray, a British officer who attempted to solve the Niger problem, visited Bondu in 1818 it had been removed to Bulibani, a small town, with about 3000 population, surrounded by a strong clay wall.
This method of representation is applicable to certain kinds of problems, and has been developed by Macfarlane Gray and other writers in its application to the steam engine.
He was admitted at Gray's Inn in 1667, and in 1670 he was elected member of parliament for Derbyshire.
The expiration of Senator Gray's term in 1899 left a vacancy, but although the Republicans again had a clear majority the resolution of the Regulars prevented the Union Republicans, as the supporters of Addicks called themselves, from seating their patron.
The town, as Gray (who, like Horace Walpole, at first held out against the furore) declared, was " horn-mad " about him.
He had the good taste to recognize, and the spirit to make public his recognition of, the excellence of Gray's odes at a time when they were either ridiculed or neglected.
The lightest of the monumental stone quarried at Quincy is called gold-leaf; it is bluish-green gray, speckled with black and light yellow brown.
For names and reasons, see Gray, Numbers, 314.
A portion of the Puget Sound Basin and a portion of the Coast range are drained by the Chehalis river, which has cut a channel through the Coast range and discharges into Gray's Harbour.
There are large quantities of salmon in the lower Columbia river, in Gray's and Willapa harbours, and in Puget Sound; oyster fisheries in Gray's and Willapa harbours and in Puget Sound; cod, perch, flounders, smelt, herring and sardines in these and other salt waters.
Gray's Harbour, on the western coast, is of importance in lumber traffic.
In 1787 a company of Boston merchants sent two vessels, the " Columbia " and the " Washington " under John Kendrick and Robert Gray (1755-1806) to investigate the possibility of establishing trading posts.
They reached Nootka Sound in September 1788, and in July 1789 Captain Gray in the " Columbia " began the homeward voyage by way of China.
Meanwhile Captain Gray in September 1790 sailed from Boston on a second voyage.
Captain George Vancouver (1758-1798), in charge of a British exploring expedition then engaged in mapping the coast (1792-1794), was sceptical of the existence of the river, but Captain Gray, undiscouraged, persisted in the search and on the 11th of May 1792 anchored in the river which he named Columbia in honour of his ship. The later claim of the United States to all the territory drained by the river was based chiefly upon this discovery by Captain Gray, who had succeeded where Spanish and British had failed.
Gray's Numbers, p. 371.
Herbert de Losinga (c. 1054-1119) granted its jurisdiction to the cathedral of Norwich but this right was resumed by a later bishop, John de Gray, who in 1204 had obtained from John a charter establishing Lynn as a free borough.
In 1846 Peter Gray constructed a new table to 12 places, in which the factors were of the form I - (oi) r n, so that n had the values I, 2,.
Taking as an example the calculation of the Briggian logarithm of the number 43,867, whose hyperbolic logarithm has been calculated above, we multiply it by 3, giving 131,601, and find by Gray's process that the factors of 1.31601 are (I) 1.316 (5) I.
Returning in 1552 he was admitted at Gray's Inn on January 28, 1553, but Edward VI.'s death six months later indaced him to resume his foreign travels.
Gray's hospital, at the west end of High Street, was endowed by Dr Alexander Gray (1751-1808), and at the east end stands the Institution, already mentioned, founded by General Andrew Anderson (1746-1822).
It has been commonly believed to have two breeding-places in the British Islands, namely, St Kilda and South Barra; but, according to Robert Gray (Birds of the West of Scotland, p. 499), it has abandoned the latter since 1844, though still breeding in Skye.
On the 10th of April 1848, a day famous in the history of Chartism, Ruskin was married at Perth to Euphemia Chalmers Gray, a lady of great beauty, of a family long intimate with the Ruskins.
In 1661 he was preacher at Gray's Inn, and in 1662 vicar of St Lawrence Jewry, London.
Through his father, William Gray Brooks, he was descended from the Rev. John Cotton; through his mother, Mary Ann Phillips, a woman of rare force of character and religious faith, he was a great-grandson of the founder of Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
The very worst is, beyond all doubt, that of Gray; the most controverted that of Milton.
Attention was first directed to the possibility of rendering ordinary pendulums more truly astatic by Professor Thomas Gray, who suggested methods by which this might be accomplished.
Gray, is shown in fig.
The buildings, which are mostly of red brick, are conspicuous against the gray clayey and sandy soil.
The hardness is 2 to 2.5 and the spec. gray.
The bishop of Calcutta received letters patent as metropolitan of India when the sees of Madras and Bombay were founded; and fresh patents were issued to Bishop Broughton in 1847 and Bishop Gray in 1853, as metropolitans of Australia and South Africa respectively.
In 1865 it adjudged Bishop Gray's letters patent, as metropolitan of Cape Town, to be powerless to enable him "to exercise any coercive jurisdiction, or hold any court or tribunal for that purpose," since the Cape colony already possessed legislative institutions when they were issued; and his deposition of Bishop Colenso was declared to be "null and void in law" (re The Bishop of Natal).
With the exception of Colenso the South African bishops forthwith surrendered their patents,and formally accepted Bishop Gray as their metropolitan, an example followed in 1865 in the province of New Zealand.
He took first-class honours in philosophy at Edinburgh, and was Gray scholar and Ferguson scholar in philosophy of the four Scottish Universities (1876).
In virtue of a Continuation Class code, technical and specialized education is given in day and, chiefly, evening classes in various centres, the principal being the Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh; the Edinburgh and East of Scotland College of Agriculture; the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College; the Glasgow School of Art; the Glasgow Athenaeum Commercial College; the West of Scotland Agricultural College; the Dundee Technical Institute; Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen; the Edinburgh Royal Institution School of Art, and the Edinburgh School of Applied Art; but wellequipped classes are held in most of the large towns, and several county councils maintain organizers of technical instruction.
Sir Thomas Gray, son of an English gentleman wounded in a rising at Lanark in May 1297, says that Wallace was chosen leader " by the commune of Scotland," and began operations by slaying Heselrig, sheriff of Clydesdale, at Lanark.
No longer needing Catholic assistance, James threw over his mother, with whom he had been intriguing, and sent the beautiful Master of Gray to betray Mary's secrets to Elizabeth.
He had been president of the Union at Oxford, and he entered at Gray's Inn, being called to the bar in 189 9.
Both his collegiate and editorial duties stimulated his critical powers, and the publication in the two magazines, followed by republication in book form, of a series of studies of great authors, gave him an important place as a critic. Shakespeare, Dryden, Lessing, Rousseau, Dante, Spenser, Wordsworth, Milton, Keats, Carlyle, Thoreau, Swinburne, Chaucer, Emerson, Pope, Gray - these are the principal subjects of his prose, and the range of topics indicates the catholicity of his taste.
One of the last (Collocalia troglodytes, Gray) constructs the edible nests so highly prized by the Chinese.
In 1885 he was called to the bar at Gray's Inn.
A few miles to the north and north-east of the Mount of the Holy Cross are Red Mountain (13,333, Wheeler), in Eagle county, Torrey Peak (1 4,33 6, Hayden) and Gray's Peak (14341, Hayden), in Summit county, Mt.
Argentine Pass (13,000 ft.), near Gray's Peak, is one of the highest wagon roads of the world; just east of Silverton is Rio Grande Pass, about 12,400 ft.
Stephen Gray (1696-1736) noticed in 1720 that electricity could be excited by the friction of hair, silk, wool, paper and other bodies.
In 1729 Gray made the important discovery that some bodies were conductors and others nonconductors of electricity.
Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 invented the speaking telephone, and Edison and Elisha Gray in the United States followed almost immediately with other telephonic inventions for electrically transmitting speech.
As it had become necessary that he should adopt some profession, he selected that of law, and took up his residence at Gray's Inn in 1579.
For two years after this disappointment he worked quietly at Gray's Inn, and in 1582 was admitted an outer barrister.
That his adherence to the royal party was already noticed and commented on appears from the significant remark 1 In October 1608 he became treasurer of Gray's Inn.
In much of his writings, and in his general attitude, there was to most people an undertone of rather nasty suggestion which created prejudice against him, and his novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891), with all its sparkle and cleverness, impressed them more from this point of view than from its purely literary brilliance.
The suffragans of Canterbury claimed a share in choosing the new primate, although that right had been exclusively reserved to the monks of Canterbury by a papal privilege; and John supported the bishops since they were prepared to give their votes for his candidate, John de Gray, bishop of Norwich.
The plot leaked out; the rest of the monks were induced to elect John de Gray, and he too was despatched to Rome.
The town takes its name from a family of Gray who held the manor for three centuries from 1149.
According to the Scalacronica of Sir Thomas Gray he drove the Angles and Britons over the Tweed, reduced the land as far as that river, and first called his kingdom Scotland.
The famous Pictured Rocks in Alger county on the lake shore, east of Munising, form the west portion of this north range; they are of sandstone formation, extend for several miles along the coast, rise almost perpendicularly from the water's edge, and display an interesting diversity of shapes as well as a great variety of tints and hues, especially of gray, blue, green and yellow.
He saw the Yosemite Valley, the Big Trees, and botanized in the Sierra Nevada and at Gray's Peak.
Limestones are by far the most important; red and gray granites, sandstones and marble (Ste Genevieve county) being of little more than local importance.
Cook had sailed by without suspecting its presence; Captain John Meares (c. 1756-1809), another English navigator, who visited the region in 1788, declared that no such river existed, and actually called its estuary "Deception Bay"; and George Vancouver, who visited the coast in 1792, was sceptical until he learned of Gray's discovery.
But John descended upon them in great wrath, and by threats compelled them to hold a second meeting, and to elect his nominee Gray, in whose name application for confirmation was also made to the pope.
At the death of the elder Benjamin (1817), his son Isaac had moved from the King's Road, Gray's Inn (now Theobald's Road), to No.
Gray's versions of Darradar-liod and Vegtamskvioa are well known.
He married in 1902 Isobel Gray, and had two sons and two daughters.
Scarcely less conspicuous for some distance from the ocean are the magnolias, the live oaks draped with long gray moss, and the reedcovered marshes.
Gray, and settled at Waiilatpu, near the present Walla Walla, Washington.
The story was amplified by Spalding and Gray in 1865, 1866 and 1870, and in its final form declared that Whitman learned at the British fort Walla Walla in September 1842 that a large number of British settlers were expected, and that it was hoped that the treaty then supposed to be in process of negotiation between Lord Ashburton and Daniel Webster, Secretary of State, would give the territory to the British.
Destiny stared at her, gray eyes large with wonder.
One morning she dreamed that Josh was standing over her, his brows in a knot above smoldering gray eyes.
Peeking through the trees were some gray rocks – maybe a bluff.
The weather, as if to accommodate the mood at Bird Song, was gray, slipping to a steady drizzle by midday, with a rerun of March in the temperature department.
Little gray haired Effie wore a perpetual smile on her pretty face, a tad on the silly side but charming nonetheless, in a bewildered sort of way.
Smoky gray eyes glanced up to determine her response to the crude invitation.
Josh strode across the barn, his hands balled into fists, gray eyes smoldering like hot coals.
He thought of Hell, and the portal glowed blacker than night. He thought of Kris, and the portal for the Sanctuary lit up. He thought of the Immortal underworld – Death's domain – and the portal turned gray.
It's beautiful in the spring and summer – even in the fall, but during winter it's gray and cold.
Then came the rain and the gray skies – day after day.
All three of them inherited the gray eyes of their grandmother, though Brandon and his sister Ashley had dark brown tresses whereas Jessi's hair was dirty blonde.
Ingrid claimed to hire an ugly, old assistant, but the woman concerned more about the stain on his shirt than being around a vampire was enchanting, with long, loose blonde curls, olive-tinted skin and feathery eyelashes that set off striking gray eyes.
Walter de Gray gave the homage of Walter de Micklefield to Dominus Walter de Gray, his nephew.
Charlie, a delightful little gray mouse is shy, impulsive and sometimes obstinate.
It was a subtle shade of gray.
Sir George Gray found it impossible to maintain a policy of total abstention from the affairs of the republics.
This leaves a gray zone of serologic testing for the core vaccines of canine distemper and canine parvovirus as well as canine adenovirus.
African gray needs explaining and investigation.
Nature's Chronicle was one of the many books in which Professor Ainslie Gray had enforced the negative doctrines of scientific agnosticism.
Another Leeds gem filling national radio airwaves, sending out their summer vibes to brighten up the gray.
Sycamore and gray alder are a nuisance because they seed prolifically, while the gray alder also tends to produce suckers.
The gray featureless sky in the picture opposite, shows an example this thicker altostratus.
They were then finished in a variety of colored glazes including amber, bottle green, white, gray and cobalt blue.
From Christine J, UK This could be wooly gray aphids.
The base is the club leather one piece console, covered in light gray leather with padded console armrest.
Gray matter contains nerve cell bodies and unmyelinated axons.
Never use a wooden backboard as it is acidic, nor gray pulp board.
Paul Ford was a slightly balding gray haired American in his late forties.
He wears Soft Gray combats, available in plain beige, £ 26, or beige with brown stripes, £ 29.
The pretty colors and shades of gray in the real world are ignored to suit religious bigots.
Gray lines around the edge of the bitmap An exported bitmap may show gray lines on one or more sides.
These expose a dark gray, finely crystalline and often bituminous limestone.
Finished with a deep gray blank with substantial high gloss black whippings.
This entails loosing the beautiful wood color and texture, but it would hide the gray blemish.
He outlines a workable enforceable blueprint for a British gray status regime on the Dutch model.
The men wore thick corduroy trousers, thick black jackets and black hats, gray flannel shirts, black thick socks and hobnailed boots.
By 1856 the circle has grown to include the American botanist, Asa Gray.
This large glacial erratic bounder is slightly smaller and different in shape to the Gray Mare.
Policies can also include multi bikes, pillion cover, gray imports and motorcycle breakdown.
Had on light mixed gray coat and waistcoat with metal buttons, corduroy breeches, round hat and plated shoe buckles if not altered.
A gray region surrounded by a dark area looks brighter than the same gray surrounded by a light region.
I hear the bugle calling, " Goodbye Dolly Gray!
Her gray hair was invariably tied back in the tight bun whence came her sobriquet.
I become bushy of eyebrow, gray of hair, dry of skin, plump of middle.
Evans, E.C. and Gray, M. (2003) What interventions are effective for the prevention and treatment of cutaneous candidiasis?
Lorraine At the hospital I train at we also use the gray cannula.
The gray leafed willow has golden catkins on the male tree and silver catkins on the female.
The dark morph also has a red cere and legs but is predominantly black with the exception of gray barring on the tail.
The kids in casual clothes with messy hair are separated by a huge chasm from the conservative men in gray suits.
The pieces of gray chert were found on the tourist path below slopes too steep for human habitation.
He's wearing gray chinos, a black sweater.
The train consists mainly of white tanks carrying liquid chlorine, with a couple of gray ethylene dibromide tanks at the rear.
Medicine is not clear-cut; there are many gray areas.
Perhaps not for all you crazy Latin Americans that traded in tropical climes for the gray skies of London.
They are usually painted a matt gray to minimize visual intrusion but are situated in dense clusters.
Drive away old cobwebs with gray hairs turning white on my scalp.
But alas, by the time they had finished climbing through the tree, it was completely draped with their dusty, gray cobwebs.
Their skin coloration is light gray to dark gray and appears to be non-porous.
Chapters include semipermanent hair coloring, white and gray hair, theory of lightening, dye removers and more.
This is observational comedy, Do you ever notice that most roads are gray, and that normally cars drive on them.
A former commandant of the US Marine Corps, General Al Gray, was of the same opinion.
Thirdly, my Russian comrade 's Earl Gray Smokers will get a rejig from me in the next month or so.
Around the shore we found Tawny Pipit and Rufous-tailed Lark as well as a quite confiding Southern Gray Shrike.
Its gray face was apparent even before I fastened my binoculars on this solitary corvid.
The Hawaiian Coot is a dark gray bird which from a distance looks black and has white undertail coverts.
Gray Partridge small coveys reported on seven occasions mostly from the NE of the county.
His hair and whiskers were shot with gray, and his face was all crinkled and puckered like a withered apple.
Some witnesses describe her as being in ` a gray Victorian dress `, other that the gown is a black crinoline.
I feel faint, I go now to take a 3/4 solution of Earl Gray, 2 park drives and hot buttered crumpet.
Wheatears were flying around as well, prior to emigration and the Mute Swan couple were accompanied by nine dirty gray cygnets.
On the quiet stretch of the river above the weir, a pair of Mute Swans are still accompanied by their two gray cygnets.
As we entered the defile saw a gray horse of the 7th D.G. which had been shot in the shoulder.
An elderly worker from Wolverton explained they became gray due to the " (expletive deleted) from the [engine's] chimney.
Gray leaved plants like Santolina, lavender and Artemesia contrast beautifully with bright blue delphiniums and purple and white hardy geraniums.
It might also contain a graph showing allowable deviations at high and low frequencies, similar to the gray lines in the graph above.
As I descended, I was temporarily distracted by the sighting of a gray seal.
A Gray Wagtail flew up the river and from a roadside ditch we flushed a Little Crake.
Manchester ' s Castlefield and Liverpool ' s docklands are both potential gray zones - their age profiles are already rising.
John has a red hat and cape, a gray blue doublet with blue cuffs, red trousers and gray stockings.
On base models, the mix of black and gray plastics looks dour.
Currently I only have 2 snowy call ducks, 1 snowy call drake, and 1 gray call drake.
The Study is a large, first floor room which features an imposing fireplace with gray marble surround and heavy drapes.
Some artists evoke images of warm sun drenched beaches; Wolf draws a picture of gray windswept coastlines.
By the time we reached Selby the weather had worsened from gray skies to persistent drizzle.
In dry areas, choose plants that can tolerate drought - such plants often have gray or silver foliage.
He opened it on Toby, who looked like a wee tailor's dummy in a three-piece gray suit.
During the meeting, Gray was told the files were " political dynamite, " that should " never see the light of day.
The Swedish and Norwegian Kennel Clubs again agreed a common standard for the gray Norwegian elkhound in 1937.
Original gray cloth, blocked with art-nouveau design in green, black and gilt, green flower-patterned endpapers, all edges gilt.
Both periaquiductal gray and substantia gelatinosa neurons produce the opioid peptide enkephalin (11 ).
She was wearing a loose, ermine trimmed, gray damask robe over a red underskirt.
They is a distinct gray area in such a definition - how do you define, precisely, non-voluntary euthanasia?
Here, in Gray's Inn Road, Irving rallied the faithful.
It has feathery, gray green arching leaves, with very small flowers and yellow /red edible fruits.
He had green eyes and straight, oily dirty blond hair and wore a gray fedora and wanted to be Bob Dylan.
Straggly gray hair showed beneath a battered gray fedora.
There followed a series of melodramas in which Gray came as close to playing a British femme fatale as almost anyone.
He looked fierce, pushing his gray black eyebrows together over his nose.
Ellis has an African Gray parrot called filthy Lucre.
The panels are covered in a gray textured fabric to accept Velcro fixings.
The magnitude of threat to red squirrels is the threat from gray squirrel incursion.
Holborn's Gray's Inn workhouse was designated for able-bodied inmates.
Crystal Silver, Astral Black and Sable body colors are available with red leather and Chili Red and Lagoon Blue with gray leather interior.
It's a pack of golden jackals - more gray than golden and bigger than foxes - that are a common sight here.
He was possibly wearing gray bomber type jacket, beige fleece.
Today heâs wearing a tweed jacket with leather patches on the elbows and gray trousers from British Home Stores.
The houses are built under some limestone rocks, whose gray crags jut over the tops of the houses.
We had a small gray kangaroo snacking in our top house paddock most of the afternoon.
Even the 7th choice wicket keeper Dave Lewis got into the act, picking up the prized scalp of John Gray.
A gray tabby kitten with an injured foot from a road traffic accident was the first patient in the cat ward.
I saw her closed lids; their long lashes now gray.
Thanks in part to the two-column layout and intriguing balance between black, white and gray printing.
Leatherette swivel chair, stroking the bushy tail of a gray squirrel.
Traverse right from the sloping gray ledge for 3m to a blunt arete.
Macy Gray is great because she's mad and a habitual liar, so she's always superb value.
They wore wigs of gray lichen beneath their red caps.
The underlying geology is a gray shaly metamorphosed limestone, perhaps turbidite, interbedded with sandstone; sands and gravels fill the valleys.
Much of the information is derived from unpublished or gray literature.
Gray scale conversion is based on the C.I.E. x,y,z system where y represents luminance.
Very few birds (although including Gray's Lark) but some memorable, almost lunar, scenery.
The short staircase was lined with perhaps twenty paramilitaries - ministry of Interior forces - in gray camouflage carrying machine guns.
The bulging eyeglass burnt the legend to the lie- the artist dies, shrouded under the gray mackintosh, the empty sky.
Following the take-over of Gray's in 1960, Susan used the malachite transfers to create a sumptuous range of richly guilded ornamental pieces.
The babies are born gray with a straight bill, the upper mandible with a slight hook.
The japanned wares were probably made by Gray and Co, who had a manufactory in Temple Back.
A saddled gray mare stands nearby, well lathered.
The patchwork of scattered cornfields interspersed with the region's crumbling, gray marl ' badlands ' forms a splendid wildlife habitat.
These support multitudes of large and glossy dark green narrow leaves which are silver gray beneath and have a yellow midrib.
It is a common misnomer that gray squirrels hibernate.
It took the form of a strange gray mist creeping across the room from the main entrance.
It was dressed in gray and black and was wearing black fingerless mittens over dirty gray bony fingers.
Here is a particularly fine and subtly modulated surface - predominantly gray but with accents of ochre and rose, sage and sky.
I wouldn't expect much from a monochrome monitor set to show 256 (or even 127) shades of gray.
Let X be the number of red-bellied snakes with gray color morph in the population of 1000.
All panels in east gable have been rebuilt with a hard gray ash/lime mortar.
The Waterloo mudstone Formation spans the Triassic Jurassic boundary, and comprises dark gray mudstones and shales, alternating with gray limestones.
In this area and at Lechlade, the Upper Thames Valley is floored by the gray mudstones of the overlying Upper Jurassic Oxford clay.
These dark gray mudstones, gray to black shales and minor limestones contain ammonite and rare reptile fossils.
Red mullet is no relation of the gray mullet.
You may be fortunate enough to observe the many gray mullet that are in this part of the river feeding.
Gary Bell and I took the gamble and crawled into a twin-engine Aero Commander and lifted off into gray murk.
The Gray Herons had left the meadows to feed at the low tide neaps on the River Adur north of the fly-over.
The series made in 2000 are mainly nocturnal still lives with gray colors.
Color ranges from white, off-white, gray, yellow, and pink.
By PLoS Biology The genetic code of the gray, short-tailed opossum reveals insights into the evolution of the major histocompatibility complex.
Swaledale has been richly endowed with deposits of lead ore, principally Galena, which is Lead Sulfide, a shiny silvery gray mineral.
Must have seen two hundred or more of them in white shirt, Leeds tie and gray crombie overcoats.
In the run-up to the election, the courting of the " gray vote " became even more overt.
It was this popularity that helped to quickly overturn the attempt to put Lady Jane Gray onto the throne of England.
Many small birds were mobbing the owl, and we watched a Gray Woodpecker attempt to drive it away by pecking at its feet!
Species such as breeding redshank, lapwing as well as migrant waders including oystercatcher and gray plover are all regularly sighted.
We watched Chough, Gray Heron and more oystercatchers, Swallows and Sand Martins before heading out along the eastern headland to the tip.
Some time whilst we slept the heavens signed a pact to align behind the pull of the gray faced moon.
Palearctic migrant, the Gray Wagtail which also shows a varying amount of yellow.
After another ten years, smokers develop dry skin and a gray pallor.
The green-eyed monster will be in the shape of Peter Taylor's devoted gray parrot, Merlin.
Merlin the African gray parrot has gone missing from his home in Stevenage.
Back then, gray partridge were the most common game birds in the country.
The red-legged or French partridge is much more common than the gray legged variety.
Wild gray partridges should only be shot where they are actively conserved.
The lid of the basket tilted a little, between lid and rim a soft, furry, six-toed gray paw was thrust out.
Gold-tone metal necklace with vintage motor car pendant in bright red with gray and orange spoked wheels.
She wore a red petticoat under a loose, dark gray gown of damask trimmed in fur.
He always wore a suit - usually gray and double-breasted - its subtle pinstripe blotched with multicolored stains of obscure and unsavory origin.
A trickle of Gray and Yellow Wagtails overhead and a female pintail were the only sightings of any note.
Everything was gray and white in a cold and dolorous sort of shepherd's plaid.
On the drive kestrel, spur winged plover, turtle dove and a distant great gray shrike were added.
Keep an eye open for the waders, gray plover.
Mrs Oldfield said it was dark gray in color and had a set of square portholes.
Gray goes back to the origins of our notion of modernity in early nineteenth-century positivism.
Gray squirrels are also a potential host to the disease, squirrel poxvirus which is normally fatal in reds.
I think ' Gray Panthers ' sounds very predatory!
I use a basic gray primer to spray a thin coat all over.
This option can be used to optimize output on level 1 gray scale postscript printers.
A walk along the waterfront promenade, the sun high in a cloudless sky, is a welcome change from Gray's Inn Road.
Dundee One surgeon performing open radical prostatectomy; radical radiotherapy - external beam 50 gray in 20 fractions; brachytherapy referred to Edinburgh.
The variation in z is displayed on a computer screen as a series of gray scales denoting surface protrusions.
Winter wear for boys in the kindergarten was roll-neck blue pullovers, changing to gray shirts with blue ties higher up the school.
The gray pullover should only be worn for extra warmth under the blazer.
What looks gray on your PC might look purple on your neighbor's.
Across the room, a young girl's face in an antique mirror oozed gray puss as her face disintegrated into a charred skull.
Tower appears to be in Fabric ' B ' with gray quoins.
A large, fat man in a suit and light raincoat was giving himself gray hairs with the Telegraph crossword.
Sometimes, you even raise an enigmatic smile, then carry on, your tumeric yellow sari swinging beneath a three-quarter-length gray raincoat.
Antique lovers will feel at home at Egerton Gray, a former 17th century rectory.
Wait until the charcoal is glowing red, with a powdery gray surface, before you start to cook.
The underside is white or pale gray and sides, limbs and paws are often reddish brown.
Although rare, you might even spot the white-tip reef shark or the larger gray reef shark.
In a warm haze the sultry light Is absorbed, not refracted, by gray stone.
It has a natural gray dry rind with reddish spots.
Some birds had white rump of typical form but most had gray rumps.
Nonetheless, examples of Gray's work remain scarce.
Around 38,000 gray seals are born on land at breeding colonies in the UK each November.
It's a gray four-door sedan in the parking lot.
Some talk of it being a gray area, or of ambiguous sexuality.
The result is that the picture is composed of varying shades from white to dark gray.
Or perhaps it's a subtle shade of gray.
Heuchera sanguinea Evergreen clumps of leaves with various silver veinings, purple shadings or gray to pewter bloomed surface.
The value of each node is shown by the depth of the gray shading.
Yellow on a white background, background shading, large areas of solid black, or gray shading, do not reproduce well.
Turning the stone over, the obverse side showed a delicate trace of leaves; shiny black against the gray shale.
It was reddish brown in color, and, so far, in keeping with the gray old shawl.
There are numerous Atlantic Gray Seal on this coast and we may see passing Manx shearwater.
Dan Gray even makes money from a site which specializes in DIY garden sheds!
In 1877 the firm bought several steam ships from local shipbuilder William Gray.
We were given a blue and white striped shirt and a pair of gray shorts and socks.
Local kestrel, southern gray shrike and turtle dove all seen near the goat farm by the road.
A third great gray shrike asked for closer examination.
Gull, 2 Black terns, 1 Gray Phalarope, and over 30 cetacean sightings, including around 20 large whales.
The occasional sip of Earl Gray completes the unlikely quartet.
You can always see the lazy common seals lying about sunbathing like large gray slugs.
And by the way, he hasn't got gray hair, it's just Cuban cigar smoke that cant get out.
Here, in gray smudges in the gravel spanning five millennia, is the essence of Heathrow's story.
Just a few shades of gray would have helped make, for instance, Dance's smug elitist snob even vaguely human!
I'm driving into gently falling snowflakes that are drifting slowly toward me, emerging from gray gloom into the brightness of my headlights.
Float is made from gray soapstone with wooden plug in circular hole at head end.
Two-centred doorway with differentially worn, molded dressings in both pink and gray freestone, and a hoodmould with hollowed soffit; all original.
He held familiar intercourse with Our Lady and the saints in the gray dawn, the grass still spangled with innumerable glistening dewdrops.
Join us on a 400-mile voyage around the tip of Baja California and witness the thrilling spectacle of Gray Whales in their calving lagoons.
It's all spotless, silent blankets of white instead of soggy, gray slush.
A gray squirrel is busy digging in the lawn near the feeder.
A gray squirrel runs away from a group of mushrooms.
Squirrel pox was found last summer by the Moredun Research Institute near Edinburgh in gray squirrel pox was found last summer by the Moredun Research Institute near Edinburgh in gray squirrels coming across the border from Cumbria.
Don't forget to take some peanuts to feed the gray squirrels that live in the grounds.
Skinny gray cats weave in and around narrow alleyways, or snooze in steep stone stairwells.
Gray hair, gray eyes, very stout, married, 7 children, can read & write, 5 '11 " tall.
Nodules can be a good source of whole fossils - they are rounded pale gray stones, often with faint horizontal striations in them.
The backfill was identified as a dark gray clay silt with mixed gravel and lumps of redeposited subsoil.
In the Fifth Form a gray suit may be worn instead.
When it was light I peeped through the portholes and saw Belfast's dull wharves and warehouses looking sulky in the gray morning mist.
Splendid, Variable and beautiful sunbirds were all present as were Cardinal, Gray and Fine-spotted Woodpeckers.
Hood in dove gray unlined, edged with Spectrum blue taffeta with a thin gold cord sewn to the leading edge of the hood.
Mrs Gray has a pet tarantula, and spider logos adorn her company cars and business cards.
If there is a long, dark teatime of the soul, I hope they have Earl Gray.
There are Sandwich, Common and Arctic nesting terns and a thriving colony of common and gray seals.
The first border in finer tesserae is of blue triangles set in light gray.
Gray or flesh colored tights may be worn with the skirt.
A dull gray green sometimes tinged with purple, Agrostis.
Inside, the M&S meat was an alarmingly bright pink; the Waitrose gray with a pinkish tinge in the middle.
Beside black with a brownish tinge like me you can find dun (gray) or red also.
The nearer slopes should also be graded a slight gray tint.
Stupidly I did not change to a thicker tippet to match the size of Gray Wulff that I was using.
Trees were taller and gray chunks of gravel crunched under Keds and bicycle tires like Cheerios between small teeth.
It is solar powered and has compost toilet and reed bed gray water system.
Inferior hypothalamic gray added six more lee spencer's story not even tony.
To it's banks holy monks did come gave birth to mine ain gray toon.
Three-piece gray suits, worn with gray top hats are popular for weddings.
General characteristics Barn owls have beautiful plumage with buff colored topsides, flecked with gray and white undersides and face.
These consistently showed a depth of about 35cm of gray sandy topsoil directly overlying the natural sand of the Bagshot Beds.
C1000 was allocated to the very dark gray silty clay topsoil covering the trench.
Such economies are extensive, forming part of transregional, even transcontinental, gray trading networks.
He was spotted by the armed trawler Dorothy Gray.
Three nights in succession he kept tryst with the gray lady, and at last he found a stone not unlike a skull.
At almost any time of the year the red squirrel has ear tufts, not present in the gray.
Their heads are gray to black with white tufts of fur on their ears.
He'll have purple and black velvet browband and I'll be in gray tweed with purple tie and brooch.
The bench leg supports have been painted in gray undercoat.
The next step is to undercoat all of the terrain with a mid to dark gray undercoat mix.
Video sample This sample is taken from Gray suit 7 a brief solo performance recorded in a Cardiff pedestrian underpass.
The gray mullet has a greenish back, with a silvery underside.
Leaving his civilian employment with the Heating Equipment Manufacturing Company in Stuttgart, he donned the field gray uniform of the German Army.
It is a very uninteresting gray steel cabinet with a screw on front cover.
She seems unwilling to make a firm decision about whether gender has gray areas or is either starkly pink or blue.
They gleam in green, lime, gold, and subtle variegations of cream, green, silver and gray.
All other sifakas have a gray or black visage, but the faces of some of these individuals were strangely pink with dark blotches.
Her companion was a very vivacious lady with an ugly attractive face and hair powdered with gray.
Alternate pink and gray voussoirs form a relieving arch.
We have been pleased to see a gray wagtail visiting the garden again over the last 2 weeks.
More welcome wildlife spotted included gray wagtails, mallards and blackbirds.
We also saw a pair of gray wagtails, in very smart fresh breeding plumage, running about in the shallows chasing insects.
It's a young gray wagtail whose tail hasn't grown to full length yet.
Gentlemen are required to wear either black or gray morning dress, including a waistcoat, with a top hat.
Wayne bridge to replace an aging gray fo 5m.
In addition to walrus the marine sanctuary is home to sea lions, seals and migrating gray whales.
Mel's burning desire was to see the gray whales.
The east had been gradually whitening, and we could now see some distance in the cold gray light.
A few gray wisps remain to break pears of sweat that roll down from the wrinkled neck.
When out to get a meal I suddenly noticed a little wisp of gray cloud.
Near the entrance we saw house wren, a perching gray hawk, an abundance of great kiskadees and several other flycatcher species.
This varies from gray through to distinctly yellowish gray.
Accordingly, dividing his party, leaving at the depot four men and taking with him Wills and two men, King and Gray, with a horse and six camels, he left Cooper's Creek on the 16th of December and crossed the desert traversed by Sturt fifteen years before.
It was very early recognized - and, indeed, is mentioned in the first patents of Bell, and in a caveat filed by Elisha Gray in the United States patent office only some two hours after Bell's application for a patent - that sounds and spoken words might be transmitted to a distance by causing the vibrations of a diaphragm to vary the resistance in the circuit.
Like a cousin and namesake (to whom, with other members of the society of Gray's Inn, he dedicated his play of The Lover's Melancholy), the future dramatist entered the profession of the law, being admitted of the Middle Temple in 1602; but he seems never to have been called to the bar.
The ornithological portion of it contained in these volumes received many additions from John Edward Gray, and appeared in 1829.
The list of his works includes hymns and national songs - among others, the famous Chant du depart; odes, Sur la mort de Mirabeau, Sur l'oligarchie de Robespierre, &c.; tragedies which never reached the stage, Brutus et Cassius, Philippe deux, Tibere; translations from Sophocles and Lessing, from Gray and Horace, from Tacitus and Aristotle; with elegies, dithyrambics and Ossianic rhapsodies.
There is something, too, in his fastidious refinement and in his shrinking from the rough contact of life that reminds us of the English poet Gray.
He also acquired the affections of Cheke's sister, Mary, and was in 1541 removed by his father to Gray's Inn, without, after six years' residence at Cambridge, having taken a degree.
What Ulfilas was to the Gothic tribes, what Columba and his disciples were to the early Celtic missions, what Augustine or Aidan was to the British Isles, what Boniface was to the churches of Germany and Anskar to those of Denmark and Sweden, that, on the discovery of a new world of missionary enterprise, was Xavier to India, Hans Egede to Greenland, Eliot to the Red Indians, Martyn to the church of Cawnpore, Marsden to the Maoris, Carey, Heber, Wilson, Duff and Edwin Lewis to India, Morrison, Gilmour, Legge, Hill, Griffith John to China, Gray, Livingstone, Mackenzie, Moffat, Hannington, Mackay to Africa, Broughton to Australia, Patteson to Melanesia, Crowther to the Niger Territory, Chalmers to New Guinea, Brown to Fiji.
The synonym "gray," given by Willughby and Ray, is doubtless derived from the general colour of the species, and has its analogue in the Icelandic Grdond, applied almost indifferently, or with some distinguishing epithet, to the female of any of the freshwater ducks, and especially to both sexes of the present, in which, as stated in the text, there is comparatively little conspicuous difference of plumage in drake and duck.
On the 27th of June 1576 he and his brother Anthony were entered de societate magistrorum at Gray's Inn, and a few months later he was sent abroad with Sir Amyas Paulet, the English ambassador at Paris.
One was Mr. Webster's horse; the other was an old gray nag with a lady's sidesaddle on its back.
Mr. Webster rode in front, and Daniel, on the old gray nag, followed behind.