Gravely Sentence Examples
She could almost hear his gravely voice...
This appears gravely to misread history.
When he answered, his voice was gravely.
Two days after landing in the United States, Dean received a phone call from Fred O'Connor, the stepfather he'd yet to meet, informing him his mother was gravely ill.
It said it was " gravely concerned " about the absence of basic medical facilities and schools for the Roma.
Volunteers on this project get involved with vital conservation work to save the gravely endangered black rhino.
Having heard Rostov to the end, the general shook his head gravely.
In early pregnancy if the baby's bilirubin levels are gravely high, PUBS (cordocentesis) is performed.
Compassionate care unemployment benefits can be collected by anyone who is required to stay home and care for a family member that is either temporarily ill or gravely ill.
Gravely wounded, Klaatu tells Helen to take him to Gort and tell Gort "Klaatu Barada Nikto."
AdvertisementViolation of these rules could gravely harm the cooperation that GENUKI is obtaining from many information providers, and hence threaten its whole future.
By February, 1967, she was convinced that the study was being gravely misdirected.
A green sandpiper feed busily from the gravely beach, which will soon provide breeding areas for little ring plover and common sandpiper.
He had especially noted the distinctive Doyle rounded features, mustache and equally unmistakable gravely voice.
And if they are divided when that moment comes it will gravely weaken their bargaining power vis-a-vis Iraq and the rest of the world.
AdvertisementThe struggle between the court and the patriarch John Chrysostom, who assumed an independent attitude and gravely offended the empress by his sermons against the worldliness and frivolity of the court, with open allusions to herself, resulted in his fall and exile (404).
When he had thus disposed of the " Paralogisms " of his more formidable antagonist in the first five lessons, he ended with a lesson on " Manners " to the two professors together, and set himself gravely at the close to show that he too could be abusive.
Several months later, a false rumor circulated through the press that Engels was gravely ill.
We are gravely concerned about increasing levels of selectivity in research funding.
The youngest Hogan, known for his affinity for fast cars and careless driving, was serving the sentence due to a 2007 accident that gravely injured his friend John Graziano.
AdvertisementCast and crew of The Beast expressed their feelings of being inspired by Swayze while shooting The Beast because even though the 56-year-old actor is gravely ill, he missed only one day of work.
Jennifer becomes gravely ill, and one of the final scenes has defined the film for movie buffs.
Communion under both kinds and the marriage of the clergy were sanctioned, thus gravely modifying two of the fundamental institutions of the medieval Church.
In one of these attempts, the affair at Belfort, Buchez was gravely compromised, although the jury which tried him did not find the evidence sufficient to warrant his condemnation.
An old woman in the next bed spoke to her in a gravely voice that quavered with age.
AdvertisementWell-drained soils occur on the sandy and gravely material but more waterlogged soils are found on river alluvium and glacial clays.
Voluntary work with animals - Orang-utan Conservation Another gravely endangered species is the orang-utan ape - the only great ape found outside of Africa.
After our meal the vise consul paid us a visit and listened gravely to our complaints.
Terrorism gravely threatens international peace and security, and as a solution the power and apparent finality of force are seductive.
In the first place, the little gallipot of a boat that we were in was gravely overloaded.
Intellectuals sympathetic to them gravely intone all the reasons why the old model of seizing the state no longer works.
But in these great endeavors we are gravely hampered by the political institutions of today.
For those staying home to take care of a gravely ill family member, unemployment will sustain income for a duration of 26 weeks prior to the death of the family member.
Stairway to Heaven - Izzie finally realizes that she may be gravely ill.
In a day when the penal code was still extremely severe, he argued gravely against all punishments, not only that of death.
The popes of the Renaissance were profoundly uninterested in theology; they were far more at home in an art gallery, or in fighting to recover their influence as temporal Italian princes, gravely shattered during the long residence of the papal court at Avignon in the 14th century.
It has suspected and amended its author, it has expunged his heresies; but whether it has put anything better or more tenable in their place may be gravely questioned.
The question of the real existence of incubi and succubi, whom the Romans identified with the fauns, was gravely discussed by the fathers of the church; and in 1484 Innocent III.
On the 2 1st of January 1903 Cardinal Richard publicly condemned the book, as not furnished with an imprimatur, and as calculated gravely to trouble the faith of the faithful in the fundamental Catholic dogmas.
The astonishing colours and grotesque forms of some animals and plants which the museum zoologists gravely described without comment were shown by these observers of living nature to have their significance in the economy of the organism possessing them; and a general doctrine was recognized, to the effect that no part or structure of an organism is without definite use and adaptation, being designed by the Creator for the benefit of the creature to which it belongs, or else for the benefit, amusement or instruction of his highest creature - man.
Propertius is a less accomplished artist and a less equably pleasing writer than either Tibullus or Ovid, but he shows more power of dealing gravely with a great or tragic situation than either of them, and his diction and rhythm give frequent proof of a concentrated force of conception and a corresponding movement of imaginative feeling which remind us of Lucretius.
Again, Harnack gravely differs from Catholic dogmatists in assigning a historical origin to what in their view is essentially divine - supernatural in origin, supernatural even in its declaration by the church.
Examined from this point of view the majority of domestic filters were found to be gravely defective, and even to be worse than useless, since unless they were frequently and thoroughly cleansed, they were liable to become favourable breeding-places for microbes.
Transferred to the central point of the administration, he had ample opportunity of regarding with other eyes the situation of the kingdom, and in consequence of his remonstrances he fell rapidly in the favour of Charles Both in 1710 and 1713 Horn was in favour of summoning the estates, but when in 1714 the diet adopted an anti-monarchical attitude, he gravely warned and ultimately dissolved it.
The pope had need of Frederick to defend him against the revolted Romans and to help him to recover his temporal power, which had been gravely compromised.
Thus Chalmers "reviews seriatim and gravely sets aside all the schemes usually proposed for the amelioration of the economic condition of the people" on the ground that an increase of comfort will lead to an increase of numbers, and so the last state of things will be worse than the first.
At her right sat the queerly assorted Jury--animals, animated dummies and people--all gravely prepared to listen to what was said.
Attempts to estimate the width of the gulf separating the Church of England in Elizabeth's time from the corresponding institution as it existed in the early years of her father's reign are likely to be gravely affected by personal bias.
Athenian statesmanship in the time of Demosthenes was gravely exercised to make this form of contribution more effective.
Chapelain's Sentiments de l'Acaddmie francaise sur la tragi-comddie du Cid (1638), when its arbitration was demanded by Richelieu, and not openly repudiated by Corneille, was virtually unimportant; but it is worth remembering that no less a writer than Georges de Scudery, in his Observations sur le Cid (1637), gravely and apparently sincerely asserted and maintained of this great play that the subject was utterly bad, that all the rules of dramatic composition were violated, that the action was badly conducted, the versification constantly faulty, and the beauties as a rule stolen!
The power of the crown was increased by the confiscation of the great Sturlung estates, which were underleased to farmers, while the early falling off of the Norse trade threatened to deprive the island of the means of existence; for the great epidemics and eruptions of the 1.4th century had gravely attacked its pastoral wealth and ruined much of its pasture and fishery.
Their scholastic doctors gravely discuss whether - since water is the "matter" of baptism - a soul can be made regenerate by milk, or rose-water or wine.
More jurist than theologian, John defended the rights of the papacy with rigorous zeal and as rigorous logic. For the restoration of the papacy to its old independence, which had been so gravely compromised under his immediate predecessors, and for the execution of the vast enterprises which the papacy deemed useful for its prestige and for Christendom, considerable sums were required; and to raise the necessary money John burdened Christian Europe with new taxes and a complicated fiscal system, which was fraught with serious consequences.