Gravel Sentence Examples
Boots crunched on gravel behind her.
The roadway was gravel, but well maintained on a year-round basis.
Valley gravel borders the Thames, with some interruptions, from Kingston to Greenwich, and extends to a wide belt, with ramifications, from Wandsworth south to Croydon, and in a narrower line from Greenwich towards Bromley.
Backing the truck around, he threw gravel from the rear tires as he took off.
The car spun around at the bottom of the hill, spraying gravel in a wild circle.
He heard tires crunch on gravel outside the cabin.
He lifted a large piece of gravel to show her.
She stopped at the gravel drive and reached for her shoes.
Whole forests, vast quarries of granite, and hills of gravel were used in fringing the water margins, constructing wharves, piers and causeways, redeeming flats, and furnishing piling and solid foundations for buildings.
The truck slid to a stop in the yard, spraying gravel and dust.
AdvertisementThe sound of tires crunching on gravel announced the approach of a vehicle.
He biked away from the highway, up the gravel road to the west.
Behind her, Josh roared his engine as he turn the truck around, and slung gravel on the road as he took off.
Turning on a wide gravel road, she stopped to study the map.
Surely he had heard the gravel fly when her car had stopped.
AdvertisementInstead, she trotted down the gravel driveway, each crunching step making her cringe.
Its width is as a rule about 24 ft.; at present its surface is formed of rough cobbling, upon which there was probably a gravel layer, now washed away.
They are built of "sun-dried blocks of mud and gravel, about 22 in.
The slopes of the sides vary according to the nature of the ground, the amount of moisture present, &c. In solid rock they may be vertical; in gravel, sand or common earth they must, to prevent slipping, rise r ft.
The ballast consists of such materials as broken stone, furnace slag, gravel, cinders or earth, the lower layers commonly consisting of coarser materials than the top ones, and its purpose is to provide a firm, well-drained foundation in which the sleepers or crossties may be embedded and held in place, and by which the weight of the track and the trains may be distributed over the road-bed.
AdvertisementThe hornbeam thrives well on stiff, clayey, moist soils, into which its roots penetrate deeply; on chalk or gravel it does not flourish.
Underneath the surface are beds of sand, gravel and clays, the last affording material for the manufacture of brick, tiles and pottery.
The stones, averaging ten to a carat, are found in the river gravel or in alluvial deposits.
In Germany very similar filters have also been used, pearl-quartz gravel taking the place of coral sand, which it closely resembles.
Now, six months later, in spite of the windshield pockmarked from the gravel roads of Ouray County, it felt like an old friend.
AdvertisementTires crunched on gravel and he glanced out the door.
A huge white sycamore skeleton sprawled on the gravel beach, its bark long gone.
The sound of tires crunching on gravel brought her attention back to the drive.
She kicked at a piece of gravel.
Small streams often sink from sight in their beds of gravel, and after flowing some distance underground, reappear farther on.
On the Coastal Plain the soil is generally sandy, but in nearly all parts of this region more or less marl abounds; south of the Neuse river the soil is mostly a loose sand, north of it there is more loam on the uplands, and in the lowlands the soil is usually compact with clay, silt or peat; toward the western border of the region the sand becomes coarser and some gravel is mixed with it.
Boots crunched on gravel and she looked up to find Alex watching her.
He said nothing as he walked across the gravel and set her down on the porch.
The soil is for the most part glacial drift, composed of clay, sand and gravel, and varying greatly in depth.
But he received an invitation to become morning preacher at Gravel Pit Chapel, Hackney.
The surrounding country, which is traversed by gravel roads leading to the principal towns of the province, is fertile and well cultivated, producing sugar, tobacco and rice in abundance.
The alluvial extracted, which in the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago carries from 5 to 60 lb of tinstone (or "black tin," as it is termed by Cornish miners) to the cubic yard of gravel, is washed in various simple sluicing appliances, by which the lighter clay, sand and stones are removed and tinstone is left behind comparatively pure, containing usually 65 to 75% of metallic tin (chemically pure tinstone contains 78.7%).
In the north and west the clay is interspersed with patches of plateau gravel in the direction of Finchley (where boulder clay also appears), Enfield and Barnet; and of Bagshot sands on Hampstead Heath and Harrow Hill.
Within minutes a truck plunged down the hill and into the yard, stopping in a spray of gravel in front of the house.
The prevailing soils are sand and gravel loams, but other varieties are numerous, ranging from rich alluvial beds of extinct lakes, as in parts of Lyon and Esmeralda counties, to the strongly alkaline plains of the southern deserts.
Gravel is found on the high ground about Richmond Park and Wimbledon.
The cost of filling has been greatly reduced by the system of flushing culm, sand, gravel and similar material, through pipes leading from the surface into mine workings.
Here, in gray smudges in the gravel spanning five millennia, is the essence of Heathrow 's story.
Sea Thrift produced the usual attractive sweeps over the gravel, but none of this had actually sprouted forth from the disturbed ground.
The soil is sandy, upon a subsoil of gravel.
Where the underlying rock or gravel deposits are close to the surface, the subsoil layer may be very thin.
The latter two factors probably have the greatest influence on the organisms that inhabit sand and gravel substrata.
The soil is generally a black sandy loam, inclining to clay, and having a plentiful substratum of gravel.
It is one of the best models for hilly or gravel driveways since it has powered wheels and an auger that won't dig into gravel.
This model is designed to handle driveways on hills and gravel driveways.
The gravel inside the lucky bamboo pot can add a great decorative accent to the favor.
Many couples choose aquarium gravel, marbles, or pebbles to match the colors of the bridal party dresses or other wedding décor if they opt for a clear pot.
Classic gravel, sand, or even dirt can be a great natural accent, especially if the couple chooses an environmentally conscious wedding ceremony.
Lucky bamboo plant wedding favors are easy to personalize even beyond the color and type of gravel.
Brides are choosing to show off their legs and their designer shoes instead of dragging cathedral gowns through the sand, grass, and gravel.
Her father owns a sand and gravel business in California and her mother is a former concert pianist.
Kids get a lot of banged-up legs and knees, and knee socks prevent a lot of the damage that can be caused by gravel, sticks and rocks.
You could create a small gravel filled area around the post so you wouldn't have to worry about yellowing lawn.
Even the dog run gets a quick run over, whether it is picking up poop, replacing pea gravel or just hosing down the cement.
People in the country that live on gravel roads experience this when it has been really dry.
The gravel on the road gets flung up and can create clouds of dust with particles a large as grains of sand.
It roots firmly, by means of strong woody fibres, and prefers peaty soil mingled with shale or rough gravel, and shady humid positions, such as are afforded by a high rock garden with a north aspect, or by the shelter of a north wall.
The soil is peat with a sub-soil of gravel, the whole well trenched and manured."
In many places it grows freely at the bottom of walls, or even in gravel walks if allowed a chance.
These minimalist arrangements of gravel, sand and stones were used as the focus of meditation.
Carefully positioned stones represent islands in a river of finely groomed gravel or sand.
Expanses of white gravel are seen in other types of spaces in Japanese landscape design, such as entrances to palaces; in the Shinto tradition it symbolizes purified space.
A formal dry garden could be the focal point of your landscape, or the style of the garden could be conveyed through the use of areas of sand and gravel.
An ideal material is pea gravel, and if you place it deep enough, it will also help to balance out the internal climate.
Fill the bottom of the trench with a drainage layer of rubble or gravel, followed by a foot or eighteen inches of rotted manure.
In this form of garden growing, a nutrient rich solution is used to feed the plants all the nutrients it needs while the roots are in a material such as gravel or perlite, or the roots directly placed in the water solution.
Instead, plants are grown in a medium such as clay pellets or gravel and a liquid nutrient solution is circulated through the roots of the plants, providing the root system with all the moisture, nutrients and oxygen needed to survive.
If you want the shed wired for electricity, there may be ramifications for both the construction of the shed and the creation of a poured or gravel foundation.
This can create considerable additional expense, especially if you have to rent equipment to excavate or pour a concrete slab foundation as opposed to gravel.
Pigments are used to give the counters a full range of color, while varying amounts of gravel allow for textured counters that will fit in with the most rustic kitchen design.
Using cedar or oak bark or gravel chips also makes a dehydrating environment that slugs don't like.
The area usually has a layer of gravel for drainage and a heavy mulch laid down to keep the weeds from coming up through the bed.
These paths can be made of gravel or heavy mulch and help to keep the area weed free.
Use a shovel to clear snow from in front of the tires, and use gravel, sand, or kitty litter to add traction.
Pour sand, kitty litter, salt or gravel on the path in front of the wheels to provide traction.
Examples of soft surfaces are those made of items like bark mulch, wood chips, sand, pea gravel, or shredded tires.
Its bed comes pre-filled with "gravel" and it says fewer phrases.
Ages 3 and up - If you want a riding toy with traction tough enough to handle wet grass, mud, gravel, and more, then you'll need a Power Wheels vehicle with monster traction.
To make the no wax candles you decorate votive with the plastic figures, sand and gravel included in the kit.
Do not use scooters on uneven pavement and gravel.
The colors are midnight with white paisley, chocolate with gravel paisley and black with white threads.
They also make a great work boot, solid enough that you'll feel stable whether you're on blacktop or gravel.
Use a magnifying glass to spot pieces of gravel or other trash in the wound.
North Dakota is also one of the most productive states agriculturally, offering the country and the world its wheat, beans, cattle, sheep and even natural resources like oil, natural gas, sand and gravel.
Again her fall was briefly interrupted - until the roots released their grip in the loose gravel.
She dropped the cloth as she heard tires crunching on gravel.
She stomped on the accelerator and for a moment the wheels spun gravel.
Sulphur and sulphur waters such as those of Harrogate, Aix-la-Chapelle and Aix-les-Bains, have a powerful effect in congested conditions of the liver and intestines, haemorrhoids, gout and gravel.
At a small roadside station, where the traffic is of a purely local character, there will be some sidings to which horses and carts have access for handling bulk goods like coal, gravel,.
Early-sown grain is often injured by flying sand and gravel.
The conversion of the gravel road into a paved road made it much easier for riding bikes.
Grains of gold or particles of ore may be detected by washing samples of gravel in a prospector's 1 Of doubtful origin.
In the mechanical analysis of the soil, after separation of the stones and fine gravel by means of sieves, the remainder of the finer earth is subjected to various processes of sifting and deposition from water with a view of determining the relative proportions of sand, silt and clay present in it.
The amount and nature of the clay or marl to be added to the soil will depend largely upon the original composition of the latter, the lighter sands and gravel requiring more clay than those of firmer texture.
The ratio of cases to population living in Dublin on loose porous gravel soil for the ten years1881-1891was I in 94, while that of those living on stiff clay soil was but 1 in 145.
For warmth, for dryness, for absence of fog, and for facility of walking after rain, just when the air is at its purest and its best, there is nothing equal to gravel; but when gravel has been rendered foul by infiltration with organic matters it may easily become a very hotbed of disease.
The soil of the northern portion of the county is a rich brown loam, on a substratum of clay or gravel.
These occur in a strip of comparatively fine gravel and sand, 150 yds.
In alluvial deposits the richest ground is usually found in contact with the "bed rock"; and, when the overlying cover of gravel is very thick, or, as sometimes happens, when the older gravel is covered with a flow of basalt, regular mining by shafts and levels, as in what are known as tunnel-claims, may be required to reach the auriferous ground.
The gravel is dug by hand and thrown in at the upper end, the stones kept back being removed at intervals by two men with four-pronged steel forks.
Hydraulic mining has for the most part been confined to the country of its invention, California, and the western territories of America, where the conditions favourable for its use are more fully developed than elsewhere - notably the presence of thick banks of gravel that cannot be utilized by other methods, and abundance of water, even though considerable work may be required at times to make it available.
Under the most advantageous conditions the loss of gold may be estimated at 15 or 20%, the amount recovered representing a value of about two shillings per ton of gravel treated.
The gravel is excavated as in the ordinary form of endless-chain bucket dredge and dumped on to the deck of the dredge.
It then passes through screens and grizzlies to retain the coarse gravel, the finer material passing on to sluice boxes provided with riffles, supplied with mercury.
There are belt conveyers for discharging the gravel and tailings at the end of the vessel remote from the buckets.
There is scarcely a county in England in which its remains have not been found in alluvial gravel or in caverns, and numbers of its teeth are dredged in the North Sea.
A closer investigation of the numerous long, narrow banks which lie off the Flemish coast and the Thames estuary shows that they are composed of fragments of rock abraded and transported by tidal currents and storms in the same way that the chalk and limestone worn off from the eastern continuation of the island of Heligoland during the last two centuries has been reduced to the coarse gravel of the off-lying Dune.
Similar effects are produced along the boulder-clay cliffs of the Baltic. Where the force of the waves on the beach produces its full effect the coarser material gets worn down to gravel, sand and silt, the finest particles remaining long suspended in the water to be finally deposited as mud in quiet bays.
But if a worm has to make his way through the gravel, it makes the greatest possible difference to him whether he tries to push right against a piece of gravel, or directs his course through one of the intervals between the pieces; to him, therefore, the gravel is by no means a homogeneous and continuous substance.
The materials on the coast were clay and gravel wrought into concrete, sun-dried bricks and pise, or rammed work, cut stalks of plants formed with clay a kind of staff, and lintels were made by burying stems of cana brava (Gynerium saccharoides) in blocks of pise.
More than thirty mineral substances are obtained in commercial quantities from the mines, quarries and wells of New York, but of the total value of the mineral products in 1908 ($45,6 6 9, 861), nearly six-sevenths was' represented by clay products ($8,929,224), pig iron ($15,879,000), stone ($6,157,279), cement ($ 2, 2 54,759), salt ($2,136,738), petroleum ($2,071,533), and sand and gravel ($1,349,163).
In the valleys of rivers which have overflowed their banks and on level bench lands there is considerable silt and vegetable loam mixed with glacial clay; but on the hills and ridges of western Washington the soil is almost wholly a glacial deposit consisting principally of clay but usually containing some sand and gravel.
But his health grew worse and worse, and he was tormented by stone and gravel.
The glacial drift east of the Missouri river, unlike that of the New England states, is remarkably free from boulders and gravel, except in a few morainic belts.
Good pasture grounds are only found near the streams. The soil is dry gravel and clay, upon which bushes of Ephedra, Nitraria and Salsolaceae grow sparsely.
Thus local sheets or aprons of gravel and sand are spread more or less abundantly along the outer side of the morainic belts; and long trains of gravel and sands clog the valleys that lead southward from the glaciated to the non-glaciated area.
The central section of the Great Plains, between latitudes 42 and 36, occupying eastern Colorado and western Kansas, is, briefly stated, for the most part a dissected fluviatile plain; that is, this section was once smoothly covered with a gently sloping plain of gravel and sand that had been spread far forward on a broad denuded area as a piedmont deposit by the rivers which issued from the mountains; and since then it has been more or less dissected by the erosion of valleys.
In the coastal plain the Comanchean beds are generally not cemented, but consist of gravel, sand and clay, occupying the nearly horizontal position in which they were originally deposited.
They consist, in most parts of the country, of unconsolidated sediments, consisting of gravel, sand, clay, &c., together with large quantities of tuff, volcanic agglomerate, &c. Some of the sedimentary formations are of marine, some of brackish water, and some of terrestrial origin.
It seems probable that the Lafayette formation of the Gulf coastal plain is continuous northward and westward with gravel deposits on the Great Plains, washed out from the Rocky Mountains to the west.
Glass and other sands and gravel ($13,270,032), lime ($11,091,186), phosphate rock ($10,653,558), salt ($7,553,632), natural mineral waters ($7,287,269), sulphur ($6,668,215, almost wholly from Louisiana), slate ($6,316,8 I7), gypsum ($4,138,560), clay ($2,599,986), asphalt ($1,888,881), talc and soapstone ($1,401,222), borax ($975,000, all from California), and pyrite ($857,113) were the next most important products in 1908.
The village, as it was then, had a reputation for healthiness through its gravel soil and pure atmosphere.
Famous houses no longer standing were Campden House, in the district north-west of the parish church, formerly known as the Gravel Pits; and Gore House, on the site of the present Albert Hall, the residence of William Wilberforce, and later of the countess of Blessington.
They occur, with many other gem-stones, as pebbles or rolled crystals in alluvial deposits of sand and gravel; the gem-gravel being known locally as illam.
The larger materials include gravel of all degrees of coarseness; carbonaceous matter is often an important element.
Old alluvial deposits are left high above the existing level of many rivers, in the form of "terraces" of gravel and loam, the streams to which these owe their existence having modified their courses and cut deeper channels; such are the alluvial gravels and brick-earths upon which much of "greater London" is built.
On the other hand, in winter the warm currents coming in from the Persian Gulf being met to a large extent by northerly currents from the snow-covered tracts of Armenia, are condensed down on to the plain and discharge moisture enough to cover the gravel steppes with spring herbage.
The north-west and north-east sections contain some glacial drift but the soil in these parts is not suitable for cultivation except in the larger valleys in the north-west where it is drained by glacial gravel or there is some sandy loam mixed with clay.
The commonest aggregates are broken stone and natural flint gravel.
Generally speaking,broken stones will be rough and angular, whereas the stones in flint gravel will be comparatively smooth and round.
When natural flint gravel containing both stones and sand is used, it is usual to mix so much gravel with so much lime or cement.
The best material for the construction of garden walks is good binding gravel.
Gravel from an inland pit is to be preferred; though occasionally very excellent varieties are found upon the sea-coast.
Gravel walks must be kept free from weeds, either by hand weeding, or by the use of one of the many weed killers now on the market.
For the destruction of weeds on gravel walks or in paved yards a strong dose of salt, applied either dry or in a very strong solution, is found very effective, especially a hot solution, but after a time much of it becomes washed down, and the residue acts as a manure; its continued application is undesirable, as gravel so treated becomes pasty.
In one the ground is turf, out of which flower-beds, of varied patterns, are cut; in the other the flower-beds are separated by gravel walks, without the introduction of grass.
Attend to the dressing of shrubberies; lay turf-edgings, and regulate the surface of gravel walks.
The mineral resources of Holland give no encouragement to industrial activity, with the exception of the coal-mining in Limburg, the smelting of iron ore in a few furnaces in Overysel and Gelderland, the use of stone and gravel in the making of dikes and roads, and of clay in brickworks and potteries, the quarrying of stone at St Pietersberg, &c. Nevertheless the industry of the country has developed in a remarkable manner since the separation from Belgium.
According to his description shallow pits were sunk, and the gravel excavated was gathered into a walled enclosure where it was crushed and water was poured over it, and it was finally sifted in baskets and sorted by hand.
In writing and in conversation the geological expression " drift " is now usually understood to mean Glacial drift, including boulder clay and all the varieties of sand, gravel and clay deposits formed by the agency of ice sheets, glaciers and icebergs.
The shores are for the greater part formed of fine gravel; some yards from the shore the bed is uniformly covered with fine greyish mud.
Some of the best water-meadows in England have but a thin soil resting on gravel and flints, this constituting a most effectual system of natural drainage.
Water from moors and peatbogs or from gravel or ferruginous sandstone is generally of small utility so far as plant food is concerned.
The old shore cliffs and gravel bars of these glacial lakes are still well-marked topographical features, and provide favourite sites for towns and cities.
The cemeteries otherwise only contain graves, cut in gravel or brick lined, and formerly roofed with poles and brushwood.
Under the Post-Tertiary division come the records of the Ice Age, when Scotland was buried under sheets of ice which ground down, striated and polished the harder rocks over the whole country, and left behind them the widespread accumulation of clay, gravel and sand known as Glacial Deposits.
They are iron boxes, in which a bed is made of bricks, above them gravel, and over this sand, covered on the top by iron grids.
Many - like the common "solitary" bees Halictus and Andrena - burrow in the ground; the holes of species of Andrena are commonly seen in springtime opening on sandy banks, grassy lawns or gravel paths.
There are peat and forest beds, which must have grown quietly at the surface, alternating with deposits of gravel, sand and clay.
These were " flumed," - that is, the water was diverted by wooden flumes from the natural channel and the sand and gravel in the bed were washed.
In this method tremendous blasts of powder, sometimes twenty-five or even fifty tons, were used to loosen the gravel, which was then acted on by the jet of water thrown from the " pipes."
The total filling up to that time on the streams in this vicinity had been from loo to 250 ft., and many thousand acres of fine farming land were buried under gravel, some 16,000 on the lower Yuba alone.
Permits for hydraulic mining are granted by the commission only when all gravel is satisfactorily impounded and no harm is done to the streams; and the improvement of these, which was impossible so long as limits were not set to hydraulic mining, can now be effectively advanced.
To enlarge the area, or raise the surface-level where that was necessary, layers of logs, brushwood, heather and ferns were piled on the shallow, and consolidated with gravel and stones.
The subsoil is either of clay, of limestone, or mixed sand and clay, gravel, or of a peculiar kind of pudding stone which exists in a hard and a soft variety.
It is formed of sand or fine gravel cemented by infiltrated oxide of iron.
The finest wines of the Medoc and Graves are largely grown on a mixture of gravel, quartz and sand with a subsoil of alios or clay.
The soil varies considerably in nature, but consists mostly of gravel, quartz, limestone and sand on the surface, and of clay and alios beneath.
The soil is almost a pure sandy gravel with a subsoil of varied nature, but principally altos, gravel, clay or sand.
The soil consists chiefly of mixed clay and gravel, or clay and limestone, and the vines chiefly used are the Sauvignon, the Semillon and the Muscatelle.
It is washed every winter from banks of coarse gravel, a little above I-ch`eng Hien, on which it is deposited by the river.
Swedish geologists distinguish between bottengrus (bottom gravel, bottom moraine) and ordinary krossgrus (terminal and side moraine).
The watershed between the Rhine and the Eem is formed by a plateau of sand and gravel hills which extend from the southeast corner on the Rhine to Zeist near Utrecht, and also northwards to Huizen on the Zuider Zee.
The region of sand and gravel is covered with bare heaths and patches of woods, and the occupations of the scanty population are chiefly those of buckwheat cultivation and peat-digging, as in Drente.
Unoccupied territory may, however, be prepared for the reception of new beds, by spreading sand, gravel and shells over muddy bottoms, or, indeed, beds may be kept up in locations for permanent natural beds, by putting down mature oysters and cultch just before the time of breeding, thus giving the young a chance to fix themselves before the currents and enemies have had time to accomplish much in the way of destruction.
The trees used should be impenetrable to the eye, and so tall that no one can look over them; and the paths should be of gravel and well kept.
Where this intervening band is not covered by recent gravel deposits, it exhibits beds of limestone, clays and sandstone with fossils, which, in age, range from the Lower Eocene to the Miocene.
The soil of south-west and south-east Michigan is for the most part a dark clay loam or muck; in the north central part of the lower peninsula it is a light sandy loam, along the Huron shore it is heavy with blue clay, in the mining districts of the north-west the rocks are usually either barren or very thinly covered; and elsewhere in the state the soil is generally rich in a variety of mineral elements, and varies chiefly in the proportions of vegetable loam, sand or gravel, and clay.
They have a false bottom, with cloth or gravel filters.
On the right bank they are of pliocene gravel, on the left of tufa; and on the latter, on a cliff above the river (the ancient Puilia saxa) stood Ficana (marked by the farmhouse of Dragoncello), which is said to have owed its origin to Ancus Martius.
To the south-west of the picturesque belts of palm trees which stretch inland from the northern coast of Bahrein, is a wide space of open sandy plain filled with gigantic tumuli or earth mounds, of which the outer layers of gravel and clay have been hardened by the weather action of centuries to the consistency of conglomerate.
A few small elevations of gravel, or of underlying formations, rise above the level of 25 ft.; these were in former times islands, and now they form the sites of the infrequent villages.
The scenery is quiet in its character, but the gravel hills are often prominent features, as at Harrow and in the northern suburbs of London; the country is now mainly under grass or occupied with market and nursery gardens, and many parts, of which Epping Forest is a fine example, are still densely wooded, the oak being the prevailing tree.
The soil is for the most part glacial drift, containing a large mixture of clay with sand or gravel, and the sub-soil is mostly " hard-pan," i.e.
Another argument is that of Professor von Morlot, based on a railway section through a conical accumulation of gravel and alluvium, which the torrent of the Tiniere has gradually built up where it enters the Lake of Geneva near Villeneuve.
Lithium salts render the urine alkaline and are in virtue of their action diuretic. They are much prescribed for acute or chronic gout, and as a solvent to uric acid calculi or gravel, but their action as a solvent of uric acid has been certainly overrated, as it has been shown that the addition of medicinal doses of lithium to the blood serum does not increase the solubility of uric acid in it.
The districts near the sea consist entirely of alluvial formations; and, indeed, it is stated that no substance so coarse as gravel occurs throughout the delta, or in the heart of the provinces within 400 m.
The original material may have been perfectly satisfactory, but if, for example, in puddle the progress of the work a stream of water is allowed to flow across it, fine clay is sometimes washed away, and the gravel or sand associated with it left to a sufficient extent to permit of future percolation.
The masonry is described by Mr Schuyler as " a rough uncut granite ashlar, with a hearting of rough rubble all laid in cement mortar and gravel."
The Glacial striae, and the dislocated rocks - moved a few inches or feet from their places, and others, at greater distances, turned over, and beginning to assume the sub-angular form of Glacial boulders - were found precisely as the glacier, receding from the bar, and giving place to the ancient lake, had left them, covered and preserved by sand and gravel washed from the terminal morain.
As such strainers were further improved, by sorting the sand and gravel, and using the fine sand only at the surface, better clarification of the water was obtained; but chemical analysis indicated, or was at the time thought to indicate, that that improvement was practically confined to clarification, as the dissolved impurities in the water were certainly very little changed.
Elkington showed that by cutting a deep drain through the clay, aided when necessary by wells or auger holes, the subjacent bed of sand or gravel in which a body of water is pent up by the clay, as in a vessel, might be tapped and the water conveyed harmlessly in the covered drain to the nearest ditch or stream.
On a gravel bank or spit in the north-west of the lake stood a castle which was sometimes used as a residence by Margaret, queen of Malcolm Canmore.
The surface of this tableland is also bare and desolate, being covered with gravel and fragments of rock.
The interior of the tableland consists for the most part of barren, grassless deserts, the surface being covered by gravel, loose fragments of rock, lava, driftsand, ashes and glacial detritus.
The groups of lakes which lie north-west from Langjokull occupy basins formed between ridges of glacial gravel; and in Vatn, lake.
There are found strikingly developed marine terraces of gravel, shore lines and surf beaches marked on the solid rock.
Boulder-clays and sands, and gravels rearranged by water, occur throughout the lowlands; while the eskers or " green hills," characteristic grasscovered ridges of gravel, rise from the great plain, or run athwart valleys and over hill-sides, marking the courses of sub-glacial streams. When the superficial deposits are removed, the underlying rocks are found to be scored and smoothed by ice-action, and whole mountain-sides in the south and west have been similarly moulded during the Glacial epoch.
The boundary line ran from the Bay of Galway to Dublin along the great ridge of gravel known as Eiscir Riada which stretches across Ireland.
It is used for lifting or removing such loose substances as coal, gravel and the like.
The effect of the Glacial epoch in Europe is shown in northern Africa by the moraines of the higher Atlas, and the wider extension of the glaciers on Kilimanjaro, Kenya and Ruwenzori, and by the extensive accumulations of gravel over the Sahara.
The lower Nile valley, however, forms an exception; flint implements of a palaeolithic type have been found near Thebes, not only on the surface of the ground, which for several thousand years has been desert owing to the contraction of the river-bed, but also in stratified gravel of an older date.
Mineral resources are decidedly limited; the total value of the mineral output (excluding coal) in 1907 was $1,383,916, of which $953,432 was the value of clay products, $324,239 of stone, and $54,227 of sand and gravel.
Gravel is widely obtainable, and sand of the finest quality is available in inexhaustible quantities, and is an important article of export.
The glacial drift is also a useful deposit, coarse ingredients in it being of small amount (rare boulders, and some gravel).
The main portion of Gelderland north of the Rhine and the Old Ysel forms as it were an extension of the province of Overysel, being composed of diluvial sand and gravel, covered with sombre heaths and patches of fen.
The coarser materials settle nearer the land, and the shallower portions of the sea floor are strewn with gravel and sand, except in occasional depressions and near the mouths of rivers where mud may gather.
It is unique, however, among the great promontories of the south coast of England, the accretion of gravel banks falling into deep water contrasting with the cliff-bound headlands of the North Foreland, Beachy Head and the Lizard, and with the low eroded Selsey Bill, off which the sea is shallow.
The car weaved in a cloud of dust, throwing gravel at the trees.
It had high-centered on the gravel ridge left by a road grader.
Only a few minutes passed before the sound of tires crunching on gravel announced the approach of a vehicle.
It was strewn with loose gravel and stone, with occasional clumps of hardy vegetation mixed with larger boulders.
The river of the same name parallels the two-lane Route 550 and separates the paved highway from the far less traveled gravel roads that meander in the same direction.
She marveled at the world, the gentle sunshine, beautiful sky, the fragrant ocean breeze that ruffled her pink-striped blond hair, the soft crunch of gravel beneath her shoes.
Fifteen minutes to travel six miles to the clinic — most of it rough gravel roads.
He scrambled from the ground and staggered toward the steps again, pausing when he heard tires crunch on gravel behind him.
At the cabin, she was packing a suitcase in the middle of the living room floor when she heard tires crunch on gravel outside.
These are generally broken and heavily abraded as may be expected in a river transporting coarse gravel.
The stream was cold and the passage low and gravel floored, with occasional avens containing loosely cemented fill and old flowstone.
Sandy, shingle and gravel shores occur on more exposed shores and may appear barren.
Rapid loss of beach volume necessitated the building of a seawall founded on the backshore gravel beach berm to protect the town/village in 1830.
On approaching Garnieland Farmhouse take the gravel road to the left to reach the causeway across to the island.
This consisted of a dark greyish-brown silty clay with inclusions of gravel.
We have three deluxe rooms situated across the small gravel courtyard to the rear of the Duck.
To begin with the city was laid out on a desert surface of yellow sand and grayish gravel over an underlying harder stony desert.
The Caddis larvae normally live on river-beds, and make cocoons for themselves from bark, gravel and other river detritus.
Gravel was extracted until 1970 when the area was left virtually devoid of vegetation.
The path then skirts inland around Kendall's Wharf, still used for landing gravel dredged from the sea bed.
Gardens; The Lilies is approached through wrought iron double gates to gravel driveway with parking for several vehicles.
A gravel driveway leads past the rear of the cottages to a parking area to the side of which is a single garage.
The lake was formed by the flooding of a 64 acre gravel extraction site.
Sediment exposures generally show well-sorted and interbedded sand and gravel facies typical of a glaciolacustrine depositional environment.
Welsh poppies and pink geranium have colonized the gravel below.
G-force gravel H2, is a hard compound tire which is bigger than the traditional gravel option.
Most of the Parks lies on light soils overlying gravel, limiting the range of plant material which can be grown.
Water and landscape elements are symbolized by fifteen rocks set in raked gravel.
Secondly the soils are normally well graded giving a even spread of coarse gravel through to fine sands.
A member who was cycling home from work, rode onto the grass at the side of the road to avoid some loose gravel.
What is the minimum depth of foundation in sandy gravel?
Some gravel and coarse sand may derive from erosion of sediment infills of earlier (Pleistocene) buried channels and valley terrace deposits.
The Hereford fabrics would have needed tempering since the gravel found in them is not found naturally mixed with Devonian marl.
Dromius sigma is found on muddy or peaty soils near standing water in fens, lowland marshes, flooded quarries and gravel pits.
They put down woven black matting, to go under the gravel.
Esker A ridge of sediment (often winding) made up of sand and gravel deposited by glacial meltwater.
Surround of Shed Consider laying gravel to make any approach noisy.
A gravel path ran off to the left of the drive alongside this wall, snaking toward an old wooden outbuilding.
Sand martins are an attractive summer visitor and there is a good chance of seeing an oystercatcher anywhere gravel or stones are exposed.
Article continues It starts as a paved road, but quickly becomes a stone and gravel track barely passable in a four-wheel drive vehicle.
A gravel path following the line of the walls could disguise a drainage trench.
The porous paving can be materials such as gravel, grasscrete, porous (no fines) concrete blocks or porous asphalt.
The College site has some cobbles and uneven paving, gravel and grass.
In 1983 they started excavating in the bottom of the gravel pit.
There are rocky caves and reefs, massive sandbanks and vast gravel plains, each with their own range of wildlife.
Mandy steered the bike along the gravel track at the edge of the field, being careful to avoid the potholes.
We had lunch on the move and stopped by the gravel quarry before White Mills Lock.
Like all salmonids, grayling spawn on clean gravel, excavating a small redd in the gravel in which their eggs are laid.
We were shown a sea trout redd or scrape in the gravel stream bed.
Even when the mornings are still frosty in early March, dace will be found massing in the deeper water before shallow gravel riffles.
The physical habitat of the Lee between Welwyn and Hertford is good, with medium to fast water flow over a gravel riverbed.
There is no space under the bridge, which lies totally to the gravel seabed level.
This may provide a locally significant input of clay, sand and gravel derived from Eocene bedrock and overlying drift sediment.
Path alongside tram tracks Heathfield Park Heathfield Park entrance Immediately inside the park gates go half left onto a gravel track among thick shrubbery.
Place wooden slats on top of the sand or gravel, to separate the drainage material from the compost you are going to produce.
Here, in gray smudges in the gravel spanning five millennia, is the essence of Heathrow's story.
Before its development as a gravel spit, the site of the Denn was an area of upper-middle saltmarsh.
The backfill was identified as a dark gray clay silt with mixed gravel and lumps of redeposited subsoil.
Topsoil stripping revealed a similar surface to that on Area 1. At the southern end there was an orange brown subsoil overlying glacial gravel.
They are mostly filled with sandy material which is much more compact than the gravel subsoil into which they are cut.
My office looks over a gravel beach area which is a nesting ground for arctic terns.
Trees were taller and gray chunks of gravel crunched under Keds and bicycle tires like Cheerios between small teeth.
Should I get rid of the gravel first, or can I put topsoil over it?
He later blamed his visit to the gravel trap on a missed gear.
A gravel band on all sides could mask drainage trench beside the walls.
Upstream through beautiful blue dolly tubs, a series of shallow lakes led to a wide sump pool held back by extensive gravel banks.
Remove them with a sharp upwards tug, you can place your fingers on the gravel to prevent the bulbs being pulled up.
Sections of mammoth tusks have been discovered in local gravel pits.
On a proper track, the first time you experience REAL understeer, you slide off onto the gravel.
The most commonly observed cause of FLUTD is the formation of gravel, small stones or crystals called uroliths.
They have adhesive warts on the column, usually with gravel adhering.
The site is predominantly laid to gravel paths and motorized wheelchairs are recommended.
These former gravel workings now provide excellent habitats for wildlife including many water birds.
As the river leaves the mountain, ever growing by the accession of tributaries, it ceases, save in flood time, to be a formidable instrument of destruction; the gentler slope of the land surface gives to it only power sufficient to transport small stones, gravel, sand and ultimately mud.
Heavy clays, gravel and sands, containing cypress stumps, driftwood and mastodon bones, are characteristic. The loess or bluff formation lies along the bluffs bordering the Bottom, nearly continuously through the state.
The tundra is a coastal plain, swampy and covered with undergrowth and underlaid by gravel.
Thus, if a railway contractor has to make a tunnel through a hill of gravel., and if one cubic yard of the gravel is so like another cubic yard that for the purposes of the contract they may be taken as equivalent, then, in estimating the work required to remove the gravel from the tunnel, he may, without fear of error, make his calculations as if the gravel were a continuous substance.
Roves Farm is at the end of the mile long gravel lane - it is exactly a mile, although sometimes it feels longer !
This consisted of a very dark gray clayey silt with inclusions of rubble, gravel and pebbles.
Finish off with a mulch of fine gravel, frosted glass or slate chippings.
He toils in the searing heat, breaking rocks into gravel.
He incorporated local materials such as gravel and stone into the landscaping.
The Virginian Stock, like many other annuals, does not show its full beauty from spring-sown seedlings, and where it sows itself in the gravel it is often welcome.
The gravel road led past a small subdivision, then a few individual houses and small but beautiful Lake Lenoir, before climbing into the open and leading to a beautiful panorama of the Uncompahgre Valley and the snow-capped mountains to the west.
She marveled at the soft crunch of gravel beneath her shoes.
Her added weight, though slight, caused the parking lot gravel to cut even deeper into his aching feet.
With a squeal of brakes Dean narrowly missed the rider in front, who shouted a profanity and spun sideways to a stop in the roadside gravel, miraculously maintaining balance.
Keaton kicked at a stick and made a mark in the gravel with the toe of his shoe.
Wheels crunched on gravel as a car stopped in her drive.
A foul gravel soil is a most dangerous one on which to build.
The stream, laden with stones and gravel, passes into the sluices, where the gold is recovered in the manner already described.
This deposit varies in thickness, as a rule, from 55 to 70 ft., at which depth it is underlain by a series of coarse and fine yellow quartz sands, with occasional pebbles, or even banks of gravel, while here and there thin beds of clay occur.
Marine Pliocene strata occur to the south of the pyramids of Giza and in the Fayum province, where, in addition, some gravel terraces, at a height of 500 ft.
The soil consists almost entirely of sand and gravel, and is covered with bleak moorland, patches of wood, and fen.
It is unstratified; but by the action of water on it, stratified deposits have been formed, some of clay, containing remains of arctic animals, some, and very extensive ones, of sand and gravel.
Sections of the Missouri flood plain made by the United States geological survey show a great variety of material of varying coarseness, the stream bed being scoured at one place, and filled at another by currents and floods of varying swiftness, so that sometimes the deposits are of coarse gravel, sometimes of fine sand, or of fine silt, and it is probable that any section of such an alluvial plain would show deposits of a similar character.
It must be remembered that one of the great advantages of concrete is that five-sixths of its total mass may be provided from local sand and gravel, on which no carriage has to be paid.
The name Alhambra, signifying in Arabic "the red," is probably derived from the colour of the sun-dried tapia, or bricks made of fine gravel and clay, of which the outer walls are built.
A gravel bank acted on by such tremendous force crumbled rapidly, and the disintegrated material could be run readily through sluices to the " dumps."
It generally consists of limestone, or of mixed limestone and clay, or of sand and clay, or of gravel, with here and there flint and rolled quartz.
After his two years in the French galleys, if not before, Knox suffered permanently from gravel and dyspepsia, and he confesses that his nature "was for the most part oppressed with melancholy."
In the older filters it was usual to support this sand upon small gravel resting upon larger gravel, and so on until the material was sufficiently open to pass the water laterally to underdrains.
In valleys where they have been rashly cut away, and the waters pour down the slopes unchecked, every tiny rivulet becomes a raging torrent, that carries off the grassy slopes and devastates the floor of the valley, covering the soil with gravel and debris.
Here the soil consists mainly of sand and gravel, and the prevailing scenery is formed of waste heaths and patches of wood, while here and there fertile meadows extend along the banks of the streams, and the land is laid out in the highly regular manner characteristic of fen reclamation (see Drente).
Except for the willow-plots found along the rivers on the clay lands, nearly all the wood is confined to the sand and gravel soils, where copses of birch and alder are common.
At the same time another branch of the same gulf protruded northwards in the direction of the Aral, probably as far as the Sary Kamish depression, which lies to the west of the Khivan delta of the Oxus, separated from it by wide beds of loess, clays and gravel, covering rocks of an unknown age.
The south coast is flat next the sea; but immediately underneath Vatnajokull there is a strip of gravel and sand, brought down and deposited by the glacial streams. The largest low-lying plain of Iceland, lying between Myrdalsjokull and Reykjanes, has an area of about 1550 sq.
Its general aspect is that of rugged slopes of bare rock, seamed with the beds of dry torrents choked with gravel (see further Turkestan, West).
The serenity of the raked gravel in Zen gardens has inspired a new process, involving repeatedly drawing pencil lines through gesso.
This backfill had inclusions of charcoal flecks and gravel and sherds of medieval pottery (Appendix E) were recovered during excavation.
These conditions are provided by old sand and gravel extraction sites that have been allowed to revegetate naturally.
Sand and gravel quarries are a significant pressure in areas with ridges of glacial moraine toward the outer margins of the vale.
The overall effect is one of the water tumbled around the sides of the urn and falling into the gravel, pebbles and stones.
She ran up the gravel road leading to the wooden door in the fortress.
These valleys are generally levelfloored, but at their borders gradually slope upward, and are filled, often to a depth of several thousand feet, with the detritus of gravel, sand and silt from the neighbouring hills.
Fifteen minutes to travel six miles to the clinic — most of it rough gravel roads.