Grandiflora Sentence Examples
The surface of the summit (the highest point is variously stated at 3549, 35 82 and 3850 ft.) is broken into small valleys and hills, and is covered with luxuriant vegetation, its flora including the superb orchid Disa grandiflora and the well-known silver tree.
Among these are species of Willughbeia and Leuconotis, from which much of the rubber exported from Borneo is derived; Parameria glandulifera, common in Siam and Borneo, and Urceola esculenta and Cryptostegia grandiflora, both common in Burma.
C. auriculata, 2 to 3 ft., has yellow and brown flowers in July and August; C. lanceolata, 2 to 3 ft., bright yellow, in August; next to the biennial C. grandiflora it is the best garden plant.
The prickly poppy (Argemone grandiflora) is a fine Mexican perennial with large white flowers.
This is also seen in a transverse section of the calyx of Magnolia grandiflora, where each of the three leaves embraces that within it.
His huge plant of Daphne petraea grandiflora is around 15 years old.
The first magnolia grandiflora was brought to Nantes by a sailor from Virginia in about 1711.
The finest is A. grandiflora (Pigmy Sunflower), a native of Colorado, an alpine plant with flower-heads 3 inches in diameter, growing from 6 inches to 9 inches high.
M. grandiflora is a slight variety, differing in color from the normal form.
There are four cultivated species, chinensis, grandiflora, perfoliata, and sessilifolia.
AdvertisementOf these grandiflora is the finest, and the only one worth growing generally.
Its variety grandiflora or Lamarckiana should always be preferred to the ordinary kind, as the flowers are larger and of a finer color, having a fine effect in large masses and it is well suited for the wild garden.
Brodiaea Grandiflora - This is an old and pretty plant, about 5 inches high, with deep purplish-blue flowers in a loose umbel in July.
A multitude of varieties have sprung from W. floribunda, W. grandiflora (known also as W. amabilis), W. rosea, and W. hortensis.
The most valuable sorts have come from W. grandiflora, which has the largest flowers, while the smaller, but more numerously-flowered kinds, have originated from W. rosea and W. floribunda.
AdvertisementP. grandiflora (Irish Butterwort) is the finest.
N. insignis has sky-blue flowers, and its varieties are grandiflora, alba, purpurea-rubra, and striata.
S. a. grandiflora is an invaluable double-flowered variety.
Groups of the bolder kinds associated with Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora, Lilium Henryi, and Azalea mollis are effective for months on end, and all revel in deep rich loam, old manure, and leaf-mould.
P. grandiflora is a handsome Siberian perennial, hardy in light dry soils, but impatient of damp and undrained situations, where its thick fleshy roots decay.
AdvertisementThere are many varieties single and double, white and blue or purple among them, and worth a place-Daisy Hill moerheimi, Alba grandiflora maxima, Pallida grandiflora, and Felham Beauty, a handsome single blue, are the best.
P. mollis is intermediate between the two, and P. grandiflora is somewhat similar to P. officinalis, P. azurea has rich blue flowers.
Magnolia Grandiflora - The great Laurel Magnolia of the southern United States is, in England, best treated as a wall plant; under these conditions it thrives well and flowers freely.
M. grandiflora is one of the most showy of hardy annuals, and effective where a bold crimson flower is desired.
There are now many varieties, as R. odorata grandiflora, R. o. pyramidalis grandiflora, the compact, strong-growing variety Machet, with bold spikes of reddish flowers and broad abundant leaves, and dwarf varieties.
AdvertisementThe variety grandiflora has larger flowers and is more robust, while the variety microphylla is remarkable for finely-divided leaves and smaller flowers.
Exochorda Grandiflora - One of the loveliest of hardy shrubs allied to the Spiraeas, but with larger flowers, forming, when full grown, a rounded bush of about 10 feet high.
Corfu Lily (Funkia Grandiflora) - Is 12 to 18 inches high, producing in August and September numerous large, pure white, sweet-scented flowers.
Mostly grown are A. mexicana, A. grandiflora, and A. hispida; so much alike in habit as not to need separate description.
Of these the best of the older sorts are Campbelli, graca, grandiflora, Hendersoni, and violacea.
C. grandiflora is a handsome annual with showy blossoms.
The variety grandiflora is an improvement, with very large flowers and its leaves almost evergreen.
Self-heal (Prunella) - This handsome and vigorous plant P. grandiflora is readily distinguished by its large flowers.
Sparaxis - Charming bulbous plants from the Cape of Good Hope, the many varieties coming chiefly from S. grandiflora and S. tricolor.
T. grandiflora has leaves prettily colored and veined like Heuchera Richardsoni, and spikes of small yellowish bell-like flowers, thriving in any soil.
Other garden forms of this species are grandiflora, its white flowers spotted with purple; and variegata, with finely marked foliage of charming effect in a moist shady spot.
Besides the large-flowered form called grandiflora, some times purple and sometimes white, there is a double-flowered kind which comes true from seed, also a dwarf compact from with violet-blue flowers.
W. corymbosa has white and purple flowers, and the flowers of W. grandiflora are like those of W. aurea, but finer.
Whitlavia - W. grandiflora is a beautiful herb about a foot high, allied to the Nemophila, with an abundance of showy bell-shaped blossoms of a rich deep blue.
The best variety is grandiflora, its flowers being longer and more open, but the shrub varies a little from seed.
S. grandiflora, from Asia Minor and Siberia, is a neat downy plant with showy spikes of reddish-purple or rosy flowers from May onwards, sometimes used in the rougher parts of the rock garden.