Granddad Sentence Examples
I remember seeing some pictures of Granddad on an old rake like that.
Either way, if you plant a dahlia, you'll definitely make your granddad proud.
Lots of support coming from a slightly drunken granddad - which was ace!
I have a gran and granddad and I think they're really swell.
Notes I've just become a granddad for the first time.
I would like to nominate my great granddad to perform the opening ceremony of your new look store in March on August 31.
These families didn't even have recordings of their old granddad.
Samantha says, our granddad supports us 100 per cent.
At the dinner table she told me she had gone to see her mom's granddad.
After a long and happy life, Granddad laird dies, and Lord Lyon says that B is the new laird.
AdvertisementMalasha too looked at "Granddad."
It seemed to her that it was only a personal struggle between "Granddad" and "Long-coat" as she termed Bennigsen.
In the midst of the conversation she noticed "Granddad" give Bennigsen a quick, subtle glance, and then to her joys she saw that "Granddad" said something to "Long-coat" which settled him.
The whole family is extremely excited about the new store but we hope granddad wont get lost !