Gram Sentence Examples
Gram laid the foundation of critical history in Denmark.
The chief crops raised are rice, gram, millet, beans, peas, sesamum and tobacco.
The principal units of length, weight and volume are the metre, gramme (or gram) and litre.
An asprin tablet weighs approximately one gram.
One carat is defined as one-fifth of a gram or 200 milligrams, roughly the weight of a single dollar bill.
Peas, beans, lentils, gram, maize, millet, are also universally cultivated, and exported, from the Persian Gulf ports to India and the Arabian coast.
One carat is divided into 100 points, with five carats making up a gram.
As a companion to his book on the Atkins carb counter diet, Dr. Atkins has published the New Carbohydrate Gram Counter.
Carbohydrates and proteins have four calories per gram.
Fats are more energetically dense, and have nine calories per gram.
AdvertisementA one cup serving has no fat or cholesterol, 28 milligrams of sodium, 2 grams of dietary fiber and one gram of protein.
That figures translates into 520 calories a day, based on 4 calories per gram.
Use a good fat gram calculator to determine how much fat you are already consuming in a day, then make adjustments to meet your dietary goals.
While protein and carbohydrates contain a modest four calories per gram, fat contains a hefty nine.
If a label states that a food contains 27 grams of carbohydrates, you will need to round up and consider it to contain two carbohydrate choices.For every gram of fiber that the food contains, you can subtract one gram of carbohydrate.
AdvertisementEach cookie has two and a half grams of fat with one gram of saturated fat.
Sugar alcohols also generally have fewer calories per gram than sugar.
While carbohydrates and proteins have four calories per gram, fat has nine.
Pajama Gram's Winter Morning Pajamas are 95 percent cotton, 5 percent spandex and run $49.95 to $54.95 depending on the size you wish to purchase.
The Stone Roses' sound has been likened to bands such as Slaughter and the Dogs, The Clash, Gram Parsons, The Seeds, and some consider their music to have paved the way for '90s sensation Oasis.
AdvertisementWith each flower producing only three stigmas, you can imagine the volume needed to produce even one gram of the spice.
I paid $12.50 for a 10 gram jar with the brush included.
It weighs in at a whopping nine calories per gram.
If you're trying to lose weight, you'll be happy to learn that each piece of sugar-free gum has three calories and one gram of carbohydrates.
The Lafuma Warm 'n Light 800 gram junior sleeping bag comes in acid green and retails for $99.95.
AdvertisementThe Gram stain is performed on a sediment of the CSF and is positive in at least 60 percent of cases of bacterial meningitis.
They take on the red color of the counterstain used in the Gram stain procedure.
Similarly, infections with a number of gram negative bacteria (such as those in the gastrointestinal tract that can cause infection following aspiration) have a death rate of 25 to 50 percent.
The levels used are about 0.5 gram iron/kg dry cereal.
The bacterium can be grown on chocolate agar or identified by blood cultures or Gram stain of body fluids.
A urinary level greater than 0.05 mg iodine per gram of creatinine (another metabolite excreted in urine) indicates adequate iodine status.
Material from the swab is put on a microscope slide and stained using a procedure called Gram's stain.
Gram stain-A staining procedure used to visualize and classify bacteria.
The Gram stain procedure allows the identification of purple (gram positive) organisms and red (gram negative) organisms.
Gram is the name of a stain that distinguishes broad classes of bacteria.
Treatment depends on whether the rot is caused by a gram positive or gram negative bacterial infection, but that's very difficult for the home aquarium buff to determine.
Oranges may be the classic vitamin C carrier, but black currant has four times the amount of vitamin C per gram.
Experts recommend that you take no more than one gram of protein per pound of body weight per day.
Strawberries - These tasty fruits contain a slightly higher concentration of vitamin C per gram.
Students can purchase a candy gram at school and send it to their friends for 25 cents.
The carat is the unit of measure for diamond size, with one carat being equivalent to 200 milligrams, or one-fifth of a gram.
The Jules flour also offers less nutritional value with only one gram of protein and only 2 percent iron.
Since one gram of fat contains 9 calories, while one gram of protein or carbohydrate contain 4 calories, it makes perfect sense to cut back on the number of fat grams constituting a meal in order to cut back on total caloric intake.
Similarly, for a food to be labeled "low saturated fat", a serving must contain 1 gram or less of saturated fat and no more than 15% of calories from saturated fat.
Keep in mind that if you are also counting calories, that one gram of fat has nearly twice the calories of a gram or protein or carbohydrate.
Typically, the ketogenic diet guideline is 3-4 grams of fat to every gram of carbohydrate and protein.
The normal recommended calorie intake is 75-100 calories for every 2.2 pounds of body weight, making sure to include 1 gram of protein per 2.2 pounds of body weight as a part of the caloric intake.
Eat normally, but make sure to add a 200 calorie serving of mackerel (30 mcg), 78 grams (3/4 cup) of Kellogg's All-Bran with Extra Fiber (19 mcg) and a 23 gram (1 cup) serving of New England dry clam chowder mix (9 mcg).
The tuna can tells you that you have 160 calories with 38 grams of protein and zero fat carbs and half a gram of fat.
A 40 gram serving should be just about 160 calories, and having it before bed is not a problem since protein does not affect your blood sugar.
Not only does alcohol contain almost as many calories per gram as pure fat (7 calories vs. 9 calories per gram), but the toxic elements have a disruptive effect on your natural hormone balance that can last for days.
Water decomposes it to give hydrogen free from ammonia and acetylene, i gram yielding about loo ccs.
The neutral arbitrators were the baron de Courcel, the marquis Visconti Venosta, and Mr Gregers Gram, appointed respectively by the president of the French Republic, the king of Italy, and the king of Norway and Sweden.
The principal crops are - in the cold weather, maize and bajra; in the spring, wheat, barley and gram.
One (English) carat =3.17 grains = gram.
This is the case in the methods for staining the tubercle bacillus and also in Gram's method, the essential point in which latter is the treatment with a solution of iodine before decolorizing.
In Gram's method, however, only some bacteria retain the stain, while others lose it.
Of the pulses the most important are gram (Cicer arietinum), tur (Cajanus indicus), kulti (Dolichos biflorus), and mug (Phaseolus Mungo).
But every brand forged by the smith broke under Sigurd's stroke; till at last he fetched the fragments of the sword Gram, Odin's gift to his father, which Hiortis had carefully treasured.
The gods have vanished from the scene; there is nothing of Loki and his theft of Andvari's hoard, nothing of Odin and his gifts of the sword Gram and the magic horse Grani; and not till the third Aventiure, when Siegfried comes to Worms, are we given even a hint that such things as the sword and treasure exist.
The organism Streptococcus pneumoniae is a non-motile, facultatively anaerobic, gram positive, encapsulated coccus, growing in pairs and short chains.
B. fragilis is a Gram negative short bacillus which demonstrates pleomorphism.
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Such doses can be achieved in patients receiving 1 gram bolus intravenous doses of methylprednisolone.
Therefore, along with every 5 gram dose of Micronized creatine 15 to 20 oz of water should be consumed.
The batter is made from gram flour which is derived from chana dhal.
Can be difficult to differentiate pleural empyema from pleural effusion in the absence of a positive Gram stain or bacterial culture.
The total is 402 umol glycogen per gram of muscle, which is nearly four times the normal concentration of glycogen per gram of muscle, which is nearly four times the normal concentration of glycogen stored in muscle.
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Sundberg and Meller (1997) claim that 1 gram of cadexomer iodine can absorb up to seven milliliters of body fluid.
Golden Rice contains 1.6 micrograms of beta-carotene per gram of rice.
Just a few millionths of a gram are enough to affect a human being.
The extract is a brown powder, wrapped in one gram individual plastic sachets, tightly closed, each with two gel caps.
Use as many 50 gram sachets of Virkon as required to cover all the body fluid spillage.
The pattern uses six skeins of Artisan Lace Weight yarn (20 gram skein = 300 meters ).
Gram negative bacteria have evolved a number of different protein translocation pathways across the outer membrane.
The pulses mung, urd and moth are grown generally in the autumn alone, or in combination with millets; and gram, alone or in combination with wheat and barley, is an important spring crop. Sugar-cane, indigo, poppy and tobacco are locally important; and a little tea is grown in the submontane districts of Almora Garhwal and Dehra Dun.
Though no rise of temperature accompanies the melting of ice, there is yet a definite quantity of heat absorbed, namely, about 80 calories per gram; this is called the latent heat of fusion of water (see FusloN).
Mike sexton host include gram heavyweight the travel channel to love quot.
The pattern uses six skeins of Artisan Lace Weight yarn (20 gram skein = 300 meters).
Avoid supplementing over 1 gram of vitamin C daily if using the contraceptive pill.
A rolled banknote used to sniff cocaine can have a thousandth of a gram of the drug left on it.
When you take into accord that, on average, a gram of alcohol contains about seven calories, it's not surprising that there is a high demand for low calorie mixed drinks.
Just to keep it in perspective, a microgram is one hundred thousandth of a gram.
Carbohydrates and protein only carry four calories per gram.
Likewise, alcohol is slightly more calorically dense (seven calories per gram as in alcohol as opposed to four calories per gram in carbohydrates) than carbohydrates, so higher alcohol wines typically contain more calories.
Among pulses gram covers in ordinary years more than so millions of acres, chiefly in the United Provinces, the Punjab and Bengal.
The ordinary crops are millet, sesamum, cotton, maize, rice, gram, and a great variety of peas and beans.
The university of Copenhagen, which had been destroyed by fire in 1728, was reopened in 1742, and under the auspices of the historian Hans Gram (1685-1748), who founded the Danish Royal Academy of Sciences, it inspired an active intellectual life.
Gram is largely cultivated in the East, where the seeds are eaten raw or cooked in various ways, both in their ripe and unripe condition, and when roasted and ground subserve the same purposes as ordinary flour.
Gram is largely eaten by the poorer classes, but it is also used as horse-food.
Many of the roots and vegetables of Europe have been introduced, as well as some of those peculiar to the tropics, including maize, millet, yams, manioc, dhol, gram, &c. Small quantities of tea, rice and sago, have been grown, as well as many of the spices (cloves, nutmeg, ginger, pepper and allspice),' and also cotton, indigo, betel, camphor, turmeric and vanilla.
The quantity of heat evolved, according to Julius Thomsen, is 34,116 calories for each gram of hydrogen burned.