Grains Sentence Examples
Starch grains may often be seen in contact with the pigment crystals.
In such plants, the pollen grains are sometimes fihiform and not spherical in shape.
On the fertile low grounds along the margins of rivers or in clearings of forests, agricultural communities naturally take their rise, dwelling in villages and cultivating the wild grains, which by careful nurture and selection have been turned into rich cereals.
The horses were eating oats from their movable troughs and sparrows flew down and pecked the grains that fell.
The dose is from 20 grains to a drachm.
The official dose of powdered colchicum is 2 to 5 grains, which may be given in a cachet.
The meal can be baked into "cake" or biscuit, as the Passover cake of the Jews; but it cannot be made into loaves in consequence of the great difficulty in rupturing the starch grains, unless the temperature be raised to a considerable height.
The pharmacopeial dose of the acid is 5-20 grains, but it is so unrelated to experience and practice that it may be ignored.
Of the two latter, 300 grains may be given in a dose and i 2 oz.
The patient should continue to take about 100 grains a day for at least a fortnight after he is apparently convalescent, otherwise a recrudescence is very probable.
AdvertisementHere are cultivated rich crops of millet and other grains.
In central Alberta coarse grains - oats and barley - and some wheat are grown, in conjunction with mixed farming.
The power to bless in this ecclesiastical sense is reserved to priests alone; the blessing of the paschal candle on Holy Saturday by the deacon being the one exception that proves the rule, for he uses for the purpose grains of incense previously blessed by the priest at the altar.
Grains of metallic tin occur intermingled with the gold ores of Siberia, Guiana and Bolivia, and in a few other localities.
It is also found in the form of rolled lumps and grains, "stream tin," in alluvial gravels; the latter are secondary deposits, the products of the disintegration of the first-named primary deposits.
AdvertisementGainesville is a trading centre and market for the surrounding country, in which cotton, grains, garden truck, fruit and alfalfa are grown and live-stock is raised; and a wholesale distributing point for the neighbouring region in Texas and Oklahoma.
Grains of gold or particles of ore may be detected by washing samples of gravel in a prospector's 1 Of doubtful origin.
As compared with the Hindu, the Burmese wear silk instead of cotton, and eat rice instead of the cheaper grains; they are of an altogether freer and less servile, but also of a less practical character.
Other crops which are grown in the province, especially in Upper Burma, comprise maize, tilseed, sugar-cane, cotton, tobacco, wheat, millet, other food grains including pulse, condiments and spices, tea, barley, sago, linseed and other oil-seeds, various fibres, indigo and other dye crops, besides orchards and garden produce.
Pomegranate root, or, better, the sulphate of pelletierine in dose of 5 grains with an equal quantity of tannic acid, may be used to replace the male fern.
AdvertisementWhere the soil grains are quite free from each other the smaller grains tend to fill up the spaces between the larger ones; hence it might be concluded that in clays the amount of pore-space would be less than in coarser sands.
This is the case in " puddled " clays, but in ordinary clay soils the excessively minute particles of which they largely consist tend to form groups of comparatively large composite grains and it is in such natural soils that the pore-space is largest.
The lime causes the minute separate particles of clay to flocculate or group themselves together into larger compound grains between which air and water can percolate more freely.
Saltpetre may be made to act as a nitrite by dissolving it in water in the strength of about fifty grains to the ounce, soaking blotting-paper in the solution and letting the paper dry.
The dose of jalap is from five to twenty grains, the British Pharmacopeia directing that it must contain from 9 to II% of the resin, which is given in doses of two to five grains.
AdvertisementLong ditches with stone-paved sluices for washing this mineral-bearing material have long been used by the Indians, who also construct stone bars across the beds of the streams to make riffles and hold the deposited grains of gold.
The finer meteors on entering the air only weigh a few hundred or, at most, a few thousand pounds, while the smallest shooting stars visible to the eye may probably be equal in size to coarse grains of sand, and still be large enough to evolve all the light presented by them.
The principal crops are millet, wheat, other food grains, pulse, oilseeds and cotton; there is some manufacture of cotton-cloth and blankets, and there are ginning factories in the town.
The principal crops are millet, rice, other food grains, pulse, oilseeds, cotton and tobacco, with a little coffee.
The Siemens and Halske ozonizer, in form somewhat resembling the old laboratory instrument, is largely used in Germany; working with an alternating current transformed up to 650o volts, it has been found to give 280 grains or more of ozone per e.
Yarnold's process, using corrugated glass plates coated on one side with gold or other metal leaf, is stated to have yielded as much as 2700 grains per e.h.p. hour.
Hypodermic injection of strychnine, in some cases as much as one to two grains (but not into a vein!), has in some cases had good results; but injection of ammonia, instead of doing any good, has disastrous sloughing results.
The larvae known as caddis-worms are aquatic. The mature females lay their eggs in the water, and the newly-hatched larvae provide themselves with cases made of various particles such as grains of sand, pieces of wood or leaves stuck together with silk secreted from the salivary glands of the insect.
The cavity of the tube of Helicopsyche, composed of grains of sand, is itself spirally coiled, so that the case exactly resembles a small snail-shell in shape.
The " ruby " sand consists chiefly of fine garnets and magnetites, with a few rose-quartz grains.
In the process employed at the Worcester Works in the Transvaal, the liquors, containing about 150 grains of gold per ton and from 0.08 to o 01% of cyanide, are treated in rectangular vats in which is placed a series of iron and leaden plates at intervals of 1 in.
In the jungles the Marias, who are among the aboriginal tribes of Gond origin, raise kosra (Panicum italicum) and other inferior grains.
The dose is 2 to 5 grains, that of aloin being z to 2 grains.
Recent limestones are being produced in this way and also in some places by the precipitation of calcium carbonate by sodium or ammonium carbonate which has been carried into the sea or formed by organisms. The precipitated carbonate may agglomerate on mineral or organic grains which serve as nuclei, or it may form a sheet of hard deposit on the bottom as occurs in the Red Sea, off Florida, and round many coral islands in the Pacific. Only the sand and the finest-grained sediments of the shore zone are carried outwards over the continental shelf by the tides or by the reaction-currents along the bottom set up by on-shore winds.
The bottom of the Black Sea is covered by a stiff blue mud in which Sir John Murray found much sulphide of iron,' grains or needles of pyrites making up nearly 50% of the deposit, and there are also grains of amorphous calcium carbonate evidently precipitated from the water.
Freezing takes place by the formation of pure ice in flat crystalline plates of the hexagonal system, which form in perpendicular planes and unite in bundles to form grains so that a thick covering of ice exhibits a fibrous structure.
The lowest current weight is 1 22.5 grains for sovereigns and 61.125 grains for half-sovereigns corresponding to losses by wear of about o.
Although New York has lost in the competition with the Western States in the production of most of the grains, especially wheat and barley, and in the production of wool, mutton and pork, it has made steady progress in the dairy business and continues to produce great crops of hay.
The ripe ears of the last hang so as to become almost parallel with the stem; they are narrower and longer than in (b), owing to the grains being placed farther apart on the rachis; it includes the Chevalier variety, one of the best for malting purposes.
Barley is the most hardy of all cereal grains, its limit of cultivation extending farther north than any other; and, at the same time, it can be profitably cultivated in sub-tropical countries.
Shaler, state geologist in 1873-1880, " When the rocks whence they flow were formed on the Silurian sea-floors, a good deal of the sea-water was imprisoned in the strata, between the grains of sand or mud and in the cavities of the shells that make up a large part of these rocks.
Saxon moneyers pound, or Tower pound, 5400 grains, abolished in 1527.
Merchant's pound, in 1270 established for all except gold, silver and medicines = 6750 grains, generally superseded by avoirdupois in 1303.
Merchant's pound of 7200 grains, from France and Germany, also superseded.
The original places and dates of these cannot yet be fixed, except for the lowest type of 138-140 grains; this belonged to Heliopolis (7), as two weights (35) inscribed of "the treasury of An" show 139.9 and 140.4, while a plain one from there gives 138.8; the variety 147-149 may belong to Hermopolis (35), according to an inscribed weight.
A wider range of fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes are available to delight the eye and palate.
Other important crops grown are - maize, 324,000 acres; oats, 493,000 acres; other grains, 160,000 acres; hay, 1,367,000 acres; potatoes, 119,000 acres; sugar-cane, 141,000 acres; vines, 65,000 acres; and other crops, 422,000 acres.
Embedded in the protoplasm are a number of starch grains.
Erysiphe, or the steeping in hot water of thoroughly ripe hard grains to which spores are attached, e.g.
Starch exists, in the majority of cases, in the form of grains, which are composed of stratified layers arranged around a nucleus or hilum.
Aleurone.Aleurone is a proteid substance which occurs in seeds especially those containing oil, in the form of minute granules or large grains.
Besides the internal or centripetal growth, some cell-walls are thickened on the outside, such as pollen grains, oospores of Fungi, cells of Peridineae, &c. This centrifugal growth must apparently take place by the activity of protoplasm external to the cell.
They are present from the beginning of the development of the cell-wail, and arise from the spindle fibres, all of which may be continued as connecting threads (endosperm of Tamus communis), or part of them may be overlaid by cellulose lamellae (endosperm of Lilium Martagon), or they may be all overlaid as in pollen mother-cells and pollen grains of Helleborus foetidus.
Fifteen grains constitute an exceedingly dangerous dose for an adult male of average weight.
A shilling is token money merely, it is nominally in value the one-twentieth of a pound, but one troy pound of silver is coined into sixty-six shillings, the standard weight of each shilling being 87.27 grains.
Manson recommends five to ten grains once or twice a week; Ross recommends the same quantity every day before breakfast.
According to Ross, it should be given promptly, in sufficient doses (up to 30 grains), and should be continued for months.
Moreover, the pollen, instead of consisting of separate cells or grains, consists of cells aggregated into "pollen-masses," the number varying in different genera, but very generally two, four, or eight, and in many of the genera provided at the base with a strap-shaped stalk or "caudicle" ending in a flattish gland or "viscid disk" like a boy's sucker.
Linseed and other oil-bearing grains are also important articles of commerce, as well as wool and butter.
Magnetite is a mineral of wide distribution, occurring as grains in many massive and volcanic rocks, like granite, diorite and dolerite.
It was in 1770 that he wrote his famous Lettres sur la liberte du commerce des grains, addressed to the comptroller-general, the abbe Terray.
The opposition was now continued by Linguet and Necker, who in 1 775 published his treatise Sur la legislation et le commerce des grains.
But much less potash than phosphoric acid is exported in the cereal grains, much more being retained in the straw, whilst the other products of the rotation - the root and leguminous crops - which are also supposed to be retained on the farm, contain very much more potash than the cereals, and comparatively little of it is exported in meat and milk.
Some of the "porphyroids" which have grains of quartz and felspar in a finely schistose micaceous matrix are intermediate between porphyries and micaschists of this group. Still more numerous are orthoschists of hornblendic character (hornblende-schists) consisting of green hornblende with often felspar, quartz and sphene (also rutile, garnet, epidote or zoisite, biotite and iron oxides).
They are soft and lustrous, with a peculiarly smooth feel, and though often confounded with mica-schists may be distinguished by their richness in magnesia; many of them contain tremolite or actinolite; others have residual grains of olivine or augite; and here also every gradation can be found between the unmodified igneous types and the perfectly metamorphic schists.
In 1840 the finest cloth that could be made of the above dimensions weighed about 1600 grains, and was worth Do.
For the latter purpose the hard, somewhat flinty grains are preferable, and they are prepared by grinding off the outer cuticle which forms " pot barley."
It is essential that the grains on the maltster's floor should germinate simultaneously, hence at the time of reaping, the whole crop must be as nearly as possible in the same stage of maturity.
Besides grains the chief crops are those of pumpkins, potatoes and other table vegetables, and tobacco.
At the age of nineteen he invented an electromagnetic engine, and in the course of examining its performance dissatisfaction with vague and arbitrary methods of specifying elec rical quantities caused him to adopt a convenient and scie tific unit, which he took to be the amount of electricity req ired to decompose nine grains of water in one hour.
The dose of the fruit is 30 to 60 grains, and the British Pharmacopoeia contains a tincture with a dose of a to 1 drachm.
The tema is the same name as the large wheat measure (35), which was worth 30,000 to 19,000 grains of copper, according to Ptolemaic receipts and accounts (Rev. Eg., 1881, 150), and therefore very likely worth to utens of copper in earlier times when metals were scarcer.
This is the system of the "Babylonian" talent, by Herodotus = 70 minae Euboic, by Pollux = 70 minae Attic, by Aelian = 72 minae Attic, and, therefore, about 470,000 grains.
In both places the distribution, a high type of 129 and a lower of 127, is like the monetary and trade varieties above noticed; while a smaller number of examples are found, fewer and fewer, down to 118 grains.
Whether this system or the Phoenician of 224 grains was that of the Hebrews is uncertain.
There is no doubt but that in the Maccabean times and onward 218 was the shekel; but the use of the word darkemon by Ezra and Nehemiah, and the probabilities of their case, point to the daragmaneh, 1/60 maneh or shekel of Assyria; and the mention of 1/3 shekel by Nehemiah as poll tax nearly proves that the 129 and not 218 grains is intended, as 218 is not divisible by 3.
Probably the 129 and 224 systems coexisted in the country; but on the whole it seems more likely that 129 or rather 258 grains was the Hebrew shekel before the Ptolemaic times -- especially as the 100 shekels to the mina is paralleled by the following Persian system (Hultsch) --
A derivation from this was the 1/3 of 172, or 57.3, the so-called Phocaean drachma, equal in silver value to the 1/60 of the gold 258 grains.
In Syria, as early as the 15th century B.C., the tribute of the Rutennu, of Naharaina, Megiddo, Anaukasa, &c. (34), is on a basis of 454-484 kats, or 300 shekels (1/10 talent) of 226 grains.
From Phoenicia this naturally became the main Punic unit; a bronze weight from Iol (18), marked 100, gives a drachma of 56 or 57 (224-228); and a Punic inscription (18) names 28 drachmae = 25 Attic, and therefore 57 to 59 grains (228-236); while a probably later series of 8 marble disks from Carthage (44) show 208, but vary from 197 to 234.
It is believed that this mina divided by 12 unciae by the Romans is the origin of the Arabic ratl of 12 ukiyas, or 5500 grains (33), which is said to have been sent by Harun al-Rashid to Charlemagne, and so to have originated the French monetary pound of 5666 grains.
That this unit is quite distinct from the Persian 86 grains is clear in the Egyptian weights, which maintain a wide gap between the two systems. Next, in Syria three inscribed weights of Antioch and Berytus (18) show a mina of about 16,400, or 200 x 82.
Turning to coinage, we find this often, but usually overlooked as a degraded form of the Persian 86 grains siglos.
But the earliest coinage in Cilicia, before the general Persian coinage (17) about 380 B.C., is Tarsus, 164 grains; Soli, 169, 163, 158; Nagidus, 158, 161-153 later; Issus, 166; Mallus, 163-154 -- all of which can only by straining be classed as Persian; but they agree to this standard, which, as we have seen, was used in Syria in earlier times by the Khita, &c. The Milesian or "native" system of Asia Minor (18) is fixed by Hultsch at 163 and 81.6 grains -- the coins of Miletus (17) showing 160, 80 and 39.
This system, the Aeginetan, one of the most important to the Greek world, has been thought to be a degradation of the Phoenician (17, 21), supposing 220 grains to have been reduced in primitive Greek usage to 194.
But we are now able to prove that it was an independent system -- (1) by its not ranging usually over 200 grains in Egypt before it passed to Greece; (2) by its earliest example, perhaps before the 224 unit existed, not being over 208; and (3) by there being no intermediate linking on of this to the Phoenician unit in the large number of Egyptian weights, nor in the Ptolemaic coinage, in which both standards are used.
In the medical papyrus (38) a weight of 2/3rds kat is used, which is thought to be Syrian; now 2/3 kat = 92 to 101 grains, or just this weight which we have found in Syria; and the weights of 2/3 and 1/3 kat are very rare in Egypt except at Defenneh (29), on the Syrian road, where they abound.
At Athens the old mina was fixed by Solon at 150 of his drachmae (18) or 9800 grains, according to the earliest drachmae, showing a stater of 196; and this continued to be the trade mina in Athens, at least until 160 B.C., but in a reduced form, in which it equalled only 138 Attic drachmae, or 9200.
Though it has no exact relation to the congius or amphora, yet it is closely = 4977 grains, the 1/80th of the cubic foot of water.
A beautiful set of multiples of the scripulum was found near Lyons (38), from 1 to 10 x 17.28 grains, showing a libra of 4976.
The "tola" (180 grains) is properly the Government unit of weight for currency; and 80 tolas make the "Government seer."
In many forms deep-staining grains or granules, of a chromatoid nature and of var y ing size, are to be seen in the cytoplasm.
The usual doses of these salts are from five to thirty grains or more.
There are also numerous forms of preparations from cereals, sold as breakfast foods, which, owing to the high quality of the grains grown in Canada and the care exercised in their manufacture, compare favourably with similar products in other countries.
Experimental work has shown that swine fattened with a ration partly of skim-milk were lustier and of a more healthy appearance than swine fattened wholly on grains.
The tales that grains of wheat found in the cerements of Egyptian mummies have been planted and come to maturity are no longer credited, for the vital principle in the wheat berry is extremely evanescent; indeed, it is doubtful whether wheat twenty years old is capable of reproduction.
The males of the Sericostomatidae have two or three segmented palps; their larvae inhabit running water and make cases of grains of sand, or of small stones.
The dose of the root is from 60 to 90 grains.
A bill went through both Houses of Congress providing that a silver dollar should be coined of the weight of 4122 grains, to be full legal tender for all debts and dues, public and private, except where otherwise expressly stipulated in the contract.
The instrument weighed 4000 grains, and the addition of a grain caused it to sink through an inch.
Elliot, "On the Farinaceous Grains and the various kinds of Pulses used in Southern India," Edin.
Within these, and forming by far the largest part of the seed, are large polygonal cells filled with very numerous and very minute angular starch grains.
Their designs are derived from Roman or Frankish coins, especially the former, and their weight varies from about Do to 21 grains, though the very light coins are rare.
Anonymous gold coins, resembling Frankish trientes in type and standard (21 grains), are also fairly common, though they must have passed out of use very early, as the laws give no hint of their existence.
In Offa's time a new gold coin, the mancus, resembling in standard the Roman solidus (about 70 grains), was introduced from Mahommedan countries.
Their weight was at first unaffected, but probably towards the close of Offa's reign it was raised to about 23 grains, at which standard it seems to have remained, nominally at least, until the time of Alfred.
The quality of these coins (weighing about 81 grains troy) was low, and at last deteriorated so much that the Tibetans deserted the Nepal mints.
On the other hand, recovery has taken place after 5 and to and even 20 grains have been swallowed, but in the latter case an emetic was at once administered.
Whatever matrix is used, it is almost invariably "diluted" with sand, the grains of which become coated with the finer particles of the matrix.
The grains should show no signs of decay, and by preference should be of an angular shape.
Among the Battas of Sumatra rice or grain is sprinkled on the head of a man who returns from a dangerous enterprise, and in the latter case the grains are called padiruma tondi, " means to make the soul (tondi) stay at home."
Just as a granite is a conglomerate or mechanical mixture of distinct crystalline grains of three perfectly definite minerals, mica, quartz, and felspar, so iron and steel in their usual slowly cooled state consist of a mixture of microscopic particles of such definite quasiminerals, diametrically unlike.
Thus, prior exposure to a temperature materially above Ac 3 coarsens the structure of most steel, in the sense of giving it, when cold a coarse fracture, and enlarging the grains of pearlite, &c., later found in the slowly cooled metal.
With sulphur it forms a sulphide which draws together into almost harmless drops, instead of encasing the grains of iron.
These grains the puddler welds together by means of his rabble FIG.
There are numerous preparations, patent and pharmacopeial, their composition being extremely varied, so that, unless one has reason to be certain of any particular preparation, it is almost better to use only the dried leaves themselves in the form of a powder (dose a-z grains).
One (English) carat =3.17 grains = gram.
The majority of minerals are found commonly in masses which can with difficulty be recognized as aggregates of crystalline grains, and occur comparatively seldom as distinct crystals; but the diamond is almost always found in single crystals, which show no signs of previous attachment to any matrix; the stones were, until the discovery of the South African mines, almost entirely derived from sands or gravels, but owing to the hardness of the mineral it is rarely, if ever, water-worn, and the crystals are often very perfect.
One variety has black grains.
The grains of both are very small, only one half as long as those of common millet, but are exceedingly prolific. Many stalks arise from a single root, and a single spike often yields 2 oz.
Polish millet is P. sanguinale; P. frumentaceum, shamalo, a Deccan grass, is probably a native of tropical Africa; P. decompositum is the Australian millet, its grains being made into cakes by the aborigines.
For use on ordinary water-meadows, however, not only is very clear water often found to be perfectly efficient, but water having no more than a few grains of dissolved matter per gallon answers the purposes in view satisfactorily.
River water, especially that which has received town sewage, or the drainage of highly manured land, would naturally be considered most suitable for irrigation, but excellent results are obtained also with waters which are uncontaminated with manurial matters, and which contain but 8 or io grains per gallon of the usual dissolved constituents of spring water.
It has a very important market for cereals and oleaginous grains.
In connexion with cheese dairies pigs are largely fed on sour whey thickened with mixed meal produced from any or all of the grains or pulses, the choice depending upon the market price.
Garlic may also be prescribed as an extract consisting of the inspissated juice, in doses of 5-io grains, and as the syrupus allii aceticus, in doses of 1-4 drachms. This last preparation has recently been much extolled in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis or phthisis.
The soil of the Delta is a dark grey fine sandy soil, becoming at times almost a stiff clay by reason of the fineness of its particles, which consist almost wholly of extremely small grains of quartz with a few other minerals, and often numerous flakes of mica.
They occur as lines of dunes formed of rounded grains of quartz, and lie in the direction of the prevalent wind, usually being of small breadth as compared with their length; but in certain areas, such as that lying S.W.
Maize in Lower Egypt and millet (of which there are several varieties) in Upper Egypt are largely grown for home consumption, these grains forming a staple food of the peasantry.
Flour mills are found in every part of the country, the maize and other grains being ground for home consumption.
Of less importance are the exports of hides and skins, eggs, wheat and other grains, wool, quails, lentils, dates and Sudan produce in transit.
The principal crops in both districts are rice, millet, other food grains, oil-seeds and indigo.
The chief crop is maize; but wheat, rye and other grains, potatoes, saffron, hemp, flax and tobacco are also grown.
Benzoic acid itself, ammonium benzoate and sodium benzoate are all administered internally in doses of from five to thirty grains.
Millet and sesame are the principal grains cultivated.
The leading imports are grains, flour, lard and various other foodstuffs, coal, lumber, petroleum and machinery, all mainly from the United States; wines and olive oil from Spain; jerked beef from South America; fabrics and other staples from varied sources.
Small grains of an unknown variety have been found in the ancient tombs of Peru, and Darwin found heads of maize embedded on the shore in Peru at 85 ft.
As an article of food maize is one of the most extensively used grains in the world.
One, called turanjbin, appears to exude, in small round tears, from the camelthorn, and also from the dwarf tamarisk; the other, sir-kasht, in large grains and irregular masses or cakes with bits of twig imbedded, is obtained from a tree which the natives call si g h chob (black wood), thought by Bellew to be a Fraxinus or Ornus.
The brewing of beer from rice and other grains, which is universal among the hill tribes and other aboriginal races, is practically untaxed and unrestrained.
There are also other kinds, which are included as a rule under the general head of " other food grains."
In recent years the cultivation of oil-seeds has received an extraordinary stimulus owing to the demand for export to Europe, especially to France; but as they can be grown after rice, &c., as a second crop, this increase has hardly at all tended to diminish the production of food grains.
So late as 1818 a stone is said to have been found there weighing 84 grains and valued at £500.
Apart from this, the chief meaning, the word is used of the malt refuse of brewing and distilling, and of many hard rounded small particles, resembling the seeds of plants, such as "grains" of sand, salt, gold, gunpowder, &c. "Grain" is also the name of the smallest unit of weight, both in the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
The matter transported consisted of soil of various kinds - sand, ashes, fragments of lava, pozzolana and whitish pumice, enclosing grains of uncalcined lime, similar in every respect to those of Pompeii.
The principal crops are millet, rice, other food grains, pulse, oil seeds and cotton.
Rice is threshed by beating the ears on a log; other grains, with flails on mud threshing-floors.
At the conclusion of the ceremony they each throw upon the other some grains of rice, and the most expeditious in performing this feat is considered to have got the start of the other in the future control of the household, and receives the applause of the male or female part of the congregation as the case may be.
The priest now throws some grains of rice upon the heads of the married pair in token of wishing them abundance; bouquets of flowers are handed to the assembled guests, and rosewater is showered upon them.
He gives it four-fifths of his land; while his white rival allows it only a quarter of his, less by half than the area he gives to live-stock, dairying, hay and grains.
During the winter no shelter is necessary for live-stock, nor, during summer, for the grains that are harvested in June and July, and may lie for weeks or months in the field.
Small fruits, orchard fruits, hay, garden products and grains are decreasingly dependent on irrigation; wheat, which was once California's great staple, is (for good, but not for best results) comparatively independent of it, - hence its early predominance in Californian agriculture, due to this success on arid lands since taken over for more remunerative irrigated crops.
Grains, lumber, fish, fruits and fruit products, petroleum, vegetables and sugar are the leading items in the commerce of San Francisco.
Stability of Friction in Earth.The grains of a mass of loosi earth are to be regarded as so many separate pieces abutting agains each other at joints in all possible positions, and depending for thei stability on friction.
Given in large doses it causes rapid and characteristic poisoning, with alterations in the blood and rapid degeneration of nearly all the internal organs; but in small doses-5 to 15 grains - it partly undergoes reduction in the blood and tissues, the chloride being formed and oxygen being supplied to the body-cells in nascent form.
It is a broad, level plain, almost untimbered, given over to alfalfa, grains, vegetables and fruits.
Of the various elements in the value of all farm produce as shown by the federal census of 1900, live-stock, hay and grains, and dairying represented 87.2%.
The ancient ritual (Chow Li) carefully graded the right of sacrifice from the viceroys of provinces down to the humblest district-superintendent who offered to the spirits of his district, the hills, lakes and grains.
Coinage, Weights and Measures.The monetary unit is the kran, a silver coin, formerly weighing 28 nakhods (88 grains), then reduced to 26 nakhods (77 grains), and now weighing only 24 nakhods (71 grains) or somewhat less.
When the secretion of gastric juice is deficient it may be excited by gastric tonics, such as ten grains of bicarbonate of soda and a drachm of compound tincture of gentian in water shortly before meals, and may be supplemented by the administration of pepsin and hydrochloric acid after meals.
Amongst the best of these are carbolic acid in doses of one or two grains, creosote in one or two drops, and sulpho-carbolate of soda in doses of ten grains.
There are also found the black pepper plant (Piper Clusii), a climbing plant abundant in the mountain districts; the grains of paradise or melegueta pepper plant (Amomum Melegueta) and other Amomums whose fruits are prized.
The dried insect has the form of irregular, fluted and concave grains, of which about 70,000 go to a pound.
The grains of the bamboo are available for food, and the Chinese have a proverb that it produces seed more abundantly in years when the rice crop fails, which means, probably, that in times of dearth the natives look more after such a source of food.
Ten grains taken at bedtime will often give sleep, cause free diaphoresis and quieten the entire nervous system in such cases.
It is therefore better to wash out the stomach, and this should be done, if possible, with a solution containing about ten grains of salt to each ounce of water.
A pint of hot strong coffee may be introduced into the rectum, and caffeine in large doses - ten or twenty grains of the carbonate - may be given by the mouth.
The ma ority took their opium twice daily, morning and evening, the quantity taken varying from 2 to 46 grains daily, large doses being the exception, and the average 5 to 7 grains daily.
It is collected before sunrise, by shaking the grains of manna on to linen cloths spread out beneath the trees, or by dipping the small branches in hot water and evaporating the solution thus obtained.
Atchison's situation and transportation facilities make it an important supply-centre, its trade in grains and live-stock being particularly large; it has large railway machine shops, and its principal manufactures are flour, furniture, lumber, hardware and drugs.
It was first recorded by James McBrien in 1823, as occurring in grains in the sands of the Fish river, between Rydal and Bathurst; and though further discoveries were made, they were kept secret as far as possible.
In the former case it contains numerous grains of sand which are introduced by the animal itself after each moult and which are supposed to act as otoliths.
Less familiar are the grains of warmer climates - rice, maize, millet and sorgho, or the sugar-cane.
On the tableland a great variety of grains and vegetables are cultivated.
Teff is a kind of millet with grains about the size of an ordinary pin-head, of which is made the bread commonly eaten.
The principal freight shipped eastward consists of flour, wheat and other grains, through Duluth - Superior from the United States, and through Fort William - Port Arthur from the Canadian prairies; copper ore from the mines on the south shore; iron ore in immense quantities from both shores, ?
The ferri et quininae citras, one of the "scale preparations" of iron, is given as a haematinic and tonic in doses of about to grains.
Here the quinine acts as a bitter tonic. The tinctura quininae ammoniata or "ammoniated quinine" is made by mixing t 75 grains of quinine sulphate, 2 fluid oz.
The maximum dose of the sulphate is about 40 grains, and of the acid hydrochloride about 25 grains.
Ten or fifteen grains of the sulphate are often given three times a day for this latter purpose, and smaller doses of the much more efficacious acid hydrochloride will be found to convey even more certain immunity.
The quinine may be given in a single large dose-30 grains of the sulphate.
Decade after decade these processes went on, a rain of minute scales and grains falling, according to one witness, continually from the surface, till the picture seemed to be perishing altogether.
It may be given in doses of from ten to fifty grains or more, and may be continued without ill effect for long periods in grave cases of epilepsy (grand mal).
It is also a common constituent, as irregular grains, in many gneisses and crystalline schists, a quartz-schist being composed largely of quartz.
Quartz being a mineral very resistant to weathering agencies, it forms the bulk of sands and sandstones; and when the sand grains are cemented together by a later deposit of secondary quartz a rock known as quartzite results.
The lapis Albanus is a green grey volcanic stone with black and white grains in it (hence the modern name, peperino), much used for building material.
Imagine for a moment that the sand grains were by any means rendered immobile without change in the permeability of their interspaces; we could then dispense with the iron or brickwork lining of the well; but as there would still be no cracks or fissures to extend the area of percolating water exposed to the open well, the yield would be very small.
We cannot do this, but of happily the grains in a sand formation differ very widely in diameter, and if, from the interstices between the larger grains in the neighbourhood of an orifice, we can remove the finer grains, the resistance to flow of water is at once enormously reduced.
The effect is to produce between the sand or other grains a glutinous substance which does the work performed by the mud and microbes upon the surface of the sand filter.
The hay crop, 865,000 tons in 1909, is made quite largely from wild grasses and grains cut green; on the irrigated lands alfalfa is grown extensively for the cattle and sheep, which are otherwise almost wholly dependent for sustenance upon the bunch grass of the semi-arid plains.
Nachani (Eleusine coracana) and kodra (Paspalum scrobiculatum), inferior grains grown on the hill-sides, furnish food to the Kolis, Bhils, Waralis, and other aboriginal tribes.
The extremely complex composition of this drug has been studied in great detail, and with such important results that instead of giving ergot itself by the mouth in doses of 20 to 60 grains, it is now possible to obtain much more rapid and certain results by giving one three-hundredth of a grain of one of its constituents hypodermically.
In the time of Josephus it seems that the light shekel weighed from 210 to 210.55 grains; the heavy shekel was twice that amount, which is practically identical with the Phoenician weight (224.4 grains).
Prior to 1691, however, Dr John Clayton, dean of Kildare, filled bladders with inflammable gas obtained by the distillation of coal, and showed that on pricking the bladders and applying a light to the escaping gas it burnt with a luminous flame, and in 1726 Stephen Hales published the fact that by the distillation of 158 grains of Newcastle coal, 180 cub.
The foul gas leaving the scrubbers contains, as a general average, 30 grains of sulphuretted hydrogen, 40 grains of carbon disulphide and zoo grains of carbon dioxide per Ioo cub.
In the connexion between the first and the second box the gas is found to contain 500 grains of sulphuretted hydrogen and 80 grains of carbon disulphide per Ioo cub.
The gas in the connecting pipe between the second and third purifier will be found to contain 400 grains of sulphuretted hydrogen and 20 grains of carbon disulphide.
The contents of the third box, being mostly composed of slaked lime, take up sulphuretted hydrogen forming calcium sulphide, and practically remove the remaining impurities, the outlet gas showing 20 grains of sulphuretted hydrogen and 8 grains of carbon disulphide per Ioo cub.
These areas are of small extent and are closely cultivated, and support thick forests of date-palms. All kinds of tropical vegetables, grains and small fruits grow under cultivation, and land is so precious in these limited areas of great richness and fertility that very narrow pathways divide each owner's plot from his neighbour's.
The outermost layer of the endosperm consists of square cells larger and more regular in form than those on each side; these contain aleuron grains - small particles of gluten or nitrogenous matter.
The remaining central mass of the seed is composed of numerous cells of irregular form and size containing many starch grains as well as gluten granules.
According to Professor Church,2 even in the produce of a single ear there may be 3 to 4% more of albuminoid matters in some grains than in others; but on the average the proportion of gluten to starch is as 9.11 to loo.
In March and April of the following year these were again divided Food Grains of India, p. 94.
By continuously and systematically selecting the best grains from the best ears, Major Hallett succeeded in introducing "pedigree wheats" of fine quality.
Rust disease does not directly affect the grains, but both quantity and quality are impaired by the exhausted condition of the wheat plants.
It is brittle, and when hammered readily breaks up into a powder of angular grains.
It has been suggested that this change is due to the removal of the colloidal silica in solution, leaving behind the fibres and grains of more crystalline structure.
The inhabitants of Viterbo are chiefly dependent on agriculture; hemp is a specialty of the district, and tobacco and various grains are largely grown, as well as the olive and the vine.
Its commerce in other grains is also extensive; in the amount of barley received and shipped Minneapolis surpasses any other city in the United States, and in receipts and shipments of rye is second only to Chicago.
Both of these grains are cultivated in all parts, but chiefly on the more level districts of the two Castiles and Leon, and on the plains of the Guadaiquivir Grain.
The electrum coins of Lydia were of two kinds, one weighing 168.4 grains for the inland trade, and another of 224 grains for the trade with Ionia.
The standard was the silver mina of Carchemish (as the Assyrians called it) which contained 8656 grains.
The underflow is probably much greater than the summer ' About 52 grains per gallon at low water, 404 at high.
In 1773 Necker won the prize of the Academie Frangaise for an eloge on Colbert, and in 1775 published his Essai sur la legislation et le commerce des grains, in which he attacked the free-trade policy of Turgot.
The anther consists of lobes containing the minute powdery pollen grains, which, when mature, are discharged by a fissure or opening of some sort.
Then the walls of the mother-cells are absorbed, and the pollengrains float freely in the fluid of the pollen-sacs, which gradually disappears, and the mature grains form a powdery mass within the anther.
They then either remain united in fours, or multiples of four, as in some acacias, Periploca graeca and Inga anomala, or separate into individual grains, which by degrees become mature pollen.
In some orchids, as Cypripedium, the pollen has its ordinary character of separate grains.
These small masses, when bruised, divide into grains which are united in fours.
These rollers are finely grooved so that the seed is cut up whilst passing in succession between the first and second rollers in the series, then between the second and the third, and so on to the last, when the grains are sufficiently bruised, crushed and ground.
These sediments are fine and tenacious; their principal components, in addition to clay, being small grains of quartz, zircon, tourmaline, hornblende, felspar and iron compounds.
It consists of very fine scaly kaolin, larger, shining plates of white mica, grains of quartz and particles of semi-decomposed felspar, tourmaline, zircon and other minerals, which originally formed part of the granite.
Curie Temperature The temperature above which thermal agitation is sufficient to randomize the orientation of magnetic grains & destroy any previous common alignment.
Most of the grains between rounded and angular, but are nearer rounded rather than angular in shape so are sub-rounded.
Spring squill has blue anthers, these are the parts on the ends of the stamens which carry the pollen grains.
Knowing that, one should perhaps partake of a couple of grains of salt when reading the apologia which may be posted by him.
Similarly there will be a size above which gravitational attraction to the comet exceeds the gas pressure trying to detach the grains.
Whole grains include brown rice, millet, oats and wholegrain bread.
There is only one sample that comprises just barley chaff with no grains.
The patterns are traditionally drawn with the fingers using flour, rice grains or colored chalk.
Detailed assessment identified oak charcoal along with traces if charred cereal grains which included oat, barley and wheat along with fused plant ash.
Then ten maize grains are shelled off from the center of each maize cob.
Arrows represent the level of current reached at the length of 10000 grains for the corresponding filamentary coated conductors presented in two figures above.
The middle layer is likely to be the merged grains consumed by the intergranular corrosion.
They were severely criticized for taking some of the grains to eat.
Such particles can include small pieces of silica, pollen grains, fungal hyphae and other organic detritus 1.
Soils with densely packed grains are strain softening because disturbance during sharing causes the grains to move apart causing dilation.
A photographic emulsion is made up of lots of tiny grains a few microns across.
One day the little flecked hen found some grains of wheat.
An optional grain mill attachment is available for grinding grains into flour.
Control allocation of coarse grains might well tend in that direction.
As plants evolved so did animal life on earth with cereal grains being the most advanced plant form creating humans.
These sacks of wheat or barley grains are cleaned to remove any dust.
The dust grains may provide the shelter for molecules to form.
Pollen grains from a variety of common plants can cause hay fever.
Even hard igneous rocks get weathered away eventually over millions of years to form sand grains.
Often our competitors use very impure ' tough pitch ' copper, which has about 1500 crystals or grains in each foot.
Bulk quantities of grains, like wheat and corn are fairly inexpensive and have nearly unlimited shelf life.
The revolutionary design contains specially treated wheat grains grains and a hint of French lavender.
These cute little fellows are filled with wheat grains and soothing lavender.
The gains in cereal production often came at the expense of cultivation of more nutritious legumes, root crops and other grains.
Pouring a molten metal into a metal mold with enhanced cooling produces finer grains.
The solar system formed from a large gas nebula that had some dust grains in it.
They found relatively large grains and many small crystals of a mineral called olivine.
The pollen grains grow down from the stigma to fertilize the ovules in the ovary at the base of the style.
Wyn Williams uses powerful computer facilities for intensive numerical modeling of the underlying physics of magnetism in mineral grains.
The sand grains are made of the mineral quartz.
In 61% of the samples there are barley grains and no rachis and in a further 31% barley grains outnumber rachis.
Don't keep cooked rice and grains for longer than two days and do n't reheat them more than once.
Grains - may contain fats, which give off odor in their breakdown and attract rodents or other pests.
During the avalanches, particles of different sizes often segregate out into inversely graded layers with the large grains on top of the fines.
To include more servings of whole grains in your diet, use whole-wheat flour in your recipes instead of white flour.
Under the microscope, an anther can be seen to have many spherical to ellipsoidal pollen grains on its surface.
All pollen grains develop initially in groups of four called tetrads.
Traditional grains, presented with that much food, get top-heavy, fall over and die.
Add the rice and cook gently until the grains begin to turn translucent.
Wort wort Wort or sweet wort is how the liquor is described once the mashed barley malt grains have been filtered out.
Many experimehts point to certain small grains of starch which are capable of displacement as the position of the cell is altered.
Chlorophyll grains, chromatophores, starch-grains and oil-globuies, all of which can be distinguished either by their appearance or by chemical reagents, may also be present.
Response to the action of gravity appears to be associated with the movements of starch grains in certain cellsstatolith cellsby which pressure is exerted on the cytoplasm and a stimulus set up which results in the geotropic response.
Taken internally, in doses of from one to three grains, carbolic acid will often relieve obstinate cases of vomiting and has some value as a gastric antiseptic.
Then at Abydus, or more probably from Babylonia, there is the large bronze lion-weight, stated to have been originally 400,500 grains; this has been continually divided by 60 by different writers, regardless of the fact (Rev. arch., 1862, 30) that it bears the numeral 100; this therefore is certainly a talent of 100 minae of 4005; and as the mina is generally 50 shekels in Greek systems it points to a weight of 80.1.
When white Emily Henderson (the race having round pollen grains) is crossed with a blue-flowered pea, purple offspring result.
Similarly, when white Emily Henderson (long pollen grains) is crossed with white Emily Henderson (round pollen grains), the offspring wholly consists of the reversionary purple type, and sometimes wholly of a red bicolor form known as "Painted Lady."
As the temperature sinks still farther, pro-eutectoid cementite (see § 22) forms progressively in the austenite both primary and eutectic, and this pro-eutectoid cementite as it comes into existence tends to assemble in the form of a network enveloping the kernels or grains of the austenite from which it springs.
The palisade layers of the mesophyll contain the larger number of chlorophyll grains (or corpuscles) while the absorption of carbon dioxide is carried on chiefly through the lower epidermis which is generally much richer in stomata.
The frequent association of heat-stroke with malaria is to be borne in mind in the treatment of heat hyperpyrexia, for, should the temperature of the patient not subside rapidly after treatment with cold sponging in a current of air or cold baths and ice, an intramuscular or intravenous injection of in grains of quinine bihydrochloride should be given without delay.
The word "grains" was early used, as also in French, of the small seed-like insects supposed formerly to be the berries of trees, from which a scarlet dye was extracted (see COCHINEAL and KERMES).
The unit of weight is the miskal (7f grains), subdivided into 24 nakhods (2.96 grains), a nakhod being further subdivided into 4 gandum (7k grains).
Thus to the eye we may use a solution of sulphate of zinc of half a grain to the ounce, while to the ear, urethra or vagina a solution of four to eight grains or even more may be applied.
The workman sits on a wooden stand, with a brass cup before him, which he lines with the leaves of poppy petals before-mentioned until the thickness of half an inch is reached, a few being allowed to hang over the cup; the leaves are agglutinated by means of " lewa," a pasty fluid which consists of a mixture of inferior opium, 8% of " pussewah " and the " dhoe " or washings of the vessels that have contained opium, and the whole is made of such consistence that 100 grains evaporated to dryness over a water-bath leave 53 grains of solid residue.
Saginaw is situated in a good farming region with a fertile soil, especially adapted to the culture of sugar beets; other important crops are beans, cabbages, tomatoes, cucumbers, hay, apples and grains.
Originally derived by the Hittites from Babylonia, but modified by themselves, this standard was passed on to the nations of Asia Minor during the period of Hittite conquest, but was eventually superseded by the Phoenician mina of 11,225 grains, and continued to survive only in Cyprus and Cilicia (see also Numismatics).
And do you know how he crossed the grains?
There are many furrows in the sand where some creature has travelled about and doubled on its tracks; and, for wrecks, it is strewn with the cases of caddis-worms made of minute grains of white quartz.
The black objects suggest fusain 11 (carbon) or pyrites grains 12.
Do n't keep cooked rice and grains for longer than two days and do n't reheat them more than once.
The sandstones commonly contain grains of felspar - a complex silicate of alumina and an alkaline base.
A spectral feature near 10 microns is evidence for small amorphous silicate grains.
Isotopic analysis of silicon carbide grains from meteorites (Anders and Zinner 1993) indicate characteristics of slow neutron capture reminiscent of AGB stars.
Most of these high energy nuclei are thought to be hurled at us by supernova shock fronts, perhaps from collisions with dust grains.
Viper Extreme bar is made from a delicious blend of fruits and grains blended for long lasting energy.
Eat more wholesome grounding food such as grains, soups and stews.
When you shop, choose fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains, such as brown rice and whole-wheat bread.
Wort Wort or sweet wort is how the liquor is described once the mashed barley malt grains have been filtered out.
You need to eat a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes - all of which are good for you and your baby.
Healthy eating begins with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats; high fructose corn syrup, stabilisers, and additives for shelf-life longevity have no place in the diet of babies.
The micronutrients found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables and lean meat, chicken and fish are essential for your baby’s health.
Premium cat food does not contain grains and contains very little vegetable matter.
Cat food should have little or no grains and only a small amount of vegetables.
Most veterinarians agree that grains are not good for cats.
Try to fulfill your cat's need for carbohydrates with vegetables rather than grains whenever possible.
Cats should not get many grains, but the food should rely on certain vegetables for a feline's low carbohydrate needs.
Cats do not need grains, and ingredients such as rice and corn really have no place in a cat's diet.
Try to avoid foods that list by-products and grains within the first five ingredients.
While these foods likely won't harm your cat, they may have many fillers and grains that a cat doesn't necessarily need.
In addition, some animals are allergic to specific foods or they have difficulty digesting certain grains such as brown rice.
Since grains can cause allergies in many cats, Rad Cat raw foods do not contain grains.
Rad Cat is an alternative for owners who want to cut out all by-products and grains from their feline's diet.
The main symptom of tapeworms are the small, white segments that look like grains of rice.
As carnivores, high-carbohydrate products containing grains and cereals are inappropriate for cats' digestive systems.
Despite the fact that they are dry, these products contain no grains and offer a high-protein diet.
Therefore, a food high in grains may be inappropriate for a meat eater.
You can find your run-of-the-mill grocery store brand which will probably be high in grains.
Foods such as Evo and Wellness are meat-based products which contain no grains.
The gastrointestinal system of cats has difficulty digesting grains.
When choosing a dry food, avoid foods which contain grains such as wheat and corn.
Vodka is made by fermenting and distilling the simple sugars from a mash of grains or vegetable matter (barley, rye, potatoes, beets, wheat and others).
It doesn't make sense to buy an expensive wood such as cherry or mahogany and then just paint over it so you can't see the grains of the wood.
Prior to the 19th century, wind energy was primarily used for the purposes of boat propulsion, grinding grains to make bread and other food items, and to pump water for irrigation and consumption.
Some recycled glass is broken down to grains and used as sand on depleted beaches, according to Earth 911.
In addition, the grains fed to these animals must be organically grown.
Plant sterols and stanols are naturally occurring substances in some vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains.
The Studio Coordinates Collection allows you to choose from, lush metal finishes, wood grains and popular paints.
In actuality, it goes back even further when in 1829 Reverend Sylvester Graham toured the country preaching the gospel of whole grains.
Fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains are the basic and original health foods.
Check out the health food section for out of the ordinary whole grains such as quinoa, amaranth, millet, and bulgur.
These include vegetables like cardoons and salsify, which are considered exotic in the United States, all types of meat both fresh and cured, a plethora of foods from the sea, and a sampling of different grains.
Foods such as grains and sugars are carbohydrates.
Up the ante on complex carbohydrates by eating more beans and whole grains.
Grains - Complex carbohydrates are not the enemy.
They also introduced many nuts and grains, including many citrus fruits, and sugarcane, which eventually turned into a profitable cash crop that ultimately produced sugar (and began the slave trade, but that is another story).
There's more to grains for brunch than pancakes, cereal, or toast.
Try this delicious stuffed french toast for a tasty twist on grains.
Fruits, vegetables and grains must be grown and harvested from fields that have been free of chemicals fertilizers and pesticides for at least three years.
Originally grown as far back as 5,000 BCE, the only grains known to be cultivated before spelt are elkorn and emmer.
Eat a light, well-balanced lunch and dinner full of whole grains, a small amount of protein and vegetables.
Protein comes in large sums from animal sources like fish, while fiber can come from yogurts or grains.
Eat lots of whole grains and keep your plate balanced.
Whole grains give you fuel to go and fiber to keep everything flowing regular in your body.
Vegetarians often have lustrous hair because they eat fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, walnuts, almonds and sunflower seeds, all of which are important for hair health.
Beans, grains and vegetables all contain protein, and when you combine them, like beans and brown rice, you are getting a full complement of nutrients.
It does include many other staple items, though, such as sprouted seeds, nuts, beans, whole grains, seaweed, dried fruit, fresh fruit and vegetable juices, purified water and various oils.
A wheat grinder is essential if you want to mill your own wheat and other grains.
One way to combat this problem is to grind wheat and other grains at home so that they can be freshly prepared.
They have a number of grinding cones which when turned, trap the grains and crush them into a flour.
Most mills or grinders have adjustable settings that allow the grains to be ground at various different settings.
A wide variety of grains can be ground in a grinder in addition to wheat.
Grind only as much wheat or other grains as you require.
This will help to preserve the oils and stop the ground grains from becoming rancid.
Instead of grinding grains to a fine flour, try using the grinder to crack grains.
If you cannot buy your own grinder, ask your local health food shop whether they can custom grind grains.
I eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, a few sprouted grains and lentils, and eggs.
Kefir is a drink made of milk fermented with kefir grains.
Miso is a Japanese seasoning that is produced by fermenting various beans or grains.
Legums form complete proteins when eaten in combination with nuts, grains, or seeds.
Because the diet is rich in fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and legumes it is naturally low in saturated fats and high in fiber.
There are plenty of delicious raw sources of protein, including seeds, nuts, many vegetables and sprouted grains such as quinoa.
This pyramid suggests daily servings of vitamins, soymilk, vegetables, grains, beans, and fruit.
Rice with the addition of vegetables, nuts and seeds, or fruit is the most used filling but you can experiment with other small grains such as quinoa, millet or barley, or even pastas such as orzo.
If you are a vegetarian who regularly eats a variety of beans, legumes, nuts, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and grains, you should have no reason to worry about protein deficiency.
Soy, dairy, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes are some of the most substantial sources of protein in a vegetarian diet.
Whole grains and products made with whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread, multigrain rolls, or oat bran, all contain varying amounts of protein.
These grains are essential to a healthy vegetarian or vegan diet, and many can be used as meal bases instead of starchy pasta or white rice.
Things like ground nuts, tahini, rice, and whole grains can also be added to veggie burgers to boost nutrition and flavor.
Although this food can be cultured easily at home using [benefits of raw goat milk kefir grains], health food stores such as Whole Foods Market now carry several brands of this product.
The fact is that protein deficiency is rare and easily avoided by eating protein-rich plant foods such as nuts, seeds, beans and grains.
Vegetarians who like using meat substitutes and faux meats can use them in any of the below dishes, and those who prefer to stick with fresh veggies and grains can make those items fit right in, too.
Soak the grains if necessary, and cook them according to package directions.
While the grains are cooking, toast the almonds over low heat on the stovetop in a shallow pan.
Add the spices to the cooked grains, stirring to thoroughly incorporate.
Unlike many seeds and grains, buckwheat is actually grown all over the globe, from Russia to South Africa and Brazil to the United States.
Shop the perimeters of the grocery store to ensure that you get adequate nutrition from a variety of vegetables, grains, and protein sources.
Wheatberries are an excellent source of whole grains and dietary fiber, both of which can help you maintain a healthy weight and stay full for longer periods of time.
However, whole grains are available in a host of other foods as well.
Whole grains are part of a healthy diet for a number of reasons.
In their natural, unprocessed form, all grains are whole grains.
When grains are stripped of the balance in any way, the grain is no longer "whole."
The United States Department of Agriculture recommends at least three servings of whole grains per day.
Consuming enough whole grains is not difficult to do once you understand what constitutes a serving size.
Unprocessed whole grains tend to provide more nutritional benefits than packaged products.
Before you buy a product for its whole grains, be sure to read the ingredients on the label.
It is important to check the ingredient list to make sure that whole grains among the first ingredients.
To make it easier to decipher nutrition labels, the Whole Grains Council created an official symbol in 2005 to indicate a product is whole-grain.
More exotic accents may include grains or fruit, raffia, decorative pins, or clip-on items such as a hummingbird or butterfly clip.
Grains and grasses are also popular for fall bouquets.
One German superstition says the couple will have the same number of children as the grains of rice that remain in the bride's hair.
This, of course, leads to a diet high in nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and herbs.
The problem here is that grains, especially corn, are often hard for dogs to digest so they pass through the system delivering little nutrition along the way.
Why does Orijen leave grains out of the formula?
The company believes grains have a very small place in a dog's diet and that the benefits of including them are outweighed by the potential harm they can cause.
Grains are basically converted to sugar and stored as fat.
I also like the fact that they don't add chemical preservatives, and they don't use filler grains like corn and wheat.
The grains in pet food are more likely to contain toxic molds, pesticides and man-made contaminants (such as melamine) than grains for human consumption.
Additionally, these three grains have been linked to a number of food allergies in dogs.
Blue Buffalo chooses not to use them, and instead add grains that provide complex carbohydrates for energy.
They contain USDA select meats and grade I and II grains.
Grains such as corn, wheat and soy are also not included in this dog food.
Such grains are known allergens, and many dogs are sensitive to them.
Eagle Pack offers a protein-rich diet made from human-grade ingredients and pesticide-free whole grains.
Only fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains are used.
Whole grains in the form of oats and brown rice provide carbohydrates instead of fillers such as corn or wheat.
Fromm provides a premium holistic diet utilizing human-grade meats, whole grains, fresh vegetables and vitamins in their pet foods.
The whole grains of barley, brown rice and oats provide carbohydrates and fiber.
At that time, grains, specifically corn, contained aflatoxin associated with mold spores.
The gravel on the road gets flung up and can create clouds of dust with particles a large as grains of sand.
The dog food is made with high quality proteins, which are whole meats, grains and vegetables, not rendered meats or by-products.
Their diets did not include cooked meats, grains or today's commercial formulas.
They are also free from grains, and this is great for dogs with food allergies.
Feed your dog meats, vegetables, fruits and whole grains such as oats or brown rice.
Whole grains - These include barley, oatmeal, and brown rice.
Another example is growing rye grains and turning them under into the garden soil or using it as mulch.
Gosden Guitars - This British luthier makes some really cool lap steels with beautiful wood grains and electronics like you'd find in a standard electric guitar.
Stains will exaggerate grains, streaks and flecks, so variations should be expected.
Some deck boards are smooth while others have different grains.
Some organic farmers feed their beef an industrial-organic diet consisting of corn and other grains.
Just as you feel better eating whole grains and locally produced fruits and vegetables, your animal companions may gain a variety of health benefits from an organic diet.
For example, many canines respond well to the B.A.R.F. diet, which stands for biologically appropriate raw food and is composed of human-grade meats, whole grains, and select raw vegetables.
Cats, on the other hand, cannot process grains and vegetables, so it's imperative that the kitty's protein be of high-quality, and not meat by-products.
Typical dry cat foods, for example, are loaded with carbohydrates in the form of corn and other grains, potatoes or tapioca.
This will make it easier to select certain base products, such as grains, nuts, and flours at a more reasonable cost.
Rice and grain blends are mixtures of various types of organic rice, herbs and spices, and grains.
Timberwolf Organics formulas use only small amounts of whole grains to reduce the risk of a diet too high in fiber.
The twice-milled grains are added to the formula immediately after being ground.
This includes things you might expect like vegetables and grains, dairy and meat, but it also extends to crops like cotton and flax that can be processed for clothing.
Many people are unable to digest grains or produce the enzymes necessary to convert the grain starch.
It can be combined with corn meal, rice, buckwheat or other grains.
It goes beyond just fruits and vegetables - flours and cereal grains should be organic as well, since they can carry chemicals through the milling process.
Mixes come in a variety of ingredients and are made from any number of grains.
Bob's Red Mill is a reputable seller of grains and cereals.
Spelt is one of the oldest known grains and was referred to as the staff of life in the Bible.
Up until the 1920s, spelt was the choice bread flour, but because it was labor intensive to mill, it was abandoned for other grains and new hybrid wheats.
Due to a reduction in wheat yields, the state, which imported most of its grains from other states, bakers were unable to obtain much needed grains.
Organic feeds cannot contain these items, nor can they contain grains that are genetically modified in any way.
It is fed organic grains and raised according to organic standards, but generally that is the only difference.
During the mid-20th century, the beef industry switched to grains and feedlot finishing because it was faster.
By using grains, steroids, and other supplements, a steer could be brought to market weight of 1,200 pounds in as little as 14 months.
They carry many types of grains and mixtures as well.
Mountain Rose Herbs carries all kinds of organic sprouts, beans and grains.
The practice of feeding grass rather than grains to cattle recognizes that these animals are ruminants.
Grains are the higher quality grains like kamut, quinoa, and brown rice.
These organic foods include certain types of berries, grains, vegetables, and fruits that contain antioxidants, phytochemicals, and a whole host of vitamins and minerals.
Breads and other grains can sometimes be heavily refined.
Today, more than ever before, organic meats, vegetables, fruits, and grains can be found in many places, even your neighborhood grocery store.
The remainder should be made of complex carbohydrates like those found in vegetables and whole grains.
These specifications are in addition to a balanced diet of nutrient-dense foods including a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, reduced-fat and fat-free dairy products, and lean proteins.
Go for whole grains (brown rice, 100 percent whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta, quinoa, couscous) instead of refined ones (white rice, white bread, pasta).
This amino acid is also contained in other foods, such as meats, dairy, nuts, and grains.
This includes legumes and seeds, dark leafy green vegetables, whole grains, cashews, and almonds.
The DASH diet includes whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts.
A diet rich in antioxidant-containing foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, is linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
Certain foods, including many vegetables, fruits, and grains, are believed to offer protection against various cancers.
Studies have shown that eating a diet rich in fiber as found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can reduce the risk of colon cancer.
The diets of vegetarian adolescents should be monitored closely to make sure they include a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and non-meat protein sources.
The body cannot process gluten found in wheat and other grains.
Foods high in fat should be replaced by grains, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, and other foods low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates and protein.
In addition, nutritional therapists recommend vitamin C and bioflavonoids to supplement a diet high in whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
Low glycemic foods include certain fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains.
This rash consists of tiny white dots (like grains of salt or sand) on a reddish bump.
These spots consist of minuscule white dots (like grains of salt or sand) set onto a reddened bump and are characteristic of measles.
Whole foods, including grains, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables, and high quality fats, should be emphasized in the diet, while processed foods should be avoided.
Nutritionists have repeatedly shown in studies that a healthy diet consists of plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, and foods that are high in fiber and low in cholesterol and saturated fat.
Sound nutritional guidelines include decreasing the intake of fat, increasing fiber, and emphasizing fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, beans and lentils, and whole grains in the diet while avoiding processed foods and sugar.
Meat and dairy products generally contain complete proteins, but most vegetarian foods such as grains and beans contain incomplete proteins, lacking one or more of the essential amino acids.
Eating dairy products or nuts with grains also makes proteins complete.
Iron is found in raisins, figs, beans, tofu, whole grains, potatoes, and dark green leafy vegetables.
Zinc is abundant in nuts, pumpkin seeds, beans, whole grains, and tofu.
The diets of vegetarian adolescents should be monitored closely to make sure they are eating a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and non-meat protein sources.
The best foods for zinc are lamb, beef, leafy grains, root vegetables such as potatoes and carrots, shellfish, and organ meats such as liver or kidneys.
The best sources are milk, cheese, meats, whole grains, eggs, peas, and beans.
Good sources of potassium are orange juice, milk, cheese, whole grains, and vegetables.
The DASH diet is recommended for patients with hypertension and includes whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts.
Parents can replace foods high in fat with grains, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, and other foods low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates and protein.
Soluble fibers include pectin, flax, and gums; insoluble fibers include psyllium and brans from grains like wheat and oats.
Necessary for the creation of healthy RBCs, B12 is found in meat, eggs, whole grains, and most vegetables.
Sources of iron such as liver, red meat, whole grains, and poultry may help maintain hemoglobin levels and reduce the likelihood of deficiency-related anemias.
It is important to remember that a healthy diet with plenty of whole fruits, vegetables, and grains, and drinking a sufficient amount of water each day, will help keep the intestines healthy and elimination regular.
Celiac disease occurs when the body reacts abnormally to gluten, a protein found in grains, including wheat, rye, barley, and possibly oats.
Although there is no risk and much potential benefit to the use of GFD for treatment of celiac disease, the widespread use of gluten-containing grains in Western cultures makes adapting to a gluten-free diet challenging.
Small amounts of moderate protein foods (such as grains and potatoes) and low protein foods (some fruits and vegetables and low protein breads and pastas) are allowed.
Celiac disease-A disease, occurring in both children and adults, which is caused by a sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in grains.
Clinical improvement of symptoms follows withdrawal of gluten-containing grains in the diet.
Generally, iron bioavailability in fruits, vegetables, and grains is lower than the iron availability of meat.
Molybdenum is present in beans, peas, legumes, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables.
A balanced diet includes fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, whole grains (cereal, bread, rice, pasta, and other grains), eggs, dairy products, fish, fowl, and lean meat as preferred.
Boron is abundant in apples, pears, grapes, leafy greens, carrots, whole grains, and nuts.
Chromium is found in brown rice and other whole grains, cheeses, meats, dried beans, corn, eggs, mushrooms, and potatoes.
Iron can be provided by eating green leafy vegetables, raisins, meat, eggs, liver, fish and fowl, nuts, and whole grains.
Potassium food sources include dairy foods, fish, fresh and dried fruits, beans and peas, meats, fish and fowl, and whole grains.
Zinc sources include brewer's yeast, eggs, fish, meats, beans, mushrooms, nuts and seeds, and whole grains.
Children should eat a high-fiber diet, with lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Affected persons should consume lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
The recommended diet for those with diabetes calls for complex carbohydrates such as whole (unrefined) whole grains, plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, with an overall intake of foods that are low in fat and high in fiber.
Some of the leading agriculture products in the country are rice, coconuts, sugarcane, rice, and grains.
You should be eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, plenty of lean protein, and primarily whole grains.