Grades Sentence Examples
His grades were good, which helped.
If she kept that up, her grades would suffer.
Don't let your grades suffer.
The judicial functions are discharged by four grades of officials - the local magistrates, the courts of common pleas, the quarterly courts (five in number) and the supreme court.
But it sure made you burn the night oil to keep up the grades.
The total grants from the state exchequer for education of all grades in all parts of the empire amounted in 1906 to £8,107,000.
Cattle and pine lumber are sent to Cuba, and Havana tobacco and fine grades of Cuban timber are imported.
The various grades of life on our planet are the natural consequences of certain physical processes involved in the gradual transformations of the earth.
General Mezentsov, the head of the political police, was assassinated in broad daylight in one of the principal streets of St Petersburg, and in the provinces a good many officials of various grades shared the same fate.
Sometimes, however, a sharp incline occurring on an otherwise easy line is not reckoned as the ruling gradient, trains heavier than could be drawn up it by a single engine being helped by an assistant or " bank " engine; sometimes also " momentum " or " velocity " grades, steeper than the ruling gradient, are permitted for short distances in cases where a train can approach at full speed and thus surmount them by the aid of its momentum.
AdvertisementThe most valuable immediate product of the state's mines and quarries for nearly every year from 1890 to 1908 was building stones of granite and gneiss, which are found in all parts of the state west of the " Fall Line "; the best grades of granite are quarried chiefly in Gaston, Iredell, Rowan, Surry and Wilkes counties.
The economist should be a man of wide sympathies and practical sagacity, in close touch with men of different grades, and, if possible, experienced in affairs.
The most suitable soils are medium grades of loam.
The poorer grades are employed in the manufacture of soap, candles and phonograph records.
American cotton, we may remind the reader, is graded into a number of classes, both on the Liverpool and New York Ex changes, and an attempt is made in each market to keep the grades as fixed as possible.
AdvertisementArbitrators report on deliveries and award allowances on those of grades above " middling " and deductions of price from those below.
In most petroleum-producing countries, however, and particularly where the product is abundant, the crude oil is fractionally distilled, so as to separate it into petroleum spirit of various grades, burning oils, gas oils, lubricating oils, and (if the crude oil yields that product) paraffin.
The teachers numbered in 1920 2,015 in 133 grade schools and 494 in high schools, and the enrolment of pupils in grades was 74,654 and in high schools 12,169.
There were in evening grades 198 teachers and 6,245 pupils, and in evening high schools 148 teachers and 5,090 pupils.
Advancing through the grades of principal and assistant superintendent, he was city superintendent of schools from 1867 until 1880.
AdvertisementWith the improvement of methods the old partially refined grades (moscobados) have disappeared.
Justice is administered by courts of various grades, with a supreme court at Havana as the head; the members of this being appointed by the president and senate.
The state supports a highly efficient public school system, organized through all the grades from the primary district and rural schools to the state university.
At present, however, the methods of analysis usually employed are not sufficiently delicate to afford all the necessary information as to the intrinsic value of the higher grades of rubber, and do not go much beyond the exclusion of inferior rubber.
The Eu-arachnida are divided into two grades with reference to the condition of the respiratory organs as adapted to aquatic or terrestrial life.
AdvertisementThe greatest progress has been made in the manufacture of cotton fabrics, principally of the plainer and coarser grades used by the common people.
She had continued her classes and was somehow maintaining acceptable grades.
And Clement conceived that this development took place not merely in this life, but in the future through successive grades.
There are many private schools in all the large cities, from the primary schools maintained by the church and various corporations and religious associations to schools of secondary and collegiate grades, such as the Protestant mission schools of Petropolis, Piracicaba, Juiz de Fora, Sao Paulo and Parana, the Lyceu de Artes e Officios (night school) of Rio de Janeiro, and the Mackenzie College of Sao Paulo.
The Roman Church forbids ordination to higher grades unless the candidate has received all the inferior orders.
Of these latter, two grades were further distinguished by Lankester - those which remain possessed of a single archenteric cavity and of two primary cell-layers (the Coelentera or Diploblastica), and those which by nipping off the archenteron give rise to two cavities, the coelom or body-cavity and the metenteron or gut (Coelomata or Triploblastica).
Thus, to begin with, the animal pedigree is divided into two very distinct grades, the Protozoa and the Metazoa.
The Metazoa form two main branches; one, Parazoa, is but a small unproductive stock comprising only the Phylum Porifera or Sponges; the other, the great stem of the animal series Enterozoa, gives rise to a large number of diverging Phyla which it is necessary to assign to two levels or grades - a lower, Enterocoela (often called Coelentera), and a higher, Coelomocoela (often called Coelomata).
Diagram to show the division of the great branch Enterozoa into two grades and the Phyla given off therefrom.
Diagram showing the primary grades and branches' of the Animal Pedigree.
Several grades are produced in Venezuela, determined by geographical position, altitude and method of curing and preparing for market.
There are two grades of Venezuelan cacau - the criollo or native, and the trinitario, or Trinidad, the first being superior in quality.
There is no lack of officers of the highest grades, but the rank and file are not uniformed, equipped or drilled, and military campaigns are usually irregular in character and of comparatively short duration.
Grades are made, whenever possible, in favour of the load, and of such degree that the power required to haul out the loaded cars shall be approximately equal to that for hauling back the empties, viz.
The grades must not be too great for brake control nor for the hauling back of the empty cars.
For heavy gradients rope haulage has no rival, though for moderate grades it is often advantageously replaced by electric and compressed air haulage.
This is similar to shaft hoisting, except that the grades are often quite flat.
For the commoner grades of dark-coloured bottles the glass mixture is cheapened by substituting common salt for part of the sulphate of soda, and by the addition of felspar, granite, granulite, furnace slag and other substances fusible at a high temperature.
The dry sugar then passes into a rotating screen fitted with two meshes, so that three grades of sugar are obtained, the coarsest being that which falls out at the lower end of the revolving screen.
On descending into the substratum the finer material decreases and more stones are met with; farther down are seen larger fragments of unaltered rock closely packed, and this brash or rubble grades insensibly into the unbroken rock below.
Machinery is now employed for forming and moulding the fillings of the cheaper grades of cigars.
Grades of commercial zinc are usually based on selected ores, and brands, when they mean anything, usually mean that the metal is made from certain ores.
Hugo de St Victor, c. 1120, in his work On the Sacraments, distinguishes six, but of different grades of importance.
Women are eligible for these positions, and among the teachers in the schools they are greatly in excess over men (more than 10 to 1), especially in lower grades.
Members styled themselves descendants of Oro-Tetifa, the Polynesian god, and were divided into seven or more grades, each having its characteristic tattooing.
In polytheism the grades of superhuman beings are continuous; but in monotheism there is a sharp distinction of kind, as well as degree, between God on the one hand, and all other superhuman beings on the other; the latter are the " angels."
In Daniel, c. 160 B.C., angels, usually spoken of as " men " or " princes," appear as guardians or champions of the nations; grades are implied, there are " princes " and " chief " or " great princes "; and the names of some angels are known, Gabriel, Michael; the latter is pre-eminent 26, he is the guardian of Judah.
All children between eight and fifteen years of age, and all between fifteen and sixteen years of age who are not regularly employed in some useful or remunerative occupation, must attend the public school all the time it is in session or a private school for the same time unless excused by the city or the county superintendent because of mental or physical disability or because of proficiency in the branches taught in the first eight grades.
The Milwaukee public school system comprises four high schools, a high school of trades, and in addition to the ordinary grades, a kindergarten department and day schools for the blind and deaf.
But a distinction of grades of holiness gained by ascetic life has never been entirely foreign to the Eastern mind, and in the popular faith of Mahommedan peoples something very like priesthood has crept in by this channel.
Certain duties were reduced (though in no case greatly reduced) such as those upon wool, some woollens, cheaper grades of cotton cloths, iron, steel rails, copper.
In 1906 and in 1907 the crop was very large; the pool sold its lower grades of the 1906 crop at 16 cents a pound to the American Tobacco Company and forced the independent buyers out of business; and the Burley Society decided in 1907 to grow no more tobacco until the 1906 and 1907 crops were sold, making the price high enough to pay for this period of idleness.
Scranton better grades of iron ore and of limestone were procured, and within a decade a rolling mill, a nail factory and a manufactory of steel rails were established, and adequate facilities for railway transportation were provided.
More recent analysis has shown, however, that certain modifications observed within the same stratigraphic level are really grades of mutations which show divergences comparable to those found in successive levels.
The question has been hotly debated whether, in addition to these six grades, there be not a seventh answering in some degree to the tertiaries of the Franciscan and Dominican orders, but secretly affiliated to the Society and acting as its emissaries in various lay positions.
Large factories are now to be found in all parts of Mexico, and good and serviceable grades of broadcloths, cassimeres, blankets and other fabrics are turned out.
The theoretical side of inner nature in its successive grades from sensation to the highest form of spirit, the abstracting reason which emphasizes the difference of subjective and objective, leaves an unsolved problem which receives satisfaction only in the practical, the individualizing activity.
By an act passed in 1873, known as Fawcett's Act, all tests were abolished, and the prizes and honours of all grades hitherto reserved for Protestants of the Established Church were thrown open to all.
He had been deeply interested from 1840 until 1850 in the militia of his state, and had risen through its grades of service to that of brigadier-general.
To the seaward the non-marine phase of the formation doubtless grades into a marine phase along the shore of that time, but the position of this shore has not been defined.
A great majority of all, of these elements except the British are settled in the states added to the original Unionthe Scandinavians- being the most typically agricultural element; while almost all the other nationalities are in excess, most of them heavily so, in the original states of 1790, where they land, and where they are absorbed into the lower grades of the industrial organization.
The structural features which the Mollusca do possess in common with other animals belonging to other great phyla of the animal kingdom are those characteristic of the Coelomata, one of the two great grades (the other and lower being that of the Coelentera) into which the higher animals; or Metazoa as distinguished from the Protozoa, are divided.
As he resolved one force after another into lower and lower grades of will he was obliged to divest will of all consciousness.
They had fixed rules for initiation, a succession of strictly separate grades within the limits of the society, and regulations for the conduct of their daily life even in its minutest details.
Within the limits of the society there were four grades so distinct that if any one touched a member of an inferior grade he required to cleanse himself by bathing in water; members who had been found guilty of serious crimes were expelled from the society, and could not be received again till reduced to the very last extremity of want or sickness.
It insists on the erection of fonts; on distinction of grades among the ordained clergy; on not postponing baptism too long; on bishops and priests alone, and not deacons, being allowed to baptize and lay hands on or confirm the baptized; on avoiding communion with Arians; on the use of unleavened bread in the Sacrament, &c. We learn from it that the bishop of Basen and Bagrevand was an Arian at that time.
The clergy of all grades were originally married.
The resemblance shows various grades of completeness; and the convergent mimics may be themselves noxious, or edible and innocuous.
It now consists of three classes - grand cross, commander (two grades), knight, and of one rank of ordinary members (Dannebrogs maender).
The Legion of Honour, the only order of France, and one which in its higher grades ranks in estimation with the highest European orders, was instituted by Napoleon Bonaparte on the 19th of May 1802 (29 Floreal of the year X.) as a general military and civil order of merit.
There are three classes, the last two being, in 1873 and 1890, subdivided into two grades each.
There are no orders for natives, and such distinctions as are conferred by the different coloured buttons of the mandarins, the grades indicated by the number of peacocks' feathers, the gift of the yellow jacket and the like, are rather insignia of rank or personal marks of honour than orders, whether of knighthood or merit, in the European sense.
For foreigners, however, the emperor in 1882 established the sole order, that of the Imperial Double Dragon, in five classes, the first three of which are further divided into three grades each, making eleven grades in all.
The badges of the other four classes are round plaques, the first three with indented edges, the last plain; in the second class the dragons are in silver on a yellow and gold ground, the jewel is a cut coral; the grades differ in the colour, shape, &c., of the borders and indentations; in the third class the dragons are gold, the ground green, the jewel a sapphire; in the fourth the silver dragons are on a blue ground, the jewel a lapis lazuli; in the fifth green dragons on a silver ground, the jewel a pearl.
The ribbons, decorated with embroidered dragons, differ for the various grades and classes.
The lower grades in classification such as sub-species and varieties on the one hand, and the higher grades on the other, such as genera and families, were admitted to be human conceptions imposed on the living world, but species were concrete, objective existences to be discovered and named.
They are now broken apart and sorted by mechanical sifters into the various grades or qualities, which are described as Orange Pekoe, Pekoe, Pekoe Souchong and Souchong, each of which names represents approximately the leaf-bud and the three lower leaves.
In addition to these four classes, out of each are sifted all the smaller fragments of leaf broken in the process of manufacture, which are termed Broken Orange Pekoe, &c. These broken grades are frequently objected to by the consumer, under the impression that they are inferior in quality, but in the opinion of experts, the more the leaf is broken up, the better is the liquor upon infusion.
The sovereigns of the chief states are entitled to nominate the lower grades of officers, and the king of Bavaria has reserved to himself the special privilege of superintending the general administration of the three Bavarian army corps; but all appointments are made subject to the emperors approval.
Clay for the "Baggers," or cases in which the wares are fired, is mined in the vicinity, but the raw materials for the fine grades of pottery are obtained elsewhere.
Robert Chambers, in the once famous Vestiges of Creation, interested and shocked his contemporaries by his denial of the fixity of species and his insistence on creation by progressive evolution, but had no better theory of the cause of variation than to suppose that organisms - "from the simplest and oldest to the highest and most recent" were possessed of "an inherent impulse, imparted by the Almighty both to advance them from the several grades and modify their structure as circumstances required."
So also with the numerous bronzes, the phosphor, the delta, the aluminium and other alloys of copper; each is made in several grades to render it suitable for different kinds of treatment.
It was formally agreed in cabinet meeting that" when brought together in society, all are perfectly equal, whether foreign or domestic, titled or untitled, in or out of office."Thus diplomatic grades were ignored in social precedence and foreign relations were seriously compromised by dinner-table complications.
It is full of awkward grades and minor passes, but it does not maintain a high level generally, no pass (if the Shibar route be adopted) much exceeding 10,000 ft.
The Khawak (11,600 ft.) is not a high pass; the grades are easy and the snowfall usually light.
There are four engineering colleges in India, which furnish to natives access to the higher grades of the public works department; and the provincial education services are recruited solely in India.
As the result of a Commission appointed in 1902, a considerable addition has been made to the expenditure on police, which is being devoted to increasing the pay of all the lower grades and to augmenting the number of investigating officers.
Entering the army at an early age he passed through the various grades and, soon after attaining his majority, was appointed to the command of the Florence Army Corps.
There is a great variety in the grades of oils produced in the state, ranging from the heavy asphaltic oils of the Popo Agie and Lander fields to the high-grade lubricants and superior light products obtained from the wells in the Douglas, Salt Creek and Uinta county fields.
In Tazewell county is the famous Pocahontas bed, which produces one of the most valuable grades of coking and steam coal to be found in the United States.
What it did make impossible for him was to attain that union immediately on the cessation of his present life, as he would first have to pass through higher and purer stages of mundane existence before reaching that goal; but in this respect he only shared the lot of all but a very few of the saintliest in the higher spheres of life, since the ordinary twice-born would be liable to sink, after his present life, to grades yet lower than that of the Sudra.
This practice is almost without exception resorted to with what are known as the " classed growths " and the superior " bourgeois " wines, whilst in seasons in which the wines are of good quality it is continued down to the lower grades.
Although the average wholesale value of Saumur is considerably less than that of champagne, it compares favourably with the lower grades of that article, and in flavour and character is similar to the latter.
The first was intended to consist of types or examples of investigations conducted by the new method, serviceable for keeping the whole process vividly before the mind, or, as the title indicates, such that the mind could run rapidly up and down the several steps or grades in the process.
Rivers (The Todas, 448) gives an interesting analysis of the grades of sanctity apparent in Toda religion.
The following table shows a few well-known grades with the average prices during December for the years 1903, 1904, 1905 and 1906.
Primary education is carried on in common schools of different grades, under both local and state inspection, the parish being the school district.
The subdivision of the district into divisions, on much the same lines as now existing, was at once made for administrative convenience, and a proportion of officers way allotted to each in the various grades then first constituted and still preserved, comprising in ascending order, constables, sergeants, inspectors and superintendents.
They were recruited from England, Ireland and Scotland, and came from all grades of society.
Routes which converge on Kalat from the south pass for the most part through narrow wooded valleys, enclosed between steep ridges of denuded hills, and, following the general strike of these ridges, they run from valley to valley with easy grades.
Heraclitus offers no analogy to the doctrine of four (not three) elements as different grades of tension; to the conception of fire and air as the " form," in Aristotelian terminology, of particulars; nor to the function of organizing fire which works by methodic plan to produce and preserve the world (irup i&w 1 3aSii'ov iri ')4vEru Nor, again, is there any analogy to the peculiar Stoic doctrine of universal intermingling (Kpavms Si iiXov).
The illustration is valuable for the light it throws on the essential unity of diverse intellectual operations as well as for enforcing once more the Stoic doctrine that different grades of knowledge are different grades of tension.
Great hills were razed and tumbled into the bay for the gain of land; others were pierced with cuts, to conform to street grades and to the checker-board city plan adopted in the early days.
For British consuls much detailed information, including, e.g., minute directions for the uniforms of the various grades, will be found in the official Foreign Office List published annually.
The date palm fruits well; figs grow luxuriantly, though requiring much irrigation; almonds do well if protected from spring frosts; seaisland cotton grows in the finest grades, but is not of commercial importance.
Though there is insufficient justification for dividing the Ebionites into two separate and distinct communities, labelled respectively Ebionites and Nazarenes, we have good evidence, not only that there were grades of Christological thought among them, but that a considerable section, at the end of the 2nd century and the beginning of the 3rd, exchanged their simple Judaistic creed for a strange blend of Essenism and Christianity.
It is based, of course, on the great body of bishops; but episcopal rule, through the various grades of metropolitan, primate, exarch, attains to sovereignty only in the five patriarchal thrones.
Divination is practised in all grades of culture; its votaries range from the Australian black to the American medium.
From this we may pass through various grades of " commensalism," like that of the hermit-crab with its protective anemones, to the cases of actual parasitism.
The officers are supplied in the usual way by the military schools, in which all Cossack voiskos have their own vacancies, or are non-commissioned Cossack officers, with officers' grades.
In 1892-1893 text-books and supplies were first furnished free to pupils in the grades; and in the same year supervisory work was introduced.
A similar construction is followed for flat roofs, the grades being generally formed in the girder and beam construction, and a flat ceiling secured by hanging from them, with steel straps, a light tier of ceiling beams. The floor beams are tied laterally by rods in continuous lines placed at or above their neutral axis.
If the extant authorities are to be trusted, Xenocrates recognized three grades of cognition, each appropriated to a region of its own - viz.
Pashas are of three grades, formerly distinguished by the number of horse-tails (three, two and one respectively) which they were entitled to display as symbols of authority when on campaign.
Nominally there was a school system under the supervision of the national and departmental governments, but its activities were limited to the larger towns, where there were public and private schools of all grades.
The expenditure on account of public instruction, which includes schools of all grades and descriptions, is unavoidably small, the appropriation for the biennium 1905-1906 being only £167,583.
The members formed themselves into an association arranged in three grades, and constituting a society or family, which lived out of a common purse in the Rue Monsigny.
He denied that the Vedas warranted the caste system, but wished to retain the four grades as orders of learning to which admission should be won by examination.
The term Rig (reeh = rex, king) was applied to four classes or grades of rulers, the lower grades being grouped, each group being subject to one of their number, and all being subject to, and owing tribute and allegiance to the Ard-Rig (= supreme king of Erinn).
But assuming such a relationship we arrange them in two grades.
At the beginning of the 4th century a system came into use by which penitents undergoing discipline were divided into four grades, the lowest being the mourners, then the hearers, the kneelers and the consistentes (standing).
These grades were distinguished by their admission to or exclusion from parts of the church and of divine service; none of them were allowed to communicate until their penance was complete, except in articulo mortis.
These officials, civil and military alike, are divided into nine grades or classes, each grade being.
A similar relation exists in thought between the various grades of species and genera; the highest genus is the " infinitely infinite," each subordinated genus being infinite in relation to the particulars which it denotes, and finite when regarded as a unit in a higher genus.
The structure of the head in Arthropods presents three profoundly separated grades of structure dependent upon the number of prosthomeres which have been assimilated by the prae-oral region.
In Crustacea and Hexapoda of all grades we find compound eyes with the more complicated ommatidia described above.
Our general conclusion from a survey of the Arthropoda amounts to this, that whilst Peripatus, the Diplopoda, and the Arachnida represent terrestrial offshoots from successive lower grades of primitive aquatic Arthropoda which are extinct, the Crustacea alone present a fairly full series of representatives leading upwards from unspecialized forms. The latter were not very far removed from the aquatic ancestors (Trilobites) of the Arachnida, but differed essentially from them by the higher specialization of the head.
In fact, we have to suppose that the actual somite which in grades 1 and 2 bore the mandibles lost those mandibles, developed their rami as tactile organs, and came to occupy a position in front of the mouth, whilst its previous jaw-bearing function was taken up by the next somite in order, into which the oral aperture had passed.
In Minnesota the system is carried out by the Railroad and Warehouse Commission (1885), which fixes and defines the different grades of wheat and directs the work.
At present there are 18 grades recognized in this state.
Rosin varies in colour, according to the age of the tree whence the turpentine is drawn and the amount of heat applied in distillation, from an opaque almost pitchy black substance through grades of brown and yellow to an almost perfectly transparent colourless glassy mass.
The commercial grades are numerous, ranging by letters from A, the darkest, to N, extra pale, - superior to which are W, "window glass," and WW, "water white" varieties, the latter having about three times the value of the common qualities.
Graduates of technical schools are received as special apprentices and are directed in a course of four years through the erecting shops, vice shop, blacksmith shop, boiler shop, roundhouse, test department, machine shop, air-brake shop, iron foundry, car shop, work of firing on the road, office work in the motive power accounting department, and drawing room; the most competent may be admitted through the grades of inspector, in the office of the master mechanic or of the road foreman of engines, assistant master mechanic, assistant engineer of motive power, master mechanic and superintendent of motive power.
The other educational institutions of Leipzig include the Nicolai and Thomas gymnasia, several "Realschulen," a commercial academy (Handelsschule), high schools for girls, and a large number of public and private schools of all grades.
Alloys prepared in this way, and known as phosphor bronze, may contain only about 1% of phosphorus in the ingot, reduced to a mere trace after casting, but their value is nevertheless enhanced for purposes in which a hard strong metal is required, as for pump plungers, valves, the bushes of bearings, &c. Bronze again is improved by the presence of manganese in small quantity, and various grades of manganese bronze, in some of which there is little or no tin but a considerable percentage of zinc, are extensively used in mechanical engineering.
Under the Merovingians it was a hierarchy wherein grades were marked by the varied scale of the Disruption wergild, a man being worth anything from thirty to six of the hundred gold pieces.
There are, however, grades of susceptibility to the active intellect, i.e.
The preparation of the heart and faculties gives rise to a series of grades between the original predisposition and the full acquisition of actual intellect.
These grades in the main resemble those given by Avicenna.
According to the care exercised by the manufacturer in the range of temperature to which the seed is heated, various grades of oils are obtained.
But the cultivation of tobacco is confined almost exclusively to the valleys of the Connecticut and Housatonic rivers, and these lands are constantly and expensively treated with nitrogenous fertilizers; the grades raised are the broad-leaf and the Habana seed-leaf wrappers, which, excepting the Florida growth from Sumatra seed, are the nearest domestic approach to the imported Sumatra.
Manual training, from the fourth to the twelfth grades, is a feature of the public school system.
Vacuum brazing Consultants Ltd. is a leading U.K. supplier of vacuum grades of brazing alloys.
Most of our successful applicants have above average grades.
Several grades are available to suit varying application needs and all have a full self-adhesive backing.
The Great Oolite grades from a sandy clay in its lower layers to limestone above.
For these people, HE admissions decisions drawing on predicted grades may be particularly disadvantageous.
He improved by two grades in each subject, despite his severe dyslexia.
Land grades are also enshrined in current planning law.
Getting results of end-of-year exams, and devoutly exulting in the comparison of my grades with others ' .
Will you achieve the grades required to study the course?
If you haven't taken your examinations yet your teacher should be able to give you an idea of your predicted grades.
Christ's Hospital pupils also had a record number of passes (A-C grades) of 98.4% .
One might wonder how students with such high grades could exhibit such mathematical ineptitude.
Several trials have shown that ace inhibitors improve survival in patients with all grades of heart failure.
Fill mechanical lubricators (where fitted) and hydrostatic lubricators with the correct grades of oil, ensuring they are not overfilled.
Currently we are changing grades of ABS to ones that give off very much less styrene monomers during processing.
There is a wide range of well maintained pistes, suitable for all grades of skier.
Basell has added new high melt flow grades to its Metocene line of metallocene polypropylenes.
You will find question marks with some of the names and grades.
This would also lend further respectability to the grades.
The independent sector provides 23% of the A-level entries from students at schools with 40% of the A grades overall.
In most cases, each student knows or believes s/he may be competing against others for a limited pool of passing grades.
Online data collection called them to include the staffers in grades or.
The music is graded from Primary to Grade V and is compatible with the ISTD tap grades syllabus.
All our trainers hold high ADI grades and are fully qualified fleet trainers.
Step by Step Step 1 When you get your grades, contact your chosen university to see if they will still accept you.
In all the colonies a complete departure from principles laid down by the leading political economists of the 1 th century was dig P 9 Y made when acts were passed subjecting every branch of domestic industry to the control of specially constituted tribunals, which were empowered among other important functions to fix the minimum rate of wages to be paid to all grades of workmen.
On the other hand, nearly all systems of philosophy have discussed the underlying problems. Such questions as the origin of the cosmos as a whole, the production of organic beings and of conscious minds, and the meaning of the observable grades of creation, have from the dawn of speculation occupied men's minds; and the answers to these questions often imply a vague recognition of the idea of a gradual evolution of things.
Man in the primitive stages of culture is scarcely to be distinguished from other animals as regards his subjection to environment, but in the higher grades of culture the conditions of control and reaction become much more complicated, and the department of anthropogeography is devoted to their consideration.
On the other hand, in inner experience the mind is illuminated by the divine truth, and of this supernatural enlightenment there are seven grades.
The answer is that though the ratios between the prices of the various grades alter, the prices of all of them move generally together, and that the " futures " of the Exchange at least provide a hedge against the latter movements.
From the pass it drops over the gradually decreasing grades of a wide sweep of Chol (which here happens to be locally free from the intersecting network of narrow ravines which is generally a distinguishing feature of Turkestan loess formations) for a distance of 35 m.
After defeating a large Neapolitan force at Mola and organizing the siege operations round Gaeta, Fanti returned to the war office at Turin to carry out important army reforms. His attitude in opposing the admission of Garibaldi's 7000 officers into the regular army with their own grades made him the object of great unpopularity for a time, and led to a severe reprimand from Cavour.
Of the three grades of the first class the badge is a rectangular gold and yellow enamel plaque, decorated with two upright blue dragons, with details in green and white, between the heads for the first grade a pearl, for the second a ruby, for the third a coral, set in green, white and gold circles.
It is well known "(says Professor Dill)" that the tendency of the later Empire was to stereotype society, by compelling men to follow the occupation of their fathers, and preventing a free circulation among different callings and grades of life.
Thus the table of social precedence attached to the Cochin report shows that while a Nayar can pollute a man of a higher caste only by touching him, people of the Kammalan group, including masons, blacksmiths, carpenters and workers in leather, pollute at a distance of 24 ft., toddy-drawers at 36 ft., Pulayan or Cheruman cultivators at 48 ft., while in the case of the Paraiyan (Pariahs) who eat beef the range of pollution is no less than 64 ft."In this bewildering maze of social grades and class distinctions, the Brahman, as will have been seen, continues to hold the dominant position, being respected and even worshipped by all the others."
Every army is composed of lower grades of the service--the rank and file--of whom there are always the greatest number; of the next higher military rank--corporals and noncommissioned officers of whom there are fewer, and of still-higher officers of whom there are still fewer, and so on to the highest military command which is concentrated in one person.
A military organization may be quite correctly compared to a cone, of which the base with the largest diameter consists of the rank and file; the next higher and smaller section of the cone consists of the next higher grades of the army, and so on to the apex, the point of which will represent the commander-in-chief.
On ridges and hill-tops, the dry heath grades to subalpine heaths.
Tuberculin reactors (Heaf grades 2-4), should be referred for clinical examination and CXR.
The QCA said it " would not be unreasonable to assume that schools entered fewer candidates likely to gain lower grades ".
Her poor class attendance helped contribute to her poor grades.
His grades have greatly improved since he has begun following his curfew.
The prestigious honor society only sent invitations to students with very impressive grades.
The parents were proud of their son for making good grades because he normally struggled academically.
I'm hoping that my terrible grades in school right now do not portend my later success in life.
Read up on stereos that have received good grades from magazines like Consumer Reports.
Diamonds with higher color grades are rare and more expensive.
Many down pillow manufacturers will use different grades of down, from those with mostly feathers to those with a combination of feathers and down, or those completely made with down.
Some companies use inferior grades of meat and too many fillers to be healthy for your cat.
This can result in low grades or disciplinary action by a teacher.
Any number of firmness and softness grades can be requested in foam for couches.
Paper is divided into grades at the recycling plant.
The grades of rib roasts (and all beef) in descending order of quality are prime, choice, select, cutter, and canner.
The bottom two grades are almost never found at your local meat counter - instead they are used in mass-produced foods like TV dinners and canned chili.
They can only be used on shallow grades and are not meant for steep terrain.
Middle schools usually host students in sixth, seventh and eighth grades, or around the ages of 11 to 13.
Some schools include fifth grade or ninth grade, and some, usually called junior high schools, house seventh and eighth-graders or grades seven through nine.
To get into a good college, a student must have the grades.
Grades are key to scholarships, student placement and other financial aid.
Cheating causes problems for those honest students by unfairly giving cheaters the academic advantage, which in turn makes it harder for those who did study to get the grades and recognition they deserve.
It's up to you to make sure you get to work or school on time, that you study enough to make good grades and have enough money to pay your bills.
Assuming that middle school encompasses 6th, 7th, and 8th grades (middle school sometimes only refers to 7th and 8th grade), your child should tackle the following objectives.
I like to think that I'm genuinely a good kid - I don't drink, smoke, etc. and I have good grades, friends, and everything like that.
Some of these sites even have links to grades, and more specifically, to the teachers that will be teaching them.
Some schools, like that of Florida's middle schools, have adopted a color school code system for different grades.
For example, the sixth grades are red; the seventh are black, and so on and so forth.
Additionally, establishing good study habits and grades now, will make the transition to high school easier (when your grades and academic record are reviewed by colleges).
On the one hand, your middle school grades will not affect your college.
By the way, her grades are very good(high B's and a few A's), however a little more diligence could raise them that extra little bit.
Carry on, I see no problem here with your taking her phone if she's not making the grades.
When too many school days are missed, children can easily fall behind and their grades will suffer.
In addition, the general malaise depression brings on makes teens care less about grades and attendance.
Studying isn't the only way to ensure good grades on your next report card.
There are certain skills that everyone can learn that can help everyone get the grades they want and deserve.
Good note taking skills can mean the difference between excelling in school and simply getting average grades.
The following tips will help you take better notes, which will help you increase your grades at test time.
While it may be difficult to pay attention in class, especially if your new crush is sitting nearby or there is a big dance in a few days, good listening skills can help improve your grades.
Everyone knows that they have to study to get good grades, but not everyone does this every day.
Studying everyday, even on the weekends, will help you get better grades.
Taking notes won't help you to get better grades if you don't read them.
While note taking, listening and studying tips can help you achieve higher grades, there are a few other things that you can do too.
Good study habits and healthy practices are how to get good grades in school.
Even if you have low grades now, following the above tips will get you back on track to better grades in the near future.
If you find that your grades are falling behind, you aren't getting enough sleep, and you generally wake up and go to bed each day feeling stressed, then something has to give.
Peer pressure an sometimes influence teens to get better grades, study more, learn a new sport or skill, read a certain book and more.
They offer four learning communities, honors courses and Advance Placement (AP) for students in the 11th or 12th grades.
A 2007 government study showed a correlation between binge drinking and poor grades, with nearly half of the students who reported drinking heavily also scoring mainly D's and F's on their report cards.
Whether it's his birthday, graduation, seasonal holiday or simply a reward for good grades, you don't have to spend a lot of money to make a teen guy happy.
Not only will your grades suffer, but you'll be on edge and constantly trying to play catch up in all aspects of life.
Grades should be your most important priority; if a job is taking too much time, consider cutting back your hours or leaving.
If you are an exceptional student, then you can earn letters for your grades.
Keep your grades up, even if you are in sports.
Also, if your teen does break a rule, allow for some type of punishment, such as being grounded, and in the same sense, continue to reward for good behavior, such as an improvement in grades.
Try studying with classical music playing and see what effect it has on your grades!
The Annual Poster Contest is open to high school grades and features awards in the range of $1,000 to $10,000.
It can be difficult sometimes, but many scholarships are merit based, meaning your grades are one of the main criteria of whether or not you'll win a scholarship.
If you have a problem in a particular class or course, be sure to seek the help you need to pass the class now rather than once your grades have already suffered.
In addition to your grades and your writing ability, you can often land a great scholarship with the clubs you're a part of.
When teenagers get into high school, it becomes even more important to study and to get good grades, since they will count toward getting into the college that a teenager wants to attend.
If you plan on going to college, the grades that you get on things such as tests and report cards will influence what type of college will accept you, and if you can earn any scholarships.
Students who get into private high schools on athletic scholarships usually have to keep very good grades to be able to stay at the school.
Getting excellent grades and making sure that you do not miss school are two ways to make applying for scholarships more successful.
Getting good grades and behaving well in school will also improve your chances to get a scholarship for a private high school.
Bullying in middle school may take on a very different form than bullying in the lower grades, which typically involves more physical taunts.
Grades one through three courses include Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Health and Life Skills, Physical Education, Fine Arts (Music, Art, and Drama), and Information and Communication Technology.
Grades seven through nine courses include English-Language Arts, Health and Personal Life Skills, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
The core of the Vail Distance Learning Program focuses on the education of students in grades 7 through 12.
Once clean, Kurth applied to Columbia University where he was enrolled despite his average grades and history of arrest.
Falling grades, discipline problems at school (up to and including suspension) and problems with peers or parents may occur.
Celebrate the graduate's accomplishments off the field or the court by piping on a report card filled with "A+" grades or cutting a cake into a star shape.
She grew up on a chicken farm, earning good grades in school and drawing attention with her good looks and winning smile.
They'll see your grades, list of extra-curricular activities, and ACT or SAT scores, but these things don't give them a chance to get to know you as a person.
If you're working more than 15-20 hours per week, it can be become difficult to keep your grades up.
But going to lectures will help you keep your grades up.
While these are popular types of awards that can be very useful for students, not every scholarship requires good grades or strong athletic ability.
Finding free money is possible, and probable, depending on your grades, attributes and your determination to locate it.
While your overall grade point average (GPA) is important, many graduate schools are interested in the grades you made in your chosen field of study.
If you are an aspiring engineer, for example, your math grades will carry greater weight than your history grades.
Instead of evaluating grades or meritorious accomplishments or requesting students to write essays, the organization holds tournament quiz rounds in a variety of different topics.
The college is willing to consider students with lower grades on a case-by-case basis.
The school is unique in offering several programs to make the cost of attendance free, such as several scholarships for good grades in high school and numerous financial aid programs.
Keep those grades high for this and other scholarship programs.
If students focus on night life, they often focus less on their studies, resulting in failing grades and longer periods of time (not to mention more money) spent in college.
If you're a mom and find that your grades are slipping or that you're having trouble balancing your classwork with everything else you have to do, try talking with an academic advisor for suggestions on how to improve the situation.
Other teens worry if their grades are strong enough to even get them admitted to college.
Students create an account on the school's Online Student Center, which manages all of their records, test scores, and course grades.
You will need to have a degree plan on file, fill out the application thoroughly, and not have any missing grades over 60 days from the end of the class.
Taking too much free time or personal time can cause grades to suffer.
For some people, community colleges serve as a stepping stone to acceptance into college or university when their grades are not up to par for the school they want to attend.
Liberty University's Online Academy provides courses to students from grades 3 through 12 with a focus on technology-based home school academic programs.
Students in grades three through eight can take Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
At the end of the day, when grades are given and loans are paid, how is the student better off?
During the high school years, it's important to get outstanding grades and take as many biology and chemistry courses as you possibly can in preparation for the next four years you'll spend earning a Bachelor's Degree (BA) in college.
Resistant to warping, rot, and insect damage, cedar is available in several grades, types, and finishes.
Grade A lumber is more expensive than lower grades, but it has a more uniform appearance.
Some homeowners prefer lower grades of lumber because of its rustic appeal.
In addition to having specific grades of cedar, siding is further divided into clear and knotty varieties.
Instead of issuing letter grades, the wood is divided into select and quality grades.
Tongue and groove siding in clear grades is often found on the exterior of more contemporary homes.
It can be installed horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, and is available in all grades.
Gold Filled Wire - this wire is a mid way point between the two grades above.
Yellow gold can be found in different grades.
Pieces of stone are put into the barrel of a tumbling machine along with different grades of grit and this is left to tumble away for a period of weeks.
The study used data from a federal survey of 11,000 students in grades seven through twelve in 1995, 1996 and 2001. 82 percent of the students who took purity pledges retracted the promise and engaged in premarital sex.
Many gemstones are also sold in grades ranging from A - D, with A being a near perfect, flawless quality gem and D being a lower quality stone with flaws.
The poorer wore cheaper grades of wool which were coarse and rough.
By including bus safety lessons in the middle grades, parents and teachers ensure that students can reach school safely, on time, and ready to learn.
Presented by the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, Bike Safety Education Classes are given to students in the fourth through seventh grades in Oregon.
In some areas, schools have adjusted start times to accommodate for better sleep patterns for teens and in doing so have seem improved grades and attendance.
Health Grades has a generous list of Otolaryngology doctors and physicians.
Health Grades has a detailed list of otolaryngology doctors in Princeton.
They are not getting enough sleep, so grades drop and they may be excessively tired during the day.
Health Grades lists ten different sleep specialists in Las Vegas and their clinics.
Another change you may see, if the gamer is in school, is a drop in grades.
In other words, you may need to show grades over a certain standard, or preliminary coursework before you can be considered for the program.
Each of the grades has very specific criteria that a card must meet in order to be assigned to that grade.
Crampons are marked with grades C1, C2 and C3.
These grades are there to indicate the companion boot with which the crampon works well.
A derivative version of the MBTI, developed by Elizabeth Murphy and Charles Meisgeier, is available for children age seven through 13 (grades two through eight).
Parents of children suffering from dysthymic disorder may notice their child experience a fall in grades and a lack of interest in extracurricular activities that were once enjoyable.
Common red flags that children may be experiencing a depressive disorder include a sudden decline in grades and/or disinterest in schoolwork, avoidance of friends, loss of interest in extracurricular activities, and withdrawal from family.
This significant sex difference was identified for white and black students and students in grades 10, 11, and 12.
More than half (56%) of children and teens in grades five through 12 report that alcohol advertising encourages them to drink.
Thirty percent of children in grades four through six state that they have received pressure from peers to drink beer.
Retention is most likely to be recommended by teachers in grades one through three.
As a group, students who are retained in these grades show initial improvement in academics.
For example, if a student wants to get better grades, reaching specific goals, such as studying for a certain period of time each night, is the most likely way to achieve them.
School grades should not suffer because of time spent at work or in after-school activities.
The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), a self-reported survey of a national representative sample of high school students in grades nine to 12, indicated that in 2003, 46.7 percent of the students reported having had sex.
Grades IV and V are extremely likely to require surgery.
About 80 percent of children with grades I and II VUR simply grow out of the problem.
By the early elementary grades, children are better able to handle separation from the noncustodial parent.
Children in the upper elementary grades are capable of better understanding of the divorce.
Children in the upper elementary grades are most likely to become intensely angry at their parents for divorcing.
School-aged children who are abused typically have problems academically and have poorer grades and performance on standardized achievement tests.
These children want to go to school and often earn good grades, but fear and anxiety prevent them from going.
Grades I and II are not uncommon, and the baby's body usually reabsorbs the blood with no ill effects.
Language skills are affected by hearing loss, and more than one third of children with unilateral deafness fail one or more school grades.
Nearly twice as much bullying goes on in grades two to four as in grades six to eight, and, as bullies grow older, they tend to use less physical abuse and more verbal abuse.
The researchers estimated that 1.6 million children in grades six through 10 in the United States are bullied at least once a week and 1.7 million children bully others as frequently.
The survey, the first nationwide research on the problem in this country, questioned 15,686 public and private school students, grades six through 10, on their experiences with bullying.
Children who steal are often helpful around the house, get good grades, and are otherwise good kids.
If stealing is accompanied by other problems, such as difficulty interacting with peers or poor grades, it may be a sign of a serious underlying problem.
In general, students in higher grade levels (grades 11 and 12) and males were more likely to use all substances.
The characteristics of inattention vary with each AD/HD child; however, all most often translate into poor grades and difficulties in school and other social arenas.
Similarly, they emphasize achievement rather than grades.
The center also features a youth dance program for children enrolled in grades kindergarten through seventh.
Log in under the parent account to see overall grades and what has and hasn't been completed.
It is always wise to go ahead and keep good records of the work your child is doing, books read, curriculum used and overall grades.
Most schools offer full curriculum programs for grades K-12 with a few offering programs for preschoolers.
A fully accredited online school for students in grades kindergarten through twelve, the Internet Home School mails textbooks to each student from state textbook adoption lists.
In addition, they may be subject to quarterly reports that include summaries of each subject and the grades given to each child.
They provide downloadable PDF materials for children in grades K to 12.
There are free homeschool resources available to help you know if annual testing is required or if you live in a state that expects testing done around the end of the school year for certain grades.
Youth Educated at Home - for children in grades 5-12.
They serve families with students in grades K-6.
When using historic fiction it is a good idea to have a few projects planned, especially in the elementary grades, to help your child get the most out of the book.
Saxon Math is organized into primary, intermediate, middle grades and secondary.
Ablaze Academy - all-inclusive accredited online homeschool for grades one to twelve.
This problem still exists, despite the fact that many homeschooled families still have to report to their local school district with their child's progress reports, grades and homeschool instruction plans each year.
Free books and supplies can help your budget go further, especially if you are teaching multiple grades at home.
Relaxed homeschooling is not one particular method or curriculum; it uses a combination of homeschool approaches without reliance on testing, grades, or schedules.
Evaluation of overall progress occurs periodically, but this evaluation may not come in the form of testing and grades.
Many children are more enthusiastic about learning when the pressure of grades is no longer an issue.
Many students are more successful academically without the pressure of constant grades and tests.
He began writing poetry at the age of three and skipped several grades in school.
Using word mapping in grades one to six can be instrumental in helping children learn new words.
Unlike traditional grades or ages on textbooks, this curriculum uses Greek letters to identify the next level of learning in the program.
Parents like these kits because everything they need to teach several grades is available in one kit.
In grades K to 3, the score report will give you a lexile score, which is helpful for determining your child's reading level.
There are many options for educating students in grades 9 through 12.
Keep a detailed list of courses completed and grades earned, so you can offer detailed transcripts for your child.
This curriculum also teaches concepts in a concrete way in the earliest grades, then moves to pictures, and then finally in the higher grades teaches the abstract.
While the lessons in the early grades are fast paced and quickly finished, by middle school the lessons can take several hours to complete for some students.
If, however, your child struggles with math and especially if he is in one of the higher grades, Saxon or Abeka may be a better choice.
There are also free online homeschool curriculums available for all grades.
The homeschooling parent may be cooking a meal, cleaning the house, doing laundry and caring for a baby while teaching several grades all at once.
These will have boxes for making notes on what should be covered each day and may also have pages for attendance records and grades.
Lesson Pathways offers many of the same subjects that Time4Learning offers for grades pre-kindergarten through five.
Most students, especially in the lower grades, will learn vocabulary in the course of normal reading.
The list should have fewer words in the elementary grades and no more than ten in the upper grades.
Even children in upper elementary grades can make simple snowflakes with a little help from adults.
It's great to praise Amanda for getting an "A" on her spelling test, but you want to avoid any mention of her big brother's grades at that age.
Hamilton Beach's food processors come in a variety of styles and performance grades.
Also aimed at children in grades three through eight, the Intermediate Plus series includes many of the favorite Quizmo games of the other sets.
The Academy is a free, residential school for academically talented girls in grades 7 through 12.
The AIP rates charities with letter grades, giving efficient ones at least an "A".
I was still getting good grades as my mother told me to, because she said if your lost your virginity and become pregnant this soon you have ruined your life.
Detailed disclosure about each diamond's features, including grades and certification.
Because the diamonds are recessed into the ring, lower quality gems can be used without visible detriments - the concealed setting obscures flaws, lower color grades, and other price-reducing characteristics.
Furthermore, most one carat solitaires are set in prongs or other open engagement ring settings to enhance their visibility, whereas multi-stone rings can be designed to be more forgiving of lower diamond grades.
Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has given a list of nine natural color grades for these diamonds.
White gold is available in different grades or karats.
This includes platinum, palladium, different grades of gold, silver and more unusual types of metal such as tungsten and stainless steel.
Inexpensive metals such as lower grades of gold, silver, or steel are durable and affordable, but often less brilliant, than more expensive choices such as platinum or palladium.
D-grade diamonds exhibit no color at all, while diamonds with color grades of G, H, and I have a faint color that cannot be detected by the naked eye.
At grades J and above, you will begin to see a brown or yellow tint in the diamond.
In slightly included diamonds, which receive the grades of SI1 or SI2, trained graders will easily be able to see flaws under 10x magnification.
The I1, I2, and I3 grades were added during the 1970s.
Included diamonds are typically less brilliant than the other grades, since the flaws may affect the diamond's light refraction.
The GIA is not the only institution that assigns clarity grades.
The world's most famous diamond, it is approximately the size of a walnut, and the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) grades it as a fancy dark gray-blue.
Learning about diamond grades can help you better understand diamond quality and price to aid in the selection of the right diamond.
Would you want to hire an attorney who used a term paper service to earn his college grades?
Larger and deeper backpacks are given to children grades 6-12 whereas the smaller variety is passed out to grades K-5.
It's important to note that that there are actually three grades of leather available for the bag, which may account for some of the disparity.
Your child's grades have slipped significantly over a period of time.
Sometimes a child's grades will suffer during or following a divorce.
As of 2005, students in third through eighth grades are tested yearly in both English and math.
High school students are required to be tested at least once between the tenth and twelfth grades.
As kids get into the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades their desire for childish titles like these will wane and they'll yearn for more "grown up" titles.
After the test, the grades of the students who ate breakfast can be compared against those of the students who did not eat breakfast.
Parents will quickly notice that kids in grades four through seven will get progressively more opinionated when it comes to what they're allowed to play on the computer.
Some elementary schools house grades kindergarten through fourth grade, while others go all the way to eighth grade.
Other school districts build a separate school called middle schools for grades fifth and sixth, or sixth through eighth.
They track a school's progress with annual state reading and math assessments in grades third through eighth.
Grades don't just have to be used in the classroom, however.
More importantly, kids can improve their grades and feel less stress over learning new mathematical concepts as they get older.
It is intended for two to six players in grades four to nine.
This game is for two to four players in grades three through eight.
For two to four players, this game is designed for grades three through five.
These are intended for grades K through eight.
However, problem-solving skills are often lacking in kids as they progress through the primary and secondary grades of school.
Art Express features educational activities in the arts for grades 1 through 5.
Once fashion is removed from an educational facility, many students find their grades thrive as they begin to put more focus on education rather than fashion.
Long Beach Unified School District chose to implement a district wide mandatory uniform policy for all students in grades K-8 to help improve the overall moral and attitude of its students.
Research and observation certainly suggests that wearing uniforms improves student behavior which in turn can improve grades and overall academic performance.
Fun Brain includes a wide variety of educational learning games for grades K-8.
The Summer Conservatory program is offered at no charge to children in grades 5-12.
Children who spend more time with their parents and siblings are more likely to stay out of trouble as they grow up, get better grades in school and be happier when they are at home.
In 1949, he began hypnotizing his children in hopes of raising their IQ, and their school grades.
However, the prices even for the higher grades are more to the low side than the higher side.
For example, the yoga lifestyle company Gaiam funded a study by California State University about how students who perform yoga might have better grades and reduced behavioral problems.
The vehicle received high marks overall, with particularly strong grades for the roomy interior.
If she wants someone who makes good grades, make sure your GPA gets a brush up.
To become a cheerleader at LSU, you will have to work hard, maintain good grades and be prepared to make a significant time commitment to the team.
Some companies offer good student discounts, so if insuring a teenager, have their grades available.
Good Student Discounts - Being a good student can bring more rewards than just good grades.
Make sure that you connect good grades with use of the car.
Not only may this encourage your teen to perform well in school, but the insurance company also rewards high grades.
When they get good grades and receive a policy discount, pass on those savings to them so that they can see the financial rewards related to their good performance in school.
Another way to get lower premiums is getting good grades.
Consequently, while you might already encourage your teen driver to do well in school, you can legitimately use the car insurance costs to provide even greater incentive for good grades.
As new grades are issued, you may have to resubmit proof as well.
If the student's academic status is in jeopardy, it is more important to bolster their grades than plan to celebrate a graduation that may not happen.
T.I.'s uncle convinced Trey that he was on a path that could only end in death or jail.Trey turned his life around, brought up his grades and by the reunion special was aiming to be the first man in his family to graduate from college.
He kept his grades up and stayed out of trouble, and for that T.I. wanted to reward him.
Instead, if any chef receives three failing grades, they risk failing out of the Chef Academy.
Buffy enrolled in a local college along with Willow, while Giles opened a magic store and Xander skipped college altogether having neither the money nor the grades to get in.
Start with a coarse grade and after a while, switch to progressively finer grades, until your stick (now turning into a wand!) is smooth as silk.
Educated in public schools, his grades won him a scholarship to attend the University of Chicago in 1951.
This networking service focuses on high school reunions and reconnecting former classmates from all grades and education levels.
Proxy sites are free to use, so as long as you're not putting your grades or your job on the line while logging in, it makes sense to at least try a few.
You can still get the perk of anonymity by using a proxy at home, but you won't be putting your grades or your career at risk.
From the ages of fourteen to seventeen, or grades nine through twelve, girls are Senior Girl Scouts.
Fifteen grades of uniforms exist, and what a solider wears is dependent on a number of factors such as unit requirements.
Other schools are the school of naval medicine at Bordeaux with annexes at Toulon, Brest and Rochefort; schools of torpedoes and mines and of gunnery at Toulon, &c., &c. The coles dhydro graphic established at various ports are for theoretical training for the higher grades of the merchant service.
Elementary, of two grades, of the lower of which there must legally be at least one for boys and one for girls in each commune; while the upper grade elementary school is required in communes having normal and secondary schools or over 4000 inhabitants.
Cub Scouts are boys between the ages of 7 and 10 who are in the first through fifth grades.
Quinn is our age but he jumped two school grades on academic excellence.