Grade point Sentence Examples
His job seemed to be going well, and his grade point was high.
While your overall grade point average (GPA) is important, many graduate schools are interested in the grades you made in your chosen field of study.
In general, applicants to Leicester Junior College and Becker College need to have obtained a 2.0 or better grade point average, although some programs require a 2.5 grade point average.
A scholarship is another type of grant, and despite a common misconception, does not always require an excellent grade point average.The Jeannette Rankin Scholarship Fund is one such grant.
The program has a minimum required grade point average and also requires a minimum of 16 core credits.
The minimum grade point average is 3.0, with coursework in physical education/health, fine arts, economics, world history, American history and American government.
Applicants can apply for an internship online, but must submit a letter of recommendation from an instructor and current grade point average information.
Besides football, Pop Warner also sponsors a Spirit Program -- cheer and dance divisions and competitions -- whose participants must also maintain certain grade point averages.
They are required to maintain a 2.5 grade point average.
You're expected to maintain a good standing in school, so your incoming grade point average, ACT/SAT scores and overall coursework are taken into account.
AdvertisementThe candidate should have an above average grade point average.
Students who are able to maintain a Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) of 3.0 or higher may be entitled to a discount on their car insurance coverage.