Gracefully Sentence Examples
He gracefully swung her around.
Taking her hand in his, he swept her gracefully into dance.
Edward bowed very gracefully, and his sister curtsied.
For a moment she watched them gracefully move across the room - totally in sync.
The wedding cake rose gracefully in three tiers, graced with crystal staircases and small cakes on either side.
The Great Dane is somewhat similar in general character, but is still more gracefully built, with slender limbs and more pointed muzzle.
Her jet black hair was swept up gracefully into a plaited crown.
They talked for over an hour, Mums gracefully avoiding the obvious.
Like the way his broad shoulders swayed so gracefully with each step as he strode to the corral - or the way he lounged in a doorway, coffee in one hand, one long leg thrown carelessly over the other.
Metternich realized the situation, and yielded so gracefully that he gave his temporary defeat the air of a victory.
AdvertisementOne hand gracefully held the folds of her dress and the other brushed a wayward curl from her forehead.
Dean vaguely remembered the eternity before voices above called his name and rescuers gracefully dropped down next to him.
It was going to be one of those evenings when lovemaking lasted gracefully for hours.
She watched as he crossed the room to the door, his broad shoulders swaying gracefully with each step.
Its furry tail stood up firm and round as a plume, its bandy legs served it so well that it would often gracefully lift a hind leg and run very easily and quickly on three legs, as if disdaining to use all four.
AdvertisementShe watched his tall figure move gracefully down the hall, forcing unwelcome warmth to crawl up her neck.
His broad shoulders swayed gracefully with the swing of his stride.
Matching flowers spilled gracefully down the smooth cake.
He had tried to be happy for her when the twins came along – even accepted it gracefully when she had declined to go with him to Texas.
One hand on her waist, the other holding hers lightly, he gracefully swept her around.
AdvertisementThen a little man jumped out of the basket, took off his tall hat, and bowed very gracefully to the crowd of Mangaboos around him.
Still smiling, she gracefully moved away, turning and glancing at her husband.
Alex swept her gracefully around the room again while the band played "The Last Waltz."
In 1873 he was offered a baronetcy by Gladstone, and again by Disraeli in 1874; in each case the honour was gracefully declined.
The vaults are gracefully painted with floreated bands along the ribs and central patterns in each "cell," in rich soft colours on a white plastered ground.
AdvertisementHis white hair hung gracefully on his shoulders, and his whole figure was patriarchal."
Remember, if you lose, accept defeat gracefully.
The plumage is white, except the primaries, which are black, and a black plume, formed by the secondaries, tertials and lower scapulars, and richly glossed with bronze, blue and green, which curves gracefully over the hind-quarters.
Gracefully and respectfully, with statesmanlike yet feminine dexterity, the demands of Darnley's father for justice on the murderers of his son were accepted and eluded by his daughter-in-law.
From the foyer, they entered a huge room with a wide staircase that curved gracefully from the balcony on the second floor.
From the lower part of a carpel are produced several laterally placed ovules, which become bright red or orange on ripening; the bright fleshy seeds, which in some species are as large as a goose's egg, and the tawny spreading carpels produce a pleasing combination of colour in the midst of the long dark-green fronds, which curve gracefully upwards and outwards from the summit of the columnar stem.
Sam halted Red and dismounted gracefully.
On ladies' seals the owner is often gracefully depicted standing and holding flower or bird, or with shields of arms. After the 14th century, the figures of ladies, other than queens, vanish from seals.
Behind closed eyelids she is gracefully making love in a dream.
It forms an erect pyramid, the upper half of which is covered with pretty pale blue blossoms, drooping gracefully from slender branchlets.
I. Gerardiana is a pretty plant which may be grown as a bush or against a wall, which it clothes gracefully with feathery leaves, towards the close of summer, bearing small Pea-like bright pink blooms.
Tall, spreading, gracefully plumed with foliage, which for richness and beauty of color is without a rival.
Come up as gracefully as possible and remember to smooth the skirt back into place.
Instead, opt for empire-waist styles, which gracefully flow outward to a full skirt; A-line skirts, which conceal wide hips nicely; and belted shirt dresses, which cinch at the waist and look chic in almost all settings.
Whether you choose to grow older gracefully or fight it kicking and screaming, there are a variety of senior citizen hairstyles available for both men and women.
By leaving the relationship gracefully and respectfully, each individual preserves their dignity and can learn from both the good and the bad points of the relationship, hopefully making their next partnership a more successful one.
We reached the summit of Meal Buidhe at about 9pm after having watched two golden eagles gracefully glide in a neighboring valley.
Lyalli, with woolly leaves of a long heart-shape and large pure white flowers with a bunch of golden stamens, drooping gracefully in clusters upon long stems from the tips of the previous seasons growth.
Alpine Fir (Abies Lasiocarpa) - A beautiful spire-like tree 150 feet high, with white bark and very small cones, purple, 2 to 3 inches long, and red male flowers, the foliage gracefully curved.
T. dependens bears white bell-shaped flowers fringed around the mouth, drooping gracefully from the under side of the branches of an elegant evergreen shrub, which thrives in the open air in our warmest coast gardens.
Sareen is a gracefully curved collection that includes micro-pave diamonds around the center stone as well as an optional bezel set diamond beneath the main center stone.
Move it gracefully along the pattern, following the lines as you squeeze out the paint.
It is possible to design the site so that it "degrades gracefully" for these devices, but that is an added expense.
A wide porch stretched the length of the building, and above it were two balconies with black wrought iron banisters that curved out gracefully.
It merely confirmed that she had left childhood behind... quite gracefully.
Together they watched as Alex put the horse down the hill, his body moving gracefully with the motion of the horse.
During the period just mentioned the tailors' methods of scientific pattern cutting have been adopted by the leading furriers in place of the old chance methods of fur cutters, so that to-day a fur garment may be as accurately and gracefully fitted as plush or velvet, and with all good houses a material pattern is fitted and approved before the skins are cut.
The rural countryside that surrounded the building rolled gracefully to trees that looked like Oaks, but it was winter and they still had their leaves.
White-eared Solitaires were once again in evidence and several swallow-tailed kites wheeled gracefully over the clearing.
She wore a long, dark pelisse, gracefully adjusted at the neck by a blue tie.
The verse is exquisitely harmonious, the sentiments conventional but refined and delicate, the imagery well chosen and gracefully expressed.
The true philosopher, therefore, is not the Pyrrhonist, trying to maintain an impossible equilibrium or suspense of judgment, but the Academic, yielding gracefully to the impressions or maxims which he finds, as matter of fact, to have most sway over himself.'
The short tube is baby pink with white sepals tipped green which recurve gracefully to expose a compact full double white corolla.
Layout tables and the W3c Access Guidelines The relevant parts of the guidelines say, Guideline 5. Create tables that transform gracefully.
Shipping is always free from this shop, and returns are gracefully accepted.
French country curtains are held gracefully with rooster tiebacks.
He believed in designing to the scale of the human and integrating buildings gracefully within the landscape.
Now, you can just face this fact and decide to deal with it gracefully, or you can be that 45-year-old guy who hangs out at the coffee shop wearing his baseball cap backwards and dressing like the 18-year-olds who serve the coffee.
We've all become so accustomed to the usual prom dress; a solid wall of color that flows gracefully to the floor and that is usually adorned with just one creative accent- a corsage.
Apparently for many women in Hollywood, there's no such thing as growing old gracefully.
Though Regal Empress has been around since 1953, she has aged very gracefully.
The slender new culms spring gracefully from the carpet of arching foliage.
It attains a height of 1 to 2 feet, and its numerous slender stems form a compact tuft, with flowers long and yellow, drooping gracefully, and pretty in early summer.
C. racemosa (Black Snakeroot), 3 to 8 feet high, with feathery racemes of white blossoms 1 to 3 feet long, which, being slender, droop gracefully; but the plants generally are not of much garden value.
On banks the beautiful light green curving leaves hang gracefully, surmounted by bunches of large yellow heads of flower in June and July.
It has handsome oval leaves, with patches of reddish-brown; the rosy-purple or lilac flowers are borne singly on stems 4 to 6 inches high, and droop gracefully.
Eulalia - This Japanese Grass, E. gracillima, is less vigorous in growth than either of the better known kinds, the leaves being more narrow and more gracefully recurved.
The brownish-violet flower panicles have at first erect branches, but as the flowers open these branches curve over gracefully and resemble a Prince of Wales Feather.
Its bluish-green leaves are rather long and gracefully drooping, while the flowers, of a pale rose color, are carried in short dense clusters towards the end of the summer.
In mild winters it begins to flower as early as December, and bears among handsome deep green leaves gracefully drooping tufts of pale green catkins, which, if cut with the twigs, endure a long time in vases, and are welcome in winter.
P. fertilis has dense tufts of long, soft, smooth, slender leaves, 10 to 18 inches high, and arched gracefully on every side.
S. procumbens flowers from July till late in September, and owing to its dwarf compact growth it is useful for masses in beds or for the front rows of borders, or in suspended baskets, as the slender branches droop gracefully over.
Or perhaps a row of sea creatures, or the moon and stars, gracefully encircling your wrist attached together with slivers of delicate serpentine chain is more to your taste.
Cotton chiffon is also made from natural fibers, however when compared to silk chiffon, it has a matte finish and the fabric does not move and drape as gracefully.
There's simply no better way to determine whether the piece falls gracefully, accentuates your figure and conceals trouble spots perfectly.
An empire waist means the lower half of the dress will skim your curves gracefully.
Just because you're getting older doesn't mean you can't age gracefully.
If you'd like advice on gracefully dealing with age-related inquiries, the Riley Guide offers a helpful look at Handling Questionable Questions.
Aging gracefully takes a little bit of work on your part, but you will not be sorry.
A Greco logo gracefully compliments the temples, while the metal framed material hugs the contours of the face.
In no other number are the lines straighter or the movements smaller; legs that usually gracefully bend are held stick-straight, and the effect of the whole number is that of an exceptionally well-trained army, but then a more elegant one.
Hair that has a slight wave can be cut in such a way that the hair falls gracefully within the wave.
Celebrities are wearing these ponytails somewhat like accessories that rest gracefully along the neck and shoulders.
Ella Moss has a quirky flair but her maternity line is gracefully chic.
The suit itself is done in a muted yellow and features thin black straps with delicately embroidered bumble bees that appear to float gracefully over the fabric.
It typically exposes the arms and shoulders, and may be cut low enough to show off the décolletage gracefully.
Skirts can be calf or ankle length and swirl gracefully during Mexican dances.
Skirts are calf or ankle length and swirl gracefully during Mexican dances.
When complimented on a date, accept it gracefully with a genuine smile.
The fact is, if you can gracefully take a "no" and back off, that in itself makes a good impression, and may lead to her flirting with you later.
Penelope pairs a neutral allover color - either blue, black or brown - with a large, floppy floral bow that gracefully covers the bag's front.
Both are great with trousers, capris or gauchos, but because they treat the ankle and arch so gracefully, they create the impression of suppleness and litheness without heel height.
The spikes arch gracefully under their own weight.
Your craving will be rewarded and your visions for visceral beauty brought into fruition, given homage amid the breathtaking background of majestic mountains descending gracefully into oceanic utopia.
Casio Baby-G BG172-2CV wristwatch is gracefully crafted into a shock resistant and water resistant to 100 meters watch, coupled with series of features making it simply irresistible.
Gracefully engineered, this Cartier Tank Francaise watch for both men and women fits for all occasion.
They will not move as gracefully as silk and, furthermore, they can become sweat traps on hot days or summer nights which may lead to skin irritation.
Was he giving her a way to back out gracefully?
Opal, the head of the Council, rose gracefully, pulling A'Ran from his thoughts.
From mountain heights along its eastern border the surface of Kentucky is a north-western slope across two much dissected plateaus to a gracefully undulating lowland in the north central part and a longer western slope across the same plateaus to a lower and more level lowland at the western extremity.
The houses are built of stone and mortar, and above the thatched straw roof which surmounts the doublestoreyed buildings the square water-tower rises gracefully.
The petitions addressed to the senate by the town of Bononia and by the communities of Rhodes and Ilium were gracefully supported by him in Latin and Greek speeches, and during Claudius's absence in 52 at the Latin festival it was Nero who, as praefect of the city, administered justice in the forum.
In connexion with the latter gracefully bestowed honour it may be mentioned that Pitt's domestic life was a singularly happy one.
She waved her hand gracefully to include the entire estate.
Señor Medena gracefully seated himself in the chair beside Destiny.
He had tried to be happy for her when the twins came along – even accepted it gracefully when she had declined to go with him to Texas.
Inside the hedge they came upon row after row of large and handsome plants with broad leaves gracefully curving until their points nearly reached the ground.
The ability to gracefully handle a piping bag will take some practice to develop.
Because Celtic knots are gracefully curved, most gem Celtic earrings use smooth, tumbled stones rather than faceted gems so the angles do not conflict.
She made her way clumsily through one episode and then watched as his long fingers moved gracefully over the keys.
The trees flowed gracefully down the mountain side, ending in the pasture where the goats used to graze.
The Emperor, surrounded by his suite of officers and courtiers, was riding a bobtailed chestnut mare, a different one from that which he had ridden at the review, and bending to one side he gracefully held a gold lorgnette to his eyes and looked at a soldier who lay prone, with blood on his uncovered head.
His shoulders swayed gracefully, the open denim jacket swinging loosely in the breeze.
Can't you just picture them swimming around on that pond, ducking their heads gracefully to feed.