Got-hold-of Sentence Examples
He got hold of Charlie and put a blindfold on him.
We were the best of buddies, once she got hold of the photo.
With a friend, William Berry, he then bought a small country store, which soon failed chiefly because of the drunken habits of Berry and because Lincoln preferred to read and to tell stories - he early gained local celebrity as a story-teller - rather than sell; about this time he got hold of a set of Blackstone.
How you could never got hold of a copy of the book?
Those three got hold of a bear somewhere, put it in a carriage, and set off with it to visit some actresses!
Eight months later, the gutter press got hold of the story, and vilified the man.
The best laid plans still don't prevent all fraud from happening, and you need to know as soon as possible if a thief somehow got hold of your personal information.
The auditions went on for quite some time, until 1993, when a 19 year old guitarist named Bryan Reilly got hold of a tape and called about the guitarist position.