Got Sentence Examples
I was so excited that I couldn't sleep, so I got up and dressed.
I just got a call from the doctor.
But I thought when people got married...
When she got to the room, Alex was sitting on the love seat reading a newspaper.
Lisa got up every morning and fixed breakfast.
Considering her own feelings about Alex, and the fact that he was a lot like his father, it wasn't hard to imagine that his mother never got over Señor Medena.
Destiny got well and came home.
This is a nice scrape you've got me into, isn't it?
Ours must have got the best of it.
That would change when they got home.
AdvertisementPierre got up and, having told them to harness and overtake him, went on foot through the town.
So you wondered how he got that much money.
I got an offer, see.
It almost got us that time, Dorothy.
He got Petya transferred from Obolenski's regiment to Bezukhov's, which was in training near Moscow.
AdvertisementWe got talking and I was fascinated.
We've got 'em on the run now, sure enough.
Evidently it has to be so, said he to himself, and hastily undressing he got into bed, happy and agitated but free from hesitation or indecision.
When they got married, there were no children to consider - not even the likelihood.
But if it was some guy who took advantage of a high school kid, maybe he got what he deserved.
AdvertisementYou've got that right.
I got up, and dressed quickly and ran downstairs.
By the time she got back to the barn, little Adora was already scrambling to her feet.
I caught one today, but he got away when his tail broke off.
Maybe I've got it all wrong, and he wasn't listening at all—just staring at my boobs, and pretending to listen—but to me, it was what I was looking for.
AdvertisementIt wouldn't be possible for even me to get up to that crack--or through it if I got there.
I had to feel for the rails with my toe; but I was not afraid, and got on very well, until all at once there came a faint "puff, puff" from the distance.
All four, like a flock of scared birds, got up and left the room.
I got up late.
I've got to get going.
Maybe if you'd all got to know each other better, you'd have become bosom buddies.
We gotta hurry! he said.
After the second day's march Pierre, having examined his feet by the campfire, thought it would be impossible to walk on them; but when everybody got up he went along, limping, and, when he had warmed up, walked without feeling the pain, though at night his feet were more terrible to look at than before.
I've got to get back to work.
You've got a baby up there asleep and you're alone in the house, tying one on.
Dorothy and Zeb now got out of the buggy and walked beside the Prince, so that they might see and examine the flowers and plants better.
We got him beat hands down.
I cannot make out anything written in my hand, so you see, Ragnhild has got ahead of me in some things.
And having got rid of this young man who did not know how to behave, she resumed her duties as hostess and continued to listen and watch, ready to help at any point where the conversation might happen to flag.
Instead of improving, Destiny got steadily worse.
The car slid off the cliff before I got back.
I didn't think about how it might affect you if I got hurt out there.
You've got something planned this weekend, but what about Wednesday night?
I've got a fire going for you.
The sooner they got started, the sooner they would reach Ashley.
I hope you got your money.
You got someone free to take a look?
Well, I guess it's time I got back to town.
But I felt it for you before we got married.
Have you got folks around here?
I guess I got in a hurry.
But then, I got to thinking how nice it would be if you went along.
You got his stamp of approval, you know.
We've got some hot chocolate on the stove.
I just got word that my father had a heart attack.
We've got to let him go.
The chances were, he rarely got into town at all.
Life sometimes got in the way of their goals, but they learned to be resilient.
It looks like we've got company.
If one wagon got stuck, the rest would have to stop while one of the other teams was unhitched and added to pull the wagon out.
I've got a small place down by Brownsville.
I'm afraid he got the wrong impression.
So I got to thinking about adoption.
After that I got to thinking how nice it would be if I had someone to cook me a meal every day.
Boss, you had so much malware I don't know how you got anything done.
They never got any work accomplished when she was with him.
If someone got hurt, it would be my ass.
You've got me there.
I've got another one.
Josh the cad got sweet young Edith pregnant and skipped.
Or, papa got an answer to his newspaper ad and saved a shotgun shell by doing the bashing himself.
I got a kick out of watching him operate.
When I got home, I played it over and over, a hundred times, I'll bet, and just cried and cried.
I'm sorry I got hot when you questioned my parents, but that was too personal.
Cynthia asked "They were old cigarettes—not like Patsy smokes," she said and then added quickly, "gotta go."
If he does, I guess they've got to create a new plan.
I got what I wanted.
Now I've got two brothers in my hair.
I've gotta go, Gabriel said, standing.
Perhaps you never got that letter.
I shook my head and tried to form the letters with her fingers; but she got more and more angry.
I went downstairs and got some cake (she is very fond of sweets).
Finally Belle got up, shook herself, and was about to walk away, when Helen caught her by the neck and forced her to lie down again.
She got in the ground, and she is very dirty, and she is cold.
I require of a visitor that he be not actually starving, though he may have the very best appetite in the world, however he got it.
The guests got up and took their leave, promising to return to dinner.
Having got warm in his corner, he fell asleep and did not leave the hut till toward evening.
I don't mean to make her feel unwelcome, but it was her own carelessness that got her into this situation.
You've got a lot of spunk, you know that?
You've got a better summer job, if you'll accept.
Listen, I got a summer job in the Mountains as a sitter and it includes room and board.
What's got into you, Lisa?
By the time I got it from the car, it was down to one bar.
You've got the summer off.
They hadn't traveled far down the trail before she got a peripheral view of the building.
No wonder they never got mail.
It's just that I got derailed and I need to get on track.
Yancey got up the next morning in a fowl mood and stayed that way for several days.
So that was where he got his stamina.
I just got the message a few minutes ago.
Yancey pulled up beside her and waited while she got out of the car and locked the door.
You've got a good job as a middle man, but don't let it go to your head.
I've got a lot on my mind.
He got out and leaned down.
By the time they got to her car, her palms were sweating.
I've got something I want to show you.
I've got to hand it to you Len; I had it figured completely different.
By the time he got in his car and left, Lisa was recovering.
What they got was a mother hen.
I just got up too fast, that's all.
They probably got my blood sample mixed up.
I was going to tell you when we got to Ashley.
I've got a little ranch in Texas.
If and when she got married, it would be for love.
They've got mules to eat now, why would they want to follow us?
With his help she got into the saddle.
We just got back about an hour ago.
No, Pete spotted them afore they saw us, so we got away.
By the time we were finished it was dark and the sand was blowing so bad we might have got lost, so we stayed in the cave until it let up.
And why had he dumped her the minute they got to town?
You've got to put it behind you and get on with your life.
You've got a lot of room to talk.
You've got to learn to trust me.
He was drinking heavy and the girls got prettier with each drink.
He told me he got on a ship in Galveston and sailed for three years.
He stopped the buggy in front of the house and got out.
Every time the subject of your father came up, you got defensive and I backed off because I was afraid of losing you.
Sure, you're thin, but you've got everything situated right.
It sounds like you've got a case on him.
After she got married and moved to Colorado the family information stopped – if you know what I mean.
He's got two boys that... well, calling them a handful would be an understatement.
So can I. I got along before I hired you and I think I can manage one meal now.
So far she had never mentioned her excursions to the attic, but when things got too dull around the house, she went up to explore.
Anyway she finally got so lonely and depressed that she locked herself in her room one day and shot herself.
That's when Russie got the ranch.
But he got no farther.
You've really got a case on him, haven't you?
Giving him a few minutes to traverse the drive, she got up and went into the kitchen.
I got tired of being pawed.
Would he prefer she wasn't here when he got back tonight?
I don't know how I got into this situation in the first place.
She waited a moment and then curiosity got the better of her.
The worst of it was when I got that adoption form in the mail today.
While Martha is my kindred spirit, Quinn and I always got along fairly well the few times we're all gotten together.
I've got to tell you, Ben.
Don't say it, 'cause I got her.
However, once we got going, I'm proud to state my future wife responded robustly, both physically and vocally.
It's something that's really got me down.
It's what happened next that's got me troubled.
I wasn't sure that bit of philosophy got us anywhere.
If he'd knocked me up I'd have got an abortion.
The adults were off someplace and we got a little drunk, I guess.
She even made my reservations and got me a discount.
It was Thursday before I got up the nerve to call my friends.
He's got a blank slate for a lifetime of memory.
I tried to get him to visit Woodstock but he just got pissed.
Are we positive we've got this right?
He's got this weird thing like if he sees himself, he'll self-destruct or something.
That got me pissed off and Quinn accused me of always taking Howie's side.
That's got to be a shock.
But if Quinn got drunk and slept with Betsy, like years ago, you'd understand and forgive her, wouldn't you?
We're got a new gizmo that does that stuff.
I don't know how you're doing what you do but I got a strong feeling if I keep an open mind, good things will happen.
You've got our vote.
I've got to ask a question; are we from the same planet?
I've got a black and blue mark on my ribs from his version of Saturday night fever.
It takes time for me to establish motion and I got a late start.
We've practically got him!
He got away again.
That's got to be a first.
They got wind there might be someone out there in the nether world with incredible abilities they could commandeer.
In any event, she's got one story and she's sticking to it like a nightly prayer, at least for now.
Merrill Cooms new project, After, got off to a start the week we first met Julie.
That was before they got all organized and everything.
I even got a book out of the library.
That got their attention.
We've got a pool going in the office.
Yes. They just got started but they're doing good work.
I've got some charcoal stuff I found in the garage.
I've got some gasoline I use in the lawn mower.
No. And unfortunately, he got away.
The Feds have got me wrapped up like a mummies bandages.
They've got fifty agents going all over the state of Idaho looking for an old lady.
It was midafternoon before we got Howie on the road, first to Boston and then a flight west.
But I've got other questions.
He got up the courage and asked me out but when I begged off he acted so devastated I felt like a heel.
He got us moved to a nicer place; a safer location.
I haven't been this frightened since I was seven years old and got locked in our cellar.
I've got people checking sales.
I've got friends, who get me stuff every ones in a while but it's not always easy.
It took us two hours to come ten miles from the airport and Julie had to direct him the last mile and she just got here herself.
As soon as she got here, she and Howie had to go private and talk things over and test the bed springs.
And the guy from California who got himself killed; him too.
It was a hoot at first, reading that stuff, but it got boring in a hurry.
You've got to be kidding me!
He never got around to the guy who tried to enter Ethel Reagan's apartment.
I've got some more information for you.
Frank wants to talk to you, but I've got a question first.
I've got the name of a sex offender who bought a Volt Wheel electric bike in Oxnard, California.
I've got some checking to do before I whip out the bible and swear to it.
I've got a contact for you but protect this like your girlfriend at a drunken frat party.
I got blood on my tie!
Pure reaction but it got you in the door in a hurry.
Now, I got a few more questions.
I've got to tell you, this guy wasn't looking to rip of a TV and the family silver.
But he's absent minded 'cause he forgets he's got a full refrigerator of stuff that's going to rot and stink up the place.
You said they were off before he got here.
The perp did a quick job of searching the house before we got here.
I got a name for you; your assailant.
This Bryce guy was probably the one who got a hold of the contest letter from Julie and broke into her apartment.
I never got the chance to pick up his.
We've got to stop what we're doing.
Your boy Dan Brennan got me into the Federal exit and entrance records at the Canada border!
Then I got smart and checked all non-commercial vehicles.
Then Ronnie got up and said how he and mom loved each other and how she still loved her daughter Annie and it sounded like my sister was her only child.
I got all the vehicle information and full descriptions of the people.
No; I've got a full refrigerator.
My wife got up from the table.
But now Quinn's gone too, so Howie couldn't go back even if he got up his courage to do it!
Could you just talk to the guy who got out of jail; the one everyone thought killed my sister?
Tell your dog you've got a lot of explaining to do.
Tell me you're not this psychic guy that's got everyone chasing after ghosts 'cause I have to tell you I'm from Missouri and you've got to show me.
Bumpus got loose when something made a noise in the woods.
That was how they got off; not with sex.
That got me wondering about Annie too; she wasn't found for some time and the papers said she wasn't dead that long.
You've got four or five days before you have to look over your shoulder again.
I got up from the bed.
They'd like to search the LeBlanc's place on the off chance our boy broke in there too and maybe got careless.
It looks like he'd just come out of the shower and got it from behind, with something heavy.
She never got out of bed.
The cops and medics just got here.
I've got to go; here talk to Mrs. Samuels.
We've got the motor home.
We got lucky and pulled a single finger print from the rest room door.
He didn't come back, even when it got dark and it was time for them to go inside.
Got the divorce paperwork to prove it.
We gotta clean up before the cops get here.
We got info on a stash house on Broad Street.
The Natural I planted there called this morning and said they were waiting to burn the place until something got there.
Either he got smart fast or someone tipped him off.
I've got a meeting at eight.
I gotta go before Dusty finds out I'm here.
I think he blames me because he ruined a sweater when he got shot today.
He's got it so good.
Someone's gotta help save the world.
I gotta make it up to her somehow.
The dreams got worse, and then I went to Talon's one night.
I've gotta clean up.
Jenn's guys got something.
How many we got so far?
He's got space for almost nine hundred.
Talon got out then reached in and snatched her, dragging her out.
We've got patrols around-- " "Speck doesn't understand that if even a mosquito leaves the town, there's no way we can stop the spread!"
Now you've got fifty seconds!
Gotta call Dusty before he blows me up.
It's gotta be well past midnight!
The still air became more charged the closer they got to the center of the storm, the sky darker.
If that was all she got, she'd take it.
I thought she was here with you but when I got here, I didn't see her.
He's gotta be good for something.
I've gotta return to Florida.
You've got twenty-seven minutes to get out of here before Jimmy levels this place.
You want knives, I got knives.
You want swords, I got swords.
Not to sound like Dusty, but you gotta learn some self-control!
Tell him I got a new tattoo.
It'll smell like a whale died in here now, and I've only got three more Tahoes that survived the hurricane.
We got a war to fight and women waiting for us.
Sean got you some clothes before he went to the pub for his shift.
Sean's from here, and we got nothin' to kill.
Normally, she'd leave before it got too crowded; her father preferred she avoided people altogether.
You've gotta help me!
You've got about two minutes before this creature tears through me and kills you.
Jule was knocked off his feet by a hard blow but got back up, beckoning to the other creature with a look of confidence out of place for his bloodied face.
You gotta keep her alive while Damian figures out what to do.
I've gotta get to the station.
The closer she got, the stronger she felt him.
You got twenty-five days left.
Yully grew more anxious the nearer they got; her father was right about the magic feeling stronger.
The air hummed the closer they got.
You got a piece of me, but that's it.
Darian got up again, distracting her.
Until you can prove you've got some damn disease, you're on leave without pay.
You gotta trust me.
You've got more than one rat to worry about.
The drug wore off, leaving her in a dark fog, hot and sweating with a different kind of headache, the kind she got after taking a lot of Dr. Mallard's drugs.
Gotta go, Rain-man.
You've got half an hour.
You got the schematics on this place?
Whatcha got for me tonight?
Bet he's got a girl in town.
The battle got so bad that the only way to prevent the annihilation of every being in the universe was to divide the physical and divine worlds.
You got time to talk, D?
She savored the sensations of his hot, wet mouth and the buzz she got feeding from him.
He's dreamy, runs his own um, business, and he's got, like, Superman powers.
You've got issues, bro.
He's got a great sense of style, Linda said with a laugh.
I've got parish calls to make this evening.
I got the chicken if you got the recipe!
We gotta think this one through, Jule.
Good. I've got a deal for you.
He didn't remember how he got it, and he doubted it'd been there before kiri put it there hours before.
Dusty, Jule's got him!
We've got to start moving everything within twenty-four hours, Lon told them, slinging a machine gun over his shoulder.
You've already got the teeth.
And I like to know you've got some fight in you.
You've got that vibe.
It's the same key that got you into Hell.
Maybe he's got something worse planned.
The idea he got out causing all her suffering made her frown.
And if I tell Darkyn you've got a solution?
After a moment grappling with her mixed emotions, she got up and called a portal.
She wasn't sure how she got it out.
Simple. Because of Darkyn's bitch, I've got a price on my head from the Dark One.
You've got the damned flashlight.
They've got a bottle of wine and a blanket.
And before you ask, she's got her green card.
They've got a bunk in the back room of the restaurant where he washes dishes.
David's got a hairbrush.
I got some guys in my 'hood pissed at me, so I decided to split.
I got interviewed for a newspaper in Zanesville, Ohio.
I'm sorry I called that lady cop a pig and got you in trouble.
Right. Someplace where if you got caught there, you'd be in super deep trouble.
You two got along very well.
Caleb and me sort of got in trouble just before he left.
Yeah. I guess we went in—a little way— but it wasn't so bad until the flashlight started dimming and I got scared we wouldn't find our way out in the dark.
I got thinking if his head was busted, then maybe somebody busted it for him and got away with it.
You've got more time on your hands than an unemployed whaler.
But then I got to know him.
No wonder you got a paddling.
I deserved what I got, at least in my parents' eyes.
I got the owl so's you'd know we give a hoot.
Just trying to get you mellow enough to tell me why you've got a bug up your behind.
I might have pulled your leg a time or two, but we've got along pretty good over the years keeping stuff to ourselves.
Besides, you've got too much on your minds— running for sheriff, little Martha leaving and all—you don't need to hear about the ghosts in my closet.
What's it got to do with jury duty?
All this business with her got me thinking about them years— courts and jail and stuff like that.
They've got all kinds of newfangled ways of digging up the past.
It got me thinking about spreading around the little bit you've got.
You know what your boy's got in his knapsack?
He's got the whole world in his knapsack.
He's got all the loaves and fishes he needs.
He's got so much going for him—a girl who loves him, a great family, smarts, education, good looks, and you said he's a jock.
Look what he's got to spread around.
But if the little bit I've got's not stopping me from trying to multiply it to something better, how can you be worried about this kid of yours?
I've got an autographed ball of his.
If you've got a lick of real ability—even a chance—shit, you'd be stupid not to grab it!
You raised him and you can be proud as punch of everything he's accomplished, but you've got to trust him, too.
Randy got money—lots of it—just for signing a contract.
We talked to half the state of Colorado and got nowhere.
I got all the poop!