Good-fortune Sentence Examples
By good fortune the armada evaded Nelson and arrived safely off Malta.
He lost his place owing to a reduction of the duke's establishment, and for several years he lived obscurely; but by good fortune he succeeded in persuading Maria de Uceda, one of the ladiesin-waiting of Mariana, second wife of Philip IV., to marry him.
David's good fortune did not desert him; he won his wife, and in this new advancement continued to grow in the popular favour, and to gain fresh laurels in the field.
The Ray Society had the good fortune to obtain the ten original copper-plates, all but one drawn by the author himself, wherewith the work was illustrated.
Were there numerous important centres the bad fortune of one would be more adequately offset by the good fortune of another.
Originally a nature goddess (like Venus the garden goddess, with whom she was sometimes identified), she represented at first the hope of fruitful gardens and fields, then of abundant offspring, and lastly of prosperity to come and good fortune in general, being hence invoked on birthdays and at weddings.
His early military education was the best and most practical then attainable, primarily because he had the good fortune to come under the influence of men of exceptional ability - Baron du Keile, Bois Roger and others.
It was his great good fortune to find abundant unused material for his Life of Hume, and to be the first to introduce the principles of historical research into the history of Scotland.
But in 1893 the uniform good fortune which had attended the Stevensons since their settlement in Samoa began to be disturbed.
A popular and successful democratic leader, he cannot, however, be ranked among the great statesmen of the republic. As a general he was headstrong and selfsufficient and seems to have owed his victories chiefly to personal boldness favoured by good fortune.
AdvertisementBut this small beginning of good fortune was embittered by the deaths of his father and his eldest sister, and by the breaking up of the home at Quickborn.
The Syracusans were neither united nor adequately prepared for effectual defence, and it is perfectly clear that they owed their final deliverance to extraordinary good fortune.
A month later he had the good fortune to recover copies of a silver boss, or hilt-top, offered to various museums about 1860, but rejected by them as a meaningless forgery and for a long time lost again to sight.
Every species of good fortune was now to descend on the path of the man who had struggled against ill luck so long.
It was not the good fortune of Johnston to acquire the prestige which so much assisted Lee and Jackson, nor indeed did he possess the power of enforcing his will on others in the same degree, but his methods were exact, his strategy calm and balanced, and, if he showed himself less daring than his comrades, he was unsurpassed in steadiness.
AdvertisementIt was his good fortune that he did go back, for he was subjected to a wholesome course of ridicule by the other boys, and was flogged by Dr Barnard, the headmaster.
The graceful form of their body, the elegance and rapidity of their movements, and the exquisite beauty of their colours have been the admiration of all who have had the good fortune to watch them in their native haunts.
Sherman had the good fortune to learn the art of command by degrees.
By good fortune the earth here was very deep. On the higher level of the agora and the Apollo temple, where the depth of earth is comparatively slight, there is little hope of important finds.
In June she followed the king to England (after distributing all her effects in Edinburgh among her ladies) with the prince and the coffin containing the body of her dead infant, and reached Windsor on the 2nd of July, where amidst other forms of good fortune she entered into the possession of Queen Elizabeth's 6000 dresses.
AdvertisementRiego had the good fortune to escape and to reach England after various wanderings in Switzerland and Germany.
Evatt had the good fortune to capture Kings Mwanga and Kabarega, who were deported to the coast and subsequently removed to the Seychelles, where Mwanga died in 1903.
Having the good fortune to serve a king who was both economical and just, he was able to diminish the imposts, to introduce order among the soldiery, and above all, by the ordinances of 1499, to improve the organization of justice.
He possessed the interior lines and the central reserve which enables interior lines to be utilized, and a stroke of good fortune prolonged the period in which he could command the situation, for The occupation of Siu-yen was chiefly the work of the brigade pushed out to his left by Kuroki.
Here extraordinary good fortune put into the enemy's hands a copy of Lee's orders, from which it was clear that the Confederates were dangerously dispersed.
AdvertisementThe aboriginal occupants of the greater part of North America were comparatively few in number, and except in Mexico were not advanced beyond the savage state, The geological processes that placed a much narrower ocean between North America and western Europe than between North America and eastern Asia secured to the New World the good fortune of being colonized by the leading peoples of the occidental Old World, instead of by the less developed races of the Orient.
Secondly, the Eudemian Ethics, while not agreeing with Plato's Republic that the just can be happy by justice alone, does not assign to the external goods of good fortune (Eutu X ia) the prominence accorded to them in the Nicomachean Ethics as the necessary conditions of all virtue, and the instruments of moral virtue.
The opposition of divine good fortune according to impulse to that which is contrary to impulse reminds us of Plato's point in the Phaedrus that there is a divine as well as a diseased madness.
Basasiri had the good fortune to be out of his reach; after acknowledging the right of the Fatimites, he gathered fresh troops and incited Ibrahim Niyal to rebel again, and he succeeded so far that he re-entered Bagdad at the close of 1058.
In July 1402 he made himself master of Bologna; and his death in September of the same year was a stroke of good fortune for the pope.
That the Kulturkampf had followed so rapidly upon the war was the greatest piece of good fortune that could have befallen the Holy See.
This is then kept for three days; if no good fortune results it is concluded either that the spirit did not enter the object selected, or that it is disinclined to extend its protection.
In 924 they returned, and this time by good fortune one of their greatest princes fell into the hands of the Germans.
At the same time good fortune was attending the operations of the French in the Rhineland, where they were aided by Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar, a satisfactory financial arrangement between these parties having been reached in the autumn of 1635.
He had the good fortune to discover the propylaea of the Acropolis, and his work, L'Acropole d'Athenes (2nd ed., 1863), was published by order of the minister of public instruction.
Somehow he has the good fortune to come last, and when he places his stone the arch stands selfsupported."
The geological processes that placed a much narrower ocean between North America and western Europe than between North America and eastern Asia secured to the New World the good fortune of being colonized by the leading peoples of the occidental Old World, instead of by the less developed races of the Orient.
In the sultan's service Ibn Batuta remained eight years; but his good fortune stimulated his natural extravagance, and his debts soon amounted to four or five times his salary.
Imprisoned in La Force (1794) he was one of those who had the good fortune to escape the guillotine till the death of Robespierre set them free.
He first explored the Odeum and the Great Theatre situate in the city itself, and in the latter place had the good fortune to find an inscription which indicated to him in what direction to search for the Artemision; for it stated that processions came to the city from the temple by the Magnesian gate and returned by the Coressian.
Picus was the God of fortune that was able to bless good fortune upon people and predict their future.
It was his good fortune to be sent to rule as duke of Parma by right of his mother at the age of sixteen, and thus came under more intelligent influence than he could have found in Spain.
It is Swift's peculiar good fortune that his book can dispense with the interpretation of which it is nevertheless susceptible, and may be equally enjoyed whether its inner meaning is apprehended or not.
His indefatigable exertions as a traveller, his skill and good fortune as a collector, his brilliance as a teacher and expositor, and his keenness as a controversialist no doubt aid largely in accounting for Spallanzani's exceptional fame among his contemporaries; yet greater qualities were by no means lacking.
In a few years we find him serving as captain on the Great General Staff, and in 1848 he had the good fortune to be transferred to the staff of the IV.
Meanwhile in the same year that saw the expulsion of the Jews, King Edwards good fortune began to wane, with the rise of the Scottish question, which was to overshadow the latter half of his reign.
If the king or queen could either have had the political genius of Frederick the Great, or could have had the good fortune to find a minister with that genius, and the good sense and good faith to trust and stand by him against mobs of aristocrats and mobs of democrats; if the army had been sound and the states-general had been convoked at Bourges or Tours instead of at Paris, then the type of French monarchy and French society might have been modernized without convulsion.
Of course it can be explained; and when explained, we see that Disraeli's good fortune in this respect is not due entirely to his own merits.
This was my situation when I had the good fortune to find a place among the members of that remarkable confraternity of antagonists, the Metaphysical Society.
But no such good fortune befell the works of Demosthenes.
In January 1856 he had the good fortune to win a diplomatic triumph over the new tsar, Alexander II.
The lack of funds which would have proved fatal to Spartan naval warfare was remedied by the intervention of Persia, which supplied large subsidies, and Spartan good fortune culminated in the possession at this time of an admiral of boundless vigour and considerable military ability, Lysander, to whom much of Sparta's success is attributable.
After unsuccessful wars against the nobles of the South, against the Normans, who asserted that they were bound to no one except Charles the Simple, and against the Hungarians (who, now the Normans were pacified, were acting their part in the East), Rudolph had a return of good fortune in the years between 930 and 936, despite the intrigues of Herbert of Vermandois.
His good fortune soon led him from conquest to spoliation, and he complicated his master-idea of the grand empire by his Family Compact; the clan of the Bonapartes invaded European monarchies, wedding with princesses of blood- royal, and adding kingdom to kingdom.
He had here the good fortune to attract the attention of Luther and Melanchthon, and subsequently became one of Luther's most active helpers in the Reformation.
It is a piece of good fortune that Mas'udi and the Fihrist give us the information cited above.
Huge bamboo towers lining the waterfront are covered with sweet buns, said to bring good fortune to anyone managing to get on.
For that reason, the Dutch believe that eating donuts on New Year's Day will bring good fortune.
Maybe the good fortune to have someone with you at the end?
This good fortune enabled us to adapt our route later to include more species of the high sierras.
Takeo escaped the sacking of his village by the merest wisp of good fortune.
Two years after the return of Cabot, the news of Francisco Pizarro's marvellous conquest of Peru reached Europe (1532), and stirred many an adventurous spirit to strive to emulate his good fortune.
Setting sail for Egypt on the 19th of June, he again had the good fortune to elude Nelson and arrived off Alexandria on the 2nd of July.
The determination of the limit of good fortune and of gentlemanliness by looking to the ruler, God, who governs as the end for which prudence gives its orders, and the conclusion that the best limit is the most conducive to the service and contemplation of God, presents the Deity and man's relation to him as a final and objective standard more definitely in the Eudemian than in the Nicomachean Ethics, which only goes so far as to say that man's highest end is the speculative wisdom which is divine, like God, dearest to God.
Instead of singing like the birds, I silently smiled at my incessant good fortune.
Then it would suddenly seem to him that it was not she but he was so unusually beautiful, and that that was why they all looked so at him, and flattered by this general admiration he would expand his chest, raise his head, and rejoice at his good fortune.
Many of us carry stones for good fortune or for healing; we even use pumice stones on our feet !
We smiled at the faces of some of the beggars who regarded their good fortune with quizzical looks.
Highly valued in ancient cultures, this is a popular talisman for protection, good fortune and good health.
It was thy good fortune to associate with the dead dog; by so humiliating thyself thou hast saved thy life to-day.
Many cultures consider the rooster to be a harbinger of good luck and good fortune.
Feng shui also encourages adding specific elements into a home to bring good fortune into the house in the form of wealth, peace, or happiness.
It also allows the bride and groom to share some of their good fortune with their guests.
This stone is said to bring luck and good fortune on all people born in that particular month.
This stone is said to bring luck and good fortune on the people who are born in that month.
This stone is said to bring good fortune and favor to the person who is born in this month.
It has come to symbolize prosperity and good fortune.
You may have the good fortune to find a used Airstream travel trailer in your local area, either listed for sale by an individual or at an RV dealership.
Doing this creates a positive flow of chi and attracts good luck, prosperity and good fortune into the space.
Water is the symbol for money and the element that attracts good fortune and wealth.
Natural lucky charms that bring good fortune such as ladybugs, scarab beetles and rainbows are often replicated in jewelry or statue form.
When these elements are in balance, they bring the occupants of the space good health, prosperity and good fortune.
Oprah has created her very own foundation to make sure that she is able to give back to the community and share her wealth and good fortune.
Using an evergreen tree as a symbol of good fortune.
Referred to as the eternal blaze, a yellow sapphire brings good fortune and success to its wearer.
Jupiter is known as the good luck planet in a astrology because whenever it is found in the birth chart, the native can expect good fortune and an easy time of it.
It is a benevolent protector, bearer of life, creature endowed with healing powers and a symbol of good fortune.
To them, it is a symbol of good luck and good fortune.
This is largely due to the superstitious nature of people who undertake ocean voyages and subsequently seek out symbols of good fortune.
Before the new year festivities begin, however, intense housecleaning is done to prepare for the holiday and to sweep out the old year's bad luck and evil spirits, making way for good fortune in the new year.
Numerous episodes end with the family and Paul weeping with joy over their new good fortune.
Makeover reality TV shows offer a glimpse into the lives of regular folks who have the good fortune to make a significant change in their lives.
Whether you're superstitious and want to carry a bit of good fortune wherever you go, or have a justified fondness for all things equestrian, you'll love these ideas for making creative horseshoe nail designs.
Adding horseshoes to your manicure or pedicure is a fun new idea that will perhaps bring good fortune to the wearer.
His cruelty, his utter want of scruple, and his good fortune made him a terror to all Italy.
Boetius regarded it as the height of his good fortune when he witnessed his two sons, consuls at the same time, convoyed from their home to the senate-house amid the enthusiasm of the masses.
His son and successor, Theodore (Feodor), was a weak man of saintly character, very ill fitted to consolidate his father's work and maintain order among the ambitious, turbulent nobles; but he had the good fortune to have an energetic brother-in-law, with no pretensions to sanctity, called Boris Godunov, who was able, with the tsar's moral support, to keep his fellow-boyars in order.
But his good fortune did not last, and he attributes the calamities that came upon him to the ill will which his bold maintenance of justice had caused, and to his opposition to every oppressive measure.