Good-and Sentence Examples
Nothing looked good and she felt feverish.
He'd like to believe in good and the happy-ever-after, but that innocence could never be retrieved.
It's like we try to do good and theses unintended side effects occur; the deputy sheriff in Alabama, that Youngblood jerk in California, plus the parents murdered just so the discovery of their child's abduction would be delayed.
There was right and wrong, good and evil, and every human but the woman before him had fallen for some temptation of the dark side.
He will be forever stuck between the two worlds, the good and the evil, without entering either or leaving either behind.
He'll let us stew until he's damn good and ready.
At least she looked good and was comfortable, even though she felt awful.
What you fail to realize is that --whatever I am --I draw good and evil to me.
He seemed to be the only one on the Council who truly cared about upholding the balance between good and evil, no matter what the cost.
The world needed a man focused on maintaining the balance between good and evil, and none of the brothers had
AdvertisementYou should consider taking steps to assure your husband understands that you've left him for good and want no further contact with him.
He banged himself up fairly badly—broke a couple of ribs, did something to his knee and leg, whacked his head pretty good and cut up his face.
Mrs. Martin did much good and she deserves to be honored for it.
The long-term prognosis looked good and arrangements made for a friend to stay with her during her convalescence.
Maybe once I'm good and drunk.
AdvertisementThe coffee was good and so was the blueberry pie.
Life was good and bound to get better.
The mining and washing plant is extremely good and largely constructed at Cagliari.
Orange however did not despair, and resolved to throw in his lot for good and all with the rebel province of the north.
He appointed visitors for the universities and great public schools, and defended the universities from the attacks of the extreme sectaries who clamoured for their abolition, even Clarendon allowing that Oxford "yielded a harvest of extraordinary good and sound knowledge in all parts of learning."
AdvertisementButler is charged by Sir Leslie 'Stephen with arguing illegitimately - professing to make no appeal to " moral fitness," and yet contending that the facts of human life show (the beginnings of) moral retribution for good and evil.
We have intuitions of cause, of infinity, of good and Flint.
This condition of mind can be obtained only by "living conformably to nature," that is to say, one's whole nature, and as a means to that man must cultivate the four chief virtues, each of which has its distinct sphere - wisdom, or the knowledge of good and evil; justice, or the giving to every man his due; fortitude, or the enduring of labour and pain; and temperance, or moderation in all things.
The harbour is good and secure, and is much frequented by vessels delayed in the Elbe by unfavourbale weather.
The fifth and last book takes up the question of man's free will and God's foreknowledge, and, by an exposition of the nature of God, attempts to show that these doctrines are not subversive of each other; and the conclusion is drawn that God remains a foreknowing spectator of all events, and the ever-present eternity of his vision agrees with the future quality of our actions, dispensing rewards to the good and punishments to the wicked.
AdvertisementThe harbour is good and is enclosed at the south by several rugged islands, the largest being Perico and Flamenco (belonging to the United States) and Taboga (935 ft.), which is a place of country residence for wealthy citizens.
The result of this policy of repression, associated as it was with gross incompetence and corruption in the organs of the administration, was the rapid spread of the revolutionary movement, which gradually permeated the intelligent classes and ultimately " Tolstoi - observed that that was argument and reason, and that he paid no attention to them; he only guided himself (he said) by sentiment, which he felt sure told him what was good and right!
In the writings of the pre-exilian period we have frequent references to supernatural personalities good and bad.
See John Clarke, Examination of the Notion of Moral Good and Evil advanced in a late book entitled The Religion of Nature Delineated (London, 1725); Drechsler, Ober Wollaston's Moral-Philosophie (Erlangen, 1802); Sir Leslie Stephen's History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1876), ch.
These conditions are of course not independent of each other, and they have brought in their train many consequences, some good and some bad.
As a natural result of this belief we find the view that the operations of nature are conducted by a multitude of more or less obedient subordinate deities; thus, in Portuguese West Africa the Kimbunda believe in Suku-Vakange, but hold that he has committed the government of the universe to innumerable kilulu good and bad; the latter kind are held to be far more numerous, but Suku-Vakange is said to keep them in order by occasionally smiting them with his thunderbolts; were it not for this, man's lot would be insupportable.
I I of the act a tenant is entitled to compensation for disturbance, when he is compelled to quit without good and sufficient cause, and for reasons inconsistent with good estate management.
The step from Rienzi to Der fliegende Hollander is without parallel in the history of music, and would be inexplicable if Rienzi contained nothing good and if Der fliegende Hollander did not contain many reminiscences of the decline of Italian opera; but it is noticeable that in this case the lapses into vulgar music have a distinct dramatic value.
As censor he raised the character of the senate, removing unfit and unworthy members and promoting good and able men, among them the excellent Julius Agricola.
He speaks for the most part only in general references of the divine commands and of good and evil works.
The ceded revenues administered directly by the public debt council have shown remarkable expansion, and may be fairly looked upon as exemplifying what would occur in the general revenues of the empire when good and honest administration and regular payment of officials finally took the place of the carelessness, corruption and irregularity which existed up to the change of regime.
The anchorage is good and safe, and the harbour is one of the best on the Pacific coast of South America.
Its public buildings are good and it has the improvements of a modern town.
The circulation of magnetic induction or flux through magnetic and non-magnetic substances, such as iron and air, is in many respects analogous to that of an electric current through good and bad conductors.
The standard force H =20 was selected as being sufficiently low to distinguish between good and bad specimens, and at the same time sufficiently high to make the order of merit the same Ss it would be under stronger forces.
The doctrine of the immortality of the soul was accompanied by that of the resurrection of the flesh; the struggle between good and evil was one day to cease, and the divine bull was to appear on earth, Mithras was to descend to call all men from their tombs and to separate the good from the bad.
The chief thing to see is the city wall, outside which runs a good and clean promenade.
Some of his poems have been translated with great success by Arthur Symons in Images of Good and Evil; the most convenient edition of his works, which have been frequently reprinted, is that contained in vol.
He worked fairly, played fairly, lived comfortably, made good and lasting friends.
It may be presumed with some certainty that his attentions to women were for the most part platonic; indeed, both on the good and the bad side of him, he was all brain.
Hence we shall not be surprised to find that the two tendencies are fully represented in primitive Christianity, and, still more strange as it may appear, that New Testament apocalyptic found a more ready hearing amid the stress and storm of the 1st century than the prophetic side of Christianity, and that the type of the forerunner on the side of its declared asceticism appealed more readily to primitive Christianity than that of Him who came "eating and drinking," declaring both worlds good and both God's.
But the great achievement of recent manufacture is the production, without the use of animal charcoal, of a cheaper, but good and wholesome article, in appearance equal to refined sugar for all intents and purposes, except for making preserves of fruits in the old-fashioned way.
All actions are product of pleasure and pain, good and evil.
Officers, commonly called wardens in England, were elected by the members, and their chief function was to supervise the quality of the wares produced, so as to secure good and honest workmanship. Therefore, ordinances were made regulating the hours of labour and the terms of admission to the gild, including apprenticeship. Other ordinances required members to make periodical payments to a common fund, and to participate in certain common religious observances, festivities and pageants.
Man is by original nature, through the assistance of divine grace, free, able to will and perform the right; but is in his fallen state, of and by himself, unable to do so; he needs to be regenerated in all his powers before he can do what is good and pleasing to God.
The reprint (3 vols.) edited for the "Pulteney Library" by Hazlitt in 1840-1843 contains a good and full life mainly derived from Wilson, the whole of the novels (including the Serious Reflections now hardly ever published with Robinson Crusoe), Jure Divino, The Use and Abuse of Marriage, and many of the more important tracts and smaller works.
The literature of no time presents so powerfully the contrast between moral good and evil.
Charlemagne was endowed with the good and bad qualities of the epic king, and as in the case of Agamemnon and Arthur, his exploits paled beside those of his chief warriors.
Through all this runs the train of thought resulting naturally from Bruno's fundamental principles, and familiar in modern philosophy as Spinozism, the denial of particular providence, the doctrine of the uselessness of prayer, the identification in a sense of liberty and necessity, and the peculiar definition of good and evil.
The gustatores cervisiae - called in different localities by the different names "ale-tasters," "ale-founders," and "aleconners" - were sworn to examine beer and ale, to take care that they were good and wholesome and were sold at proper prices.
They endeavoured to deal with the problem of good and evil.
Oysters, both mud and rock, are good and plentiful.
The cyanide process of gold extraction, and the returns obtained by its means from the great Waihi mine in the Upper Thames, caused an outbreak of gold fever, which led to the opening up of a few good and a great many worthless quartz-mines in the Auckland fields.
The distinction of good and bad angels is recognized; we have names, Gabriel 4, and the evil angels Abaddon or Apollyon', Beelzebub 6, and Satan'; ranks are implied, archangels 8, principalities and powers9, thrones and dominions 10.
The real root of the difficulty to Platonist as to Gnostic was his sharp antithesis of form as good and matter as evil.
There was only one tree whose fruit was forbidden; it might be called either "the tree of life" or "the tree of knowledge," but certainly not "the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
To the phrase" ye shall be as gods "a later writer may have added" knowing good and evil,"but" to be as gods "originally meant" to live the life of gods - wise, powerful, happy."The serpent was in the main right, but there is one point which he did not mention, viz.
The same interest led to the division of the services into two general parts, which became known ultimately as the missa, eatechumenorum and the miss y fidelium, - that is, the more public service of prayer, praise and preaching open to all, including the catechumens or candidates for Church membership, and the private service for the administration of the eucharist, open only to full members of the Church in good and regular standing.
Judged by the florists' rules, they are either good or bad in form, and pure or stained (white or yellow) at the base; the badly formed and stained flowers are thrown away, while the good and pure are grown on, these being known as "breeder" tulips.
The highmaster of St Paul's was to be " learned in good and clean Latin, and also in Greek, if such may be gotten."
He pushes the claim even further, requiring, besides entire outward submission to command, also the complete identification of the place of God, without reference to his personal wisdom, piety or discretion; that any obedience which falls short of making the superior's will one's own, in inward affection as well as in outward effect, is lax aect; that going beyond the letter of command, even in things abstractly good and praiseworthy, is disobedience, and that the "sacrifice of the intellect" is the third and highest grade of obedience, well pleasing to God, when the inferior not only wills what the superior wills, but thinks what he thinks, submitting his judgment, so far as it is possible for the will to influence and lead the judgment.
In sharp contrast are opposed the two worlds of the good and of the evil, the divine world and the material world (an), the worlds of light and of darkness.
For in Oriental (Persian) dualism it is within this material world that the good and evil powers are at war, and this world beneath the stars is by no means conceived as entirely subject to the influence of evil.
With him, as far as we are able to conclude from the scanty notices of him, the manifold Gnostic speculations are reduced essentially to the one problem of the good and the just God, the God of the Christians and the God of the Old Testament.
Large factories are now to be found in all parts of Mexico, and good and serviceable grades of broadcloths, cassimeres, blankets and other fabrics are turned out.
It is noteworthy that these early versions from Anglo-Saxon times onwards were perfectly orthodox, executed by and for good and faithful sons of the church, and, generally speaking, with the object of assisting those whose knowledge of Latin proved too scanty for a proper interpretation and understanding of the holy text.
The attorneygeneral, to whom the petition to the king was referred, reported that the petitioner had a " good and legal right and title to the lands."
He suggested, though he did not elaborate, the theory of the myth, so potent an instrument for good and ill in modern historical criticism.
The physical and the ethical are not distinguished, and in this respect the character of the system is thoroughly materialistic; for when Mani co-ordinates good with light, and evil with darkness, this is no mere figure of speech, but light is actually good and darkness evil.
If we consider in conclusion that Manichaeism gave a simple, apparently profound, and yet convenient solution of the problem of good and evil, a problem that had become peculiarly oppressive to the human race in the and and 3rd centuries, we shall have named the most important factors which account for the rapid spread of the system.
Knowledge resides not in sense but in reason, which, on the suggestion of sensations of changing individuals, apprehends, or (to be precise) is reminded of, real universal forms, and, by first ascending from less to more general until it arrives at the form of good and then descending from this unconditional principle to the less general, becomes science and philosophy, using as its method the dialectic which gives and receives questions and answers between man and man.
There are three other distributing reservoirs in different parts of the city, and the supply, which has been augmented since the works were inaugurated in 1885, is good and ample.
Though the chronicle is more legendary than historical, it is not unlikely that some good and even ancient sources were used by the first compiler, the Josippon known to us having passed through the hands of many interpolators.
Green's Prolegomena to Ethics can see how awkward is the Hegelian transition from " one spiritual principle" to different men's individual freedom of choice between good and evil.
At his best he was a " good and gentle creature," but too kindly and generous to rule others.
The sages attributed this curious phenomenon to the good and evil acts of their former lives.
Fruit is good and abundant as the rich volcanic soil is well watered from the town springs.
It was very early noticed that the good and evil passions by their continual exercise stamp their impress on the face, and that each particular passion has its own expression.
Froissart is perhaps the source from which we may gather most of chivalry in its double aspect, good and bad.
A contest still more stubborn remained with the Slavonic tribes, with their triple and many-headed divinities, their powers of good and powers of evil, who could be propitiated only with human sacrifices.
For now the corporation was styled " The Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America," and its object was defined to be " not only to seek the outward welfare and prosperity of those colonies, but more especially to endeavour the good and salvation of their immortal souls, and the publishing the most glorious gospel of Christ among them."
It was probably at the time when a desire for revenge on her calumniatress made her think the opportunity good and safe for discharge of such a two-edged dart at the countess and the queen that Mary wrote, but abstained from despatching, the famous and terrible letter in which, with many gracious excuses and professions of regret and attachment, she transmits to Elizabeth a full and vivid report of the hideous gossip retailed by Bess of Hardwick regarding her character and person at a time when the reporter of these abominations was on friendly terms with her husband's royal charge.
The Araucanians believe in a supreme being, and in many subordinate spirits, good and bad.
If the soil is not moderately good and of fair depth, it is not so favourable for gardening purposes.
C. pulla, 6 in., purplish, nodding, on slender erect stalks; C. turbinata, 9 in., purple, broad-belled; C. carpatica, i ft., blue, bfoad-belled; C. nobilis, 12 ft., long-belled, whitish or tinted with chocolate; C. persicifolia, 2 ft., a fine border plant, single or double, white or purple, blooming in July; and C. pyramidalis, 6 ft., blue or white, in tall branching spikes, are good and diverse.
That strength is good and brittleness bad goes without saying; but here a word is needed about hardness.
Wild sorts of the tabby order are coarser, and not so good and silky in effect as when domestically reared.
The preparations in imitation of the natural black and silver sorts are very good and attractive.
The English dye for seals is to-day undoubtedly the best; its constituents are more or less of a trade secret, but the principal ingredients comprise gall nuts, copper dust, camphor and antimony, and it would appear after years of careful watching that the atmosphere and particularly the water of London are partly responsible for good and lasting results.
The water-supply is good and abundant.
By the schoolmen, however, the terms were differentiated, conscience being the practical envisaging of good and evil actions; synderesis being, so to speak, the tendency toward good in thought and action.
The harbour, which is a part of Tokyo Bay, is good and commodious, somewhat exposed, but enclosed by two breakwaters.
But these collections are merely heaps of historical material, good and bad; the documents therein were not examined and they are now quite superseded.
Hence Rothe, unlike Schleiermacher, lays great stress, for instance, on the personality of God, on the reality of the worlds of good and evil spirits, and on the visible second coming of Christ.
Some were downright dualists, and believed that there are two gods or principles, one of good and the other of evil, both eternal; but as a rule they subordinated the evil to the good.
In 1903 he collected and published a volume of literary and critical essays, to which he gave the title, Ideas of Good and Evil.
The Osirian legend, as we have already seen, was early accepted as symbolizing the conflict between good and evil.
The harbour is good and safe, though difficult of access.
The pasturage is good and the soil fairly fertile.
Henceforth, through good and evil fortune, this was the spirit of the nation.
His tomb in his college chapel of St Salvator's at St Andrews,; Ids college and his bridge over the river Eden, have survived as monuments of a good and great man; they passed unscathed through the ruin wrought by the reformers.
He was a good and successful ruler, and his death by an arrow wound, after a brilliant victory over the duke of Brabant near Baesweller (August 1371), was a loss to his country.
The Berbers, if irreligious, are very superstitious, never leaving their homes without exorcizing evil spirits, and have a good and evil interpretation for every day of the week.
At Constance, his role had been chiefly that of an arbiter; he was a good and gentle man, leading a simple life, free from intrigue.
As psychology recognizes a distinction of pleasure and pain, and metaphysics of good and evil, so morality assumes the difference between right and wrong in action, good and bad in character; but the distinction in psychology and metaphysics applies to what is, the difference in morality is based on a judgment of what is by what ought to be.
The Arminian system was an attempt to modify the Calvinistic theory in a moral interest, so as to maintain human responsibility, good and ill desert; but to this moral interest the system sacrificed the religious interest in the sufficiency and the sovereignty of divine grace.
His speculation turns, as has been said, upon the necessity of reconciling the existence and the might of evil with the existence of an all-embracing and allpowerful God, without falling into Manichaeanism on the one hand, or, on the other, into a naturalistic pantheism that denies the reality of the distinction between good and evil.
This possibility of separation is the possibility of good and evil.
San Diego has a very good harbour, and those of San Pedro, Port Los Angeles, and Eureka are fairly good and of growing importance.
Since by the universally accepted doctrine of karman (deed) or karmavipaka (" the maturing of deeds") man himself - either in his present, or some future, existence - enjoys the fruit of, or has to atone for, his former good and bad actions, there could hardly be room in Hindu pantheism for a belief in the remission of sin by divine grace or vicarious substitution.
The change has brought both good and evil.
In the domain of morals, dualism postulates the separate existence of Good and Evil, as principles of existence.
Hence "it is evident that wisdom, knowledge and understanding are eternal and self-subsistent things, superior to matter and all sensible beings, and independent upon them"; and so also are moral good and evil.
He had increased his reputation by the publication in 1597 of his Essays, along with which were the Colours of Good and Evil and the Meditationes Sacrae; but his private fortunes were in a bad condition.
The short tract, Colours of Good and Evil, which with the Meditationes Sacrae originally accompanied the Essays, was afterwards incorporated with the De Augmentis.
His firmness was heroic, his sagacity profound and far-seeing; he supported good and evil fortune with equal dignity; and his fall was on both occasions due to revolutions beyond his control.
They direct the changing seasons, the wind and the rain; and the good and bad fortunes of individuals,.
In the primeval conflict between the powers of good and evil, the Bounteous Spirit chose Asha, the Righteous Order which 1 Worshipped at Argos.
Buddhism conceived men as constantly making their own world for good and ill; it took over from Brahmanism a whole series of heavens and hells to provide an exact adjustment in the future for the virtue or vice of the present; and its eschatologic confidence was one of the potent instruments of its success in countries which, like China and Japan, had developed no theories of retribution or reward beyond the grave.
P. canariensis, which forms forests on the mountains of Grand Canary and Teneriffe, growing at an elevation of 6000 ft., also belongs to this group. The leaves are long, lax, and of a bright green tint; the cone-scales are without spines; the trunk attains a large size, and yields good and durable timber.
Poult7 is good and plentiful.
Midway in this opposition of the powers of Good and Evil, man is placed.
And this is fulfilled when he obeys the commands of law and the true order; when he tends his cattle and fields, in contrast with the lawless and predatory nomad (Dahae); when he wars on all harmful and evil creatures, and on the devilworshippers; when he keeps free from pollution the pure creations of Ahuramazdauire foremost, but also earth and water; and, above all, when he practises the Good and True in thought, word and work.
The Emperor Francis Joseph esteemed him, stood by him in the good and evil hours of his administration of foreign affairs, and repeatedly refused to accept his tendered resignation.
The thyroid gland, which is situated in front of the neck, yields a secretion which passes into the blood and there tends to maintain a state of moderate dilatation in the blood-vessels and of oxidization in the tissues, so that the circulation remains good and the body-heat and muscular activity remain well maintained.
It produces abundance of seeds, and is easily raised, but it requires good and tolerably dry soil; it will not thrive on stiff clays nor on dry sands or chalks.
Thus the "well-done, good and faithful" comes from the servant himself in self-applause.
Most important are the Letters to Archbishop Rokycan and the book On good and evil priests.
They held that there are two first causes - the perfectly good and the perfectly evil.
Recognizing the necessity of some one in the province with full power " to do all things that may contribute to the good and advancement of the same," they directed the appointment of the American Board of Proprietors - a body of men identified with the province, who with the deputy-governor were to look after the proprietary interests in such matters as the approval of legislation and the granting of lands, and thereby prevent the delay caused by the transmission of such matters to England for approval.
The numerous projects, good and bad, that were inaugurated in 1866-1875, and the various kinds of laws and charters conferring special privileges that were secured, led to the constitutional prohibition of special legislation already mentioned.
On one occasion peace was restored by his receiving Tavavich, daughter of Ras Ali, in marriage; and this lady is said to have been a good and wise counsellor during her lifetime.
The first MS. which he undertook in London was one sent to him by "the noble and puissant lord, Lord Antone, Erle of Ryvyers," consisting of a translation "into right good and fayr Englyssh" of Jean de Teonville's French version of a Latin work, "a glorious fair mirror to all good Christian people."
Later in the same year Echegaray won a popular triumph with La Esposa del vengador, in which the good and bad qualities-the clever stagecraft and unbridled extravaganceof his later work are clearly noticeable.
On the accession of Constantine Ypsilanti (1802-6) in Walachia, and of Alexander Murusi (1802-6) in Moldavia, the Porte was constrained to issue a new hattisherif by which every prince was to hold his office for at least seven years, unless the protec- Porte satisfied the Russian minister that there were good and sufficient grounds for his deposition.
But Bunyan's notions of good and evil had been learned in a very different school; and he was made miserable by the conflict between his tastes and his scruples.
His parts were good and he could speak and write six languages at a very early age, but the zeal of his guardians and tutors to make a man of him betimes nearly ruined his feeble constitution, while the riotous life led by him and his young consort, Maria of Austria, whom he wedded on the 13th of January 1522, speedily disqualified him for affairs, so that at last he became an object of ridicule at his own court.
Stanley left on the 15th of March 1872, and after Livingstone had waited wearily in Unyamwezi for five months, a troop of fifty-seven men and boys arrived, good and faithful fellows on the whole, selected by Stanley himself.
Vigfusson, Gudbrandr (1828-1889), the foremost Scandinavian scholar of the 19th century, was born of a good and old Icelandic family in Breibafjord in 1828.
Since so small a weight as a penny has to move the lever, J, together with the dial finger, &c., it is evident that the workmanship must be good and the friction kept very low by means of friction wheels.
When a platform machine is in true adjustment, and the loose weights which are intended to be hung at the end of the steelyard are correct and consistent among themselves, a good and new machine, whose capacity is 4 cwt., should not show a greater error than 4 oz.
They regard good and evil and space as ultimate substances which come into direct contact with the minute souls in everything.
He had given his realm good and strong governance; according to his lights he had striven to keep faith and to observe his coronation oath.
He appears to have been an excellent teacher and a good and pious man.
It has a fairly good and safe anchorage, and is the commercial outlet for a very fertile agricultural district.
He deals both with good and bad spirits; he also performs sacrifices and procures oracles.
But on the whole the impression left is good and true.
They equally held that no speculative research was needed for the discovery of good and The .
It seemed clear that men who did their duty, resisting the seductions of fear and desire, must have right opinions, if not knowledge, as to the good and evil in human life; but whence comes this right " opinion "?
How are we to emerge from the barren circle of affirming (I) that wisdom is the sole good and unwisdom the sole evil, and (2) that wisdom is the knowledge of good and evil; and attain some method for determining the particulars of good conduct?
The peculiarity of the Stoics lay in their refusing to use the terms " good and evil " in connexion with " things indifferent," and in pointing out that philosophers, though independent of these things, must yet deal with them in practical life.
And so, when we pass from the ontology to the ethics of Platonism, we find that, though the highest life is only to be realized by turning away from concrete human affairs and their material environment, still the sensible world is not yet an object of positive moral aversion; it is rather something which the philosopher is seriously concerned to make as harmonious, good and beautiful as possible.
By the pagan philosophers it was always conceived under the form of Knowledge or Wisdom, it being inconceivable to all the schools sprung from Socrates that a man could truly know his own good and yet deliberately choose anything else.
Augustine is fully aware of the theoretical indispensability of maintaining Free Will, from its logical connexion with human responsibility and divine justice; but he considers that these latter points are sufficiently secured if actual freedom of choice between good and evil is allowed in the single case of our progenitor Adam.
It thus affirmed the relativity of good and evil in a double sense; good and evil, for any individual citizen, may from one point of view be defined as the objects respectively of his desire and his aversion; from another, they may be said to be determined for him by his sovereign.
But in his general view of ethical principles as being, like mathematical principles,' essentially truths of relation, Clarke is quite in accordance with Locke; while of the four fundamental rules that he expounds, Piety towards God, Equity, Benevolence and Sobriety (which includes self-preservation), the first is obtained, just as Locke suggests, by " comparing the idea " of man with the idea of an infinitely good and wise being on whom he depends; and the second and third are axioms self-evident on the consideration of the equality or similarity of human individuals as such.
But since the reaction, led by Price and Reid, against the manner of philosophizing that had culminated in Hume, free-will has been generally maintained by the intuitional school to be an essential point of ethics; and, in fact, it is naturally connected with the judgment of good and ill desert which these writers give as an essential element in their analysis of the moral consciousness.
If the phrase be understood to mean the realization of some capacities of the self it does not appear to discriminate sufficiently between the good and bad capacities; while the realization under present conditions of all the capacities of a self is impossible.
And although Dr Hastings Rashdall (The Theory of Good and Evil, Oxford, 1907) is not in agreement with Sidgwick's own particular type of hedonistic theory in his own philosophical position, he occupies a point of view somewhat similar to that of Sidgwick's main attitude of Rational Utilitarianism.
The latter, Laurentius Saga Biskups, by his disciple, priest Einar Haflidason, is a charming biography of a good and pious man, whose chequered career in Norway and Iceland is picturesquely told (1324-1331).
There is also a brisk trade in agricultural produce, hams, sausages, coal, wine, leather good and hops.
These animals are of great use and profit to their masters, for their wool is very good and fine, particularly that of the species called pacas, which have very long fleeces; and the expense of their food is trifling, as a handful of maize suffices them, and they can go four or five days without water.
As a whole the world is as good and perfect as a world could possibly be, and everything in it, as occupying its necessary place in the whole, is also good, evil being only the necessary limitation of individual being.
Strictly speaking, the antitheses of good and bad and of free and necessary have no place in an ethical system, but simply in history, which is obliged to compare the actual with the ideal, but as far as the terms "good" and "bad" are used in morals they express the rule or the contrary of reason, or the harmony or the contrary of the particular and the general.
Starting with the idea of the highest good and of its constituent elements (Giiter), or the chief forms of the union of mind and nature, Schleiermacher's system divides itself into the doctrine of moral ends, the doctrine of virtue and the doctrine of duties; in other words, as a development of the idea of the subjection of nature to reason it becomes a description of the actual forms of the triumphs of reason, of the moral power manifested therein and of the specific methods employed.
The small fertile valleys between the plateaus are watered by streams during the greater portion of the year, while wells of particularly good and pure water are numerous.
Very frequently he is the judge of souls, and sends the good and bad to their own places of reward and punishment.
He was a good and honest man, moderate, conciliatory and temporizing, anxious to lift the monarchy above the strife of parties and to reconcile them; but he was so little practical that he could believe in a reformation of the laws in the midst of all the violent passions which were now to be let loose.
The first Cortes of the regency in five sessions did really good and substantial work.
There is a good and remunerative demand for Shire geldings for use as draught horses in towns.
The opposition of good and evil is most fully carried out in Zoroastrianism.
In other words, a sufficiently good and distinct image as the resolving power permits cannot be arrived at, until the elimination, or a sufficient diminution, of the spherical and chromatic aberrations has been brought about.
The harbour is good and safe, and agricultural produce is exported, while coal and iron are among the chief imports.
As long as the Watchers could keep the Others from tampering with their fates, both children would fulfill their paths and usher in a new phase of the war between good and evil.
Only with you taking the Black God's place can the balance between good and evil survive the week.
Damian understood the delicate balance between Good and Evil, just as he understood the Black God had the power to overturn that balance as long as the Guardians were powerless.
There is a state of constant struggle between good and evil here on earth and a similar struggle in the immortal world between the Others and another faction called the Watchers.
With Jule—and you—I think we have a chance of ridding the planet of the immortal interference and returning to our day-to-day battle between good and evil.
My father was the White God, the deity charged with safeguarding good and battling evil on behalf of all the creatures of the universe.
He.d sacrifice himself to the balance of good and evil by taking on the enforcer role Andre.s death had left open.
He banged himself up fairly badly—broke a couple of ribs, did something to his knee and leg, whacked his head pretty good and cut up his face.
Are you here for any other purpose than to discuss my definition of good and evil?
It would disrupt the balance between good and evil, rupture the gates between worlds.
In any case, considering I'm the one that broke the balance between good and evil, immortal and mortal, you aren't the one with the fates of the Guardians on your shoulders.
The Others were mortal enemies of the Watchers, whose more lenient approach on good and evil made them fickle allies for the White God.
He was very kind, good and devout man, but very queer; an old bachelor, followed his own ways.
A good and successful job brokerage will be far more than only a job placement company.
Dinner was good and rounded off with a nice piece of chocolate cheesecake.
Admittedly, he brought to his study all the prejudices, both good and bad, of French classicism.
However agreement between duplicate analyzes was good and no PCBs congeners were found in any of the batch blanks.
The idea of substrate deprivation is good and important for neuronopathic Gaucher's disease as it can get into the brain.
Orthodox belief in a good and almighty God pictures the world as a Cosmos, completely determinate and with all events predestined.
They look good, feel good and have chrome colored fittings including a D-ring.
Documentation and e-mail responses were good and fully explanatory.
How to do good and have fun Young people caught in this summer's A-level fiasco may decide to take a last-minute gap year.
That good and sweet feeling which you sometimes have is the effect of present grace and a certain foretaste of your heavenly home.
French white wine and Exceeding good and then returned to y e wells 38 miles.
The second act Skinnyman is very good and he gets the crowd frenetic for the imminent arrival of the GLC!
Surely the crisis in which was summed up the whole conflict between good and evil, and the victory of divine goodness over evil.
Make it good and tight, then gulp a couple of times.
Most of the other poems are just as good and include some fine haiku.
This square section brass bolt has an oval cast brass handgrip and all is complete and in good and working order.
I saw a mill at work where they was spinning N94 hanks (two indistinct words) very good and very even.
He is wise and good and acts in perfect holiness and you're blinded by anger.
Vocal range is very good and fairly emotive but I found in some places that the lyrical content was a little indistinct.
There are of course good and bad politicians, but the idea that they are all without exception useless layabouts is complete rubbish.
Local wines are good and service is friendly and even simple meals can become memorable.
But they've been churning out lots of new 40x40 Landrangers in the past year, with the usual mishmash of good and bad.
Food is usually good, although sometimes a little monotonous, but the picnic lunches are very good and most drinks are included.
Never has fast food tasted so good and been so nutritious.
The seats aren't very good and they just outstay their welcome.
Their flesh is very good and their wool or hair is used by the natives to make ponchos or shawls, caps, etc.
The text is liberally and appropriately illustrated with examples of good and bad punctuation, sometimes with hilarious results.
Like everything, the fair has its good and less than good years; it can also seem repetitive when you go every year.
No significant differences were found between good and poor responders for the other tumor markers evaluated.
Whilst the people are good, the beer is good and the staff are brilliant, the Landlord can be a miserable old so-and-so.
He used shears for the top, to get it good and level, and hedge trimmers for the sides.
The standard bikes sound good and throaty, but with a free breathing pipe they sound vicious, more Wagner.
Selfless heroes and heroines pitted against dastardly villains - it's the eternal bout between good and evil.
The defendant, a master wheelwright, had contracted with the firm to keep their vans in good and substantial repair.
The falling off of the crop, especially in 1899, was due to bad seasons and to insects, notably the Cycloconium oleog-inum, and the Dacus oleae, or oil-fly, which have ravaged the olive-yards, and it is noticeable that lately good and bad seasons see1n to alternate; between 1900 and 1905 the crops were alternately one half of, and equal to, that of the latter year.
It is the antithesis of "optimism," which denotes the view that on the whole there is a balance of good and pleasure, or at least that in the long run good will triumph.
A common formula in Palmyrene dedications runs " To him whose name is blessed for ever, the good and the compassionate "; out of reverence the name of the deity was not pronounced; was it Bel or Malak-bel?
Voltaire never wrote anything equal to Omars fascinating rhapsodies in praise of wine, love and all earthly joys, and his passionate denunciations of a malevolent and inexorable fate which dooms to slow decay or sudden death and to eternal oblivion all that is great, good and beautiful in this world.
The fraternal and democratic spirit of the first communities, and their humble origin; the identification of the object of adoration with light and the Sun; the legends of the shepherds with their gifts and adoration, the flood, and the ark; the representation in art of the fiery chariot, the drawing of water from the rock; the use of bell and candle, holy water and the communion; the sanctification of Sunday and of the 25th of December; the insistence on moral conduct, the emphasis placed upon abstinence and self-control; the doctrine of heaven and hell, of primitive revelation, of the mediation of the Logos emanating from the divine, the atoning sacrifice, the constant warfare between good and evil and the final triumph of the former, the immortality of the soul, the last judgment, the resurrection of the flesh and the fiery destruction of the universe - are some of the resemblances which, whether real or only apparent, enabled Mithraism to prolong its resistance to Christianity.
Under his supervision his raj came to be regarded as the model for good and benevolent management; he constructed hundreds of miles of roads planted with trees, bridged all the rivers, and constructed irrigation works on a great scale.
He felt, no doubt, that the object of epic poetry was not to teach moral lessons or doctrines of faith, but to depict the good and bad tendencies of the human mind, the struggles and passions of men; and indeed in the whole range of Persian literature only Firdusi and Fakhr-uddin As`ad Jorjani, the author of the older epopee Wis u.
It was not worth while to master and economize the resources of this earth, to utilize the good and ameliorate the evils of this life, while every one agreed, in theory at any rate, that the present was but a bad prelude to an infinitely worse or infinitely better future.
It enacts (r) that a writ of habeas corpus shall be issued in vacation time in favour of a person restrained of his liberty otherwise than for some criminal or supposed criminal matter (except persons imprisoned for debt or by civil process); (2) that though the return to the writ be good and sufficient in law, the judge shall examine into the truth of the facts set forth in such return, and if they appear doubtful the prisoner shall be bailed; (3) that the writ shall run to any port, harbour, road, creek or bay on the coast of England, although not within the body of any county.
Christian Fortitude is essentially firmness in withstanding the seductions of good and evil fortune, resoluteness in the conflict perpetually waged against wickedness without carnal weapons - though Ambrose, with the Old Testament in his hand, will not quite relinquish the ordinary martial application of the term.
Beginning with the sagas of the west, most perfect in style and form, the earliest in subject is that of Gold-Thori (c. 930), whose adventurous career it relates; Hensa-porissaga tells of the burning of Blund-Ketil, a noble chief, an event which led to Thord Gelli's reforms next year (c. 964); Gislasaga (960-980) tells of the career and death of that ill-fated outlaw; it is beautifully written, and the verses by the editor (13th century) are good and appropriate; Hord's Saga (980) is the life of a band of outlaws on Whalesfirth, and especially of their leader Hord.
Then all became very good and very careful, for no one wished to be standing at the time of dismissal.
One night he left the beautiful palace which his father had given to him and went out into the world to do good and to help his fellow men.
So this sad experience may have done me good and set me thinking on some of the problems of composition.
I often tell them stories or teach them a game, and the winged hours depart and leave us good and happy.
She is very good and sweet when she does not cry loud.
Soon I shall go home to see my mother and my father and my dear good and sweet little sister.
This good and happy news delighted me exceedingly, for then I was sure that I should learn also.
It makes me happy to know much about my loving Father, who is good and wise.
It makes me think that all people are good and loving.
I am eager to cross the ocean, for I want to see my English friends and their good and wise queen.
The dear, sweet little girl, it makes my heart ache to think how utterly she is cut off from all that is good and desirable in life.
Of the real world she knows more of the good and less of the evil than most people seem to know.
I have no doubt that time discriminates between the good and the bad; and when at last I shall plant, I shall be less likely to be disappointed.
Marry when you are old and good for nothing--or all that is good and noble in you will be lost.
It taught men to be wise and good and for their own benefit to follow the example and instruction of the best and wisest men.
She was at that height of bliss when one becomes completely kind and good and does not believe in the possibility of evil, unhappiness, or sorrow.
It depends on what you hear; hammering and knocking--that's bad; but a sound of shifting grain is good and one sometimes hears that, too.
He is an invalid and an old man who must be forgiven; but he is good and magnanimous and will love her who makes his son happy.
Armfeldt says our army is cut in half, and Paulucci says we have got the French army between two fires; Michaud says that the worthlessness of the Drissa camp lies in having the river behind it, and Pfuel says that is what constitutes its strength; Toll proposes one plan, Armfeldt another, and they are all good and all bad, and the advantages of any suggestions can be seen only at the moment of trial.
Tell me, for God's sake, what will Russia, our mother Russia, say to our being so frightened, and why are we abandoning our good and gallant Fatherland to such rabble and implanting feelings of hatred and shame in all our subjects?
Boris belonged to the latter and no one else, while showing servile respect to Kutuzov, could so create an impression that the old fellow was not much good and that Bennigsen managed everything.
Then I see he's no good and think I'll go and fetch a likelier one.
For us with the standard of good and evil given us by Christ, no human actions are incommensurable.
What would then have become of the activity of all those who opposed the tendency that then prevailed in the government--an activity that in the opinion of the historians was good and beneficent?
At first he watched the serfs, trying to understand their aims and what they considered good and bad, and only pretended to direct them and give orders while in reality learning from them their methods, their manner of speech, and their judgment of what was good and bad.
He felt the good and bad within himself inextricably mingled and overlapping.
I 'm very good and keep my claws retracted and purr loudly when a fuss is made of me.
Science can shed light on the issues involved, but good and evil are not within the purview of science.
In this past election several million good and decent citizens went to the polls believing in the rapture index.
A good and highly profitable time was had by all and it is only regrettable that not more people were able to attend.
The handgrip is removable at will and all is complete and in good and working order with no dents to be seen.
Adam started out under the tutelage of angels and being forbidden to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Selfless heroes and heroines pitted against dastardly villains - it 's the eternal bout between good and evil.
The agelong battle between good and evil is a theme explored in countless works of literature.
You want it to look good and feel comfortable.
Baby boy's Christmas pajamas come in a variety of styles, and each style has its good and bad features.
Once you've selected a plan that looks good and are ready to contact the company, pull out a pen and a pad of paper to take notes on what the insurance agent tells you.
These steps will help you shop wisely for boys' clothes that fit, look good and last.
It is important to buy girls' clothes that look good and that will last for a while.
Raised ink looks good and is sometimes cheaper than offset.
The picture quality isn't as good and you'll still need to plug in something for sound.
This is a common misconception that Plasma are not that good and don't last long.
If you don't have the budget for one of these higher end models of PMPs, you can still get a good and very capable PMP.
His numbers are good and he seems quite healthy except that when he grooms himself, he pulls out huge chunks of his fur.
Bake. It makes the house smell good and you get something to eat as well.
Presenting a positive attitude to the child teaches him that life is full of surprises, good and bad, and whatever the case, tomorrow is another day full of promise and hope.
When you are in the market for new outdoor furniture, you want it to look good and be a comfortable place to relax outside in the beautiful warm weather.
The gas mileage is great, the repair and maintenance record is good and the demand remains high, meaning the resale value is good.
It also tastes good and children often enjoy a warm cup of peppermint tea.
Only Keep What You Love - This may sound obvious, but often there are emotions, good and bad, that are tied to family furniture.
A good and cost-effective alternative to buying a vanity is making your own piece.
This is especially true of table decorating, because you have a limited space that has to look good AND be functional.
Featured prominently in the best selling novel and film Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, the Mercer House was designed for the great grandfather of Johnny Mercer and completed in 1868.
Make sure all the drains are working good and check for leaky faucets and toilets.
Angels represent everything that is good and beautiful and for many, they represent protection as well.
Barnes & Noble University Online is set up primarily to sell books to support the classes, but the courses are pretty good and cover topics ranging from basic foreign languages to understanding science.
Get a large frying pan good and hot, and add some olive oil to it.
It's no secret that there are good and bad fats.
While soul food might not be good for you, it does taste good and can be a nice addition to your menu selections.
Some stress is good and good for you, such as getting the promotion at work, the birth of new baby, getting the new house, or celebrating a birthday.
Peer pressure comes in both good and bad forms.
If peer pressure can be both good and bad, how can a teen know when it is okay to listen to pressure?
A good book can help teenagers see the different roads they can take - both good and bad - and can help them navigate those roads.
There are many different views about cliques in high school and among adolescents, some good and some not so good.
When they're made right, they taste good and are a great source all kinds of minerals and vitamins.
Couples should make sure the deal is actually good and prices are not inflated.
There are plenty of smoking facts, both good and bad.
The past year has had its share of good and bad for Christina Applegate.
If you're looking for more on the tipping habits of the rich and famous, the blog Stained Apron has a long list of both the good and the bad.
Actor Jude Law soared to celebrity stardom with his roles in Gattaca, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and The Talented Mr. Ripley.
Since Girl Scouts stand for things that are good and noble, it's important that a scout look clean, tidy and put together.
Whether something is not in season or a year out of fashion or a slightly irregular make, it is still perfectly good and usually at a rock-bottom price.
Rather than get something a year in advance, you can often find last year's items marked down, which is just as good and then you know there won't be a sizing issue.
It's really important to bake the biscuits good and dry to remove as much moisture as possible.
Before you decide to commit to one of these little heart bandits for the next fifteen years, take some time to learn about Pitbulls and what will be required of you to be a good and responsible owner for the lifetime of this dog.
Never fear, I am here with a great, new recipe which, even if you don't over buy on fruit, is so good and freezes great.
Every dog is an individual, and there are good and bad representatives of every breed regardless of their public reputation.
The drainage is good and it contains an ample supply of organic matter including healthy earthworms and other beneficial organisms.
Growth rate matters if you want your plants to grow fast or stay small, and decorative interest also counts if you want hard working plants that look good and stay healthy in every season.
Be aware that vinegar does not discriminate between good and "bad" plants.
One facet of learning the guitar online has both good and bad points.
This fact has potential for both good and bad results.
Whether you install the new floor yourself or have someone else do it, proper laminate floor care will keep your floor looking good and last for years.
If you take care of your new floor, it will look good and last you for years.
Messes happen, especially in the kitchen, and it pays to invest in countertops that look good and last well.
If the motor is still good and you don't want to spring for a brand new fan, call the manufacturer and order replacement blades for a fraction of the price.
In general, the piece of jewelry looks good and could pass for something of higher value.
Focusing intently on setting a standard of excellence that all other companies would strive to achieve, Carhartt worked steadfastly through good and bad times alike.
The 2-inch waistband further guarantees a good and secure fit.
When you are shopping for a woman's plus size raincoat, look for one that makes you look good and feel good - not just keeps you dry.
Accessories create a fashion focal point and a way to add spice to your ensemble, but it's not always easy to find a plus size belt that both looks good and is comfortable.
A bright, vibrant, flattering color or great pattern makes you look good and feel good, too.
A slim or skinny jean is great for some occasions, but sometimes you just want to throw on something simple that looks good and isn't a mom jean.
You want them to look good and to make sure they won't ride up.
Done right, it will defy most weather to always look good and will flatter your features, as well as being easy to care for with minimal product.
They also help the models select clothing that looks good and fits well.
There are good and bad aspects of the Sleep Number bed.
Funky and modern, the glasses come in a range of different styles, all of which are designed to both look good and offer the maximum protection for your eyes.
If you can't have your perfect vision, you might as well look good and get the best vision correction possible, right?
So you can look good and have fewer worries.
If you choose wisely, you can find high-quality and durable frames that look good and don't cost a fortune.