Goes-on Sentence Examples
What goes on outside those doors is none of their business.
The meaning was soon enlarged to include any place where travellers could be lodged or entertained, and also by transference the person who provided lodgings, and so one who goes on before a party to secure suitable lodgings in advance.
As the liquor goes on filtering through the bags they gradually get filled up with slime and sludge, and the clear liquor ceases to run.
Each one goes on a little differently but has very similar effects.
Sonic Angel Island - Sonic the Hedgehog goes on an adventurous trip to Angel Island.
Of course, what goes on between you two in this big lonely house when no one else is around is between the two of you.
What goes on between Carmen and me is none of your business.
I have to start getting used to the fact life goes on.
And the list goes on and on.
Such explanation of physical phenomena is the main problem of Descartes, and it goes on encroaching upon territories once supposed proper to the mind.
AdvertisementSchlick goes on to say the organ is to be suited to the choir and properly tuned for singing, that the singer may not be forced to sing too high or too low and the organist have to play chromatics, which is not handy for every one.
When the motor starts the brake is released; when it stops, or the current ceases, the brake goes on.
They are widely distributed, but are particularly abundant in certain tropical climates where active root absorption goes on while the air is nearly saturated with water vapour.
Though this at first met with some acceptance, Strasburger showed that the action goes on in great lengths of stem the cells of which have been killed by poison or by the action of heat.
But even when inside it does not follow that the Fungus can kill the cell, and many cases are known where the Fungus can break throtigh the cells first lines of defence (cell-wall and protoplasmic lining); but the struggle goes on at close quarters, and various degrees of hypertrophy, accumulation of plastic bodies or secretions, discolorations, &c.,, indicate the suffering of the still living cell.
AdvertisementAphidesand may be easily penetrated by certain Fungi such as Peziza, Nectria; and when thus attacked, the repeated conflicts between the cambium and callus, on the one hand, trying to heal over the wound, and the insect or Fungus, on the other, destroying the new tissues as they are formed, results in irregular growths; the still uninjured cambium area goes on thickening the branch, the dead parts, of course, remain unthickened, and the portion in which the Fungus is at work may for the time being grow more rapidly.
Assimilation goes on during the whole year, except during periods of frost or when the plants are buried by snow.
Besides the general arguments for supposing that the physical phenomena of spiritualism may be due to conjuring, there are two special reasons which gain in force as time goes on.
Moreover, the author goes on to remark that in adult birds trace of the origin of the sternum from five centres of ossification is always more or less indicated by sutures, and that, though these sutures had been generally regarded as ridges for the attachment of the sternal muscles, they indeed mark the extreme points of the five primary bony pieces of the sternum.
Ibn Haukal goes on to say that finally the Hamdanids took possession of the town, confiscated the estates of those who had emigrated, and compelled those who remained to substitute corn for their profitable fruit crops.
AdvertisementTo explain this result, chemists suppose that both changes can occur simultaneously, and that equilibrium results when the rate at which AB and CD are transformed into AD and CB is the same as the rate at which the reverse change goes on.
If an aqueous solution of methyl acetate be allowed to stand, a slow decomposition goes on.
It is therefore to be expected that as time goes on the quality of " plantation " rubber will improve, and there would seem to be no reason why it should not eventually be fully equal to that of the " wild " rubber.
What goes on within the mantle islunknown, but presumably the head is absorbed.
The relation of reason and faith remains external, and certain doctrines - an increasing number as times goes on - are withdrawn from the sphere of reason.
AdvertisementThere is, on the other hand, no conclusive evidence for the previous existence of a ' Strabo goes on to say that Archias fell in with certain men who had come from the Sicilian Megara, and took them with him to share in his enterprise.
The Praefatio goes on to say that it was reported that the poet, till then knowing nothing of the art of poetry, had been admonished in a dream to turn into verse the precepts of the divine law, which he did with so much skill that his work surpasses in beauty all other German poetry (ut cuncta Theudisca poemata suo vincat decore).
Dealing next with accent, punctuation marks, sounds and syllables, it goes on to the different parts of speech (eight in number) and their inflections.
This process goes on until the state of the remaining liquid is represented by the point C. Now crystals of B begin to form, simultaneously with the A crystals, and the composition of the remaining liquid does not alter as the solidification progresses.
Nevertheless, the process of assimilation goes on with great rapidity.
Thereby the cities are becoming less dependent upon immigration for increase of population than formerly, but the migration still goes on.
It is connected with Milan by two lines of railway, one via Monza (the main line, which goes on to Chiasso - Swiss frontier - and the St Gotthard), the other via Saronno and also with Lecco and Varese.
With Nepet and ten other Latin colonies it refused further help in the Hannibalic War in 209 B.C. Its importance as a fortress explains, according to Festus, the proverb Sutrium ire, of one who goes on important business, as it occurs in Plautus.
His white beard goes on growing, and when it has thrice encircled the stone table before him the end of the world will come; or, according to another version, Charles will arise and after fighting a great battle on the plain of Wals will reign over a new Germany.
The pope goes on to say that he found it too difficult, on account of the length and obstructions of the way, to send any one (of ecclesiastical position?) a latere, but he would despatch Philip to communicate instruction to him.
The atomic theory is a theory of the constitution of bodies which asserts that they are made up of atoms. The opposite theory is that of the homogeneity and continuity of bodies, and asserts, at least in the case of bodies having no apparent organization, such, for instance, as water, that as we can divide a drop of water into two parts which are each of them drops of water, so we have reason to believe that these smaller drops can be divided again, and the theory goes on to assert that there is nothing in the nature of things to hinder this process of division from being repeated over and over again, times without end.
Hence the stream of air does work during half the vibration and this is not abstracted during the other half, and so it goes on increasing the motion until the supply of energy in blowing is equal to the loss by friction and sound.
Only he is saved who on the one hand is forgiven at baptism and so released from the power of Satan, and then goes on to live in obedience to the divine law; and on the other hand receives in baptism the germ of a new spiritual nature and is progressively transformed by feeding upon the body and blood of the divine Christ in the eucharist.
He goes on to observe also that in this area are found many of the most remarkable forms - all the red Lories, the great cockatoos, the pigmy Nasiternae and other singularities.
As time goes on the situation becomes more and more dangerous; finally, a breach occurs, and the whole river pours over the country, carrying destruction and ruin with it.
From Cividate, the terminus, the road goes on to Edolo (2290 ft.), whence passes lead into Tirol and the Valtellina.
Merely mentioning the former, Smith goes on to study the latter.
In development of this consideration, Smith goes on to explain the gain to the community arising from the substitution of paper money for that composed of the precious metals; and here occurs the remarkable illustration in which the use of gold and silver money is compared to a highway on the ground, that of paper money to a wagon way through the air.
The parasites are frequently more numerous in the spleen, bone-marrow, kidneys, &c., than elsewhere, and it has been found that multiplication goes on rather more actively in the capillaries of these organs.
But in the Protrepticus he goes on to say that seeming goods, such.
An Aristotelian work often goes on continuously at first, and then becomes disappointing by suddenly introducing discussions which break the connexion or are even inconsistent with the beginning; as in the Posterior Analytics, which, after developing a theory of demonstration from necessary principles, suddenly makes the admission, which is also the main theory of science in the Metaphysics, that demonstration is about either the necessary or the contingent, from principles either necessary or contingent, only not accidental.
The mode of blowing is peculiar, and requires some practice; an uninterrupted blast is kept up by the muscular action of the cheeks, while the ordinary respiration goes on through the nostrils.
Wundt, however, having satisfied himself of the power of mere logical thought beyond experience, goes on to further apply his hypothesis, and supposes that, in dealing with the physical world, logical thinking having added to experience the " supplementary notion " of causality as the connexion of appearances which vary together, adds also the " supplementary notion " of substance as substratum of the connected appearances.
Thus, according to him, in the first place reason forms a cosmological " ideal " of a multitude of simple units related; secondly, it forms a psychological " ideal " of a multitude of wills, or substance-generating activities, which communicate with one another by ideas so that will causes ideas in will, while together they constitute a collective will, and it goes on to form the moral ideal of humanity (das sittliche Menschheitsideal); and, thirdly, it forms an ontological " ideal " of God as ground of this moral " ideal," and therewith of all being as means to this end, and an " ideal " of God as world-will, of which the world is development, and in which individual wills participate each in its sphere.
Bradley, however, having satisfied himself, like Spinoza, by an abuse of the word " independent," that " the finite is self-discrepant," goes on to ask what the one Real, the absolute, is; and, as he passed from Herbart to Spinoza, so now he passes from Spinoza to Kant.
He immediately goes on to examine other substances, but with "no effect," and he ends by saying, "Have got enough for to-day."
Respiration in plants, as in other organisms, is a process that goes on by night as well as by day and consists in plants in the breaking up of the complex carbonaceous substances formed by assimilation into less complex and more transportable substances.
It is obvious that at the end of n such operations the charge on A will be r n Q, so that the charge goes on increasing in geometrical progression.
Infection in these cases occurs in the seedling at the place where root and shoot meet, and the infecting hypha having entered the plant goes on living in it and growing up with it as if it had no parasitic action at all.
The freezing of molten cast iron of 2.50% of carbon goes on selectively like that of these steels which we have been studying, till the enrichment of the molten mother-metal in carbon brings its carbon-contents to B, 4.30%, the eutectic 1 carbon-content, i.e.
The acid process goes on much faster, because in it the heat insulating layer of slag is much thinner.
He goes on to show that the variations of prices are due solely to money and commodities in circulation.
The long-continued incitement to catabolism of the waking day thus of itself predisposes the nerve cells towards rebound into the opposite phase; the increased catabolism due to the day's stimuli induces increase of anabolism, and though recuperation goes on to a large extent during the day itself, the recuperative process is slower than, and lags behind, the disintegrative.
This goes on till a density of 1.1315 is attained, when hydrated calcium sulphate begins to deposit, and continues till specific gravity 1.2646 is reached.
But it also goes on to raise the question whether the making of reality for our knowledge does not, in view of the essentially practical nature of knowledge, imply also a real making of reality by us, and so throw light upon the whole genesis of reality.
Each leaf has a slender stem-like axis, which twines round a support and bears leaflets at intervals; it goes on growing indefinitely.
The process goes on until a relatively small quantity of water has by instalments dissolved and hydrated the 2CaSO 4 H 2 O, and has deposited CaSO 4.2H 2 O in felted crystals forming a solid mass well cemented together.
In 1904 appeared the third volume, La Renaissance de Petal, in which the author describes the efforts of the Capetian kings to reconstruct the power of the Frankish kings over the whole of Gaul; and goes on to show how the clergy, the heirs of the imperial tradition, encouraged this ambition; how the great lords of the kingdom (the "princes," as Flach calls them), whether as allies or foes, pursued the same end; and how, before the close of the 12th century, the Capetian kings were in possession of the organs and the means of action which were to render them so powerful and bring about the early downfall of feudalism.
He goes on to show that eternal being must also be unlimited in magnitude, and, therefore, one and unchangeable.
It goes on to reverse the ordinary maxims of conduct.
The complete service (missa ad integrum), the bishop goes on to say, cannot be had at home by reading and prayer, but only in the house of God, where, besides the Eucharist, "the divine word is preached and the blessing is given to the people."
But the world goes on in its life, heedless of the demands of virtue.
But in those forms where curving must take place in different directions the layers or fibres of metal are made to glide over one another, extension taking place in some layers but not in others, and this goes on without producing much reduction in the thickness.
If, however, a " contact-substance " is employed and that at the proper temperature, the process goes on at an immensely quickened rate and can even be carried out as a continuous operation.
The space below the sieve thus formed is connected by means of an outlet tap with a closed tank, and this again communicates with a vacuum pump. By this means the filtration is quickened by the atmospheric pressure, and goes on very rapidly, as also does the subsequent washing.
It is true, as Herbart says, that the judgment, " A square circle is an impossibility," does not contain the belief, " A square circle is existent "; but when he goes on to argue that it means, " If a square circle is thought, the conception of impossibility must be added in thought," he falls into a non-sequitur.
But when he goes on to propose, as a complete independent inference, " A is to the right of B, B is to the right of C, therefore A is to the right of C," he confuses two different operations.
Above the town to the north rise the snowclad peaks of the Bernina group. The railway goes on to Tirano, 16 m.
It is a very powerful oxidant; a mixture of potassium chlorate and sugar in about equal proportions spontaneously inflames when touched with a rod moistened with concentrated sulphuric acid, the chlorine peroxide liberated setting fire to the sugar, which goes on burning.
The dealer gives three cards to each player and turns up another; if this is not lower than an eight (ace is lowest) he goes on till such a card is exposed.
It may be noted here that, while Cavendish adhered to the phlogistic doctrine, he did not hold it with anything like the tenacity that characterized Priestley; thus, in his 1784 paper on "Experiments on Air," he remarks that not only the experiments he is describing, but also "most other phenomena of nature seem explicable as well, or nearly as well," upon the Lavoisierian view as upon the commonly believed principle of phlogiston, and he goes on to give an explanation in terms of the antiphlogistic hypothesis.
As regards the latent process (latens processes) which goes on in all cases of generation and continuous development or motion, we examine carefully, and by quantitative measurements, the gradual growth and change from the first elements to the completed thing.
Prose mingles with poetry, wit with wisdom, the good with the bad, and as one thing goes on to suggest another, it makes the Talmud a somewhat rambling compilation.
He goes on to explain that by " powers" he means " conscious or personal agents."
The natural beds from which the supply of spat is derived are reserved, but apparently are insufficiently protected, so that much poaching goes on.
It therefore creeps up the side of the glass dragging the strong wine after it, and this goes on till the quantity of fluid dragged up collects into a drop and runs down the side of the glass.
The writer of the Kitab-al-Fihrist says he had been assured that Jaber only wrote one book and even that he never existed at all, but these statements he scouts as ridiculous, and expressing the conviction that Jaber really did exist, and that his works were numerous and important, goes on to quote the titles of some 500 treatises attributed to him.
Now, if this were the only action, little good would have been gained, for we should simply have put lead into the gold alloy, and then taken it out again; but another action goes on whilst the lead is oxidizing in the current of air.
Chitral is an important state because of its situation at the extremity of the country over which the government of India exerts its influence, and for some years before 1895 it had been the object of the policy of the government of India to control the external affairs of Chitral in a direction friendly to British interests, to secure an effective guardianship over its northern passes, and to keep watch over what goes on beyond these passes.
The compound rotation goes on throughout the entire down and up strokes, and is intimately associated with the power which the wing enjoys of alternately seizing and evading the air.
Justin goes on to speak, as from personal knowledge, of the feats of magic performed by Menander, another Samaritan and a disciple of Simon's, who persuaded his followers that they would never die.
Irenaeus then goes on to tell how at Tyre Simon rescued Helen from prostitution, and took her about with him, saying that she was the first thought of his mind, the mother of all things, by whom in the beginning he had conceived the idea of making angels and arch-angels.
For the narrative goes on to say that Simon took Helen about with him, saying that she had come down into the world from the highest heavens, and was mistress, inasmuch as she was the allmother being and wisdom.
He was not exact, but he put God and man and the world into a relation that thought can accept while it goes on to state it more fully with ever growing knowledge.
The unspeakable vices of Mecca are a scandal to all Islam, and a constant source of wonder to pious pilgrims.8 The slave trade has connexions with the pilgrimage which are not thoroughly clear; but under cover of the pilgrimage a great deal of importation and exportation of slaves goes on.
When the filled packet is removed, the steelyard resumes its original position, and the filling goes on automatically.
To all appearance it is there from the first in solution and gradually crystallizes out; and yet it is being continually modified as time goes on.
The later houses employ a very flat arch, the use of which goes on in some of the houses and smaller churches of the Renaissance.
Chronicles, however, grow less important as sources of history as time goes on.
The number of human beings admits neither of increase nor of decrease, and a regular process of metempsychosis goes on continually.
As incubation goes on the hollow is somewhat deepened, and perhaps some haulm is added to its edge, so that at last a very fair nest is the result.
This succession of melting and freezing, with their accompanying thermal effects, goes on until the two blocks are cemented into one.
The Stud-Book goes on to say of the Byerly Turk that he did not cover many bred mares, but was the sire of the duke of Devonshire's Basto, Halloway's Jigg, and others.
There are two distinct types of inflorescence - one in which the flowers arise as lateral shoots from a primary axis, which goes on elongating, and the lateral shoots never exceed in their development the length of the primary axis beyond their point of origin.
At the same time other substances are produced as decomposition goes on.
There's a lot of shit that goes on.
He goes on to suggest that consideration be made to the use of topical antiseptics to return the wound to colonization.
It was clear that there were some members present, who felt apologetic about what goes on in church.
For more than 1000 years the Church has labored in this place, and her work becomes more arduous as time goes on.
Tearfund is urging churchgoers to watch Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth, which goes on selected nationwide release from 15 September.
New Mercedes CL breaks cover This is the new Mercedes CL luxury coupe, which goes on sale in the UK next spring.
The old war droid goes on the rampage, shooting his way out of the site and into London itself.
The loser goes on to play the National League Two losing finalist.
It goes on and on with the awesome foursome of a bungy jump, tandem parachute, helecopter ride and Shotover Jet boat thing.
Our first task as practitioners is to document what goes on in this very furtive field.
Beyond the usual gamut of sporting activities, there's also hill walking, ballroom dancing, surfing -- the list goes on.
From the depths of despair before the Lincoln game to a sudden glimmer of optimism today - so our roller coaster season goes on.
She goes on to become a feminist guru in the forest.
Only a select handful will have the opportunity to play it before it goes on everybody's Christmas list.
Florence goes on to describe how Edgar took the helm whilst the eight kings rowed him on the river Dee.
There is a section that goes on to describe various ignition systems opting for the Trembler coil type ignition.
In cows which get milk fever, the control mechanism does not work properly and blood calcium goes on down until symptoms appear.
Powell goes on to look at the evidence that the Maya also used psilocybin mushrooms.
What a moaning ninny, especially when he goes on abour referees.
Seeing a young policewoman away from him, the boy goes on the car and arrives so close to her passing on a puddle.
There are certain areas which have once had a deeply political complexion which may be lost as time goes on.
This page contains press release 63/04, in which the MPA Recommendation 61 Stop and Search information campaign goes on the road.
In 1975, he was asked to write the score for a New York story about a man who goes on a killing rampage.
In response, Reece goes on a murderous rampage which draws Sexton Blake into the affair.
However a giant monster lurks at the bottom and their experiments wake the creature, which goes on a destructive rampage.
He then goes on to provide an easily readable summary of sound advice on buying a home.
These stories show the struggle that goes on in trying to achieve reconciliation.
Immediately, she goes on to say, " The objects on the screen have no simple physical referent " .
And ' Newtown People's good too, great white reggae, better than UB40, but it goes on too long.
The message goes on to ask the seller to ring the buyer back on a premium rate phone number.
Outside Treasure Island a battle goes on between pirate ships.
A little ashamed, she goes on a journey of discovery to seek out a new pair of dancing glass slippers.
Arnold goes on to describe the solar system entering the Dark Rift!
McFarquhar goes on to claim that " Meanwhile the original data from which the hockey stick was derived cannot be extracted " .
The writer goes on to praise land value taxation.
The £ 20,000 caught by the settlements legislation goes on page T1 in boxes 7.4 and 7.6.
This year the reports were fairly uneventful, which is a tribute to the largely unsung work which goes on behind the scenes.
The competition begins and - although Team Rocket shows up during the games - Ash defeats the villains and goes on to victory.
The broad selection of media is matched to precisely formulated ink that goes on crisply and evenly, for remarkably vivid, fade-resistant output.
Assimilation goes on during the whole year, except during periods of frost or when .the plants are buried by snow.
On the other hand Oken (Isis, 1842, pp. 39 1 -394), though giving a summary of Nitzsch's results and classification, was more sparing of his praise, and prefaced his remarks by asserting that he could not refrain from laughter when he looked at the plates in Nitzsch's work, since they reminded him of the plucked fowls hanging in a poulterer's shop, and goes on to say that, as the author always had the luck to engage in researches of which nobody thought, so had he the luck to print them where nobody sought them.
Under his effective influence laws were framed which were not merely in themselves measures of stringent regulation of business and the accumulation of wealth, but which established precedents, that as time goes on will inevitably make the doctrine of federal control permanent and of wider application.
The deed of submission then goes on to provide that the parties bind themselves, under a stipulated penalty to abide by the decreet arbitral, that, in the event of the death of either of them, the submission shall continue in force against their heirs and representatives, and that they consent to the registration, for preservation and execution, both of the deed itself and of the decreet arbitral.
According to Frazer's view, " as time goes on the fallacy of magic becomes more and more apparent and is slowly displaced by religion; in other words the magician gives way to the priest.
Dr Lindsay goes on to argue that all insistence on the principle of historical continuity, whether urged by members of the An,glican or the Roman Catholic Church, as upholders of episcopacy, is a deliberate return to the principle of Judaism, which declared that no one who was outside the circle of the " circumcised," no matter how strong his faith nor how the fruits of the Spirit were manifest in his life and deeds, could plead " the security of the Divine Covenant."
He goes on to narrate how Tell, irritated by his treatment, stirred up his friends against the governor, who seized and bound him and was conveying him by boat to his castle on the lake of Lucerne, when a storm arose, and Tell, by reason of his great bodily strength, was, _ after being unbound, given charge of the rudder on his promise to bring the boat safely to land.
Your contract goes on for years.
Friedman goes on to point out that almost anywhere in the world today, it would be impossible to get away with this fraud.
In the country one sees only Nature's fair works, and one's soul is not saddened by the cruel struggle for mere existence that goes on in the crowded city.
You at least must tackle him properly, or else if he goes on like this he'll soon have us, too, for his subjects!
Our family life goes on in the old way except for my brother Andrew's absence.
His lips are firmly closed, his eyes glitter, and a wrinkle comes and goes on his pale forehead.
Well, what business is it of mine what goes on there-- whether Arakcheev is bad, and all that?
It goes on a wild rampage of destruction, blowing the city apart.
Immediately, she goes on to say, " The objects on the screen have no simple physical referent ".
He goes on to suggest that ' American concerns about global social change are refracted through the lens of infectious disease '.
And ' Newtown People 's good too, great white reggae, better than UB40, but it goes on too long.
Typically perennial rhinitis sufferers display symptoms when they wake up in the morning, which improve as the day goes on.
A case in point is the rigorous testing that goes on with pharmacological products.
So Pepe goes on ahead and runs up to the tree salivating at the prospect of food.
Arnold goes on to describe the solar system entering the Dark Rift !
Debate still goes on about the 20-day standstill rule, which is applied differently in England & Wales, compared to Scotland.
McFarquhar goes on to claim that " Meanwhile the original data from which the hockey stick was derived cannot be extracted ".
I was really surprised to discover to what extent underwater life goes on in winter.
As the year goes on the stems and branches turn a slight yellowish hue in autumn.
Confronted by health zealots out to ban tobacco, Nick goes on a PR offensive, spinning away the dangers of cigarettes.
Give your baby cues to know when nighttime or naptime sleep is coming to help develop good sleeping habits as time goes on.
As time goes on and you notice that she may be tiring of those toys a little, put some of them away and pull out some of her new ones.
It's hard enough to find one name you really like, but then when both parents have to come into agreement the search goes on.
Excessive fiddling through the menu and leaving the backlight on will obviously reduce this figure, but this iPod still goes on strong for most of your day, even if you have it playing the entire time.
A memory foam mattress topper is a piece of memory foam that goes on top of your existing mattress.
He probably does this about once or twice an hour and still goes on to play normally.
In cases where identity theft goes on for years, the victim may face a difficult task of restoring his or her good name.
Even though it may not seem like that now, you will become stronger and more confident as time goes on.
You can pick your base desk, add legs and the customize the shelving that goes on the top of the desk.
Designers use common terms for decorating styles such as contemporary, modern, rustic, Asian, Southwestern, cottage, country, Victorian, eclectic, green or eco-friendly and the list goes on.
Just think of the items that we buy and throw away every day - from plastic bags to food packaging, from paper envelopes through to cardboard boxes - this list goes on and on.
Anything goes on a Country Christmas tree, and this is one case in which you don't have to be shy about how many ornaments to put on the tree.
If you purchase from the Home Decorators catalog and your exact item goes on sale, send them the ad, catalog, or web page link, and they will double the difference in price, not including shipping and processing fees.
Lip Color Stain goes on lighter than it appears in the package, but offers a major commitment as the shade lasts a long time.
It contains loose mineral pigments and goes on the eyelid lightly and smoothly.
The deodorant spray dries quickly and goes on smoothly and it's relatively easy to find.
Twilight eyelid primer goes on as a colorless, nude foundation.
In addition, MAC eyeshadow adheres to lids better and goes on much smoother than bargain brands.
Fluidline goes on smoother and lasts much longer than traditional eyeliner pencils thanks in large part to its ultra creamy texture, which gives it superior lasting power.
This kind of makeup goes on slightly moist, and then it sets as a comfortable powder.
The fact the scent goes on dry is also a plus for many women who dislike the dry time and wet feeling of most perfumes.
Liparazzi goes on smooth to hydrate, protect, and provide your lips with beautiful color and brilliant shine.
Clinique Workout Makeup offers moderate coverage and goes on as a liquid.
This creamy product goes on slightly moist and dries to a fine finish.
He goes on to say that there are more than 15,000 graduates of the Art Institute Culinary Arts programs.
When looking at ski boots, it's sometimes hard to determine which boot goes on the right foot and which goes on the left.
This unrestricted season pass usually goes on sale at the end of the previous season.
The seminar leader goes on to explain methods to change your normal behavioral responses when faced with a situation that causes anger.
Students who struggle with math often find themselves falling farther behind as the year goes on.
Matt goes on to explain some of the vicious treatment him and his other two sisters endured at the hands of a beautiful, but violent and unpredictable mother.
Your first few photo shoots and jobs may not be the best, but you will learn a lot from all of them and get better at modeling as time goes on.
In response, the best man acknowledges the groom's toast to the bridesmaids and goes on to relate some amusing anecdotes about his relationship to the groom.
I am sure as time goes on I will come back to this site and edit and modify.
Pronounced symptoms immediately precede the event, but the symptoms decrease as time goes on.
While a food addiction might not appear to be life threatening at first, there are numerous health consequences that can result from this behavior, especially if it goes on over a significant period of time.
In fact, plastic surgery needs to be discouraged for BDD patients since the most likely outcome of such is that the person doesn't like the result and then goes on to pursue corrective surgery.
Feminine, chic, whimsical, gender-neutral, fun and flirty, romantic, sporty, modern---the list goes on and on.
It follows the adventures of Dora, a little girl who goes on a mission in each episode to help someone solve a problem or locate something with her best friend, Boots, a five-year-old monkey.
And to all the Tom Cruise fans who feel LoveToKnow Celebrity has been too tough of the egotistical mega power, read Tom Cruise Goes on Unemployment to find out what tough really is.
Critics have praised the singing portions of the show but feel the political skit goes on too long and isn't very funny.
Why risk the public seeing what goes on behind closed doors - unless they really like the attention?
Despite Heidi Montag's feud with The Hills co-star Lauren Conrad, the MTV reality series goes on.
Why celebrities decide to tape what goes on in their bedrooms is a mystery to most people.
Miss Patridge goes on to explain that she simply "…asked Lauren a question and that's how she interpreted it."
What she has done right in this process is that although she is willing to go on controversial diets just to land a role, she goes on record as saying it's not a good way to go about losing weight.
She goes on to point out that every photo you see in a magazine has been airbrushed and that this little mishap may help to show people that, just because someone is on the cover of a magazine, doesn't mean that she's perfect.
No one can say what really goes on between two people in a relationship.
Then, he goes on to say if you didn't lose any money, then you didn't have enough to begin with.
She goes on to say that for her, the reconciliation was a mistake and she was embarrassed and ashamed of herself for going back to him.
It tells the story of a young girl who was adopted by a famous musician, who goes on to deal with addictions and substance abuse.
Sapir goes on to accuse Cruise of hiring Anthony Pellicano, king of illegal wiretapping (and serving a 15 year sentence for it), to illegally tap into Sapir's phone conversations during a lawsuit Cruise brought against Sapir.
They take in a homeless foster child, Michael Oher, who goes on to become a first-round draft pick for the Baltimore Ravens.
When Christmas clothing goes on sale, you can pick up a few items a size or two bigger for next year's events.
Once a couture dress goes on sale, it is usually snatched up very quickly.
By the time a dress goes on sale, there typically remain very few size options.
In fact, it can be a job full of lengthy shifts, drudgery, and disillusionment as crew members learn just what goes on behind the scenes of exotic cruise vacations.
The list goes on and on, but as you can see, there's almost no limit to the number of training aids available.
God bless Labradors; I think they have a stomach that goes on for ever.
Having been bred to hunt game, these dogs are naturally alert and don't miss much that goes on around them.
I want to make them chewy so I can stuff them into toys and train the new puppy who goes on these running rampages around the house for 20 minutes while my other three dogs just sit and watch her.
Overall, there is a large amount of information around for fans of the Allman Brothers, and this helps ensure that their musical legacy will reach new fans as time goes on.
The organic food movement tends to include aspects of social justice and fair trade, so it is likely that this issue of access will become more important as time goes on.
Do they stretch out or retain their fit as the day goes on?
If the search goes on for a long time, you could offer to help out and then "find" the air freshener for him or her.
It goes on to state that this is especially true if the person is old enough to retire or has retired.
The creator of the product goes on to describe his struggles with obstructive sleep apnea, the time consuming process of getting a sleep study before he could invest in a CPAP machine.
Choose from handbags, gadget covers, scarves, hats, gloves-the list goes on!
The review goes on to applaud the different built-in exercise routines, quickly mentioning that fans of the television series will likely enjoy the game immensely thanks to its heavy integration.
The PS2 cheats section goes on for many pages.
For the hardcore game, paying $50-$60 for the new game on the release day is a must instead of enjoying last year's game for a little longer until the new version goes on sale or drops in price.
It's possible that they think what goes on in video games is the norm, that what happens in the games is fine to do in the real world, and that since they have control in a virtual world, they can have the same control in reality.
Even after you purchase the game at full price, most stores will have you a certain amount of time to get the adjustment if it goes on sale.
Recruiting a scriptwriter, an actress and a couple of sailors, the group goes on a perilous journey to a place where dinosaurs, savage islanders and the 25-foot tall King Kong gorilla roam freely.
Murray goes on exodus, since he thinks he caused the accident.
The game also pretty much assumes you know the origins of the main characters, so newcomers might be a bit confused by what goes on at times.
As games get more realistic and developers try to push the envelope, it's possible that they will get away with more and more as time goes on.
They're expected to lay down their lives for the game, figuratively - everything goes on hold as they slave away at finding bugs.
Read his diary and learn what goes on behind the scenes leading up to the Xbox 360 launch!
This will undoubtedly increase as they week goes on and will especially skyrocket Monday.
The most knowledgeable person is usually the person who actually cares what goes on during the launch.
You start with a set number of rows of balloons, but more appear at the top as the game goes on.
Make it a theme…say "Favorite Pinot Noir Under $30" or "Red Wines of Northern Italy" and the list goes on.
A cell phone case goes on top of this and is either held in place by tiny screws or with a snap-together design.
Go into the calendar function and add in birthdays, appointments, obligations, your work schedule…the list goes on.
The T-Mobile HotSpot@Home service is a $10 option that goes on top of your regular calling plan.
Then he goes on to shout "Loser!" at all the other babies in the room.
It seems as if it goes on forever and winds down when the baby is exhausted or when gas or stool is passed.
It goes on to caution that extenuating factors could exist, such as immaturity, habitual, or psychological problems.
Nearly twice as much bullying goes on in grades two to four as in grades six to eight, and, as bullies grow older, they tend to use less physical abuse and more verbal abuse.
If you are more interested in the kind of dancing that goes on in clubs, you could try taking a class at a local dance studio.
This step goes on as long as the circle continues in the same direction; if the circle reverses direction, you will cross your right foot in front and in back of the left one.
There are completely free lessons from people like "PhoenixFire110", who starts with "Copperhead Road" and goes on to teach several of the most popular line dances from her living room.
This represents one iteration of the step being illustrated, and the idea is that it will be repeated as long as the dance goes on.
Years ago, our Social Security numbers could be found on our paychecks, bank statements, old drivers licenses - the list goes on.
Therefore, the cycle goes on eternally.This proper orientation is very important because the symbol is also a type of compass and seasonal marker.
As an infinite number, the value of Phi goes on indefinitely and mathematicians have actually carried its value to 100 billion places.
It goes on state that the company operates a drug-free workplace and that using, distributing or possessing drugs or controlled substances while engaging in work-related activities is grounds for termination of employment.
However, a notable exception does exist; if a home goes on the market and a family does not come forward to purchase it for a private residence, the home may still be auctioned off, this time as a property opened to all prospective buyers.
She said to USA Today, "I don't like the average woman being misled into thinking that fertility is something that goes on forever."
Gold is great for elegance, purple is royal; the list goes on and on.
The print then goes on to incorporate lush forest greens and delicate off-whites in a manner that is at once both subtle and bold.
In each episode, she goes on an adventure and interacts with the audience as she travels.
The attachment goes on the front of your stand mixer and it generally retails for between $150.00 and $175.00.
Every time you place something in the microwave to heat it up the item goes on a glass plate that rotates in order to cook the food evenly.
Lighting often goes on sale during the special sale dates associated with Christmas.
Check out local thrift stores and costume shops (especially after Halloween when everything goes on sale).
The list goes on and on - you're only limited by your imagination.
As time goes on and the relationship develops trust, the movement changes to a deeper and deeper level of intimacy.
You have available to you classes, school events, social clubs, sporting activities; the library….the list goes on and on.
When you consider all that goes on within a couple's decision to marry it becomes easy to see why some people have pre-wedding jitters.
When you lose love in your life, it's important to feel it from other areas of your life to help you see that life goes on and that you have others who care for you.
Many of our companies that we represent have found ways to produce fantastic products that are free of not only gluten and wheat, but eggs, dairy, soy, nuts…and the list goes on.
When it goes on sale, expect it to go fast.
Leo will need to tread lightly when Taurus goes on a rampage.
The kitchen in a Libra home will be the heart of everything that goes on.
As long as the date can be arranged in advance and approved with your child's school, consider bringing your child to work with you so he or she can get an inside look at what goes on in the work force.
These intelligent and human-like creatures doing random activities like Riverdance, riding a mini bike, or playing "watchdog" for dad when his little girl goes on a date are sure to inspire at least a chuckle.
She goes on to explain that the title reflects the fact that the book is "...the darkest period of Bella's life."
His friends help him, then he goes on to save Toad Hall.
Fifteen years after being placed in the hospital, Myers manages to escape and goes on to terrorize the town of Haddonfield throughout the rest of the film.
While you probably won't find video evidence of such an experience, since it is largely a spiritual experience, videos can offer researchers a medium to document witness accounts as well as what goes on during the actual experience itself.
What you see on TV is barely representative of what actually goes on in an investigation.
Sometimes waiting to purchase a laptop until a rebate is offered or it goes on sale is the best option, if you can hold out.
Weddings, Christmas concerts, church, and birthdays…the list goes on and on.
They're no longer the cause of pools of sweat under and around your feet, nor are they always too wide, too slick, too uncomfortable...the list goes on.
If you're hoping to find a great pair of boots for a low price, purchase them at winter's end, when seasonal merchandise goes on sale.
A lot of mixed up dating goes on with Seth dating Alex, Ryan with a girl named Lindsay and their girlfriends dating a polo jock and a pool guy.
Claudia eventually goes on to play the key role in the Rafael's telenovela project.
She goes on to college and looks to acting to express herself.
Felicity goes on to tell Meghan that she ruined five years of a friendship with Noel.
If your DVR goes on the fritz some night, you might be looking for One Tree Hill transcripts.
Newlywed Haley goes on tour, breaking Nathan's heart when she leaves town.
One Tree Hill focuses on the brothers initially, then goes on to show that for these residents of Tree Hill, family always comes first.
The paint goes on so quickly with such even coverage that it's possible to create full body transformations easily.
That's not to say that what goes on in the bedroom won't be better after you and your significant other take on the challenges of tantric yoga together.
Writing forces you to think about what you're committing to on paper, allowing frequent reviews and changes as time goes on and you gain experience in your business operations.
All Star competition is a continually evolving sport, and it's getting more challenging as time goes on.
People in bleachers are usually very excited to see these lively dancers performing on the sidelines in their characteristically tiny cheer-shorts, pom poms in hands, and long hair flinging wildly as the dancing goes on.
Use the BMI calculator below to record where your are before you start your diet and to track your progress as time goes on.
Exercise is part of overall health and is required at whatever intensity the dieter is capable of with the goal to be stronger and more fit as time goes on.
This can also be a great way to track progress when starting out a diet slowly, increasing the amount of calories burned as the diet goes on.
Some of the best workout songs seem almost as if they were made to exercise to, and speak of getting stronger as time goes on.
These belongings include furniture, electronics, large appliances, jewelry and a whole multitude of other items people tend to accumulate as time goes on.
This can sometimes happen if an individual goes on long term disability and has a severe medical condition that keeps them unemployed for many months.
You can find just about any style of lingerie made of lace-boyshorts, regular panties, bras, teddies…the list goes on.
Their inventory goes on sale quite often, and they may even be offering a gift with purchase that will make your shopping spree an even sweeter deal.
It's always interesting to find out what goes on behind the scenes at a company that makes some of the hottest lingerie ever to grace your bedroom.
Of course we have bra and panty sets, sleepwear, loungewear, boudoir sets, bustier, girdles and foundations, garter belts, steel-boned corsets, hosiery, the list goes on.
By wearing a not-so-pretty bra on top, you'll bring down the appeal of what goes on your bottom.
The chorus of the song goes on like this I close my eyes/And try to hide/But wait when these dreams collide.
As time goes on and more movies are released, there will be new Halloween thriller music to haunt, and entertain moviegoers for years to come.
This goes on until the story is complete.
Janice monitors all the models through a series of cameras so she is aware of everything that goes on throughout the house, even when she isn't present.
It may seem a little harsh, but that's the way it goes on reality television.
The Bravo show Shear Genius is all about what goes on behind the scenes in the world of "high end" hair styling.
She goes on vacation, dances the hula, and then gets upset with the paparazzi.
From that point, the bachelor then goes on a number of dates with the women.
The bachelor sometimes goes on single dates, but some can be with two or more of the women at the same time.
Although these two seem comfortable with one another, with him going so far as to ask Whitney to be his girlfriend, as the season goes on the relationship has its growing pains.
What's interesting about the show is that the public has never seen what goes on behind the doors of the Mall of America's security department.
He has admitted to sleeping with several of his friends' wives, is hooked on pornography, and goes on sex benders when he's touring.
He then goes on to describe his murder at the hands of his brother, instructing his son to avenge his death, setting in motion the events of the play.
The Wendigo then goes on to infect others.
As time goes on and technology develops, the sci-fi concept of android pets is no longer quite so farfetched.
In 1955, the sequel Godzilla Raids Again introduces a new monster, nearly identical to the first, that goes on another rampage.
It goes on clear so that you can wear it during the day without white residue, even under makeup.
One of the huge benefits of this new innovation in manicures is that the gel nail polish goes on much like any other nail polish, but remains for up to two weeks.
A clay mask solution goes on the damp face.
Once you have narrowed down the list of free social networking sites that you find interesting, visit the sites and see what you can find out about what goes on there.
Substituting all-caps for shouting, the same overwhelming hyperbole slamming the tweets of celebrities goes on 24/7.
Like many simulation games, Restaurant City can be very addictive - it combines ease of use with just enough personalization to get the user personally invested in what goes on in the virtual restaurant.
For example, the "progress towards rank" toggle goes on the right pocket, hanging off the button, and as each rank is achieved (such as Bobcat, Wolf, or Bear) they go into various positions on the left pocket.
That definition pretty much says it all, but it may still be confusing to people who are unfamiliar with what goes on "under the hood" of the world wide web.
It goes on the web server, usually in your images folder.
The enormous menu goes on and on with options so big, you'll leave with a take-out box.
He goes on to attribute the world's science and civilization to pagan inventors; but it is not clear whether in this he is alluding specially to the culture of his own city.