Glorify Sentence Examples
You glorify your education.
Its purpose was to glorify the Jewish nation in the eyes of the Roman world.
Stone's film does not sympathize with or glorify the SLA.
By the Germans it was turned to mystical use by being attached loosely to the Grail legend (see Grail and Perceval); in France it was adapted to glorify the family of Godfrey de Bouillon.
This study and others suggest there is a link between lyrics that objectify women and glorify the sexual appetites of men, and the increased risks of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.
Parents should be alert to Internet sites and movies that promote and/or glorify self-mutilation as a way to cope with problems.
His love will stretch beyond the boundaries of life and death as the kind of eternal love legends glorify.
Musicians, models, actors and actresses alike all glorify the art of piercing by displaying visible modifications to the world.
This replaces the Sanskrit chants and "ohms" with chants that glorify Jesus.
Nowhere is the region of eternal snow reached, and masses of foliage enhance the gentle aspect of the scenery and glorify it in autumn with tints of striking brilliancy.
AdvertisementThe effect, rather than a commendable attempt to resist offering facile explanations, is to glorify the crimes and make them seem acceptable.
For ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify god in your body, & in your spirit which are god's.
Glorify your Son, that your Son may also glorify your Son, that your Son may also glorify You.
They said the use of the SS insignia to replace the letters " SS " did not glorify the SS.
Activity Three They glorify militarism and war, stereotyping a 'common enemy' and providing justification for mass violence.
AdvertisementThe purpose of chanting psalms and singing hymns is not merely to glorify our language, but to heal it.
In all this his critics scented an inclination towards Catholicism; and Leo did actually glorify the counter-Reformation, e.g.
This is also the very group which tends to glorify and romanticize violence.
You see, the subhuman creation by itself does n't glorify God, because it does n't have eyes.
Stone 's film does not sympathize with or glorify the SLA.
AdvertisementBusts - The Egyptians loved to glorify their leaders and their gods with ornate and exceedingly complex busts, and so these designs have endured in modern Egyptian inspired designs.
If you want to practice yoga in order to glorify Christ, then you'll need some yoga Christian music to accompany your workouts.
The First Adam couldn't even glorify God in a paradise.
Homebrew glorify it by playing tight and neat numbers with witty lyrics that scream for a crowd scene and lots of audience participation.
We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory.
AdvertisementOne is concerned to glorify at all costs the Carolingian house; another sacrifices almost everything to attack the emperor Henry IV.
May the ruin he hopes to bring upon us recoil on his own head, and may Europe delivered from bondage glorify the name of Russia!
Metrodorus of Athens was a philosopher and painter who flourished in the 2nd century B.C. It chanced that Paullus Aemilius, visiting Athens on his return from his victory over Perseus in 168 B.C., asked for a tutor for his children and a painter to glorify his triumph.
The heathen nations shall serve under his yoke; he shall glorify the Lord before all the earth, and cleanse Jerusalem in holiness, as in the beginning.
In the middle ages the stimulus to write was mainly of a moral or ecclesiastical nature, though the patriotic impulse which had suggested the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was perhaps never entirely absent, and the ecclesiastical motive often degenerated into a desire to glorify, sometimes even by forgery, not merely the church as a whole, but the particular monastery to which the writer belonged.
The homeliest details of the farmer's work are transfigured through the poet's love of nature; through his religious feeling and his pious sympathy with the sanctities of human affection; through his patriotic sympathy with the national greatness; and through the rich allusiveness of his art to everything in poetry and legend which can illustrate and glorify his theme.
A third hypothesis is that advanced by Karl Rieder (Der Gottesfreund von Oberland, Innsbruck, 1905), who thinks that not even Merswin himself wrote any of the literature, but that his secretary and associate Nicholas of Lowen, head of the House of St John at Griinenworth, the retreat founded by Merswin for the circle, worked over all the writings which emanated from different members of the group but bore no author's names, and to glorify the founder of the house attached Merswin's name to some of them and out of his imagination created "the Friend of God from the Oberland," whom he named as the writer of the others.