Glimmer Sentence Examples
By the glimmer in his eye, he wanted her to move.
There was the first glimmer of doubt in Fitzgerald's eye.
There is also a good case study of Zambia, offering a glimmer of hope.
This picture was taken part way through, showing a glimmer of light appearing at the eastern end.
Swansea's first league victory of the year has brought a glimmer of hope that they may avoid relegation.
Darth Vader shows a glimmer of good when he turns against the Emperor in order to save his son.
Be a small glimmer of morals in a world gone mad.
It was a brief moment, but Spock gave her a glimmer of hope when he referred to her as Christine for the first time.
No; one faint red glimmer cheered us from a window where the lattice was in good repair.
Now the darkness seemed to completely surround us, not a glimmer, or even a building to break the sheer monotony.
AdvertisementI consider these tests as successful and will add a module to the GLIMMER cvs repository once I get to go from Ed.
From the depths of despair before the Lincoln game to a sudden glimmer of optimism today - so our roller coaster season goes on.
This just might give you the tiny glimmer of optimism for your own script.
I consider these tests as successful and will add a module to the GLIMMER CVS repository once I get to go from Ed.
Initially, despite heavy censorship, he was able to give his audience some glimmer of the truth.
AdvertisementHaving followed powerful villains like the Joker, Scarecrow and Two Face, many are looking to the past Batman productions and comics for a glimmer of the future.
Reducing lamps that light our path to feeble fairy glimmer, And causing all our confidence to become a little dimmer.
After all, the dissolute Glimmer Twins of the post-Britpop firmament made no secret of their sources on that eponymous first album.
In fact, much of the film goes by where we only see a glimmer of sadness in his eyes.
His cross failed to pass the first man and the brief glimmer of hope died.
AdvertisementI stirred with the first gray glimmer of dawn; I tried not to wake the geese.
A glimmer of hope is offered when Billy finds a baby kestrel, which soon becomes the focus of his life.
The only glimmer of hope for Newcatle fans being the excellent Laurent Robert, it seems the toon army have a new hero.
Even the heaviest rock anthem has the occasional glimmer of romance.
Martha asked, showing the first glimmer of interest since being told of her forced departure.
AdvertisementSince then, he'd known nothing but war, been driven by nothing but revenge, fury, and the elusive glimmer of hope that he might one day feel as he had sitting with his mother and sisters on that hill above his rightful home.
From the front window upon the left of the door there peeped a glimmer of a feeble light.
These shadows are similar to the basic eye shadow, but have added glimmer.
A selection of cream eye shadows will add subtle shimmer and glimmer to your eyelids without making your eyes the main attraction.
It is rather plain and doesn't have much of the glitz and glimmer that many profiles have these days.
A less shiny cousin of the Glimmer product, Glimpses are a lightweight shadow.
Dust it on with a light hand for a contoured finish, or be more liberal and mix it with your favorite body lotion or hair oil for a glimmer effect elsewhere on the body.
The Roman occupation has left not many material relics in Scotland, and save for letting a glimmer of Christianity into the south-west, did nothing which permanently affected the institutions of the partially subjugated peoples.
They were cultured, not at all savages, and for the first time since his capture, he held a glimmer of hope that he might find some semblance of happiness again.
He stared at her and for a second she thought there was a glimmer of the old compassion - but then it was gone.
The name mica is probably derived from the Latin micare, to shine, to glitter; the German word glimmer has the same meaning.
The identity of the earliest inhabitants of Gaul is veiled in obscurity, though philologists, anthropologists and archaeologists are using the glimmer of traditions collected by ancient historians to shed a faint twilight upon that remote C past.
With the capture of Alexandria by Omar in 641, the last glimmer of its scientific light became extinct, to be rekindled, a century and a half later, on the banks of the Tigris.
Supposing a number of some species of arthropod or fish to be swept into a cavern or to be carried from less to greater depths in the sea, those individuals with perfect eyes would follow the glimmer of light and eventually escape to the outer air or the shallower depths, leaving behind those with imperfect eyes to breed in the dark place.
In December and January in the far north there is little more daylight than a cold glimmer of dawn; by February, however, there are some hours of daylight; in March the heat of the sun is beginning to modify the cold, and now and in April the birds of passage begin to appear.