Gladly Sentence Examples
He gladly accepted the invitation.
The king was busy with the French, but gladly seized the opportunity, and gave Dermod a letter authorizing him to raise forces in England.
Yes, she could understand why she would walk gladly into death's arms.
I having most willingly and gladly done the same, finde it to bee most exact and precisely conformable to my minde and the originall.
I will go with you gladly soon, but I am just concluding a serious meditation.
They in return gladly accepted a champion who lent them the prestige and influence of the church.
It was not a suitable vocation, and he gladly accepted the rectorship of the Aegidien-gymnasiurn in Nuremberg, a post which he held from December 1808 to August 1816.
Lord Palmerston offered him a baronetcy and a seat in the privy council, and the emperor of the French would gladly have conferred upon him some distinguished mark of his favour.
Princess Mary asked the countess to let Natasha go with her to Moscow, and both parents gladly accepted this offer, for they saw their daughter losing strength every day and thought that a change of scene and the advice of Moscow doctors would be good for her.
She included among her enemies the creditors and all who had business dealings with her father, and always at the thought of enemies and those who hated her she remembered Anatole who had done her so much harm--and though he did not hate her she gladly prayed for him as for an enemy.
AdvertisementAt Rome he visited the art galleries, the opera, the theatre, and gladly seized every chance of conversing in English with Englishmen.
The merchant needed protection for his trade; the voters gladly welcomed election days as bringing guineas to their pockets.
She suggested that Natasha should fast and prepare for Holy Communion, and Natasha gladly welcomed the idea.
They would gladly have come to an understanding with the king and revised the constitution so as to strengthen his prerogative.
Charles finally reluctantly accepted it, although he would gladly have had it milder, for it made reconcilia tion hopeless.
AdvertisementHe continually insisted upon the necessity of promoting the cause of foreign missions, and he gladly gave four of his sons for the work of the Church in India.
The young Humanists would have gladly welcomed him into their select band.
But how something follows from another thing and not according to the law of identity, this I should gladly have made clear to me..
Bible Belt readers, I now realize, neither suffer a fool gladly nor hesitate to call a fool a fool.
Help and advice gladly given during and after re homing.
AdvertisementHe was dynamic, did not suffer fools gladly but was intensely loyal to his staff and trainees.
He would gladly pay good money to any psychologist who can cure him of the recurrent nightmares.
As a result of this she has become very streetwise and doesn't tolerate fools gladly.
Charles, anxious to secure such a famous fighter, gladly assented to Albert's demands and gave the imperial sanction to his possession of the lands taken from the bishops of Wiirzburg and Bamberg; and his conspicuous bravery was of great value to the emperor on the retreat from Metz in January 1553.
They were tall and strong young men, and they gladly promised to go with the king and help him.
AdvertisementShe learned it gladly when she discovered that she could herself read what she had written; and this still affords her constant pleasure.
I would gladly tell all that I know about it, and never paint "No Admittance" on my gate.
We will all die for him gladly!
Some others gladly look forward to a reign of terror.
Redeem what I 've in pawn, Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone.
As a result of this she has become very streetwise and does n't tolerate fools gladly.
The multitude rejoiced at the miracle, and was gladly vanquished by the power of God.
A reputable breeder will not be offended at your questions and should gladly answer them.
In the end, it turns out that no one from Greg's family likes Sweetie that much, and Greg's grandmother gladly takes the dog off the family's hands.
The Popeye cartoon character Wimpy asked to "gladly pay Tuesday for a hamburger today," a request usually granted.
The last thing you need is to get involved with a company that gladly takes your money but doesn't forward it in a timely manner to your creditors.
Of course, if we can make the job of choosing one a little easier for you, we'll gladly do so.
Those that embrace the organic lifestyle will gladly proclaim and promote the difference in the two.
Most sitters will gladly bring in your mail and newspaper if you haven't put these items on hold while you're gone.
Although not every hotel accepts dogs, you'll be relieved to know there are many pet friendly hotels, motels, and inns that will gladly let your pup be a guest as long as you meet their regulations.
Good breeders are more than happy to distance themselves from puppy mill operations and, as such, will gladly answer any questions a potential customer may have.
While most companies will gladly take back something that doesn't fit or simply wasn't what you wanted, sometimes that does not apply to clearance items, holiday wear or special occasion wear.
Worse comes to worst, call your cell phone service provider or manufacturer and they will gladly walk you through the entire process.
Further still, Wind Mobile will gladly allow unlocked third-party GSM phones onto its network, since you can get a Wind Mobile SIM card on its own.
The unlocked iPhone 4 is not directly available in the United States, but Apple Stores in Canada will gladly sell the iPhone 4 completely unlocked and ready for use with carriers all around the world.
I enjoyed my two home births and I would gladly choose home birth again.
You can also look for a local social service organization, which may be able to direct you to nearby charities that will gladly accept your toy gifts.
You feel an obligation to take care of the subjects of your kingdom, and your shoulders gladly bear the weight of the world whenever necessary and many times, when it isn't necessary or even your responsibility.
Pisces is patient in love and will gladly curb her natural tendencies if she believes there is a greater reward at the end of her sacrifices.
Wimpy always told Popeye he would gladly pay him Tuesday for a hamburger today.
They gladly granted permission, and the hunter then bowed to kiss the special jewel-encrusted ring worn by the lady.
Gladly correspond with you via e-mail or phone until all of your questions are answered to your satisfaction.
Often, a local watchmaker will gladly make jewelry and diamond watches to your exact specifications, including the gems, face type and metal.
Add to all these benefits the fact that exercise can be a whole lot of fun and workouts become something that you gladly, instead of grudgingly, make time for.
They're flattering to all body types, from the boyish figured girls who wish they had curves, to the women who'd gladly give up a few bumps and curves for a bit more definition.
Ask any tween girl and she'll gladly spout all the Hannah Montana lyrics she knows (and more than likely, she knows them all).
Tracking the White Witch to her lair, it is disclosed that only the sacrifice of Aslan will redeem him, a sacrifice the noble lion gladly accepts.
Open for both lunch and dinner, the restaurant gladly provides take-out.
If you are feeling tuckered out after an especially taxing day, the hotel will gladly deliver room service.
She would gladly put up with the man if he rescued her!
The town was sold in 1302 by its lord to the bishop of Basel who, in 1400, sold it to the city of Basel, at whose hands it suffered much in the Peasants' War of 1653, and so consented gladly to the separation of 1833.
These views made him welcome to George II., who gladly accepted him as secretary of state in 1742.
This Maclaurin gladly undertook, but the death of Conduitt put a stop to the project.
At Halle Michaelis felt himself out of place, and in 1745 he gladly accepted an invitation to Gottingen as privatdozent.
His wit was often used as a weapon of defence, for he did not suffer fools gladly.
The guru gave them each a horse and five weapons of war, and gladly enlisted them in his army.
While with the court at the Hague, he incurred the displeasure of William by insisting that a promise of marriage, made to an English lady of high birth by a relative of the prince, should be kept; and he therefore gladly returned to England in 1680, when he was immediately appointed.
He employed one of his sons to serve as priest, but when a Levite from Bethlehem in Judah came along he gladly installed him as "father and priest."
Edward's French dominions gladly reverted to their old allegiance, and Edward showed little of his former vigour in meeting this new trouble.
When the liberals were in possession of power they would gladly have kept Riego in a subordinate place.
Inl,1616 Briggs again visited Napier and showed him the work he had accomplished, and, he says, he would gladly have paid him a third visit in 1617 had Napier's life been spared.
Unable himself to raise and equip a strong army, and restive at his dependence on the League, Ferdinand gladly accepted Wallensteins offer to put an army into the field at no cost to himself.
He then sought a wife at Rhegium, but was refused with scorn, while Locri gladly gave him Doris.
The poverty-stricken and barbarous Nubians were strong and courageous, and gladly served in Egypt as mercenary soldiers and police.
He was concealed, disguised as a woman, in the palace of Lycomedes, king of the island, when his mother wished to keep him back from the Trojan War; he was discovered there by Odysseus, and gladly accompanied him to Troy.
His cabinet in great part Ad been dictated to him in r 809 by a senatorial clique, and it was hopelessly discordant; for two years he was to all intents and purposes his own secretary of state, Robert Smith being a mere figure-head of whom he gladly got rid in 181 r, giving Monroe the vacant place.
In Scotland by a recent statute it was death even to argue against it; and Knox after Wishart's execution was fleeing from place to place, when, hearing that certain gentlemen of Fife had slain the cardinal and were in possession of his castle of St Andrews, he gladly joined himself to them.
The Abbasid caliphs, who still enjoyed a precarious and shadowy authority at the pleasure of Turkish viziers, gladly surrendered themselves to the protection of the Mahommedan Seljuks, who paid them all outward respect.
Thee all this universe, as it rolls circling round the earth, obeys wheresoever thou dost guide, and gladly owns thy sway.
An imperial message addressed to the diet of Prague (September 14, 1871) stated that the sovereign " in consideration of the former constitutional position of Bohemia and remembering the power and glory which its crown had given to his ancestors, and the constant fidelity of its population, gladly recognized the rights of the kingdom of Bohemia, and was willing to confirm this assurance by taking the coronation oath."
The Mercians gladly mingled with the West Saxons, and abandoned all memories of ancient independence.
She lived to a great age, and would gladly have lived longer, in any of the afflictions that time brings on, to continue her mere money-worth to her "Dizzy."
All the while he would have gladly welcomed any just means of taking an animated course, for these were dull, dark days for the Conservatives as a parliamentary party.
To be brief, in less than four years the government had well-nigh worn out its own patience with its own errors, failures and distractions, and would gladly have gone to pieces when it was defeated on an Irish university bill.
He owed his election to the support of the German bishops, especially that of Aribo, archbishop of Mainz, who crowned him in his cathedral on the 8th of September 1024; and the king's biographer, Wipo, remarks that Charlemagne himself could not have been welcomed more gladly by the people.
On the other hand, every facility was given them to Romanize themselves; there was no competing influence of Hellenic or Punic culture and the uncivilized Spaniards accepted Roman ways gladly.
He was gladly received by the king of Poland, and other neighbouring princes, welcomed by a large number of the people, and in 1348 invested with the margraviate by King Charles IV., who eagerly seized this opportunity to deal a blow at his enemy.
I liked Stez the best because he's a cuddly bunny who does not suffer fools gladly.
The day being quite chilly, we gladly accepted the offer of coffee.
I left her my Armenian, to whom she gladly paid the hundred ducats I owed him.
Nor, in view of the comparative weakness of Italian armaments, could eagerness to find an ally be deemed conclusive proof of the value of Italian friendship. Count di Robilant, Italian ambassador at Vienna, warned his government not to yield too readily to pro-Austrian pressure, lest the dignity of Italy be compromised, or her desire for an alliance be granted on onerous terms. Mancini, foreign minister, who was as anxious as Depretis for the conclusion of the Franco-Italian commercial treaty, gladly followed this advice, and limited his efforts to the maintenance of correct diplomatic relations with the central powers.
I wonder if she remembers how eagerly and gladly they spread their wings and flew away.
If this ends as it should, I'd gladly help him hunt down the remaining Others.
This was only .effected after great opposition from the ultra-Conservatives, but once accomplished the facilities were gladly accepted by all classes, and the traffic both in goods and passengers is already enormous.
The land had not been devastated, and many gladly returned from their hiding-places in Moab, Edom and Ammon.
Antigonus Gonatas, bluff soldier-spirit that he was, heard the Stoic philosophers gladly, and, though he failed to induce Zeno to come to Macedonia, persuaded Zeno's disciple, Persaeus of Citium, to enter his service.
Christendom would welcome gladly the intelligence of a counterpoise arising so unexpectedly to the Mahommedan power; while the statements of the letter itself combined a reference to and corroboration of all the romantic figments concerning Asia which already fed the curiosity of Europe, which figured in the world-maps, and filled that fabulous history of Alexander which for nearly a thousand years supplanted the real history of the Macedonian throughout Europe and western Asia.
It joined the Hanseatic League, obtained many of the privileges of a free Imperial town, and endeavoured to assert its independence of the bishop. The citizens gladly accepted the reformed doctrines, but the supremacy of the older faith was restored in 1604 by Bishop Theodore von Fiirstenberg, who forcibly took possession of the city.
Their patriotic ardour gladly seized on "a view of the original faith of India that seemed to harmonize with all the discoveries of modern science and the ethics of European civilization," and they cheerfully supported their leader's strange polemic with the agnostic and rationalist literature of Europe.
We gladly allowed her to use freely our library of embossed books, our collection of stuffed animals, sea-shells, models of flowers and plants, and the rest of our apparatus for instructing the blind through the sense of touch.
The orthodox subjects of Theodoric were suspicious of their ruler; and many would gladly have joined in a plot to displace him.
The officers gladly gathered round him, some on their knees, some squatting Turkish fashion on the wet grass.
Things are nice as it is, she said to herself, and she began walking up and down the room, not stepping simply on the resounding parquet but treading with each step from the heel to the toe (she had on a new and favorite pair of shoes) and listening to the regular tap of the heel and creak of the toe as gladly as she had to the sounds of her own voice.
Charles's ambition aimed at wider fields, and when Margaret, countess of Flanders, asked help of the French court against the German king William of Holland, by whom she had been defeated, he gladly accepted her offer of the county of; Hainaut in exchange for his assistance (1253); this arrangement was, however, rescinded by Louis of France, who returned from captivity in 1254, and Charles gave up Hainaut for an immense sum of money.
Gladly. Come with me, ladies.
The present was at least inglorious, the future doubtful, and many turned gladly to the past for consolation.
How gladly would he have died at once for his Tsar!