Given Sentence Examples
Do you think they may have given up?
Given all this, do you really believe this disease still has a chance?
I'm here in one piece, sort of, and you've given me a clean slate to begin act two of my life.
The diploma was given to her in the privacy of the principle's office.
The king's cupbearer, Sarcas, was very much offended because he was not given a share of the feast.
A last minute invitation was given to Howie.
She had a most beautiful doll given her.
The balmy weather of Thanksgiving Day had given way to a frosty day after.
Every day I find how little I know, but I do not feel discouraged since God has given me an eternity in which to learn more.
It was a foolish thing to say, given the circumstances, but she was up to her eyeballs with this lingering bad mood.
AdvertisementI can never tell you how much pleasure they have given us.
Similarly profound considerations are given for his retreat from Smolensk to Orsha.
Carmen had given Josh no encouragement.
It was possible that his father had given up on him.
She hadn't been given that much consideration.
AdvertisementOf course, Howard had talked to Len – even given him instructions to the Giddon house.
Dad would have given her anything she wanted.
It's like a gift I've been given and I'm supposed to do something with it and if I don't, I'm...
A brother would make the most sense, given the age difference.
It was as much as I could hope for given the circumstances.
AdvertisementHe was puzzled by the question given that she had written most of the plans.
Though he disclaims being a follower of Herbart, his formal definition of philosophy and his conception of the object of metaphysics are similar to those of Herbart, who defines philosophy as an attempt to remodel the notions given by experience.
The name was then given to the famous revolutionary song, composed in 1792, the tune of which, and the wild dance which accompanied it, may have also been brought into France by the Piedmontese.
Fermat, Roberval and Desargues took exception in their various ways to the methods employed in the geometry, and to the demonstrations of the laws of refraction given in the Dioptrics and Meteors.
The problem of the curves is solved by their reduction to a problem of straight lines; and the locus of any point is determined by its distance from two given straight lines - the axes of co-ordinates.
AdvertisementWe have therefore the idea of an infinite, perfect and all-powerful being - an idea which cannot be the creation of ourselves, and must be given by some being who really possesses all that we in idea attribute to him.
Perhaps the soldiers had given up their plan.
The examination papers were given out at nine o'clock at Harvard and brought to Radcliffe by a special messenger.
Indeed, you can never know all the comfort you have given us.
Miss Keller has two watches, which have been given her.
The improvement they cannot help seeing in their child has given them more confidence in me.
The case, as represented by the offended parties, was that, after seizing the transports, Major Denisov, being drunk, went to the chief quartermaster and without any provocation called him a thief, threatened to strike him, and on being led out had rushed into the office and given two officials a thrashing, and dislocated the arm of one of them.
In any case many great rewards would have to be given for tomorrow's action, and new men would come to the front.
A husband was given her and he gave her a family.
In fact, he had given her strict orders not to lift anything.
Alex wouldn't lie, but if he was given enough time to think about it, he could certainly evade the issue.
Certainly she had given him no reason to believe she would.
Feeling guilty, she used the card Len had given her and dialed his number.
She poured sand over the fire and waited long enough to make it appear she had given his invitation consideration.
I don't want to abuse what's been given to me but I'm half sick with worry and I can't think straight.
Our self-imposed prohibition against pursuing our tips once given limited our learning which sources produced the best results.
Quinn, who was our resident computer and electronic guru, was given information about protecting our security.
Brenda was given a few days off and the dust settled.
He hasn't given us any reason to distrust him.
Once back in Surry, I wasted no time in telephoning the number Brennan had given me to reach him.
He minimized the situation and thanked us for the excitement we'd given to the start of his retirement.
Given that she had no money or belongings that might possibly be of interest to the people of this planet, how could she bribe or pay someone to take her home?
Dean had given Fred the business the entire trip from Parkside but the old man remained undeterred.
He'd given me 20 years of marriage.
You've given up warning me off?
Not only had he given her the power over the world, but he'd decided he wanted to sleep with her twice.
Exact information in regard to the period of gestation of the female is still lacking, the length of the period being given from eighteen to twenty-two months by different authorities.
Dalton, who was a mathematical physicist even more than a chemist, had given much thought to the study of gases.
The law of reciprocal proportion, of which some examples have been already given, is part of a larger law of equivalence that underlies most of our chemical methods and calculations.
The specific name was given on account of the extraordinary swiftness of the animal.
A new paper was started, to which was given the name of Kossuth Hirlapia, so that from the first it was Kossuth rather than the Palatine or the president of the ministry whose name was in the minds of the people associated with the new government.
Siward held the earldom till his death in 1055, when it was given to Tostig, son of earl Godwine, and after his banishment to Morkere, son of iElfgar, earl of Mercia.
General Grant had served two terms (1869-1877), and the unwritten law of custom condemned his being given another.
The physical divisions of the Mediterranean given above hold good in describing the form of the sea-bed.
The anatomical construction of these plants presents many peculiarities which have given rise to discussion as to the allocation of the order among the dicotyledons or among the monocotyledons, the general balance of opinion being in favour of the former view.
In a preface to a later edition she tells us how the novel came to be written, and, though it anticipates events, this revelation of herself may best be given here.
George Sand soon tired of her new love, and even before she had given him his conge was dying to be on again with the old.
It is by no means certain that he made the remark often attributed to him, "Let us enjoy the papacy since God has given it to us," but there is little doubt that he was by nature devoid of moral earnestness or deep religious feeling.
The revolutionary and imperial epoch had seen a great development of Italian patriotism, and Santarosa was aggrieved by the great extension given to the Austrian power in Italy in 1815, which reduced his own country to a position of inferiority.
In the first place, with a given size of particles, the direction of complete polarization indicated by (23) is a function of the colour of the light, the value of 0 being 3 or 4 times as large for the violet as for the red end of the spectrum.
Escaping to South America in 1836, he was given letters of marque by the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which had revolted against Brazil.
By early writers the word was generally given as an equivalent of the Linnaean Loxia, but that genus has been found to include many forms not now placed in the same family.
The following are samples from a number of days' results, given in le Cadet's book.
From observations during twelve balloon ascents, Linke concludes that below the 1500-metre level there are numerous sources of disturbance, the gradient at any given height varying much from day to day and hour to hour; but at greater heights there is much more uniformity.
The charge given up to the inner cylinder is known from its loss of potential.
After two hours' exposure, it is wrapped round a frame supported in a given position relative to Elster and Geitel's dissipation apparatus, and the loss of charge is noted.
Simspon concluded that for a given wind velocity dissipation is practically a linear function of ionization.
It was in the latter temple that the statue of the god by Myron stood; it had probably been carried off to Carthage, was given to the temple by P. Scipio Africanus from the spoils of that city and aroused the cupidity of Verres.
A still further facility was given to the use of the filar micrometer by the introduction of clockwork, which caused the telescope automatically to follow the diurnal motion of a star, and left the observer's hands entirely at liberty.'
The end-plane of this cylinder receives the pressure of the micrometer screw, so that by turning the small drum-head the coincidence-reading of the movable web with the fixed web can be changed, and thus any given angle can be measured with different FIG.
The illumination of the field is given by a lamp near the object glass, controlled by a switch near the micrometer.
An English translation of this paper is given in the Astrophysical Journal, xxiv.
He was given the right to dispense justice, to coin money and to appoint the bishops in Bavaria.
In 938 it was given by the German king, Otto I., the Great, to Arnulf's brother, Bertold I., with greatly reduced privileges.
As for infallibility, this was a direct grace of God, given only to the few.
A full list of Collier's writings is given by the Rev. Wm.
In 1865, however, it was suppressed, and one half of the beni ademprivili was assigned to the state, the other half being given to the communes, with the obligation of compensating those who claimed rights over these lands.
In 238 B.C. the Carthaginian mercenaries revolted, and the Romans took advantage of the fact to demand that the island should be given period.
In 1164 Barisone, giudice of Arborea, was given the title of king of the whole island by Frederick Barbarossa, but his supremacy was never effective.
They may make certain concessions or privileges once given without any corresponding obligation; they constitute for a given country a special ecclesiastical law; and it is thus that writers have sometimes spoken of concordats as privileges.
His father had given him powers to treat, but afterwards threw him over and rejected the terms of accommodation that he had proposed.
Wide as were Virchow's studies, and successful as he was in all, yet the foremost place must be given to his achievements in pathological investigation.
In 1672, having finished his philosophy course, he was given a scholarship at the college of St Michel at Paris by Jean, marquis de Pompadour, lieutenant-general of the Limousin.
The characteristic by which we recognize the fundamental element in a series is its intuitive or self-evident character; it is given by "the evident conception of a healthy and attentive mind so clear and distinct that no doubt is left."
This theory, he believed, would afford an explanation of every phenomenon whatever, and in nearly every department of knowledge he has given specimens of its power.
And before 1725, readings, both public and private, were given from Cartesian texts in some of the Parisian colleges.
Henry More, who had given it a modified sympathy in the lifetime of the author, became its opponent in later years; and Cudworth differed from it in most essential points.
But Muratori, reproducing the account given by one of Thomas's friends, gives no hint of foul play.
Accrington (Akerenton, Alkerington, Akerington) was granted by Henry de Lacy to Hugh son of Leofwine in Henry II.'s reign, but came again into the hands of the Lacys, and was given by them about 1200 to the monks of Kirkstall, who converted it into a grange.
Three points are given to the bowl that trails the jack over both lines into the semicircle and goes over them itself.
Garvie, The Ritschlian Theology (Edinburgh, 1899), in both of which the bibliography of the movement is given.
His strange title is given him in the chronicles on the strength of a story that he put two brothers of the name of Carvajal to death tyrannically, and was given a time, a plazo, by them in which to answer for his crime in the next world.
The treaty of Tubingen is the name given in German history to an arrangement made in 1514 between Duke Ulrich and his subjects, by which the latter acquired various rights and privileges on condition of relieving the former of his debts.
Later charters were given by Henry II., by John in 1204 (who also granted an annual fair of three days' duration, 29th of October, at the feast of St Modwen, and a weekly market on Thursday), by Henry III.
For a short period the day was changed to Tuesday, but the market was given up before 1888.
The picture given of Jerusalemite morals is an appalling one.
It is now more usually given to polytheistic races, thus excluding Mahommedans.
His French poems met with little success, but a description in Latin verse of a tournament (carrousel, circus regius), given by Louis XIV.
Outside England the title justiciar was given under Henry II.
The population of the vilayet of Scutari is given as 237,000, that of the vilayet of Iannina as 552,000.
There are Turkish primary and secondary schools in some of the towns; in the village mosques instruction in the Koran is given by the imams, but neither reading nor writing is taught.
Its population was given in 1894 as 135,232, but its area has been largely reduced since then.
The episode of Melchizedek, though connected with the main narrative by the epithets given to Yahweh in Gen.
By 1665 the Dutch possessed rough charts of almost the whole of the western littoral, while to the mainland itself they had given the name of New Holland.
The constitution, parliament and laws of each state, subject to the federal constitution, retained their authority; state rights were carefully safeguarded, and an inter-state commission was given powers of adjudication and of administration of the laws relating to trade, transport and other matters.
It supports the government as the power alone capable of promoting legislation, but its support is given only so long as the measures of the government are consistent with the Labour policy.
In all this legislation one of the most hotly contested points was whether the arbitration court should be given power to lay it down that workers who were members of a trade union should be employed in preference to non-unionists.
This power Ad was given to the tribunal in New South Wales, but was 1904.
Eisenstein, who had also given without demonstration some of the results for five squares.
He was known to be truthful, upright and God-fearing; if he had neglected his studies it was to devote himself to manly sports and exercises; and in the pursuit of his favourite pastime, bear-hunting, he had already given proofs of the most splendid courage.
He purchased from the family of Neleus of Skepsis in the Troad manuscripts of the works of Aristotle and Theophrastus (including their libraries), which had been given to Neleus by Theophrastus himself, whose pupil Neleus had been.
Youssouff acknowledged this protection given by a Frenchman by distinguishing himself in the ranks of the French army at the time of the conquest of Algeria.
In 1833 Ferdinand de Lesseps was sent as consul to Cairo, and soon afterwards given the management of the consulategeneral at Alexandria, a post that he held until 1837.
And every day since you showed me the book, he has given me a lesson.
He has given you clothing both warm and beautiful.
One night he left the beautiful palace which his father had given to him and went out into the world to do good and to help his fellow men.
It requires knowing what you should do in a given situation.
Given perfect information, frictionless markets, and other theoretical impossibilities, a finite amount of utility can be achieved in that way.
Trade and the division of labor have given us vast amounts of wealth.
Indeed, only such explanations should be given as are really essential.
Reviewing his impressions of the recent battle, picturing pleasantly to himself the impression his news of a victory would create, or recalling the send-off given him by the commander-in-chief and his fellow officers, Prince Andrew was galloping along in a post chaise enjoying the feelings of a man who has at length begun to attain a long-desired happiness.
Prince Andrew listened attentively to Bagration's colloquies with the commanding officers and the orders he gave them and, to his surprise, found that no orders were really given, but that Prince Bagration tried to make it appear that everything done by necessity, by accident, or by the will of subordinate commanders was done, if not by his direct command, at least in accord with his intentions.
Captain Tushin, having given orders to his company, sent a soldier to find a dressing station or a doctor for the cadet, and sat down by a bonfire the soldiers had kindled on the road.
Bonaparte riding over the battlefield had given final orders to strengthen the batteries firing at the Augesd Dam and was looking at the killed and wounded left on the field.
It is good for me, bad for another traveler, and for himself it's unavoidable, because he needs money for food; the man said an officer had once given him a thrashing for letting a private traveler have the courier horses.
About 80,000 went in payments on all the estates to the Land Bank, about 30,000 went for the upkeep of the estate near Moscow, the town house, and the allowance to the three princesses; about 15,000 was given in pensions and the same amount for asylums; 150,000 alimony was sent to the countess; about 70,000 went for interest on debts.
Kochubey said a few words about the reception Arakcheev had given Bolkonski.
This comforting dream and hope were given her by God's folk-- the half-witted and other pilgrims who visited her without the prince's knowledge.
Yes, she's a good dog, gets what she's after, answered Ilagin indifferently, of the red-spotted bitch Erza, for which, a year before, he had given a neighbor three families of house serfs.
I've given it up.
It was only by the keener wind that met them and the jerks given by the side horses who pulled harder--ever increasing their gallop--that one noticed how fast the troyka was flying.
Balaga was a famous troyka driver who had known Dolokhov and Anatole some six years and had given them good service with his troykas.
The very day that Napoleon issued the order to cross the Niemen, and his vanguard, driving off the Cossacks, crossed the Russian frontier, Alexander spent the evening at the entertainment given by his aides-de- camp at Bennigsen's country house.
The arrival of Dolokhov diverted Petya's attention from the drummer boy, to whom Denisov had had some mutton and vodka given, and whom he had had dressed in a Russian coat so that he might be kept with their band and not sent away with the other prisoners.
Destiny wanted to wear some jewelry too, so she let her wear the white pearl choker necklace that her mother had given her.
Of course, she had never given it much thought, either.
I couldn't live with myself if I wasted this gift I've been given.
I knew to right the train on the track apologies needed be given.
The police responded and I was taken to a hospital where proper care was being given.
They'll use those names we were all given.
She dug through the pockets in her jeans and pulled out the stash of one dollar bills she'd been given for trips to the candy machine down the hall.
The effort of healing him had given her a headache.
Dusty should have given you a means of contacting someone in an emergency, he said with disapproval.
You shouldn't have given Jonny a gun.
Her fingers brushed the folded paper Jake had given her.
Thousands of years hadn't given him much insight into a woman's way of thinking, but this he knew without a doubt.
The seat of honor was given to Sasha.
She pulled out the cell he'd given her and called the only number in it.
He offered a small smile, not nearly as large as the one he'd given her the day he gave her the advice that ended up condemning her.
Darkyn's bond has given you insight.
She'd given relationship advice to the woman who condemned her to Hell, advice meant to help snag the heart of a man she hadn't stopped loving.
You've never given us cause to punish you.
They had given Martha a telephone card and asked she contact them as soon and as often as she could.
I'm gonna print this list on my computer, given you're always bellyaching about my writing.
While there was a comment that father Joe Calvia hadn't taken the news well, no details were given, and no calls from a hospital emergency room followed.
God, he would have given both arms, his manhood, and his Captain Midnight whistle for one day as a pro, regardless of the language of the cheering fans.
While Dean distrusted the Dawkins, given their mutual animosity toward one another, any collective effort on their part—on any project—seemed questionable, if not impossible.
The level of interest everyone is showing in some remote acreage is all out of whack, given its questionable value.
Sure, Dean thought, I'll put it on the list, right after food, clothing and shelter, all of which were tough enough to fund given Bird Song's present budget.
She explained how a Bird Song guest, Brandon Westlake, who was a first-class photographer, had given her pointers.
We were so damned settled it was a given we'd be holding hands in our wheel chairs.
His face must have given away his thoughts.
You're just afraid I'll clean out your pocket book, given enough time.
He would have killed me if I'd given him half a chance.
This Ancient Immortal hadn't given up his soul without a struggle.
On it was one soul, that of his brother Kris, who had given up his life to get Katie out of Death's underworld.
The sky was given the status of something pure and clean, the earth sort of a dirty wasteland, and anything below water level or the ground considered Hellish.
I've yet to meet someone who couldn't be handled, given the right approach.
The Oracle had given him nothing, and he didn't feel able to sit still and drink tea with Daniela, the headmistress of the order of nuns who managed this Sanctuary.
Gabriel hadn't given Darkyn's bond to his mate a second thought.
He had given up being a salesman to fulfill a lifelong dream of being a veterinarian.
Alex had given her no reason to think he would be unfaithful.
She didn't want the baby, but at least she had given it to someone who wanted it desperately.
The only advice she was given was to talk to him.
I've never given him any reason to think anything like that, and I don't think I have any reason to apologize for having morals.
It had given them no trouble, though.
Any gratitude he felt for the fact that she had given them a daughter was overshadowed by the danger she had put them all in.
Lori didn't deserve what he did to her, but she hadn't exactly given him a reason to respect her, either.
He'd given it to her hundreds of years ago.
As sweet as she is, I almost wish I'd given her something a little less lethal.
I thought it fitting, given the amount of misery she caused men like us.
I gave her three months, but it's probably generous, given her sunny nature.
He'd given her something to think about, but her instincts were screaming at her not to have anything to do with this creature.
The look he'd given her after she told him she was leaving made more sense.
Or, it might, given it means more to you than it does to me.
What reason have you given me to trust you?
Also, no surprise, given his origins.
Rhyn was being given a second chance, and Gabriel hoped he killed Sasha before the sands in the hourglass were gone.
She attached the prescriptions to the fridge with another cartoon magnet and smoothed out the paperwork she'd been given from the police station.
If they wanted her dead, she'd given them the best target imaginable.
The old man, Liam, had fed her and given her a handful of euro coins before putting her on the ferry.
He sat beside her and reached for her, his gaze on the newest scars given to her by Kris.
Hannah, dear, please instruct the servants that Rhyn and Katherine are given whatever they ask for.
Kris had given them to him weeks ago as payment for two assassinations.
Kris has a scientist named Ully who likely been given the vial.
Said he.d done what they told him and given them you and the castle so they.d leave him alone.
She'd given up trying to convince him they were real.
He'd done his part to agitate Kisolm and received every bit as much as he'd given.
I've given up on finding a nishani for my planet.
Given her first chance to rest in over two days, she sighed, exhausted and irritated at having to dig her own clothing out of a box.
Given his guard of four warriors and his unfriendly gaze, maybe she should be grateful someone wrenched her arm off to get her away from him.
Romas had then been given the painful job of explaining to Kisolm that Kiera would most likely not meld well with their traditions, and Kisolm would have to be disappointed.
Why was she worried about upsetting her friend when her friend hadn't given her the same consideration?
He knew what she was, and he was content to call her nishani, the title given to a warrior's lifemate.
Given his experience and lauding as one of the most capable strategic battle planners in the Five Galaxies-- the only reason he hadn't been driven out by the Yirkin despite his tiny army-- he found himself learning a tidbit here and there.
No woman had given birth in many sun-cycles, because the planet's spirit was severed without the dhjan and the nishani.
While he had given them permission to speak to her, he found opportunists distasteful, however loyal they were.
If she proved to be as he suspected she was, she might find herself the first woman in his society given the official position of strategy battle planner, a position traditionally held by the dhjan alone.
Jetr crossed to the door and closed it before asking, "Have you given any thought to what I warned you of a few weeks ago?"
Rather, more so than you do me, given your usual behavior.
He hadn't thought she would be so eager, given her skill at avoiding all her regular nishani duties.
He seemed to assume she was staying for good, and she didn't know how to tell him A'Ran had given her a choice she hadn't yet made.
She'd never given him an answer about staying with him on Anshan.
Cynthia cooked something quick and Italian for dinner, small white things that looked as they would suddenly explode into butterflies, given sufficient time.
I haven't given it a thought.
Much of the climbing activity was taking place in an area called The Schoolroom, with various routes classified and given names— Verminator, Duncan's Delight and Bloody Sunday.
God has given me a second undeserved chance at happiness!
She writes so differently than what you'd expect, given her circumstances—where she is and what she's doing.
That, and given the fact she was in the wrong line when they were passing out brains makes me think we're missing something.
He owed Fred a "gotcha" after the hard time he'd given the old man about his electronic sales adventures.
It was noon by the time the rig was hitched, lessons given, and Deans, mittened and mufflered, were on their way.
Yes, I think I could kill someone, given the right circumstances.
Cynthia would go alone—that was a given with Bird Song requiring Dean's attention.
Now, given that, wouldn't you say whoever did the cutting might suspect it would cause Mr. Shipton a bit of bodily harm?
If Dean had given any thought to how that statement sounded before he opened his big fat mouth, he would have practiced a little restraint and kept it shut.
Has your sister given any indication Shipton might have told her the truth about Annie Quincy?
Given what he's hearing and seeing now, it makes a heap of sense.
Given enough time, I could eat Corday and Fitzgerald for lunch.
Dean couldn't bring himself to think of any of them seriously, given their lack of reasonable motive.
He answered by instinct, yet, in spite of not thinking of his answer, had he been given more time to consider, it would have remained the same.
Cynthia had given him such an instrument at the time the couple signed papers acquiring Bird Song.
What a perfect way to kill someone when they've conveniently given you a suicide note indisputably in their handwriting!
But given the pair of parents the boy was forced to live with, it's a wonder he's as well adjusted as he is.
Gabriel had spoken of immortality, but Jackson had not given much thought to it, until hearing these words.
They may try to ban you from day trading given the current climate.
She had given up years ago trying to convince him to let the rest of the world see that side.
I am so sorry about that, but you never would have given me a chance if you knew from the beginning.
If nothing else, all this upheaval had given him back his musical voice.
Although he wouldn't have given up those days for anything, he felt this to be more like a family, closer to what life had been like as a human.
If you had given me a second before ripping me a new one, I would have explained that I do not want her 'to do my bidding' as you so eloquently put it.
He had given instructions for them to be left near the back door, so didn't need to meet them.
He chuckled, "Given your understanding at breakfast yesterday, I guess I am going to have to accept that."
I have given up.
You won't be given another chance to find her.
The nickname had been given him by three other salesmen at the office.
I haven't given up on that horse ranch dream yet.
You sound like you've given the idea a lot of thought.
Warmth crawled up her neck at the thought of the impression she must have given Alex.
In fact, he must have given the goat a good deal of attention to be able to identify her from the other Toggenburgs.
I haven't given you enough to keep the office entertained for a while?
Apparently he had given her a car, bought clothes for her and generally made a fool out of himself over her.
What she wouldn't have given to see Alex walk into the barn at that moment.
If he had known what was happening, Josh would have unselfishly given his instant support.
Alex might have given up on her, but Josh had doubled his efforts.
Oh Alex, I can't help but wonder if some day when I'm bloated and cranky, you'll wish you hadn't given up your freedom.
Dan had given her a jacket, but their slow crawl through the forest had left her soaked and shivering.
The Horsemen was the tongue in cheek name given to the government program that placed a series of devices across the world, both in enemy and friendly countries.
He still recalled the look she'd given him before they left in the ill-fated helo.
The same voice that got her into this mess and told her to drown herself had given her this reminder twice. Katie sensed she wasn't safe where she was, but she didn't want to travel without Gabriel.
Gabe leaned across her to grab the bag with his weapons' polishing supplies. A necklace with two emeralds – identical to the one he'd given her to wear – dangled above her.
The one he'd given her was tucked safely against her skin.
Katie ate her food and water cubes, waiting for Gabriel. She fingered the second necklace he'd given her, not convinced Andre was wrong. The beads felt like plastic, and something about Gabe had changed.
If you get Katie back and the world goes to shit, all you've done is given her an Immortality of hell on earth.
Kris and Kiki both looked towards the sky when the thunder began. They'd both given their jackets to Hannah, whose step was growing slower the farther they went into the jungle. Kiki muttered but didn't openly bitch, probably knowing Kris had no patience for anyone insulting his mate.
She pulled, and he ran. Katie felt the ground shake beneath them as the demons pursued. Several flew overhead and dropped directly in their path. She stopped and shoved Toby behind her, drawing the knife Gabe had given her. Before long, they were surrounded.
They were given reasonable service and whispered offers to, "Stay three nights, the next one's free, and we'll give you a receipt for four."
I suppose any of us might act stupid, given the circumstances.
Given more time, he'd have preferred to put the bike on the car's rack and chew up some countryside miles, touring the hills and farm lands that surrounded Parkside.
He apparently was given a whiff of the bigs in a losing September when a few fortunate minor leaguers get a peek of how the other side lives.
Murder seems a real stretch, given lack of motive—nothing missing, no evidence or anything else usual to a homicide.
I appreciate all the help you've given mom.
It looks like she's too goody-goody to sue anybody, but I haven't given up yet.
Dean waited until he was home before looking at the address Rudman had given him.
Dean hadn't given that much thought but he remembered what Vinnie Baratto had said about the Maryland eastern shore and explained it was across the Chesapeake Bay.
Given the weather, that might not be easy, especially near the airport.
He knew she was on borrowed time given the alcohol's delayed reaction.
I thought he might want a refund on his unused rent, not that I'd have given it to him, but he didn't even ask.
That was not to say Fred had given up on amateur detecting.
But Dean's denial of Cynthia's implication appeared well founded given her reaction to the discovery of the body in Norfolk.
Dean spent the balance of Friday wading through paperwork, a chore made more depressing than usual because yesterday's drizzle had given birth to a storybook spring day.
Dean glanced at his watch and threaded his way through the crowd to the bar, hoping Cynthia had not given up.
After a series of phone calls to Denver and some monstrous lies, Dean managed to finagle a slot on the bike tour, not an easy accomplishment given the short time before the popular event.
He had covered only 23 miles but each mile had given him a sense of accomplishment that astonished him.
We're 'officially' given a job to do and then the brass leaves the room while we discuss how to 'unofficially' get it done.
Before Alex came along, Carmen had never given much thought to a father – only that she wanted children.
Carmen made a face and continued eating, her mind on the information he had given her.
She wasn't ready for that yet and she hadn't completely given up the idea of biological children.
If it was none of his business, why had she explained - given him proof?
Then again, maybe he had given a lot of thought to her argument.
Whatever he wanted – he had given her the money for it.
He had given her no reason to feel this way.
Certainly Alex had given her no reason to be afraid - so far.
Climbing into the car he purchased for her, she headed out with the new bank account he had given her to do some guilt free shopping.
It wasn't as if he hadn't given her time to correct the problem.
To be honest, she hadn't given it much thought or effort.
Grabbing a paper towel, she began wiping the eggs off and putting them in cartons people had given her.
Alex had given her more than a roof over her head and food.
He had given her respect, consideration and love.
He was probably upset that she didn't answer her cell phone, but he had given her strict orders not to use it when she was driving.
She should have walked away and given him a chance to think about it, instead of slapping that awful word from his mouth?
She always seemed to know what was going on inside people's heads, and to anticipate how a person would react to a given circumstance.
Things were uncomfortable between them, but they hadn't given up.
It doesn't look like you've given any of this much thought.
She hadn't given it much thought until now, but Katie was right.
It was the first directive he'd given her since she came home from the hospital.
He had given her in death what he denied her in life.
Given the circumstances, she could forgive him.
Jonny hadn't given them any direction, she assessed.
She'd given it to Talia before she left then reclaimed it after the first wave of the Schism ripped through the Immortal world.
He'd given no more details, a sign something was up.
She finally recognized the shape of the necklace she'd given Darian the day before.
Jonny's words bounced around in her thoughts as she recalled the look Darian had given the portal they stumbled upon.
She'd never forgiven herself for leaving her family, and she'd never given herself permission to move on and be happy.
She didn't move away from him, the first sign she'd given that maybe she had come to terms with their relationship moving to the next level.
Darian had given her the power to choose.
Darian saw the fury cross Jenn's face, and her next strikes were fast and hard enough they might've given her the upper hand she needed.
If given a choice between trusting him and walking away from him, she'd trust him.
He'd left her sleeping and assumed she'd given up whatever game she played.
My king, I've given you the city, haven't I?
Other than that, she had given his gun little use.
She had given his rifle to Josh before she met Alex.
After Josh died, Lori had given it back to her.
Alex had taught Jonathan to shoot the first year after they had adopted him, but today he still got the same precautionary lecture that her father had given her.
If he had been scouting around, he had given no indication.
I have given you a little information on the wildlife you might see during your stay here.
Had he given Brutus something for that purpose?
If Alex had given Brutus something to put him down, it was because he was afraid she didn't have the courage to make that decision.
She was referred through several people and finally given a number.
No, I want you to respect the clothing you are given and not destroy them.
Obviously the answer she had given him in the beginning hadn't satisfied his need.
What he would do about any given situation at this point was a mystery.
Carmen and Alex were given a room upstairs.
They hadn't given him the opportunity to adjust to the idea before they were bombarding him with life altering decisions.
He glanced up at their picture over the mantle, and then at the painting he had given her of her parents.
They would enjoy each day that had been given them as a gift.
Regardless, he had given his word and no matter how it came out, there was no turning back at this point.
Given free rein to improvise as he saw fit, the law student had found the employee and created his own sting.
Even after she had returned his ring, he hadn't given up.
He had given her a week to get her head on straight.