Give up Sentence Examples
I'm too close to my goal to give up now.
It was too soon to give up hope.
But not enough to give up my business.
I'm not asking you to give up anything you want, Adrienne.
Do you want me to give up my schooling just to prove that I love you more?
I'm not going to just give up.
She wasn't ready to give up.
Would he never give up?
I never could understand why she would want to give up her own child.
The exking Louis, who now lived at Florence, had compelled her by a scandalous law-suit to give up to him the elder of her two children.
AdvertisementDeath was required to give up its soul when it ran the underworld.
According to Asser he was compelled to give up Wessex to his son AEthelbald on his return, and content himself with the eastern sub-kingdom.
In 1648 ill-health compelled him to give up his lectures at the College Royal.
Each pound of steam can thus be made to give up some 950 units of heat; while in a good steam engine only about 200 units are utilized in the steam cylinder per pound of steam, and in addition allowance has to be made for mechanical inefficiency.
The pharmacological action of hydrogen peroxide (H202), potassium permanganate, powdered charcoal and some other oxidizing agents depends on the readiness with which they give up oxygen.
AdvertisementI like her attitude - she's really feisty, she digs in and doesn't give up.
This did not end his quarrel with the emperor, for Gonzaga refused to give up Piacenza and even threatened to occupy Parma, so that Ottavio was driven into the arms of France.
Duke Frederick of Austria had hitherto sheltered John's flight; but, laid under the ban of the empire, attacked by powerful armies, and feeling that he was courting ruin, he preferred to give up the pontiff who had trusted to him.
These, combined with cigarette cravings, are why it is difficult for some people to give up smoking.
I was so angry at myself, and wanted to give up there and then, but Andy was great.
AdvertisementRather, we have an opportunity to forgive, and so give up needless suffering, and instead suffer for real causes.
But when such is the case, mankind has never failed in the long run to vindicate its claim to rationality by showing a readiness to give up the old belief whenever tangible evidence of its fallaciousness was forthcoming.
I want to say to them 'Do n't give up hope reach out to God for His help.
You give up the walk under the pine tress - he ceases to growl!
My first impulse was to give up the Hymn entirely, after reading yours today.
AdvertisementArmstrong induced both parties to give up their arms with a promise of impartial justice and protection, and as soon as the Yankees were defenceless he made them prisoners.
Even then he did not give up his interest in state and local affairs, and his end is said to have been hastened by a fit of passion brought on by a remark of the quaestor Granius, who openly asserted that he would escape payment of a sum of money due to the Romans, since Sulla was on his death-bed.
The first cell is heated and the products of combustion are led into the second cell where they give up part of their heat to the contained ore, so that by the time the first cell is exhausted the mass in the second cell is at a sufficiently high temperature to ignite spontaneously when air is admitted.
Ibrahim Pasha replaced Tusun in command, and on reaching Arabia in September 1816 his first aim was to gain over the great Bedouin tribes holding the roads between Hejaz and his objective in Nejd; having thus secured his line of advance he pushed on boldly and defeated Abdallah at Wiya, where he put to death all prisoners taken; thence rapidly advancing, with contingents of the friendly Harb and Muter tribes in support of his regular troops, he laid siege to Ras; this place, however, held out and after a four months' siege he was compelled to give up the attack.
He appealed to the popular conviction that the proper object of sense is the sole reality, although he despaired of getting men to give up their belief in its externality, and asserted that nothing but prejudice prevented them from doing so; and there is little doubt that, if it had ever occurred to him, as it did to Berkeley, to explain the genesis of the notion of externality, he would have been more hopeful of commending his theory to the popular mind.
Finally Bern, fearing that Geneva might fall to France instead of to itself, sent an army to protect the city (January 1536), but, not being able to persuade the citizens to give up their freedom, had to content itself with the conquest of the barony of Vaud and of the bishopric of Lausanne, thus acquiring rich territories, while becoming close neighbours of Geneva (January and March 1536).
But though Philo sees the difficulties of the orthodox Judaism he cannot accept pantheism or mysticism so far as to give up the personality of God (see Logos).
Mara, the great tempter, appears in the sky, and urges Gotama to stop, promising him, in seven days, a universal kingdom over the four great continents if he will but give up his enterprise.2 When his words fail to have any effect, the tempter consoles himself by the confident hope that he will still overcome his enemy, saying, "Sooner or later some lustful or malicious or angry thought must arise in his mind; in that moment I shall be his master"; and from that hour, adds the legend, "as a shadow always follows the body, so he too from that day always followed the Blessed One, striving to throw every obstacle in his way towards the Buddhahood."
I don't however intend to give up Latin and Greek entirely.
I let her go, but refused to give up the doll.
It is never too late to give up our prejudices.
I one evening overtook one of my townsmen, who has accumulated what is called "a handsome property"--though I never got a fair view of it--on the Walden road, driving a pair of cattle to market, who inquired of me how I could bring my mind to give up so many of the comforts of life.
She resolved to give up learning the harp and to play only the guitar.
That Prince Andrew's deeply loved affianced wife--the same Natasha Rostova who used to be so charming--should give up Bolkonski for that fool Anatole who was already secretly married (as Pierre knew), and should be so in love with him as to agree to run away with him, was something Pierre could not conceive and could not imagine.
Why should we give up everything?
Will they give up Moscow like this?
I shall not give up Moscow without a battle!
Using some Dutch reckoning, he asserted that the peasants would use his country 's namesake defense within two days and give up.
Never give up against stronger opponents but never relent against weaker ones.
And it 's still possible to give up your responsible day job, move to Praha and become a satirist.
The driver would give up the hoop and tablet to the signalman at the end of the section.
So transfixed and so in love, she is willing to give up her own life so that his curse can end.
You give up the walk under the pine tress - he ceases to growl !
Too often, entrepreneurs give up prematurely when faced with surmountable obstacles. Too often, they move forward aggressively when they should stop, reflect and re-create.
Though there are cut-and-dried instances when you should quickly and unilaterally give up on your existing product and iterate, other times will be more ambiguous or complicated.
Persistence over time can win over even the most reticent and reluctant child, however, so don't give up.
Just because you can't find a block cake to make or purchase doesn't mean you have to give up the idea.
Just because you're a mom does not mean you have to give up your sense of humor - you'll probably need it now more than ever!
Similarly, not every warning sign means you need to give up your pet.
International adoptions and private adoptions are still options, however, so don't give up.
In the face of this news, I refused to give up my dream of marrying Michelle and raising a multi-national family in the US.
Between the age of 18 months and 3 years, most little ones are ready to give up the crib and move into toddler beds.
Many women refuse to give up their underwire features when purchasing a nursing bra, and while you can still buy underwear bras, be sure they fit appropriately to avoid placing pressure on the breasts' milk ducts.
Underwire nursing bras-Many women refuse to give up the support they get from underwire bras.
While there's no guarantee a home owner won't eventually give up the kitten, the odds are slightly in the kitten's favor that it has found a home for life.
The moving story is suitable for children ages 9 to 12 years, but many younger kids would appreciate the tale of a couple who give up their most prized possessions to buy gifts for each other.
For example, if you are willing to give up mileage or cash rebates, you might be able to extend your 0% APR introductory period.
If you ignore his attacks, he will become bored with the one-sided battle and give up.
If a proper replacement from the manufacturer is not an option, don't give up.
If you don't want to give up your flamboyant looks, you can have your cake and eat it too by experimenting with different fabrics on the sofas and chairs, but choosing solid, classic wooden tables and bookshelves.
If a safari vacation to Africa is not in the cards right now, that doesn't mean you have to give up on creating the perfect safari inspired interior.
Never fear, though - you don't have to give up on style.
Don't give up just because you don't get any initial responses.
Participants give up a more concrete payment for a chance at something large, whether it's a top-of-the-line grill or a significant cash prize.
There's no need to give up on the idea of making a winter scrapbook page!
Don't want to give up the handmade element?
Have you decided to give up on the thought of meditation because you think it is not for you?
No matter what, do not give up and do not succumb to fear.
Separating yourself from the environment and forcing your mind to give up the hold it has on stress will allow you to feel at peace (mind and body), so you can come back in a new place within yourself - free from stress.
Not every stress management technique works for everyone, so do not give up if the first one you try does not work for you.
If a technique doesn't sound like something you are willing to do, don't give up on the program, continue to weed through the different ones and find techniques that fit your lifestyle and personality.
Don't give up on a technique because it didn't work the first time you did it.
Don't give up if you can't get a job after a few application submissions or interviews.
Successful models give up a lot to be in the business.
Nor does it mean that you need to give up your rocker chic look in favor of colored bindis.
Are there some things that you can give up or simply not do for a while?
Every time a bad food choice is made, it feels so easy to just give up.
Never give up on your dreams, but be smart and educate yourself about authentic opportunities and scams.
Make sure to ask if the teen is having any suicidal thoughts because some teenagers won't give up the information unless asked.
This will be more like a full-time nanny job for the summer season, so be sure that you want to give up that much of your free time before you take on the position.
If a teen does drop out of high school that does not mean that he has to completely give up on his education.
Be dedicated to your dream and do not give up if you don't get called back for a second audition when you first start acting.
His oft documented love for the Big Mac is a testament to that, and even when Clinton cleaned up his diet, he did not give up meat.
Most vegetarians follow an environmentally conscious lifestyle, regardless of whether they chose to give up meat for ecological reasons or other rationale.
An alternative method is to give up different meats in stages.
American vegetarians don't have to give up their favorite dishes to make the transition to a cruelty-free diet.
It helps people give up smoking by blocking nicotine receptors in the brain.
You may want to ask the child what he or she is prepared to give up because of the lie.
It can be quite difficult to give up the routine of smoking after a meal or chewing tobacco while watching the game, but a person will have a much easier time with quitting tobacco if he or she can conquer these emotional habits.
If you are ready to give up a detrimental shopping problem, you might want to consider shopping addiction treatment.
If you have a moment of weakness and eat an entire package of cookies, don't think all hope is lost and give up on your recovery.
In some instances, however, the show presents a non-elimination twist, where the last team to arrive is not sent home, but must give up their money and/or possessions before the next leg of the race.
Recently, though, he vowed to give up his beloved cars in a move to save the environment.Despite their gas-guzzling tendencies and the current trend of going "green," many stars are proud to be seen in their rugged Hummers.
He said he was about to give up when he won his biggest role to date - James "Sawyer" Ford on the ABC series Lost (2004).
They were both fired from that station and Kimmel decided to give up on the radio business for, among other things, lack of job security.
Her character was a drug addict, but director Joel Schumacher urged her to give up the drugs and sent her home.
Her legs were injured badly enough that she had to give up her dreams of being a professional dancer.
Many parents don't want to give up their own hipster lifestyle just because they have a child.
If you weren't selected to receive a scholarship, don't give up.
If your career dreams all revolve around finding UK cruise ship jobs online, don't give up.
People having babies, especially first time parents, give up dogs they feel will not coexist well with their new child.
Even if you are not happy with mainstream commercial dog food options, you don't have to give up the convenience of prepackaged food to feed your dog a healthy, natural diet.
I was about to give up when my soon to be ex-husband drove up and said "Wait a minute here" in a loud voice.
Recent severe winters may have hurt it in many places; but after so many years success no one in a likely district will give up its culture.-B.
You may not find mens leisure suits on the racks of your local department store, but that doesn't mean that you need to give up on your search.
There are also blue jean styles for the men who hate to give up their denim on days off.
One of the most difficult things about eating organically is that you used to have to give up some of your favorite traditional foods.
You don't have to give up either when you wear Lilyette bras made for the full figured woman.
A challenge, though, makes anything so much more appealing when it's finally tracked down, so don't give up hope on the polka dot bra hunt just yet.
Learning about the dangers of cigarette smoking may encourage people to give up the habit entirely.
Just because you're retiring doesn't mean that you have to give up choices in your life.
However, for those who are willing to give up a little on the location to gain a bit of affordability, Hudson Heights, located in upper Manhattan, is only 30 minutes from the Times Square by subway.
Some women have had long hair for years, and they don't want to give up that style as they get older.
Getting older does not mean you have to give up style.
Since volunteers give up their time, they don't typically charge people for rides.
You may be reluctant to give up your long locks, but having short hair offers many styling possibilities.
Aging does not mean you have to automatically give up being active.
Just because your friend does not agree about your new relationship status does not mean that you should give up on it.
Don't give up on your sleep apnea treatment just because of an easily fixable problem.
In fact, many new CPAP mask wearers give up trying to wear the mask.
Don't give up on a quiet night's sleep just because one thing doesn't work.
Don't give up your search since there are many options to consider.
Starting with the top sites listed above is a good idea, but if you can't find the title, don't give up.
Nintendo's brand is out there and is strong as ever and it is unlikely gamers will give up on any game Nintendo releases.
If you buy Wii Fit, don't give up on it right away if it frustrates you.
That said, this game never gets so frustrating that you just want to throw it against the wall and give up because it is so impossible.
The concept of dying doesn't exist in the game - your character cannot die or be harmed - you play until you either solve the game or give up.
It's critical that the game be finished on time - stores only hold space for a game on the shelves so long, and then they give up hope and start betting on the next hot game.
Their audience is only mid-sized, the company has yet to conquer Japan, but Microsoft isn't about to give up.
Thumb sucking is most prevalent in children under two, and most children give up the habit on their own by age four.
If the child does not want to give up thumb sucking, the dentist should be consulted to ensure that it is not doing any damage to the alignment of the teeth.
These feelings can cause them to give up and avoid social situations, which can in turn exacerbate their peer problems.
They may also be unwilling to give up watching their favorite programs, even when these programs are age-inappropriate for their children.
In all foster care cases, the child's biological or adoptive parents, or other legal guardians, temporarily give up legal custody of the child.
If the parents give up their rights permanently, or their rights to their child are severed by the court, the foster family may adopt the foster child or the child may be placed for adoption by strangers.
Convinced by social workers that this option is the only one available to them, they give up their parental rights in order to get their children into proper treatment.
Preschool children may experience pressure from their peers to give up pacifiers.
However, most children give up both pacifiers and thumb sucking long before they become social or dental concerns.
It may take several weeks for children to give up their pacifiers.
How do smokers give up their cigarettes for good and never go back to them again?
Parents may also need to talk with or comfort their child if it is necessary to give up a family pet that cannot be retrained.
If you can't find someone in the SSDI, don't give up until you've tried a few different things.
If you have your heart set on experiencing Orange County laser hair removal for yourself, don't give up hope.
Sometimes a girl just can't give up the femininity of long hair.
In order to homeschool, one of the parents usually has to give up his or her career and the salary that goes along with it.
There is no reason to give up the familiar comfort of jeans just because you are pregnant.
If you cannot find a maternity coat that is in your budget or in a style that appeals to you, do not give up hope.
Many women give up on breastfeeding before they are able to find adequate help.
Just because you are pregnant does not mean you have to give up your favorite brands or styles; you can find them at Pea in the Pod.
Olian clothing was started in 1984 when Liliana (Lily) Del Cueto decided that women should not have to give up their styles to "fashion oblivion" when pregnant.
Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you have to give up style for comfort.
But even if you've had breast reduction surgery and aren't able to make enough milk for your baby, you don't necessarily have to give up breastfeeding.
Just because you're pregnant does not mean you have to give up your sense of humor - you'll probably need it now more than ever!
However, Richie credits Madden with giving her the strength to give up her reputation as one of Hollywood's biggest party girls.
There may be other ways he can help you as well, so don't give up.
You'll also need to start learning about proper pregnancy exercise and pregnancy diet guidelines as well as give up any bad habits such as smoking.
When a novice sewer takes a first glance at a sewing pattern, she is bound to give up the project right then and there.
Just be sure not to give up practicality for fashion's sake.
Just don't give up on the sun block completely, or you might still find yourself with a burn.
In short, if you find yourself in a too tight bikini, don't give up hope.
Still, some women march to their own style tune and don't want to give up these accessories.
No matter what size your family is, a toaster oven can be a handy addition to any kitchen - especially when you can find a model that won't require you to give up any of your valuable counter space.
If you select an under cabinet toaster oven model, you can enjoy the convenience and versatility of this type of small appliance without having to give up any of the valuable counter space in your kitchen.
If you would prefer not to give up a sizeable section of the countertop space in your kitchen to hold this type of appliance, you may find that an under cabinet toaster oven is an excellent option for your home.
Some people learn more slowly than others, but don't give up too soon!
Sometimes it's easier to give up on that and just get those five hits.
This allows people who give up their animals a one-time notification if the animal they surrender is deemed unadoptable.
The general guideline is that you can give up to 50% of your adjusted gross income in cash contributions, and 30 percent for property.
Time really is money when it comes to grants, so don't give up!
Does this mean you have to give up your own customs and traditions?
Who says you have to give up notions of love and dating when you become a senior citizen?
Don't give up looking for a partner, but try to enjoy the process.
Should I hold on, or should I just give up after having a 5 year relationship with a man who once said he wanted to get married and have kids, and now changed his mind without consulting me about it?
It is more important that you forgive and continue making slow progress, then give up and continue with the old behavior.
You broke your training wheels the first day, but you didn't give up.
You broke your arm the second day, but you didn't give up.
You broke your finger the third day, but you didn't give up.
Stay safe and come home when you can and whatever you do, don't give up.
Don't give up just because you haven't met "the one".
Don't just give up on a relationship that used to mean so much to you in the past; fight for it by working for what you truly want, marital bliss.
There are many gorgeous, colored diamonds to choose from, and if you do choose a colored stone, you don't have to give up quality and elegance to do so.
Perhaps you decided to give up alcohol on a certain day.
If you're going to give up your right to a byline, it's best to negotiate an increase in pay to help offset the loss.
The same prompts don't work for everyone, but don't give up on a prompt too soon.
In an uncertain economy, one thing is for sure - you should not give up!
The people who succeed in the world of freelance writing are people who are persistent and don't give up.
In fact, many celiac sufferers have to give up dairy for prolonged periods of time because their intestines have become so damage by repeated gluten exposure they have difficulty digesting casein.
Some individuals choose to give up gluten because it may offer healthier alternatives.
You're shopping for a Nine West organizer tote because you're a contemporary female thriving in the professional world, yet you're not willing to give up your love of trend-setting in order to fade into the corporate mold.
If it's still the check tote you want, don't give up.
Don't want to give up your purple leather tote for spring?
Will you then change course and give up your pursuit?
The fish has to be lured into trusting Scorpio enough to give up his innermost secrets.
Let Aries know that you are enamored with his personality and passion, but don't give up your life for him.
These two are dedicated souls who won't give up their marriage without the fiercest of fights.
If he's involved with a selfish woman, he will suffer greatly before he's forced to give up his ideal of happily ever after.
Your teen may need to give up sports to finish high school at home.
Don't give up if your kids don't like carrots the first time they try them.
Just because a girl has sports theme bedding does not mean she has to give up her love of pink or other special touches.
These limits help children decide which shows are most important to them; they may need to give up watching others if they don't fit into the time limit.
In many cases, authentic data garnered from a regression cannot be authenticated, and some people may give up and feel as though the information uncovered during the regression is false.
There will come a time in the process when you realize that there may be no viable records remaining, but this doesn't mean you should give up.
Students don't have to give up traveling just because airfare costs are on the rise.
If you feel this amount is impossible to save, however, don't give up.
When you think about your money this way, it will be easy to give up that $4 morning latte or that $20 DVD.
While these conditions may not cost you money, they do require you give up some time and potentially receive communication from the company.
Posting your progress on a publicly-accessible website makes you accountable to others, which makes you less likely to give up on your goal when you face an obstacle.
Chances are high that you'll give up trying to walk in them.
Who can give up the traditional black with three white stripes?
Quickly scanning your mind for activities that don't require footwear, like yoga and pilates, you give up the image of being the girl flying on the treadmill, long locks flowing behind, and leave.
You don't even have to give up special features to get a bargain.
Before re-conning the storyline in the early 2000s,All My Children's Erica Kane had the first soap opera abortion (the first and only for many years) when she elected to terminate her husband's baby rather than give up her modeling career.
My family who always encouraged me not to give up.
By the end of the season Ephram, decides to give up on his musical dream and sets out to backpack through Europe.
After she miscarried E.J.'s baby, she faked the rest of the pregnancy and convinced a girl to give up her baby to her, only to have that baby die as an infant.
This is where many would-be tattoo artists fall by the wayside - they give up and seek traditional employment.
Don't give up until you've found precisely the right script for you.
When a goal is to large, many entrepreneurs give up as soon as they realize they will not attain their goal and may feel like a failure.
There is a market for people who want to deal with the clutter in the garage, but who don't want to give up a weekend to deal with it.
When you learn how to manage your time better, you'll be able to accomplish more tasks and experience less stress without having to give up the activities you love.
Today, the Disney entertainment empire stretches around the world-and all of this from a failed commercial artist from Kansas who wouldn't give up his dream of making a living through his art.
Ask yourself if the space you give up for a photo will be worth it, or would it be better used for other information?
If for any reason you don't make the squad, don't give up.
Also, if you are considering auditioning for the Texans squad, don't give up should you not pass the first time around.
Something I have found that works well for me is to not give up on the girls/boys.
Make sure that the system isn't so complicated that you give up on it, and ensure that you can easily explain it to the other people who will be using the newly organized space.
The smaller a project is, the less time it will take and the less likely you are to get frustrated and give up.
And if the whole thing dies back, don't give up on it.
It is fun to challenge yourself with something new, but if you try something too difficult you can get frustrated and give up.
You don't have to give up cheesecake forever on the South Beach Diet.
I can't even count how many times I registered with Weight Watchers, only to give up after the first week.
If you're just discovering the benefits of a vegetarian diet, you may be surprised to learn that you don't have to give up your favorite recipes!
Often people give up diets because they are too complicated to follow or because foods are difficult and time consuming to prepare.
Many people experience cravings when they try to give up soft drinks.
Most times, people are not ready to change to a living food diet until they are faced with a life-threatening disease and even then some don't want to give up cooked food.
Another great thing about sticking to foods low in carbs is the fact you don't have to give up yummy dairy products.
Don't give up in your quest for reaching a healthy weight.
Decide what foods you want to give up and which foods you want to add to your diet.
Many dieters give up long before their goals are met.
When you first begin re-introducing carbs, go slowly to prevent overindulging, especially if going low carb meant you had to give up some of your favorite foods.
Red blood cells begin to give up oxygen more readily as the muscles become warmer.
Remember, it's much better to work out daily with realistic goals, than it is to start working out tenaciously, only to give up in a week.
The best workout songs make it almost impossible to sit still, slow down, or give up.
AutoPro - This free service was introduced in 1994 to give up to three competitive insurance rate comparisons by phone or online.
By signing the forms, people release the establishment from any liability, and consequently give up the opportunity to sue.
General Electric would retain about 10 percent of the organization's stock, but the company had to give up complete control and no longer was able to use the name GE Employers Reinsurance to describe their holdings.
They're flattering to all body types, from the boyish figured girls who wish they had curves, to the women who'd gladly give up a few bumps and curves for a bit more definition.
Not wanting to give up her modeling career, in 2001 Kelly Brook released her first calendar.
You may need to be a bit more selective when choosing your mature bras, but you don't have to give up the feminine detailing or pretty colors you've always enjoyed.
Don't give up - plenty of sexy panty styles exist for you to explore!
Guys can be stylish this summer without having to give up any of the comforts they want -- and deserve.
Don't give up on a gorgeous, average-length robe if you toe the line between tall and average.
If you have a slow connection, like dial-up, you don't have to give up on online music, but you may have to limit your choices.
So, does that all mean all is lost, and you have to give up on finding free instrumental music downloads to add to your collection?
Lewis was ready to give up on her music career for college, but she decided to give things one last try when an audition opportunity for X Factor came up.
Even though the songs never got any airtime, Weird Al didn't give up on his music career.
If you're a Barry White fan, you can thank this song - White reportedly heard the song on a radio while he was in jail and was so moved by it that he decided to give up petty crime and start a career as a musician.
After all, no successful reality show wants to give up their magic formula for choosing just the right participants.
The last racers to arrive at this time have been able to continue, however, they have had to either give up all of their belongings and money, or complete an additional task, called a Speed Bump.
In exchange for something they want - such as a phone call home to their family, exercise equipment or a cash prize - the contestants must give up their workouts or agree to eat high calorie food.
If singing is your dream, don't give up.
Spaghetti was the hardest food for her to give up.
He is on hand for the kids at the beginning of each episode, and appears throughout the program to assess challenges, check on everyone, and to see if anyone wants to give up and go home.
She is known for convincing drug users to give up their dealers.
Individuals chosen must give up their current wardrobes to the show's hosts, Clinton Kelly and Stacy London.
The team spends some time trying to convince these families to give up things that they won't ever need, and this is often a difficult task.
You can't tell people to give up their addiction cold turkey, because they'll be destined to fail.
Of course, they are forced to give up the brain, which is surgically returned to Spock, and the women are faced with the prospect of having to re-merge their lives with those of the other gender on the surface.
He elected to give up his seat for Baltar because he felt the scientist would be more use to the survivors.
Dualla Adama - Dualla was a bridge officer who married Lee and left him when he couldn't give up Starbuck or defending Baltar.
Don't give up on treating your acne until you find what works for you.
You don't have to give up everything you love, but adding a few of these reputable acne-busters to your diet may just make a huge difference in your skin's appearance!
On Christmas Eve of 2009, a hack was published that worked with Cheat Engine to make the trees in Restaurant City give up coins for free!
Because their content sucks, they give up too soon, they don't promote or network, or because they don't find a way to make money from the traffic they do get.
Yet, a few companies are still producing catalogs refusing to give up what they see as a customer friendly and marketing profitable way to promote their outfits.
A cyber squatter, who hoards tons of semi-desirable domain names in the hope of having one of them turn out to be the next hot buzzword, might be tougher, but don't give up.
But I would be hard-pressed to give up my Mac and the Internet!
I don't want you to give up anything.
You might as well give up.
It seemed unlikely that he would travel so many miles to get her, and then give up.
Only she wasn't going to lie down and give up like her mother.
If one of us is threatened, we can't give up the others if we don't know where they went.
When she did give up the struggle, I first misinterpreted the news.
He doesn't want to give up but he's afraid to even touch the equipment much less pack it up.
She'll give up her husband who she practically calls stupid and this other Abbott person just so she can live.
You won't win this one, so give up now.
You'd rather give up.
She agreed to give up her armband, the bond to her sister's family.
I'm not going to give up until I break it!
Dean nodded in agreement but Cynthia wasn't willing to give up.
But at least he's arranging for her to give up the terrible life she's been leading.
Fred offered to go up to Duckett's Market for boxes and give up closet space to temporarily store the large pile.
Am I willing to give up all we have become to each other?
For the right man, she might give up the farm and go live in the city, but children?
Still, he was willing to give up the idea in exchange for adopting a child.
Her house was unlivable, her clothes scattered in three homes, and tomorrow she was going to give up her name as well.
Having to give up all hope is worse than the temporary down of finding out I'm not pregnant.
Mom and Dad wanted a baby, and they didn't give up.
Deciding to give up motherhood was the hard part.
Sooner or later Lori would give up on him.
Why would she want to give up her own child?
Eventually, you'll give up and admit you see what's right in front of your face.
In her eagerness to feed his desire to control, she had been willing to give up the independent spirit he found attractive.
He wasn't going to give up that easily.
For a moment she thought he was going to give up swimming.
Like Denton, he wasn't going to give up without a fight.
After another five minutes of sweet-talking, Jessi was ready to give up.
Too much was on the line for her to give up.
If he proved his purchase, he had to give up the property but had his remedy against the seller or, if he had died, could reclaim five-fold from his estate.
John undertakes to disforest all forests which have been made in his time, and also to give up such river banks as he has seized for his own use when engaged in sport.
The extreme materialism of this work excited so much opposition that he was compelled to give up his post at Tubingen.
This victory enabled the Greek allies of Persia (Thebes, Athens, Argos, Corinth) to carry on the Corinthian war against Sparta, and the Spartans had to give up the war in Asia Minor.
The birth of an heir to the throne (Prince Henry) in 1594 strengthened her position and influence; but the young prince, much to her indignation, was immediately withdrawn from her care and entrusted to the keeping of the earl and countess of Mar at Stirling Castle; in 1595 James gave a written command, forbidding them in case of his death to give up the prince to the queen till he reached the age of eighteen.
But Constance refused to give up to the Swiss the right of exercising criminal jurisdiction in the Thurgau, which it had obtained from the emperor in 1417, while the Austrians, having bought Bregenz (in two parts, 1451 and 1523), were very desirous of securing the well-placed city for themselves.
According to the narrative of Sir Thomas More, Sir Robert Brackenbury, the constable of the Tower, refused to obey Richard's command to put the young princes to death; but he complied with a warrant ordering him to give up his keys for one night to Sir James Tyrell, who had arranged for the assassination.
On hearing of this, Henry, although he had sworn to observe this will, had himself released from his oath by the pope, and hurriedly marched against his brother, from whom in the beginning of 1156 he succeeded in taking Chinon and Mirebeau; and in July he forced Geoffrey to give up even his three fortresses in return for an annual pension.
Finding in 1379 that the king entertained suspicions of his fidelity to him, he resolved to give up his constable's sword and retire to Spain.
But when Oddo Colonna was elected pope as Martin V., he allied himself with Joanna, who promised to give up Rome, while Sforza returned to Naples.
A properly understood worship of gods and demons is quite compatible with a purified monotheism, and they might as well give up the mad idea of winning the authorities over to their faith, or of hoping to attain anything like universal agreement on divine things.
As he refused to give up his duchy he was kept in prison, while Henry confiscated the estates of powerful nobles, demanded the restoration of ducal lands by the bishops, and garrisoned newly-erected forts with Swabians, who provisioned themselves from the surrounding country.
Henry, however, refused to give up the lands which he had seized belonging to the bishopric, and this conduct provoked a war in which Ulalrich was soon joined by Philip, archbishop of Cologne.
On the 10th of August 1 535 the Protestant faith was formally adopted by Geneva, but an offer of help from France having been refused, as the city was unwilling to give up any of its sovereign rights, the duke's party continued its intrigues.
Some went so far as to give up their accustomed vocations, and with such Paul had to expostulate in his epistles to the Thessalonians.
In October 732 - just 100 years after the death of Mahomet - Charles gained a brilliant victory over Abdur Rahman, who was called back to Africa by the revolts of the Berbers and had to give up the struggle.
The 2.3 derivatives are somewhat unstable compounds, since on heating they readily give up two hydrogen atoms. Tetrahydropyrazines of the 1.2.
The general terms of surrender were that the Confederates should give up all material, and sign a parole not to take up arms again.
He took refuge in Morocco, and induced that power to declare war on the French on the pretext that they would not give up the frontier post of Lalla-Maghnia.
He was able to maintain his strenuous habits of study till he reached the advanced age of seventy-two, when he was, forced, by paralysis of the optic nerve, to give up work almost.
Of late, however, they have decided to give up this name and call themselves "Christians of the Universal Brotherhood."
Adverse criticism and a suggestion from the colonial office that he should cease from active participation in political affairs led to his resignation from the executive council, but he declined to give up his seat in the legislative council.
American fishermen, however, showed so little inclination to give up what they had enjoyed so long, that it was found necessary to take vigorous steps to protect Canadian fishing rights, and frequent causes of friction consequently arose.
So much improved is the position of the farmer in North America compared with what it was about 1870, that the transport companies in 1901 carried 174 bushels of his grain to the seaboard in exchange for the value of one bushel, whereas in 1867 he had to give up one bushel in every six in return for the service.
As regards the British farmer, it does not appear as if he had improved his position; for he has to send his wheat to greater distances, owing to the collapse of many country millers or their removal to the seaboard, while railway rates have fallen only to a very small extent; again the farmer's wheat is worth only half of what it was formerly; it may be said that the British farmer has to give up one bushel in nine to the railway company for the purpose of transportation, whereas in the 'seventies he gave up one in eighteen only.
This excited the jealousy of Toghrul Beg, who summoned him to give up Hamadan and the fortresses of Jebel; but Ibrahim refused, and the progress of the Seljukian arms was for some time checked by internal discord - an everrecurring event in their history.
Three years of quiet retirement and study were spent in Rhode Island, but it gradually became apparent that government would never hand over the promised grant, and Berkeley was compelled to give up his cherished plan.
On his arrival in Norway Haakon gained the support of the landowners by promising to give up the rights of taxation claimed by his father over inherited real property.
Missionary effort was particularly fruitful in Hilo, where Titus Coan (1801-1882), sent out in 1835 by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, worked in repeated revivals, induced most of his church members to give up tobacco even, and received prior to 1880 more than 12,000 members into a church which became self-supporting and sent missions to the Gilbert Islands and the Marquesas.
He was so trusting that any one could influence him, so faithful that he would not give up a minister who had become impossible.