Ginning Sentence Examples
There are cotton presses and ginning factories.
There are considerable manufactures of cotton and silk goods and blankets, and several factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
There are several factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
There are several factories for ginning and pressing cotton, the chief trading centres being Beawar and Kekri.
This comprises separating the fibre or lint from the seeds, the operation being known as " ginning."
When this has been accomplished the weight of the crop is reduced to about one-third, each 100 lb of seed cotton as picked yielding after ginning some 33 lb of lint and 66 lb of cotton seed.
The cotton leaves the ginning machine in a very loose condition, and has to be compressed into bales for convenience of transport.
They are called " stainers " because their excrement is yellow and stains the fibre; also if crushed during the process of ginning they give the cotton a reddish coloration.
Now, however, ginning is a distinct business, and one gin willserve on an average about thirty farmers.
The principal crops are millet, wheat, other food grains, pulse, oilseeds and cotton; there is some manufacture of cotton-cloth and blankets, and there are ginning factories in the town.
AdvertisementThere is a leather factory at Morar; cotton-presses at Morena, Baghana and Ujjain; ginning factories at Agar, Nalkhera, Shajapur and Sonkach; and a cotton-mill at Ujjain.
It has several factories for ginning and pressing cotton - some on a large scale.
It has also a large grain market, cotton presses, ginning factories and oil mills.
Cotton ginning increased 739% from 1890 to 1900.
The city contains cotton mills, factories for ginning and pressing cotton, a tannery and boot factory and flour mill.
AdvertisementThe old industries of carpet-weaving and paper-making have died out; but there is a large trade in cotton and silk goods, and in copper and brass pots, and there are factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
The most important place of trade is Malkapur - pop. (1901) 13,112 - with several factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
Akola is one of the chief centres of the cotton trade in Berar, and has numerous ginning factories and cotton presses.
It has manufactures of carpets, silk and cotton goods, and several factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
Among its important lines of work may be mentioned frequent reports during the cotton ginning season upon the amount of cotton ginned, supplemental census reports upon occupations, on employees and wages, and on further interpretation of various population tables, reports on street and electric railways, on mines and quarries, on electric light and power plants, on deaths in the registration area 1900-1904, on benevolent institutions, on the insane, on paupers in almshouses, on the social statistics of cities and on the census of manufactures in 1905.
AdvertisementThere are factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
It has several ginning factories and a cotton-mill; two high schools, one maintained by the Government and the other by the Basel German Mission.
The actual amounts differ with different varieties, conditions of cultivation, methods of ginning, &c.; a recent estimate in the United States gives 35% of lint for Upland cotton and 25% for Sea Island cotton as more accurate.
In modern commercial cotton production ginning machines are always used.
Financial assistance and assurances as to sales and prices have been given liberally by the association where they are needed; ginning and buying centres have been established; experts have been engaged to distribute seed and afford instruction; and some land has been acquired for working under the direct management of the association.
AdvertisementIn 1904 the total number of factories was 391, almost entirely cotton presses and ginning factories, which received an immense impetus from the rise in cotton prices.
It is an important centre of trade with Rajputana, and has factories for ginning and pressing cotton, and metal manufactures.
In Southern Nigeria the association has met with only slight success; in Northern Nigeria, a working arrangement was entered into with the Niger Company, and a small ginning establishment was set to work in February 1906.
It has cotton mills for spinning and weaving, besides many handlooms, and factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
This machine, under various modifications, is employed for ginning the greater portion of the cotton grown in the Southern States of America.