Gigabyte Sentence Examples
Calculations were performed on a 16 processor Beowulf cluster and required approximately 1 gigabyte of RAM per process.
Older machines usually have megabyte chips and newer ones have larger gigabyte chips installed.
A computer with a 1 Terabyte (TB) hard drive is overkill for most, but neither should you settle for an 80 Gigabyte (GB) drive.
Gmail Gmail, which was launched in April 2004 is a free, search-based webmail service that includes 1 gigabyte of storage.
An additional £ 50 will increase the unit's memory to 512 megabytes, and £ 149 more will provide 1 gigabyte.
Adding further power is a full gigabyte of DDR SDRAM memory.
I now (2 November 2004) recommend the use of gigabyte switches and category 6 cable for those with gigabyte network cards.
A unit symbol can follow n; K, M, G represents kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte each.
In the years before MP3 technology, audio files on computers were extremely large, sometimes as big as a gigabyte or more per song.
No problem, said Yahoo last week, Yahoo mail users can have a gigabyte too.
AdvertisementBut hard drive manufacturers have always used the term gigabyte to mean a thousand million bytes - 1,000,000,000 - over 7% less.
Computer memory chips are actually small circuit boards that contain a group of memory chips available in 32-bit or 64-bit bus widths called a SIMM or Single In-Line Memory Module containing megabyte (MB) or gigabyte (GB) chips.
One gigabyte of memory is acceptable; 2GB would be ideal but it can add a lot to your purchasing price.
Features include one gigabyte of RAM and a 16GB hard drive, as well as a 16GB SD Card and a 20GB EEE storage drive.
On the day of the PlayStation 3 launch, the entry-level model contained a 20 gigabyte hard drive.