Ghost-story Sentence Examples
It's like a real mystery, a ghost story.
Who doesn't enjoy a really good ghost story?
After all, a good ghost story is much more interesting that an orb photo or garbled sounds on an audio tape.
If you watch television shows like Ghost Hunters or Paranormal State, you will recognize that the Bell Witch haunting is no ordinary ghost story.
Unfortunately it's very difficult to determine whether or not a ghost story is really true without experiencing it yourself.
Nothing adds that additional flavor to a good ghost story quite like a photo.
Most people who have an interest in hauntings and ghosts have their own favorite famous ghost story.
Any one of those events could easily become a famous ghost story.
As you can see, any story you make up starts with a setting that lends itself to a good ghost story.
They are split into multiple parts for each of the different Celebrity Ghost Story for the episode.Try YouTube to see clips and behind the scenes footage that you can't find on other websites.