Get Sentence Examples
Let's get in out of this cold wind.
Now go home and get some rest.
Let's get the kids ready to go.
Here, then, I made my home; and although it is a lonely place I amuse myself making rustles and flutters, and so get along very nicely.
But how are you to get that balance?
No, so I could get over it.
We'd better get ready for lunch.
I'm going to make myself a sandwich and get back to work.
Things would get better.
His father was never able to get custody of him as a child.
AdvertisementTo get back to that time and have done with all the present!
And what seems clear is that, sooner or later, we will get there.
Would she get air sick?
You'd better stay in out of the weather... and get some rest.
He didn't want to go and he had made no effort to get along with his father.
AdvertisementHe even tried to get custody of Alex.
Self-teaching algorithms will get better and better at making suggestions.
Was this surrogacy actually an attempt to get an heir?
No one will ever get lost again.
Nations can do this by acquiring enough military might that an attempted land grab would cost their neighbors more than they would get if successful.
AdvertisementEven in the country do we get any rest?
It isn't going to get any easier, so I'd better shape up.
So whether you are rich or poor in the future, you will own this pan and get this benefit.
Will you kindly tell us which way your mother went to get on top the earth?
Then we will all go down together and Maria can get acquainted with her while you are measured for a dress.
AdvertisementTomorrow, you get a thirtyfold raise and are now making a million dollars a year.
An exception worth noting is that the poor who get better products at cheaper prices will see their wealth rise accordingly.
To co-operate in the highest as well as the lowest sense, means to get our living together.
You fell asleep alright, but we didn't get that far.
As Dulce had pointed out, he was trying to get away from the family.
Even so, everyone was anxious to get back home.
Things will get better.
Could you get them out?
It sounded like a good chance to get away from this house and the memories for a while.
Why are you trying to get away from me, Litha?
Yancey went inside to get her pictures and mail.
Now I have to get to work.
She was beginning to get a bad feeling.
I'll get you some hay.
I'll get the number.
I'll just have to get used to being idle.
Every time you go into the woods, you get into trouble.
Get out of here before I kill you.
In which case, she needed to get her things and leave.
Whatever she couldn't get into it, she would simply have to leave behind.
I know I could get mugged, but that could happen in the hospital parking lot if I was driving a car.
What took you two so long to get water?
The old horse panted a little, and had to stop often to get his breath.
There was no way to get the creature out without breaking the vase, so the Tin Woodman smashed it with his axe and set the little prisoner free.
They shall get no powder, if I can help it.
They feared that the wolf was upon him; but he wished only to get his gun.
The king sat down by the fire, and the woman hurried to get things ready for supper.
Any time you can move data storage from brains to hard drives, you get vast improvements in efficiency.
Once we get the problem off our "to-do list" and stick it onto the computer's, we largely will be done.
The traffic to get there is not bad.
The same happenchance brought us the learning that children in schools with fluorescent lights get fewer cavities than those in schools with incandescent lighting.
You could say, "When I eat corn dogs, I get a headache" and start studying that.
And when more and more people have their medical history tracked over time, we will learn even more about how our bodies get sick and how they heal.
The minute we do, the people doing those jobs should become operators of the new machines—and get big raises because their productivity just shot way up.
Pierre wished to reply, but could not get in a word.
I can't get a moment's peace....
If we examine a man little dependent on external conditions, whose action was performed very recently, and the causes of whose action are beyond our ken, we get the conception of a minimum of inevitability and a maximum of freedom.
We would not let him get on the horse with Destiny.
I think maybe Alex married you to get away from his family.
You just happened to get caught on camera.
If he had simply ignored her, she might have been able to get her emotions under control, but now a sob threatened so convincingly that she was afraid to breathe.
In a quiet room with no one looking on, she managed to get her emotions under control by focusing on Destiny.
When I realized she intended to get you drunk it went all through me.
You'd better get some rest... and take care of yourself.
He was rarely sick, and even then it was hard to get him to go to bed.
They had been married almost five years, so... that meant the baby was conceived long before they met - about the time he and Tessa were going to get married.
Has Tessa tried to get custody of him?
Lisa insisted, still hoping to get a different answer.
Why don't you get a wet cloth, Miss Spencer?
Go up the hill and watch for cars so you can warn anyone before they get to the curve.
I'll ride back to the house and get my car and a chain.
I need to get my purse and clothes out of the car.
Yeah, you could get to it, but it would take a while, and you'd be subjecting yourself to thorns, ticks, snakes and about ten miles of the roughest country you can imagine.
Did you get her car off the cliff, dear?
If I could use your phone, Mrs. Giddon, I'll see if I can find someone to come get me.
Fayetteville is long distance, but I'll be glad to pay you for the call as soon as I get my things.
I tried to call you on your cell phone, but I didn't get an answer.
Connie caught her breath So you were the one who told him how to get to the house.
If you want to wait until I get off work, I'll try to leave a little early so we won't get back so late.
Don't get bossy with me, Mr. Marsh.
Nudge him with your heals to get him started and pull gently on the reins when you want him to stop.
Well, do I get a good night kiss?
She'd get over him.
And yet, she had worked so hard to get where she was.
Men get ideas when their wives are at home trying to be everything a man expects of them.
Hopefully he wouldn't wander off and get lost.
You've got to put it behind you and get on with your life.
Had he told them he was going to get her?
Let me get this straight.
But I wish we could find a way to get to the ground.
I'd like to get home again, I'm sure.
Frankly, no one wants to do them, so the only way to get people to do them is to pay them.
And the sooner we get machines to do the things they can do, freeing up people to do what they can do, the happier and wealthier we all will be.
So, will we get a thousandfold increase in other areas?
I thought maybe we could get a van, but I didn't know if we could afford it.
He says he thinks he has a cold, but the doctor told me he could get pneumonia real easy.
If you put me in jail again, when I get out there won't be a safe place for you.
He couldn't wait to get her out of the house.
It would be an excellent opportunity to get out of this house with its unpleasant memories.
Thanks, now why don't you get dressed and we'll go out to dinner and a movie or something.
How can you love a business that could get your family killed.
Get my family killed?
He wanted you to get rid of me.
Yeah, he wanted me to get rid of you, all right.
Well, if they turn you out, we'll just get a room at a hotel in Bartlesville.
A relationship would only get in the way.
Let's not get into that again.
Don't get her started.
Nowadays they cart them off to some baby sitter they hardly know, just to get the kids out of their hair.
Or get a mother-in-law to baby sit the kids.
Maybe they had time to get over the shock.
Now get over here and I'll give you a hand up.
Then you get back up and continue the climb.
What if she starts running when we get out in the field?
There's no reason to get all worked up.
We'd better get back to the apartment.
Why don't I take you out to get something to eat?
Are you trying to get on my good side now?
Let's go get a hamburger or something.
It's late and I have to get up early tomorrow.
I've planned most of my life to get where I am now.
I know you get up grouchy.
Now get on in the house and give us some privacy.
Now both of you get in here before we make a scene that gets us all thrown out.
I'll call him and see if I can get him to see the doctor.
In the mean time, I guess I'll get some studying done.
Get a few things together.
Brandon needed her full support, and he was going to get it.
If I go any slower he might die before I get there.
It will serve no purpose to get us both killed on the way up there.
I'm sure he wouldn't want you to have a wreck trying to get there in a hurry.
I know you need to get back for your finals tomorrow.
Time to be with his mother, and time to get over his father's death.
Sure, they had spent more time wandering on the ranch, but that was only because Brandon wanted to get her alone.
But then, he didn't have to travel that many miles to get her alone.
I thought maybe we could get married and live here.
Maybe sometime she'll feel comfortable with having a hired hand around - or maybe she'll get married again.
They all didn't understand that she couldn't simply run out and get a job like she had in Tulsa.
She was beginning to get an inkling why the job was still open.
We'll get down to the details.
Some people get to the top of the ladder, only to find that it's leaning against the wrong wall?
We can get that little place in Tulsa that we talked about.
From now on I'm going to get a new map every time there's a change.
That way we'll never get lost from each other again.
They just aren't expected to stray too far from the homestead in the process – or get paid for it.
Don't you know people talk about a woman who spends weeks out here with men - and men start to get ideas.
If you guys are through socializing, we'd better get moving.
She watched for soft areas where a wagon might get stuck.
It darted back toward her, and she scrambled to get out of its path, tossing sand at it.
Not even if I get your teams ready?
It would be nice to get away from the wagons for a while.
By dawn she was awake again - ready to get started.
She managed to get into her boots without dislodging any wildlife and found a fire ready.
Fritz and Royce were squatted close to the fire, probably not wanting to get far from the food.
Maybe she could get a little rest while they waited.
She was going to get him killed.
They would probably be leaving very soon and anything she could do to hurry the process meant they would get to Ashley sooner.
Don't get nasty on me.
So you want to get out of here before I get the chance?
Did Bordeaux actually love her or was it a contrived affair to get her back to the ranch?
If he had come out here to get the girl, why had he sent the dress and the flower?
If that was the way he wanted it that was the way he would get it.
It was nice to get away for a while, but the way women acted, you'd think I was romantically involved with every one of the men.
It was something she would have to learn to accept - get on with her life.
Certainly. Shall I get a room at the hotel?
Tom, could you get this young lady's luggage and take her to the restaurant?
Bordeaux said he couldn't get you to come back with him, but I guess he was wrong.
I came by myself – to get the twins.
You hired him to come get me.
You said he hired you to come get me.
Where would I get the money to pay him?
So why did you propose marriage, or was that part of your plan to get the ranch?
She ran to the horse and lifted her skirt high enough to get a foot into the stirrup.
I want to get an engagement ring on her finger before she has time to change her mind again.
What time do you get off?
Don't you think he might get ideas?
How could it get any better?
Every year I come out here and try to convince him to get with the times, but it's to no avail.
Now get some rest.
She had to get out some so he could have a life.
Did you get fired?
All right, I get off at nine.
Let's toss on the steaks and get some more beer before the rain starts.
Martha was unable to get by her natural compassion of the moment and look at a long term goal.
See if you can get Howie back there.
How did you get in?
We've been away for a long time, you know, and so we're anxious to get home again.
How had Sirrah managed to get the three scattered divisions together?
But really, I fell into the pool at the fountain, and this kind man brought me here to get me dry.
Flying cars, faster cars, more features in cars, we all get that.
I say "could" because I doubt they have all those databases loaded yet, but you get the idea.
Now, don't get me wrong.
A person could dedicate his life to understanding just one suggestion and never even get close.
With skin cancer, like all diseases, over time some people get better and some people get worse, and often we really don't know why.
Now, you don't know if the radishes make the people get better or if something that makes people crave radishes also beats back skin cancer.
Why do some houses get broken into and others don't?
Today, for just a few hundred dollars, you can get a copy of your genome.
If people with those conditions get better, information about their treatment can be widely shared with those who have the common genetic factors.
That means that as you get more of them, you value each new one less.
We have seen this happen already, and it will get substantially better in the near future.
To the extent that I get accurate information from other consumers of the product, I will tend to make better choices.
With the rapid flow of information about businesses and their products, along with the ease of "checking up" on a vendor, good businesses will get more business and push out the bad ones.
So how do these things get made?
And yet pencils get made, more than a billion of them a year, and they are essentially given away.
You'd better scramble and get a chair even if it means elbowing little Timmy out of the way.
Well, scarcity is just another word for "we don't know how to get it."
I would love to write more and more about this topic, about how things will get better and cheaper in the future.
Are you finding it hard to fathom by now how almost everything can get cheaper and better?
Conceptually we get that.
The poor, knowing there to be bread but being economically unable to get it, rioted.
I am certain this idea is going to take some time to get used to.
At this point, things get harder.
You get the contract.
My father was obliged to get a ladder and take Miss Sullivan out through the window--much to my delight.
I longed for my teacher's return; but above all things I wanted to get down from that tree.
We would get on our toboggan, a boy would give us a shove, and off we went!
I wrote timidly, fearfully, but resolutely, urged on by my teacher, who knew that if I persevered, I should find my mental foothold again and get a grip on my faculties.
Whenever it was possible, I touched the machinery while it was in motion, so as to get a clearer idea how the stones were weighed, cut, and polished.
Usually I jot down what I can remember of them when I get home.
He can not get birds.
Some one balances the toboggan on the very crest of the hill, while we get on, and when we are ready, off we dash down the side of the hill in a headlong rush, and, leaping a projection, plunge into a snow-drift and go swimming far across the pond at a tremendous rate!...
I find I get on faster, and do better work with Mr. Keith than I did in the classes at the Cambridge School, and I think it was well that I gave up that kind of work.
Where did Leila get new baby?
He said Dear Helen, Robert was glad to get a letter from dear, sweet little Helen.
I cannot believe that our factory system is the best mode by which men may get clothing.
To get his shoestrings he speculates in herds of cattle.
He is going to get himself killed.
Wait a bit and I'll get round him....
Anatole Kuragin's father managed somehow to get his son's affair hushed up, but even he was ordered out of Petersburg.
I won't drink and won't play till I get reinstated.
He will get nothing for his pains!
We don't expect to get him home!
The Cossack bent forward from under the wagon to get a closer look at Petya.
There was no good way to say it, so she might as well get to the facts.
Destiny cried harder, clinging to her hands and trying to get back into her arms.
How did you get here?
I came down with Felipa to get something to eat.
He didn't bring it up again - not even when Jonathan was unable to get his short arm into a comfortable position to play the guitar.
It didn't take long for him to get home, and when he came in from the garage, he went directly to his gun cabinet and took out a rifle.
I've got to get back to work.
Whatever his problem, she needed to get involved.
Mommy and me get pwetty for wou.
I'd better get her ready for bed.
He released her without objection and she walked away to get Destiny.
This was no time to get shy on him.
She started to get up so she could lead him to their bedroom, but he tugged her back down to the window seat.
If he has custody, she couldn't get the money.
Right now all he wanted to do was get it over with.
Better stop by and get Howard Spencer.
They would all get together and wash her old car, winding up in a gleeful water fight.
Lisa started to get up but Howard motioned her to sit still while he answered the door.
I'll take her over in the morning to get her stuff out of the car.
I think I'll work in the garden for a while, after I get my chores done.
It could be a way to get her to put it down.
In fact, he was under no obligation to help her get back, either.
I'll get home somehow.
Were his comments genuine, or simply a way to get her to like him?
By now, he had to be desperate to get rid of her.
Was he that anxious to get her out of his hair?
She needed to get out more if she found their disgruntled exchange entertaining.
If you need time to take care of things, I can come back and get you.
If you absolutely insist on doing this, at least leave me instructions on how to get there... and a phone number where you can be reached.
I'm as ready as I'm going to get.
Somehow I get the idea that you will find it harder to be idle than working.
It was only a ruse to get her alone.
Why do I get the feeling it's the bears that should be concerned?
Maybe she was letting her imagination get the better of her.
What she needed to do was get a look inside the building and put her fears to rest.
Consider it an advance until you get the package.
She had to get a car as soon as possible.
I keep telling him that as long as he gives her money, she'll never get out of trouble, but he just says she's the only sister he has and he has the money.
Maybe they found cocaine on her and she needed twenty-five thousand to get out of jail.
Suit yourself, but personally, I think it would be good for you to get out a little.
Now let's go get the rest of the groceries.
Yancey, help her into the other room and make her get that foot up for the evening.
Lisa started for her room to get a book to read and paused in the hallway to look at a photograph again.
When she didn't get her way, she'd cry and act like she was afraid of him.
Still, if she could get into that building and find out, it might ease her mind.
A body could get lost out here and never be found.
They had to get away from here - back to the house where there were other people.
Sure, I'll get my purse.
He didn't really get the chance.
We both agree that you need to get out of this place for a while.
I only meant it would be good to get out of the house, no matter what we went to see.
Why the sudden desire to get out of the house?
I like to get you going, just to see what you'll say next.
I didn't realize how much I needed to get out.
He flipped on the light and Lisa turned to get some coffee cups.
Was he falling in love as well, or was he simply taking what he could get?
Well, I'd better get going.
Before she could get a word out, Howard covered her mouth with his.
But you sent him to get information about Yancey, didn't you?
Then get a restraining order on Allen.
She had to get into that building and find out if there was any chance of a relationship with Yancey.
She needed to get enrolled, but she had done nothing.
Yes. Can you bring me down here tomorrow to get my car?
We're on the way to get my car.
The man told him he needed to get rid of me and Yancey told him he'd deal with me in his own way.
I'll get Howard and call Len.
I'll be alright once I get my car.
When you guys get here, I'll leave with you.
Once you get away from him, stay away.
Nothing makes a man get mad faster.
Yancey didn't get out, but he did wait until she had her car started before he turned his car around and headed back to the house.
Maybe he was happy to get rid of her.
Did you call me to get my opinion or to tell me you're going to take the job?
He comes in now and then to get things, but don't talk much.
Well, whatever I am, I'd better get home.
I was trying to save enough money to get it repaired.
This would be one Saturday she wouldn't have to crawl out of bed and get ready to go to the diner.
I've got to get going.
It looks like it might get bad.
No, I'm afraid I didn't get around to it yet.
It's flapping jaws that get people into trouble.
I can get into enough trouble without people squeezing imaginary insults out of my words.
If he couldn't get in the shed, he'd probably find some other place to stay warm.
Here. I'll get that.
That was as close to praise as she was likely to get from him and she smiled her appreciation.
The more they get to eat, the more offspring they will produce, and some of those offspring will need to stake out new territory.
I need it when I get in the high country.
If she thought her face could get no warmer, she was unpleasantly surprised.
Feel free to get anything you want out of the attic.
I can get it towed to a shop.
But it would be nice to know you had a way to get out and do things without fear of taking the only vehicle.
Then I'll get mine fixed.
I'm going to go get a part.
No, I'll get it.
I'd better get a screwdriver and tighten that ladder before you fall and break your neck.
It was time to pack up and get out - as soon as the visit from his sister was over.
I'm trying to get everything caught up so I can spend a little time with Claudette.
Get on in there and set yourself a place - or do I have to do that?
What time would Cade want to get up this morning?
Did you get caught in a trap?
Get out of here.
Let's get that paw fixed and then go in.
Can I get you something?
You two seem to get along well together.
Why doesn't he get the proper equipment and run it like a modern ranch?
You can get that salt shaker now, Cynthia.
I shouldn't let her get to me that way.
Claudette was going to get a piece of her mind.
If you want to get away from here, I'd hire you.
I need to go to town for something so I'd better get started.
Maybe I can get back before dark.
Why don't you let me go in and get it for you?
How did she get herself into predicaments like this?