Germane Sentence Examples
The subject, needless to say, is very germane to our society today.
It's the last part that is especially germane.
People don't mind being sold to as long as it's germane to the conversation.
She simply fails to see that motivation is just not germane to the facts or to the truth.
What he says about the medieval era is particularly germane to our inquiry.
A number of determinants were considered germane in the selection of mediation for commercial disputes.
He replied saying that my concern with up-to date citations was corrupt if the ideas in them were still germane.
Raymond adopts Bernard of Pavia's division into five books and into titles; in each title he arranges the decretals in chronological order, cutting out those which merely repeat one another and the less germane parts of those which he preserves; but these partes decisae, indicated by the words " et infra " or " et j," are none the less very useful and have been printed in recent editions.