Georgia Sentence Examples
I was working in Georgia 'til this morning.
The military government of Georgia was established here in 1865.
She understood why he liked the spot; the scent of honeysuckle and herbs was thick in the air, the manicured gardens pleasant to look at and the awning providing the right amount of cool shade from the midmorning Georgia sun.
In reply to the very natural question why the Moravians began their work in England, the answer given by history is that John Wesley, on his voyage to Georgia (1735) met some Moravian emigrants; that on his return he met Peter Boehler, who was on his way to North Carolina; that through Boehler's influence both John and Charles Wesley were "converted" (1738).
Brady's arm of the militia, the Appalachia Branch, stretched from northern Georgia up through Virginia and was one of the largest in the PMF, the only thing good to come of the East-West Civil War.
The Seaboard Air Line, the Louisville & Nashville, and the Georgia Southern & Florida are the other important railways.
In 1903, according to the statistics of the United States Department of Agriculture, Indian corn ranked next to fruits .(as given in the state reports), but its product as compared with that of various other states is unimportant - in 1907 it amounted to 7,017,000 bushels only; rice is the only other cereal whose yield in 1899 was greater than that of 1889, but the Florida product was surpassed (in 1899) by that of the Carolinas, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas; in 1907 the product of rice in Florida (69,000 bushels) was less than that of Texas, Louisiana, South Carolina, Arkansas and Georgia severally.
When the English colonies of the Carolinas and Georgia were founded, there was constant friction with Florida.
In 1740 General James Edward Oglethorpe, governor of Georgia, supported by a naval force, made an unsuccessful attack upon St Augustine; two years later a Spanish expedition against Savannah by way of St Simon's Island failed, and in 1745 Oglethorpe again appeared before the walls of St Augustine, but the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748 prevented further hostilities.
Several plans were made to invade South Carolina and Georgia, but none matured until 1778, when an expedition was organized which co-operated with British forces from New York in the siege of Savannah, Georgia.
AdvertisementIt is served by the Southern, the Central of Georgia, the Georgia, the Seaboard Air Line, the Nashville, Chattanooga & St Louis (which enters the city over the Western & Atlantic, one of its leased lines), the Louisville & Nashville, the Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic, and the Atlanta & West Point railways.
As regards commerce and manufactures, Atlanta ranks first among the cities of Georgia.
Atlanta owes its origin to the development of pioneer railroads of Georgia.
Consequently the present city is a product of the post-bellum development of Georgia.
John Clayton, afterwards chaplain of the Collegiate Church of Manchester, who remained a strong High Churchman; James Hervey, author of Meditations among the Tombs, and Theron and Aspasio; Benjamin Ingham, who became the Yorkshire evangelist; and Thomas Broughton, afterwards secretary of the S.P.C.K., were members of the Holy Club, and George Whitefield joined it on the eve of the Wesleys' departure for Georgia.
AdvertisementThe foundation of his future work as the father of Methodist hymnody was laid in Georgia.
In 1781 he writes," I cannot but observe that these were the first rudiments of the Methodist societies."In the presence of such facts we can understand the significance of the mission to Georgia.
In the spring of 1548 he set out on his eleventh campaign, which ended in the capture of Erzerum (August 16) and the conquest of Armenia and Georgia.
The war lasted for twelve years, during which Tiflis, Shirvan and Daghestan were taken; finally Shah Abbas established himself on the Persian throne and in 1590 made peace with Turkey, who retained her conquests in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Shirvan.
Russia undertook to evacuate Mingrelia and Georgia.
AdvertisementCrawford, and received the electoral vote of Georgia for vice-president; but he shrewdly kept out of the acrimonious controversy which followed the choice of John Quincy Adams. He early recognized the availability of Andrew Jackson, however, as a presidential candidate, and after the election sought to bring the Crawford and Jackson followers together, at the same time strengthening his control as a party leader in the Senate.
He was now one of the recognized managers of the Jackson campaign, and a tour of Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia in the spring of 1827 won support, for Jackson from Crawford.
After the surrender of the armies of Lee and Johnston in April 1865, President Davis attempted to make his way, through Georgia, across the Mississippi, in the vain hope of continuing the war with the forces of Generals Smith and Magruder.
He was taken prisoner on the 10th of May by Federal troops near Irwinville, Irwin county, Georgia, and was brought back to Old Point, Virginia, in order to be confined in prison at Fortress Monroe.
Columbus is served by the Southern, the Central of Georgia, and the Seaboard Air Line railways, and three steamboat lines afford communication with Apalachicola, Florida.
AdvertisementTallahassee is served by the Seaboard Air Line and the Georgia, Florida & Alabama railways.
In the autumn, after the capture of Atlanta, all the prisoners who could be moved were sent to Millen, Georgia and Florence, South Carolina.
After the war Meade commanded successively the military division of the Atlantic, the department of the east, the third military district (Georgia and Alabama) and the department of the south.
They appropriated the territory up to the Kur and the Aras, and roamed at large through Iberia, Georgia and Armenia.
A remnant of the nation took refuge in an island of the Caspian (Siahcouye); others retired to the Caucasus; part emigrated to the district of Kasakhi in Georgia, and appear for the last time joining with Georgia in her successful effort to throw off the yoke of the Seljuk Turks (1089).
Rhode Island ranked first in 1900 ($13,229,313) and in 1905 ($ 1 443 1, 75 6) among the states of the United States in the value of jewelry, which was fourth in the value of the state's manufactures; second in worsted goods (1900, $33,34 1, 3 2 9; 1905, $44,477,59 6), which were first in value in the state's manufactures; and third in dyeing and finishing textiles (1900, 88,484,878; 1905, $9,981,457), which ranked fifth among the state's manufactures; in the value of cotton goods (second in rank in the state) it fell from the fourth rank in 1900 ($24,056,175) to fifth rank in 1905 ($30,628,843), when the value of Rhode Island's product was less than that of Georgia.
In 1732 he was named one of a committee for establishing a colony in Georgia, and the next year he received the degree of doctor of divinity from Oxford.
Later in 1863, when the battle of Chattanooga brought the Federals to the borders of Georgia, Johnston was assigned to command the Army of Tennessee at Dalton, and in the early days of May 1864 the combined armies of the North under Sherman advanced against his lines.
He commanded a division in the Vicksburg campaign and in the fighting about Chattanooga, and was one of Sherman's corps commanders in the final campaigns in Georgia and the Carolinas.
The failure in the history of the Gur Khan to meet all points in the story of the bishop of Gabala led Professor Bruun of Odessa to bring forward another candidate for identity with the original Prester John, in the person of the Georgian prince John Orbelian, the "sbasalar," or generalissimo under several kings of Georgia in that age.
In 1819 he had acted as the agent of the American Colonization Society to purchase slaves, illegally brought into Georgia, which had become the property of that state and were sold publicly at Milledgeville.
Of the inhabitants born in the United States 130,389 were natives of Tennessee, 129,945129,945 of Alabama, 90,584 of Mississippi, 77,950 of Georgia and 75,633 of Arkansas; and of the foreign-born 71,062 were Mexicans, 48,295 Germans, 9204 Bohemians, 8213 English, 6870 Austrians and 6173 natives of Ireland.
He was agent now, not only of Pennsylvania, but also of New Jersey, of Georgia and of Massachusetts.
As president of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, Franklin signed a petition to Congress (12th February 1790) for immediate abolition of slavery, and six weeks later in his most brilliant manner parodied the attack on the petition made by James Jackson (1757-1806) of Georgia, taking off Jackson's quotations of Scripture with pretended texts from the Koran cited by a member of the Divan of Algiers in opposition to a petition asking for the prohibition of holding Christians in slavery.
During the War of Independence, as a colonel in the British army, he incited his followers to attack the western frontiers of Georgia and the Carolinas.
Georgia confiscated some of his property, and after the peace of 1783 McGillivray remained hostile.
Here he was persuaded to make peace in consideration of a brigadier-general's commission and payment for the property confiscated by Georgia; and with the warriors who accompanied him he signed a formal treaty of peace and friendship on the 7th of August.
In view of this general demoralization not even the victorious outcome of the campaigns in Georgia, the Crimea, Daghestan, Yemen and Persia (1578-1590) could prevent the decay of the Ottoman power; indeed, by weakening the Mussulman states, they hastened the process, since they facilitated the advance of Russia to the Black Sea and the Caspian.
It is served by the Southern, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Seaboard Air Line, the Georgia Southern & Florida and the Florida East Coast railways, and by several steamship lines.'
The site of Jacksonville was called Cow Ford (a version of the Indian name, Wacca Pilatka), from the excellent ford of the St John's River, over which went the King's Road, a highway built by the English from St Augustine to the Georgia line.
The only states Greeley carried were Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas.
Mr Roosevelt's mother, Martha Bullock, came from a family of Scotch-Irish and Huguenot origin equally prominent in Georgia.
The president's mother, Martha Bullock, was of an old Georgia family of Scotch-Irish and Huguenot extraction; her grandfather was Archibald Bullock (1730-1777), first president (1776-77) of Georgia; and her brother, James Dunwoody Bullock, often compared by Theodore Roosevelt to Colonel Newcome, was in the Confederate navy, and equipped in England vessels (including the "Alabama") as Confederate cruisers.
It had only a small share in making the constitutions of the American colonies, as only the Carolinas, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nova Scotia were formed after the reign of Charles II.; and in 1760 a secretary of state for the colonies was appointed, to whom the control drifted away.
The Confederacy consisted of eleven states (Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and Tennessee).
About the same time Fort Pulaski (the main defence of Savannah, Georgia) was invested and captured.
These operations were very skilfully conducted by Rosecrans and his second-in-command, Thomas, and, at a trifling cost, advanced the Union outposts to the borders of Georgia.
Johnston, than whom there was no better soldier in the Confederate service when a careful defence was required, disposed of sensibly inferior forces, and it was to be expected that the 18th-century methods of making war by manoeuvring and by combats, not battles, would receive a modern illustration in Georgia.
Sherman had now resolved to execute his plan of a march through Georgia to the sea and thence through the Carolinas towards Virginia, destroying everything of military value en route.
Fifty thousand picked men were to march through Georgia with Sherman, and Thomas was to be reinforced by all other forces available.
The only species, P. striatus, is a much smaller creature, growing to six inches only, and striated black and yellow; it inhabits Georgia and Florida.
Everett was a member of nearly all the most important select committees, such as those on the Indian relations of the state of Georgia, the Apportionment Bill, and the Bank of the United States, and drew the report either of the majority or the minority.
It is served by the Georgia, the Central of Georgia, the Southern, the Seaboard Air Line and the Gainesville Midland railways.
It was founded in 1801 as the seat of the university of Georgia, which had been chartered in 1785.
The word "awakening" in this sense was frequently (and possibly first) used by Jonathan Edwards at the time of the Northampton revival of 1734-1735, which spread through the Connecticut Valley and prepared the way for the work in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut (1740-1741) of GeorgeWhitefield, who had previously been preaching in the South, especially at Savannah, Georgia.
On the 29th of December of this year Colonel Archibald Campbell (1739-1791) with an expeditionary corps of 35 00 men from Clinton's army in New York, captured Savannah, Georgia, defeating the American force under General Robert Howe.
General Benjamin Lincoln, succeeding Howe, undertook to drive the British out of Georgia, but General Augustine Prevost, who had commanded in Florida, moved up and compelled Lincoln to retire to Charleston.
Prevost, making Savannah his headquarters, controlled Georgia.
With his small army, less than 2000 strong, Cornwallis declined to follow Greene into the back country, and retiring to Hillsborough, N.C., raised the royal standard, offered protection to the inhabitants, and for the moment appeared to be master of Georgia and the two Carolinas.
The height and massiveness of the mountains decrease to the south-west, where the piedmont belt sweeps westward around them in western Georgia and eastern Alabama Some of the residual mountains hereabouts are reduced to a mere skeleton or framework by the retrogressive penetration of widening valleys between wasting spurs; the very type of vanishing forms, Certain districts within the mountains, apparently consisting of less resistant crystalline rocks, have been reduced to basin-like peneplains in the same time that served only to grade the slopes and subdue the summits of the neighboring mountains of more resistant rocks; the best example of this kind is the Asheville peneplain in North Carolina, measuring about 40 by 20 m.
The Caiolinian area extends from southern Michigan to northern Georgia and from the Atlantic coast to Western Kansas, comprising Delaware, all of Maryland except the mountainous Western portion, all of Ohio except the north-east corner, nearly the whole of Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri, eastern Nebraska and Kansas, south-eastern South Dakota, western central Oklahoma, northern Arkansas, middle and eastern Kentucky, middle Tennessee and the Tennessee valley in eastern Tennessee, middle Virginia and North Carolina, western \Vest Virginia, north-eastern Alabama.
Before the separation of the colonies from the mother country, the mahufacture of iron had been extended through all of them, with the possible exception of Georgia.
Whereas formerly legislatures met annually, regular sessions are now biennial except in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Georgia and South Carolinaall original states.
In New York the council of appointment advised the governor only in regard to appointing officers; and in Georgia there was no executive council after 1789.
These precedents were followed in all the revolutionary constitutions, except in Georgia, where election by the people was established.
During the democratizing period from 1820 to 1860 the system of popular election was extended, especially in the new states, and at present this system prevails in thirty-six states, including practically all of the new states and five of the original statesNew York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina and Georgia.
Augusta is served by the Southern, the Augusta Southern (controlled by the Southern), the Atlantic Coast Line, the Charleston & Western Carolina (controlled by the Atlantic Coast Line), the Georgia and the Central of Georgia railways, by an electric line to Aiken, South Carolina, and by a line of steamers to Savannah.
In commerce and manufacturing, Augusta ranks second among the cities of Georgia.
Augusta was established in 1735-1736 by James Edward Oglethorpe, the founder of Georgia, and was named in honour of the princess of Wales.
The fort, built in 1736, was first named Fort Augusta, and in 1780, at the time of the British occupation, was enlarged and renamed Fort Cornwallis; its site is now marked by a Memorial Cross, erected by the Colonial Dames of Georgia in the churchyard of St Paul's.
During the colonial period several treaties with Indians were made at Augusta; by the most important, that of 1763, the Choctaws, Creeks, Chickasaws, Cherokees and Catawbas agreed (in a meeting with the governors of North and South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia) to the terms of the treaty of Paris.
Archibald Campbell (1739-1791) in January 1779, but was evacuated a month later; it was the seat of government of Georgia for almost the entire period from the capture of Savannah in December 1778 until May 1780, and was then abandoned by the Patriots and was occupied chiefly by Loyalists under Lieut.-Col.
It was the meeting-place of the Land Court which confiscated the property of the Loyalists of Georgia, and of the convention which ratified for Georgia the Constitution of the United States.
Augusta was the home of the inventor, William Longstreet (1759-1814), who as early as 1788 received a patent from the state of Georgia for a steamboat, but met with no practical success until 1808; as early as 1801 he had made experiments in the application of steam to cotton gins and saw-mills at Augusta.
Georgia likewise claimed all the lands between the 31st and 35th parallels from its present western boundary to the Mississippi river, and did not surrender its claim until 1802; two years later the boundaries of the Mississippi Territory were extended so as to include all of the Georgia cession.
The Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians, however, remained the faithful allies of the whites, and volunteers from Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee, and later United States troops, marched to the rescue of the threatened settlements.
This platform was endorsed by conventions in Florida and Virginia and by the legislatures of Georgia and Alabama.
The surface of Georgia is divided into five physiographic zones.
North of the line mentioned, and collectively known as North Georgia, are the four other regions, each with well-defined characteristics.
The Blue Ridge escarpment, a striking topographic feature in Virginia and the Carolinas, extends into Georgia along the north-eastern border of this belt, but is less strongly developed here than elsewhere, dying out entirely towards the south-west.
Hall (Water Resources of Georgia, p. 2), " there are three springs in north-east Georgia within a stone's throw of each other that send out their waters to Savannah, Ga., to Apalachicola, Fla., and to New Orleans, La."
Georgia is also notable for the variety of its soils.
The principal occupation in Georgia is agriculture, which in 'goo engaged seven-tenths of the land surface of the state and the labour of three-fifths of the population, ten years old and over, who are employed in profitable occupations.
The principal cereals cultivated are Indian corn (product, 53,75 0, 000 bushels in 1908) and wheat; the cultivation of the latter, formerly remunerative, declined on account of the competition of the Western States, but revived after 1899, largely owing to the efforts of the Georgia Wheat Growers' Association (organized in 1897), and in 1908 the yield was 2,208,000 bushels.
The acreage and product of tobacco and peanuts increased from 1890 to 1900 respectively 188% and 319.2%, and 92.6% and 129.9%, and in the production of sweet potatoes Georgia was in 1899 surpassed only by North Carolina.
Agriculture in Georgia was in a state of transition at the beginning of the 10th century.
Consequently there were large tracts of untilled " waste " land; but these rapidly responded to fertilization and rotation of crops, often yielding Boo to 1200 lb of cotton per acre, and Georgia in 1899 used more fertilizers than any other state in the Union.
Another feature of agriculture in Georgia was the great increase in the number of farms, the average size of plantations having declined from 440 acres in 1860 to 117.5 in 1900, or almost 75%, while the area in cultivation increased only 15.6% between 1850 and 1900.
The rank of Georgia among the cotton manufacturing states was seventh in 1900 and fourth in 1905.
The forests of Georgia, next to the fields, furnish the largest amount of raw material for manufactures.
The most important of the railways are the Central of Georgia, the Southern, the Atlantic Coast Line, the Seaboard Air Line, the Georgia and the Georgia Southern & Florida.
The population of Georgia in 1880 was 1,542,180; in 1890 it was 1,837,353, an increase of 19.1%; in 1900 it was 1 The manufacturing statistics for 1900 which follow are not those given in the Twelfth Census, but are taken from the Census of Manufactures, 1905, the 1900 figures here given being only for " establishments on a factory basis," and thus being comparable with those of 1905.
By law, in Georgia, lobbying is a felony.
There are 1 Owing to the custom which holds in Georgia of choosing state senators in rotation from each of the counties making up a senatorial district, it happened in 1907 that few cities were represented directly by senators chosen from municipalities.
Georgia's system of public instruction was not instituted until 1870, but as early as 1817 the legislature provided a fund for the education in the private schools of the state of children of indigent parents.
Of the total population, 10 years of age and over, 30.5% were illiterates in 1 9 00 -49'9% were illiterates in 1880 - and as regards the whites of native birth alone, Georgia ranked ninth in illiteracy, in 1900, among the states and territories of the Union.
In addition to the public schools, the state also supports the University of Georgia; and in 1906 $235,000 was expended for the support of higher education.
Affiliated with the university, but not receiving state funds, are three preparatory schools, the South Georgia Military and Agricultural College at Thomasville, the Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural College at Milledgeville, and the West Georgia Agricultural and Mechanical College at Hamilton.
Banking in Georgia is in a prosperous condition.
Georgia derives its name from King George II.
A charter was granted in 1732 to " the Trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia in America," and parliament gave io,000 to the enterprise.
In 1753 the charter of the trustees expired and Georgia became a royal province.
Under the new regime the colony was so prosperous that Sir James Wright (1716-1785), the last of the royal governors, declared Georgia to be " the most flourishing colony on the continent."
Georgia's policy in the formation of the United States government was strongly national.
Georgia was the fourth state to ratify (January 2, 1788), and one of the three that ratified unanimously, the Federal Constitution.
In protest, the Georgia House of Representatives, holding that the United States Supreme Court had no constitutional power to try suits against a sovereign state, resolved that any Federal marshal who should attempt to execute the court's decision would be " guilty of felony, and shall suffer death, without benefit of clergy, by being hanged."
The position of Congress and of the Supreme Court with reference to Georgia's policy in the Yazoo Frauds also aroused distrust of the Federal government.
The legislature of Georgia remonstrated but expressed a willingness to cede the land to the United States, and in 1802 the cession was ratified, it being stipulated among other things that the United States should pay to the state $1,250,000, and should extinguish " at their own expense, for the use of Georgia, as soon as the same can be peaceably obtained on reasonable terms," the Indian title to all lands within the state of Georgia.
This decision greatly irritated the political leaders of Georgia, and the question of extinguishing the Indian titles, on which there had long been a disagreement, caused further and even more serious friction between the Federal and state authorities.
The National government, until the administration of President Jackson, regarded the Indian tribes as sovereign nations with whom it alone had the power to treat, while Georgia held that the tribes were dependent communities with no other right to the soil than that of tenants at will.
Several cessions were made between 1802 and 1824, but the state in the latter year remonstrated in vigorous terms against the dilatory manner in which the National government was discharging its obligation, and the effect of this was that in 1825 a treaty was negotiated at Indian Springs by which nearly all the Lower Creeks agreed to exchange their remaining lands in Georgia for equal territory beyond the Mississippi.
But the strain produced by these conditions was relieved by information that new negotiations had been begun for the cession of all 'Creek lands in Georgia.
There was similar conflict in the relation of the United States and Georgia with the Cherokees.
The Georgia legislature, however, contended that the United States had not acted in good faith, declared that all land within the boundaries of the state belonged to Georgia, and in 1828 extended the jurisdiction of Georgia law to the Cherokee lands.
Then President Jackson, holding that Georgia was in the right on the Indian question, informed the Cherokees that their only alternative to submission to Georgia was emigration.
But the governor of Georgia declared that the decision was an attempt at usurpation which would meet with determined resistance, and President Jackson refused to enforce the decree.
The activity of Georgia in the slavery controversy was important.
Already the first regiment of Georgia Volunteers, under Colonel Alexander Lawton (1818-1896) had seized Fort Pulaski at the mouth of the Savannah river and now Governor Brown proceeded to Augusta and seized the Federal arsenal there.
Toward the close of the same year, however, Federal warships blockaded Georgia's ports, and early in 1862 Federal forces captured Tybee Island, Fort Pulaski, St Mary's, Brunswick and St Simon Island.
Georgia had responded freely to the call for volunteers, but when the Confederate Congress had passed, in April 1862, the Conscript Law which required all white men (except those legally exempted from service) between the ages of 18 and 35 to enter the Confederate service, Governor Brown, in a correspondence with President Davis which was continued for several months, offered serious objections, his leading contentions being that the measure was unnecessary as to Georgia, unconstitutional, subversive of the state's sovereignty, and therefore " at war with the principles for the support of which Georgia entered into this revolution."
In 1863 north-west Georgia was involved in the Chattanooga campaign.
Although the civil rights were conferred upon the freedmen, Congress would not tolerate the political incapacity and social inferiority which the legislature had assigned to them, and therefore Georgia was placed under military government, as part of the third military district, by the Reconstruction Act of the 2nd of March 1867.
On the 21st of July the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, and a section of the state constitution (which denied the power of state courts to entertain against any resident of the state suits founded on contracts existing on the 15th of June 1865) was repealed by the legislature in pursuance of the congressional " Omnibus Bill " of the 25th of June 1868, and as evidence of the restoration of Georgia to the Union the congressmen were seated on the 25th of July in that year.
In retaliation the 41st Congress excluded the state's representatives on a technicality, and, on the theory that the government of Georgia was a provisional organization, passed an act requiring the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment before the admission of Georgia's senators and representatives.
Georgia was now finally admitted to the Union by Act of Congress, on the 15th of July 1870.
The Reconstruction period in Georgia is remarkable for its comparative moderation.
The Reports of the United States Census (especially the Twelfth Census for 1900 and the special census of manufactures for 1905) should be consulted, and Memoirs of Georgia (2 vols., Atlanta, Ga., 1895) contains chapters on industrial conditions.
Avery's History of Georgia from 185cr to 1881 (New York, 1881), which is marred by prejudice but contains material of value.
The Confederate Records of the State of Georgia were published at Atlanta in 1909.
In 1788 the English lieutenant Shortland coasted along the south side of the chain, and, supposing it to be a continuous land, named it New Georgia; and in 1792 Captain Edward Manning sailed through the strait which separates Ysabel from Choiseul and now bears his name.
Of the rivers which form the Alabama, the Coosa crosses the mineral region of Alabama, and is navigable for light-draft boats from Rome, Georgia (where it is formed by the junction of the Oostenaula and Etowah rivers), to about 117 m.
For the first thirty years (1733-1762) his work was mainly devoted to the superintendence and organization of the extensive missionary enterprises of the body in Germany, England, Denmark, Holland, Surinam, Georgia and elsewhere.
It may be remarked that Gregory's own family was a cadet branch of the Arsacid kin which had occupied the thrones of Persia, Bactria, Armenia and Georgia.
It is served by the Charleston & Western Carolina railway, has inland water communication with Savannah, Georgia, and its harbour,.
It is a somewhat widely distributed mineral, being met with in Styria, Austria, Hesse, French Guiana, India and Italy; but the most important beds are in the south of France, the north of Ireland, and in Alabama, Georgia and Arkansas in North America.
In the 4th and 5th centuries may be mentioned Gregory the Illuminator, the " apostle of Armenia " (about 300), Ulfilas, the " apostle of the Goths," about 325; Frumentius, 1 a bishop of Abyssinia, about 327; Nino, the Armenian girl who was the means of converting the kingdom of Iberia (now Georgia), about 33 0; 2 Chrysostom, who founded, at Constantinople in A.D.
The state of Virginia is the chief producer, followed successively by Georgia, North Carolina, Colorado, Massachusetts, California, Missouri, New York, &c. From Indiana and Ohio a quantity of pyrites is obtained as a by-product in coalmining.
The typical race of this species ranges from New York to Georgia and westward to the Dakotas, but it is represented by a second and darker race in Labrador, and by a third in Canada; while several other North American species have been named.
Carolina in 1726, and was a delegate to the Continental Congress from Georgia, but opposed independence and was banished from Savannah in 1777.
There was much opposition in these states to such a course, but the secessionists triumphed, and by the time President Lincoln was inaugurated, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas had formally withdrawn from the Union.
The persons in these three States - Georgia, Florida and South Carolina - heretofore 2 In November 1861 the president drafted a bill providing (i) that all slaves more than thirty-five years old in the state of Delaware should immediately become free; (2) that all children of slave parentage born after the passage of the act should be free; (3) that all others should be free on attaining the age of thirty-five or after the 1st of January 1893, except for terms of apprenticeship; and (4) that the national government should pay to the state of Delaware $23,200 a year for twenty-one years.
On the 1st day of January 1863 the final proclamation of emancipation was duly issued, designating the States of Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and certain portions of Louisiana and Virginia, as "this day in rebellion against the United States," and proclaiming that, in virtue of his authority as commander-inchief, and as a necessary war measure for suppressing rebellion, "I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated states and parts of states are and henceforward shall be free," and pledging the executive and military power of the government to maintain such freedom.
Slocum, and in 1865 received a captain's brevet for "efficient services during the campaigns in North Carolina and Georgia."
Macon is, next to Atlanta, the most important railway centre in the state, being served by the Southern, the Central of Georgia, the Georgia, the Georgia Southern & Florida, the Macon Dublin & Savannah, and the Macon & Birmingham railways.
Macon is near the fruitgrowing region of Georgia, and large quantities of peaches and of garden products are annually shipped from the city.
Macon (named in honour of Nathaniel Macon) was surveyed in 1823 by order of the Georgia legislature for the county-seat of Bibb county, and received its first charter in 1824.
It soon became the centre of trade for Middle Georgia; in 1833 a steamboat line to Darien was opened, and in the following year 69,000 bales of cotton were shipped by this route.
He was a member of the first South Carolina provincial congress in 1775, served as colonel in the South Carolina militia in 1776-1777, was chosen president of the South Carolina Senate in 1779, took part in the Georgia expedi tion and the attack on Savannah in the same year, was captured at the fall of Charleston in 1780 and was kept in close confinement until 1782, when he was exchanged.
Under the influence of Howell Cobb of Georgia, secretary of the treasury, and Jacob Thompson of Mississippi, secretary of the interior, the president was convinced that it was the only way to avoid civil war.
When he was seven his parents moved into Edgefield district, South Carolina, and four years later into Columbus (disambiguation)|Columbus county, Georgia.
From =boo to 1802, with Horatio Marbury, he prepared a digest of the laws of Georgia from 1755 to "Soo.
He recovered his health sufficiently to become (in 1827) a circuit judge in his own state, but died while on circuit, in Elberton, Georgia, on the 15th of September 1834.
He died at Athens, Georgia, on the 20th of April 1852.
Georgia before the supreme court, argued that a state might be sued by a citizen of another state.
It is bounded on the south by the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and is separated from the mainland of the province by the Strait of Georgia and Queen Charlotte Sound.
Valdosta is served by the Atlantic Coast Line, the Georgia Southern & Florida, and the Georgia & Florida railways.
Georgia, in which the question was, Can a state be sued by a citizen of another state ?
Georgia argued that it could not be so sued, on the ground that it was a sovereign state, but Jay decided against Georgia, on the ground that sovereignty in America resided with the people.
Vahsel feared the destruction of the vessel, and induced the leader to change his plans and return to South Georgia for the winter in order to try again next year.
Vahsel died during the drift, and the expedition broke up at South Georgia.
In 1813-1814, as major-general of militia, he commanded in the campaign against the Creek Indians in Georgia and Alabama, defeated them (at Talladega, on the 9th of November 1813, and at Tohopeka, on the 29th of March 1814), and thus first attracted public notice by his talents.
In the troubles between Georgia and the Cherokee Indians, however, he took a different stand.
Shortly after his first election Georgia passed an act extending over the Cherokee country the civil laws of the state.
The only other states in which bauxite was produced during the period were Alabama and Georgia, which in this respect have greatly declined in importance relatively to Arkansas.
It is the shipping point of the Bedford Indiana (oolitic) limestone, which is found in the vicinity and is one of the most valuable and best known building stones in the United States - of this stone were built the capitols of Indiana, Georgia, Mississippi and Kentucky; the state historical library at Madison, Wisconsin; the art building at St Louis, Missouri; and many other important public buildings.
The English settlements in Virginia, New England, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia had, between the first decade of the 17th and the seventh decade of the 18th century, developed into a new nation, the United States of America.
It had prevailed since 17 9 8 in Georgia and the Caucasus, and in1803-1806began to spread from the north of the Caucasus into Russia, till in 1806 it was established at or near Astrakhan, and in 1807 reached Zareff, 200 m.
Not far from the White House is the Corcoran Gallery of Art (1894-1897; architect, Ernest Flagg), of white Georgia marble in a Neo-Grecian style, housing a collection of paintings (especially American portraits) and statuary; the gallery was founded and endowed in 1869 by William Wilson Corcoran (1798-1888) "for the perpetual establishment and encouragement of the Fine Arts."
Thereafter Virginia and Georgia supplied most of this mineral produced in the United States, and the greater part of it has been shipped to England.
It is served by the Central of Georgia and the Seaboard Air Line railways, and is the seat of the Third Congressional District Agricultural High School, a branch of the state university of Georgia.
He graduated from Franklin College (University of Georgia) in 1834, and two years later was admitted to the bar.
He sided with President Jackson on the question of nullification; was an efficient supporter of President Polk's administration during the Mexican War; and was an ardent advocate of slavery extension into the Territories, but when the Compromise of 1850 had been agreed upon he became its staunch supporter as a Union Democrat, and on that issue was elected governor of Georgia by a large majority.
Fortunately, young Calhoun had the opportunity, although late, of studying under his brother-in-law, the Rev. Moses Waddell (1770-1840), a Presbyterian minister, who afterwards, from 1819 to 1829, was president of the University of Georgia.
From its situation on the route of the caravans between Smyrna and western Asia on the one hand, and Armenia, Georgia, &c., on the other, the city became a place of extensive trade, and its bazaars are well stocked with the merchandise of both Europe and the East.
He sided with the president in his nullification controversy with South Carolina and in his removal of the Indians from Georgia, but not in his withdrawal of the government deposits from the United States Bank.
From these centres "Separate" Baptist influence spread throughout North and South Carolina and across the Georgia border, Marshall himself finally settling and forming a church at Kiokee, Georgia.
Both these types of Baptist life permeated Georgia, the latter making its influence felt in Savannah, Augusta and the more cultivated communities, the former evangelizing the masses.
Westward it reaches to Turkish Georgia and eastward to the island of Saghalin.
He died at the house of General Nathanael Greene on Cumberland Island, Georgia, on the 25th of March 1818.
P. palustris (or P. australis) is the " Georgia pitch pine," or yellow pine of the southern states; it abounds on the sandy soils that cover so much of Georgia, the Carolinas, and Florida, and on those dry lands attains its highest perfection, though occasionally abundant on moist ground, whence its name.
The tree abounds from Canada to Georgia, but in the eastern states has been so long sought for by the lumberer that most of the old trees have long disappeared, and large white pine timber is now only found in quantity in the Canadian Dominion.
In 1702 a newly-appointed governor, one Shah Nawaz, called Gurji Khan from having been wali or ruler of Georgia, arrived at Kandahar with a tolerably large force.
Georgia and part of Azerbaijanand he had threatened Bagdad with assault.
Azad was no longer in a position to oppose him in the field, and he in turn became master of every place of importance in the province, while Azad had to seek assistance in vainfirst from the pasha of Baghdad, and then from his former enemy, the tsar of Georgia.
His victory over Lutf Ali was immediately followed by an campaign expedition into Georgia.
After the death, of Nadir against the wali of that country had looked around him Georgia.
Georgia was, clearly, not to revert to a Mahommedan suzerain.
Persia formally ceded Georgia and the seven provinces before named, with Karabakh.
His exact route is often doubtful; but it seems to have passed north into Georgia as far as 35' N., then south to the neighbourhood of Mobile, and finally north-west towards the Mississippi.
For example, the church of Mount Sinai may be regarded as all that survives of the ancient church of northern Arabia; the autocephalous Slavonic churches of Ipek and Okhrida, which derived their ultimate origin from the missions of Cyril and Methodius, were absorbed in the patriarchate of Constantinople in 1766 and 1767 respectively; and the Church of Georgia has been part of the Russian Church since 1801-1802.
This body now governs the Russian Church, and consists of a procurator representing the emperor, the metropolitans of Kiev, Moscow and St Petersburg, the exarch of Georgia and five or six other bishops appointed by the emperor.
The Church of Georgia, which has existed from a very early period, and was dependent first on the patriarch of Antioch and then on the patriarch of Constantinople, has since 1802 been incorporated in the Russian Church.
Its head, the archbishop of Tiflis, bears the title of exarch of Georgia, and has under him four suffragans.
He taught in Georgia, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1837.
It is served by the Central of Georgia, the Georgia Northern, the Seaboard Air Line, the Albany & Northern and the Atlantic Coast Line railways, and by steamboats connecting it with Apalachicola at the mouth of the Apalachicola river.
It is a summer and winter resort and is the home of the Georgia Chautauqua.
Georgia pine - and a plank became entangled in the framework of the machine.
It is one of the seaports of Georgia, the Federal government having dredged a channel in the inner harbour 21 ft.
He was killed in the fighting in front of Marietta, while reconnoitring near Pine Mountain, Georgia, on the 14th of June 1864.
He was a school teacher for several years, graduated at Dartmouth College in 1790, was clerk of the lower house of the Vermont legislature in 1791-1792, and in 1792 re-entered the army as a captain, later serving against the Indians in Ohio and Georgia.
It is served by the Georgia and the Central of Georgia railways.
It is the seat of the Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural College, which occupies the old capitol building, and of the Georgia Normal and Industrial College for girls (1889; enrolment 1908-1909, 653), which is a part of the University of Georgia, and occupies the site of the old state penitentiary.
Milledgeville was founded in 1803, and was named in honour of John Milledge (1757-1818), a representative in Congress in1792-1793and 1795-1802, governor of Georgia in 1802-1806, a United States senator in 1806-1809, and a benefactor of the state university.
Although admirably situated for trade and manufacturing, Milledgeville was surpassed in both by Macon, which became the commercial emporium of middle Georgia; but it was a favourite place of residence for the wealthy and cultivated class of Georgians before the Civil War.
In 1736 he was invited by Wesley to go out as missionary to Georgia, and went to London to wait on the trustees.
On the 28th of December 1737 he embarked for Georgia, which he reached on the 7th of May 1738.
In 1738 an account of Whitefield's voyage from Lcndon to Georgia was published without his knowledge.
In 1739 he published his Journal from his arrival in Savannah to his return to London, and also his Journal from his arrival in London to his departure thence on his way to Georgia.
When Sherman prepared to invade Georgia in the spring of 1864 the XI.
The university, the famous Georgia Augusta, founded by George II.
In the United States the turpentineyielding pines are the swamp pine, P. australis, and the loblolly, P. Taeda, both inhabiting North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama.
This line, at which the south-east flowing rivers fall from higher levels in the crystalline rocks of the Piedmont Plateau down to somewhat lower levels in the softer rocks of the Coastal Plain, passes in a general south-west direction from the North Carolina border north-east of Cheraw through Camden and Columbia to the Savannah river opposite Augusta, Georgia.
On the Georgia border the Chattooga river, rising in the Blue Ridge, becomes tributary to the Tugaloo, which in turn becomes tributary to the Savannah.
The Savannah River is navigable from Savannah to Augusta, Georgia (202 m.), where its mean low water depth is 3 ft., and from Augusta to Petersburg, Georgia, for flatboats.
Of the inhabitants born in the United States, 29,521 were natives of North Carolina, and 13,544 were natives of Georgia, and of the foreign-born 2075 were Germans, and 1131 were natives of Ireland.
It is served by the Central of Georgia, the Western & Atlantic (leased by the Nashville, Chattanooga & St Louis), the Southern and the Rome & Northern railways, and the Coosa river is navigable from this point to the falls of the river in Alabama.
He was thanked by Congress, was made a brigadiergeneral in the continental army in September 1776, and was placed in command of the department of Georgia and South Carolina.
The city is served by the Alabama Great Southern (Queen and Crescent), the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific (partly controlled by the Southern), the Nashville, Chattanooga & St Louis (controlled by the Louisville & Nashville), and its leased line, the Western & Atlantic (connecting with Atlanta, Ga.), the Central of Georgia, and the Chattanooga Southern railways, and by freight and passenger steamboat lines on the Tennessee river, which is navigable to and beyond this point during eight months of the year.
Chattanooga is an important produce, lumber, coal and iron market, and is the principal trade and jobbing centre for a large district in Eastern Tennessee and Northern Georgia and Alabama.
The Bagratids founded dynasties at Kars, 962-1080, and in Georgia, which they held until its absorption, 1801, by Russia.
Russia began to interest herself in the Armenians when she acquired Georgia in 1801; but it was not until 1828-1829 that any appreciable number of them became her subjects.
Wilson developed the sewing machine; that Charles Goodyear discovered the process of vulcanising rubber; that Samuel Colt began the manufacture of the Colt fire-arms; and it was from near New Haven that Eli Whitney went to Georgia where he invented the cotton gin.
France was to guarantee the integrity of Persia, to recognize that Georgia (then being invaded by the Russians) belonged to the shah, and was to make all possible efforts for restoring that territory to him.
Of the inhabitants born in the United States 38,561 were born in Georgia, 36,052 in Kentucky, 28,405 in North Carolina, 27,70 9 in Alabama, and 25,953 in Virginia.
Give me thirty minutes to get started on this Georgia cracker bastard and call me back.
In '89 he met an American model aged 28, from Georgia, with high cheekbones, named Milly.
Right now, a relatively small US troop contingent is stationed in Georgia.
Anna Kournikova was a member of the Russian delegation to the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia.
American fiddlers sometimes use a variant of this which they call the " Georgia Shuffle " .
Stormy passage to South Georgia The ship finally sailed from Stanley early on Saturday morning straight into a westerly gale.
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Individuals and agencies worse broker Georgia license mortgage experts believe.
Six years later he was elected governor of Georgia.
He then receives word from his small hometown in Georgia that his last living relative, Aunt Sally, has passed away.
The direct importation of slaves was prohibited by the Georgia Constitution in 1798.
Herndon was charged with violating a law enacted by the Georgia legislature in 1861 against slave insurrections.
The warm climate in Western Georgia is ideal for growing tropical fruits such as kiwis, but growing kiwis was a new idea.
I went to the East Point, Georgia, federal center to read these microfilms.
South Georgia is simply mind-blowing, especially for an aspiring biologist or anyone with a passion for wildlife.
The first million selling record for this vocal quintet was a traditional song which originated from slaves in Georgia, Alabama.
In the former soviet republic of Georgia, several attempts to steal or smuggle nuclear material have been documented.
Georgia senator William H Crawford's followers added further solidity to the party's base.
This time she's working in Georgia's steaming coastal swampland.
Georgia has no unusual among los quot the wpt deeb Thor hansen.
Caitlin and Georgia were very busy with the chocolate tombola too as you can imagine, and Scarlett a willing helper to Guider Coral.
I've had terrible toothache in South Georgia, in the middle of nowhere.
Georgia... is now enjoying a vogue that borders on trendiness, says the mighty Jeffrey Zeldman.
William H Light, Georgia Madonna and child SIR - Your article on Madonna's adoption was interesting, but very wishy-washy.
The story of the conversion of Georgia by St Nino in the same age is so full of local colour, and coheres so closely with the story of Ripsime and Gaiana, that it seems over-sceptical to explain the latter away as a mere doublet of the legend of Prisca and Valeria.
Nikon was himself tried for abdicating his see, causing disorder in the realm, oppression and violence, first before a synod of Moscow composed of his suffragans and some Greek bishops, and afterwards before another synod in which sat the patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch, the metropolitans of Servia and Georgia, the archbishops of Sinai and Wallachia, and the metropolitans of Nice, Amasis, Iconium, Trebizond, Varna and Scio, besides the Russian bishops.
It is presided over by a lay procurator, representing the emperor, and consists, for the rest, of the three metropolitans of Moscow, St Petersburg and Kiev, the archbishop of Georgia, and a number of bishops sitting in rotation.
The first reconstruction legislature met on the 16th of October 1865, and at once proceeded to enact stringent vagrancy laws and other measures against the freedmen; these laws the North 1 South Carolina ceded its western lands to the United States in 1787 and Georgia in 1802.
Outside the domain of myth, the earliest connexion of the Greeks with that part of the world would appear to have been through the maritime colonies, such as Dioscurias, which the Milesians founded on the Black Sea coast in the 7th century B.C. For more than two thousand years the most powerful state in Caucasia was that of Georgia, the authentic history of which begins with its submission to Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. The southern portion of Transcaucasia fell during the ist century B.C. under the sway of Armenia, and with that country passed under the dominion of Rome, and so eventually of the Eastern empire.
Georgia and Armenia were invaded and in great part occupied by the Khazars, and then for more than a thousand years the mountain fastnesses of this borderland between Europe and Asia were the refuge, or the restingplace, of successive waves of migration, as people after people and tribe after tribe was compelled to give way to the pressure of stronger races harassing them in the rear.
But, apart from Georgia, historical interest in Caucasia centres in the long and persistent attempts which the Russians made to conquer it, and the heroic, though unavailing, resistance offered by the mountain races, more especially the Circassian and Lesghian tribes.
The city is said to receive two-fifths of the total freight delivered in the state of Georgia.
Sherman's invasion of Georgia (see American Civil War), which is therefore generally known as the "Atlanta campaign."
At the convention of Philadelphia in 1787, where the constitution was drafted, the sentiments of the framers were against slavery; but South Carolina and Georgia insisted on its recognition as a condition of their joining the Union, and even an engagement for the mutual rendition of fugitive slaves was embodied in the federal pact.
Georgia, by which the plaintiff, one Alexander Chisolm, a citizen of South Carolina, secured judgment in 1793 against the state of Georgia (see 2 Dallas Reports 419).
In the meantime the United States Senate had appointed a committee to inquire into Georgia's claim to the land in question, and as this committee pronounced that claim invalid, Congress in 1800 established a Territorial government over the region.
The adoption of this platform was accompanied by a party reorganization, those who approved it organizing the Constitutional Union party, and those who disapproved, mostly Democrats, organizing the Southern Rights party; the approval in other states of the Georgia Platform in preference to the Alabama Platform (see Alabama) caused a reaction in the South against secession.
While attempting to seize the Confederate prison at Andersonville (July 31, 1864), he was captured at Clinton, Georgia.
Thus St Thekla baptized herself in her own blood, and St Nino, the female evangelist of Georgia, baptized king Mirian (see " Life of Nino," Studia Biblica, 1903).
In the former Soviet republic of Georgia, several attempts to steal or smuggle nuclear material have been documented.
Georgia senator William H Crawford 's followers added further solidity to the party 's base.
Georgia is the first state in the country to implement a uniform statewide, computerized touch-screen voting system.
This time she 's working in Georgia 's steaming coastal swampland.
Georgia has no unusual among los quot the wpt deeb thor hansen.
I 've had terrible toothache in South Georgia, in the middle of nowhere.
William H Light, Georgia Madonna and child SIR - Your article on Madonna 's adoption was interesting, but very wishy-washy.
Georgia Carpet doesn't require you to be from Georgia to order.
Dalton, Georgia, has some of the largest carpet dealers in the United States, and because the large manufacturers are located nearby, you'll find some of the best prices in companies operating around that area.
The American Carpet Wholesalers of Georgia offers 30 percent to 60 percent off retail prices on many major brands.
Another company nestled in Georgia is Georgia Carpet.
If you own an apartment complex or other rental homes, Georgia Carpet specializes in floor covering or Oriental rugs for those types of environments.
You can find some great deals at 50 percent to 75 percent off at Georgia Carpet.
Owen Carpet is located in Dalton, Georgia, which claims to be the "carpet capital of the world."
Also located in Dalton, Georgia, is Big Daddy Carpet.
You pay no taxes if you live outside of Georgia.
They include Alaska, Georgia, Colorado, Hawaii, California, Kentucky, Iowa, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Tennessee, Vermont, Utah, New York, Wyoming and Washington.
The North Georgia Premium Outlet Mall provides bargain lovers in the Peach State a massive selection of shops to choose from, each one offering up tremendous savings on everything from clothing and electronics to housewares and jewelry.
The North Georgia outlet mall is a shopper-friendly environment that’s built to provide a fantastic shopping experience.
When you visit the premium outlet mall in North Georgia you should come prepared.
The North Georgia Premium Outlet Mall has over 140 stores and restaurants to peruse.
The North Georgia Premium Outlet Mall is located at 800 Highway 400 South in Dawsonville, Georgia.
The mall is located approximately 45 miles north of Atlanta on Georgia 400.
In either case, shoppers can take advantage of incredible savings all year long at the Premium Outlet Mall in North Georgia.
Equifax Canada is owned by Equifax in Atlanta Georgia and is based in Toronto, Canada.
If you want to get an answer to the question, "Is Georgia a community property state?," please keep reading to get the answer.
The short answer to the question, "Is Georgia a community property state?" is "No."
In Georgia, when a marriage ends, the rules of equitable division apply.
In Georgia, marital property is divided in a way that is fair, but what is a fair settlement for one couple may not be that way for another.
Under Georgia law, property that a person acquired before the marriage is not considered marital property.
Title 19, Chapter 5 of the Georgia Code establishes the required content of Georgia marriage separation forms.
Georgia allows "no-fault" divorces, in which neither party is identified as responsible for the demise of the marriage, and "fault" divorces, in which one spouse's behavior is identified as the reason for the divorce.
Both forms are available on the Georgia Courts website or at your local Superior Court's clerk of court office.
The types of Georgia marriage separation forms you need for your divorce depend on the facts of each case.
Georgia's divorce laws are contained in Title 19, Chapter 2 of the state's Revised Code.
Either spouse can file for a divorce, even a spouse who lives outside of Georgia.
Georgia law allows the court to divide marital property as it feels is equitable.
In Georgia, both parents must contribute financially to their child's support.
Georgia's divorce laws are not complex, but the lack of specific rules regarding property division can make the proceeding difficult.
If you are looking for an interior designer serving the Atlanta area, turn to the Georgia Chapter.
Additionally, several lumber companies, such as Georgia Pacific, sell beadboard veneer panels.
Companies like Georgia Pacific are creating decorative wall panels that are earth friendly.
Known for its 21 squares, delicious food and Southern charm, Savannah, Georgia offers exquisite examples of early American residential architecture.
You can order remotely, or you can make arrangements to bring a client to visit their Alpharetta, Georgia based showroom.
Robert Brown Interior Design is an award winning design firm based in Atlanta, Georgia.
Interior design was long a passion for Brown - ever since his childhood, when his mother caused a stir by hiring an interior designer to decorate their rural Georgia home - but it didn't start out as his chosen career.
Brown majored in journalism at the University of Georgia.
Through his design firm, Brown has worked on projects across Georgia as well as in North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Washington and California.
The facility is located in Summerville, Georgia and recycles about 215 million pounds of plastic bottles each year.
A free online stress management workshop is provided by the counseling center of Georgia University.
For example, in Georgia, 16 year-olds must complete a state approved drivers education course before they obtain a Class D driver's license.
Northside in Georgia is a relative newcomer to the scene of top schools.
The store list includes stores in Oregon, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, California, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Missouri, Michigan, Kansas, Illinois, Florida, Georgia, Connecticut, Colorado, and Alabama.
Even though the headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia, there are 13 chartered divisions and more than 3,400 local offices around the country.
Lindsay Lohan had to be taken to a local hospital after becoming overheated on the set of her new movie, Georgia Rule.
Her late night partying with pals Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie caused her to miss work for the film Georgia Rule, which prompted the movie's production company to threaten her with a lawsuit.
Born on December 24, 1974 in Dunwoody, Georgia, Seacrest got his start in the entertainment world through a radio internship while he was still in high school.
She reportedly showed up late and even called in sick during production for the film Georgia Rule.
Ryan Seacrest was born in Dunwoody, Georgia, a small but wealthy suburb of Atlanta.
Seacrest was offered his first television show, ESPN's Radical Outdoor Challenge, while he was a freshman at the University of Georgia.
As a teenager, he moved to Atlanta, Georgia, and got his first taste of the music business when he worked as a radio DJ at Hot 107.9 FM.