Gentle Sentence Examples
Her face was calm, gentle, and happy.
She put a gentle hand on Lisa's shoulder.
His voice was gentle as he instructed her.
A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener.
He wasn't gentle then.
She captured his neck in the noose of her arms, directing his head down to her with a gentle touch of her hand on the back of his neck.
Like the gentle dove in the fable she was to pine apart from me....
Where was the sweet, gentle Brandon who never seemed to be upset by anything?
In a gentle flicker of light, he was gone.
Her soulful gaze and gentle words gave him the creeps.
AdvertisementLankha worked his magic with his micro suede-covered hands and gentle touch.
I received from them gifts that have the gentle concurrence of the heart, books containing their own thoughts, soul-illumined letters, and photographs that I love to have described again and again.
He floated on the updraft of air off the water and then drifted to the beach below, changing into his human form as he landed with a gentle thud on rocky sand.
He had a gentle temperament, though.
She flushed at his gentle chiding.
AdvertisementHe was so gentle, so sweet.
Deidre had never seen him like this, as a quietly commanding figure, capable of lethal force one moment and gentle kisses the next.
His arms surrounded her in a warm gentle embrace that had no urgency.
You have to be gentle, Romas.
The bright, gentle, fanciful plays--the ones I like best now--appear not to have impressed me at first, perhaps because they reflected the habitual sunshine and gaiety of a child's life.
AdvertisementHe bent his head, his warm lips planting gentle kisses along her neck and shoulder.
He was not rough, though he wasn't gentle, either.
Many years ago there lived in England many good people, but the king and his friends were not kind and gentle and patient with good people, because the king did not like to have the people disobey him.
My teacher says, if children learn to be patient and gentle while they are little, that when they grow to be young ladies and gentlemen they will not forget to be kind and loving and brave.
They both heard the sound at the same time—a gentle rapping at the back door.
AdvertisementHis large hand was unexpectedly gentle as it settled on her neck over where the demon bit her.
Perhaps on that spring morning when Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden Walden Pond was already in existence, and even then breaking up in a gentle spring rain accompanied with mist and a southerly wind, and covered with myriads of ducks and geese, which had not heard of the fall, when still such pure lakes sufficed them.
But he was kind and gentle only to those of his regiment, to Timokhin and the like--people quite new to him, belonging to a different world and who could not know and understand his past.
It made him angry just because the idea of marrying the gentle Princess Mary, who was attractive to him and had an enormous fortune, had against his will more than once entered his head.
She is always spoken of by his friends as a mild, reasonable and obliging person, whose amiability and gentle sense did much to soothe the too nervous and excitable temperament of her husband.
They were all gentle and sympathetic and I felt the charm of their manner as much as I had felt the brilliancy of their essays and poems.
He pulled her into a gentle comforting hug.
Most of the boys she dated would never have thought of practicing the age-old custom of walking around the car to open her door, or guiding her through the crowd with a gentle hand on one elbow.
She stiffened as he stepped closer and placed a gentle hand on each of her shoulders.
He'd been as gentle with her as he'd known how, and still she suffered under the weight of the visions.
Some of the gems had been carried by gentle waves to the edges of the lake and deposited away from the bulk of the jewels.
Near Vionville they took ground to their left, opening to full intervals as they did so, and then ascended the gentle incline which still hid them from their enemy.
In the phenomenal world then, there are, it has been thought [and Parmenides accepts the theory, which appears to be of Pythagorean origin], two primary elements - namely, fire, which is gentle, thin, homogeneous, and night, which is dark, thick, heavy.
Now I must tell my gentle poet good-bye, for I have a letter to write home before I go to bed.
It is very beautiful to think that you can tell so many people of the heavenly Father's tender love for all His children even when they are not gentle and noble as He wishes them to be.
I tried to imagine my gentle poet when he was a school-boy, and I wondered if it was in Andover he learned the songs of the birds and the secrets of the shy little woodland children.
His handsome face assumed a melodramatically gentle expression and he held out his hand.
His gentle flirting reminded her of how charismatic he could be, when not telling her she was getting ready to die.
He really is a gentle and loving person.
She has the most experience and she's gentle.
In general terms, however, the surface may be described as a vast rolling plain having a gentle southern and eastern slope.
Like most true boas, it is of a very gentle disposition and easily domesticates itself in the palm or reed thatched huts of the natives, where it hunts the rats during the night.
Protestants were weeded out of the army, Protestant officers in particular being superseded by idle Catholics of gentle blood, where they could be found, and in any case by Catholics.
He became indeed "doux entete" (gentle but obstinate) as his mother called him, persistent in his ideas and always ready to return to them, though at the same time yielding and drawing back before the force of circumstances.
While Death is cruel and merciless, and never lets go his prey once seized, Sleep is gentle and kindly, the bestower of rest and pleasant dreams, the soother of care and sorrow.
Its coasts, unlike those of the other two islands, are surrounded by low cliffs, from which there is a gentle slope up to two peaks, the one I too ft., the other 960 ft.
Her close relations (un-Homeric) with the bear and bear-worship have suggested a derivation from " In Homer her " gentle shafts " deal sudden and painless death; she is a beautiful Azrael.
Determined in her faith and proud in her meekness, in opposition to the timid counsels of the military leaders, to the interested delays of the courtiers, to the scruples of the experts and the quarrelling of the doctors, she quoted her voices, who had, she said, commissioned her to raise the siege of Orleans and to conduct the gentle dauphin to Reims, there to be crowned.
Exposed overnight to a cool dry gentle wind from the north-west, the water evaporates at the expense of its own heat, and the consequent cooling takes place with sufficient rapidity to overbalance the slow influx of heat from above through the cooled dense air or from below through the badly conducting straw.
He had few personal friends, and rarely mingled in general society; though bitter to opponents, he was gentle to those who knew him, and his munificent charities gave him a warm place in the hearts of many to whom he was personally unknown.
Its general trend is east and west; towards the south it sinks precipitously, and on the north it descends with a somewhat moie gentle slope towards the longittidinal valleys of the Tormes and Alberche which separate it from another rugged mountain range, forming the southern boundary of the paramera of Avila.
Stream valleys and bottom lands are the conspicuous modifying feature of the prairie region; but in general, owing to the gentle slope of the streams and the great breadth of the plains, erosion has been slight; and indeed the streams, overloaded in seasonal freshets, are building up their valley floors.
Moreover, as the first book which raised natural history into the region of literature, much as the Compleat Angler did for that gentle art, we must affiliate to it the more finished products of later writers like Thoreau or Richard Jefferies.
The villages are usually built on gentle slopes, in which the houses are partially excavated as a protection against the severity of the weather.
When dissolved in water, however, carbonic acid gas is a gentle stimulant to the mouth, stomach and bowel, the mixture being absorbed more rapidly than plain water; hence its greater value in assuaging thirst.
Alex had been gentle breaking Random.
His gaze landed softly on her eyes and his voice was gentle.
His hands slipped from hers, sliding down her neck and into her blouse - so warm and gentle.
Andy was a gentle and thoughtful father and son – the child prodigy she knew only from the paintings she had admired for years.
He could sense his mate and used her gentle pull to guide him.
She marveled at the world, the gentle sunshine, beautiful sky, the fragrant ocean breeze that ruffled her pink-striped blond hair, the soft crunch of gravel beneath her shoes.
He was so gentle and tender in bed, savoring every touch.
Kris was gracious and gentle with this woman, who he could very easily treat like he did his Immortals and brothers.
His legs and hands applied gentle pressure while his body balanced her in some of the awkward positions.
He was beautiful in the moonlight, with the gentle light of the moons clashing with his ferocious warrior body.
She gave a tired smile and responded with gentle sarcasm, "I have been working the past few weeks, sir."
Carmen had a quick wit and a gentle temperament – most of the time.
Rains had been cooperative, only coming in the night, and gentle at that.
Her gentle demeanor reveals nothing of the brutality she experienced at the hands of Iraqi prison guards.
First try the easy methods then progress to the gentle abrasive powder bleach, or mild cream abrasive you use to develop the sheen.
There were also sections with gentle guitar accompaniment then onto more loud rock.
Indeed, it provokes words of gentle admonition, such ' Hey!
Fine hair can be removed by gentle agitation and decanting, before leaving a further 4 hours or so in some biological detergent.
Sixty years ago, Japanese airplanes bombed Navy boys who were sleeping on ships in gentle Pacific waters.
Self Guided The walk s range from a gentle amble of 6 kms right through to a more demanding day hike of 20 kms.
With gentle guitar arpeggios and a vocal showcase for Grace, this performance was greeted with a " pin-drop " intimacy.
They remind a little bit of early Pixies mixing gentle but haunting ballads which suddenly explode into guitar noise.
With gentle guidance, our tentative beginnings drawn out, examined, put together, improved.
This triggers a gentle and peaceful wake up response running in tune to your natural biorhythm.
Melt the low fat spread over a gentle heat and mix the crushed biscuits into the melted fat.
The fertile soil and gentle climate of Perthshire have long inspired botanists, gardeners and horticulturalists.
He was a gentle tough nut who went on to be a champion Scottish amateur boxer.
There was only a gentle sea breeze from the NE.
With more delicate constructions, we employ sponges and soft bristled brushes to gently groom the face fiber and allow a gentle cleaning action.
And just how gentle and subtle that head color is - almost like a giant blue budgie.
The male main singer's voice has a lovely Scottish burr and their are gentle female vocals too.
A rare example of a peaceful setting within easy reach of London, Ascot is an idyllic town that charms at a gentle canter.
The loin tasted slightly caramelized and luscious, while the liver was gentle and rich.
The gentle caress, Of the waves, On the shore, And you close, Beside me, Could I ask for more?
The new director of the Melville Lab, Wilhelm Huck, has made a gentle transition from supramolecular chemistry to nanochemistry in recent years.
The CHARDONNAY offers refined citrus, peach and pineapple flavors with a gentle creamy, toasty oak finish.
You may need to use a gentle cleanser like Murphy's Oil Soap.
There's a sublime piano coda at the heart of the piece, strange voices and gentle electronic flutters.
The creamy, moist texture of the cheese is perfectly complemented by the gentle smoky flavor given by the smoking process.
There's everything here, from long gentle greens (great for beginners) to steep couloirs.
In print he sounded fierce; in life he was gentle, even courtly.
Would such a gentle animal be guilty of eating a fellow creature?
I had another tree friend, gentle and more approachable than the great oak--a linden that grew in the dooryard at Red Farm.
The horse's name was Prince and he was gentle and liked to trot very fast.
The two distinguished authors were very gentle and kind, and I could not tell which of them I loved best.
The thought of their gentle courtesy and genuine kindness brings a warm glow of joy and gratitude to my heart.
She lets me kiss her now, and when she is in a particularly gentle mood, she will sit in my lap for a minute or two; but she does not return my caresses.
The hen was very gentle, and made no objection to our investigations.
I said, "Mildred doesn't understand your fingers, and we must be very gentle with her."
The Mason smiled with his gentle fatherly smile.
With the stern old prince and the gentle, timid Princess Mary, though he had scarcely known them, Pierre at once felt like an old friend.
That pale, sad, refined face, that radiant look, those gentle graceful gestures, and especially the deep and tender sorrow expressed in all her features agitated him and evoked his sympathy.
He had asked Princess Mary to be gentle and kind to his cousin.
Christ gave them a gentle rebuke, saying, Where is your faith?
You can be fairly rough with the aluminum frame, but be gentle with the vinyl or nylon webbing.
Once the car was stopped, he turned to her, his voice suddenly gentle.
If anything, he was gentle and patient, traits she hadn't expected from a warrior.
He was sparring with another warrior, his fluid, destructive movements far from the gentle ones he used with her.
There was a gentle bump as they landed.
Usually I enjoy seeing the gentle flakes and they cause me little aggravation with their accumulation as I seldom travel more than a block or two when I secure provisions.
The flakes were not large, but unlike most gentle Ouray snow storms, they didn't drift to the ground like tiny dust motes.
He handed Sarah hers, sat close, and put his arm around her, planting a gentle kiss on her temple.
I'll just have to be extra gentle, then, won't I?
Being so swept away, he couldn't be certain if he had been gentle enough.
She nudged him with her nose then licked his face, her demeanor shifting to the gentle wolf he knew.
He has a hot temper, but this is the first time he was ever anything but gentle with me.
The hands weren't as gentle as she remembered them.
His voice was gentle, and yet it seemed a little pensive.
She bit her lip, wondering why the gentle words of a stranger affected her as they did.
Whatever the madman Arnie had in his hand had provoked her gentle spirit into action he would not otherwise think her capable of.
He reached for her, as gentle as possible when she struggled.
Lana was a gentle soul; the secret must have been great if she left behind that many people to die!
His words were gentle.
Mrs. Watson asked with a gentle smile.
Her gentle gaze came back to Carmen.
Would he still be gentle and respectful, or would he suddenly demand husbandly rights?
His gentle tug was all the encouragement she needed.
They're gentle, but one misplaced foot could cripple a little thing like you.
Alex was gentle training her to ride.
I know that buffalo cow has always been gentle, but if she has a calf, she could get defensive.
His hands left her face and slid down her shoulders and back in a gentle caress that ended on her waist.
Xander's bite hadn't been gentle.
As she closed the cabinet door under the sink and straightened, gentle hands found her waist.
I hope they're gentle.
He urged Ed ahead with a gentle nudge of the knees, and followed the peccary.
He wasn't rough, but he certainly wasn't gentle.
Under the circumstances, maybe it was impossible to be gentle.
It didn't hurt, but I appreciated your gentle touch.
Carmen sought and found Alondra's hand under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze.
His voice was gentle, coaxing.
My friends were gentle with Ash last night, at my request.
The morning sun was gentle, the air missing the heavy ocean humidity.
Rushed for time with the immortal world crashing down around him, he hadn't had much time to toy with her, and he hadn't been gentle.
Xander didn't feel the need to be gentle with Charles as he was with Jessi and the other girls.
Xander fluttered kisses over her face, as gentle with her as he was brutal with the Others she watched him kill.
The man who tore people in two had been beyond gentle with her, savoring every inch of her body, as if he was trying to memorize everything about her.
His mother, Agnes Pincheon, is said to have been of gentle birth.
Both passed through phases of faith, but while even Positivism did not cool George Eliot's innate religious fervour, with George Sand religion was a passing experience, no deeper than her republicanism and less lasting than her socialism, and she lived and died a gentle savage.
Leo was by nature highly excitable and almost insanely passionate, though at the same time strictly honourable, unselfish, and in private intercourse even gentle.
The northern part of the Gran Chaco is partly wooded and swampy, and as the slope eastward is very gentle and the rivers much obstructed by sand bars, floating trees and vegetation, large areas are regularly flooded during rainy seasons.
It rises in an imposing manner from the sea, on a gentle slope in the form of an amphitheatre.
Then there is a gentle rise to the low steppes, 500 to woo ft.
A further gentle rise in the high steppes leads to the mountains of the West Australian coast, and another strip of low-lying coastal land to the sea.
The least broken section of Vermont is on the somewhat gentle slope of the Green Mountains in the N.W.
Chamber-music. - Bach's and his contemporaries' combinations with the harpsichord show the natural fondness, in his day, for instruments of a tone too gentle for prominent use in large rooms, or indeed for survival in modern times.
The gentle lemurs (Hapalemur) have a rounder head, with smaller ears and a shorter muzzle, and also a bare patch covered with spines on the fore-arm.
Like the gentle lemurs they are nocturnal.
An elevation of great extent which rises at a very gentle angle from a surrounding depression is termed a " rise," one which is relatively narrow and steep-sided a " ridge," and one which is approximately equal in length and breadth but steep-sided a " plateau," whether it springs direct from a depression or from a rise.
Tacitus possessed many admirable qualities, but his gentle character and advanced age unfitted him for the throne in such lawless times.
Recently emerged from the Post-Pliocene sea, or freed from their mantle of ice, they persistently maintain the self-same features over immense areas; and the few portions that rise above the general elevation have more the character of broad and gentle swellings than of mountain-chains.
It is separated from the Black Sea by a gentle swelling which may be traced from Kremenets in Volhynia to the lower Don, and perhaps farther S.E.
Taking their origin from a series of lacustrine basins scattered over the plateaus and differing slightly in elevation, the Russian rivers describe immense curves before reaching the sea, and flow with a very gentle gradient, while numerous large tributaries collect their waters from over vast areas.
He must have given general satisfaction, for even before Parker's death two persons so different as Burghley and Dean Nowell independently recommended Grindal's appointment as his successor, and Spenser speaks warmly of him in the Shepherd's Calendar as the "gentle shepherd Algrind."
These writings bear the mark of a clear mind and a moderate and gentle spirit.
The cordial and gentle manners of Mrs Gibbon, however, and her unremitting care for his happiness, won him from his first prejudices, and gave her a permanent place in his esteem and.
On its eastern slope the waters soon disappear within the bed of narrow canyons, but break out again at the foot in icecold springs that form the source of the Ruby and Franklin lakes; on its western side the descent is more gentle, and the waters form the South Fork of the Humboldt river.
Schwenkfeld, whose gentle birth and courtly manners won him many friends in high circles, left behind him a sect (who were called subsequently by others Schwenkfeldians, but who called themselves "Confessors of the Glory of Christ") and numerous writings to perpetuate his ideas.
At a distance from the central core the radiating ridges become less abrupt and descend with a gentle gradient, finally passing somewhat abruptly, at a height of some 7000 ft., into the level plateau.
While engaged on these two series, he produced, in 1725, his dramatic pastoral The Gentle Shepherd.
His Gentle Shepherd, by its directness of impression and its appreciation of country life, anticipates the attitude of the school which broke with neo-classical tradition.
There are many popular reprints of The Gentle Shepherd.
Each of the larger rivers is fed by smaller streams; their fall is usually gentle and quite uniform.
The severity with which the land was treated may pass for a gentle reprisal if the Moabites of that day were not more humane than their descendants in the days of King Mesha.
Much of the unglacial or driftless portion of the state is embraced within its limits, and although the streams now have a gentle or even sluggish flow, they have greatly broken the surface of the country.
He was grave and gay, affable and dignified, cruel and gentle, mean and generous, eager for fame yet not vain, impulsive and cautious, secretive and open.
The nickname of "gentle shepherd" was given him because he bored the House by asking over and over again, during the debate on the Cider Bill of 1763, that somebody should tell him "where" to lay the new tax if it was not to be put on cider.
Pitt whistled the air of the popular tune "Gentle Shepherd, tell me where," and the House laughed.
The Hare Indian dog of the Great Bear Lake and the Mackenzie river is more slender, gentle and affectionate than the Eskimo dog, but is impatient of restraint, and preserves many of the characters of its wild ally, the coyote, and is practically unable to bark.
But, after a royal order had been issued for their sale, Queen Isabella, interested by what she had heard of the gentle and hospitable character of the natives and of their docility, procured a letter to be written to Bishop Fonseca, the superintendent of Indian affairs, suspending the order until inquiry should be made into the causes for which they had been made prisoners, and into the lawfulness of their sale.
The mounds were probably formed by some gentle eruptive action like that exhibited in the " mud hills " along the Mississippi below New Orleans; but no explanation is generally accepted.
In the west there are swelling hills and gentle valleys, with the royal palm the dominating tree.
It lies on a gentle eminence in the flat fen country, and the fine Perpendicular tower and spire of the church of St Mary are a landmark from far.
It is pleasantly situated on a gentle eminence near the confluence of the upper branches of the river Stour.
According to Mrs Hutchinson he was "gentle and virtuous but a peasant in his nature and became not greatness."
The Pentland range contains many points of interest and beauty, but these are mostly accessible only to the pedestrian, although the hills are crossed by roads, of which the chief are those by Glencorse burn and the Cauld Stane Slap. Habbie's Howe, the scene of Allan Ramsay's pastoral The Gentle Shepherd, is some 2 m.
Like most of the buildings at Sydney, the university is built of the excellent sandstone from the quarries of Pyrmont; it is 15th-century Gothic in style and stands at the top of a gentle slope, surrounded by gardens.
Thus the Ektagh Altai is a true border-rangethat is, a lofty and steep escarpment facing the Dzungarian depression, with a gentle and relatively short slope towards the plateau.
On their eastern (Zululand) side the slope of the Lebombo mountains is gentle, but on the west they fall abruptly to the plain.
Throughout the whole of Arabia, so far as is known, the sedimentary beds show no signs of any but the most gentle folding.
The term is now used generally to denote one of gentle birth.
Still there are everywhere gentle inequalities on the smoothest ocean floor which give to its greater features a distinct relief.
The continental shelf is the gentle slope which extends from the edge of the land to a depth usually about loo, though in some cases as much as 300 fathoms, and is there demarcated by an abrupt increase in the steepness of the slope to ocean depths.
The general character of the country is hilly, rising westwards in a gentle slope from the chief stream, the Nam Hpilu or Balu.
This side of Benedictine life is most typically represented by the Venerable Bede, the gentle and learned scholar of the early middle ages.
He was present at evening in the church, and when the midnight bell sounded for the nocturnal office early on Sunday morning he again went thither unsupported, but sank down before the altar and passed away as in a gentle sleep.
On the ground that after the virtues of courage and valour and fearlessness have been taught in the lower stages of evolution, the virtue of gentle humane ness and extended sympathy for all that can suffer should be taught in the higher cycles of the evolutionary spiral.
The ascent to the upper plain then becomes very gentle, though there is a rise of 400 or 50o ft., until it reaches the south-eastern portion of Sargent county and changes into the more abrupt Coteau des Prairies, a plateau about 2000 ft.
On gentle heating, it is decomposed into water and nitrous oxide.
But as each successive range, proceeding south, represents a higher step in the terraced ascent from the desert of Gobi to the plateau of Tibet, the ranges when viewed from the north frequently appear like veritable upstanding mountain ranges, and this appearance is accentuated by the general steepness of the ascent; whereas, when viewed on the other hand from the south, these several ranges, owing to their long and gentle slope in that direction, have the appearance of comparatively gentle swellings of the earth's service rather than of well-defined mountain ranges.
The slopes on both north and south are extremely gentle, but that on the south is eight to ten times as long as that on the north.
The southern slope of the range is gentle but short, the northern slope long and steep. Grass is able to grow, and animal life is more abundant.
In the poems, Mark is, as a rule, represented in a favourable light, a gentle, kindly man, deeply attached to both Tristan and Iseult, and only too ready to allow his suspicions to be dispelled by any plausible explanation they may choose to offer.
The filtrate is evaporated to dryness (in iron or platinum vessels) and the residue fully dehydrated by gentle ignition.
The river flows out of Loch Earn, pursues an eastward course with a gentle inclination towards the south, and reaches the Firth of Tay, 62 m.
But the city itself has a different aspect; its situation is relieved by numerous gentle hills, which show up its fine public buildings to great advantage; its main streets are wide and well kept, and it has an air of prosperity, activity and comfort.
Northward the slope is gentle, and is broken by several transverse ridges.
In the mountain region the soil is mostly a sandy loam composed of disintegrated granitic gneiss and organic matter; on the lower and more gentle slopes as well as in the valleys this is generally deep enough for a luxuriant vegetable growth but on the upper and more precipitous slopes it is thin, or the rocks are entirely bare.
An only son, late born, seeing no companions of his own age, hearing nothing but the voices of his parents and the hymns and prayers in the little Calvinist chapel, Arany grew up a grave and gentle, but by no means an ignorant child.
The neighbours said that the fairies caused the phenomenon, as the man had swept his chimney with a bough of holly, and the holly is "a gentle tree," dear to the fairies.
As in all such forms, the Niagara cuesta has a relatively strong slope or infacing escarpment on the side towards the oldland, and a long gentle slope on the other side.
Other kinds of repetition are Shelley's Witch of Atlas, 6 i i seq., "Like one asleep in a green hermitage, I With gentle sleep about its eyelids playing" (sleep for smiles has come from the previous line); Revolt of Islam, 4749, "Where" for "When" appears to have come from "Where" in 4750 or 4751.
South of these highlands, occupying a narrow strip on each side of the Tennessee river, is a delightful country of gentle rolling lowlands varying in elevation from 500 to 800 ft.
Geologically and structurally Cyrenaica is a mass of Miocene limestone tilted up steeply from the Mediterranean and falling inland by a gentle descent to sea-level again at the line of depression, which runs from the gulf of Sidra through Aujila to Siwa.
Goeldi states that the paca-rana is a rodent of phlegmatic and gentle disposition,.
The flat frame is the most gentle in its usage of the silk, but is most costly in labour; whilst the circular frame, being more severe in its action, is not suitable for the thoroughly degummed silks, but on the other hand is best for silks containing much wormy matter, because the silk hanging down into the combing teeth is thoroughly cleansed of such foreign matter, which is deposited under the machine.
Thus, in an age of strife and polemics, it seemed to afford a refuge for quiet, gentle spirits, and meditative temperaments.
Its surface consists mainly of the gentle slopes of five volcanic mountains which have encroached much upon one another by their eruptions.
Magnesium Oxide, magnesia, MgO, occurs native as the mineral periclase, and is formed when magnesium burns in air; it may also be prepared by the gentle ignition of the hydroxide or carbonate.
At his best he was a " good and gentle creature," but too kindly and generous to rule others.
One practical outcome of these researches is the method now always adopted of sterilizing by a succession of gentle warmings, sufficient to kill the developed micro-organisms, instead of by one fierce heating attempting to attack the more refractory undeveloped germs of the same.
The eastern portion of the district is generally flat, broken only by gentle undulations, but the western parts, from north-west to south-west, are intersected by the great Aravalli range.
And when everything was prepared the prince or subject who was to knight him came into the hall, and, the candidate's sword and spurs having been presented to him, he delivered the right spur to the " most noble and gentle " knight present, and directed him to fasten it on the candidate's right heel, which he kneeling on one knee and putting the candidate's right foot on his knee accordingly did, signing the candidate's knee with the cross, and in like manner by another " noble and gentle " knight the left spur was fastened to his left heel.
An indirect effect of this system 2 was to break down another rule of the chivalrous code - that none could be dubbed who was not of gentle birth.
Did not the Lamb of God, suspended at each knight's heart, symbolize at once the woollen fabrics to which so much of Flemish wealth and Burgundian power was owing, and the gentle humility of Christ which was ever to characterize the order?
Ground possessing a gentle inclination towards the south is desirable for a garden.
In this case the scion is grafted directly on to a portion of the root of some appropriate stock, both graft and stock being usually very small; the grafted root is then potted so as to cover the point of junction with the soil, and is plunged in the bed of the propagating house, where it gets the slight stimulus of a gentle bottom heat.
This done, another set of roots higher up the ball must be laid out in the same way, and again another, until the whole of the roots, thus carefully laid, are embedded as firmly as may be in the soil, which may now receive another gentle treading.
The first stages of forcing should, of course, be very gentle, so that the whole growth of the plants may advance in harmony.
Transplant to the bottom of a south wall a portion of the peas sown in pots in frames in November and January for the first crop. Sow Brussels sprouts in gentle heat for an early crop.
Sow carrots, turnips, early celery, also aubergines or egg-plants, capsicums, tomatoes and successional crops of kidney-beans; cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, in gentle heat, to be afterwards planted out.
Shy plants should be given gentle bottom heat to induce growth, which should be gently hardened by exposure under cooler conditions.
But the invaluable and rather delicate art of tempering the hardened steel by a very careful and gentle reheating, which removes its extreme brittleness though leaving most of ifs precious hardness, needs such skilful handling that it can hardly have become known until very long after the art of hot-forging.
It is situated on a gentle slope above the river Allen near its confluence with the Stour.
These plateaus, with an average elevation of Boo to 1000 ft., are mostly covered with forests of oak, beech and lime, and are deeply cut by river valleys, some being narrow and craggy, and others broad, with gentle slopes and marshy bottoms. Narrow ravines intersect them in all directions, and they often assume, especially in the east, the character of wild, impassable, woody and marshy tracts.
On the western side these highlands terminate with a more or less sharply defined edge, the country sloping gradually up to their bases in gentle undulations with open, ill-defined valleys; on the eastern side they send out broad spurs enclosing deep-cut valleys, and the whole country retains more of an upland character.
His temper was hot, kept under rigid control; his disposition tender, gentle and loving, with flashing scorn and indignation against all that was ignoble and impure; he was a good husband, father and friend.
The construction of irrigation canals and ditches was for the most part brought about by farmers joining to plough out or dig ditches from the rivers, descending on a gentle grade.
Happily for his honour, the charm which held him captive was at length broken by no gentle or friendly hand.
The only plain of any great extent is that of Catania, watered by the Simeto, in the east; to the north of this plain the active volcano of Etna rises with an exceedingly gentle slope to the height of 10,868 ft.
Generally speaking, the instruments used for these purposes are not disturbed by the vibrations resulting from ordinary traffic. In almost every household something may be found which will respond to a gentle shaking of the ground.
Vicentini of Padua, will yield excellent diagrams of the gentle undulations of earthquakes which have originated at great distances, but for local disturbances, even if the bob of the pendulum acts as a steady point, the highly multiplied displacements are usually too great to be recorded.
This gentle continuous activity of the neuron is called its tonus.
The surface of the province is a gentle slope from the south-west towards the north-east, where it terminates in the long ridge of hills known as the Hondsrug (Dog's Back) extending along the eastern border into Groningen.
It has a gentle slope down-stream, and often for a distance from the sides towards the centre.
By some considered as a fanatical devotee, and by others as given up to mysticism, he is generally described as kind and gentle in disposition, and devoted to the interests of his country.
The slate hills, weathering more readily, assume gentle slopes and rounded ridges, as in the high land from Holy Loch to the Kyles of Bute.
The anarchic weakness of the reign of Stephen enabled David to secure his hold of northern England to the Till, but the death of his gallant and gentle son Henry, in June 1152, left the succession to his son, Malcolm the Maiden, then a child of ten, and David's death (24th of May 1153) exposed Scotland to the dangers of a royal minority.
The term Iota communitas, " the whole community," appears to denote all freeholders of gentle birth, who might be present at any important assembly for the discussion of national affairs.
Had Henry been honourable and gentle, had his sister not shared his vehement passions, James and Henry, nephew and uncle, might have been united in peace; and the Scottish Reformation might have harmoniously blended with that of England.
Such language was at once gentle and strong; without condemning the old, it claimed liberty for the new.
Still less historical justification is to be found for the vacillating Weisslingen in whom Goethe executed poetic justice on himself as the lover of Friederike, or in the women of the play, the gentle Maria, the heartless Adelheid.
To prepare the nutmegs for use, the seed enclosing the kernel is dried at a gentle heat in a drying-house over a smouldering fire for about two months, the seeds being turned every second or third day.
It is pleasantly situated on a gentle eminence, in a fertile and richly cultivated district.
The main watershed of the peninsula lies towards the east coast; therefore such elevated ground as exists is found on the east, while the western slope is gentle and consists of a low sandy plain of slight undulation.
The dominant mountain system of Afghanistan is the Hindu Kush, and that extension westwards of its water-divide which is indicated by the Koh-i-Baba to the north-west of Kabul, and by the Firozkhoi plateau (Karjistan), which merges still farther to the west by gentle gradients into the Paropamisus, and which may be traced across the Hari Rud to Mashad.
From Kabul the old route followed the Kabul river through the valley of Laghman (or Lamghan, as the Afghans call it) over a gentle water-parting into the Kunar valley, leaving Ningrahar and Jalalabad to the south.
It is situated on a gentle ridge between the rivers Trave and Wakenitz, 10 m.
In its rear springs up a gentle steady north-east wind, which gradually extends over the Bay of Bengal, and is known as the north-east monsoon.
At Constance, his role had been chiefly that of an arbiter; he was a good and gentle man, leading a simple life, free from intrigue.
Abdalaziz, who was received there with joy, his devoutness and gentle character being well known.
In the east part of the state is the magnificent Sierra Nevada, a great block of the earth's crust, faulted along its eastern side and tilted up so as to have a gentle back slope to the west and a steep fault escarpment facing east, the finest mountain system of the United States.
Where the volcanic formations were spread uniformly over the flanks of the mountains, the contrast between the canyons and the plain-like region of gentle slope in which they have been excavated is especially marked and characteristic. The eastern slope is very precipitous, due to a great fault which drops the rocks of the Great Basin region abruptly downward several thousand feet.
They sleep during the day, but wander forth at night in search of food, and are shy and gentle, though they can bite strongly when provoked.
In the east a well-defined mountain system runs nearly parallel to the Black Sea coast from Batum to Sinope, forming a gentle curve with its convexity facing southwards.
Balard determined the volume composition of the gas by decomposition over mercury on gentle warming, followed by the absorption of the chlorine produced with potassium hydroxide, and then measured the residual oxygen.
The district stretches out in a level plain, with a gentle slope from N.W.
Frederick's ideal of civilization was derived in a large measure from Provence, where a beautiful culture had prematurely bloomed, filling southern Europe with the perfume of poetry and gentle living.
A very gentle heating gives decomposition approximating to the equation of 22KC103=14KC10 4 +8KC1+50 2, whilst on a more rapid heating the quantities correspond more nearly to loKC10 3 = 6KC104+4KC1+ 302.
A regular gentle slope leads from these hills to the Gulf of Bothnia (Osterbotten), forming vast prairie tracts in its lower parts.
You behold me gentle, a peacemaker, pure of heart, a mourner, hungering, thirsting, bearing persecutions and hatreds for righteousness' sake, and do you doubt whether I accept the gospel..
From its confluence with the Sheksna the Volga flows with a very gentle descent towards the south-east, past Yaroslavl and Kostroma, along a broad valley hollowed to a depth of 150-200 ft.
They should really be known by the teaching and martyrdom of Blaurock, Grebel and Hubmaier, and by the gentle learning and piety of Hans Denck - of whom, with many hundred others, "the world was not worthy."
William Knox was "simple," not "gentle"- perhaps a prosperous East Lothian peasant.
Gentle forest-clad undulations, many small lakes and peat-mosses, are characteristic of the region; which, in fact, closely resembles the middle belt of the northern highland region.
This maritime range is traversed by several river valleys, some of which, like the Bio-Bio, are broad and have so gentle a slope as to be navigable.
He led in person several armies into Italy, and proved as severe and pitiless towards his enemies as he was gentle and clement towards his subjects.
John's son Donald, sometimes called "gentle Lochiel," joined Charles Edward, the Young Pretender, in 1745, was wounded at Culloden, and escaped to France, dying in the same year as his father.
To this is added gentle exercise, beginning with the fingers at first.
Thebes (anciently 00ac, Thebae, or in poetry sometimes 07' 7 0a, in modern Greek Phiva, or, according to the corrected pronunciation, Thivae), an ancient Greek city in Boeotia, is situated on low hilly ground of gentle slope a little north of the range of Cithaeron, which divides Boeotia from Attica, and on the edge of the Boeotian plain, about 44 m.
He is conscious of his power, and not always sufficiently cautious or sufficiently gentle in its exercise.
Thus the upper parts of the Zhob valley are comparatively open and fertile, with flourishing villages, and a cultivation which has been greatly developed under British rule, and are bounded by long, sweeping, gentle spurs clothed with wild olive woods containing trees of immense size.
The slope then steepens with the ascending curve to the summit of the pass, from which point it falls with a comparatively gentle gradient to the general level of the plateau.
His mother Sibyl was "of gentle birth," a daughter of William Bowate and granddaughter of William Stratton of Stratton, Hants.
She had been brought up in a narrow retirement, could speak no language but her own, had no looks, no accomplishments and no dowry, her only recommendations being her proficiency in needlework, and her meek and gentle temper.
The surface in general is rolling, with a gentle slope northward, and drains through the Little Colorado (or Colorado Chiquito), Rio Puerco and other streams into the Grand Canyon.
From the Mongolian plateau the ascent is on the whole gentle, but from the plains of Siberia it is much steeper, despite the fact that the range is masked by a broad belt of subsidiary ranges of an Alpine character, e.g.
Canon Ainger's gentle wit and humour, his generosity and lovable disposition, endeared him to a wide circle.
At this period gentle showers are of great value, as they cause an increase in the subsequent yield of opium.
In almost everything she was the opposite of her gentle husband, but entered into his educational schemes, and gave her patronage to the foundation of Queen's College, Cambridge.
Behind the harbour the houses rise picturesquely on gentle wooded slopes, and numerous villas adorn the vicinity.
The land, generally undulating, is further diversified with hills arranged in groups or ranges, a common characteristic of which is a bold face on the one hand and a long gentle slope, with narrow valleys deeply penetrating, on the other.
The general character of the landscape in the Eastern Division is a succession of steep escarpments formed by the edges of the outcropping beds of harder rock, and long gentle slopes or plains on the dip-slopes, or on the softer layers; clay and hard rock alternating throughout the series.
The coal-fields on the eastern side, from the Tyne nearly to the Trent, are sharply marked off on the east by the outcrop of Permian dolomite or Magnesian limestone, which forms a low terrace dipping towards the east under more recent rocks, and in many places giving rise to an escarpment facing westward towards the gentle slope of the Pennine dales.
Even quite gentle green exercise can improve your health.
A naughty boy seems very gentle when with his father.
I decide I shall not go gentle into that good old people's home.
Instead of becoming harsh and severe and bitter, he had become more gentle, more kindly.
Emollients should be applied frequently, using gentle, downward strokes to prevent folliculitis.
When you are comfortable doing this you can start gentle running and stretching.
The Bay of Golkoy faces north and thus offers gentle cooling breezes throughout the summer.
Up on deck your Nile cruise ship helps create a gentle breeze that is often a welcome relief from the Egyptian sun.
The fine sunny weather and the warm gentle breeze made for a thoroughly enjoyable evening.
Neville is in the tradition of gentle giants of the keyboard.
A young giraffe named Garrett, A gentle giant.
That gives a lovely sheen as opposed to a very glossy finish, in keeping with our gentle approach.
In spite of its pugilistic face, the dragon goby, or violet goby as it is also known, is a gentle fish.
As they are shy with all fishes apart from other dwarf gouramis, their tank mates should be gentle and sedate.
Be very gentle when you do this, and don't suddenly grab the puppy's jaw.
There is not enough gravitas and gentle but firm certainty.
The gentle undulating ' Weald ' is dotted with hop fields and fat cattle graze in lush green meadows.
These plush toys are brightly colored and give a soft grunt when gentle pressure is applied.
It is also a gentle herb suitable for children, where it can be used to calm anxious or excitable children and soothe headaches.
For ever heartbroken daughter Julie. x. Gentle Jesus in Heaven above, Send little Nana all our birthday love.
From a gentle countryside ramble to a challenging hike up Skiddaw, there really is something for everyone.
The range of treks varies from a short gentle hikes through terraced foothills to lengthy expeditions to mount Everest's summit.
In an instant one psychedelic traveler meets the gentle swagger of an old hobo going the other way.
You can hire your own houseboat and chug along at a gentle pace from Toulouse to Carcassonne, some 60 miles away.
Ideal for a gentle stroll with little ones to escape the town hubbub.
And that's the immaculate decor, the secluded corners and the gentle hubbub of voices for starters.
Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone.
Rob shared so much of the joy and love in his life and used gentle humor to lift bad situations.
With a gentle starting pace and the ability to stay virtually immortal it really is aimed for the young kiddies.
Anonymous Becky I think Option 5 is best for a gentle tranny intro.
A gentle introduction to music, using traditional and modern songs and games.
The music moves from funky, jazz, soul, and gentle hip hop.
Some prefer a gentle social jog, some a faster pace, whilst a few aspire to the marathon.
Hope comes in the form of Fergus Pearson, gentle, laid-back and kind - everything her husband isn't.
Every day, succumb to the pleasure of the creamy lather, enriched gentle polishing vegetal micro spheres.
He also showed that he hadn't lost his knack for gentle humor that elicits laughter and groans in equal measure.
Linseed seeds act as a gentle bulk forming laxative, increasing the mass of feces.
A mild and gentle laxative can help you to open your bowels, this will make you feel more comfortable.
Linseed seeds act as a gentle bulk laxative and their use has been demonstrated through use of case examples and a literature review.
The audience took an instant liking to it, which was demonstrated by the gentle swaying of bodies.
Toning tables would an ideal way to start using low-level, gentle techniques.
Gentle pull on his neck to activate a calming lullaby.
As the Widow sings a gentle lullaby the ale takes its effect and the scene dissolves into sleep.
Tightness Excess fluid in the tissues causes swelling and tightness which is helped with gentle exercises to drain the lymph.
He was a knowledgeable and talented magician, as well as a gentle, ethical man who worked to help others.
You could spot alligators, exotic birds and maybe even the gentle manatee, close to extinction and now highly protected.
A Gentle reflexology treatment massages the feet and each reflex point can be stimulated or calmed to encourage a return to health.
If a slave master was converted to Christ it's highly likely that his whole approach would become more gentle.
This is a gentle, evocative meander through a normal childhood.
Others are bold and firm, but not meek and gentle.
Silica - gentle spherical microspheres to stimulate oxygenation and exfoliation before breaking down and disappearing.
Who among us does not miss the gentle ministrations, the softening influences, the humble piety of Lucretia Borgia?
But even the gentle ministrations of the deep can become wearing after a time, and all I hear now is a death rattle.
He is a modern minstrel with gentle wit, sensitive vocals, and wicked guitar skills.
The nose was slightly minty with some blackcurrant and herbaceous aromas, mingling with gentle oak and spiciness.
There's a gentle but sharp humor at work here; their lifelong friendship only barely covers over a general mistrust.
We recommend that wheels are washed using a microfibre wash mitt and a gentle shampoo in conjunction with the two bucket method.
At that point the very gentle mizzle we'd had so far settled into something more serious.
At all times be gentle and consider using sedation such as low dose diazepam and/or morphine to help you.
Till I be gentle, stay thou for thy good morrow.
The gentle murmur of the river helped him calm himself.
Like mine, thy gentle numbers feebly creep; Thy tragic muse gives smiles, thy comic sleep.
These are over 50m long and allow novices to practice on gentle slopes in safety without having to manage conventional lifts.
These figures are also a gentle nudge to those people who are still opting for bottled water.
A study using gentle osteopathy has also been shown to relieve menopausal symptoms.
But in interrogation he could be gentle, almost paternal.
Outside all was quiet save for the gentle patter of the rain on the windows, the storm having lost much of its ferocity.
He was a gentle man, but I seem to remember that he was hen pecked by his wife.
A short instrumental with lilting lead guitar, gentle percussion, synths and Hammond organ.
Together, in our play, we will be gentle persuasion.
Testes are transferred to an eppendorf tube in 0.5ml L15 and dissociated by gentle application of eppendorf pestle.
Didn't feel up to anything strenuous so just gentle picking of runners, French and broad beans.
Wide, gentle pistes allow for exploration at an early stage.
A gentle exfoliating therapy enriched with tropical papain fruit enzymes and flower extracts to purify blocked pores and sweep away dead cells.
A gentle let down is far preferable to being ignored.
From this mood of gentle nostalgia there arose a great voluntary movement, the railroad preservationists.
Let a stunning fusion of extraordinary puppetry, gentle performance and choreographed objects and images take your breath away!
Many of her young friends ventured on a little gentle raillery.
Tours to suit all levels of ability from a gentle ramble to a Himalayan expedition.
Christ gave them a gentle rebuke, saying, " Where is your faith?
Soft pads play gentle staccato chord, bright guitars strum hip-swaying rhythms and occasional steps into darker moods provide dramatic interludes.
Sending him breakfast was intended as a gentle ribbing, the sort of thing two friends who knew each other well could laugh about.
The slight Pacific tide was running in with a gentle ripple.
The first bit had a gentle gradient but was quite badly rutted, catching out Mike Hobbs in his Big Beetle.
The gentle cleanser Enriched with a soapwort extract, this cleansing cream-gel cleanses the skin in depth and eliminates excess sebum.
Treated with a seriousness and dignity, well tempered by gentle humor, at times they actually seem more self-aware than the adults.
Rose Quartz brings powerful healing energies to remove negativity and bring back a strong sense of self-worth and gentle self-love.
Despite using various health and herbal gentle shampoos, they just didn't help my hair.
The saponins contained in the plant can be made into a gentle shampoo.
But never did she go without Mr. Woodhouse's giving a gentle sigh, and saying, " Ah, poor Miss Taylor!
A gentle purring rattles the air currents above the South Stand, but the stadium seems as sleepy as it's been for years.
In 1992 the city of Graz adopted the slogan ' gentle mobility ' for its traffic policies.
The Village of Braemar Coming up a gentle slope the road enters the village itself.
Some deafblind people may need a stronger indication, perhaps a gentle squeeze of the wrist, but check with them.
He was not really a politician and was quite gentle and honest for a political stooge.
The routes vary from gentle strolls to full day hikes at high altitude.
Trsat, a gentle hilltop suburb, stands guard over Rijeka.
Sometimes wound drains are attached to gentle suction to help the drainage.
Seen from High Pike itself it's just a gentle swell in the moorland a mile or so to the southwest.
Guinea pigs can become quite tame with gentle handling.
Tenderly sung with gentle harmonies and a bouncy upbeat tempo ensures the album is worms a way into your heart.
A heavily timbered park stretched up in a gentle slope, thickening into a grove at the highest point.
For a luxury treatment, apply a light moisturizing cream before using the mask and finish with a gentle toner.
Here his pure, clean vocals are supported by a gentle backing track making the voice soar way above the music.
It tends to be more marked with sudden and sustained traction compared to slow, gentle, progressive traction.
Instead, a gentle trickle arrived from approximately 0630 onwards.
At the great distances of the Oort Cloud, comets can be affected by the gentle gravitational tugs of nearby passing stars.
With a gentle tug you can then remove the bottom case of the iMac.
The front baffle with its gentle slope is helpful for vertical diffusing of the ribbon tweeter.
The gentle undulations of Capability Brown's landscape lie beyond.
The device performs a gentle and repeated circular motion, which moves the vertebrae of the lower back and the pelvic area.
It is full of powerful lyrics and passion, with a gentle but haunting vocals.
A gentle ambient warble which wouldn't seem too out of place on this thing.
Walkers are greeted at the meeting point by the walk leaders and do some gentle warm-up exercises before setting off.
My view is heightened with a gentle lope by car across the calming, almost whimsical, landscape.
Fear must release me to my God Anger must leave me, As a gentle whisper in the wind Death must lose its sting.
Roddy Renfrew started the ball rolling with a set of gentle, tho occasionally more acerbic, wit.
In the 1530s, the provost, James Gentle, seems to have been a rather worldly character.
Both, as we have come to expect from Luke, involved some excellent guitar work with gentle and sometimes wry lyrics.
Women from 12 to 42 weeks pregnant are welcome, and anyone needing gentle yoga.
The actual elevation of a summit above sea-level does not necessarily affect its mountainous character; a gentle eminence, for instance, rising a few hundred feet above a tableland, even if at an elevation of say 15,000 ft., could only be called a hill.
Beacon Hill, so called from its ancient use as a signal warning station, is still the most conspicuous topographical feature of the city, but it has been changed from a bold and picturesque eminence into a gentle slope.
Columbus passed through the islands, and in one of his letters to Ferdinand and Isabella he said,"This country excels all others as far as the day surpasses the night in splendour; the natives love their neighbours as themselves; their conversation is the sweetest imaginable; their faces always smiling; and so gentle and so affectionate are they, that I swear to your highness there is not a better people in the world."
With children he was affectionate and gentle, with old people and strangers considerate.
The shaft Crystal- carries arms and blades fixed in such a manner that the mass of sugar is quietly but thoroughly moved, while at the same time a gentle but sustained evaporation is produced by the continuous exposure of successive portions of the mass to the action of the atmosphere.
They are very delicate animals, difficult to keep in confinement, and in that state exhibiting a gentle disposition, and being normally silent (see Primates).
It is pleasantly situated on a gentle eminence, in a rich pastoral vale to which it gives name, celebrated for its dairies, producing the famous cheese known as "double Gloucester."
To facilitate sorties in great force he did away with a counterscarp wall, providing instead a long gentle slope from the bottom of the ditch to the crest of the glacis.
A dozen generations of men have rejoiced in the gentle irony with which Montaigne handles the ludicrum humani saeculi, in the quaint felicity of his selection of examples, and in the real though sometimes fantastic wisdom of his comment on his selections.
The valley, known by the general name of Kakir, meaning a " hard, dry, sterile expanse of clay," is chequered with shallow selfcontained basins of the usual type and has remarkably gentle slopes ' The Northern Mountains are the Pe-shan in the desert of Gobi (see Gobi).
In the southern part of the Basin Range province the ranges are well dissected and some of the intermont depressions have rock floors with gentle, centripetal slopes; hence it is suggested that the time since the last dislocation in this part of the province is relativel remote; that erosion in the current cycle has here advanced muc farther than in the central or northern parts of the province; and that, either by outwash to the sea or by exportation of wind-borne dust, the depressions-perhaps aggraded for a time in the earlier stages of the cyclehave now been so deeply worn down as to degrade the lower and weaker parts of the tilted blocks to an evenly sloping surface, leaving the higher and harder parts still in relief as residual ranges.
The floor of this depression being below baselevel, it has necessarily come to be the seat of the mountain waste brought down by the many streams from the newly uplifted Sierra Nevada on the east and the coast ranges on the west; each stream forms an alluvial fan of very gentle slope; the fans all become laterally confluent, and incline very gently forward to meet in a nearly level axial belt, where the trunk riversthe Sacramento from the north and the San Joaquin from the south-east--wander in braided courses; their tendency to aggradation having been increased in the last half century by the gravels from gold washing; their waters entering San Francisco Bay.
In 1577 he was committed to the care of Cox of Ely with strict rules for his treatment; and the bishop (1578) could find no fault with him except that "he was a gentle person but in the popish religion too, too obstinate."
Richard Shackleton was endowed with a grave, pure and tranquil nature, constant and austere, yet not without those gentle elements that often redeem the drier qualities of his religious persuasion.
He was the very opposite of Richelieu, as wheedling in his ways as the other had been haughty and scornful, as devoid of vanity and rancour as Richelieu had been full of jealous care for his authority; he was gentle where the other had been passionate and irritable, with an intelligence as great and more supple, and a far more grasping nature.
They were as gentle as kittens; but I told her they would get wild and fierce as they grew older.
This inevitability alone can explain how the cruel Arakcheev, who tore out a grenadier's mustache with his own hands, whose weak nerves rendered him unable to face danger, and who was neither an educated man nor a courtier, was able to maintain his powerful position with Alexander, whose own character was chivalrous, noble, and gentle.
Let a stunning fusion of extraordinary puppetry, gentle performance and choreographed objects and images take your breath away !
I am also sensitive, gentle and romantic at the same time.
Ernie is a beautiful, gentle, 11 month old rottweiler puppy.
A car shampoo should also be gentle enough not to strip existing layers of wax or sealant protection.
Despite using various health and herbal gentle shampoos, they just did n't help my hair.
The walls were simply painted in White Gentle sheen emulsion from the FOCUS own brand range priced at £ 14.99.
But never did she go without Mr. Woodhouse 's giving a gentle sigh, and saying, Ah, poor Miss Taylor !
A gentle purring rattles the air currents above the South Stand, but the stadium seems as sleepy as it 's been for years.
Share your days with gentle deer, scampering squirrels, secretive badgers, soaring buzzards and hawks in the wild, private Leny glen.
Ranging from 1 to 16 km, from gentle strolls to more strenuous hikes there are suitable walks for all age groups.
The beach is a 1km gentle stroll down a woodland path.
And excluding the gentle acoustic strum at the end of The Honshu Underground.
All looked good as the cars arrived in pleasant sunshine with a gentle breeze.
Seen from High Pike itself it 's just a gentle swell in the moorland a mile or so to the southwest.
A contemporary gentle swinging crib that can be locked when stationary.
Gentle exercise - walks, yoga or tai chi practices - keeps muscles from weakening and becoming more painful.
Melt the tallow with gentle heat and add the other ingredients, stirring until cold.
Organic textiles natural terry cloth, gentle to the skin for relaxing moments !
It was a happy brooding, although tinged with regret at being separated for an indefinite time from her gentle aunt and dear cousin.
The gentle tinkle of sheep bells floating across the countryside makes a very relaxing sound.
The gentle undulations of Capability Brown 's landscape lie beyond.
He spoke in an even, unhurried manner, with a gentle tone.
A gentle ambient warble which would n't seem too out of place on this thing.
Most fabric curtains in our online shop are gentle machine washable at 30/40 degrees.
Small wavelets which do not break 09 knots Gentle breeze.
My husband suggested this was a good time to get the second dog as a companion for our gentle whippet cross bitch.
And on the covered terrace of the handsome old clubhouse, golfers enjoy cooling libations under the gentle whir of ceiling fans.
From a gentle hike through hills and forests to white-water adventures, there is something for everyone.
Vibrating Infant Seat-Babies love a gentle, rocking movement, and you can now purchase an infant seat that vibrates.
Placing your gentle baby into the arms of another caregiver while you spend the day at work is a difficult transition for all involved.
A nursery glider also offers an easy range of motion, requiring only a gentle push of the foot to set it rocking to and fro.
With gentle, but stimulating audio and visual creations, art and music come alive as baby's natural appetite for curiosity is strengthened even further.
The milk-based Carnation infant formula Good Start Supreme is specially formulated and contains gentle 100 per cent whey comfort proteins.
If you are gentle, understanding and compassionate without being over-stimulating, you can avoid this frustrating set of circumstances.
The training usually focuses on cuddling, eye to eye communication, facial expressions, and of course gentle, rhythmic touching.
Another easy way to make the crib into a Beatrix Potter bed is to keep all of the bedding in gentle colors and add Beatrix Potter decals to the baby bed itself.
A gentle cleaning motion should be all that is needed.
Washing your baby's hair every day with a gentle shampoo will help to diminish the sebaceous output and the amount of plaque present on your baby's head.
Cotton is an excellent choice for baby clothing as it is lightweight, breathable and gentle on a baby's sensitive skin.
Getting a regular catalog from a company you have ordered from before is a gentle reminder that the company still exists and would like more of your money.
This is a gentle way of waking and it is very effective.
While I don't have sensitive teeth or gums myself, I can definitely see the gentle action of this brush being something that will appeal to people who have these types of problems.
They tend to be gentle, intelligent and curious.
There is the rare occasion when a kitten may become stuck and need a gentle tug from you in order to free it when mom has the next contraction.
Often the purring is accompanied by gentle or vigorous kneading, usually in correlation to how content they really feel.
Upon further examination, gentle palpitation of the abdomen reveals a hard ball.
These cats get along well with children and other pets, and they are often referred to as "gentle giants".
What makes this book nice for young children is the very gentle illustrations that accompany the stories.
Your elderly grandmother may be a gentle soul, which is why a ruthless social hacker may try to manipulate her to reveal information about you.
Laugh - Teach kids the importance of humor by poking gentle fun at them and encourage them to do the same to you.
Using herbs for pain relief is a natural, and gentle, way to care for your body.
This is a gentle mask that can be used daily.
Scrubs are generally too coarse to use on acne but the following cleanser is gentle and can be used each time you cleanse your skin.
Whether your stomach is rolling from the flu or you are experiencing early morning sickness, ginger is a gentle and effective way to combat nausea and vomiting.
In most cases ginger is a gentle and beneficial addition to your medicine cabinet.
Homeopathic remedies for arthritis and other ailments are safe and gentle.
Losing weight has been shown to reduce blood pressure, so if you're carrying a few extra pounds, now's the time to begin a gentle exercise program, such as walking, and a sensible diet to lose weight.
Meditation, mindfulness, and gentle exercise such as yoga may also help if stress contributes to hypertension.
His goal was to provide safe, natural medicine that was gentle and effective.
Bach Flower Remedies are another safe and gentle herbal treatment to try.