Genocide Sentence Examples
Before he is even an adult, Ender has committed genocide.
But we are the future; we can prevent genocide if we choose to take a stand.
The National Association of Black Social Workers called them a form of cultural genocide.
Many saw their parents killed by machete in the genocide that ripped through Rwanda in just 100 days in 1994.
The now ousted Hutu government had been able to portray the RPF as bent on genocide against the Hutus.
Conceived in order to stabilize the region, the Dayton peace agreement recognized and legitimized the results of mass ethnic cleansing and genocide.
This is the role of war, or at least of organized military force, in halting genocide and other violence against civilians.
I mean, the argument could be made that the genocide was perhaps the most well-documented genocide of the 20th century.
This book is an unsparing eyewitness account of the failure by humanity to stop the genocide, despite timely warnings.
This sequence of events enabled the perpetrators of the Armenian genocide to muddy the waters.
AdvertisementHorton argues that there is a strong case to be made for charging Burma's regime with genocide or at least attempted genocide.
This has the entirely laudable aim of preventing the genocide of any group.
Whether we go to war or commit genocide is a choice, too.
Another example of such impunity was the Armenian genocide of 1915 that was orchestrated by the Ottoman Empire.
Whatever tricks Irving tried, he could not derail Browning ' s calm, precise delivery of facts establishing that the genocide happened.
AdvertisementArticle 7 Genocide and the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall not be considered as political crimes for the purpose of extradition.
This site's sole purpose is to try to save lives by helping stop the genocide in Darfur.
The film tells the true story of a hotel manager who saved people from the Rwandan genocide of 1994.
There is also a dearth of creative talent in the wake of the Cambodian genocide.
Bosnian Serbs face genocide trial Seven Bosnian Serbs go on trial at The Hague, most facing genocide trial Seven Bosnian Serbs go on trial at The Hague, most facing genocide charges over the Srebrenica massacre.
AdvertisementEqually, a prime opportunity for information warfare was missed during the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
Nevertheless, 2000 casualties on both sides during a civil war do not constitute genocide.
But the leaders of Turkey committed genocide against the Armenians.