Genies Sentence Examples
And, as at Rome in early times, there were at Sparta distinctions within the populus; there were 5 otot and nro,ueioves, like the majores and minores genies at Rome.
A society, numbering many thousands of working men among its members, which has set itself the more special task of promoting the interchange of visits between working men of different nations, is called the " International Brotherhood Alliance," or, after the initials of its motto, Fraternitas inter genies, the F.I.G.
His conversion to Christianity is said by Jerome to have been occasioned by a dream; and the same writer adds that the bishop to whom Arnobius applied distrusted his professions, and asked some proof of them, and that the treatise Adversus Genies was composed for this purpose.
As a child Cage had nightmares about cockroaches, scary clowns and genies.
Oil candles add an exotic touch to any décor, such as adding an oil lamp that invites ideas of Arabian Nights, genies in the bottle and just a touch of mystery.
Harem girls and genies all need their fair share of scarves, so keep them stocked for limitless uses.
Paris, features the perfect copy of the Eiffel tower, while Aladdin is the home of 1001 nights and the magical world of flying carpets and genies.
His worship, introduced from the Greek colonies in Etruria and in the south of Italy, seems to have been established in Rome from the earliest times, as two old Patrician genies were associated with his cult and the Fabii claimed him as their ancestor.
The explanation of this is that the plebeians had long been organized, like the patricians, in genies, and nothing remained distinctive of the old nobility except a vague sense of dignity and worth.
One fell at the gate of the forest and became the black genies!
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A variety of tricks are usually employed to achieve various looks, ranging from princesses and genies to vampires and devils.