Genetic-code Sentence Examples
The tests I did with your blood came back promising, but I can't nail down the right genetic code.
Up until discoveries in 1953, science has always believed the genetic code was fixed.
As a result, each of us has a unique genetic code that typically differs in about three million nucleotides from every other person.
By PLoS Biology The genetic code of the gray, short-tailed opossum reveals insights into the evolution of the major histocompatibility complex.
Is there a possibility that the test won't be able to identify a single recognized breed from your pet's genetic code?
In most people, the body is already programmed by its genetic code to produce all of the enzymes and chemicals necessary to carry out these functions.
While no one gene was identified as causing autism as of 2004, researchers are searching for irregular segments of genetic code that autistic children may have inherited.