Genetic Sentence Examples
This is a form of genetic modification.
Today, genetic modification efforts are much more directed.
The tests I did with your blood came back promising, but I can't nail down the right genetic code.
Then in the 1940s, another American, Oswald Avery, was able to show, through an ingenious method, that the genetic information had to be carried by the DNA.
This arrangement has not hitherto been detected in any other class than the Arachnida, and if it should ultimately prove to be peculiar to that group, would have considerable weight as a proof of the close genetic affinity of Limulus and Scorpio.
These pits serve to indicate the genetic relationship of adjacent cells, when they form a compact pesudo-parenchyma, notwithstanding the fact that somewhat smaller secondary pits appear later between any contiguous cells.
The second team had the benefits of genetic modification.
All genetic conditions that one would reasonably wish to alter would also be altered.
The study of instinct is in the genetic treatment of evolutionary science a study in heredity.
He discovered the actual transmutations in direct genetic series of species on the successive deposition levels of the old lake basin.
AdvertisementEventually, the pea was as large as its genetic potential allowed it to be.
Both Darwin and Wallace lay great stress on the close relation which obtains between the existing fauna of any region and that of the immediately antecedent geological epoch in the same region; and rightly, for it is in truth inconceivable that there should be no genetic connexion between the two.
It should be remembered that palaeontology is the most unfavourable field of all for observation and demonstration of sudden saltations or mutations of character, because of the limited materials available for comparison and the rarity of genetic series.
The physiographic description of the Appalachian mountain system offers an especially good opportunity for the application of the genetic method based on structure, process and stage.
The genetic method is applied to varieties of man, not to man as a whole.
AdvertisementThe loss of the power to coil, observed in the terminals of many declining series of gastropods from the Cambrian to the present time, and the similar loss of power among Natiloidea and Ammonoidea of many genetic series, as well as the ostraean form assumed by various declining series of pelecypods and by some brachiopods, may be cited as examples.
Who's to say there aren't genetic variations that lend people to being different? he asked, shrugging.
The more cautious Cuvier adopted a view of the relationships of animals which, whilst denying genetic connexion as the explanation, recognized an essential identity of structure throughout whole groups of animals.
Herder's works may be arranged in an ascending series, corresponding to the way in which the genetic or historical idea was developed and extended.
This fact renders their association with the Crustacea impossible, if classification is to be the expression of genetic affinity inferred from structural coincidence.
AdvertisementThis, however, is not the character to which we now ascribe the chief weight as evidence of the genetic affinity and monophyletic (uni-ancestral) origin of the Chaetopods, Rotifers and Arthropods.
We shall now pass the groups of the Arthropoda in review, attempting to characterize them in such a way as will indicate their probable affinities and genetic history.
In addition, how food affects us unquestionably has a lot to do with genetic factors, and because everyone has a different genetic makeup, different foods affect each of us differently.
While she knew his genetic engineering made him harder to kill, she'd never imagined he'd survived.
Melchior Neumayr, the great Austrian palaeontologist, especially extended the philosophic foundations of modern invertebrate palaeontology, and traced a number of continuous genetic series (formenreihe) in successive horizons.
AdvertisementThe absolute agreement in the results independently obtained by these various investigators, the interpretation of individual development as the guide to phyletic development, the demonstration of continuous genetic series, each mutation falling into its proper place and all showing a definite direction, constitute contributions to biological philosophy of the first importance, which have been little known or appreciated by zoologists because of their publication in monographs of very special character.
It is certainly a very striking fact that wherever we have been able to trace genetic series, either of invertebrates or vertebrates, in closely sequent geological horizons, or life zones, we find strong proof of evolution through extremely gradual mutation simultaneously affecting many parts of each organism, as set forth above.
For it he proposed to substitute the genetic method, whereby human conscious experience might be exhibited as growing or developing from its essential basis in connexion with external conditions.
This kind of selection, called by Pearson "reproductive" or "genetic" selection, may be measured by finding the correlation between the characters of the individuals which pair and the number of young.
The high development of the eyes of Charybdaea is very remarkable, and so is their close resemblance to the eyes found in other groups of the animal kingdom, with which they can have no genetic relation.
Where transgenesis offers the most amazing possibilities is in GM foods because it allows plants to exceed their maximum genetic potential.
In any case, there are other ways to use genetic modification to get energy.
Environmentalists should be the first people onboard the genetic modification bandwagon.
It will come about through sensors, genetic engineering, better information, better communication, and precision farming.
Ray Lankester's term, homoplasy, has passed into currency as designating such cases where different genetic material has been pressed by similar conditions into similar moulds.
The two conceptions which may now be said to animate the theory of geography are the genetic, which depends upon processes of origin, and the morphological, which depends on facts of form and distribution.
Although there is no direct genetic affinity between the spiders of these two groups, an interesting parallelism in their habits may be traced.
When we consider the relationships of the various classes of Arthropoda, having accepted and established the fact of the close genetic affinity of Limulus and Scorpio, we are led to important conclusions.
It has been insisted, by those who accepted Lankester's original doctrine of the direct or genetic affinity of the Chaetopoda and Arthropoda, that Apus and Branchipus really come very near to the ancestral forms which connected those two great branches of Appendiculate (Parapodiate) animals.
There are, and probably always will be, differences of opinion as to the exact way in which the various kinds of animals may be divided into groups and those groups arranged - in such an order as will best exhibit their probable genetic relationships.
In this way he became the originator of that genetic or historical method which has since been applied to all human ideas and institutions.
In his Principles of Psychology Spencer advocates the genetic explanation of the phenomena of the adult human mind by reference to its infant and animal ancestry.
The gold in this conglomerate reef is partly of detrital origin and partly of the genetic character of ordinary vein-gold.
Not that it is a natural history, or even a phenomenology of consciousness; only in the later writings did Fichte adopt even the genetic method of exposition; it is the complete statement of the pure principles of the understanding in their rational or necessary order.
Leidy adhered strictly to Cuvier's exact descriptive methods, and while an evolutionist and recognizing clearly the genetic relationships of the horses and other groups, he never indulged in speculation.
This study of direct genetic series marked another great advance, and became possible in invertebrate palaeontology long before it was introduced among the vertebrates.
Paul similarly demonstrated genetic series of Paludina (Vivipara) in the Pliocene lakes of Slavonia (1875).
He was the first to attempt a comprehensive treatment of all invertebrates from the genetic point of view; but unfortunately his great work, entitled Die Stcimme des Thierreichs (Vienna and Prague, 1889), was uncompleted.
Of these two kinds of genetic and adaptive resemblance, homogeny is the warp composed of the vertical, hereditary strands, which connect animals with their ancestors and their successors, while analogy is the woof, composed of the horizontal strands which tie animals together by their superficial resemblances.
This principle has been demonstrated recently among Tertiary rhinoceroses and titanotheres, in which remains of four or five genetic series in the same geologic deposits have been discovered.
The question, too, in the case of this element, is necessarily of genetic rather than purely geographical scope.
Spinoza could draw upon him for the notion of genetic definition.
Hence the dispute between evolutionist and transcendentalist rests, in general, on an ignoratio elenchi; for the history of the genesis of an idea (the historical or genetic method) does not contain an answer to - though it may throw light on - the philosophical question of its truth or validity.
Imagine they also included their genetic mapping as well as every single thing they did in their daily lives.
By looking at how the genome varies between people with a genetic condition and people without it, we can identify the troublemaking gene.
Due to genetic factors we will certainly learn about in the future, some drugs and treatments do not work on certain people.
My guess is that such people have some genetic factor protecting them against the adverse effects of bacon.
Another method of genetic modification, called mutagenesis, dates to the early part of the twentieth century.
Thus we had genetic modifications in plants that could have occurred in nature but probably wouldn't have.
First of all, his genetic method as applied to the mind's ideas - which laid the foundations of English analytical psychology - was a step in the direction of a conception of mental life as a gradual evolution.
Nevertheless, though the conceptions originally denoted by " evolution " and " development " were shown to be untenable, the words retained their application to the process by which the embryos of living beings gradually make their appearance; and the terms" development," " Entwickelung,"and " evolutio " are now indiscriminately used for the series of genetic changes exhibited by living beings, by writers who would emphatically deny that " development " or " Entwickelung " or " evolutio," in the sense in which these words were usually employed by Bonnet or Haller, ever occurs.
The whole structure, consisting of the two pits and the wall between is known as a genetic pit.
Yet even in this way he helped to found the historical school in literature and science, for it was only after an excessive and sentimental interest in primitive human culture had been awakened that this subject would receive the amount of attention which was requisite for the genetic explanation of later developments.
This revolution may be accomplished by adding the term " mutation ascending " or " mutation descending " for the minute steps of transformation, and the term phylum, as employed in Germany, for the minor and major branches of genetic series.
The detail, too, of the whole discussion is rich in suggestion, and subsequent logiciansUeberweg himself perhaps, Lotze certainly in his genetic scale of types of judgment and inference, Professor Bosanquet notably in his systematic development of " the morphology of knowledge," and others - have with reason exploited it.
Here it could be a genetic predisposition, possibly aggravated by hormonal changes at puberty.
He called it genetic assimilation (see Thom, 1989 ).
However, this approach is not suitable for the analysis of fetal genetic traits that do not differ largely from the maternal alleles.
If we look at style as an organism, style-markers are its genetic material - making this project analogous to the human genome project.
Determining factors appear to be genetic predisposition coupled with the presence of sufficient circulating androgens.
In polymorphism, the taxonomic classification of species does not always match up with a tight genetic definition.
Chapter 5 is about clinical and laboratory services for genetic disorders in the UK.
We plan to make a " molecular tool box " for the genetic manipulation of the genus clostridium.
Up until discoveries in 1953, science has always believed the genetic code was fixed.
Such an approach recognizes that chronic disease is multifactorial involving a confluence of genetic, environmental, social, psychological and physical events.
Sadly, the majority of these are fast growing conifers whose genetic origin is overseas.
I think it was a bacterial conjugation (genetic exchange from one bug to another) experiment.
These resources certainly include family, friends, others with Gaucher disease, physicians, and genetic counselors.
A comparison of four contrasting milk production systems with winter calving high genetic merit cows.
Will you be transformed into a genetic changeling, or fall into the clutches of a doomsday cult?
Genetic trail The test also allows detection of any of the genetic mutations which can cause cystic fibrosis.
Thus, affected men do not transmit the genetic defect.
Genetic characterization of the legs at odd angles angles locus, a new mutation causing motor neuron degeneration in a gene dose dependent manner.
One of them is an old fear of something called genetic determinism.
Where does Buddhism stand in regard to genetic determinism, whether hard or soft?
There are only a few centers in the UK where pre-implantation genetic diagnosis is offered.
How then do we address such potentially dire threats of genetic engineering?
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has great potential for preventing inherited genetic diseases.
Firstly, the commonly employed markers of the risk society - nuclear accidents, genetic technology and environmental disequilibrium - are crudely amalgamated.
It shows an increasing distrust of genetic engineering in food.
By measuring genetic divergence between populations using molecular markers, I hope to relate this host specificity to the process of incipient speciation.
Genetic sociology thus has the potential of legitimizing the North-South divide as natural and foreordained by genes.
As a consequence of co-evolution with their hosts, viruses have acquired host genes and genetic mutations that confer dominance over normal cell function.
Genetic predisposition associated with other atopic diseases, Eg eczema or asthma.
We use a range of genetic and embryological techniques including transgenesis, descriptive molecular embryology and the analysis of cell lineage.
Unfortunately, with tragic results, the other mirror image enantiomer causes genetic damage in the fetus resulting in physical deformities of the limbs.
You can't do genetic engineering in your back garden.
Another distinction usually made is between genetic de-selection (negative eugenics) and genetic enhancement (positive eugenics ).
It is far from clear, however, that the case for genetic exceptionalism has been satisfactorily made out.
Human genetic studies are impeded by inconsistent loss of genetic material, variable expressivity, and decreased penetrance.
For me this is genetic, just like having blue or brown eyes.
The Aston team will use a technique called RAPD analysis to obtain a unique genetic fingerprint for each of the different strains of MRSA.
How is the genetic diversity of Europe's aquatic flora affected by dispersal processes?
New genetic techniques allow the precise decoration of tissues or sub-cellular compartments with intrinsically fluorescent proteins.
Genetic complexity of Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes isolated from the peripheral blood of treated Gambian children.
The event, held at Cardiff University, attracted a large number of participants including genetic counseling students, social scientists and clinicians.
There is also the opportunity of providing better genetic counseling for families with the syndrome.
If the families could request that their GP specifies if they would like to receive purely genetic advice or help with prosthetics.
Almost one in ten incorrectly assume that premature birth is mostly genetic and runs in the family.
It's an incurable immune system illness, probably genetic in origin and mainly suffered by females.
A forward genetic screen using Drosophila melanogaster that provides insight into these characteristics is described here.
As the tube grows, the contents of the pollen grain - essentially genetic material - passes down the tube.
He repeated, " I do not believe genetic engineering is dangerous but in some cases the effects may have harmful consequences.
And it is precisely these problems that make genetic engineering so fraught with danger.
Dr. Padgett, one of the world's leading canine geneticists, wrote the " The Control of Canine Genetic Disease " .
An important clue, until we have a genetic marker, is diet, weight and family history.
Main research interests are in the development and use of molecular genetic markers for the management of natural populations and farmed fish.
Alien genetic material invading genomes also give rise to gene mutations, some of which may result in cancer.
The Phase II map will offer even greater power to detect such functionally important genetic changes.
Analysis confirmed that height growth is strongly heritable with estimates of genetic gain from 2 to 25% .
Unfortunately the two species also interbreed to give hybrids, which makes it extremely difficult to define the genetic purity of a wildcat.
The two species hybridize and hybrids are fertile, causing genetic introgression of Ruddy Duck genes in the wild population of White-headed Ducks.
Please note that cell division, far from being invented by the genetic engineer, invented by the genetic engineer, invented the genetic engineer himself.
I read Human Genetics at the University of Nottingham, which first kindled my interest in using genetic data to study evolutionary processes.
These questions could easily be answered by molecular genetic analysis of the virus or viruses from infected livestock in the outbreak.
Research on human tissues has confirmed that people of all genetic types can have the rogue prion protein responsible for the disease.
Southern blot analyzes revealed no genetic rearrangements in the BIN1 gene in any of the cell lines studied.
Hybridisation with introduced sika deer Cervus nippon is thought to pose a significant threat to the genetic integrity of native red deer.
Clone -- group of plants with the same genetic makeup, derived from asexual reproduction.
Top of page Can genetic tests be used to know whether a child will develop retinoblastoma?
Our research interests focus on understanding the process by which genetic information is translated by the ribosome into protein.
Genetic algorithms are robust search algorithms capable of finding multiple solutions to complex problems.
Each genetic pathway metabolizes glucose and produces succinate via dissimilar chemical reactions.
Not everyone who inherits a genetic cancer susceptibility will develop a cancer.
A major focus of the research at Strangeways is the identification of genetic variants that underlie susceptibility to common disease.
What does " genetic susceptibility " to CJD mean?
Others are studying genetic factors to determine whether some people are genetically susceptible to developing PD.
More genetic research will not alter the conditions in which people become susceptible to many diseases.
If people with those conditions get better, information about their treatment can be widely shared with those who have the common genetic factors.
High production of cholesterol may have a genetic component.Here's where sterols and stanols play a part.
While genetic hair loss can usually only be treated using medical intervention, for other forms of hair loss you may want to try apple cider vinegar hair regrowth.
Everyone needs healthy and regenerating cells to live properly but if cells are exposed to something that alters their genetic make-up, they may not behave normally and then cancer can occur.
Possible problems may surface in the pups if either parent carries any genetic disorders.
They have great personalities, but it's important to buy one from a breeder that has the pups tested for the major genetic disorders in the breed.
Human DNA testing techniques are now being used to analyze dog genetics in order to identify specific breed heritage, as well as check for specific genetic markers related to certain common diseases.
Animal Stress - Though it's difficult to measure, animal rights advocates are concerned about the amount of stress that would be experienced by the product of the genetic engineering of animal DNA.
This means the product is not made using genetic engineering or non-approved substances.
That means, the processing of your foods will not include unapproved methods such as the use of genetic engineering.
Narcolepsy brain research suggests that there may be a genetic link with regards to the neurological condiiton.
Dr. Dement went on to team with Dr. Merrill Mitler to examine genetic factors as a cause for narcolepsy, using dogs as the subjects for breeding experiments.
The cause of TA is unknown as of the early 2000s but may involve genetic factors, as the disease has been reported in identical twins.
A genetic cause seems unlikely, as it is unusual for two people in the same family to develop the disease.
Virus-A small infectious agent consisting of a core of genetic material (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a shell of protein.
The first diagnosis of a mitochondrial disorder occurred in 1959, and the genetic material of microchondria, called mtDNA, was discovered in 1963.
Genetic defects may be passed through nuclear DNA (nDNA), the genetic material found in each cell that determines the majority of hereditary characteristics, or through mtDNA.
In some genetic diseases, a person needs to have two copies of a defective gene in order to show symptoms of the disease; if only one of the two genes is defective, the person is considered a carrier.
In some cases, no other family members are affected by the disease and there appears to be no genetic link.
Because of the potential of passing on inherited mitochondrial disorders to other children, parents may be interested in genetic counseling.
Genetic counselors are health professionals who are trained to help families determine the risk or probability of developing or passing on a genetic disorder.
Genetic testing, however, cannot determine with certainty if or when a child will develop a mitochondrial disease or what the severity will be.
A family history of fructose intolerance may suggest a genetic predisposition to the disease.
Anyone who is known to carry the disorder or who has the disorder in his or her family may benefit from genetic counseling.
This information may be helpful for genetic counseling purposes.
Chromosomes are made up of hundreds of small units known as genes, which contain the genetic material necessary for an individual to develop and function.
Changes or mutations in genes can cause genetic diseases in several different ways, many of which are represented within the spectrum of EDS.
The error in the hemoglobin gene is due to a genetic mutation that occurred many thousands of years ago in people living in Africa, the Mediterranean basin, the Middle East, and India.
Prospective parents with a family history of Marfan syndrome should check with their doctor concerning genetic counseling.
However, for prospective parents with a family history of Marfan syndrome, genetic counseling is recommended.
Many people respond with guilt, fear, or blame when a genetic disorder is diagnosed in the family, or they may overprotect the affected member.
The zygote is a single cell that contains the genetic material of both the mother and the father.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)-A technique for diagnosing genetic disorders before birth by analyzing cells obtained by amniocentesis with DNA probes.
If retardation is caused by chromosomal or other genetic disorders, it is often apparent from infancy.
An accident or mutation in genetic development may also cause retardation.
It is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation.
Either the fluid itself or cells from the fluid can be used for a variety of tests to obtain information about genetic disorders and other medical conditions in the fetus.
The low muscle tone can be caused by a variety of conditions and is often indicative of the presence of an underlying central nervous system disorder, genetic disorder, or muscle disorder.
Scientists believe that they may be caused by trauma; environmental factors; or by other genetic, muscle, or central nervous system disorders.
Genetic disease-A disease that is (partly or completely) the result of the abnormal function or expression of a gene; a disease caused by the inheritance and expression of a genetic mutation.
Prenatal genetic testing is possible through amniocentesis.
Adults with a family history of cystic fibrosis may obtain a genetic test of their carrier status for purposes of family planning.
Malignant hyperthermia-A type of reaction (probably with a genetic origin) that can occur during general anesthesia and in which the patient experiences a high fever, muscle rigidity, and irregular heart rate and blood pressure.
In some types of albinism, a genetic defect in tyrosinase means that the amino acid tyrosine cannot be converted by tyrosinase into melanin.
Genetic counseling should be considered for individuals with a family history of albinism.
A special type of blood test called a karyotype may be done to analyze the girl's chromosomes if the doctor suspects Turner's syndrome or another genetic disorder.
Amenorrhea associated with hormonal, genetic, psychiatric, or immunodeficiency disorders may require a variety of different medications and other treatments administered by specialists.
Primary or secondary amenorrhea associated with genetic mutations or other systemic diseases or disorders is not preventable.
On the other hand, amenorrhea associated with glandular disturbances, tumors, genetic or anatomical abnormalities, diabetes, or other systemic disorders is part of a larger and more worrisome picture.
Lipidoses are genetic disorders, passed from parents to their children, characterized by defects of the digestive system that impair the way the body uses dietary fat.
In most people, the body is already programmed by its genetic code to produce all of the enzymes and chemicals necessary to carry out these functions.
This, they claim, is evident in everything from discourses of genetic essentialism to the realities of ozone layer thinning.
As a result, each of us has a unique genetic code that typically differs in about three million nucleotides from every other person.
Other new chapters include genetic counseling and alternative medicine.
The random bit comes in the form of genetic diversity, random genetic drift, little mistakes in the DNA replication process.
Haven't evolutionary geneticists been hinting at this all along by telling us that monkeys are where our genetic codes come from?
Genetic engineered bovine growth hormone, for example, is sold to farmers to be injected into cows to increase milk yield.
I had an extremely interesting Evolution and Behavior supervision a couple of days ago, discussing the idea of genetic imprinting.
In chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML ), the primary genetic process has been characterized.
Trees genetically modified to produce low lignin are called " super " trees with little consideration of pest resistance and genetic stability.
One caveat, tho, is that lipoprotein lipase and HDL production are probably subject to genetic control.
In recent years it has become possible to use genetic engineering techniques to alter the genetic makeup of plants.
Almost all Ewing's sarcoma tumors have a change in their genetic makeup.
There is also the risk that genetic selection may be used in an unscrupulous and potentially malevolent way.
Many forms of genetic manipulation produce many, often hideous, failures during their trials.
The prognostic significance of the genetic markers was also assessed.
Jodie Fletcher, born in July 2005, was found to be a perfect genetic match for her then three-year old brother Joshua.
Therefore mutation provides a mechanism for adding random genetic material into the chromosome by changing one or more of the gene values at random.
The combined genetic and visualization tools are providing powerful new methods for dissecting cell-cell interactions within the developing root meristem.
For an excellent review of genetic modifiers of atherosclerosis in mouse models, see Ref.
The Forum had much to debate in light of the five-year moratorium on genetic testing which took effect from the start of November.
In the light of public concern the HGC had advised the government to set a two-year moratorium on genetic tests for insurance.
We have implemented a genetic approach to dissect cell cycle control of spindle morphogenesis using S. cerevisiae.
The genetic control of resistance to turnip mosaic virus in Brassica.
Furthermore, the only abnormal genes were found in abnormal lung and kidney tissue, arguing against genetic mosaicism.
Foreign genetic material can also be introduced into plant and animal cells by insects and arthropods with sharp mouthparts.
In its simplest form, seeds are exposed to radiation or chemical mutagens to cause random unpredictable genetic changes in crops.
We are using molecular genetic approaches, in particular random mutagenesis, to analyze fungal genes involved in the disease process.
Genetic and molecular analyzes of recently isolated mutants aim to unravel the molecular network involved in hepatic specification and organ bud formation.
Put seeds near radioactive cobalt, grow the results, and keep the genetic mutants with desirable traits.
Not everyone who has inherited a genetic mutation for Gaucher disease from both parents has symptoms.
However a gap remained between linking a genetic mutation to the outcome of the disease.
It is interested in candidates working in the area of cellular, developmental, genetic, or systems neurobiology.
The discovery provides a new example of how genetic technology may be used to make foods more nutritious.
By PLoS Biology The genetic code of the gray, short-tailed opossum reveals insights into the evolution of the major histocompatibility complex.
Phenological and isozyme studies have been used to compare levels of genetic diversity and mating patterns within seed orchards and living fence lines.
Disease comes from exposure to various nasty micro- organisms, and from genetic infirmities.
We are also attempting to enhance neurite outgrowth in adult neurons by genetic manipulation.
My current research involves studies into the genetic diversity of the natural populations of human bacterial pathogens.
Research topics include pathogenesis, virulence factors, immune mechanisms, genetic studies and viruses, prokaryotic organisms, and protozoa.
Last November, the HFEA launched a public debate on testing embryos for ' lower penetrance ', late onset genetic disorders.
National collaborative work with the UK National Periodontal Diseases Consortium enables genetic studies of aggressive periodontitis.
Further, molecular analyzes using different DNA cloning techniques will be applied to uncover the genetic lesions underlying the mutant phenotypes.
Genetic syndromes with an associated dysmorphic facial phenotype are of particular interest.
Phenylketonuria is a genetic disorder, which means, from birth, these persons cannot break down the amino acid phenylalanine.
However, it is important to note that infants suffering from the rare genetic disease phenylketonuria (PKU) should not consume aspartame.
No genetic maps were given on the constructs or the plasmids used, nor whether any plasmid sequences are integrated into the transgenic plants.
For these strains other typing methods that detect genetic polymorphism are now available.
This is most likely to be due to genetic polymorphism.
For many years, it was believed to be due to a genetic disorder that caused variegate porphyria.
The genetic manipulation of poxvirus genomes can be used to engineer recombinant poxvirus genomes can be used to engineer recombinant poxviruses that express foreign proteins.
These include a genetic predisposition, diet and the environment.
There is a genetic predisposition to Type 1 diabetes, which occurs in 1 out of 800 people in the United States.
Vegetative reproduction - a reproductive process that is asexual and so does not involve a recombination of genetic material.
The most powerful mechanism for promoting genetic change is the process of DNA recombination.
News Stories Gene variants claimed to be involved in asthma susceptibility Genetic contribution to asthma severity?
These technologies either render crops sterile or control their genetic traits via chemicals.
New technologies in plant and animal breeding have increased the value of our genetic storehouses, rather than reducing our reliance.
A number of books have brought into focus the genetic evidence that challenges the neo-Darwinian synthesis.
This way you can discover things like known temperament or genetic problems and know what to expect from your chosen breed.
I'm not sure of the exact term to use, but she was definitely some kind of genetic throwback.
As such it is a veritable time capsule describing, among other notable achievements, targeted recombinants for relating genetic differences to pathogenesis.
She has very extensive experience in genetic toxicology over many years both in industrial research laboratories and contract laboratories.
Thus strain 630 has the genetic attributes of a fully virulent, highly transmissible, drug resistant strain.
They do not want to create a " genetic underclass " .
This facilitates the isolation of new strains with a very high degree of genetic uniformity.
The project is looking for new genetic variants linked to diabetes type I, with cooperation from clinicians across the UK.
Knowing the sequence of specific genes will allow us to tap into the natural genetic variation of almost any crop species.
Therefore, lack of genetic variation can not be the explanation for not detecting evolution of higher virulence.
They used genetic information from the Human Genome Sequencing Project to find around 14 genes in Bordetella pertussis which causes whooping cough.
Mannite on oxidation yields an aldose, mannose, C6H12061 which 3 To distinguish the isomerides of opposite optical activity, it is usual to prefix the letters d- and 1-, but these are used only to indicate the genetic relationship, and not the character of the optical activity; ordinary fructose, for example, being represented as d-fructosealthough it exercises a laevorotatory power - because it is derived from d-glucose.
It is thus contrasted with metaphysics, which considers the nature of reality, and with psychology, which deals with the objective part of cognition, and, as Prof. James Ward said, "is essentially genetic in its method" (Mind, April 1883, pp. 166-167).
Modern psychology has strengthened the contention for a fixed connexion between motive and act by reference to subconscious and unconscious processes of which Edwards, who thought that nothing could affect the mind which was unperceived, little dreamed; at the same time, at least in some of its developments, especially in its freer use of genetic and organic conceptions, it has rendered much in the older forms of statement obsolete, and has given a new meaning to the idea of self-determination, which, as applied to an abstract power, Edwards rightly rejected as absurd.
Then, people could start reporting all their medical issues—headaches, halitosis, heart disease—and we will begin to see commonalities between genes and conditions we do not generally regard as genetic.
We offer a selection of high quality, purified genomic DNA suitable for a wide spectrum of genetic research applications.
And there is evidence that such dormant viruses can be reactivated as a result of genetic recombination.
Recombinant A cell or organism formed by the rearrangement of genetic material from different sources.
The recombination frequencies vary among different genetic loci in the genome.
Within the cell, the viral RNA is replicated entirely in the cytoplasm, outside the nucleus containing the cell's own genetic material.
Genetic Algorithms are robust search algorithms capable of finding multiple solutions to complex problems.
Basic molecular and genetic research will run in tandem with human clinical studies of mental health, intellectual function and learning disorders.
To gain an insight into the transmission and clinical processes of the disease, a detailed understanding of schistosome population genetic structure is essential.
By utilizing semen imported from high producing sires the genetic potential of the native breeds can be improved.
Senescence produces ' genetic death ', in that the senescent cell is incapable of further propagation.
Not everyone has the genetic predisposition toward the development of allergy antibody immune responses to sensitizing agents, or allergens.
He observed significant discontinuity when studying the genetic variation of the silkworm moth.
These include strange attractors, fractals, and genetic algorithms.
Evolutionary Development We are currently investigating the genetic control of floral morphology in the subfamily Papilionoideae.
Transposons are mobile genetic elements found in animals as well as plants, and many families and superfamilies of transposons exist.
The implications of the human genome project on genetic susceptibility testing for disease.
Genetic engineering is being used to make thermostable proteins that can be used in hot washes.
I 'm not sure of the exact term to use, but she was definitely some kind of genetic throwback.
In spite of the adoption of the Protocol, however, genetic pollution from transgenic crops is still on the rise.
Within different genetic lineages of F. graminearum unique trichothecene mycotoxin chemotypes exist.
The other fuses with genetic material in the ovule to produce a triploid tissue (has three copies of each chromosome).
Skin manifestations facilitate the diagnosis of genetic disease - well known examples include neurofibromatosis and tuberose sclerosis but there are many others.
These twisted beings are the previous tyrannical rulers of the solar system who enforced their iron-fisted law with genetic mutant warriors !
They do not want to create a " genetic underclass ".
Maintenance of genetic identity of locally adapted races is a responsibility of agencies which plan to reintroduce wolves into the wild.
Individual strains can degrade a plethora of different xenobiotic substrates, indicating a diverse genetic complement.
Without extensive research, it will be difficult to find the genetic roots of the ancestral patriarch of the family.
Therefore, the only true way to be sure your twins are identical is through a genetic test.
Genetic research of identical twins actually supports this theory.
Once you see the puppies, your emotions may overwhelm reason, so you'll want the dogs' genetic background before viewing the litter.
Sometimes a maturing kitten will even develop a different eye color altogether, depending on its genetic background.
Their kittens come with a health guarantee against genetic defects, and a general 72-hour health guarantee in the event your kitten becomes ill in the first few days after you bring it home.
Using the scientific technology of gene sequencing and careful breeding programs, Lifestyle Pets successfully developed cats with naturally occurring genetic divergences.
The Allerca GD (genetic divergences) are Lifestyle Pets' standard cat.
The breed may have started from a genetic mutation.
Instead, their appearance is essential in identifying them without genetic testing.
Acquisition of a Maine Coon with papers from a reputable breeder or genetic testing is the only way to assure that you have a pure-bred Maine Coon.
Alongside breed predisposition, your cat's ancestry is also the key to its genetic weaknesses.
The majority of cat owners simply have no idea what lurks in their cat's genetic past.
A quality lifestyle marked by a healthy diet and a low-stress environment can actually help prevent certain genetic conditions from coming into play.
If necessary, genetic testing can be ordered to establish who a child's father is.
Court and genetic tests will be ordered.
In a situation where is some question about who the father of a child is, a Salt Lake City child support lawyer can help arrange for the necessary genetic testing to settle the issue conclusively.
They can cause genetic issues, birth defects, cancer, and other serious illnesses.
Genetic engineering is a term used for scientists to manipulate food, plants, animals and other organisms in ways that are not found in nature.
However, it can be concluded that this phenomenon is not genetic, as most of the parents of these teens do not show any signs of having this desire.
Many scientist speculate that it's a genetic predisposition.
You may also be asked about the presence of any mental health issues within your family as GAD may be a genetic disorder.
The research indicates that due to a genetic predisposition, people in the same family often suffer from panic, panic attacks and panic disorders.
However, in the case of fraternal twins, who share fewer genetic similarities, the probability of both twins experiencing panic attacks or panic disorders is much lower.
As genetic engineering and other advances in horticulture improve plant health and increase growing seasons, flowers will only increase in availability through a wider range of seasons.
I truly believe that alcoholism is genetic, not that everyone in the family is going to have the disease.
Problems with alcohol and depression both appear to have a genetic link.
It is believed, however, that biological, developmental, genetic and sociocultural factors all probably play some role.
Typical patients would include those with natural hearing loss due to aging, hearing loss due to an injury in the workplace such as loud noise, and those with a hearing defect due to trauma at birth, genetic disorders and viral infections.
For example, certain dog breeds are prone to genetic health problems and purchasing a dog from an irresponsible breeder can increase the odds of your dog having medical problems.
Many of the genetic health problems do not surface until later in the dog's life.
As soon as indiscriminant breeders started to flood the market, aberrations such as dwarfism in Toy Poodles appeared, along with a host of genetic problems that dedicated and diligent breeders are still trying to irradicate to this day.
Identification of ancestors further back at least gives an idea of which breeds are involved in your dog's genetic make up, as well as whether or not your pet could be purebred.
Is there a possibility that the test won't be able to identify a single recognized breed from your pet's genetic code?
However, scientists are working to map out the genetic markers for even more breeds, so hopefully one day we'll have a dog DNA test that will identify every recognizable breed in a dog's ancestry.
This may just be a 48-hour guarantee of basic health, or it could be an extended guarantee against genetic problems that don't usually appear until a puppy is older.
Another genetic disease is called GM-1 Storage Disease.
While meant to further the breed's bloodline and help eliminate genetic problems, the agreement is also attentive to the fact the dogs must be raised in an environment suited to their temperament and needs.
Expensive genetic blood testing is available, and serious breeders must test.
Like its parents, a Miniature Labradoodle may suffer from hip dysplasia, a genetic malformation of the hip socket.
Although size, activity level and known genetic health concerns are important considerations, safety should also be a deciding factor.
A couple of great resources for this service are Canine Heritage Breed Test and Wisdom Panel Professional Mixed-Breed Genetic Analysis.
Most purebred dogs are susceptible to particular genetic health conditions.
Burpee was extremely interested in breeding and hybrid programs to make better genetic livestock and plant species so he traveled to Europe every year to find the best examples of the various animals and plants.
As a teen, Burpee made a name for himself as a poultry and livestock breeder, and soon applied his genetic knowledge to breeding new and better varieties of plants.
The problem is that no one really knows how that change in the genetic makeup of the corn is going to affect the animals and humans who eat it.
To learn more about seed preservation, visit the National Center for Genetic Preservation.
The seeds have not been contaminated with chemicals or irradiation and they have not been altered through genetic modification.
Genetic modification means that the foundation of a cell, the DNA, has been changed.
Extensive information regarding genetically modified organisms and other genetic engineering.
For this reason, many consumers routinely purchase and consume items that result from genetic modification but aren't aware of it at all.
This means that at some point in the creation or production of the organism, there is a modification to the genetic makeup.