Generosity Sentence Examples
I thanked him for his generosity and donated a hundred dollar bill to his mission.
We are so very grateful for everyone's generosity.
American universities have owed much to Jewish generosity, a foremost benefactor of these (as of many other American institutions) being Jacob Schiff.
His generosity and hospitality were proved in his gifts to Richard and his treatment of captives.
She is always doing something to make some one happy, and her generosity and wise counsel have never failed my teacher and me in all the years we have known her.
This was carrying his generosity a step too far.
Geyer, Vienna, 1892); Iiatim Ta'i, renowned for his open-handed generosity as well as for his poetry (ed.
He is generosity, mercy, justice, order, genius--that's what the Emperor is!
Thus they were divided in soul between spiritual goods and worldly pleasures, and were apt to doubt whether the rewards promised by God to the life of " simplicity " (all Christ meant by the childlike spirit, including generosity in giving and forgiving) and self-restraint, were real or not.
All access to the gorge was free, funded by the generosity of private contributors, merchants and the equipment manufactures.
AdvertisementFurthermore, he was a man of great ambition, persuasive eloquence and wide generosity; qualities which especially appealed at that time to the classes from whom he was to draw his support.
With an insatiable love of pleasure he combined a certain external piety and a magnificent generosity in his charities.
This calamity afforded the American people an opportunity to display their generosity toward their new colony.
You could say they were used for leverage if the country trounced too far on our generosity or refused to take into account our national interest when they acted up.
Through the generosity of Sir Thomas Elder, of Adelaide, Giles's expedition was equipped with camels.
AdvertisementHe thanked us and I thanked him for all his generosity.
Near it is the parliament .and banqueting hall, restored (1889-1892) by the generosity of William Nelson (1817-1887) the publisher, which contains a fine collection of Scottish armour, weapons and regimental colours, while, emblazoned on the windows, are the heraldic bearings of royal and other figures distinguished in national history.
In 1904 the formation of a municipally supported gallery of modern art (mainly due to the initiative and generosity of Mr Hugh Lane) was signalized by an exhibition including the pictures intended to constitute the nucleus of the gallery.
She interceded with great generosity, but ineffectually, for Monmouth the same year.
Alexander, dazzled by Napoleon's genius and overwhelmed by his apparent generosity, was completely won.
AdvertisementI appreciate your help and I will be glad to pay for your generosity...
On a third estate the priest, bearing a cross, came to meet him surrounded by children whom, by the count's generosity, he was instructing in reading, writing, and religion.
He never forgot the generosity with which Hervey, who was now residing in London, relieved his wants during this time of trial.
Their cupidity is mitigated by generosity; their natural indolence by the necessity, especially among the peasantry, to work hard to gain a livelihood.
We have evidence that after her husband's death Agnes Darer behaved with generosity to his brothers.
AdvertisementHe soon earned the favour of this king, who treated him with great generosity and who on several occasions sent him on important embassies to the English, the French and the papal courts.
His character was marked by independence, economy and generosity.
The latter had abandoned the cause of Duke Robert, who remained a prisoner in England till his death (1134); but they embraced that of Robert's son William the Clito, whom Henry in a fit of generosity had allowed to go free after Tinchebrai.
Hospitality, generosity, personal bravery were the subjects of praise; meanness and cowardice those of satire.
The hostility of the "sons of Zeruiah" towards the tribe of Benjamin is characteristically contrasted with David's own generosity towards Saul's fallen house.
It was at Ferrar's suggestion that he undertook to rebuild the church at Layton, an undertaking carried through by his own gifts and the generosity of his friends.
A previous meeting with Irving, also a native of Annan, had led to a little passage of arms, but Irving now welcomed Carlyle with a generosity which entirely won his heart, and the rivals soon became the closest of friends.
His unstinted generosity to his brothers during his worst times is only one proof of the singular strength of his family affections.
His generosity in assisting poor students exhausted a considerable fortune, and at his death he left nothing but his books and clothes.
These deputies succeeded in 795 and 796 in taking possession of the vast treasures of the Avars, which were distributed by the king with lavish generosity to churches, courtiers and friends.
But he seems to have prided himself on a certain humanity, or even generosity of temper, which led him to avoid putting his enemies to death, though he did not scruple to condemn Renaud of Dammartin to the most inhuman of imprisonments.
He was obliged to accept a laborious post, working nine hours a day for £40 a year, to live on the generosity of a former valet, and finally to solicit a small pension from his family.
Now this whole new scenario is dumped on us with unbelievable generosity.
These men were notorious freebooters, famed for their cunning and bravery, and often for their generosity.
Even in a short story, children can still learn about faith, generosity, honesty, loyalty and courage.
During his later years Lysias - now probably a comparatively poor man owing to the rapacity of the tyrants and his own generosity to the Athenian exiles - appears as a hard-working member of a new profession - that of writing speeches to be delivered in the law-courts.
He showed generosity in assigning a considerable income to be divided annually among the peasant proprietors of upper Guienne.
His generosity, his courage and his commanding height, had already commended him to the affection of the Irish.
The Barmecide family were endowed in the highest degree with those qualities of generosity and liberality which the Arabs prized so highly, and the chronicles never weary in their p raises.
She showed great forbearance and generosity towards the duchess of Marlborough in the face of unexampled provocation, and her character was unduly disparaged by the latter, who with her violent and coarse nature could not understand the queen's self-restraint in sorrow, and describes her as "very hard" and as "not apt to cry."
As they climbed higher, the display of wildflowers grew in bounty and brilliance, blanketing the basin in a generosity of color.
Hussein has shown similar generosity elsewhere in Iraq, lavishing support on Shiite clerics -- as long as they pledge fealty to his rule.
It is completely reliant upon the generosity of donors.
Even though it's not required, the happy couple will no doubt be touched by your thoughtful generosity when you give them a wedding engagement gift.
In the delicate task of apportioning his own large share of merit, he certainly does not err on the side of modesty; but it would perhaps be as difficult to produce an instance of injustice, as of generosity in his estimate of others.
He declares in one of his decrees that the generosity of a king should be limitless, and he acted up to this principle throughout his reign.
Carlyle's proud spirit of independence made him reject Jeffrey's help as long as possible; and even his acknowledgment of the generosity (in the Reminiscences) is tinged with something disagreeably like resentment.
A year after his marriage he had been stricken down by severe illness, from the effects of which he was never completely to recover; financial cares followed, which were relieved unexpectedly by the generosity of the hereditary prince of Holstein-Augustenburg and his minister, Graf Schimmelmann, who conferred upon him a pension of moo talers a year for three years.
The last thing your generosity deserves is to be scammed by an illegitimate organization, so if the charity of your choosing is not mainstream or well known, take the extra steps necessary to make sure they are who they claim to be.
Many of his colleagues bear witness to his generosity and magnanimity, but as a general principle he certainly lacked the wider humanity.
Stories were told of the ingenuity and generosity by which he had made the marshes round Selinus salubrious, of the grotesque device by which he laid the winds that ruined the harvests of Agrigentum, and of the almost miraculous restoration to life of a woman who had long lain in a death-like trance.
At this point General Havelock was joined by Sir James Outram, who;would have superseded him in the command had not Outram himself, with unequalled generosity, proposed to accompany Havelock only in his civil capacity as chief commissioner of Oudh and to serve under him as a volunteer.
The anecdotes of her piety and generosity which have been preserved are proof, however, of her popularity.
It is true that sometimes he kept his oaths or carried out his pledges with the literal punctuality of a lawyer, rather than with the chivalrous generosity of a knight.
Normally, one should show generosity for an occasional mix-up in a strictly literary book or even a history book from the ancient world.
I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of all those who have helped me create this site.
What touched me most was the overwhelming generosity of these people who had nothing, but wanted to give what little they had.
This site comes to you through the extraordinary generosity of O'Reilly & Associates, book publishers.
Will the Government act to ensure that people's spontaneous generosity is not penalized?
These votes, and the continued generosity of fandom, make TAFF possible.
The Friends have greatly assisted with the appeal and your continuing generosity and fund-raising ideas are deeply appreciated.
With unprecedented generosity, the Craft has donated more than £ 858,000 including tax relief and interest.
Also, very grateful thanks are due to Andy Doran, without whose kind generosity, none of this would ever have been possible.
It would at least explain the generosity of the screen's most glamorous street hooker since Julia Roberts.
It is not hard to see why the parties are keen to pass off these rather miserly concessions as the height of generosity.
A particularly praiseworthy aspect of the site is its generosity.
Let us try to teach generosity and altruism, because we are born selfish.
It is due to great self-sacrifice, vision and generosity that the Abbey has survived to this day.
In Alexander the characteristic virtues of the Jagiellos, patience and generosity, degenerated into slothfulness and extravagance.
In public life he was remarkable for his generosity to his political opponents, and for his sense of justice and honesty.
The generosity with which he was treated by Caesar after the capitulation of Corfinium made him hesitate, but he finally decided in favour of Pompey.
Although his cruelty was abominable, he was not altogether without generosity, and by his courage and audacity he acquired a certain romantic popularity.
In private character he was amiable and affectionate; his generosity in recognizing the merits of others secured him against the worst shafts of envy; and a life marked by numerous disquietudes was cheered and ennobled by sentiments of sincere piety.
His generosity - which degenerated into prodigality - compelled him to open fresh sources of revenue; and in this he succeeded, though not without serious detriment to the interests of the Church.
He had, William also reports, a gift of impromptu eloquence, and a faculty both for saying witty things pleasantly at other people's expense and for listening placidly to witticisms directed against himself; while he was generous to excess without needing to make exactions in order to support his generosity, and always respected the Church.
Except in a few fortified places, such as Ticinum or Pavia, the Italians did not venture to encounter the new invaders; and, though Alboin was not without generosity, the Lombards, wherever resisted, justified the opinion of their ferocity by the savage cruelty of the invasion.
To me, this makes the problem of hunger that much sadder in the present—to realize that the planet has enough food, just not enough generosity.
He consoled himself with the thought that he fulfilled another of the precepts--that of reforming the human race--and had other virtues--love of his neighbor, and especially generosity.
We rely solely on the generosity of the public to help us continue with our vital work.
But from the moment the disaster broke, the British people responded with heartfelt, urgent generosity.
Showing love in deeds The quality of personal relationships within the school is characterized by a selfless generosity.
By enlisting the help of your new spouse and sticking to the main point of the note - thanking the guest for his/her generosity -- you will fly through the thank you cards in no time at all.
Talk about their generosity, their intelligence-whatever you love about them, and be sure to bring it up and let him know that you appreciate it.
Building on her gift of generosity, Winfrey's production company is taking a step into reality television with two unscripted ABC series.
The challenge of skateboarding took a fair amount of determination, but Hawk quickly mastered it and gained a sense of accomplishment, as well as an inner peace and generosity.
Okay, so most gossip stories are snarky and sometimes a little funny, but this one is about the generosity of Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell.
Bill Murray - The comedian is widely known for his generosity in tipping.
Through the generosity of Pepsi, Heidelberg College students have access to up to $5,000 each year to fund undergraduate research and professional development.
And the classic role-playing game Betrayal at Krondor can now be downloaded for free thanks to the generosity of publisher Sierra.
A glass of wine can be three ounces, four ounces, or five ounces, depending on the size and shape of the glass as well as the generosity of the server.
In order to recognize those organizations that continue to help collect, resell or redistribute donated furniture, the following stories provide examples of the tremendous generosity of some individuals and organizations.
Cancer research funding comes from a vareity of places, but primarily it is found through the generosity and support of communities and the people who live in them.
By giving away your old car instead of reselling it, you will be helping many impactful organizations that cannot make a difference without such acts of generosity.
This is all to say that when it comes to making a donation, you never know how far your generosity may go.
Your deduction won't make you rich at tax time, but it is a nice reward for your thought out generosity.
Doing so is the best way to be certain that you are in compliance with federal tax requirements and that you will be able to enjoy the greatest possible tax benefits from your generosity.
Bringing this extra bit of convenience to the donation process motivates many people to follow through on their inspired generosity, and make a difference where it counts the most.
Finally, a good letter showing how to request a donation will include some sort of example of what the business or organization can expect in return for their generosity.
You may be surprised at people's generosity when you extend a gift or offer it to them for an even more affordable price.
Digging up some basic information can help you figure out what you'll be getting back in return for your generosity, as well as what will remain an unsung gift.
And, of course, for those who are going to build the houses - they benefit from the generosity generated from the letter.
You will be glad you learned how to donate a car to charity when you see the results of your generosity.
Be sure to show those who participate in your mission trip fundraising efforts just how much their generosity means.
Giving presents has also come to be associated with generosity and in some ways one's class status.
While the recipient is sure to appreciate your generosity, the gift may not be what he wanted at all.
I think your girlfriend has mistaken you kindness, your patience, and your generosity (buying her gifts, taking her to dinner, and not ending the relationship) for weakness.
Known for their thoughtfulness and generosity, it's no wonder that Cancers are as beloved as they come!
While its true that the crab might change his or her mind on a whim or lash out in anger when confronted, it's also true that Cancer's well known traits of kindness and generosity are the real deal.
He expresses this generosity by giving of his wealth to others, and he is typically a patron of various art societies and charities.
Once items have all been fetched, walk children to a hide out spot where a "witch" (a costumed adult playing in character) thanks them for their generosity and gives each child a prize from her bag of goodies.
If the company provides a comment field in the free sample offer, thank them for their generosity.
To acknowledge this generosity, the founders changed the brand name to Elgin National Watch Company in 1874.
Tell your boss how much you appreciate his or her generosity in giving you a raise, bonus or promotion.
What distinguishes a classic gown most is the length - ankle or even floor length is typical - and the generosity of the skirt.
It means something your guests have never seen before, something that will wow them, impress them, and make them feel welcomed by your generosity.
When she isn't boasting about the four nannies in her employ, she is immodestly proclaiming her generosity.
Are you conceited? is an example, along with questions about shyness, generosity, and other general qualities.
By the generosity of friends he was educated at the gymnasium at Haarlem and afterwards at the university of Leiden.
Gaston Paris endeared himself to a wide circle of scholars outside his own country by his unfailing urbanity and generosity.
He held high appointments at court, and was, from 1834 onwards, perpetual secretary of the Swedish academy, using his great influence with tact and generosity.
In fact, his generosity for the cause of education was so unbounded that he found himself in financial difficulties.
Voltaire and the encyclopaedists with whom she corresponded, and on whom she conferred gifts and pensions, repaid her by the grossest flattery, while doing their best to profit by her generosity.
Canon Ainger's gentle wit and humour, his generosity and lovable disposition, endeared him to a wide circle.
Once she owed her escape from capture to the generosity of a Yorkist squire, who carried her off on his own horse; finally she and her son were brought to Bamburgh through the compassionate help of a robber, whom they had encountered in the forest.
Yet his liberality to his ministers and servants was proverbial, and his vanquished enemies he always treated with magnificent generosity.
He was one of the most popular men in Rome, partly for his skill in poetry and music, partly for his love of luxury and generosity.
In the terrible "famine of St Luke" in 1835, Selassie still further won the hearts of his subjects by his wise measures and personal generosity; and by extending his hospitality to Europeans, he brought his country within the closer ken of civilized European powers.
Finland, however, did not enter Russia as a conquered province, but, thanks to the bravery of her people after they had been abandoned by an incompetent monarch and treacherous generals, and not less to the wisdom and generosity of the emperor Alexander I.
In a letter to her brother, drawn up by Gardiner by the king's direction, she acknowledged the unreality of the marriage and the king's kindness and generosity.
The latter behaved with much generosity, but at the same time imposed terms which effectually deprived Shoa of her independence (March 1878).
Although treated with great generosity by Caesar, he stirred up Massilia (Marseilles) to an unsuccessful resistance against him.
His plans for remodelling Europe had a certain generosity and grandeur; but internal difficulties forced him into endless manoeuvre and temporization, which led to his ruin.
Your offer transcends the bounds of generosity, Mr. Cooms.
Whilst acknowledging the generosity of our funders, we must also pay tribute to the army of volunteers who freely give their time.
The continuing generosity of individuals to the Institute was also demonstrated in several gifts.
Serco's response to recent disasters demonstrated a great generosity of spirit.
We are reliant on the generosity of our members to help us fund this work.
The library hall was restored and decorated, largely through the generosity of Sir William Priestley (1829-1900), formerly M.P. for the university; while munificent additions to the academic funds and resources were made by the 15th earl of Moray (1840-1901), Sir William Fraser (1816-1898), and others.
It was founded in 1825 through the generosity of Count Szechenyi, who devoted his whole income for one year (60,000 florins) to the purpose.
Nicholas was selected to deliver the oration at the reception of Cardinal Pole's visitors by the university in 1557, and soon after Elizabeth's accession he went to Rome where he was befriended by Pole's confidant, Cardinal Morone; he also owed much to the generosity of Sir Francis Englefield.
He abounded in kindliness and generosity, and if there was anything especially difficult for him to endure, it was the sight of human suffering, as was shown on the night at Shiloh, where he lay out of doors in the icy rain rather than stay in a comfortable room where the surgeons were at work.
A man of pure character, vigorous mind, unwearying zeal and uncommon generosity, Ambrose ranks high among the fathers of the ancient church on many counts.
These collections have only been possible owing to the extreme generosity which Bismarck showed in permitting the publication of documents; he always professed to have no secrets.
Though not a great monarch, King Humbert had, by his unfailing generosity and personal courage, won the esteem and affection of his people.
This was a departure from the customs of the age, and was perhaps influenced less by generosity than by expediency.
It was eagerly welcomed by the Berlin mathematician, who had the generosity to withhold from publication his own further researches on the subject, until his youthful correspondent should have had time to complete and opportunity to claim the invention.
Nehemiah was faced with old abuses, and vehemently contrasted the harshness of the nobles with the generosity of the exiles who would redeem their poor countrymen from slavery.
His part in the later phases of the Russo-Turkish struggle has never been fully explained, for with equal wisdom and generosity he declined to gratify public curiosity at the cost of some of his colleagues.
Ransomed in 1103 by the generosity of an Armenian prince, Bohemund made it his first object to attack the neighbouring Mahommedan powers in order to gain supplies.
A clear conception of his life at this time, and of the respect which he inspired by the discipline in which he held his men, and of the generosity which tempered his fiery nature, is given in chap. xxv.
After wavering between various plans, he decided on the 13th of July to cast himself on the generosity of the British government, and dictated a letter to the prince regent in which he compared himself to Themistocles seating himself at the hearth of his enemy.
The latter's son Henry (1746-1812) became 3rd duke, and in 1810 succeeded also, on the death of William Douglas, 4th duke of Queensberry, to that dukedom as well as its estates and other honours, according to the entail executed by his own great-grandfather, the 2nd duke of Queensberry, in 1706; he married the duke of Montagu's daughter, and was famous for his generosity and benefactions.
His generosity to poor students was well known; but he could afford to be liberal, as his share of spoliated Church property had made him one of the wealthiest men in Denmark.
Among musical organizations may be mentioned the Handel and Haydn Society (1815), the Harvard Musical Association (1837), the Philharmonic (1880) and the Symphony Orchestra, organized in 1881 by the generosity of Henry Lee Higginson.
In the prose romances he is a monarch, the splendour of whose court, whose riches and generosity, are the admiration of all; but morally he is no whit different from the knights who surround him; he takes advantage of his bonnes fortunes as do others.
He supported all scientific enterprises with unlimited generosity, and the most famous savants of all countries flocked to Rome.
Camillus, it is said, had him whipped back into the town by his pupils, and the Faliscans were so affected by this generosity that they at once surrendered.
He possessed many excellent qualities, bravery, piety and generosity; but his reign is memorable rather in the history of the house of Habsburg than in that of the kingdom of Germany.
In military matters Hadrian was a strict disciplinarian, but his generosity and readiness to share their hardships endeared him to the soldiers.
Romanus was taken prisoner and conducted into the presence of Alp Arslan, who treated him with generosity, and terms of peace having been agreed to, dismissed him, loaded with presents and respectfully attended by a military guard.
She scowled at him at first, but then understanding the generosity of his evidently out-of-character act, bowed politely in acknowledgment.
But her frank recklessness, her generosity, her invariable good temper, her ready wit, her infectious high spirits and amazing indiscretions appealed irresistibly to a generation which welcomed in her the living antithesis of Puritanism.
Here the sheikh found some of his relations and the matrimonial alliance was soon arranged; but though the object of the journey had been attained, the Blunts were anxious to visit Hail and make the acquaintance of the amir Ibn Rashid, of whose might and generosity they daily heard from their hosts in Jauf.