Generate Sentence Examples
Set this keyboard to generate a scatter plot.
We're building a bigger battery to store the energy we generate from the river, but … Kelli shrugged.
In these processes the electric current is used solely to generate heat, either to induce chemical reactions between admixed substances, or to produce a physical (allotropic) modification of a given substance.
This matter had also been considered by the Heads Advisory Group who had suggested an away day brainstorming session to generate ideas.
The dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation continues to generate new neurons well into adulthood.
Get Paid to Surf The Internet in the UK... generate an income whilst they are surfing the internet.
What is striking, however, is the failure of the Tory wonks to generate any really groundbreaking ideas.
The breath directed horizontally across the open end, impinged against the sharp inner edge of the pipes, creating the regular series of pulses which generate the sound waves within the tubes.
To Generate loss warned that failure coronary bypass ge.
Rover tried to generate almost obscene levels of profit from the City.
AdvertisementIn some cases, older adults generate very low levels or none at all.
Investment opportunity We model various combinations of funds to determine the best blend that will generate consistent alpha in the MultiManager Portfolios.
Conversely as you let the boom down for speed you will need to ease the outhaul and cunningham to generate more power.
To be socially radical, we must generate the revenue to sustain that radicalism.
We will need a fast way to generate a subgroup.
AdvertisementTherefore our results show that the fossil record indicates that the impact of Chixculub did not generate sufficient thermal power to ignite extensive wildfires.
This provision may not always be fulfilled, since by placing the zinc in electrical contact with a piece of platinum, likewise immersed in the sulphuric acid, we can generate a current of electricity through the solution and the metallic part of the circuit.
He further treated in a masterly manner of echoes and the mixture of sounds, and explained the phenomenon of grave harmonics as due to the occurrence of beats so rapid as to generate a musical note.
If the temperature is not high enough, it is raised by managing the blast in such a way as to oxidize some of the iron itself permanently, and thus to generate much heat.
The waves of sound and contrasting tonalities generate a vibe that is all-encompassing.
AdvertisementThe two companies want to collaborate to generate more sales.
Even if you don't find the right name on the list, it may generate some new ideas for you to consider.
Like the sun, wind can also be used to generate clean, renewable energy.
Windmills can generate sufficient electricity to power most or all of your household.
Other solar systems work by using large mirrors to produce hot water or generate steam and heat.
AdvertisementIn the New England area, for example, the Shakers, a religious sect that flourished in the 1800's and was renowned for their gardening prowess, made hot beds lined with fresh animal dung to generate heat.
This three step program helps me promote, establish myself as a guru, and generate revenue.
You can either generate revenue, or establish yourself as a guru.
A strategy to help you accomplish this is to think about what level of income you want or need your business to generate in the first year.
In situations that sell a service, determine how many hours must be billed each month, quarter, or over the entire year to generate the level of income you have set for yourself.
This little exercise will help prepare you to set your small business goals with a clear reminder of your strengths and weaknesses, and should help generate new thinking and options.
Providing a free sample of your product is another way to generate interest in what you have to offer.
While you can save money by mailing bulk rate, mailing by first class has proven to generate more replies.
Used wisely, it can help you generate more business for your company.
Once you have provided the required information it is used to generate a resume.
Their purpose is not to generate an income.
We have used an " enhancer-trap " strategy to generate many transgenic plants which express different patterns of a yeast transcription activator, GAL4.
However, equivalence questions for the deterministic case, whether two grammars or pushdown automata generate the same language or tree are open.
The age saw flagpole sitting public goldfish swallowing and other outdoor marathons to generate ballyhoo.
In the UK, its power stations generate enough electricity to power homes of around eight million people.
The group pensions area is strong with schemes written in previous quarters starting to generate new premium income.
A number of laser sources are often required to generate sufficient wavelength coverage to calibrate broadband filter radiometers.
Again proposed allowing the partial resumption of Iraq's oil exports to generate revenue to buy humanitarian supplies.
You may not submit Postings intended to promote and or generate revenue for yourself and or any third party business activity.
The belt drives the alternator rotor in the coils to generate AC (then converted to DC for the car systems ).
To make random hear rumors about generate more than of a major.
Derrida's words in The Post Card also perhaps generate in most readers the passions of disbelief and even scorn.
You can even type write script filename, which will write a script to generate the current view in the RasMol display window.
Note the temporal ramp will not generate adaptation in a directionally selective cell.
Of the carnival holiday cruise ship city to further generate rci's viking serenade.
The results were then processed to generate boundary conditions for CFD simulations.
Other systems use an open ended turning block mounted on the deck - see figure 1 - to generate enough slack.
We need to inspire, generate team spirit and make all staff feel special.
How to communicate a positive image in order to generate more busine ss Customers will only buy if they feel positive.
This allows the host site to generate revenues, while creating site stickiness and enhancing their own brand equity.
Web Links are a good way to generate traffic for your site.
The Rail Fence Cipher uses letter transposition to generate an incredibly difficult anagram to solve.
To him has also been ascribed the work, La generate et fidele Relation de tout ce qui s'est passe en l'isle de Re, envoyee par le roi a la royne sa mere (Paris, 1627).
Since one horse was capable of doing the work required, Rumford remarked that one horse can generate heat as rapidly as nine wax candles burning in the ordinary manner.
The Narova flows out of Lake Peipus into the Gulf of Finland at Narva; it has remarkable rapids, which are used to generate power for cotton-mills; in spite of this, the river is navigated.
In all the systems accumulators are required to maintain the light when the train is at rest or is moving too slowly to generate current.
Since the heat of combustion of a hydrocarbon is equal to the heat of combustion of the carbon and hydrogen it contains minus its heat of formation, those hydrocarbons with positive heat of formation generate less heat on burning than the elements from which they were formed, whilst those with a negative heat of formation generate more.
Any circular filament can be started from rest by the application of a circumferential impulse 7rpmdr at each end of a diameter; so that a mechanism attached to the cylinders, which can set up a uniform distributed impulse rpm across the two parts of a diameter in the liquid, will generate the vortex motion, and react on the cylinder with an impulse couple-pmira 2 and pm7rb 2, having resultant pm7r(b 2 -a 2), and this couple is infinite when b = oo, as the angular momentum of the vortex is infinite.
The carbon of the pig iron, burning as it does only to carbonic oxide within the converter, does not by itself generate a temperature high enough for the needs of the process.
Under the head of physics we have the theory of the elements, of sound, heat and cohesion, and finally of chemical affinity - presenting the phenomena of material change and interchange in a series of special forces which generate the variety of the life of nature.
The rotation of that curve round OX will generate the form, of pivot required.
An application of the finger for 20 or 30 seconds to the under surface of the vessel will then generate enough heat to lower appreciably the surface-tension, as is evidenced by the opening out of the dust and the formation of a bare spot perhaps r z in.
The catenaries which lie between the two whose direction coincides with the axis of revolution generate surfaces whose radius of curvature convex towards the axis in the meridian plane is less than the radius of concave curvature.
The catenaries which lie beyond the two generate surfaces whose radius of curvature convex towards the axis in the meridian plane is greater than the radius of concave curvature.
The divergent parabolas are of five species which respectively belong to and determine the five kinds of cubic curves; Newton gives (in two short paragraphs without any development) the remarkable theorem that the five divergent parabolas by their shadows generate and exhibit all the cubic curves.
Defaults to a resolution sufficient to generate a raster with minimum size 101 cells.
It is not inconceivable that the CaMV 35S promoter in transgenic constructs can reactivate dormant viruses or generate new viruses by recombination.
This could develop more allowing authors to reap more of the profit their books generate.
Reservist employees are unlikely to have many special requirements or to generate additional paperwork.
Again proposed allowing the partial resumption of Iraq 's oil exports to generate revenue to buy humanitarian supplies.
Invisible Changes The scripts I use to generate LG have been largely rewritten.
Therefore competition can be seen as a process in which rivalrous firms generate and test different hypotheses about good problem solutions.
Unpublished works will generate no royalty income at all.
Perhaps this is just a ploy to boost her sagging sales, she is hoping to generate controversy about an alleged quote from 1996 !
Where the material is used to generate a magnetic field or to create a force then the saturation magnetization may also be significant.
Derrida 's words in The Post Card also perhaps generate in most readers the passions of disbelief and even scorn.
As a result, the IRA was unable to generate support for its secessionist campaign.
Of the carnival holiday cruise ship city to further generate rci 's viking serenade.
Repeated fracture and healing of silicic magma generate flow banding and earthquakes?
Analytical factors are critical to generate high-resolution speleothem records.
It can generate the bog-standard spirograph patterns like this or more sophisticated patterns like these (which involve a third wheel).
Golf courses tend to generate a steady flow of road traffic through the day.
If the event handling method does n't already exist, doing this will generate an empty stub for the method in your source code.
Loyal Lions fans will experience extreme emotion during the tour, causing surges of adrenaline that will generate significant amounts of sweat.
In a tantalum target, the electrons generate an intense highly directional gamma-ray beam that can be used to carry out photonuclear reactions.
To generate and detect terahertz radiation using tabletop sources, complementing 4GLS work at Daresbury.
Tourmaline crystal gives off far-infrared rays, these rays are beneficial to health and generate warmth in the feet.
Pre-requisite Energy 1 Learning outcomes 1 Development of techniques to generate tractable models of real systems.
Tractable lifted problems can explain known tractability results as well as generate new tractable subclasses.
South West Water 's new hydro turbine has been successfully commissioned at Littlehempston water treatment works to generate enormous amounts of environmentally friendly energy.
In this Center, ultrashort pulse lasers are used to manipulate atoms and molecules and to generate non-classical radiation using non-linear optical processes.
Home vacuum cleaners generate large amounts of static electricity, which is dangerous to the PC.
The building will generate some of its own electricity from photo voltaic cells on the roof.
It is the wide-bodied aircraft that record the most strikes, as there are more surfaces on the aircraft to generate the vortices.
These new Waltz soloists generate professional, innovative solos for the most sophisticated jazz waltzes.
This will generate a large wodge of paper, much of which will be given to you.
How to cut through the hype in order to generate valuable word-of-mouth online.
You need to get to the point where it's obvious that this company will generate cash flow immediately or at some certain point.
You may decide to invest all of that positive cash flow into growth and that's okay. But you need to be honestly convinced the business model can and will generate cash.
Until you generate a positive cash flow, your startup will need to raise adequate funding or it will sputter and eventually die.
From the southern lands generate the top names of Jack for boys and Emily for girls.
The computer will then generate the list and print it out.
They are also very heavy and generate a lot of heat so you will need a professional to install it.
This is the largest amount of power it can generate for a short period of time.
Heat pump water heaters do not generate heat directly but use electricity to conduct heat.
Plasma televisions display images using phosphors to generate the light to show the picture on the screen.
Giving your cat toys is one way to generate some excitement in his life without him having to leave home to find it.
You can generate an exceptions report, which flags any unusual activity.
A hacker may be able to generate a number that passes the Luhn formula, however it still won't be backed up by a legitimate bank.
Consumers should beware of criminals who generate fake cards and then sell them as the real thing.
This mathematical formula was developed by Hans Peter Luhn, an IBM scientist, and is used by financial institutions to generate the 15 and 16 digit card numbers used on legitimate cards.
It does not generate carbon or other fumes and emissions.
Alternative energy sources can be used to generate heat.
That energy can be used to generate electricity via turbines that the water flows through.
However they generate huge amounts of energy and are the cheapest form of energy we know of today.
The solar shingles, also called building integrated photovoltaics, generate electricity when the semiconductor layer is exposed to sun.
While the lack of appropriate space to build is perhaps not high on the list of problems with landfills, the more waste we all generate, the more of an issue it will become.
These are smaller generators used to generate electricity on farms, in island communities, on boats, or other places where it is too expensive or even impossible to connect to the main power grid.
A used solar panel can be a great alternative to new panels and provide a wonderful way to generate energy for free.
It calculates the amount of carbon and emissions that we generate ourselves through direct activity, for instance driving a car.
It also takes into account the amount of carbon and emissions that we generate through secondary activities, for instance the carbon that is produced by items we consume.
Reducing the amount of carbon and green house gases that we generate will have a positive impact on the environment.
When choosing wind power for your home, often the most reasonable way to generate clean, on-site electricity is to install a turbine with the capacity to generate 100 kilowatts and under.
Windmills generate electricity by harnessing the power of the wind.
Trapping and harnessing this heat creates hot water and steam that powers steam turbines to generate electricity.
Because decaying radioactive particles inside the Earth continuously generate heat, geothermal energy is a very reliable form of renewable energy.
Instead of consuming energy from the grid, off the grid homes will generate their own energy supply.
Providing that this is available, hydro power can be used to generate energy and it is not dependent on weather conditions in the same way as solar and wind power.
For example, solar energy needs lengthy amounts of sunshine to generate energy, although recent breakthroughs mean solar energy can be harvested on cloudy days.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) explains that a solar energy system neither produces emissions, nor does it generate any solid waste.
It produces no emission nor does it generate solid waste, making it an all-around viable energy solution.
The wind spins the rotor, which turns a shaft, but the rotation isn't enough to generate adequate energy, so a set of gears are attached to the shaft in order to increase the rotation.
Utility companies can use wind farms to generate energy for entire communities.
You can also send surplus power you generate back to the power grid and earn additional income.
You may choose to purchase electricity from a power company that relies on wind turbines, or install your own turbine to generate power for your home.
Many people find wind turbines unattractive, not to mention they generate about 60 decibels of noise.
These turbines work together to generate large amounts of energy for towns and cities.
For a point of reference as to the cost for the electric company to generate power using coal, the traditional fossil fuel source is four cents per kilowatt hour.
It costs a few more cents on the average to generate power from gas or oil.
Wind energy is an excellent source of renewable energy because the Midwest contains numerous windy sites, perfect for placing wind turbines, which generate energy to power homes, as well as reduce pollution.
Already there are numerous hydropower plants in place, many with plans to expand or renovate in order to generate more energy for the region.
The two main types of wind turbine designs that work to generate power are vertical axis and horizontal axis.
Harnessing power from water is another way to generate renewable energy.
The force of gravity and the flow of water work together to generate electricity that can potentially provide around twenty percent of the world's energy needs.
Hydroelectric - This type of power is extracted from the gravitational pull of water falling from a higher source, such as using a waterfall to generate energy.
Scientists can convert heat produced from beneath the Earth's crust to generate geothermal energy.
There are a few different methods currently available that can tap into this source of power to generate energy.
Dry steam - Power plants around the world take the steam that pours out of fault lines and fractures in the ground and uses it to power turbines to generate energy.
Scientists have found that by letting the water boil up through the ground to produce steam can generate power for a turbine to generate electricity.
The butane is boiled at a low temperature which converts to steam and powers turbines which generate electricity.
By using a method called photovoltaics, researchers found they can generate electrical power by funneling the sun through a specific medium like copper or silicon to harness the energy from solar radiation.
Active solar involves capturing and redistributing sunlight through the use of solar panels, pumps or solar fans to generate power.
Burning plants can also generate energy.
The fermentation process also can generate power in the form of biofuel.
By fermenting the sugars in plants and plant matter, scientists have discovered that they can generate an alcohol called ethanol.
Additionally scientists found that by combining alcohol with animal fat or vegetable oil they can generate another type of fuel called biodiesel.
These six renewable energy sources can help generate electricity without depleting the Earth's resources.
The Solar Incentive Program also allows solar users to sell energy they generate but don't use to the local utility.
According to Disabled World, "hair is white and the cells in our hair follicles called Melanocytes generate pigments, the main one being Melanin."
Simply using a softly colored light bulb in a traditional lamp can generate a Bohemian mood.
Interior decorating lighting and hardware finishes can alter your overall design and generate various ambiance throughout your home.
If you want to pay bills online, you'll need a PINsentry reader card, which is a small hand-held device that will generate new eight-digit codes every time you log on to the online banking program.
Some of these pets even generate personalities and can play games with you, solve puzzles and a myriad of other things, so they're always entertaining.
This demo is more of a brief overview of what is new in CS5 and designed to generate interest in the product.
You’ll learn how to generate sales, market photos and host your own digital photo exhibitions.
As a matter of fact, making a delicious, show-stopping prime rib will take very little work on your part, but will generate exclamations of delight when you bring it to the table.
The company allows them to run a home-based business and generate an income doing something they love-scrapping.
Lifters are thick platforms that elevate the ski boot off the ski and help the skier to generate more leverage onto the turning ski.
A number of job-related factors can generate a great deal of stress in your life.
While there doesn't appear to be a national summer program in place, contacting a local office and inquiring about what type of help is needed and what you would like to do could generate an internship.
Things like transcripts, copies of birth certificates, and letters of recommendation can take time to generate.
Be forewarned, however, that these groups can generate a lot of chatter!
It can also be plant-based, as several forms of algae and other plant life generate the hormone in smaller amounts.
Look for items you already have on hand, such as acorns, small pinecones, leaves, berries, shells, ribbons, etc. Either computer generate or hand write the wording on card stock paper, and decorate with whatever you have handy.
A cake labeled "hers" is sure to generate laughs, and a ball-and-chain cake is a classic favorite.
Small wrapped chocolates can also generate a lot of litter at an outdoor event, which the couple or bridal party may be responsible to pick up.
Governments commonly target smokers and drinkers with "sin taxes" when they are looking for a way to generate revenue quickly.
It seems that The Hills stars Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt will take any opportunity available to them to generate publicity, even when it makes them look like fools.
Despite the negative press and personal difficulties, Charlie Sheen continues to generate news for fans and detractors alike.
Babies do not generate body heat easily, so footwear is a necessity.
Advertise singles sailings through newsletters, online forums, or by word of mouth to a wide circle of single friends to generate enough interest to qualify for group benefits.
This procedure is commonly known as "polymerase chain reaction testing", and the results will be used to generate a personal breed profile for your pet.
Underwater lights generate a spectacular display as the sun goes down.
Because of this, consumers can buy a 15-watt compact fluorescent bulb to generate the same amount of light as a 60-watt incandescent bulb.
Each design is unique, yet they each have the ability to generate a very real looking fire burning within.
You'll be paying the energy company twice, once to generate the light and a second time to vent the heat the light produces.
Its distinctive shape makes it an unusual choice and one that is bound to generate positive comment.
If you add fresh clippings, you're likely to end up with an odor problem because they'll clump together and start to generate an odor before they begin to decompose.
The fair trade organizations of the US and Europe generate approximately .01 percent of all global trade.
Both are used to start and stop the car and generate the power that drives the wheels, but the electric engine is used a lot to boost the power when needed.
The size of your estate dictates whether you can generate a will yourself or need to hire an executor to oversee the process and result.
This technology ensures that air is deflected into these vents, and there, they generate a slight vacuum feel on the internal side of the frame.
Each day they generate three new sudoku puzzles, one easy, one medium and one difficult.
A Mii is a character that you generate based on features that you have.
Game designers aren't artists in the traditional sense - although there are some who can draw, do layout, and generate artistic concepts with the best of them.
Whether this was done by Microsoft intentionally to generate buzz for the project is speculation.
You can also use your music or the tapping of your fingers to generate specific visualizations.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-An imaging technique that uses a large circular magnet and radio waves to generate signals from atoms in the body.
An internal wound may also generate symptoms such as weakness, perspiration, and pain.
These same stimuli would not generate much of a response in the intestine.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a diagnostic imaging procedure that uses radio waves, a magnetic field, and a computer to generate images of the anatomy.
The scanner, which is usually shaped like a large rectangle with a hole in the center, contains the systems that generate the magnetic field.
Doctors also recommend that helpers not mention "reasons for living," as doing so might generate more depressing thoughts in the teenager.
Computed tomography (CT), formerly referred to as computerized axial tomography (CAT), is a common diagnostic imaging procedure that uses x rays to generate images (slices) of the anatomy.
Normally, during the course of red blood cell formation, protoporphyrin IX acquires iron, to generate heme, and the heme becomes incorporated into hemoglobin.
By measuring brainwave activity and teaching the AD/HD patient which type of brainwave is associated with attention, EEG biofeedback attempts to train patients to generate the desired brainwave activity.
ObitNow has a free online form that you can fill in and it will generate a written obituary.
Color - Though color by itself does not generate chi energy, certain colors are definitely stimulating.
As hair follicles age, they generate hair that is not only lower in pigmentation, but also that is drier and coarser than more youthful hair.
Selling your own used curriculum can help generate necessary funds to purchase the next set in the series or another type of curriculum needed; purchase used of course!
Seniors centers often offer introductory painting classes, and if you can many instructors are delighted to add in an extra class for homeschoolers if you can generate interest among even one or two other families.
Many business owners face the same challenge when trying to make generate an income.
The volume of business they can generate from the FHA market is simply deemed insufficient to warrant their time and money.
Pitocin has the potential to generate harder and more painful contractions.
For example, Tangerine Twinkle is said to promote movement and communication, while Pink Panache can generate love, happiness and friendship.
We've been lucky to generate so much interest from celebrities so soon.
A mesh micro bikini will generate more heat than the coals on your barbecue.
It doesn't interfere with your brain activity or generate brainwaves.
Your body cannot generate its own tryptophan like it can with some other amino acids, so you need to get it from the food you eat.
Can taking folic acid generate undesirable side effects?
Yes, due to Simultaneous Contrast, whereby when you look at any color on the color wheel your eyes generate the opposite color.
No worries, though; he still owns 50 percent of the company, which continues to generate a healthy revenue, to the tune of around $250 million per year.
A basic infomercial touting the glories of the Snuggie was starting to generate interest, but some people saw it as ripe for parody.
If left on too long the blender can actually begin to cook your foods because the blades turn fast enough to generate heat.
It is the perfect solution for those who want to generate less heat in the home during the hot summer months as well as those who love eating meat but don't love the fat that usually comes with it.
As far as miraculous heating properties, Heat Surge claims the heater produces an "amazing" 5,119 BTU, when in reality; all 1500-watt space heaters generate that amount, regardless of the cost.
Both free standing and table top models exist that generate a descent amount of heat to keep you and your company warm and comfortable while being outdoors.
Infrared space heaters, or at least portable models, do not use gases or flammable liquids to generate the heat they produce, so they do not emit fumes or harmful emissions into the atmosphere, which can make them greener heating solutions.
The traditional spit technology is utilized in infrared rotisseries by using rotisserie burners that generate infrared energy.
The burners generate heat that, for example, envelops a whole chicken.
Often, a manufacturer or an affiliate will create a review site in order to promote their product and generate sales.
In order to be fair (and to generate buzz about the game), Parker Brothers created a list of 70 possible cities.
The words it will generate are from the Official Scrabble dictionaries, no matter what dictionary you use.
You can find words for a game at many websites, including the WordFinder, which allows you to punch in the letters you currently have on your rack, and generate words that can be used with them.
Type in a prefix or suffix to yield more accurate and useful results, and you will be able to generate great words for your next Scrabble game.
Craft shows and specialty gift shops provide a great market for someone interested in learning how to start a home based candle making business, but it can be difficult to generate a steady income in this manner.
This can be a great way to generate revenue in a single day.To extend the fundraiser a little longer and have a chance to make even more money, you may also market doughnut coupons.
This can be a great way to generate short term or ongoing revenue.
A concession stand filled with favorites such as cotton candy and hot dogs is a must and will generate even more income for your school.
Fundraisers can generate extra income so churches can keep up with their expenses or fund specific projects.
No matter what your location, there are ideas that can be used to generate extra income and support your church in their efforts.
Not only do sponsorships generate money but they can motivate players as well.
Generate a personality portrait with their self-evaluation quiz.
When you send a greeting such as this one, you will most likely generate some mental pictures.
Otherwise your feelings might generate anger or revenge.
A poet could also consider setting up a website with free poetry, while using advertising to generate an income.
Advertising programs such as Google Adsense are simple to set up and can generate a small but steady revenue stream for many websites.
Inspiration for a Writing Group - If you are part of a writers group or class, a writing prompt can be a great way to generate new ideas, original writing and gives members something to talk about among themselves.
It may generate something to use later, or help you to see a way to improve your writing.
If you're looking for a way to generate a source of supplemental income, you may find yourself in search of fun and easy ways to make money writing.
Literary agents are paid a percentage of the sales they generate for their clients, most often 10-20%.
Businesspeople often use e-books as a marketing tool to help generate interest in their products or services.
Once you do, the site will automatically generate all of the different backpacks that are right for you.
You're considered quick-witted and you certainly know how to generate wealth, as well as hold on to it.
If you're in a relationship but still not sure whether you have enough in common to make it work, you can generate a free sample compatibility report from to help you sort things out.
With the right combination of these aspects in their charts, a Virgo man Capricorn woman couple can generate a lot of heat.
They may generate heat for a while depending on the patience of Taurus and the romantic nature of Leo, but this is traditionally not a long term, sustainable relationship.
Some numbers known as master numbers are typically used as double digits because of the powerful vibration these numbers generate.
Online businesses take many forms, from running your own sales website to running a blog with ads to selling on eBay to using a website to generate customers for your service business.
If you want to bid on major projects, learning how to write an excellent business proposal will help you generate high-dollar projects.
Make sure your proposal is targeted, or you run the risk of spending time writing proposals that don't generate new business.
This business tool helps you make new contacts in the business world, which also improves your ability to generate revenue.
A large or complex business may wish to hire an accountant or financial expert to generate a profit and loss statement.
It's quite common for companies to generate P & L's quarterly and annually.
The same is true of you're missing opportunities to generate sales or referrals because you can't keep track of what messages should go to which customers and when.
Once you have completed all of the parts of the form that apply to you, the system will generate a resume you can save, edit or print.
Answer all of the questions the resume tool asks and then the program will automatically generate a resume for you.
Some free advertising creates good will and may generate future sales for the grocer.
The more people who live in a home, the more clutter it seems to generate not to mention laundry, dishes, paperwork and the general detritus of day to day living.
In general, a vegan diet tends to generate more thoughtfulness about one's diet.
This doesn't mean that you don't breathe while performing the exercise, it simply means that the energy supplied to generate movement doesn't come from the aerobic system.
Anaerobic exercise is a "fast" energy system, used to generate short bursts of speed or strength of all-out or near-maximal exercise.
After roughly eight to ten seconds of all-out effort these energy stores will run out and your body will have to generate energy in a different way.
Most humans can generate energy through glycolysis for approximately 90 seconds before their enzymes and substrate diminish and lactic acid begins building up in the muscles, preventing continual exercise.
While everyone has the capacity to generate energy anaerobically, some individuals are genetically inclined toward anaerobic activities.
Plodding away at the treadmill for miles and miles while staring at the sweaty back of some yahoo a few feet in front of you rarely generate that many laughs.
One of the reasons that personal trainers generate success is because they provide that motivation to continue on with your plan.
Also, ask them to spread the word for you to generate a buzz.
Consider posting a small ad to see if you can generate interest.
This will help prevent you from using your arms to generate momentum.
To generate energy, your cells use oxygen to break down fats and carbohydrates.
Some online websites simultaneously generate multiple quotes for users, however, these websites might not provide correct quotes.
Insurance companies must have specific information about the automobile and driver or drivers to generate a quote.
To generate an accurate quote, insurance companies require the names, gender, ages, education, occupation, driver's license number, marital status, contact information for all of the vehicle's drivers, and desired amounts of coverage.
They will then generate a list of available policies and their costs.
If you want to make a living as an insurance agent or broker, you are going to need some insurance leads to generate customers.
By spreading your unique domain name and posting links to your site, you can generate potential clients who like to search the Internet for their insurance needs.
The bottom line is teenagers are the highest risk drivers, and most often generate the highest costs in terms of accident claims.
You can then borrow against the value, use the policy to generate income at retirement, or sell the policy.
All of these ratings are very important in understanding how an annuity will generate income.
Keep in mind that you need to generate a profit whether or not you purchase a reinsurance package.
The site is geared toward customers who want to buy car insurance online and it can generate pricing from several providers.
The CD received excellent reviews in the hardrock, Heavy Metal press but did not generate much noise in mainstreet media.
Consultants will also do trade shows and fashion shows to generate new leads for the business.
If you choose the quarter-fold or plain envelope option, you can type in your party details, and the site will generate an invitation that's ready to print.
As the strike dragged on, the networks needed to find a way to create programming that would generate ratings and sponsor dollars.
These reality shows open calls can generate a huge turnout depending on the popularity of the show and the number of people who are willing to go through the casting process.
Alas, without the chemistry of the original characters, and the freshness of the original premise, now nine years old, the new cast could not generate the ratings it needed to survive, and it left the air in 2002.
For another simple tool to generate a fairy name, go to Garden Fairy.
First, choose if you'd like to be a light (good) or dark (bad) fairy, then enter your first and last name and click the "Generate your Fairy Name!" button.
Interfaces used vary from one generator to another, so it is best to choose a generator specific to the type of fantasy name you want to generate.
If you're looking for a Star Wars related or sound-like name, you'll find more than one way to generate a name.
The easy-to follow instructions generate a Star Wars first name, last name and honorific name and title by using letters from your own name, or your mother's maiden name and place of birth.
It can be fun to create or generate Star Wars name.
If you don't like it, you can always generate another until you find one that suits you.
Seventh Sanctum allows you to generate up to 25 names at a time in 5 name increments.
Those that generate the most interest and bring in the most money are the old horror and science fiction film posters.
Hit the generate layout button when you finish creating your image in the generator and it will create the code for your layout.
Business owners may post items online as a way to establish themselves as experts in a certain niche topic, or Internet marketers may use a blog as a way to generate income through Google Adsense advertisements.
The online program will generate the days until your due date and place it in the image you choose.
With each subsequent marketing effort, see if you can raise your site benchmarks higher; generate new visitors, improve daily usage, and any other benchmarks you think are relevent.
Are you wondering how to generate revenue for your blog via RSS advertising?
If you have a blog that is intended to generate revenue, it only makes sense to explore every possible avenue for monetizing your site.
Since RSS subscribers are able to see your content without actually having to visit your site, they won't generate page views or clicks for display ads featured on the blog itself.
At the same time, you may be giving the site permission to share your information with outside sources unless you specifically generate settings that disallow them to do so.
These features of the editor make it easy for even the novice user to generate s MySpace page that has a sense of the personal about it, and will help in retaining the interest of those who come to the page for a casual visit.
This menu is really only an interface to generate HTML that will set the background the way you like it, but not having to wade through lines of code is a very nice feature.
So that you can really make your profile stand out from the rest, check out these websites for HTML codes to generate various backgrounds, and other things you can add for that extra special touch.
After you've designed the timer, you can click a button to generate the HTML code.
With that said, if you're willing to dedicate at least two or three hours a day to building a profitable blog, then your dream to generate online income will become a reality.
Most include basic features such as the ability to import current bookmarks, interface enhancements such as CSS and Ajax, and generate RSS feeds.
All of the quiz sites have "generate" buttons that produce HTML code that will easily copy and paste onto your MySpace page.
Whatever the case, usually there is simply a button to select (labeled something like "Post to MySpace!") which will generate HTML code to post the survey results to your profile.
As you plant and harvest your crops, you'll generate money and experience, which will lead to unlocked items you can buy at the "market."
As you advance, you'll have the opportunity to purchase different seeds or animals that generate more income.
In most games like this, there have been many people who want to find ways around the system - ways to get extra money from trees, or cause a farmer in a tiny fenced-in area to generate "experience" with nothing actually being accomplished.
Bloggers generate revenue from keywords by posting advertisements on their blogs using Google Adsense or similar services.
By writing about popular and most searched for terms you generate more traffic to your website.
As you become more familiar with the layouts and the codes that generate them, you can start tweaking the HTML to get the exact results you want.
Another option to generate color on your website is to create a tag using the color name rather than the hexadecimal color code.
Non-programmers need a user friendly tool that allows them to generate web page content easily and without the need to use scripting or programming.
It will also generate the HTML file that would normally just be uploaded onto your server.
In FrontPage 2003, Microsoft acknowledged the permeation of Flash on the web and included the option simply let the program generate the code for itself.
In fact, it uses those sources to generate the results.
Once the bitmaps are created, you can generate larger graphics, demo images, or even web counters by putting the individual bitmap characters together.
However, now web designers have a few valuable tools available called "feed generators" that will automatically generate an XML formatted RSS feed for your web page.
IceRocket is one of the best RSS builders that lets you generate and upload your RSS feed XML file to your website in just a few, very easy steps.
With a little bit of effort at the beginning, creating a blog will provide you with one of the greatest tools that web designers currently have available to generate and maintain significant traffic for your site.
Then, you can add that information manually to a basic web page that you generate with simple commands.
When you attempt to search for and download free web art or free graphics, they are usually low quality and do not generate the professional image that you want to convey.
Once you generate traffic to your site, it's important that the design welcomes your guests, not just with words but by the very layout and even the font.
Aside from writing content, Ms. Miller's job is to help generate and manage the social media links to her client's site.
Whether you want to generate income using Google Adsense or sell more products and services via your website, finding the right keywords is one of the first steps to take for online business success.
Outranking your competitors will help you generate more sales by bringing qualified prospects to your site.
While it isn't quite as critical to get listed by Google, Yahoo does prefer that you generate a site map for your site, and link to the site map from your main page.
Do not use autopost scripts or create cookie cutter posts simply to generate a lot of content or pages on your site.
What happens when you use one of the most powerful database tools to generate one of the most flexible web content tools?
The combination of XML with MySQL to generate it can change a static website into a dynamic and responsive place for your users.
I can't jam much more in my shopping cart but if they had any interesting costumes, I might be able to dress up and attract more attention— generate a little more cash flow for the balance of the big trip.
We're building a bigger battery to store the energy we generate from the river, but … Kelli shrugged.
Acid gases, given off when we generate electricity, mix with sunlight and water in the atmosphere to produce acid rain.
A shunt is resistive device used to generate a small signal voltage to display current on a moving coil ammeter.
They are strict anaerobes and generate ATP by anaerobic respiration.
Or try Wordsmith, which will generate endless anagrams for you.
This produces an electron which adds to the benzene ring to generate a radical anion.
We have shown that fluoride anions can be used to generate helical structures in the solid state.
In fact any domestic appliance, which uses electricity, from a fridge to a vacuum cleaner, will generate an EMF.
It is possible to scroll the display to the right to generate essentially arbitrary precision in the result.
The response file used to generate the arf is written in the spectrum in the keyword RESPFILE.
Enron was " looking for a quick way to sell assets to generate income, " said one long-time Enron finance person.
If this doesn't generate more energy from your horse then it is possible to combine a low calorie balancer with oats.
The point of using a barbell to add weight to the squat is to help you to generate peak power.
Then multiple users can insert citations, scan, and generate bibs simultaneously.
After the entire process, one can then generate bibliography.
Other grants will generate new insights into basic stem cell biology to increase understanding of how stem cells function.
Use the Referral button to generate a request for specialist cardiology advice at an out patient clinic.
The acquisition of PDN gives Taghmen infrastructure from which the Company can immediately generate operating cash flow.
The Company will continue its efforts to generate positive operating cash flow throughout the balance of fiscal 2001.
First, the creative experience, when completed, may generate a catharsis.
A well located and operated coffeehouse in a dense and vibrant community can generate as much as $ 1,500,000 in annual revenues.
The process of adaptation is blocked by negative emotion, so we must become compassionate, and generate unconditional love.
There was a rule to generate a.P file by invoking the compiler appropriately.
This allows the Tcl bytecode compiler to generate the best code.
He is a highly conceptual, creative human being, whose ability to generate new ideas it NOT LIMITED by any mechnical obstacle.
The team can also undertake the preparation of antigens, including conjugation of haptens to generate immunogens.
Children as young as four or five can usually generate alternatives and predict consequences, but advanced decision making skills come later.
Levels above 3 are designed for use only by developers and generate HUGE amounts of data, most of which is extremely cryptic.
N-dimensional cubes, including program code to generate them.
Method would generate an inadequate range of useful quantitative data and there are considerable concerns about reliability.
How are we to generate work that does not demean the laborer?
A refuse destructor which had also been installed provided heat to generate steam for the machinery.
The algorithms that generate uniform random deviates vary widely.
We recommend using randomize for this, as the above steps are very unlikely to generate nice Gaussian distributions in the data.
He invented a steam turbine engine to drive a dynamo to generate electricity.
Network users, such as generation companies, large industrial customers and suppliers, actually generate and consume the electricity carried by the network.
When there is more wind power than we need, the surplus electricity may be used to generate hydrogen which is stored.
This transfer function is then used to calculate the distorted partial-wave matrix elements which are used to generate the angular distribution.
To design a distributed cooperation protocol to generate provenance data in workflow enactment.
They generate ATP by the anaerobic fermentation of glucose to lactic acid.
To generate customer footfall into the 280 stores nationwide, highlighting top quality beds at the lowest prices.
This is especially important to those who exercise frequently, as they generate more of these dangerous and destructive free radicals.
The competition was designed to generate poster concepts from the NHS frontline to promote staff hand hygiene in hospitals.
The captured vapors are burned to generate enough electrical energy for the Shell grid to compensate for the new loading gantry 's consumption.
Boosted capacity to generate power from landfill gas to over 90 megawatts in the UK.
Reducing the gender gap in health and education can significantly reduce personal and household poverty and generate national economic growth, says the report.
These variables are now used to dynamically generate the SiteMap.
Of course, these demands cannot automatically generate the struggle to achieve them.
A non-linear amplifier will generate harmonics that are not present in the original signal.
A short time later the Church's General Synod ruled out a debate on the issue saying it would generate more heat than light.
It can be said that that short-stroke engines generate higher horsepower at higher revs, long-stroke engines develop more torque at lower revs.
This would eventually cause the polar ice caps to melt, and thus generate an environment in which biological life could be sustained.
The result is TECHNOLOGY centered systems that generate failures because they are so ill-suited to the work at hand.
When using collateral texts to generate keyword indices the robustness of any index will depend on the contents of the source text.
The workshop as a whole was excellent, particularly because it managed to generate a genuinely interdisciplinary engagement with the themes.
Little bit by can generate in a la video slots a juggling jester.
The Leslie Pump is big enough to generate 10 kilowatts, enough to power a large house.
Upon completion in 2009, the project will be able to generate 84.7 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually.
One system will require 7000 klystrons (instruments to generate RF waves to accelerate the beam ).
Combining the primitive lattice vectors with spacegroup symmetry will effectively generate the crystal lattice.
Most business will generate waste and are obliged by law to ensure care in the transport, handling and recovery of this waste.
The lens part of the DMC-FX01 comprises of seven elements in six groups, incorporating four aspherical lenses to generate high optical performance.
The cavity magnetron was created to generate such waves.
For instance, the initial application may be user and training manuals but it can be used later to generate operations and maintenance manuals.
Get track mattes right Track mattes are a very effective and creative way to generate an endless array of transitions for your motion projects.
The power station at its base has the capacity to generate 2075 megawatts - enough to light up a third of Africa.
Specialized groups of cells, called meristems, retain the ability to generate new cells throughout the lifetime of the plant.
The underlying fear helps to generate a mood of jealousy (self-pity mode ).
Iran's antipathy toward the West did not spontaneously generate out of the crazed rhetoric of radical mullahs.
Site directed mutagenesis has been used to generate such mutants.
We decided to generate mutants for real Java programs.
We believe the Iranian people should enjoy the benefits of a truly peaceful program to use nuclear reactors to generate electric power.
The aim of the unit is to generate, disseminate and apply knowledge in order to improve practice and patient outcomes with rheumatology nursing.
The local oscillator circuit uses a single crystal to generate both first and second local oscillator signals.
Improved bus service will attract patronage from car, from slow modes and will generate new travel.
It then aims to generate more awareness among the public, before taking it to other healthcare professionals and ultimately to government paymasters.
These important factors combine to generate a permutation of approximately a million different profiles.
They have tended to generate pessimism, and words more than action.
New ability to generate Encapsulated postscript of vector graphics.
Last year, its 70,000 employees helped generate pre-tax profits of £ 350m.
These might be used to generate the power needed for ion propulsion systems.
There is also an exercise for students who want to generate publicity for something happening in their school, parish or community.
The radicals themselves are generated using a flash pyrolysis method, an effective technique to generate high radical yields.
Several gene families undergo rearrangements in immune cells in order to generate a vast diversity of antibodies.
This article examines the relationship of such models to an approach that uses case-based reasoning to generate explanations.
A long thin strip of conductive foil moves within a magnetic field to generate a current hence voltage.
If the event handling method doesn't already exist, doing this will generate an empty stub for the method in your source code.
These tentative suggestions are put forward to generate discussion.
For merged data files, the spacegroup symmetry is used to generate the whole zone.
The crystal symmetry will be used to generate atom positions from a unique molecule.
With the CD still in the drive you can click on a virtual folder to generate image thumbnails.
Local arts groups provide opportunities for social networking which help to generate a real social togetherness.
Hence the bookies are able to generate sizeable year on year profits without too much trouble.
Any submarine slide that moves comparatively rapidly is likely to generate a tsunami.
South West Water's new hydro turbine has been successfully commissioned at Littlehempston water treatment works to generate enormous amounts of environmentally friendly energy.
The cell was equipped with fans to generate turbulence of variable intensity.
Some efforts have been made to generate a useful typology within this area.
V and so on, which in turn can be used to generate actual utterances.
The piezoelectric actuator can generate the bending moment to suppress unwanted flexural vibration induced by a sudden rotation of the motor hub.
Using the server to generate large volumes of email from a database is an example of activity that is not allowed.
Rising affluence will generate new sources of private capital to finance the increasingly voracious appetite of SMEs.
These new waltz soloists generate professional, innovative solos for the most sophisticated jazz waltzes.
Under the head of charters come the Regesta regni Hierosolymitani, published by Rohricht, Innsbruck, 1893 (with an Additamentum in 1904); the Cartulaire generate des Hospitaliers, by Delaville Leroulx (Paris, 1894 onwards); and the Cartulaire de l'eglise du St Sepulcre, by de Roziere (Paris, 1849).
For cold and late situations, Thomas Andrew Knight recommended the encouragement of spurs on the young wood, as such spurs, when close to the wall, generate the best organized and most vigorous blossoms, and generally ensure a crop of fruit.
The biomass then turns into a liquid called pyrolysis oil, which can be burned to generate electricity.
Already British Gas is piloting a rooftop wind turbine to generate power for individual homes.
Along with producing eggs and sperm, they produce sex hormones that generate all the differences between men and women.
This can be a very successful combination, especially when it comes to sharing the arts and the high social life a profession in this arena can generate.
What the onlooker doesn't see is all the hard work these two do behind the scenes that generate positive and beneficial results.
The toys have been targeted toward gamers because Emotiv feels this will generate the most revenue for them.
Learning the definitions of parenting styles may help generate an awareness of how your behaviors and attitudes affect your children.
While permissive parents feel that they are winning their children's love via their leniency, this type of parenting may generate unintended results.
Winning prizes is nice, but the real issue at Sundance for filmmakers is to generate buzz and catch the attention of major studios and distributors.
An investigation into their background turned up evidence that the men had created the entire hoax to generate business for their new website and Bigfoot expedition trips.
Few other buildings seem to generate as much paranormal activity as a haunted mental hospital.
There are various quizzes and tests that you can take online to generate a report of your past lives.
The method used to generate your reading is based on the work of prophet Edgar Cayce.
Research in parapsychology has shown repeatedly that living people can affect devices that generate random choices/numbers/events.
The company offering the freebie is trying to generate business with the offer.
Reducing your expenses is typically the easiest way to go, but finding a way to generate a source of supplemental income may be preferable if you feel like your budget is already stretched to the limit.
When a company introduces a new product, offering free samples is one way to generate customer interest.
To promote the release of new albums and to generate interest in upcoming artists, they offer a Free Track of the Week and various other limited time Free Music Samples.
This type of promotion tends to generate a large increase in store traffic, so you want to shop early to get the best deals.
Freebies and discounts tend to generate large amounts of traffic, so you may need to wait longer for service.
An automated system may also generate financial reports that help you create a household budget.
The harder-to-find sandals generate far more bids, but even there, you will get a great bargain.
She is known as daytime's leading lady, and is the only soap star able to generate more than seven million dollars per year for playing a femme fatale.
Some sites generate misleading spoilers to throw off loyal fans.
It was a lot harder when I was younger, but it's easier now with my experience to generate the chemistry.
Some websites generate misleading spoilers to throw off loyal fans.
The sun is the most abundant light source, but any bright light exposure will generate electrical power and allow the watch to function, meaning that a Citizen Eco-Drive uses only free and limitless energy.
For the next 10 years, the magazine was simple but thoroughly dedicated to yoga, and helped to generate more interest in the practice, which had limited exposure in the U.S. prior to the mid-70s.
Seek low-cost marketing methods to generate sales and interest in your new business.
These companies collect your information and generate a report for your field.
You can also generate forms from databases, Web services or imported PDF files.
It might generate lots of clients and traffic, upsetting your neighbors.
Send certified letters for everything because the receipts they generate give you a paper trail to follow.
I promote one day a week and schedule my week to generate income first, promote second, and take care of paperwork last.
Another way to generate ideas for your own business is to research current trends.
More than enough load to generate valve seat recession on a ' soft ' leaded only cylinder head.
Sales Reports - An analysis of sales information can determine trends and the ability of a company to generate revenues.
As your business grows and you generate a profit, consider the benefits of individual retirement and other savings accounts.
Further, to avoid classification as a hobby, or be red-flagged as a tax loophole, a consistent effort to generate a profit needs to be shown.
Put simply, a profit is not required, but some tangible evidence of attempts to generate revenue is, such as advertising expenditures and a work log.
You also need to be able to generate reports presenting the financial picture.
If you need reports or a list of documents, Paper Tiger can generate one quickly and easily.