Genealogical Sentence Examples
See the genealogical table to the article Bourbon.
In the edition of the Natiirliche Schopfungsgeschichte published in 1868 he made a great advance in his genealogical classification, since he now introduced the results of the extraordinary activity in the study of embryology which followed on the publication of the Origin of Species.
The mechanism for the statement of the genealogical relationships of the groups of the animal kingdom was thus completed.
On the one hand, the true method of arriving at a knowledge of the genealogical tree was recognized as lying chiefly in attacking the problem of the genealogical relationships of the smallest twigs of the tree, and proceeding from them to the larger branches.
Fritz Muller, by his studies on Crustacea (Fiir Darwin, 1864), showed the way in which genealogical theory may be applied to the minute study of a limited group.
The introduction of this conception necessarily has had a most important effect in the attempt to unravel the genealogical affinities of animals.
The terms used for indicating groups are " Phylum " for the large diverging branches of the genealogical tree as introduced by Haeckel, each Phylum bears secondary branches which are termed " classes," classes again branch or divide into orders, orders into families, families into genera, genera into species.
The term " grade " is also made use of for the purpose of indicating the conclusion that certain branches on a larger or smaller stem of the genealogical tree have been given off at an earlier period in the history of the evolution of the stem in question than have others marked off as forming a higher grade.
The immediate result was, as pointed out above, a reconstruction of the classification of animals upon a genealogical basis, and an investigation of the individual development of animals in relation to the steps of their gradual building up by cell-division, with a view to obtaining evidence of their genetic relationships.
Characters derived from the size, colour or flavour of the berry are of less value for historical or genealogical purposes than those which are the outcome of purely natural conditions.
AdvertisementThe materials were supplied in the first place by oral tradition, in the second by the dictata of older scholars, and finally by various kinds of documents, such as treaties, letters, collections of poetry and genealogical lists.
Genealogical studies had become necessary through Omar's system of assigning state pensions to certain classes of persons according to their kinship with the Prophet, or their deserts during his lifetime.
Baladhuri's excellent Ansab al-Ashraf (Genealogies of the Nobles) is a history of the Arabs on a genealogical plan.
Among historical periodicals may be numbered the American Register (1806-1811), Stryker's American Register (1848-1851), Edwards's American Quarterly Register (1829-1843), the New' England Historical and Genealogical Register (1847), Folsom's Historical Magazine (1857), the New York Genealogical Record (1869), and the Magazine of American History (1877).
But it should not be forgotten that to many generations of close scholarship these genealogical lists seemed to convey such knowledge in the most precise terms, and that at so recent a date as, for example, the year in which Queen Victoria came to the throne, it was nothing less than a rank heresy to question the historical accuracy and finality of chronologies which had no other source or foundation.
AdvertisementA full account of the different Cornelii Lentuli, with genealogical table, will be found in Pauly-Wissowa's Realencyclopeidie, iv.
Biog.; it is still only a sketch, though the volume contains a mass of genealogical and other incidental information by other hands.
He devoted his entire life to genealogical studies.
This edition consists of nine volumes folio; it is a genealogical and chronological history of the royal house of France, of the peers, of the great officers of the crown and of the king's household, and of the ancient barons of the kingdom.
The "genealogical" method, as we may call it, cannot in strictness be applied to conflated MSS., as their mutual relations can rarely be with certainty disentangled.
AdvertisementRuins are also seen of a Franciscan foundation attributed to the 13th century; it was a celebrated seat of learning and an extant memorial of the work of its monks is the Book of Ballymote (c. 1391) in the possession of the Royal Irish Academy, a miscellaneous collection in prose and verse of historical, genealogical and romantic writings.
In English documents also we find eponymous national ancestors grouped together in genealogical trees, and there is reason to believe that the common origin of the various Teutonic peoples was remembered to a certain extent until comparatively late in the middle ages.
The Fairfield Historical Society has a museum of antiquities and a collection of genealogical and historical works.
The town-hall and library building is a fine structure; the library contains about 20,000 volumes, and the museum and collections of the Winchester Historical and Genealogical Society.
Colla Genealogical Account of Great Armenia, consists of three books, and reaches down to the death of Saint Mesrob, in the second year of Yazdegerd II.
AdvertisementOn looking at the genealogical tree of the Malcolm of dynasty of Kenneth MacAlpine, we see that from the date of his death (859) to the accession of Duncan on the death of Malcolm II.
When, ten weeks before the murder, some hundreds of men came to Medina from Egypt and Irak, pretending that they were on their pilgrimage to Mecca, but wanted to bring before the caliph their complaints against his vicegerents, nobody could have the slightest suspicion that the life of the caliph was in danger; indeed it was only during 1 Ma'ad is in the genealogical system the father of the Moelar and the Rab`ia tribes.
Although a layman he was granted the prebend of Ilfracombe in 1589, and in 15 9 7 he resigned his position at Westminster on being made Clarencieux king-at-arms, an appointment which caused some ill-feeling, and the York herald, Ralph Brooke, led an attack on the genealogical accuracy of the Britannia, and accused its author of plagiarism.
The ties which united Lot (the "father" of Ammon and Moab), Ishmael, Midian and Edom (Esau) with the southern tribes Judah and Simeon, as manifested in the genealogical lists, are intelligible enough on geographical grounds alone, and the significance of this for the history of Judah and Palestine cannot be ignored.
The first frankly literary prose documents appear in the 14th century, and consist of chronicles, lives of saints and genealogical treatises.
The first attempts to reconstruct the genealogical history of the Crustacea started from the assumption that the " theory of recapitulation " could be applied to their larval history.
And as man under a genealogical point of view belongs to the Catarhine or Old World stock, we must conclude, however much the conclusion may revolt our pride, that our early progenitors would have been properly thus designated.
The duke of Clarence had left two Genealogical Table Of The House Of York Edward III.
Sturdza gives - a genealogical table, showing that Radu belonged to the great native dynasty of Bassarab or Bassaraba, which continued, though not in unbroken succession, to rule in Walachia until 1658, and in Moldavia until 1669.
This is probably an ancient oracle independent alike of the flood story and the genealogical scheme in Gen.
Indeed, the time was not ripe for such discussions, still less for the tracing of lines of descent and their embodiment in a genealogical classification.
The morphologist may propose classifications, and the embryologist may erect genealogical trees, but all schemes which do not agree with the direct evidence of fossils must be abandoned; and it is this evidence, above all, that gained enormously in volume and in value during the last quarter of the 19th century.
The barriers between these groups may be regarded as horizontal planes cutting across the branches of the ascending tree of life at levels determined chiefly by our ignorance; as knowledge increases, and as the conception of a genealogical classification gains acceptance, they are being replaced by vertical partitions which separate branch from branch.
Here is the poet's genealogical tree.
A genealogical list of kings of this dynasty was carefully kept up to the fifty-fifth representative in the year 1741, when the country was seized without a struggle by the Mahrattas of Nagpur.
Its church contains a genealogical tree of the Mecklenburg ducal family, with portraits, dating from 1627 or earlier.
We cannot dismiss a priori biblical chronology simply by assuming genealogical gaps.
The genealogical enterprise in contemporary China is not a simple re-enactment of an unchanging cultural form, reproducing an equally unchanging Chinese national essence.
There is much genealogical information provided by the Cornish Genealogical Database which is of use to those researching their ancestry.
Most of the computer packages mentioned earlier have provision for entering not only genealogical data but detailed references as well.
Peter Garwood is compiling a glossary of archaic words and phrases useful for genealogical research in Scotland.
She is co-author of Your Guide to the Family History Library and an author for genealogical periodicals including Ancestry Magazine.
Ralph at website domain name.; other genealogical data pertaining to Norfolk is shown on the Links page.
Various genealogical lists appear in the Hebrew scriptures which greatly aid our understanding of certain events.
All are "Levites" by descent, and are thus correlated in the genealogical and other lists, but the true priesthood is confined to the sons of Aaron, while the mass of the Levites are subordinate servants who are not entitled to approach the altar or to perform any strictly priestly function.
A Grand Commission, which might be called a consultative parliament, composed of 652 members of all classes - officials, nobles, burghers and peasants - and 1 To assist the reader in threading the genealogical maze briefly described above, the following tabular statement is inserted (I.) Michael, founder of the Romanov dynasty (1613-45).
But the genealogical relations were rather with the Edomites, Midianites and other peoples of North Arabia and the eastern desert than with Egypt proper, and this is indicated by the expressions that "they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur that is east of Egypt, and he settled to the eastward of his brethren" (see MIZRAIM).
It has been well said that the attempt to classify plants according to their natural affinities is an attempt to construct for them the genealogical tree by which their relation ships can be traced.
A genealogical notice is furnished by the Chronicon of the monk Alberic (Aubry) of TroisFontaines, (Albericus Trium Fontium) in Pertz, Scriptores, vol.
This book he composed from the dictation of old men such as Odd Kolsson, from the genealogical poems, and from the various dirges, battle-songs and eulogia of the poets.
Prince Andrew, looking again at that genealogical tree, shook his head, laughing as a man laughs who looks at a portrait so characteristic of the original as to be amusing.
To contact me use ralph at website domain name.; other genealogical data pertaining to Norfolk is shown on the Links page.
Various genealogical lists appear in the Hebrew Scriptures which greatly aid our understanding of certain events.
If you want a name with historical significance, you might want to do some genealogical research.
Getting access to these records may be helpful for people interested in conducting genealogical research.
The records can be obtained for free in many countries because they can be used to prove or disprove that an individual was ever married, and they can also be used to trace genealogical information.
Many people use the SSDI for genealogical reasons.
They have an excellent search engine for ancestors to help genealogical research.
The Delta County Genealogical Society has genealogy indexes from 1873 to 1975.
Genesee County has death records spanning back to 1930, while the Flint Genealogical Society maintains a death index from 1867 to 1930 for Genesee County.
Kalmazoo County genealogical records can be found online from 1860 to the present via a surname search.
In Muskegon County, death records can be found through the Muskegon County Genealogical Death Indexing System.
Ancestor Hunt - Ancestor Hunt has unique search resources such as an obituary search portal, surname search portal, and genealogical prison records.
You can also find a large list of other places where you can do genealogical searches.
Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet is a website that lists the databases on the web by type and geographical location.
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness, or RAOGK, is a volunteer website that connects genealogist in different areas.
The five-story library has over 140,000 square feet making it the largest genealogical library in the world.
The library was established to provide a place to gather genealogical records and to assist the genealogy research efforts of the Mormon families.
The Centers are staffed with trained volunteers who can help you use and locate the resources you need for your genealogical search.
The LDS Church has provided a wealth of genealogical information through their Family History Library and Family History Centers.
Knowing the origin of family names can provide valuable clues in a genealogical search.
The information on these sites is cataloged by family name with other genealogical details linked to the family names.
Whether your project is a quick family tree diagram with your kids for school or an ongoing, research-intensive genealogical search, the benefits frequently outweigh the time involved.
The resulting matches will include trees from the Pedigree Resource, the International Genealogical Index and the Ancestral File.
Governmental websites may be full of genealogical information.
There is one caveat to using search engines for genealogical research.
Visit Olive Tree Genealogy to peruse 1,900 pages of genealogical records.
Some programs allow you to access online databases with millions of family trees and genealogical records.
The first place many people start researching is the oldest online genealogical database and the largest,
Peruse the federal census from 1790 to 1930, family and local histories, pension files and PERSI, which is an index to articles in genealogical journals.
Billed as the Internet's largest, oldest and free genealogical community, RootsWeb offers a variety of tools and a plethora of information contributed by thousands of researchers and organizations worldwide.
Other places to find free genealogy information include your local library genealogy room and local historical / genealogical societies.
With all of the different genealogical websites, you may wonder which one you should choose to get started.
LoveToKnow Genealogy offers articles, interviews and slideshows on many aspects of genealogical research, family history and family tree projects.
A great place to locate free genealogy research databases is Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet.
You may also find free classes through your local library, historical and genealogical societies.
However, having a certified copy of the original record will be necessary for genealogical evidence.
The value of criminal records for genealogical research may not at first seem readily apparent.
Ancestor Hunt provides a page of free links for genealogical prison records and jail records.
Even if it is a criminal record, it is still valid as genealogical evidence.
They are committed to genealogical research and have a large archive in Washington D.C. The society offers the Patriot Index Lookup Service on its website.
Since widespread governmental recordings of births did not begin until the early 20th century, birth certificates are not commonly used in genealogical research.
It is almost like winning the lottery when you find a well-researched, well-documented genealogical history already conveniently compiled on your ancestors.
Roots is the Internet's largest, oldest and free genealogical community.
It is one of the richest sources of genealogical data available on the Internet, along with Family (the Mormon Church genealogy website) and GenWeb.
It contains the federal census from 1790 to 1930, local histories, pension records and PERSI, an index to genealogical articles.
Visit Ancestory Hunt's other obituary search engines which search research available at colleges, universities, libraries and genealogical or historical societies.
Your local genealogical society or historical society will have an abundance of information and resources as well.
Check this website for other obituary search engines for research available at colleges, universities, libraries and genealogical or historical societies.
Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet has a list of lineage societies.
Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet maintains a list of marriage records by state.
Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet catalogs websites of interest to genealogists, including a list of marriage records by state.
Genealogical requests are accepted by mail or email.
Marriage license applications, which can be full of helpful genealogical information, are also available.
My is a leading genealogical website and online community.
Photographs from these Archives can be a great way to provide a setting and some local flair to your genealogical forms and files.
Learning that all blue-eyed people are probably related was an exciting point in the history of genealogical research.
Joining one of the reputable genealogical societies may help you locate a professional genealogist.
The National Genealogical Society is the most prominent non-profit genealogy organization in the United States.
A genealogical society is your link to researchers in all areas of family search.
Members of genealogical societies often come in contact with people with whom they can trade research.
After searching the website, you can ask a global volunteer to perform a Random Act of Genealogical Kindness to take photos of headstones or research records in the area they have volunteered to work.
Most genealogical work you can do yourself, but if you do hit a roadblock, hiring a researcher can really open doors of knowledge and information previously closed to you.
The International Genealogical Index or IGI, is a free search engine linked to vital records from all over the world.
Heritage Quest Online is free if your local public library or local genealogical society has access.
My Heritage combines over 1400 genealogical databases in one website to provide one of the best family tree searches you will find.
You can ask a global volunteer to perform a Random Act of Genealogical Kindness by searching cemeteries and records where they live.
Its extensive holdings almost guarantee a breakthrough in the genealogical brick wall.
The Freedman's Savings and Trust Company compiled extensive genealogical information on depositors.
Another great resource for death records is the Ohio Genealogical Society.
Once you are sure of the surname, New York State has archives in which you can search for a death certificate for genealogical purposes.
The typical fee for a genealogical copy is $22.
Yonkers also has an Office for Genealogical Research where you can print a form and request a uncertified copy of your ancestor's death certificate.
New York State Library - If you can get to Albany, you may want to take a look around the State Library's Local History and Genealogical Resources Center.
Human DNA testing for ancestry, while not appropriate for every situation, can be a useful tool in genealogical research.
If you are considering using DNA testing to obtain information for your family tree, it is best to remember that this is not a substitute for traditional genealogical research.
This link is what makes them such an important part of genealogical research.
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness offers free look-ups of information for those with Texas ancestry.
The USGenWeb Project is a large-scale effort run by a group of volunteers with a passion for history and genealogical research.
Start your genealogical research by filling out a pedigree chart.
It's fun to do genealogical research, especially if you visit the places your ancestors lived or traveled.
Chester Waters's Chesters of Chicheley (1877) contains a vast amount of genealogical information about Cranmer which has only been used by one of his biographers.
Although he wrote poetry, also an anthology of verses on the monasteries of Mesopotamia and Egypt, and a genealogical work, his fame rests upon his Book of Songs (Kitab ul-Aghani), which gives an account of the chief Arabian songs, ancient and modern, with the stories of the composers and singers.
In such a consideration we have to make use not only of the fact just mentioned, but of three important generalizations which serve as it were as implements for the proper estimation of the relationships of any series of organic forms. First of all there is the generalization that the relationships of the various forms of animals (or of plants) to one another is that of the ultimate twigs of a much-branching genealogical tree.
The members of this group, whilst resembling the lower Crustacea (as all lower groups of a branching genealogical tree must do), differ from them essentially in that the head exhibits only one prosthomere (in addition to the eye-bearing prosthomere) with palpiform appendages (as in all Arachnida) instead of two.
Thus not only did Darwin's theory give a new basis to the study of organic 'structure, but, whilst rendering the general theory of organic evolution equally acceptable and Effects of necessary, it explained the existence of low and simple forms of life as survivals of the earliest ancestry of theory more highly complex forms, and revealed the classifications of the systematist as unconscious attempts to construct the genealogical tree or pedigree of plants and animals.
All such single-fact systems have proved to be departures from the true line of o€ growth of the zoological system which was shaping itself year by year - unknown to those who so shaped it - as a genealogical tree.
That doctrine took some few years to produce its effect, but it became evident at once to those who accepted Darwinism that the natural classification of animals, after which collectors and anatomists, morphologists, philosophers and embryologists had been so long striving, was nothing more nor less than a genealogical tree, with breaks and gaps of various extent in its record.
It is to be noted that, whilst the zoological system took the form of a genealogical tree, with main stem and numerous diverging branches, the actual form of that tree, its limitation to a certain number of branches corresponding to a limited number of divergences in structure, came to be regarded as the necessary consequence of the operation of the physico-chemical laws of the universe, and it was recognized that the ultimate explanation of that limitation is to be found only in the constitution of matter itself.
The whole " system " or scheme of classification was termed a genealogical tree (Stammbaum); the main branches were termed " phyla," their branchings " sub-phyla "; the great branches of the sub-phyla were termed " cladi," and the " cladi " divided into " classes," these into sub-classes, these into legions, legions into orders, orders into sub-orders, suborders into tribes, tribes into families, families into genera, genera into species.
Charles died in 1675 and was succeeded by Genealogical Table Of The House Of Savoy.
The Boston public library, exceeded in size in the United States by the library of Congress at Washington - and probably first, because of the large number of duplicates in the library of Congress - and the largest free municipal library in the world; the library of Harvard, extremely well chosen and valuable for research; the collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society (1791); the Boston Athenaeum (1807); the State Library (1826); the New England Historic Genealogical Society (1845); the Congregational Library; the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1780); and the Boston Society of Natural History (1830), all in Boston, leave it easily unrivalled, unless by Washington, as the best research centre of the country.
From 1701 to 17 21 Collier was employed on his Great Historical, Geographical, Genealogical and Poetical Dictionary, founded on, and partly translated from, Louis Moreri's Dictionnaire historique, and in the compilation and issue of the two volumes folio of his own Ecclesiastical History of Great Britian from the first planting of Christianity to the end of the reign of Charles II.