Gender Sentence Examples
Did you know that the female gender had a guardian?
The neuter gender is absent.
The female protestor launched into a tirade about the injustices of gender discrimination.
There is no inflexion to distinguish number, gender or case.
Semitic, on the other hand, has grammatical gender as one of its basic principles.
Catalan, then, makes no distinctions save in the gender and the number of its nouns.
Gender is sexual only.
It is difficult to lay down rules for the determination of the gender of names of inanimate objects.
Thus, after laying down as a general rule for declinable words that, when they refer to one and the same person, they must have the same case, gender and number, Priscian adds that when there are transitive words we may use different numbers, as doceo discipulos, docemus discipulum.
Adjectives are inflected for number and gender.
AdvertisementSecond, I don't think it's a gender based decision - not at this point, anyway.
We were gender general when mentioning that person.
Some psychiatrists are critical of the psychiatric classification of gender identity disorder, saying it is more a social stigma.
The gender differences in the way antisocial behavior is expressed may be related to the differing rate of maturity between girls and boys.
Fragile X syndrome, in which a segment of the chromosome that determines gender is abnormal, primarily affects males.
AdvertisementHowever, when used in reference to the yin yang those terms do not refer to the gender of humans, plants or animals.
What has ecumenism to contribute to contemporary debates on racism, globalization, justice, peace, and gender issues?
Their selection of walking and comfort shoes is broken down by gender and brand.
Gender differences in antisocial behavior patterns are evident as early as age three or four.
Cardiovascular conditioning activities should be appropriate for the age, gender, and emotional status of the child.
AdvertisementAlthough there are set blood pressure ranges for adults, normal blood pressure ranges for children vary according to age, gender, and height so that different levels of growth are considered when evaluating blood pressure.
Specific systolic and diastolic blood pressure percentiles have been established for each age, gender, and height group.
The disease can affect individuals of any race, age, or gender.
It should be noted that the categorization of gender identity disorder as a mental illness has been a point of some contention among mental health professionals.
There are no gender differences in the risk of having compulsive or schizoid personality disorders.
AdvertisementIn addition to incidence, severity of symptoms and recovery rates appear to be equal across both gender and racial lines.
A normal individual has a total of 46 chromosomes in each cell, two of which are responsible for determining gender.
The results may be plotted on a growth chart that is specific for the child's age and gender (EpicCare Growth Chart) and compares a child's growth to other children of the same age and gender.
Transgender-Any person who feels their assigned gender does not completely or adequately reflect their internal gender, such as a biological male who perceives himself to be female.
The causes of cystitis vary according to gender because of the differences in anatomical structure of the urinary tract.
Persons of either gender may be given phenazopyridine or flavoxate to relieve painful urination.
With regard to gender, 80 percent of individuals diagnosed with IED in the United States are adolescent and adult males; amok is a syndrome that almost always involves males.
People who weigh less than 70 percent of the average weight of persons of the same age and gender are considered to be malnourished.
In rare cases infants with hypospadias occurring closer to the body and who also have undescended testicles, a karyotype or genetic screen may be performed to determine gender.
No regional or gender differences have been noted.
There are no distinctive patterns of age, gender, or race.
Rates of chlamydia reported by gender indicate that women, overall, have higher rates than men due in large part to increased efforts in screening women for asymptomatic chlamydial infections.
Grade, age, and gender differences were noted for lifetime and current use of alcohol and other illicit substances.
There is no gender difference in reported shyness, but males tend to conceal their shyness because it is considered a feminine trait in most countries.
In 2003, it was reported that people who experience partial seizures are twice as likely to have sleep disturbances as people their same age and gender who do not have seizures.
Teacher - While it might seem that the gender of the teacher would be important, in reality it isn't - most swing dance instructors can teach both lead and follow parts.
Since dance is incorporated into tribal rituals, it is often a defining moment when it comes to gender roles.
While this is classically a male lead and a female follow, contemporary swing dance is performed by couples regardless of gender.
It always involves large groups of people, and unlike other social dances with mixed genders, there are no distinct partners and division of gender.
Because miscarriages happen so early in a pregnancy, the gender of the child usually goes undetermined, and the parents are unable to properly name or identify with him or her.
If your doctor doesn't have an ultrasound scheduled and you want to know your baby's gender, you may want to visit a Fetal Fotos location to receive a 3-D ultrasound and keepsake video or photograph of your unborn baby.
Autism is a disorder that knows no bounds, affecting people of every race, ethnicity, and social group in equal measure, but autism does discriminate according to gender, with boys four times more likely to be affected than girls.
Comparative studies and papers examining historiographical debates and/or contestations of race, religion, gender, class, and culture will be welcomed.
Lois has transgressed against the behavior expected of her gender and class just as much as if she had indeed become a courtesan.
The politics of gender statistics The feminist critique of official statistics has followed the general pattern of feminist social analysis.
These dictionaries include complete verb conjugation and grammar (agreements in gender and number of nouns and adjectives, german declensions ).
Fixed gender for " cantor " added diaeresis for " da%ed " .
The final paper will give concrete hints for gender sensitive media didactics.
However, when the groups were considered separately some clear gender differences emerged, with only the men showing a significant rise in RMR.
The main problems with the gender differentiation do not rely solely in Martial Arts.
What we are looking at here, in effect, is sexual dimorphism rather than gender.
The authors found no evidence of direct gender discrimination in the allocation of training by employers.
The gender disparity in exclusions was greatest among Asian pupils.
Whatever racial, class, or gender distinctions might have been operative beforehand now count for nothing.
Behavior that reinforces gender order, asserts male dominance, and diminishes women is everywhere.
I and thousands who share my gender will have gender dysphoria from cradle to grave.
Gender dysphoria condition Mr W has a gender dysphoria condition Mr W has a gender dysphoria condition.
The medical term often used to describe these strong doubts is ' gender dysphoria ' .
Do you have statistical evidence of achievement of different groups e.g. ethnicity / gender / age, across the subjects and particularly in Literacy?
Business groups in respondents were asked gender ethnicity family.
She has written widely on gender, ' race ', ethnicity, and class in relation to social policy.
Focus on the socially excluded - either economic or gender exclusion.
Or, could it be that men see feminism as nothing more than the propagation of gender equality?
Welcome to A Question of Sex, a website devoted to the representation of gender in American film noir of the 1940s.
Gender bias in agricultural market liberalization Women usually occupy particular niches in agricultural markets, as small-scale, retail traders in perishable foodstuffs.
Close the gap carries out a range of activity designed to encourage positive action to narrow the gender pay gap.
This book reflects experiences with mainstreaming gender and women's issues in natural resources management.
The Act will establish a gender Recognition Panel with the power to decide applications from transsexual people seeking legal recognition in their acquired gender.
Words importing the masculine gender only shall include the feminine gender.
The articles in this resource reflect national clinical practice guidelines and are free of racial, gender, or other bias.
There's more chance you have WC tickets than having a friend of the female gender.
This section of the health system resource guide provides examples and tools to mainstream gender in the delivery of health system delivery.
Despite the assumed gender equality, however, Soviet notions of private and public were not only constantly changing but also highly gendered.
Distinctions focusing on gender, or which are explicitly gendered, were given a different prominence in each table.
Reducing the gender gap in health and education can significantly reduce personal and household poverty and generate national economic growth, says the report.
But we need some more girlies on the bikes for gender balance.
The parent is already in the brave new minefield of gender identity.
Two things seem to hide the gender imbalance in villages.
Again, this shift indicates that gender and empire are increasingly imbricated in The Second Part of the.
However, the largest area of gender inequity is at the board level.
Indeed, Morris seems particularly intent to depict casual coupling with a variety of gender variations.
Person A tries to fool the interrogator about their gender, while person B tries to assist the interrogator in their identification.
Gender - Women seem more likely to develop macular degeneration than men.
From this perspective two trends are of particular relevance to gender mainstreaming.
We continue to promote gender mainstreaming in all countries where we work, " he concludes.
She tells us about her work there to support gender mainstreaming in our humanitarian relief efforts.
Firstly, I present a brief history of gender mainstreaming in EU research funding.
Shake my head and gender marquis our results were schip for cshcn.
Gender means making the adjective masculine or feminine to agree with the noun.
The first stage of realizing the importance of gender consisted of the cataloging of the explicit misogyny of most of the canon.
However I have no intention of bringing her up to be either mollycoddled or a gender stereotype.
The following summarized findings from the four questions above provide interesting insights into how trade and WTO rules are not gender neutral.
This topic of gender neutrality is possibly the area that is most contentious.
For us in Fulcrum, why are the ' gender balanced ' colleges Westcott, Queens and Cranmer when evangelical ordinands outnumber the rest?
Childcare also plays a role in meeting other key objectives, including boosting productivity and closing the gender pay gap.
Brussels has a list of 21 activities for the next five years to tackle gender inequality issues, mostly those still pervasive pay gaps.
It will improve the situation whereby people's problems are often pigeonholed into one category, such as race, gender or disability.
Underneath, tho, it shows a knowledge of a particularly seedy side of life, where gender politics rule all.
Despite some well-publicised cases involving sexually provocative billboards, we find that gender portrayal in advertising is not of major concern to many Australians.
And, last, ' genius ' means a betrayal of gender propriety too.
Can the UN, supported by the host of, admittedly good intentioned agencies, redress the imbalance and restore equity in gender relations?
I am now retired and able to spend a large part of my life in my preferred gender role.
Pay structures Occupations remain strongly segregated by gender even in larger organizations.
That's a wonderfully sensual song without being gender specific.
This is an explicit reaction to someone's sexuality or gender identity.
His research interests are hate crime and policing, gender, sexuality and criminal justice, crime and popular culture.
The latter includes gender specific illnesses or health concerns, including silicosis and pregnancy.
Words importing one gender include all other genders and words importing the singular include the plural and vise versa.
Why do we persist in clinging to the same old gender stereotypes?
In other words, the possibility of gender subversion is introduced, but not realized.
Yet Hofland's defense of the ideology of gender spheres is not so superannuated that it cavils at the role of women as writers.
Unity in Christ totally transcends social, ethnic and gender distinctions.
She seems unwilling to make a firm decision about whether gender has gray areas or is either starkly pink or blue.
Repeat the multiple regression, but this time include gender as a predictor variable in the REGRESS command.
Unfortunately neither of these studies controlled for gender in the subject groups however both studies identified the same weakness with the method of limits.
Post-positions, pa or be and ma, are required by the noun (substantive or adjective) that is to be singled out; po or bo (masc.) and mo (fern.) are used for distinction of gender or for emphasis.
Syntax.-A qualifying adjective follows its noun, and agrees with it in gender and generally in number.
Through performances, videos and space installations her work focuses on issues of displacement and identity, especially as they relate to gender.
This is because of the centrality of the gender question and its impact on the cultural relativism debate within human rights.
They should be of sufficient quality, culturally appropriate and sensitive to gender, life-cycle and privacy requirements.
That 's a wonderfully sensual song without being gender specific.
Is ' the body ' or ' the sexed body ' the firm foundation on which gender and systems of compulsory sexuality operate?
This is an explicit reaction to someone 's sexuality or gender identity.
It is too simplistic to assume focusing on gender issues and medical treatment will solve all the client 's relational difficulties.
Sociolinguistics studies the way class, ethnic background and gender affect the way you speak and the way others perceive your speech.
The stative form used varies depending on the number and gender of the noun that comes before it.
The same technique can be used to highlight stereotypes of disability and gender.
For instance a great deal of attention has been paid to the effect on girls of gender stereotyped attitudes in schools.
Students were also stratified by gender and social group.
Gender subordination has long been seen as reproduced through schooling, through curricula and curricular transactions.
Yet Hofland 's defense of the ideology of gender spheres is not so superannuated that it cavils at the role of women as writers.
Gender, site, morphology, type, concomitant vesical tumor, nodes number and involvement do not significantly influence survival.
Some of the ministries are based on gender and age whist others deal with a particular genre.
Mixed gender groups do not allow women 's empowerment, so group lending targets women only.
It is unethical to discriminate against people because of their culture or gender.
If the new parents already know the gender and name of their unborn child, you can have an item monogrammed.
If they still aren't sure about gender and/or name, you could still buy an item for the shower and pay for the monogramming.
Savings bonds are almost always appreciated for either gender!
For babies of either gender you might consider personalized pajamas, shorts sets, burp cloths, jackets, socks, and jumper suits.
Some parents just have to find out the gender of their unborn child.
If you are planning on finding out your baby's gender, this may help you narrow down your choices for baby nursery bedding.
If you don't want to find out your baby's gender, however, there is still plenty of nursery bedding choices to choose from.
Of course, even if you don't find out the gender of your child because you simply love surprises, you can still find plenty of workable nursery bedding that would fit a boy or a girl.
You no longer have to stick to the traditional green or yellow colors simply because you don't know the gender of your child.
If you are having more than one baby, gender neutral may work best.
While this may be generally true, individual children will respond in different ways, regardless of gender.
If you are searching for friends of the same gender, then bringing your child into the mix means making new friends for him or her, too.
If you already know the gender of your baby, and you've already chosen a name, then personalizing a baby book is easy!
If you want to focus on the gender of the baby that you're buying for there are lots of wonderful gift for little girls.
If you know your child's gender, do you want to purchase a crib that is specifically decorated for a boy or a girl?
If you don't know the gender of your child, you'll want to make sure your nursery works for a boy or a girl.
You can veer away from the gender lines when you are searching for that perfect new baby gift basket.
These themes can work for either gender, and they have a sweet, classic appeal.
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep would also make a sweet nursery theme for either gender.
However, there are lots of wonderful color combinations, such as turquoise/tan, lime green/white, or lilac/yellow that will work with either gender.
Will you find out the gender of your baby before he or she is born?
You can choose pink socks for a baby girl, blue socks for a baby boy, white, green, lavender, and yellow pastels if the baby's gender is still a mystery.
A classic fish theme works great for either gender.
Choose a pale yellow for the walls to keep the look gender neutral and to help set off the multi-colored accents.
Baby shower block cakes are the perfect choice for boy, girl, or neutral gender themes.
However, if you don't know the gender of your baby, but you still want to explore jungle theme nursery ideas, don't be afraid to go as deep into the jungle theme as you like.
Though some names slowly evolve from one gender to the other (like Addison, which is often given to girls, despite originally being a boy's name), it is unlikely you will turn the tides yourself.
Determining gender before birth is another popular way, and while fraternals can be any gender combination, having a boy and a girl makes fraternal twin speculation concrete.
Talk about the baby, including his or her name and gender if known.
Free gender neutral nursery ideas can help you with your decorating needs.
Our free gender neutral nursery ideas will help you create a baby nursery of your dreams, and you don't have to break the bank to do so!
If you are looking for gender neutral nursery ideas, you may or may not know the gender of your baby.
Some parents actually know the gender, but they still prefer a more gender neutral theme.
In some families, an older child may be sharing a room with the new baby, and thus a gender neutral theme is a necessity.
Gender colors can include yellow, green, brown, red, black, beige, tan, white, orange, and taupe.
The following free gender neutral nursery ideas will help you plan a beautiful baby's room perfect for a boy or a girl.
Brown and blue, black and red, blue and black, orange and green, yellow and brown, navy and red, and orange and brown are just a few of the combinations that will work great for a gender neutral nursery.
Finally, there are a variety of gender neutral themes that will work well in a baby's room.
Themed baby showers can revolve around the baby's gender or be gender neutral.
For example, if your child is in the 50th percentile for weight, that means 50 percent of babies the same age and gender as your baby weigh within the same range.
The charts and calculators will compare them to the national averages and let you know where your child falls within the infant percentiles of children of the same age and gender.
Gender issues are sometimes avoided when the adoption of a child is by a single parent.
Collections can be found divided between pattern, color, gender, theme, and finish.
These samples are tender no matter the gender.
Colors-Colors can be as simple as blue or pink, depending upon the baby's gender, or you could simply coordinate the corsage to the colors used in the rest of the decorations.
The above list works for a baby boy or girl, but if you know the baby's sex, you can always use something gender specific like a doll or racecar.
The only downside to this approach is that it may still be too early to know your baby's gender.
If you know the baby's gender, pink or blue fits right in, but so do red, yellow, white and green.
If you don't know the gender, decorate the cake with white or some other gender-neutral color or combine blue and pink.
Each photo is individually viewed, and selections are made without discrimination to age, race, or gender.
While some parents know the baby's gender beforehand, others want to be surprised, so this knowledge will probably play a big part in the colors and theme you choose.
Whatever your reasons for choosing gender neutral themes, any of these unisex decorating schemes should work for boys and girls, from babyhood to toddler age.
The soft browns and yellows typical of a Beatrix Potter theme work with either gender.
Be sure to select the right gender and age group in order to have a chart that suits your child.
Alternatively, if you know the gender of your baby and would like the nursery to reflect the gender, you can use the walls to set the scene.
Paint the walls pink or lavender for a girl or fire engine red for a boy, and then organize the Looney Tunes characters to accentuate the chosen gender.
Current growth charts were created with data collected from the measurements of thousands of infants; this data was evaluated to determine the average weight and height for each age and gender.
Each one costs $15, and one print is quite feminine (Bumkins sleeved bib), while the other (sleeved Keith Haring bib) is more suitable for a boy, or for an unborn baby whose gender is not yet known.
You might think that diaper changing really doesn't differ from one gender to another.
For instance, your age, marital status, and gender will affect your premium.
Visit the Sport Authority's ski section and shop for skis by brand, your gender or price range. has water skis broken down into such categories as gender, brand, price range and store.
To begin, if you have more than one cat, unless they are the exact same age and gender, it is highly unlikely that they have the same cat health needs and should be on different diets.
Regardless of your gender, your cat is treating you more like a breeding partner.
Which gender cat should I buy first, if not at the same time?
As for your own questions, which gender you would bring home first doesn't really matter, although two kittens brought home at the same time will learn to get along much more quickly in a neutral environment.
With very young kittens, it is not always apparent as to which gender they are, and this has resulted in occasional mis-naming of cats.
Gender - A female will usually live slightly longer than a male cat.
Applicants should be reviewed solely on the basis of their creditworthiness, and not on their race, gender, or other factors that are not directly related to their ability to repay a debt.
The court can require either parent, regardless of gender, to support their children.
There are lots of colors and motifs that are not gender specific; stick to them if you're in doubt.
In today's society, it's not just the female gender that wants to look their best; men want to look great, too.
Men who are living alternative lifestyles or who are considering gender change operations may also consider permanent eyeliner, perhaps with a full range of permanent cosmetics, for the aesthetics purposes.
Search for scholarships related to your field of interest, gender, race, hobbies, activities and more.
You can also get all manner of clothes for any gender at Zappos.
This video gaming craze is also not gender dominated.
When using an online chat room where you may not know every person in real life, you should always be very careful not to give out any personal information about yourself, or others, such as your real name, age, or gender.
At the time that you create your account you will also be prompted for a name and gender for your pup.
When you sign up, you will also be prompted for information on your gender, age and zip code, however these are entirely optional.
The spunky American photojournalist never let her gender keep her from her goal of photographing subjects that were important to her.
The sections below offer posing suggestions based on age, number of subjects and gender.
The website allows customers to search for gifts based on personality, age, gender, and occasion.
Avoid using a screen name that is identifying or that determines gender.
Gender - Females are more likely to become depressed than males, possibly because of hormonal factors.
Your speech should speak to everyone in your class, regardless of race, gender, intelligence level, or socio-economic status.
This can alter a teenager's self esteem and body image by making them feel fat when in fact, they may weigh within a normal range for their age, height, and gender.
The graph shows weight and height based on the national average of children the same age and gender.
The average weight of a normal teen may fall in the range of 100 to 160 pounds depending on height, body frame size, heredity, age, and gender.
Photo frames, magnets, and mini-photo albums are all good gender neutral choices.
Things like personalized shot glasses and Page wine stoppers may be gender neutral, but keep in mind the ages and people attending.
When it comes to cigarette smoking, gender equality shouldn't be our goal.
All these support groups agree that anyone of any gender, race, or age can become addicted.
In truth, it correlates more to certain period styles than gender, although lace is used for clothing embellishments that are considered strictly feminine.
Many styles are appropriate for both boys and girls since they come in gender neutral colors.
Egyptian cotton sheets can work equally well for men and women, and they can be a great solution for the couple that wants to have classy luxury sheets that are gender neutral.
While the traditional gender colors of pink for girls and blue for boys is still a strong color in the bedding market, there are quite a few other colors your child may prefer.
Choose the gender of your love match, and voila!
No announcement yet on the name or gender of the baby…although Christina's baby shower did feature the color blue.
Many blogs and pages devoted to the measurements of the stars focus on only one gender.
Select gender or profession, and a photo accompanies each listing.
Hence, parents will deck their baby girl out in the most blatantly feminine attire, including the act of tacking bows to a hairless head, in order to properly convey their infant's gender.
There's little chance of botching the gender question at this stage.
The organic clothing in the baby section offers a wide variety of gender-neutral items in colors that can easily flatter a baby of either gender.
However, as long as you know your child's gender, the act can be fairly simple.
Most garments are gender neutral and worn by either sex.
While the market demographic is young girls, the ponies' appeal transcends age or gender.
Many of the clothing items are gender neutral, which is a nice plus for parents who pass outgrown clothing down to another child.
If you're a minority, look for scholarships related to your ethnicity or gender.
Each area breaks down into particular PhD programs like a PhD in Gender Diversity or a PhD in E-Learning.
You'll be matched by gender, age, and smoking preferences.
Colors are divided between prints for girls or boys; choose the gender, and the company will select a print for you.
Most of the 4,000-year-old adult mummies from Xinjiang, China, had tattoos that related to their gender or social position.
You can search by gender and by price range.
The real reasons lie in the perception of gender roles and fashion.
An online poll about capris shows overwhelming opinion that men should have the option to wear the style, but also acknowledges that society forces gender roles on clothing.
Browse the collection of popular brands like Calvin Klein, Elizabeth Arden, and Versace offered in both full and travel-sizes for either gender.
When you go online, be aware that the people you are chatting with may not be the age or gender they claim.
This means not revealing your name, address, gender, or age.
HealthInsuranceSort asks you for your birth date, gender, height, weight, whether you're already insured, whether you're a smoker or have any health conditions.
The race or gender of the child does not seem to increase their chances of having the disorder.
Gender plays a role in snoring, with men being twice as likely to snore as women, according to the Vancouver Sleep & Breathing Centre.
While some causes of snoring are out of our control, such as heredity, age, and gender, other risk factors are preventable.
When shopping for this brand, you will be able to choose the perfect pair, no matter what your gender.
You'll need to enter your mailing address, birth date, gender, and set up a password.
No matter your need, style, or gender, Oakleys have you covered.
You also have the option of shopping the site via price and by gender, but perhaps most notable is the ability to purchase replacement lenses here, as that can often be difficult.
You can also sort by price, shape, frame color, gender, and brand.
You can shop by designer, gender, trends, and styles so you can quickly locate exactly what you're looking for.
Posh Eyewear is an aptly named online retailer of reading glasses where you can search by gender, frame style, designer brand or price.
At this website you'll see the entire collection sorted by gender, so you can find exactly what you're looking for quickly.
This means that when you shop, you don't have to worry if a style you like is available for your gender.
Puzzle games are universally enjoyed by everyone regardless of age, gender, or relative skill level.
You name yourself, choose your gender, and are given a house in a village populated by friendly animal folk.
If you are not on the initial screen with your nickname and gender, then click the very first icon in the upper left corner.
No matter what age or gender, anyone laying a hand on this game will be captivated.
While many of the games released today have a broader appeal and are less keyed to a single gender, there are still games being created specifically for women.
Wii would like to play, regardless of age, gender, country, language, or gaming ability.
Representative sample-A random sample of people that adequately represents the test-taking population in age, gender, race, and socioeconomic standing.
In the past, the issue of gender bias in video games was another area of considerable debate.
In the early 2000s, however, an increasing number of games had girl-oriented themes and an increasing number of gender neutral games became available.
The increasing influence of the mass media in spreading and reinforcing gender stereotypes has also been noted.
There are also gender differences among ethnic groups and specific cancers.
Although the disease shows no gender preference, two to three times more women eventually become blind than men, probably because they are the primary caretakers of small children who are infected.
Birth spacing, gender, physical attributes, and being a twin also affect personality formation and the interpretation of birth order and behavior.
Gender also has a major impact on how a child is treated within the birth order arrangement.
The firstborn of either gender, no matter where in the sibling order the child falls, will often be treated as a firstborn.
Historically, this held true and usually contributed to older sisters not having a claim to inheritance because of their gender.
Gender constancy is a child's realization that gender is fixed and does not change over time.
The concept of gender constancy, influenced by the cognitive development theory of French psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980), was introduced by Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987).
In 1966, Kohlberg presented a revolutionary new view of early gender role development.
Parting with previous views generally held by psychologists, Kohlberg emphasized that children actively self-construct their gender through a conceptual pattern in the mind called a schema.
Gender schema models stress the roles of children's selective attention to gender and their internal motivation to conform to societal standards and stereotypes of gender roles.
These cognitive-developmental models of the development of gender roles are perhaps best known, however, for the introduction of the construct of gender constancy.
Gender constancy has been defined as children's understanding of the irreversibility of their sex, which develops in stages between about the ages of two and seven years.
Children realize that they are male or female and are aware of the gender of others by the age of three.
Kohlberg theorized that children do not learn to behave in gender-appropriate ways until they understand that gender is permanent, which occurs at about the age of seven.
Kohlberg's idea of the prerequisite significance of an understanding of gender constancy for gender typing has been controversial, and empirical support for the notion has been mixed.
Kohlberg's exact claims about the prerequisite importance of gender constancy understanding for gender-typing to take place have added to the controversy.
Also at age three, children begin to apply gender labels and stereotypes, identifying gentle, empathic characteristics with females and strong, aggressive characteristics with males.
Preschoolers develop an increasing sense of self-awareness about their bodies and gender differences.
As children become more aware of gender differences, preschoolers often develop intense feelings of vulnerability and anxiety regarding their bodies.
In childhood, girls with gender identity disorder experience less overall social rejection than boys, as it is more socially acceptable for a girl to be a tomboy than for a boy to be perceived as feminine.
Children with gender identity disorder have strong cross-gender identification.
Ensure the child's school has anti-discrimination policies that include gender identity and that the policies are enforced.
If indicated, take the child to a psychotherapist with expertise and tolerance for issues related to gender identity and sexual orientation.
Core gender identity-The deep inner feeling a child has about whether he or she is a male or female.
An autosomal dominant trait is a gene that is not related to the chromosome that determines gender; therefore, it affects boys and girls equally.
The next part of the equation is your gender.
You can search by ship, passenger's name, gender and approximate birth date.
Beginning in 1850, all individuals residing in the household were listed by name, age and gender.
Each census gave the gender, age and a designation of black or mulatto.
In humans, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes, including the X or Y sex chromosomes that determine gender.
Even your most intimate areas can be addressed, regardless of your gender.
Now, with everyone having short and long hair styles regardless of gender, you should be able to pull either kind of cut off well.
Whether you're male or female, emo culture transcends gender, much like most musical movements.
Keep in mind, jobs listed here state the age and gender they want to fill the position.
Shaking hands is okay, but tread carefully if you're shaking the hand of someone from the opposite gender.
Don't refer to the individual's race, religion, national origin, age, disability, gender, or marital status.
Any behaviors that can be construed as sexual in nature or that involve treating co-workers or employees differently because of their gender can create a hostile environment in the workplace.
Then there is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer page where you can answer questions regarding race and gender if you wish.
The Chinese calendar follows a different schedule than the Western world; this schedule is what is used to predict your baby's gender using the chart.
A woman can look at the chart to determine what months are considered "boy months" and what months are considered "girl months," and couples might then try to conceive based on the gender and the corresponding months on the calendar.
Keep in mind, research does not support this method of gender selection.
Although Britney and Kevin opted not to learn their baby's gender in advance, little Sean Preston came home to a nursery decorated with gifts from Britney's Moroccan-themed baby shower.
Since representatives for the couple have yet to comment on the baby's gender or due date, fans of Katie and Tom have few details about what to expect.
When she was pregnant with baby Sean, Britney opted not to learn the gender in advance.
If you don't like surprises, there are a number of gender prediction methods you can use to determine if you'll need pink or blue booties for your new bundle of joy.
There are many superstitions and old wives tales regarding baby gender prediction.
The accuracy of these at home gender prediction methods varies widely, but they are certainly fun to try.
Another popular baby gender prediction method is to dangle a wedding ring or needle over the mom-to-be's belly and see which way it swings.
Take this baby gender prediction quiz from and get a result that's based on the combination of several different superstitions and old wives tales.
If you're the type who prefers science over superstition, you can may want to purchase an at home baby gender prediction test.
The Baby Gender Mentor Home DNA Testing Kit determines gender by tracing the amount of active genetic fetal chromosomal DNA in a sample of your blood.
The Baby Gender Mentor Home DNA Testing Kit is available online without a prescription.
How accurate is the Baby Gender Mentor Home DNA Testing Kit?
Although ultrasounds are not performed for the purpose of determining a baby's gender, they often provide this unexpected benefit.
Countless old wives tales and myths abound for achieving the gender of choice.
However, unless there is a medical reason why a couple cannot have a child of a certain gender (such as a weak X or Y chromosome), your odds stay the same.
Divorce rates lower and it creates a positive child view of gender roles in families.
Their baby is thought to be due in January 2008, but they have opted to keep the child's gender a secret.
Although it's never been scientifically explained, there are women who swear that they've had a dream they're pregnant or even dreamed of their baby's gender, before actually finding out from the doctor that they're expecting.
There are others, however, who aren't satisfied with simply acting as the other gender.
Most insurance companies will not cover the numerous expenses associated with hormonal and/or surgical gender modifications.
Some individuals have chromosomal abnormalities that make gender identification difficult.