Gems Sentence Examples
More gems swirled in the lake, seemingly at random.
The green gems reflected the sunshine, shimmering through the clear water.
You'd have thought they were rare gems, not just plastic baubles costing pennies at most.
The glowing green gems on the bottom were souls the demons had extracted.
This man rode toward Balashev at a gallop, his plumes flowing and his gems and gold lace glittering in the bright June sunshine.
Ujjain, known as Avanti in the Buddhist period and as Ozene to the Greeks, is one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus and the traditional capital of King Vikramaditya, at whose court the "nine gems" of Sanskirt literature are said to have flourished.
The green gems were caught in some sort of invisible current that ended when it reached the bank.
The bottom of the lake was lined with green gems, the source of the strange light.
Some of the gems had been carried by gentle waves to the edges of the lake and deposited away from the bulk of the jewels.
Her eyes do look like green gems.
AdvertisementThe best of the New South Wales diamonds are harder and much whiter than the South African diamonds, and are classified as on a par with the best Brazilian gems, but no large specimens have yet been found.
He is celebrated as a collector of paintings, books, gems and sculptures, his "Arundel marbles" being given by his grandson in 1667 to the University of Oxford.
In this connexion the name Abraxas and the Abraxas gems must be remembered.
Representations of ships are not common, but several have been observed on Aegean gems, gem-sealings and vases.
The engraved gems probably record divine or human names.
AdvertisementHe clenched the pouch with its gems.
He turned, and she stopped. With the tip of one dagger, he tugged a necklace free from the shirt hiding it. On it was two small green gems.
The earrings were beautiful, though diamonds weren't her number one choice of gems.
The margin of this supposed footprint is ornamented with gems, and a wooden canopy protects it from the weather.
Orseolo, and was enlarged and enriched with gems and modified in form, first by a Greek artificer in 1105, and then by Venetians between 1209 and 1345.
AdvertisementIt contains 1300 great pearls, 400 garnets, 90 amethysts, 300 sapphires, 300 emeralds, 15 rubies, 75 balas rubies, 4 topazes, 2 cameos; the gems, except where they have been replaced, are cut en cabochon.
The position of the sacred stone, and the interpretation of many details shown on the gems and coins, remain uncertain.
By the ancient Greeks and Romans obsidian was worked as a gem-stone; and in consequence of its having been often imitated in glass there arose among collectors of gems in the 18th century the practice of calling all antique pastes "obsidians."
The classical name of Ava is Yadanapura, "the city of precious gems."
Some of these objects are in the museum at Cagliari, others in private collections, and many scarabs are in she British Museum, all of which by the coins found with them are dated later than the Roman occupation (Catalogue of Gems, London, 1888,1888, pp. 13 sqq.).
AdvertisementWith all of that diamond experience and history it is no wonder that Antwerp gems are synonymous with quality and beauty.
The gems of onyx, carnelian and agate are later and bear various figures, and in some cases Arabic inscriptions.
For the weighing of gold, gems, opium, &c., the fuang, equal to s tical, and the salung, equal to 4 tical, are used.
The pagodas at Chidambaram are the oldest in the south of India, and portions of them are gems of art.
He also appears in many other groups, with Aphrodite, in marble and on engraved gems of Roman times.
His flight on the shoulders of Aeneas is frequently represented on engraved gems of the Roman period; and his visit from Aphrodite is rendered in a beautiful bronze relief, engraved in Millingen's Unedited Gems.
Her meeting with Poseidon at the spring is frequently represented on ancient coins and gems.
Textiles, and boots and shoes represented ' Gems are not sought for systematically in New Hampshire.
The sapphire occurs also in Europe, being found in the Iserweise of Bohemia and in the basalt of the Rhine valley and of Le-Puy-en-Velay in France, but the European stones have no interest as gems.
But the last-mentioned type varies greatly, from rude and almost plain disks of bronze to magnificent gold specimens studded with gems. No.
Besides busts and figurines, which belong as a rule to the Greek period, the smaller objects usually found are earthen pitchers and lamps, glass-wares, tesserae and gems. Of buildings which can be called architectural few specimens now exist on Phoenician soil, for the reason that for ages the inhabitants have used the ruins as convenient quarries.
When William of Malmesbury describes the knighting of Athelstan by his grandfather Alfred the Great, that is, his investiture " with a purple garment set with gems and a Saxon sword with a golden sheath," there is no hint of any religious observance.
These consist of reliefs in gold and silver enriched with enamel and gems, and are the work of one Vuolfvinus, a German.
Note that in Turkish su means both " water " and " the lustre of a jewel," while in English we speak of " gems of the first water."
At the present day they vie with precious gems and gold as ornaments and garniture for wealth and fashion; but by their abundance, and the cheapness of some varieties, they have recently come within the reach of men of moderate incomes.
A number of statues, busts, gems and coins represented Antinoos as the ideal type of youthful beauty, often with the attributes of some special god.
Phene Spiers, Architecture East and West, p. 245 f.), but it is certain that the engraved gems for which there was a demand in the Persian empire were largely the work of Greek artists (Furtwangler, Antike iii.
It is significant that whereas the earlier Greeks had used precious stones only as a medium for the engraver's art, unengraven gems, valuable for their mere material, now came to be used in profusion for adornment.
In the case of small objects like gems the place of manufacture may be far from the place of discovery.
For gems see " Gobineau " in the Rev. arche'ol., vols.
He began to lecture on Homer and the Epistle to Titus, and in connexion with the former he announced that, like Solomon, he sought Tyrian brass and gems for the adornment of God's Temple.
This consisted of bronze swords and vases, gold jewellery with agate and other gems, bracelets, collars, a seal cylinder and two engraved gold rings, one of which, the largest known, bears a religious scene.
Especially noteworthy are numbers of engraved gems in Graeco-Persian (no doubt Lydian) style.
The little book, a garland of fifty of these gems, has been translated by General Strong.
Lippert to prepare the Latin text of the third volume of his Dactyliotheca (an account of a collection of gems).
In silver-work the proportion of new art designs exhibited by dealers and others is still relatively small; but jewellers, except when setting pure brilliants and pearls, are becoming more inclined to make their jewels of finely modelled gold and enamel enriched with precious and semi-precious stones, than of gems merely held together by wholly subordinate settings.
The women are delicate in frame, with small hands and feet, fair complexions, beautiful black eyes, finely arched eyebrows, and a profusion of long black hair, which they dress to perfection, and ornament with pearls and gems. The Parsees are much more liberal in their treatment of women than any other Asiatic race; they allow them to appear freely in public, and leave them the entire management of household affairs.
Chrysoprase, mined near Porterville and near Visalia (Tulare county), is used partly for gems, but more largely (like the vesuvianite found near Exeter, in the same county) for mosaic work; and there are ledges of fine rose quartz in the Coahuila mountains of Riverside county and near Lemon Cove, Tulare county.
This would bring it into connexion with the Phoenician W (Shin), which, turned through a right angle, is possibly the Greek, though some forms of Zade on old Hebrew coins and gems equally resemble the Greek letter.
Some fine gems of peridot, garnet and turquoise have been found.
It consists at present of bare and ugly British barracks, among which are scattered exquisite gems of oriental architecture.
The Phoenicians, as was only to be expected of those traders and artisans of the ancient world, appear to have adopted both the cylinder of Assyria and the scarab of Egypt as have survived the numerous engraved stones or g pebbles, technically called gems, which served as matrices and in most instances were undoubtedly mounted as finger-rings or were furnished with swivels.
At first being used in their natural forms, these pebbles or gems have been grouped as lenticular or bean-shaped, and glandular or of the sling-bolt pattern; later, from the 6th to the 4th century B.C., they were fashioned as scaraboids, that is, in the general form of the Egyptian scarab, but without the sculptured details of the beetle's body.
Impressions of late Greek'or Roman gems in clay have survived in a few instances.
The use of engraved gems in the early middle ages has already been noticed; but the taste for antique intaglios was not confined to any one period.
Such antique gems as were adopted for matrices in the middle ages were usually set in metal mounts, on which the legends were engraved.
Bulic, who had charge of the work and of the museum at Spalato, reported in 1894 that the collection of minor objects comprised "2034 inscriptions, 387 sculptures, 176 architectural pieces, 1548 fragments or objects of terra-cotta and vases, 1243 objects of glass, 3184 of metal, 929 of bone, 122 9 gems, 128 objects from prehistoric times, and 15,000 coins" (Munro, P. 244).
In this notable work Steno described various gems, minerals and petrif actions (fossils) enclosed within solid rocks.
A large additional space for exhibits was made in 1904, when the western half of the second floor was added, and the building as now arranged contains the large bronzes and statues on the ground floor; a gallery of Pompeian frescoes in the entresol; the library, picture gallery and small bronzes on the first floor; and the glass, jewelry, arms, papyri, gems, and the unique collection of ItaloGreek vases, on the second floor.
Several of the varieties are cut into gems and ornaments, balance weights, pivot supports for delicate instruments, agate mortars, &c.; or used for engraving, for instance, cameos and the elaborately carved crystal vases of ancient and medieval times.
From the labours of his pupil Miotto sprang that branch of the glass trade which is concerned with the imitation of gems. In the 15th century the first crystals were made, and in the 17th the various gradations of coloured and iridescent glass were invented, together with the composition called " aventurine "; the manufacture of beads is now a main branch of the trade.
The gems are found in a matrix of black slate in what appears to be the crater of a volcano, and are mined in a very crude manner.
The royal library (1798) contains upwards of 500,000 volumes, including some early illuminated MSS., a valuable collection of coins and medals and some fine antique gems. In addition to the royal palace already mentioned, there are the palaces of the queen-dowager, of the prince of Orange (founded about 1720 by Count Unico of Wassenaar Twiekels) and of the prince von Wied, dating from 1825, and containing some good early Dutch and Flemish masters.
In 1896 Dr Sven Hedin discovered in the desert not far from the town of Khotan, in a locality known as Borasan, objects in terra-cotta, bronze images of Buddha, engraved gems, coins and MSS.; the objects, which display artistic skill, give indications of having been wrought by craftsmen who laboured to reproduce Graeco-Indian ideals in the service of the cult of Buddha, and consequently date presumably from the 3rd century B.C., when the successors of Alexander the Great were founding their kingdoms in Persia, Khwarezm (Khiva), Merv, Bactria (Afghanistan) and northern India, and from that date to the 4th or 5th century A.D.
The sphinx is common on Persian gems, and the representations are finely executed.
He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small black pouch, pouring its contents—two green gems holding the dust of human souls—into his palm.
The aim will be to show an overall picture, not to just cherry-pick the gems which we hope will turn up.
You can join a fossil trail, have a go at fossil casting or make your fortune panning for gems!
Try couching down into embroidery for elements of texture. £ 1.90 per 100g cone [Convert Currency] Giant Gems *New* BARGAIN OFFER!
We also sell rare crystals, minerals, and gems and gem elixirs and jewelry made from such stones.
Decorate them with our colored embellishments, ribbon or gems.
A man does not hear, as in the smart novels, these gems of verbal felicity dropped between diplomatists at dinner.
Even the wooden fish key fobs are designer gems.
From dusty cities to eventual empires, these unearthed gems show how our ancestors learned to appreciate the finer things in life.
A walk around the city will uncover more gems.
At the same time, hidden gems wait for you on the video store shelf.
Some of these are rubbish but there are also some undiscovered gems among them.
East Anglia Norwich city Heritage Open Day in Norwich opened a number of architectural gems to the public last week.
The visitor was an Irish adventurer, Colonel Blood, his intention was to steal the priceless gems.
Its limbs are decorated with pellets imitating precious gems.
They are joined by Comet Gain, who quitely craft sparkly retro pop gems on the ace Fortuna Pop!
These are all gems, songs with poetic lyrics and unforgettable melodies, all infused with true spirit.
They produce ingots of silver or gold or gems during downtime.
Youâll get a close-up view of the hills, lakes and hidden gems in Koli - Finlandâs most famous national park.
One of the absolute gems to emerge out of the open source movement, Apache is free in the sense that it's not proprietary.
No charity shop bin, second hand record store or music fair is missed in their relentless pursuit of gems of forgotten music.
This immensely readable book is full of such gems.
Some enjoy making elaborate wands full of symbolism, maybe even including precious gems, others prefer simplicity.
Jump to menu Artist Biography Dan Wheeler Expect a set of well honed acoustic gems from session man turned songsmith Dan Wheeler.
His occasional goals were often real gems and he possessed a temperament which sometimes made him seem much more mature than his years.
The rest were half this size, brilliant little gems with bellies of butter-yellow and spots of the brightest vermilion on their flanks.
The Gems sides are white doo wop, released on Old Town subsidiary Win, and currently fetching $ 300 for an original copy.
Among his numerous publications the most important were a volume on the bronzes found at Olympia, vast works on ancient gems and Greek vases, and the invaluable Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture (English translation by Eugenie Strong).
The richest grave of all was explored at Vaphio in Laconia in 1889, and yielded, besides many gems and miscellaneous goldsmiths' work, two golden goblets chased with scenes of bull-hunting, and certain broken vases painted in a large bold style which remained an enigma till the excavation of Cnossus.
His letters (especially Ep. 45) are full of outcries against his enemies and of indignant protestations that he had done nothing unbecoming a Christian, that he had taken no money, nor gifts great nor small, that he had no delight in silken attire, sparkling gems or gold ornaments, that no matron moved him unless by penitence and fasting, &c. His route is given in the third book In Rufinum; he went by Rhegium and Cyprus, where he was entertained by Bishop Epiphanius, to Antioch.
The ark kept at Axum is described as 2 feet high, covered with gold and gems. The liturgy was celebrated on it in the king's palace at Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and Feast of the Cross.
These reactions are of special interest, for they culminate in the production of artificial ruby and sapphire (see Gems, Artificial).
It is not the object of this article to deal further with the history of antique seals (see Numismatics; also Gems, Jewelry and Ring), but to give some account of European seals of the middle ages, when the revival of their use for the authentication of documents resulted in their universal employment among all classes of society.
To him is due the erection of the church of St Francis, or temple of the Malatesta, one of the rarest gems of the Renaissance and the greatest of Rimini's treasures (see below for description).
The walls and ceiling glittered with gold and precious gems.
Both directions have given at best a handful of gems in a quagmire of mud.
Paris is a prodigiously researched narrative, studded with gems of testimony from a host of recondite sources.
Scuttling away from their glowing light gems numerous rats made for whatever shadows they could find.
Shogun Assassin is one of exploitation cinema 's most under-rated gems.
After sifting through thousands of CDs to find these gems we expected great things of our performers and those expectations were more than met.
Numerous fake tanzanite gems are found in the markets each year.
We are treasure hunters in search of the richest gems of life.
Events Calendar Eastside is a treasure trove of hidden gems.
Careful exploration, however, will unearth some worthwhile shopping gems.
The sheen and brilliance of the gems have been praised, purchased and presented as special gifts for the past 2,500 years.
Fortunately, not all records have suffered this fate and you can still find some great gems.
Fire Mountain Gems not only offers an extensive online catalog of all the beads you could possibly hope for, they also can send you a free paper catalog to browse through.
For example, a sixteen-inch strand of 4mm round garnet beads from Fire Mountain Gems will cost you anywhere from $2.59 to $4.87.
For even more of a fairy-like look, consider applying small gems with facial adhesive around your face.
By buying whole collections you can get a better price, and you stand a good chance of finding a few real gems that will sell for a lot.
These little gems are based off of the famous Tamagotchi pets, portable little virtual pets that existed on your key ring.
You're very likely to find some gems in another person's stash, just as they'll probably find something they can use from yours.
You can pick up any quotation book or visit any website featuring old sayings, but you'll find that not all of these word gems are suited to scrapbooking.
How can anyone forget such gems as "Who's Johnny?" and "Rhythm of the Night"?
If you are looking to explore Europe's hidden gems by water, then consider booking a Uniworld cruise.
Access to its abundant natural gems and supreme solitude combined with its short sailing season make cruising to Antarctica an expensive travel option.
Though not common in gardens, it is one of the brightest gems for the choice rock garden, and thrives in exposed positions in moist sandy peat soil, and should be associated with the dwarfest rock plants.
As you work through this great decade of rock music, make sure you take some detours from the most popular music to explore some of the off the road gems like the Screaming Trees.
The following resources feature many of Mraz's songs, both the well-known hits his fans love and the lesser-known gems that please the critics.
The listing of their tabs occupies a single page with tiny font, but features Alice in Chains gems like A Little Bitter.
Not to say you can't sometimes get lucky at those stores, but you often need to find a vintage guitar shop or look around online for a while to really discover gems like the ones listed below.
Chanel Jewelry is made from gold, platinum, gems, stones, and pearls.
In addition to gems and stones, you'll find an array of dangling and charm styles that offer feminine appeal.
Gem stones are often included in the jewelry, and due to the versatile gold coloring, a wide range of gems work beautifully.
While bright red is the color typically thought of when referring to these gems, rubies can actually vary in color from light to very deep red, and red-orange and red-purple as well.
Wearers love the rich color, rarity, durability, and beauty of these gems.
Other gems often found alongside rubies in rings include emeralds, sapphire, iolite, and tanzanite.
Black diamonds, garnet, turquoise, and other precious and semi-precious gems are also sometimes found in ruby rings.
Typically ruby rings range from several hundred to several thousand dollars depending on these factors as well as the design, the band itself, and other gems in the ring.
Sparkling gems as big as an almond are beautiful, but costly!
To get the look of beautiful gems without the cost, women have long turned to costume jewelry.
Fashion jewelry is made from a variety of different, low-cost materials, including plastic, rubber, glass, metals, synthetic gems, shell, crystal, and more.
Bar pendants, circles with "floating" gems, journey-style necklaces, and drop necklaces are all suitable options.
Most necklace designs can accommodate from one to six birthstone gems.
If there are not enough children to fill out the design, the mother's birthstone, diamonds, or an unused birthstone can separate the children's gems.
Designs cost between $20 and $100 or more depending on the quality of the metal and gemstones used (whether the gems are simulated crystals or actual semi-precious stones, for example) as well as the customization of the piece.
Ben Chimol calls his works "Pure Pieces" because they are made by combining natural materials such as steel, leather, and precious gems with industrial materials such as plastics or materials not often used by traditional jewelry designers.
Kunzite gems are fragile and their color fades when exposed to bright light or to heat.
There were several different lists of gems floating around, including some based on two lists of gems found in the Bible.
While most of us call to mind a lovely deep blue gem when we think of a sapphire, these gems actually are found in many different colors, including pink, green, purple, yellow and orange.
Cool diamonds complement richly toned sapphires well and are frequently paired with the gems in birthstone necklaces.
If you previously thought only white diamonds were valuable, come learn a little more about these yellow gems.
You might be surprised to learn that some people actually do let common standards and values rule their jewelry choices, opting for pieces that include gems the industry tells us are the most desirable.
Type IaB stones contain a larger amount of nitrogen atoms that cause the gems to appear in various shades of light yellow through brown.
Because the knots themselves are highly symbolic - often embodying particular beliefs or family patterns - using symbolic gems adds another layer of meaning to the jewelry.
Because Celtic knots are gracefully curved, most gem Celtic earrings use smooth, tumbled stones rather than faceted gems so the angles do not conflict.
Furthermore, it is rare to find Celtic earrings that use more than a single gem as a decorative accent - too many gems would detract from the beauty of the Celtic knots, while multiple small gems may be lost in the interwoven knots.
Celtic crosses with a single gem in the center of the ornament or matching gems on each arm.
Gems centered in symmetrical knots in circular, square, or rectangular patterns.
Teardrop shaped gems dripping from the bottom of Celtic ornamental earrings.
The majority of gem Celtic earrings are French hook dangling styles because the weight of the knots and gems combined would be too heavy for simple studs.
The delicate, intricate symbolism of Celtic knots and patterns is made even lovelier by using beautiful gems as the focus of gem Celtic earrings.
From large, elaborate designs to simple studs with a coordinating stone, these earrings are highly meaningful adornments for anyone interested in beautiful gems and graceful metals.
Gemstone designs with emeralds, diamonds, rubies, or other gems as accents to the claddagh or integrated into the icon as the heart, a part of the crown, or some other detail.
Whereas a woman's piece of jewelry may use multiple gems to create a sparkling tapestry, men's jewelry is much more likely to use a single gem as an accent rather than as a focal point.
More unique options, such as aquamarine or tanzanite, are generally reserved for pieces of women's jewelry, when the gems are more highly featured in the overall piece.
A man's ring, on the other hand, would focus more on the knots and one or more small gems may be woven into the design without as much disruption to the knot pattern.
Even elaborate pieces typically use fewer gems if they are designed for men.
By understanding how male and female pieces differ, however, and which gems are best for men's designs, it is possible to find stunning men's Celtic jewelry that is rich in symbolism as well as sparkle.
Precious or semi-precious stones may be set in high-quality sterling silver, while synthetic gems may be used in silver plated rings for fashion jewelry often purchased by teens.
Many of today's high-quality synthetic gems can also be quite costly, although less-expensive that the comparable natural stone.
Although silver can harmonize with many types of stones and materials in a rings, some gems are more commonly used than others, popular because of the delightful visual appeal when combines with silver.
Since many gems, such as topaz and sapphire are available in a variety of colors, the color options for gems in silver rings are nearly limitless.
Both clear and opaque gems are also used and work well with silver.
Gems can also be used as accents in unique jewelry designs.
They have blemishes and inclusions larger than those of VS1 and VS2 gems, but these are generally not visible without a magnifier.
Many of these are Chanel knockoffs, such as the star shaped earrings studded with cubic zirconia gems.
Offered by Generous Gems are beautiful 14K gold bicycle charm pendants including a lovely two-toned three-dimensional bicycle that is movable.
For many today, the captivating beauty and exquisite luster of pearls still evoke feelings of mystery and magic as the allure of these exquisite gems is as timeless as the treasures themselves.
The pearls set in spectacular ring settings, such as this gorgeous 11mm chocolate Tahitian pearl set in beautiful 14K rose gold and surrounded by 158 diamonds, were a success as customers marveled at the breathtaking luster of the gems.
The two main producers of the chocolate pearls, Shanghai Gems SA of Geneva and the Ballerina Pearl Company of New York, both maintained that the beautiful vibrant chocolate colors were not the product of irradiation or dyes.
A snake bracelet that is set with gemstones, for instance, may no longer be complete with all of the gems or may have settings that are working loose.
Valenza district has reputation for hand-crafted jewelry that combines gold and precious gems.
The gems sparkle in between the filigree work creating a unique and intriguing design.
Whether you choose to use a stone for healing purposes or simply wear it because you like it, there's no denying that gems are significant.
The gems used in these rings may be slightly lower than those used in other jewelry.
Some gems may be color-treated or processed in other ways.
If you're buying a large quantity of gemstone rings, have them appraised by a local jeweler to make sure the metal is as described and the gems are genuine.
Other designs might include the addition of small diamonds or other gems set above or below the stone.
More formal designs may include a ringed look that encircles the earring with another metal or gems.
Some styles cost up to several thousand dollars, depending on the perfection of the pearl, the metal, and any other gems used in the design.
Besides cut gems, you may want a star ruby, created by using the cabochon cut.
The Romans considered the stone "the Queen of Gems," believing it to be a symbol of hope, love and purity.
There are many sources for bulk wholesale loose gems and many possible deals.
Ask the wholesale distributor about the grade of any gems for sale and if there is a report or certificate available that you can review.
Examine the loose gems in person, if possible, so you can see what you are purchasing.
Make sure the wholesaler has a return and refund policy just in case the gems are not as described when you receive them.
If you're a jewelry designer or simply a dedicated jewelry enthusiasts, buying wholesale gems can gave you a significant amount of money over typical retail prices.
However, educating yourself about the quality of gems and the policies of the wholesale supplier will save you headaches during the sales process.
If you live close to a Lane Bryant outlet store, it would surely be worth the trip to see if you could find one of these past-season gems.
Whether you're in the city for a little vacation or happen to live there, you can discover all sorts of hidden shopping gems in addition to these stores.
There are likely many hidden gems in your own town, and places to explore such as historical sites, museums, and parks.
On the other hand, the 5 Jewelers Loupes model is designed to provide extra sharpness and quality and can be used for viewing stamps, coins, gems and any other material that you may need to see closely.
Royalty would use precious gems as lenses and later, innovation continued as individuals began polishing glass into round rocks.
The goal of the group is to raise awareness about Coney Island's fading historical gems while promoting popular traditions still operating on the island.
Many hidden gems are just waiting for you to discover them.
The system had a couple of gems, but with such a small library, it was difficult (and ultimately impossible) to keep up with Sony's PlayStation.
However to reconcile this, Sega has more recently re-released this game in a compilation, as well as including it as an unlockable extra in Adventure DX and Gems Collection.
By collecting rune stones and gems, you can add powerful bonuses to weapons and armor.
Once in the shop, you can experiment with different combinations of gems to see what you can get.
Connecting three or more regular stones in a string with the power gem will cause the power gem to explode spectacularly, destroying a number of adjacent gems and scoring a satisfying round of points.
Instead of the usual random grid of gems, Puzzle levels are carefully constructed stacks of stones that present brain-twisting challenges.
Sometimes you must swap stones in specific sequences to free other stones or to create power gems or hyper cubes that will help you clear the puzzle.
Try to make power gems and hyper cubes in easier levels and leave them unused until harder levels.
Also, for power gems, because you generally consume all the nearby gems of that type when building them, they're usually easier to string up and use in the next level anyhow.
Before you lays a field of colored gems.
You start with four weapons, but over time, you can combine them to make up to 14 different weapons to defeat an evil android that is out to destroy the Four Gems and the Planet G-9 by depleting all its resources.
In fact, several of these classics have been re-made, re-imagined, and updated for a fresh take on nostalgia's gems.
Or think back to your favorite video game rentals; now may be the time to pick up your very own copies of those gems.
Freeware gems are abound in this website.
It's so addictive, swapping adjacent gems and jewels!
Every time you link three or more of the same kind of jewel on the shimmering board, they disappear, and larger groups and combos earn you additional bonuses and power gems.
There is a challenge mode, which has you obtaining gems and an obligatory time attack mode.
Located in between the regular fret buttons and the body of the guitar, this touch-sensitive strip can be used for the "slider gems" portions of songs.
There are some gems out there, if you feel like wading through the river of untidiness.
While its library may not be as vast as, say, the Sony PlayStation 2, the GameCube aims to provide quality over quantity... and let me tell you, it's got plenty of gems.
When you create a set of three of more identical relics, they disappear from the board and new gems fall from the top of the screen, pushing all the relics affected downwards.
In this way, when you create other sets, those rubies above can fall downward, and help set you up for a trio of red gems, effectively turning the tiles beneath a gleaming gold.
Power Gems -- Dropped by enemies on the Neverland Ship Deck.
Lucid Gems -- Dropped by Wight Night and Gargoyle in Halloweentown.
Thunder Gems -- Dropped by Screwdrivers and Aquatanks in Atlantica.
Use Birdo in the Chain Chomp mini-game, put the difficulty on easy and run around until you collect 30 gems.
However, if you go through the history of video games, you'll find that there are a few Indiana Jones-themed gems in there that will thrill any whip-touting adventurer.
That said, the Game Gear still had a reasonably healthy library, and there are a number of gems available for it.
Your ultimate goal is to get the seven gems and discover Shadow's past.
She wants to collect all the gems and treasures and become the most accomplished person in the Sonic world.
You'll probably have to sift through coupons of different types, but there might be a few video game gems in there too.
Video games for kids can get controversial, but if you look carefully, there are countless gems out there that are both appropriate and fun!
The graphics are solid, with the balls looking like multifaceted gems and the stone frog being fairly detailed.
Sure, you will drink some not-so-stellar wines, but you will also find some gems and surprises that you will remember and purchase later.
Producers from every Pinot Noir house in the state bring their wines to share, and you can frequently find gems sitting at every table.
Modern school desks certainly don't hold a candle to Breadin's old-fashioned gems.
Many of these accessories will be accented with crystals, sequins, gems, pearls, tulle, silk, or other luxurious and beautiful details that can give any style an instant bridal touch.
With many design options and hair styles suitable for pearls, any bride can wear these lustrous gems on her wedding day.
Word of mouth is always the best form of advertisement for a hairdresser, and many stylists are gems in the making.
Diane Von Furstenberg is probably best know for her stellar wrap dresses but she has added a few maternity gems to her collections.
Noe Valley is one of San Francisco's under the radar gems of a neighborhood.
These dresses are made to be sophisticated and eye-catching, but many of them are just a bit racy, featuring plunging necklines or backlines or drawing attention to the bust with daring strapless designs featuring gems, crystals, or lace.
Choose a large watch studded with rhinestones or other gems for an practical accessory that's always acceptable.
Besides these shiny embellishments, other details you'll find on many cocktail dresses include rhinestones and other gems, sparkling applique, big ruffles, shirring and large bows.
The main benefits are nearly the same, except for every one month of playing time-a recurring month; you don't have to have one month of gaming time-you receive 100 Pogo gems.
The gems can also be wired into different three dimensional shapes such as snowflakes or stars on the side of the cup, or can be attached to the edge of a cup to dangle freely.
For a simple jeweled cup, you will need craft glue for glass and plastic, a plain votive candle holder in your preferred shape, and a selection of faux gems or crystals with flat backs.
Use craft glue to attach the gems in whatever pattern you desire - alternating colors, shapes, or sizes adds great visual interest.
Let the gems dry without being disturbed so they do not slide out of alignment.
Gluing the gems at the top and the ribbon at the bottom is usually preferred so the ribbon will hide melted wax as a candle is burned.
Fill the interior space between the walls of the votive cup and the larger container with loose gems, but keep the level of loose gems slightly below the top rim of the votive holder.
Insert the votive candle into the holder where it will coordinate with the gems.
This is a great project because it is fast and easy to do, and the faux gems and colored candle can easily be changed to match different decorations or holidays.
It is often lavishly decorated with elaborate designs in ribbon or gems.
Their dresses might reflect this elevated status with gems or special metallic trims.
You can then glue embellishments such as leaves, flowers, glitter or gems onto the strips without sewing.
Sequins and gems that sparkle in the light are ideal accessories.
Hairpieces may include decorative beads, gems and combs.
Retro styles often feature color diamonds or other gems such as aquamarines, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires.
In most three stone rings, all three gems are fairly close in size, though the central stone may be slightly larger than the other two.
This is in contrast to traditional engagement rings that may indeed have three separate gems, but the side stones are far smaller than the center diamond.
If a setting were designed with one central diamond surrounded by other gems, it would not appear to be a true three stone ring.
Diamonds are by far the most popular choice, but it is possible to customize a three stone ring with other gems.
Much of the ring's price depends on the stone quality, however, and depending on the cut, clarity, carat weight, and color of the gems, the price can vary significantly from ring to ring.
Its hardness and durability make its care similar to diamonds, such as storing it away from other gems to prevent accidental scratches and avoiding harsh cleaning chemicals.
With such illustrious gems as integral parts of the Harry Winston collection, it is no surprise that many brides-to-be desire a Harry Winston engagement ring as a symbol of their ultimate treasure.
Colored diamonds are also used, and pink diamond engagement rings are often fashioned with a combination of pink and white gems for an elegant yet flirtatious design.
For decades, the House of Harry Winston has provided some of the most spectacular gems to actresses, singers, and other celebrities for the Tony Awards, Emmy Awards, and Academy Awards, where they add immeasurable glitter to the red carpet.
However, it is possible for smaller jewelers to mimic the Harry Winston style with lower quality or smaller size gems while still capturing the essence of glamour and drama that defines the House of Harry Winston.
With dramatic gems and understated settings, Harry Winston jewelry has redefined appreciation for quality diamonds.
Even if you are not planning on a diamond engagement ring, knowing these four Cs will help you avoid inferior gems.
Loose diamonds and other gems can be purchased from wholesalers or jewelers who specialize in customized work.
By using traditional metals in superior karat weights (principally 14k or 18k), the rings gleam, adding even more sparkle to the exquisite gems.
In addition to high quality diamonds, Lussori designs also feature a wide range of other gems, including fancy colored diamonds in shades of orange, blue, pink, and yellow.
If, for example, the couple has already purchased the necessary stones, the jeweler does not need to spend time and resources locating matching gems.
However, when choosing loose stones, couples must take great care to find quality gems well-suited to the proposed design.
Loose diamonds and gems will typically be displayed in small, clear containers, preferably on white foam filler that highlights the stones' true color.
Most gem dealers have a per carat price depending on the stone's quality although buyers should be sure to get a price quote before selecting the exact gems they would like.
Many earring styles use colored gemstones, such as rubies, sapphires, or emeralds as brilliant accents, or the diamonds themselves may be accents to more colorful earrings using semi precious gems.
Styles using more metal and fewer gems are also less expensive.
Specialty pieces include three stone rings, diamond earrings, multi-tone jewelry, right hand rings, and a variety of distinctive and unusual gems such as aquamarine and mystic topaz.
By purchasing wholesale gems, buyers can avoid one or more steps in the process and obtain high quality stones without the highest prices.
Before buying wholesale gems, customers should be familiar with the rapaport diamond price list that tracks current industry trends and prices, so they are not overcharged unwittingly.
Just because wholesale gems may be cheaper than store-bought gems doesn't mean they will be.
Birthstone rings are also popular, and the stones can symbolize the anniversary month, birthdays of the couple or children, or may simply be pretty colored gems.
Once considered flawed and worthless, black diamonds are now rapidly becoming one of the most sought-after gems because of their exquisite uniqueness.
Not all black gems are equal, however, and interested buyers should study the characteristics of the stones to insure they make a quality purchase.
Natural black gems have been found in Brazil, Africa, Venezuela, and Australia, and many are believed to have been formed by meteor impacts.
Black gems make stunning engagement rings, particularly when set in white metals such as white gold, silver, platinum, or titanium.
For more affordable gems, imitations are available, and alternative rocks such as obsidian and black pearls can make a similarly dramatic piece of jewelry for far less expense.
Black diamonds are rare and luxurious gems that are only just beginning to draw more notice in the jewelry industry.
Because of their rarity and greater expense, colored diamonds are rarely used in necklaces, though small diamonds may be used to accent other colored gems or pearls.
Synthetic stones are common for necklaces, especially those that use multiple gems, and cubic zirconia is a frequent substitute, especially if the diamonds are accents to another stone or a larger design.
Faceted gems are classified as either precious or semi precious gemstones, but what exactly do those classifications mean?
Traditionally, gems classified as precious were those that were both rare and revered.
Gems that held ceremonial or ecclesiastical value for royal or religious figures were substantially more valuable.
These "cardinal" gems included diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds.
Only these five types of gems were ever considered precious, and today, there are more than 130 types of stones that may be considered semi precious gemstones.
With many high quality synthetic and treated gems available in the marketplace, other classifications are relatively meaningless and a stone's certificate should outline all the necessary information to determine how precious it truly is.
While there are more than 130 types of gems and minerals that have at one time or another been classified as semi precious stones, only a few dozen are commonly used.
Some women prefer colored stones, and using different gems allows the couple to customize a ring with personal symbolism and sentimentality, such as using birthstones or other favorite gems.
Colored gems can be used as stunning center stones or as accent stones to a diamond if desired.
One of the most prominent benefits of using semi precious gems in engagement rings is the lower cost.
Despite the fact that diamonds are not nearly as rare as they once were, they are still consistently priced higher than most other gems of comparable quality.
Many semi precious gems have traditional associations with good fortune, wealth, health, and other wishes, and that symbolism may be welcome and meaningful for your engagement ring.
Semi-precious gems may be used as center stones, and many designs include engraved names or figural accents.
Because pink stones are far more expensive than most couples' budgets, alternative gems are a wise choice to create a distinctive look at a lower cost.
Other options include using the pink gems as accent stones rather than the central diamond, perhaps in a distinctive pave setting or other unusual setting that will still draw the eye toward the exquisite gems.
Though they are expensive, the sophistication and rarity of the gems has made them increasingly popular in today's jewelry market.
To temper that cost, couples may consider choosing simple wedding bands rather than elaborate designs, or using semi-precious gems instead of diamonds as focal points.
Gems such as sapphires and turquoise are incorporated into some designs, and single studs are available as well.
The diamonds are chosen for their high quality, and only the best gems appear in Tiffany rings.
With that type of quality inherent in every exclusive piece, such lustrous gems truly make an impression to last forever.
Couples who choose substitute gems instead of opting for fancy colored diamonds should be aware that no other gem can match the fire and brilliance of a true diamond.
Furthermore, in recent years right hand diamond rings have become popular, giving women an additional outlet for diamonds rather than restricting the beautiful gems to engagement and wedding jewelry.
Other variations include mother-and-child pendants with hearts, designs utilizing gemstones interspersed with diamonds, or hearts with "Mom" or other sentiments woven in either gems or metal.
Though best known for their stunning engagement rings and exquisite jewelry, Tiffany and Co. has far more to offer than gems and baubles.
Bands inset with flush-setting diamonds or other gems.
Pearls are sought-after gems, with their smooth contours and luxurious sheen, and black pearl engagement rings may be the rarest variety of all.
As more couples grow interested in the elegance of black pearls, designers are creating more elaborate rings that incorporate these dark gems with the brilliance of diamonds.
Also called Tahitian pearls, these dusky gems are among the rarest type of pearl in the world.
Quality imitations are virtually indistinguishable from real pearls, and choosing an artificial option can make these elegant, luxurious gems available for anyone.
Available in a range of luxurious hues and color overtones, these smooth gems make startling engagement rings that highlight the rarity of the couple's love with the rarity of a superb gem.
Both reproductions of popular designer pieces as well as exclusive designs are offered, and the artificial gems are set into precious metals including 14 and 18 karat gold as well as platinum to emphasize their high quality.
In addition to colorless cubic zirconia, Ziamond also reproduces artificial colored gems, including yellow diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds.
Though the stones are laboratory-created, they are of exceedingly high quality, often ranking at the same level or higher than natural gems in terms of hardness, sparkle, and durability.
Once the couple is satisfied with the diamond itself, they can consider the different styles of rings available with heart shaped gems.
Metalwork that creates heart shapes in the setting itself, perhaps with gems or diamonds set into the center of interlocking or layered hearts.
If, however, an elaborate design is the bride-to-be's idea of the perfect ring, it may be more important to choose less expensive stones so more of the budget can be concentrated into a stunning arrangement of multiple gems.
Round gems are the most popular and least expensive, while trademarked cuts such as Asscher or Hearts on Fire stones are more costly.
Opting for a thinner style not only helps emphasize the gems, but also lowers the overall cost.
Using synthetic stones instead of real gems.
Many crystals or other artificial gems are just as stunning as diamonds when properly cut, but they come with only a fraction of the price.
While the highest quality gems are not always necessary, choosing a very poor quality gem - such as one that may be heavily flawed - can lead to greater expenses in the future as the stone becomes damaged and needs to be replaced.
Because the diamonds are recessed into the ring, lower quality gems can be used without visible detriments - the concealed setting obscures flaws, lower color grades, and other price-reducing characteristics.