Gay Sentence Examples
It was a gay and brilliant fete.
The gay remembrance of a life well spent.
She thought her too fashionably dressed, frivolously gay and vain.
He was "gay and sprightly, with a turn for wit and humour."
They live a gay life, flitting from flower to flower, sipping the drops of honeydew, without a thought for the morrow.
He was kindly noticed by Henry Hervey, a gay officer of noble family, who happened to be quartered there.
Authors take no easy solutions and the movie makes you rethink the whole concept of gay culture in contemporary society.
He was the elder son of Antoine Gay, procureur du roi and judge at Pont-deNoblac, who assumed the name Lussac from a small property he had in the neighbourhood of St Leonard.
In North Gay Street also, which runs N.E.
Owing to their gay and lively disposition the Burmese have been called " the Irish of the East," and like the Irish they are somewhat inclined to laziness.
AdvertisementHe was a charming talker, with a gay humour and a quiet sarcasm and a telling use of anecdote for argument.
Before they are confined to their nests, it is wonderful with what devotion the females are attended by their gay followers, who seem to be each trying to be more attentive than the rest.
For some years Henrietta Maria's chief interests lay in her young family, and in the amusements of a gay and brilliant court.
Solemn and gay dances were frequent, and a sport called the bird-dance excited the admiration of foreigners for the skill and daring with which groups of performers dressed as birds let themselves down by ropes wound round the top of a high mast, so as to fly whirled in circles far above the ground.
Gay Head Light, a beacon near the western extremity, stands among picturesque cliffs, 145 ft.
AdvertisementHenceforward he frequently adopted the pseudonym of "lo Trovador de Montserrat"; in 1859 he helped to restore the "Juegos Florales," and in 1861 was proclaimed mestre de gay saber.
Magnificent drinking-vessels, beautifully ornamented dice and draughtsmen, masses of gay beads, are among the commonest grave-finds.
It was a period of great men and great ideas, of dramatic Period of contrasts of character and opinionon the one side flohena broad humanitarianism combined with a gay enjoy- staufen ment of the world, on the other side an almost super- dynasty.
But Goethe - more worldly wise than on former occasions - felt instinctively that the gay, social world in which Lili moved was not really congenial to him.
Some are clothed in nature's gay attire, others distinguished by strength, size and fierceness.
AdvertisementThe burning of hazel nuts for the magical investigation of the future is alluded to by John Gay in Thursday, or the Spell, and by Burns in Halloween.
The vegetation of the western part of the plain and of the hottest zone of the western mountains thus becomes closely allied to, or almost identical with, that of the drier parts of the Indian peninsula, more especially of its hilly portions; and, while a general tropical character is preserved, forms are observed which indicate the addition of an Afghan as well as of an African element, of which last the gay lily Gloriosa superba is an example, pointing to some.
For many years, nevertheless, he maintained a correspondence with Pope and Bolingbroke, and with Arbuthnot and Gay until their deaths, with such warmth as to prove that an ill opinion of mankind had not made him a misanthrope, and that human affection and sympathy were still very necessary to him.
Jerry Gay proposed a reorganization to make things a little more lovely.
Gay Saunas Berlin is well served by gay saunas.
AdvertisementThere is nonetheless an active gay scene in many of South Korea 's larger cities.
Please notice that I did not say that this story is about the future of gay seminarians.
What if you was gay and needed someone to confide in.
Africans or gay men, in particular, have to realize that we could become a threatened species.
This was the famous Weimar period with its gay subculture.
Puffta is a national online magazine aimed at gay teens.
He loved his work and he loved the brisk night ride on his sledge and the gay tinkle of the sleigh-bells.
I love how writers have to inject mentions of their many gay friends into such reactionary tripe.
To the gay young beauty, familiar with Parisian society, the raw and serious youth was not a possible parti.
About six events are scheduled over the next year, including a gay rodeo.
Vermont and Connecticut recognize same-sex civil unions while Massachusetts has legalized gay marriage.
They all do, or did, gay schtick.
A study from Toronto found that dipping was not perceived to be risky by gay men, but was associated with recent seroconversion.
Some notes on gay slang What 's in it?
Gay soiree is auctions an amazing able to participate director for oceania.
He says that in fact all movies have a hidden gay subtext.
The defeat is said to have left a bad taste in the mouths of the Everton fans who traveled to Gay Meadow.
If cars had sexuality this thing would be a gay transvestite.
One would expect little less from Britain ' s first gay socialist transvestite poet and radical agenda bender.
After the event the gay and the woman priests send emails describing themselves as deeply hurt and traumatized by the whole event.
Some men are too elderly, too undersexed, too unattractive or too much in the thrall of Levitical taboo to be gay.
Also I think there is an undue prominence given to gay rights issues.
Tawdry tabloid speculation implied that there was something very unseemly about a gay director and a young boy.
This data helps gay health and drug programs to measure the real extent of gay men 's recreational drug use and respond accordingly.
In 1998, the cruise ship industry denied landing rights to a vessel chartered by 900 gay vacationers.
When it 's one of the most popular watering holes with the local gay community.
By 1994 there was a " war weariness " in the gay community.
What follows is not a gay film but a drama pleading for tolerance and dialog which touches deep social wellsprings.
Beautifully written, it is a perfect tale of what it is like to be a youngish gay guy.
If you are in love with Mary's brother (or having sexual feelings for him) you are most likely a gay man.
They have some wonderful online support groups to help gay and questioning youth as well.
Also, do you even know if Abe is gay too?
I read in a book that Abraham Lincoln was gay, but that's hardly a qualifier.
Like Degrassi, the series doesn't shy away from hot-button issues like racism and gay teens.
Months later, a proposal to outlaw gay marriage appeared on the November ballot in that state.
In these groups, gay and straight teens work together to create a safe school climate and foster greater understanding.
When a teen comments that something is gay, or beast, do you just stare at her in confusion?
That teacher gave us extra homework, it's so gay!
When planning a same sex wedding ceremony, gay couples can face a few additional considerations.
If you are not sure whether a venue is "gay friendly" it is best to ask up front to avoid unpleasant surprises.
First critics alleged that the blue-eyed hunk was misrepresenting his age, then touted that the singer was gay, a rumor cleared up by the number of alleged affairs with beautiful women all over the world.
Society's views of gay celebrities have changed over the ages, or perhaps it is more accurate to say that because of gay celebrities, society's views on homosexuality have changed.
After his death, his life partner Marc Christian successfully sued the estate and brought to head speculations that Hudson was a gay celebrity.
While some gay celebrities may still feel their sexual preference is their own business, other superstars have screamed it from the rooftops.
In The Observer, he urged the UK government, which he credits as successfully having protected gay rights in the UK, to work with other nations to make gay rights a global issue.
She used this heightened publicity to increase awareness in the fight for the rights of gay couples who want to become adoptive parents.
Gay, straight, or bi, the issue of a celebrity's sexual preference may seem like a moot issue.
While being a gay celebrity may make it more difficult for the informed audience to accept a leading man or woman in a heterosexual love scene, it does not have to mean the end of a career.
Elton John is an international proponent of gay rights and is a leading figure in the fight against AIDs.
Hmm….what was Lance Bass doing in a Provincetown, Massachusetts gay bar with openly gay reality television star Reichen Lehmkuhl?
The nine-year old has comment that Madonna's gyrating dance in a leotard was "disgusting", and she has also voiced concerns that her mother may be gay after seeing the diva kiss Britney Spears during her concert.
The fight ended with Isaiah making a homophobic remark about gay cast member T.R.
Their relationship prompted Bass to admit he was gay in July 2006.
You can look for cruise line reviews and find out which river cruises earn high marks within the gay community for their extravagant shows, luxurious rooms and exquisite dining options.
Europe River Cruise doesn't allow you to search exclusively for gay river cruises, but you can view sailings that venture down the Danube, Rhine, Seine, Rhone, and more.
The experiences doesn't cater specifically to gay passengers, but if you'd prefer to mingle with gay and straight alike, this is a good place to start.
However, most won't come out and directly say that they offer a great European cruise for members of the gay community.
These forums also allow you to meet new friends and plan a gay casual European river cruise getaway together.
If you're looking for a gay casual European river cruise, don't be turned off if it isn't open exclusively to gay men and women.
It's commonly assumed that all transvestites are gay, perhaps because the only exposure many people get to cross-dressing is seeing men in Gay Pride Parades, where they often dress in outrageous costumes.
You can choose between marriage, gay or straight, and you can be monogamous or have one in every village you travel to.
Although the virus is still most likely to be passed on by gay and bisexual males, as of 2004 more than 25 percent of AIDS cases are women, most of whom are African American or Hispanic.
Non-latex condoms do not prevent the spread of STDs, including HIV, and should not be used by gay or bisexual men or men who have HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases.
The first shows the direction of a child's sexual orientation, whether he or she is heterosexual (straight), homosexual (gay), or bisexual.
Watch television programs and movies and read books that have gay themes or characters.
Whether you are about to embark on your first gay dating experience or you've been on the team for some time, it's important to take stock of where you want your life to go in order to get the most out of your dating experiences.
Some people are curious about gay relationships but unsure whether they really fit into the scenario.
For them, gay dating can be a way to determine if they are actually gay, straight, or even bisexual. also has easy searches for both gay and straight members.
As part of a larger online dating company, so many of the "millions of members" advertised are not actually part of the Gay Match Maker site.
It is free to create a profile and you can chat with other gay men through the website.
Despite being linked to various Hollywood actresses, rumors have bubbled for years that Jake Gyllenhaal is a gay celebrity.
Knight also came out of the closet and announced that he was gay.
While Heigl was not directly involved with the controversy that erupted on the set of Grey's Anatomy, when Isaiah Washington used a gay slur toward T.R.
Colbert voiced Ace in the Robert Smigel animated short The Ambiguously Gay Duo, which aired on both Dana Carvey and SNL.
The announcement came soon after the California Supreme court ruled that the ban on gay marriages was unconstitutional.
With all the celebrities that are openly gay, it left many wondering "Why all the secrecy?"
The announcement of the pregnancy and subsequent birth of Parker Foster Aiken caused the media to focus its attention, once again, on whether or not Aiken was gay.
Putting the rumors to rest for good, Clay Aiken has finally announced to the public and his droves of "Claynation" fans that, "Yes, I'm gay."
Miss California's gay troubles began when she said she believed that marriage is between a "man and a woman."
Okay, it's a tough question to answer if you don't believe in gay marriage, which is fine, but there are certainly more diplomatic ways for Miss California's Carrie Prejean to answer that question, right?
Reports are surfacing that Prejean partied down with Amanda Lepore, a very well know gay transsexual.
Lepore then went on to say that it was a really bad move for Prejean to make that comment because she "…gets her hair and makeup done by gay people.
If not, she should consider hiring one or else Miss California's gay troubles are only going to get worse.
The story is good for a laugh by liberals, given Meghan's father's archaic and old fashioned views on everything from gay marriage to gay adoptions.
Lambert has a loyal fan following, though he also has a tendency to blame any negative reviews or criticism on the fact that he's gay and people are homophobic.
Rumors were running rampant when her Shot at Love show was on that she wasn't even bisexual, much less gay.
Back in 2001, rumor had it that Sapir was shopping an alleged video tape to various tabloid television outlets "proving" that Tom Cruise was gay.
This makes Palm Springs the perfect jumping off point for gay cruises.
Take a gay river cruise to get away from everything that's weighing you down in your daily life, meet new friends, start a new relationship, or just relax on the high seas.
Some cruises cater exclusively to gay singles and couples.
Another gay cruise option allows gay groups to organize a sailing together on a major cruise line.
These sailings allow gay groups to rent a portion of the ship for a great rate, but does not allow for changes to the set entertainment schedule.
During a gay cruise you can dance the night away with current or prospective love interests, take in exciting shows with like-minded friends, and just enjoy being yourself in a supportive environment.
Gay river cruises are harder to come by than traditional gay cruises at sea.
At Happy Gay Travel you'll find deals for exotic vacations like a seven-night cruise down the Amazon River with ROmanCE Voyages.
However, the gay river cruises are only open to those who are 21 years old or older.
When you want to escape from the chaos of every day life for a bit, then a gay casual European river cruise could be the perfect solution.
If you feel oppressed at work or home, getting together with other gay singles and couples and enjoying the beauty and culture of Europe without a care in the world might be the breath of fresh air you need.
Gay and bisexual male teens, which represent about 10 percent of the male teen population, are six to seven times more at risk for attempting suicide than their heterosexual peers.
These feelings can include loneliness, rejection, and awareness of one's gay or bisexual sexual orientation.
A lisp can be a source of distress for adolescent boys and young men who may be told that they are gay because they lisp.
Both male and female homosexuals are commonly referred to as gay while homosexual females are called lesbians.
The modern gay rights movement began in the late 1960s and included the development of the often activist academic treatment of sexuality in colleges and universities.
The legalization of same-sex marriage and non-gender-specific civil unions is one of the major goals of gay rights activism.
In 2003, Canada legalized same-sex marriages, according the same rights to gay married couples as to heterosexual married couples.
Gay marriage is also legal in The Netherlands and Belgium.
In 2004, due to several local and state actions, gay marriages were legalized in San Francisco; Massachusetts; Portland, Oregon; and several other areas.
They were as of 2004 all under legal challenge, and the California Supreme Court nullified the San Francisco gay marriages in mid-2004.
In surveys of gay men and lesbians, most say they believe they were born that way.
After identifying themselves as homosexual or bisexual, adolescents face the often-difficult problem of deciding whom to tell that they are gay or bisexual.
The ASHA and most other professional organizations say family support when an adolescent discloses that they are gay or bisexual is crucial to the child's mental and emotional health.
Children and teens who reveal that they are gay or bisexual to non-supportive families are much more likely to become runaways and resort to prostitution for financial support.
To test how a family will react, a gay or bisexual child or teen will often first tell a sibling whom they feel they can trust and whom they believe is most likely to be supportive, most often a sister.
Numerous studies show that gay and bisexual youth are at a higher risk of dropping out of school, of being kicked out of their homes, and becoming prostitutes, than their heterosexual peers.
Studies have also shown that gay and bisexual adolescents are two to seven times more likely to commit or attempt suicide compared to heterosexual children and teens.
Studies have shown that parents usually go through a series of stages when they learn a child is gay or bisexual.
In the first stage, nearly all parents go through a grieving period after learning their child is gay or bisexual.
Soon after disclosure, parents often experience fear and guilt and may deny their child is gay or bisexual.
Any of these actions tends to drive a wedge between the parents and child and is the primary reason many gay and bisexual youth run away from home.
The final stage is resolution, where the parents either accept or deny that their child is gay or bisexual, though studies show few fully accept it.
Gay and bisexual adolescents may need psychological help in dealing with their sexual orientation.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has issued guidelines for pediatricians in dealing with gay and bisexual adolescents.
Most gay and bisexual youth seen by pediatricians and other healthcare providers will not raise the issue of sexual orientation on their own.
Pediatricians should also consider displaying posters and offering brochures that demonstrate support for gay and bisexual teens.
In 1996, a federal appeals court ruled that school officials can be held liable under the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution for not protecting gay and bisexual students from harassment and discrimination.
Gay bashing-Physical or verbal violence directed against homosexuals.
He is gay, but continues to hide it from others.
He is, however, gay in a homophobic culture, and his disgusted father sends him to his aunt, a Herald in the kingdom's capitol city Haven, to 'make a man' out of him.
Dean couldn't think of more than 20 names—Ethel Rosewater, Cynthia Byrne, David Dean, even Jeffrey Byrne, not to mention half of Arthur's gay friends and lovers and most of his ex-clients.
In the plains below, the swards are gay with the scarlet and white verbena and other brilliant wild flowers.
The houses, mostly white with coloured roofs, are generally built of wood and iron, and have glazed porches, gay with fuchsias and pelargoniums. Government House, grey, stone-built and slated, calls to mind a manse in Shetland or Orkney.
He was grave and gay, affable and dignified, cruel and gentle, mean and generous, eager for fame yet not vain, impulsive and cautious, secretive and open.
Three years later, at an unusually early age, he was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences, and in 1804 he accompanied Gay Lussac on the first balloon ascent undertaken for scientific purposes.
The discovery of boron by Gay Lussac and Davy in 1809 led Berzelius to investigate silica (silex).
The chemical analogy of this substance to chlorine was quickly perceived, especially after its investigation by Davy and Gay Lussac. Cyanogen, a compound which in combination behaved very similarly to chlorine and iodine, was isolated in 1815 by Gay Lussac. This discovery of the first of the then-styled " compound radicals " exerted great influence on the prevailing views of chemical composition.
Hydrochloric acid was carefully investigated at about this time by Davy, Faraday and Gay Lussac, its composition and the elementary nature of chlorine being thereby established.
Hydrobromic and hydriodic acids were investigated by Gay Lussac and Balard, while hydrofluoric acid received considerable attention at the hands of Gay Lussac, Thenard and Berzelius.
The preparation of crystalline boron in 1856 by Wohler and Sainte Claire Deville showed that this element also existed in allotropic forms, amorphous boron having been obtained simultaneously and independently in 1809 by Gay Lussac and Davy.
His mother, Constance Dahn, nee Le Gay, was a noted actress.
Later a certain Marie Lejay (renamed by the comtesse "Baronne Gay d'Oliva," the last word being apparently an anagram of Valoi), who resembled Marie Antoinette, stated that she had been engaged to play the role of queen in this comedy.
At Merry Mount, in that part of Braintree which is now Quincy, a settlement was established by Thomas Morton in 1625, but the gay life of the settlers and their selling rum and firearms to the Indians greatly offended the Pilgrims of Plymouth, who in 1627 arrested Morton; soon afterward Governor John Endecott of Massachusetts Bay visited Merry Mount, rebuked the inhabitants and cut down their Maypole.
As a general rule, the Viennese are gay, pleasure-loving and genial.
In common with Gay Lussac and Davy, he held subterraneous thermic disturbances to be probably due to the contact of water with metals of the alkalis and alkaline earths.
Ferrara was then a gay and bustling town of 100,000 inhabitants, its prince Borso d'Este a most magnificent potentate.
Swift and Gay speak slightingly of him, - the former, it is true, at a time when he was only known as a party pamphleteer.
Morris, in The Defence of Guinevere, speaks of "gloomy Gawain"; perhaps the most absurdly misleading epithet which could possibly have been applied to the "gay, gratious, and gude" knight of early English tradition.
She was a celebrated dancer and courtesan, who, in the full flower of her beauty and guilty sovereignty over the youth of Antioch, was suddenly converted by the influence of the holy bishop Nonnus, whom she had heard preaching in front of a church which she was passing with her gay train of attendants and admirers.
Its gay plumage is matched by its sprightly nature; and together they make it one of the most favourite cage-birds among all classes.
The old age of Trembecki appears to have been ignoble and neglected; he had indeed "fallen upon evil days and evil tongues"; and when he died at an advanced age all the gay courtiers of whom he had been the parasite were either dead or had submitted to the Muscovite yoke.
In the month of the " diminishing of waters " the rain gods or Tlalocs were propitiated by a procession of priests with music of flutes and trumpets carrying on plumed litters infants with painted faces, in gay clothing with coloured paper wings, to be sacrificed on the mountains or in a whirlpool in the lake.
Captain Gosnold rounded Gay Head, which he named Dover Cliff, and established on what is now Cuttyhunk Island, which he called Elizabeth Island, the first (though, as it proved, a temporary) English settlement in New England.
Gay Head township was set off from Chilmark, and incorporated in 1870.
He seems to have been a man of great business capacity, gay and careless in temperament, and thoroughly unscrupulous in political action.
Only in their pages can a parallel be found to the gay and easy record which reveals without sign of shame or suspicion of offence the daily life of a court compared to which the court of King Charles II.
In order that the conservatory may be kept gay with flowers, there should be a subsidiary structure to receive the plants as they go out of bloom.
He had an inexhaustible store of anecdotes about that gay and brilliant world from which he was now an outcast.
He was laid, a week later, in Westminster Abbey, among the eminent men of whom he had been the historian - Cowley and Denham, Dryden and Congreve, Gay, Prior and Addison.
Sterneis said to have never formally become a member of the circle of gay squires and clerics at Skelton known as the "Demoniacks"; but no doubt he shared their festivities.
A very short jacket, of gay color, quite open in front, having tight sleeves with many metal buttons, is usually worn in summer, and a lined outer coat in cold weather.
During the age of Anne various Augustan poets in whom the lyrical faculty was slight, from Congreve and Richard Duke down to Ambrose Philips and William Somerville, essayed the epistle with more or less success, and it was employed by Gay for several exercises in his elegant persiflage.
Among the epistles of Gay, one rises to an eminence of merit, that called "Mr Pope's welcome from Greece," written in 1720.
The close relations that prevailed between the reigning houses of Portugal, Provence and Aragon, cemented by intermarriages, introduced a knowledge of the gay science, but it reached Portugal by many other ways - by the crusaders who came to help in fighting the Moors, by the foreign prelates who occupied Peninsular sees, by the monastic and military orders who founded establishments in Portugal, by the visits of individual singers to court and baronial houses, but chiefly perhaps by the pilgrims who streamed from every country along the Frankish way to the far-famed shrine of Santiago de Compostela.
In this supplement Laplace gave many important applications of the theory, and compared the results with the experiments of Louis Joseph Gay Lussac.
He did not, however, enter into the explanation of particular phenomena, as this had been done already by Laplace, but he pointed out to physicists the advantages of the method of Segner and Gay Lussac, afterwards carried out by Quincke, of measuring the dimensions of large drops of mercury on a horizontal or slightly concave surface, and those of large bubbles of air in transparent liquids resting against the under side of a horizontal plate of a substance wetted by the liquid.
In it he disproved the idea advanced by Gay Lussac that potassium was a compound of hydrogen, not an element; but on the other hand he cast doubts on the elementary 1 Edmund Davy (1785-1857) became professor of chemistry at Cork Institution in 1813, and at the Royal Dublin Society in 1826.
First as the associate of Steele, with whom he quarrelled, and of Addison, whose esteem for him survived all differences, afterwards as the intimate comrade of Pope and Arbuthnot, the friend of Congreve and Atterbury, Parnell and Gay, he entered deeply into the literary life of the period.
In the spring-time there is a festival in which the men and women from neighbouring settlements move about in gay clothing hand in hand and singing songs.
The diligent student, at first attracted by a company of strolling players, threw aside his studies, and plunged carelessly into gay society.
Pomps and gay religions flourished.
Ebenezer Gay (1696-1787) of Hingham, Samuel West (1730-1807) of New Bedford, Thomas Barnard (1748-1814) of Newbury, John Prince (1751-1836) and William Bentley (1758-1819) of Salem, Aaron Bancroft (1755-1836) of Worcester, and several others, were Unitarians.
The poet John Gay was born in the vicinity, and received his education at the grammar school, which at an earlier period had numbered Bishop Jewel among its pupils.
Some years earlier, Gay,' admitting Hutcheson's proof of the actual disinterestedness of moral and benevolent impulses, had maintained that these (like the desires of knowledge or fame, the delight of reading, hunting and planting, &c.) were derived from self-love by " the power of association."
Arnhem is a gay and fashionable town prettily situated at the foot of the Veluwe hills, and enjoys a special reputation for beauty on account of its wooded and hilly surroundings, which have attracted many wealthy people to its neighbourhood.
Disappointment brought on an illness, on his recovery from which he seems for a time to have given up his studies, and to have plunged into the gay life of the world.
The anciennes cohues de France, gay, familiar and military, gave place to a stilted court life, a perpetual adoration, a very ceremonious and very complicated ritual, in which the demigod pontificated even in his dressing-gown.
Relinquishing, if not the stately magnificence, at least the gay and wasteful profusion which had characterized the court of Burgundy under the preceding duke, he had bent all his efforts towards the development of his military and political power.
To allure and attract them to visit the flower the odoriferous secretions and gay colours are developed, and the position and complicated structure of the parts of the flower are adapted to the perfect performance of the process, It is comparatively rare in hermaphrodite flowers for self-fertilization to occur, and the various forms of dichogamy, dimorphism and trimorphism are fitted to prevent this.
Obviously Cade's mother didn't subscribe to the gay story - or was that what finally drove her over the edge?
Rosewater and Atherton, Attorneys-at-Law, was a partnership of Ethel Rosewater and Arthur Atherton, a pompous bastard that Dean had busted for soliciting a plainclothesman outside a gay bar.
Dean couldn't think of more than 20 names—Ethel Rosewater, Cynthia Byrne, David Dean, even Jeffrey Byrne, not to mention half of Arthur's gay friends and lovers and most of his ex-clients.
Pico had been up to this time a gay Italian nobleman; he was tall, handsome, fair-complexioned, with keen grey eyes and yellow hair, and a great favourite with women.
Its intensity seems due, however, in some degree at least, to the weathering of the brown fringes of the feathers which hide the more brilliant hue, and in the Atlantic islands examples are said to retain their gay tints all the year round, while throughout Europe there is scarcely a trace of them visible in autumn and winter; but, beginning to appear in spring, they reach their greatest brilliancy towards midsummer; they are never assumed by examples in confinement.
Bradford at this time was gay and thoughtless, and to support his extravagance he seems to have appropriated some of the money entrusted to him; but he afterwards made full restitution.
Among the most constant attendants were two high-born and high-bred gentlemen, closely bound together by friendship, but of widely different characters and habits - Bennet Langton, distinguished by his skill in Greek literature, by the orthodoxy of his opinions, and by the sanctity of his life, and Topham Beauclerk, renowned for his amours, his knowledge of the gay world, his fastidious taste and his sarcastic wit.
The commander-in-chief made a sign that the men should continue to march at ease, and he and all his suite showed pleasure at the sound of the singing and the sight of the dancing soldier and the gay and smartly marching men.
Czartoryski, Novosiltsev, Prince Volkonsky, Strogonov, and the others, all richly dressed gay young men on splendid, well-groomed, fresh, only slightly heated horses, exchanging remarks and smiling, had stopped behind the Emperor.
Dolokhov, Denisov, and Rostov were now sitting opposite Pierre and seemed very gay.
They were both particularly happy and gay.
They all seemed very gay.
Anatole left the box, serene and gay.
And he went on to inquiries about the Grand Duke and the state of his health, and to reminiscences of the gay and amusing times he had spent with him in Naples.
And I?... and he is still alive and gay!
They laughed and were gay not because there was any reason to laugh, but because gaiety and mirth were in their hearts and so everything that happened was a cause for gaiety and laughter to them.
Above all, they were gay because there was a war near Moscow, there would be fighting at the town gates, arms were being given out, everybody was escaping--going away somewhere, and in general something extraordinary was happening, and that is always exciting, especially to the young.
The captain was so naively and good-humoredly gay, so real, and so pleased with himself that Pierre almost winked back as he looked merrily at him.
As if in reaction against the worsening of their position they were all particularly animated and gay.
No, it was not only that gay, kind, and frank look, not only that handsome exterior, that I loved in him.
Read more about Queering the pitch - Tourism and Leisure lecturers look into gay football.
Did I reject a queer identity to assume a gay one?
And I 'm not the first gay rapper, anyway.
True, there were Labor Councils pushing the ratepayers ' money at any group with the word " gay " in its name.
There are many fine reggae singers who do not advocate killing gay people.
His remixes have made the Scissor Sisters sound even more gay, a remarkable feat.
His Remembrance of Things Past was number 4 of the list of the top 100 gay books compiled in the USA in 1999.
Sometimes he may feel it is almost impossible to find a spiritual soul mate who is gay and Christian.
Dyson himself was gay and, after his immensely valuable initial spadework, withdrew from the front line.
She is currently supervising PhDs in British life writing and the family and British and North American representations of suburbia in gay fiction.
He is working with fellow 'N Sync band mate Joey Fatone to develop a sitcom pilot, where Bass will be playing a gay character.
In addition to rapper Ali G, Baron Cohen also introduced audiences to Borat (a Kazakhstan reporter) and Bruno (a flamboyantly gay Austrian fashion presenter).
Ryan's personal life has been the subject of much discussion, with some saying he is gay and others speculating that he is bisexual.
As a result of the incident coming to the forefront, Knight, who was allegedly the recipient of Washington's comment, told People magazine that he was, in fact, gay.
Carell and Stephen Colbert voiced the characters on The Ambiguously Gay Duo cartoons, formerly shown on The Dana Carvey Show, and later shown on Saturday Night Live.
The fraud label instigated rumors that Chesney was a gay celebrity.
While other movies and television shows have featured gay characters, this was the first mainstream movie to deal with all the heartache and emotion surrounding the taboo of homosexuality in the 1960s.
His highly believable portrayal of a gay cowboy only intensified those rumors.
In 2006, he announced he was a gay celebrity.
Following that debacle, Washington went on to release a public service announcement against the use of hate speech, met with gay leaders and agreed to a psychological assessment and counseling.
The lawsuit was settled out of court with the only stipulation known that Sapir had to publicly state that Tom Cruise was not gay and the alleged tape "proving" Cruise's homosexuality did not exist.
Seriously, Tom Cruise sued a guy because he started a rumor that he was gay.
The San Francisco edition of this show remains particularly poignant as gay roommate Pedro Zamora brought to light LGBT rights as well as AIDS awareness and education.
Mrs. Scott Baio used words that will not be repeated here because they are ignorant and derogatory toward gay women.
Presenter Nicolas Cage announced that the winner for this award was Marcia Gay Harden.
You may want to join a group on campus or a gay rights organization and let people find out that way.
Another option is to search "river" at Gay Vacation Travel to find cruise options that feature, at least in part, river voyages.
Studies show that students who are gay or bisexual or are perceived as gay or bisexual experience an extremely high rate of bullying, not only by other students, but often by teachers and other school personnel.
Also, bullying against gay and bisexual students is often ignored or sometimes encouraged by homophobic school staff members.
The prevalence data on STDs, HIV, and AIDS in adolescents indicate that younger women, gay and bisexual teens, and poor, urban and racial/ethnic minority young people have higher rates of STDs and HIV relative to their peers.
Note that links for gay escort sites can be accessed through external links rather than the primary Eros-Guide.
Homosexuals, whose rights Gernreich fully supported as a gay man himself, began to go public in a way they never had before.
No discussion of the history of Mardi Gras costuming is complete without a look at the gay community's participation in the festivities.
Gay dating is for anyone who finds himself attracted to members of the same sex.
While some people don't come to realize they are gay until they reach their sexually active years, others seem to be born just knowing who they are and what they want.
No matter which camp you fall into, gay dating can still be a complicated matter.
You can use online dating to help target your ideal mate and then browse through your search results for gay singles who share some of your interests and hobbies.
Online dating has really opened up the dating world for the gay community.
Introductions from friends are yet another great way to meet your gay soul mate. is a website dedicated to the gay lifestyle in all its facets.
Sites like Yahoo and Match have been popular with gay men for many years; but, sites do change over time, and new ones come and go.
Out Personals allows you to search for men, gay couples, bisexual couples, and groups.
Gay Universe has a "women to women" chat room and bulletin board service.
Using gay dating personals websites are a effective way of searching for gay men to have friendships with, date, or more.
Technically, any website or service which allows you to browse or search for gay men is a gay dating personal.
But, more technically, gay dating personals are profile-listing services where gay men can post photos, write about themselves, and describe what they are looking for.
While you can look for men on gay dating personal websites, your chances of finding someone increase if you create your own profile.
As good as website personals may be, not every single gay man uses the same sites.
This website specializes in gay dating and has many personals to browse through in many different categories.
This site wants to be like a "gay MySpace."
This website offers dating for everyone but does have an area specifically for gay men.
If you aren't already using gay dating personals to help you find someone special, get started today and pretty soon you'll find yourself on the way to meeting a variety of interesting gay men.
The complicated part is that she's almost sure that he's gay, and I completely believe her on this, yet I still find myself feeling very jealous anyways.
Intellectually you know she would not cheat on you (and this guy may be gay) but your heart is missing her, so it worries that something terrible may happen, just like in the past.
People looking for discreet relationships run the gamut from straight to gay, introvert to extrovert.
We've found lots of great free gay sites.
As with anything you do on the Net, looking for free gay sites requires a little caution and a lot of checking into the fine print.
We've found some free gay sites for you to check out, but keep in mind that these sites' formats and rules and regulations could change at any time.
Check out the following free gay sites, and let us know what you think in the comments section of this article.
Gay Adult Net- This site features links to all kinds of free gay sites.
Gay Youth Corner- This website is for younger gay men.
It has articles of interest to the gay community, along with photo galleries, chat rooms and message boards.
You can also read gay erotic stories in the erotic story archive.
Alta Gay Links-At this site, you can find numerous links to sites that include Web cams, videos, gay sex pictures, erotic art, personal sites, semi nude men, and fetishes.
Gay Free Sites-This mega Web site offers lot of links to other free sites, including Asians, bald men, interracial, cartoons and Hentai, and private webcams.
Finally, if you are interested in starting your own gay website, check out Pride Sites.
Planet Out is a popular website among the gay community.
You can join one of their many gay chat rooms, read the site's blog, or browse personals.
If you are just announcing you are gay and coming out of the closet with this truth, it can create some turmoil with family and friends.
It seems that the question of whether someone is interested or not can be as confusing to the gay community as to the straight one.
However, it is possible to find gay and bisexual men here that are looking for everything from casual encounters to marriage.
First, you can select whether you are a man searching alone or if you are searching as a bi couple (designated as a bisexual man and a woman), a group or gay couple.
While gay men and lesbians have moved toward greater social acceptance, there is still widespread social prejudice against the transgendered.
Many dating sites are primarily intended for the gay community.
Though it's now a part of the mega-dating site OKCupid, Lovetastic was started in 2004 with a goal that set it apart from other gay dating services.
Founded by people like gay community activist David Kooy, the online community of Lovetastic prides itself on not "making assumptions" about its members, and encouraging "meaningful connections."
While there aren't dating services readily available offline, several dating coaches specialize in gay relationships.
These are only a few of the ways that gay men can use resources besides just cruising bars to find the right partner.
From the alleged "dangers" of conservative parents to gay parental rights to attachment parenting to breastfeeding in public, there are many opinions and much conversation dedicated to this charged subject.
Although many areas are becoming more tolerant and activists are working to ensure gay parents rights, this is still a topic of debate for some groups and individuals.
Twenty years ago if someone told you that a film about two gay cowboys on the range would be generating the most Oscar buzz a film has generated since Forrest Gump you'd have thought they'd been to one Village People concert too many.
It was a comedy, and the characters in the part I saw was a very ditzy cleopatra (she was bathing in milk at one point), and a very gay ceasar, thats all I remember.
From 1992 to 1993, Ryan Phillippe portrayed troubled gay teen Billy on One Life to Live, a daytime first for portraying a gay teenager.
Her lies actually led to the outing of a gay character and the near prosecution of Reverend Carpenter.
In this role, Savant played an openly gay man long before such subject matter was commonplace on prime time television.
According to insiders, despite being under contract, Engen abruptly walked off the show's set after producers insisted his character share an on-screen kiss with Yani Gellman, who plays Adam's gay lawyer, Rafe.
Actor Doug Savant is well known by soap fans for playing Matt Fielding, the only regular gay character on Melrose Place.
Venice the web series followed the life of Gina, a designer who happens to be a gay woman.
While most practitioners are gay, the classes usually welcome bisexual and straight men as well, providing the shared experience of yoga with naked women and men.
Some cater to gay men, although many do not.
According to studies on cross dressers (1) , a smaller percentage of them are gay then men in the general population.
The reason seems to be that gay men are interested in men so they (more often) wear men clothes.
Again, these are all generalities, there are of course gay men that wear panties also.
Women think that the guy is gay or feminine - he is not the macho man they thought he was.
They are equally popular among straight, gay, bisexual, single, and married men.
Part of the thing that propelled the single to so much attention was the controversy it generated, both from conservatives and gay rights groups.
The second group that disliked the song was gay rights groups.
These groups were also angered by another Perry track called Ur So Gay, which they also feel is homophobic.
On the Ur So Gay controversy, Perry has justified her lyrics saying that the song was about an ex-boyfriend she believed to be gay and was not intended to be insulting to anyone.
The gay rights groups counter that you could not replace another minority group in for the "gay" or the "girl" in I Kissed a Girl and still get away with the song.
In 1970, Midler moved away from the stage and towards music with an ongoing engagement to perform at the Continental Baths, a New York City gay bathhouse.
Midler has since said she is very proud of these days, which earned her the name Bathhouse Bette, and she retains a large, gay following to this day.
In modern times, there are folk protest songs on every cultural war and political hot button topic, from the Iraq war and gay rights to environmental protection and the War on Terror.
In particular, they have campaigned for gay acceptance in the entertainment industry and have advocated for more homosexual characters in television and movies and encouraged other gay musicians to publicly acknowledge their sexuality.
In support of the album and lead off single UR So Gay, Perry toured on the nationwide Warped Tour that summer to support the effort.
The rainbow has been a source of gay pride since Gilbert Baker created a flag with the colors of the rainbow in 1978.
He describes himself as "the hottest gay guy around."
There is also a rumor that Kamal is gay.
For the episode "I'm Gay and Getting Married", MTV won for Outstanding Documentary in 2005.
The second season of the series addressed this and welcomed its first gay millionaire client as well as several female clients.
The target is led to be suspect that the hunk she is trying to get may be gay.
Although some gossip sites link him to a number of women, celebrity and otherwise, the second most persistent rumor is that Harper is gay.
Vanyel's story is told in Magic's Pawn, Magic's Promise and Magic's Price, notably some of the earliest books in mainstream fantasy that feature a gay hero.
Since gay relationships are typically few and far between in source material, these are almost always uncanonical.
There is even debate in the 'slash community' whether a story about a canonical gay relationship (such as between the characters Brian and Justin on Queer as Folk) can even be considered 'slash'.
But it is in the gay community that it first attained true cult status.
Five days after her death in 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York.
Raiding gay bars was nothing new, and the police did it all the time in the sixties, but this time, it touched off violent riots, which many attribute to the gay community's smouldering sense of loss and outrage.