Gatherers Sentence Examples
The Ewoks looked like little teddy bears that lived as hunter gatherers.
The "E" ticket reigned supreme as the most elite of tickets in the book, used for new attractions, particularly exciting rides, and other crowd gatherers found within the park.
For example, blood type O is ascribed to the first people who lived as hunter gatherers.
In a sheet-glass tank there is therefore a gradient of temperature and a continuous passage of material from the hotter end of the furnace where the raw materials are introduced to the cooler end where the glass, free from bubbles and raw material, is withdrawn by the gatherers.
His terrible vintage is always being gathered, and his gatherers leave no gleanings.
Stone Age hunter gatherers in Britain Of the estimated 80 billion people who have ever lived on earth, over 90% were hunter gatherers in Britain Of the estimated 80 billion people who have ever lived on earth, over 90% were hunter-gatherers.
Responsible to the governors are the sheriffs (syslumenn), who act as tax gatherers, notaries public and judges of first instance; the sheriff has in every hreppur an assistant, called hreppstjOri.
The diet focuses on anything hunter gatherers would have found to eat - high fat meats and marrows, organ meats, nuts, seeds, berries, fruits and vegetables.
The public weal was no longer talked about, while the kingdom was plundered both by royal tax gatherers and by unsubdued feudal lords to pay the cost of the war.
Guaranda is the centre of the industry, but bark gatherers are to be found everywhere in the forest regions.